ALTO FRIO AREA GA/ACTEEN CAMP CAMPER REGISTRATION INFORMATION CAMP THEME: Made To Follow! REGISTRATION DEPOSIT: $10.00 Camper Non-Refundable CAMP DATES: July 27-31, 2015 COST: $150.00 per camper Per The fee of $150.00 includes 4 nights lodging and 12 meals. The first meal will be served on Monday, July 27 th, at 6:00 pm. Each camper should bring a sack lunch or eat en-route to camp. The last meal will served will be Friday, July 31st, at noon. Each camper must have a health form signed by a parent or guardian. A nurse will be in camp at all times. IN ORDER TO ATTEND CAMP, EACH CAMPER MUST HAVE THE CAMPING FEE AND A COMPLETED HEALTH FORM. CAMPERS PLEASE READ WHAT TO BRING VERY CAREFULLY!!!!!!!!! Each camper should bring the following items to camp: Bible, white or pastel T-shirt or pillow case for signing on Friday (you may also use your camp t-shirt), soap, shampoo, hairbrush, toothpaste, toothbrush, other personal items, clothing to sleep in, underwear, dresses and long pants/jeans for service, shorts ( MUST BE FINGER TIP LENGTH OR LONGER), blouses ( no halter or midriffs shirts allowed), jacket or sweater, bathing suit (one piece with no cut outs, required for swimming. No French cut or bikini allowed), old tennis shoes for swimming in the river, beach robe, bath robe, or swimsuit cover to wear to and from the pool/river, towels, washcloth, pillow, twin size sheets and/or sleeping bag and blankets., (bedding is not provided), pencils, permanent markers to sign shirts, flashlights, raincoat or umbrella, sunscreen, sports bottles for water, Gatorade, bug spray and sun hat, a black garbage bag to wear while painting ceramics, Mission Project Supplies. TBA Campers are encouraged to bring skits, funny acts, of fun songs for Fun Time. Tryouts will be on ONLY on Monday July 27th, from 1:30 to 3:25 pm. Fun Time Tryouts are a way for you to share your talent with the camp. Have your sponsor approve your act before coming, please. Please limit 2 acts per church. Remember camp is only 5 days!!!! Do Not Bring CD/Tape players, Ipods, MP3 players, cell phones, headphones, tablets, ereaders, or laptops. Spending Money: Campers are encouraged to not bring too much spending money to camp. Campers will have the opportunity to purchase a few items while at camp including ceramics, gift shop, and occasional snack from the concession stand. Campers should be prepared to give a love offering for the missionaries. T he gift shop will be open during camp. Girls please mark all items brought with you with your name (including socks. Underwear, and Bibles) with a permanent marker. Note to parents: Parents who would like to write to their daughters during camp week should use this address: Name of daughter Name of church she is with Area GA/Acteen Camp PO Box 408 Leakey TX 78873 PLEASE DO NOT ASK YOUR DAUGHTER TO CALL HOME. CAMP IS ONLY 5 DAYS AND A PHONE CALL HOME OFTEN CREATES HOMESICKNESS. PARENTS ARE ALSO ASKED TO NOT PICK UP THEIR DAUGHTER DURING THE CAMP EXCEPT IN CASE OF EMERENGENCY OR WHEN PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE. PICKING CAMPERS UP DURING THE WEEK CAN CREATE A DIFFCULT CIRCUMSTANCES FOR THE SPONSOR IN CHARGE OF THAT GROUP. THE CHILD MUST BE CHECKED OUT AT THE STAFF CABIN BEFORE LEAVING CAMP. Feel Free to contact Camp Staff if you need to give or receive information on your child. Do not call collect. The phone number is (830) 232-5271. All calls returned will be collect calls. ALTO FRIO AREA GA/ACTEEN CAMP LEAKEY, TEXAS ADULT SPONSOR REGISTRATION INFORMATION CAMP THEME: Made To Follow CAMP DATE: July 27-31. 2015 COST: $150.00 Per Person—$10.00 NON-REUNDABLE PRE-REGISTRATION NOTE THE CHURCH DOES NOT HAVE TO HAVE A GA/ACTEEN PROGRAM TO BRING GIRLS. The camp fee includes 4 nights lodging and 12 meals. Make checks payable to Rebecca Townsend Area GA/Acteen Camp. NO PERSONAL CHECKS ACCECPTED. Only church checks and money orders will be accepted. Do not mail or make checks payable to Alto Frio. Pre-registration forms and the $10.00 non-refundable deposit per camper should be mailed to Jennifer Deckert. DO NOT DEDUCT THE $10.00 FROM AMOUNT PAID AT REGISTRATION IF YOU DO NOT BRING THE TOTAL NUMBER OF GIRLS LISTED ON THE PRE-REGISTRATION