`The only event to combat Intellectual Property - Abacus e

‘The only event to combat Intellectual Property rights challenges, online security and anti-counterfeiting in one
interactive platform’
Returning for its fifth year, the only Global Brand Security Summit (previously entitled Global Secure Summit) promises to deliver action
beyond rhetoric, presenting you with successful strategies and ready-to-implement solutions your company needs for a holistic approach to
brand and trademark protection, creative content protection, anti-counterfeiting alongside over-arching Intellectual Property (IP)
This Forum will spotlight online brand protection strategies and effective anti-counterfeiting/illicit trade protocols alongside successful IP
implementation and is the only event to encompass all of these aspects across a two day platform for discussion.
Confirmed speakers
Bob Barchiesi, President, IACC
Zeynep Derman Kucukonder, Legal Director, Coca-Cola
Leo Longauer, Director Global IP Enforcement, SWAROVSKI
Meena Sayal, Group Brand Protection Director, Unilever
Giorgia Armanni, Head of Legal Department, Furla
Erik Madsen, Security Director, Louis Poulsen
Kieron Sharp, Director General, The Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT)
Nilufer Sapancilar, Director, REACT
Ron Op De Beke, Brand Protection Manager, Nike
John Hodge, Head of Internet Investigations, British Recorded Music Industry
Jonathon Tully, Senior European Anti-Piracy Legal Advisor, Nintendo
Okke Visser, Deputy General Counsel EMEA, Motion Picture Association
Sophie Molle, IPM, Senior Manager, World Customs Organization
Matthew Lumb, Chief Executive Officer, Tangle Teezer
Sophie Edgerton, Legal & Brand Protection Manager, Tangle Teezer
Stephane Malec, Brand Protection Specialist, Toyota Motor Europe
Laura Breen, Head of Legal, Trunki
Daniel Bennett, CEO, Yellow Brand Protection
Paul Wolfgang, Director, Roadsign
Tina Osojnik, Head of Intellectual Property & Brand Protection Department, Studio Moderna
Lars Henriksson, Corporate Counsel - Intellectual Property, Husqvarna
DAY 1 │Wednesday 16th September 2015│Amsterdam
08:00 – 08:50
Welcome Coffee and Collection of Meeting Schedule
08.50 – 09.00
Chair’s Opening Remarks
09:00 – 09:30
Keynote Presentation: Spotlighting innovative
partnerships to combat online counterfeiting online IACC MarketSafe and RogueBlock Initiatives
Defining the responsibilities of intermediaries
alongside internet service providers in order to
move forward with a more collaborative approach
Establishing how to gather intelligence and data
in relation to online counterfeiters while
appreciating what you can do as a rights-holder
Appreciating country-specific privacy laws to
ensure you as a rights-holder do not risk violating
privacy rules
Determining how to police online security
breaches through standards set by law
enforcement and regulators
Speaker: Bob Barchiesi, President, IACC
Keynote Presentation: Collaborating effectively with
customs officials in order to prevent the movement of
counterfeit goods through international customs
Addressing the rapidly growing problem of
counterfeiting internationally in order to reduce
costs to social welfare and economic development
Establishing how rights holders can engage with
customs more effectively in order to secure their
brands and creative content
Enforcing better strategies to combat illicit trade
stakeholders at national and international levels
Generating conditions which would lead to greater
investment of human and financial resources in
enforcement measures
Speaker: Sophie Molle, IPM, Senior Manager, World
Customs Organization
Business Meeting 1
09:35 – 10:05
Social Media: Leveraging social media opportunities
while maintaining control of your brand
Establishing how you as a rights holder can
utilize social media in order to battle against
counterfeit goods
Tackling infringements in the social media
Social Media: Protecting your brand through social
media in Turkey
Exploring issues dealt with in Turkey during boycott
times against the Coca-Cola brand
Highlighting best practices and methods for an
effective physical brand protection strategy
Making use of revolutionary technologies in order
landscape through monitoring social media
Liaising with online brand protection suppliers in
order to battle this difficult, unfamiliar and time
consuming arm to online brand protection
Analysing risks and ease of brand exploitation in
social media through best practice to keep brand
and images under control
to exponentially increase your efficiency
Spotlighting new visions, technologies and
strategies to prioritise and focus you enforcement
Speaker: Zeynep Derman Kucukonder, Legal Director,
Speaker: Jonathon Tully, Senior European Anti-Piracy
Legal Advisor, Nintendo
Business Meeting 2
10:05 – 10:25
10:25 – 10:55
Morning refreshments & networking
Offensive vs. Defense: Spotlighting offensive and
defensive measures to prevent infringers from
infiltrating your brand online
Highlighting the implications of online
infringements for you and your business through
demonstrating realistic examples of how
infringers operate
Implementing offensive security measures
through actively targeting infringements in order
to keep your trademark
Ensuring consumers can’t access secure data
that and purchase items illegally through
adopting defensive security measures to protect
against infringement
Successfully developing incident response plans
to verify your company’s privacy
Speaker: Okke Visser, Deputy General Counsel EMEA,
Motion Picture Association
IP Rights: Guaranteeing you as a rights holder have
done enough to protect your IP rights to ensure you are
