WEEK AT A GLANCE Apr. 25 8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:15 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:53 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Farewell Sermon “God Bless You” -Pastor Roger Mace Apr. 26 5:00 p.m. ACA Meeting– Junior Room Apr. 27 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Finance Committee Meeting Church Board Meeting Monday Night Bible Study– Junior Room Apr. 28 7:00 p.m. Lead Pastor Search Committee Meeting Apr. 29 6:30 p.m. “Together in Prayer”– Sanctuary Apr. 30 8:30 a.m. Revelation Bible Study– Junior Room May 1 6:30 p.m. Upper Room Collegiate Bible Study– Youth Room May 2 8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. Daybreak Service-Kunle Ogundeyi Sabbath School Classes “Out of the Cocaine Fields -Pastor Jimmy Munoz Visitors Potluck off site (WINGS) Sabbath School Classes Farewell Sermon “God Bless You” -Pastor Roger Mace Mace & Houmann Farewell Potluck Vespers Service Sunset Family Fun Night FREDERICK Church Office Hours: Monday: 9:15-11:15, 12:30-3 Tuesday: 9:15-12:15 Wednesday : 9:15-11:15, 4-5 Thursday: 9:15-12:15 Friday: 9-1 CONTACT INFORMATION Church Secretaries Kim Barney and Lauren Martin churchoffice@ariseforgod.org (301) 662-5254 Church Administrator Gail Boyer cgailboyer@aol.com (301)473-7520 First Deacon Terry Bateman catsrule2144@yahoo.com (301) 538-6641 Team Pastor Roger Mace rogerlm@mac.com (540) 435-6223 Membership Clerk Judy Snyder (301)378-9625 First Deaconess Lori Pennington pleasantstables@msn.com (301) 524-8080 Pastor Nikolaus Satelmajer NSatelmajer@gmail.com (301) 526-7521 FAA Principal Sean Henline henlinefaa@gmail.com (301) 663-0363 First Elder Tom Boughner tboughner@comcast.net (301) 668-4559 Youth Pastor Mark Sigue marksigue@gmail.com (240) 643-3119 look4blessings@comcast.net Church Caretaker Mary Cook mjcookorange@gmail.com (301) 964-1638 6437 Jefferson Pike Frederick, MD 21703 Church Office: (301) 662-5254 churchoffice@ariseforgod.org www.ariseforgod.org CHURCH LIFE April 25, 2015 FREDERICK ADVENTIST ACADEMY Welcome to Worship: Our church welcomes you with open arms and hearts. Whether you are new to the area, visiting from out of state, or looking for a new church to call home, we hope you will sense God’s awesome power and love today. Pastor Mace & Houmann Farewell Potluck: Today, please come and fellowship one last time with our beloved pastor and his wife, and with our special friends, the Houmanns. This will be your opportunity to say goodby and give a farewell hug! Vespers Service: Tonight, at 6:30 pm, there will be a vespers service in the Sanctuary. We will have music from guitarists, violinists, pianists, vocalists and more! At the end of the service, a love offering will be accepted in support of the youth who are going to Panama on a summer mission trip. Immediately following the service, Family Fun Night will be serving bubble tea, smoothies and other snacks while hosting games and activities for all ages. It’s sure to be a real blessing to close our Sabbath together! Yard Work: Join us tomorrow morning, from 9am to noon, and help clean up the church and school yard! We will be pulling weeds, edging the mulched areas around trees and bushes, trimming bushes, etc. Please bring appropriate yard tools if you can. We’ll need buckets, hoes, rakes, hedge clippers, etc. Some tools will be provided. If you have a motor driven hedge clipper that would be very helpful. FMI, call Don Wilkens 301-639 -2420. Rain date: May 3. Vacation Bible School: God made two great lights… the lesser light to govern the night. We are over the moon with excitement about the upcoming summer adventure. VBS this year is June 22-27 from 6:30-8:45 pm. Sign up online now or at the Welcome Desk. “Together in Prayer”: Join us Wednesdays, in the Sanctuary from 6:30 7:30 pm. This is a one-hour gathering of believers purposed to share their faith in the blessings God has promised in 2 Chronicles 7: 14. We will be attentive to prayer in our dedicated hour of being together, and enjoy His presence. Please plan to meet with Prayer Warrior, Kunle Ogundeyi, and other prayer leaders. Dinner Every Wednesday Night: Now through May 27, from 5:30 pm-6:30 pm (prior to prayer meeting, Adventurer club, and Pathfinder club) in the multipurpose room, you can enjoy a simple, but delicious meal for a very reasonable price. Your purchases will benefit either the Adventurer Club or the Panama mission trip group. Hope to see you there! FMI: Sue Boughner 301-639-5634 or sueboughner@comcast.net THE FREDERICK DIFFERENCE CHURCH AND SCHOOL JOINT POTLUCK We would like to invite all of our school and church families for a potluck picnic at the Catoctin Creek Park and Nature Center located at 2929 Sumantown Road, Middletown, MD, immediately after church service next Sabbath, May 2. Please bring plenty of picnic food, coolers of water or juice, lawn chairs, and comfy clothes to enjoy a day of fellowship in the great outdoors!! 