FORM. Pre-registration Deadline : June 26, 2015 Pre-registration will be the pre-registration form enclosed, the sponosor volunteer form, the Pastor’s meal form, the t-shirt form, and the $10.00 per camper. The $10.00 deposit per camper will be deducted from the total cost when the group arrives at camp. Each church will send one check in for pre-registration. When registering at camp, bring one check from your church or a money order for registration. No individual checks will be accepted at any time! In order to receive a GA/Acteen camp t-shirt, the pre-registration has to be in Jenna Deckert’s mail box by June 26, 2015. No phone calls will be accepted. REQUIREMENT: SPONSORS: The local church must send one sponsor for each 10 girls to camp. GA sponsors must be over the age of 18 and Acteen sponsors must be over the age of 20. All sponsors must bring the form titled Church Letter Head, printed on Church letter head and signed by the pastor, chairman of the deacons, or someone in authority attesting to their character and capabilities as a sponsor, as well as stating that they have in their possession the required back ground checks and trainings as specified on the form. Churches who do not have a sponsor for their girls or have only one or two girls attending should make arrangements with another church sharing the sponsor fee. THIS YEAR THERE WILL BE NO CHILDCARE PROVIDED UNLESS YOU ARE A BIBLE STUDY TEACHER AND ONLY DURING THAT TIME PERIOD. Upon arrival at camp a sponsor from your group must provide the camping fee for each group, an updated registration list (enclosed), completed health forms for each camper (this includes sponsors and small children), and the camper warning acknowledgement for each church, AND A LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION FROM THEIR PASTOR FOR EACH SPONSOR. Please separate these forms before arriving at camp. SEXUAL ABUSE AND CHILD MOLESTATION COURSE: ALL sponsors attending camps this summer must meet these guidelines. Every sponsor, by law, must have with them at arrival to camp the form signed by your pastor stating that they have in their possession a copy of your Sex Offender check, your Criminal background check, and that you have completed and obtained a certificate of training from approved Sexual Abuse and Child Molestation Awareness and Prevention Class. CAMPERS: Completed first grade thru twelfth grade. Sponsors’ Children must be under 5 years of age. Boys must be under the age of 4. All children who are not active GA’s will be the sole responsibility of their mother. SPONSORS QUALIFY AS CAMPERS. HEALTH FORMS: Each camper (includes sponsors) must have a health form signed by a parent or guardian giving the camp staff permission to obtain medical attention for the camper if an emergency exists. If the camper is allergic to any medications, these should be listed on the health form. A registered nurse will be in camp at all times. It would be wise for the SPONSOR to have latex gloves to wear in case a child is cut and bleeding; this is a safety precaution for all. Also, sponsors, be aware of any preexisting health condition of any of your girls that might endanger them or your other girls. Also, you may want to keep a copy of the health form to refer to in case of an emergency. ****If a camper becomes sick, the camper must report to the nurse. A sponsor is not allowed to even give a child a Tylenol. The nurse will keep the camper in the clinic during the church service. The camper is not to return to the cabin during the church service. A staff member and a sponsor will accompany the sick camper to the nurse. The nurse may require that a camper stay for awhile for her to monitor the camper at other times besides worship. CHECK-IN TIME: 10:00 am until 2:00 pm, Monday, July 27th in the Directors Office. Those arriving later will check in at the Staff Cabin. FIRST MEAL:6:00 pm (Each person should bring a snack lunch or eat en-route to the camp). First Day Schedule: 10:00-2:00 pm registration, late arrivers can register in the staff cabin. Fun Time Try-Outs: 1:30-3:25 Monday only, come prepared to present fun time skits or songs when you arrive at camp. Christian themes should be used. Campers will sign