not vulnerable to counterfeiting
Enforcing best practice and protection against
counterfeit products through cooperation with law
enforcement and customs officials
Minimising the risk of counterfeiting through
cracking down on those who supply counterfeit
materials at the production level
Developing an effective in-house trademark
protection an enforcement strategy to protect your
Implementing a successful risk management
strategy in order to mitigate risk alongside
protecting your brand
Speaker: Giorgia Armanni, Head of Legal Department,
Business Meeting 3
11:00 – 11:30
Workshop Session 1 with Sponsor
Workshop Session 2 with Sponsor
Business Meeting 4
11:35 – 12:05
Domain: Protecting your brand and/or creative content
online through domain name monitoring
Case Study: Exploring how Toyota managed to almost
wipe out counterfeit it Turkey
Facilitating best practice and protection against
counterfeit products through cooperation with
Turkish officials
Ensuring you as a rights holder have done enough
to protect your IP rights to ensure you are not
vulnerable to counterfeiting
Minimising the risk of counterfeiting through
cracking down on those who supply counterfeit
materials at the production level
Developing an effective in-house trademark
protection an enforcement strategy to protect your
Reviewing results of domain name monitoring in
order to establish and what you need in place to
navigate challenges
Creating a domain name strategy while
implementing plans for online security and law
Working with external stakeholders in order to
build relationships, including vendor coordination
Stopping a third party using your domain name
that infringes your established trademark through
reviewing current legislation
Speaker: Leo Longauer, Director Global IP Enforcement,
Speaker: Stephane Malec, Brand Protection Specialist,
Toyota Motor Europe
Business Meeting 5
12:05 – 13:05
Lunch & networking
Workshop Session 3 with Sponsor
Workshop Session 4 with Sponsor
13:05 – 13:35
Business Meeting 6
13:40 – 14:10
Investigations: Implementing successful investigation
processes to tackle online crime
Monitoring the online landscape while
considering evidence building online
Translating physical laws into the virtual world
Building in preventative measures in order to
ensure a successful investigation
Encompassing and understanding the threat
from new technologies
Case Study: Investigating a pilot project for brand
protection strategies in Slovenia through looking at
activates holistically
Establishing internal education about IP and brand
protection in order to get a complete picture of
Ensuring regular and systematic monitoring of
infringers on SI market (web, retail, other)
Ensuring regular reporting and building data base
of infringers
Speaker: Kieron Sharp, Director General, The
Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT)
Enforcing (regular C&D), intensive help from
Legal while using other legal methods and
considering PR activities
Preparing reviews of activities and implementing it
on other markets
Speaker: Tina Osojnik, Head of Intellectual Property &
Brand Protection Department, Studio Moderna
Workshop Session 5 with Sponsor
Workshop Session 6 with Sponsor
14.10 – 14.40
Business Meeting 7
14:40 – 15:10
15:35 – 16:05
Afternoon break & networking
Case Study: Investigating a recent website
prosecution case in the UK against two individuals
who were running a file sharing forum site called
Dancing Jesus
Investigating early evidence gathering for this
Considering police involvement in relation to
Establishing overseas co-operation (with US
Homeland Security)
Evaluating private criminal prosecution including
trial and sentencing
Case Study: Exploring proactive approaches taken in
Turkey to remedy anti-counterfeiting
Looking at acts within the scope of punishment in
Turkey, sales, supply and manufacturing
Investigating criteria and application of reasonable
doubt that should be put forward in order to get the
search warrant
Defining penalties and settlement procedures
Exploring important points on the global fight
against counterfeiting
Speaker: Nilufer Sapancilar, Director, REACT
Speaker: John Hodge, Head of Internet Investigations,
British Recorded Music Industry
Business Meeting 8
16.10 – 17:10
Panel Discussion: Combating online infringements
through implementing risk management strategies and
staying one step ahead of criminals
Spotlighting successful online security strategies
Panel Discussion: Combating physical counterfeiting
internationally through collaborating with internal teams,
law enforcement and customs
Training employees through creating a culture to
in order to protect your company against
Presenting successful preventive measures and
tools to combat online violations
Leo Longauer, Director Global IP Enforcement,
17:10 – 17:15
support transparency
Creating relationships with customs, local
counterparts and law firms to ensure effective
compliance strategies
Panel Leader: Lars Henriksson, Corporate Counsel Intellectual Property, Husqvarna
Chair’s closing remarks & end of Day One
Sponsored Drink’s Reception & Networking Dinner
DAY 2 │Thursday 17th September 2015│Amsterdam
08.15 – 08.50
Welcome Coffee and Collection of Meeting Schedule
08.50 – 09.00
Chair’s Opening Remarks
Interactive roundtable sessions offer a unique opportunity to come together with your peers to share best practice and
develop solutions to critical challenges facing the industry as a whole. Hosted by industry experts and each focused on a
single issue, roundtables are an exciting, interactive way to build your personal network and learn from the experience
and expertise of others.