2015-2016 REGISTRATION NOW OPEN Registration is now open for the 2015-2016 school year here at FAA. To apply online, go to http://frederickadventistacademy.org/admissions/ or call the school office for more information. If you would like to apply for financial aid, FAA is now accepting financial aid applications for the 2015-2016 school year. The deadline to apply for financial aid is April 30, 2015. This is available to our returning students as well. You can find the application on our website under the admissions page. SPRING WEEK OF PRAYER Our annual spring week of prayer will be next week. We are excited to welcome our special guest, Pastor Cesar. Please keep our students, staff, and our speaker in your prayers as we embark on a week of spiritual renewal and prayer SOCIAL STUDIES FAIR Mark your calendars! On Thursday, April 30th, all students in grades 3-10 will be participating in the FAA social studies fair. The students will present various social studies projects which will be on display in our gym for the judges and the audience. CHURCH LIFE CHURCH LIFE (continued) (continued) Nominating Committee First Reading: School Board Public Relations– Lisa Appleton (2016) Media Ministry Media Consultants: Doug Vasquez, Jennifer Stymeist, & Pat Gilroy Nominating Committee Second Reading and Vote: Board of Elders William K. Albright and Bernie Albright WINGS Potluck: The WINGS Potluck Team and the FAA School Staff would like to invite you to join us on Sabbath, May 2, for a potluck picnic at the Catoctin Creek Park & Nature Center at 2929 Sumantown Road, Middletown, Maryland, immediately after church. Please bring plenty of picnic food, coolers of water or juice, lawn chairs and comfy clothes. Enjoy a day of fellowship out in nature. FMI, contact the school office, Bonnie Horman or Judi Rogers. Board of Deacons First Deacon: Greg Pennington Assistant First Deacon: Carlton Coleman School Board Joanne Tavenner (2018) Month Ending March 2015 January 1, 2015 to March 31, 2015 Tithe Actual 77,172 Last Year 86,844 Variance (9,673) % Var -11.14% Actual 226,686 Last Year 214,580 Variance 12,105 % Var 5.64% Local Church Funds Actual Receipts 25,175 Budgeted Receipts Variance 40,000 (14,825) % Var -37.06% Actual Receipts 76,125 Shield The Vulnerable: All elders, deacons, deaconesses, children/ youth Sabbath School teachers/leaders, Pathfinder/Adventurer volunteers and any others working directly with children under 18, are required to complete Shield the Vulnerable training and approve a background check. This is done online at www.shieldthevulnerable.org. There is no cost to you. If you do not have Internet access at home, you may come to the church during office hours and the secretary will give you access to the computer in the church library. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Potts at knpotts@aol.com or 240-344-3083 or Gail Boyer at cgailboyer@aol.com or 301-473-7520. Budgeted Receipts Variance % Var 120,000 (43,875) -36.56% COMMUNITY EVENTS Highland View Academy: We are having a Spring Academy Days weekend event for students who were unable to attend the one held in November. If you are in grades 8-11, please join us Sunday, April 26, at 6 pm to Monday, April 27, at 1 pm. You will get to experience life on campus, attend classes, prayer and praise, and spend a night in the dorms. Please RSVP at info@hva-edu.com or 301-739-8480. Our Protestant Heritage: This is a dramatized series being shown at Waynesboro SDA Church showing reformers’ contributions in rediscovering truths of God’s Word that had been suppressed for centuries: The movie will begin at 6:30: May 2– William Tyndale, May 16– The Anabaptists, May 30– William Miller. FMI call 717-387-5759. Financial Aid: FAA is now accepting financial aid applications for the 2014-2015 school year. The deadline to apply for financial aid is April 30, 2015. This is also the deadline for returning students. The financial aid application is available online at our website, www.FrederickAdventistSchool.org, under the Admission page. Please Excuse Our Mess: The organ will not be used today for church service. The internal and exterior functions of the organ pipes have been wrapped to keep dust out while the platform was refinished because of the water damage we had several weeks ago. Please excuse the smell of varnish drying. We are continuing to make progress in our restoration process. Thank you for your patience. Worship In Giving: Today, we are highlighting the Chesapeake Advance, which goes to support many Chesapeake Conference projects. To find out more please visit www.ccosdsa.org. Please mark your offering envelopes accordingly. All loose offerings will go to support our local church mission. And remember, you can always make your contribute through our church website under online giving. MISSION STATEMENT To allow God to arise in our lives, homes, and community as we arise in worship to Him. WORSHIP SERVICE May Sermon Schedule: 5/02/15 “Out of the Cocaine Fields” 5/09/15 “Irreplaceable” 5/16/15 “Joy Outside the Stadium” 5/23/15 “Zero to Hero” 5/30/15 “Dear Theo” April 25, 2015 10:50 a.m. by Pastor Jimmy Munoz by Elder David Weigley Song Service Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word (#60) I Heard the Voice of Jesus (# 465) Balm in Gilead (# 475) by Pastor Nikolaus Satelmajer by Herbie Dennison by Pastor Nikolaus Satelmajer May Offering Schedule: Prelude Jessica Bobb Church Life Sean Loomis Baby Dedication 5/02/15 Local Church Budget 5/09/15 Disaster & Famine Relief *Opening Song 5/16/15 Local Church Budget 5/23/15 Chesapeake Advance *Invocation 5/30/15 Chesapeake Advance Charmaine Richman Carlos Daniel Rivera Espina Stefan Maurice Werner Pittman Fill My Cup, Lord (# 493) Pastor Roger Mace Charmaine Richman Pastor Roger Mace Worship in Giving Jerry Baugher Offertory WORSHIP NOTES ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Jessica Bobb Lamb’s Offering Jerry Baugher Children’s Story Sue Boughner Dismissal for Kids Church ◊Intercessory Prayer Scripture Linda Wilson Genesis 12:1-3 Special Music Sermon Down in the River to Pray “God Bless You” Closing Hymn Benediction Sean Loomis God Be With You (#65) Evan Howe Pastor Roger Mace Charmaine Richman Pastor Roger Mace Postlude Jessica Bobb Please maintain reverence during the postlude Platform Manager: Forrest Barney Elder on Duty: Linda Wilson Pianist: Jessica Bobb Deacon on Duty: David Parsons Sound Technicians: Devin Abshire & Emmanuel Oyetunde *Congregation Standing ◊Congregation Kneeling
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