up for fun time at registration. Sponsors must approve of the Fun Time skits. Limit 2 per church. Orientation: There will be separate orientations for the girls and sponsors under the tabernacle on Monday from 3:45 till 4:30. Bank: A bank will be provided for camper’s money. The bank will be located in Ceramics. The bank is highly recommended for the campers for safekeeping of their money. Campers will need money for ceramics and snacks. The bookstore is also open during camp at the camp’s discretion. Pastor’s Day: Thursday July 30,2015, encourage your pastor to come and reservations must be made. Refer to the Pastor’s letter by returning the bottom portion of the form to make your reservations. The pastor will be charged for the meal if reservations are not made. Campfire Service: Wednesday July 29, 2015 down by the river after the worship service, weather permitting. Sign A T-shirt Day: Friday July 31, 2015- Each camper should bring a white or pastel colored shirt or pillow case, or plan to use their camp shirt, for their old and new friends to sign. Girls need to bring permanent markers that write on fabric. Special Diet Request: Special diets are available for medical reasons only. We must have special diet requests prior to camp. There is now a form that will need to be filled out and sent into the kitchen staff prior to camp. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO SPECIAL DIET AFTER REGISTRARTION ON MONDAY JULY 28,2014. PLEASE DO NOT EAT FROM THE SPEICAL DIET SECTION UNLESS YOU HAVE SIGNED UP FOR IT. SPONSORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR GIRLS BEHAVIOR-ESPECIALLY AT WORSHIP TIME! Sponsor Supplies: Felt tip pen for name tags Fabric pens for t-shirt signing Pencils or pens for girls Small poster for schedule Bath mat Clothes line/clothes pins Ice chests or water coolers Bug spray/sunscreen Bedding- Twin size and/or sleeping bag Paper towels/trash bags Blankets Night light/flashlight Rags and Sponges for cleaning Latex gloves Snacks* Ice (can be purchased at camp at your expense) Gatorade Feminine Products CD/MP3 player for devotional time (Sponsors only are allowed these items) Items for Mission Project Bible study supplies if applicable *Snacks: Any snacks your group wants to bring may be kept in the cabin. You will need to buy ice for ice chest or for Gatorade should a child get overheated. It is suggested that water be provided for the girls in the cabin. Sponsors will need to bring additional snacks for the cabin. Sponsors please bring extra money for ice, snacks, bookstore, and emergency needs. A minimum of $30.00- 60.00 for each sponsor is suggested. Sponsors you will be assigned to work with at least one activity and notify the Staff Cabin if there is any conflict: Bible Study Mission Fair Pre-Teen Surprise Ceramics Crafts Swimming Recreation Archery Free Time Activates This is a Tuesday through Thursday commitment except Bible study which is Tuesday through Friday. Failure to support these activities may result in the dropping of certain activities. Inform the leader if you cannot be there and make arrangements with her or see the Staff at the Staff Cabin. Sponsors are reminded it is important for all girls and themselves to be on time for all scheduled events. Sponsors will be held responsible for their girls during the worship time and any other time we meet under the Tabernacle. Do not leave after worship has begun- Please! Camp Directory Director: Rebecca Townsend Camp Pastor: TBA Camp Music: TBA Camp Missionary: TBA Co-Director/Registrar: Jenna Deckert 2610 Harvest Crk San Antonio TX 78244 (C ) 210 835 5369 Camp Contact: Note: Please pray for your girls and the leaders whose lives will cross paths in the week dedicated to Missions. Pray for the Camp Committee and Staff as they plan and serve in this camp. Please share this information with classes, committees, or individuals interested in sponsoring girls or helping in any way such as sponsors, staff, or teachers. Have a meeting with your girls and parents before camp to review the rules, etc. Anyone wishing to help in any way may do so by contacting the Registrar Jenna Deckert at (210) 835-5369.
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