Greenhouse Team Update (May 2015)

Greenhouse Team Updates
May 2015
In the recent months, we have had many changes to our UNL Greenhouse Team.
UNL Greenhouses at the Beadle Center
Samantha Link was hired as the Greenhouse Manager at the Beadle Center.
Kandy Hanthorn was recently hired as the Assistant Greenhouse Manager at the Beadle Center.
Shari Tomasek is the Beadle Center Research Technician for the greenhouses.
Greenhouse Innovation Center at Nebraska Innovation Center
Troy Pabst was hired at the Greenhouse Manager at the Greenhouse Innovation Center.
Troy is currently on Military Leave. I am serving as Greenhouse Manager until I go on Maternity leave in
the next week. While I am on leave, Samantha Link and Vincent Stoerger, Plant Phenotyping Facilities
Manager, will work together to maintain greenhouse operations.
Plant Pathology Greenhouses on East Campus
Donn Ladd is the Greenhouse Manager at the Plant Pathology Greenhouses.
Cole Weston was recently hired as a Research Technician for Plant Pathology & AgHort Greenhouses.
Agronomy & Horticulture Greenhouses on East Campus
After a brief illness, Ruth Miller, Greenhouse Manager, passed away a few weeks ago.
We are working to hire a new greenhouse manager to refill this position. Donn Ladd will oversee these
greenhouses as well until a new manager is hired. Please contact Donn during this transition, if you have
any questions or concerns.
David Orr is a Research Technician at the AgHort Greenhouses.
Cole Weston was recently hired as a Research Technician for Plant Pathology & AgHort Greenhouses.
During my maternity leave Donn, Samantha, & Hector can help with any questions you may have.
(Contact information on next page)
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Contact Information
Amy Hilske
Cell Phone: 402-326-8359
Donn Ladd
Phone: 402-472-2624
Cell Phone: 402-770-3688
Samantha Link
Phone: 402-472-4177
Cell Phone: 402-450-6488
Vincent Stoerger
Cell phone: 970-443-8025
Hector Santiago
Agricultural Research Division
Phone: 402-472-2045
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