2015-2016 UA Alumni Association Scholarship Application Dear future Arizona Wildcat: On behalf of the University of Arizona Alumni Association, I want to thank you for your interest in the University of Arizona. The Alumni Association consists of graduates who are very proud of their affiliation with their alma mater and want to maintain a life-long relationship with this institution. One mission of the WindyCityCats is to raise scholarship funds for incoming students to the University of Arizona. This year we will offer two merit-based scholarships and one Citadel Information Management Merit/Need-Base Scholarship each valued at $2,000 to entering freshman for the 2015-2016 school year based on the following criteria: academic excellence, leadership, and service. Each scholarship includes one year paid membership, sponsored by Finley Dunne’s Tavern, to the Student Alumni Ambassador Club. Contingent on your acceptance and decision to attend the University of Arizona, you are eligible to apply for this award. In addition, you must be an Illinois resident with a 3.50 unweighted GPA for merit-based scholarships or a 3.25 unweighted GPA for the Citadel Information Management Merit/Need-Base Scholarship. Please return this application and include the following information: 1. A resume that highlights your scholastic achievements, extracurricular activities, honors, work experience, and community service during your high school years. Your resume is limited to two pages. 2. Unofficial transcripts with first semester of senior year grades. 3. School Profile that clearly lists your school’s graduation requirements, grading system, advance placement and/or honors curriculum. Your completed application must arrive by Friday, March 20, 2015. Late or incomplete applications will not be th considered. We will hold phone interviews for the finalists the week of April 13 . Selection for an interview does not guarantee the awarding of a scholarship. We will notify finalists in advance of the day and time. If you have any questions, please contact Taica Shariee via email at windycitycats@gmail.com. Please submit all information to: WindyCityCats Scholarship UA Alumni Association 1111 North Cherry Avenue Tucson, AZ 85721 Good luck and go Wildcats! Cordially, Taica Shariee President, WindyCityCats The UA Alumni Association Chicago Chapter 2015-2016 UA Alumni Association Scholarship Application This application serves the University of Arizona Alumni Association (www.arizonaalumni.com). To be eligible, you cannot be related to a member of the scholarship committee and you must reside in the state of Illinois. Scholarships are open to all without regard to race, ethnicity, national origin or other protected categories, in compliance with the University’s Non-Discrimination Policy (http://equity.arizona.edu/policies). The scholarship selection committee adheres to these University policies. For us to consider this application, you must provide all information requested. The application must be typed or completed in black ink. With your application, attach your resume, along with your transcripts, and your school profile in one package. Please read the entire application prior to filling it out. Answer all questions in your own words in the space provided. Do not submit additional sheets with your answers. Please do not include letters of recommendations or photographs. We will contact you directly if we require additional information. Please review how to format a resume correctly prior to submission. Please check off your application items and sign to confirm that you are submitting a complete scholarship application. Check List: Completed Application Resume Unofficial Transcripts School Profile By signing below, I acknowledge that I am submitting a complete scholarship application and it is my responsibility to include all items to be reviewed for a scholarship. I understand that any incomplete application will not be reviewed. X _______________________________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________________ 2015-2016 UA Alumni Association Scholarship Application Applications must be submitted by Friday, March 20, 2015 to: WindyCityCats Scholarship, UA Alumni Association, 1111 North Cherry Avenue, Tucson, AZ, 85721 Student Information: Name Birth Date Home Address City Mobile Telephone Personal Email Home Telephone UA Email UA Student ID State Zip Parent/Legal Guardian Information: □ Mother □ Aunt □ Grandmother Name Home Address City Mobile Telephone □ Father □ Uncle □ Grandfather State □ Sibling □ Other Zip Email □ Mother □ Aunt □ Grandmother Name Home Address City Mobile Telephone □ Father □ Uncle □ Grandfather State □ Sibling □ Other Zip Email List the names of your immediate family who earned at least 30 credits at UA: Name Relation Have you applied to the UA? ___YES ___NO Dates Attended Major Degree Have you been accepted to the UA? ___YES ___NO Colleges or universities where you applied or plan to apply: Name State Accepted: Yes or No? 2015-2016 UA Alumni Association Scholarship Application Academic Information: High School Unweighted GPA on 4.0 Scale Address City State Zip Guidance Counselor Office Telephone Email School Web Address ACT Scores: Test Date nd Senior Year 2 English Math Reading Science Composite Semester courses (designate if course is Regular, Honors, or AP): English □ Regular □ Honors □ Advanced Placement Math □ Regular □ Honors □ Advanced Placement □ Regular □ Honors □ Advanced Placement □ Regular □ Honors □ Advanced Placement □ Regular □ Honors □ Advanced Placement □ Regular □ Honors □ Advanced Placement □ Regular □ Honors □ Advanced Placement □ Regular □ Honors □ Advanced Placement □ Regular □ Honors □ Advanced Placement Science Social Science Foreign Language Fine Arts Elective Other Other 2015-2016 UA Alumni Association Scholarship Application UA Academic Career: UA Major Educational Goals Why did you choose to attend the University of Arizona? UA Minor 2015-2016 UA Alumni Association Scholarship Application List any significant awards you have received in high school. Awards Dates List your five most important high school extracurricular activities. Activity Describe one specific example of your leadership. Role Dates 2015-2016 UA Alumni Association Scholarship Application How many hours of community service required for graduation? _____________ How many hours of community service have you completed? _____________ List public service and community activities (homeless services, environmental protection/conservation, advocacy activities, work with religious organizations, etc.). Do not repeat items listed previously. Activity Role Dates Describe an experience with community service or volunteering and how that has affected you and your outlook. Write about a time when hard work paid off. 2015-2016 UA Alumni Association Scholarship Application Financial Aid: Will you complete the FAFSA? ___YES ___NO Will you apply for federal work-study? ___YES ___NO Are you eligible for a Pell Grant? ___YES ___NO Have you received other scholarships? ___YES ___NO If yes please list, all scholarships that you will use at the University of Arizona: Name of Scholarship Amount How will winning this scholarship help you attain your goals? By signing below, I acknowledge that all of the information set forth herein is true and complete. I authorize the University of Arizona Financial Aid Office to release my academic and financial need information as requested by the University of Arizona Alumni Association. I understand that this information will be used only to determine my scholarship eligibility. X _______________________________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________________
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