Each roundtable session lasts for 45 minutes, and delegates may attend up to 2 roundtables
Round Table 1
Establishing how to effectively cooperate with law enforcement while learning best practices from other
Host: Ron Op De Beke, Brand Protection Manager, Nike
Round Table 2
Delving into a Roadsign case study: The strategic management of a licensing programme development
Host: Paul Wolfgang, Director, Roadsign
Round Table 3
SME Perspective: Generating value from your creative ideas
Matthew Lumb, Chief Executive Officer, Tangle Teezer
Sophie Edgerton, Legal & Brand Protection Manager, Tangle Teezer
Round Table 4
Round Table Hosted by Sponsor
Round Table 5
Round Table Hosted by Sponsor
10:30 – 11:00
Morning refreshments & networking
11.00 – 11.30
Keynote Presentation: Highlighting the importance of taking a 360 degree cross-functional approach to brand
Driving forward a holistic approach in relation to a successful IP strategy through leveraging internal resources
Investigating sustainable IP protection methods and strategies in order to achieve brand protection goals
Planning for global anti-counterfeiting and brand protection while managing internal resources effectively
Speaker: Meena Sayal, Group Brand Protection Director, Unilever
11.30 – 12.00
12:05 – 12:35
Sponsored Keynote Presentation
Business Meeting 9
Collaborative Case Study: Highlighting successful strategies to win European wars with design registration
Assessing the differences in defensive IP strategies versus offensive strategies to protect your brand
Using copyright in 3D form successfully around the world
Managing multiple IP infringements through tackling overseas trade sites alibaba.com and taobao
Establishing how your company can organise brand protection while developing its own approach and
Laura Breen, Head of Legal, Trunki
Daniel Bennett, CEO, Yellow Brand Protection
12:35 – 13:35
Lunch & networking
Business Meeting 10
Business Meeting 11
13.35 – 14.05
14.10 – 14.40
Case Study: Private-public partnership approaches in
the digital age – an IP case study from the designer
lighting industry
Directing ISPs to block access to certain sites in
order to remove counterfeit versions and extend
the remedy of blocking injunctions
Looking at general jurisdictions of court through
directions and the enforcement of IP rights
Business Meeting 12
Identifying traders that breach IT rights through
adopting intelligence sophistication
Implementing successful security measures
through creating best practice standards for inhouse legal team(s)
Speaker: Erik Madsen, Security Director, Louis Poulsen
14.45 – 15.15
SME Perspective: Generating value from your creative
Exploring the Tangle Teezer story so far
Highlighting the importance of IP to the growth of
the company
Outlining the do’s and don’ts for SMEs working
with IP
Business Meeting 13
Speaker: Matthew Lumb, Chief Executive Officer, Tangle
15.20 – 15.50
Afternoon refreshments & networking
15:50 – 16:00
Chair’s closing remarks & close of Forum
“Our aim with GBSS is to provide a platform where the
World’s biggest Brand Owners from Fashion, Retail,
Automotive, FMCG, Pharma and many more can share
ideas, learn about the latest trends and developments in
Brand Protection & Anti-Counterfeiting, hear real life casestudies, and do deals. The event is shaped with the help of
an outstanding programme agenda, highly valuable one-twoone business meetings and by our sponsoring companies
who are all influential in the industry, and I would like to
thank them for their continued support and dedication.’’
Scott McNicholas, Director, Global Brand Security