Parish Office T 3752 2813 Cathedral T 3752 2638 St Malachy’s T 3751 0516 SVP Help Line T 07733 482604 Parish Safeguarding The contact persons for the Parish are Aileen or Maura: or 07895 460797. Any visitor to the sacristy of any church must sign the visitors book. Cathedral Shop Mon-Sat 10.30am - 4.00pm & Sun 12 noon -5.30pm. First Holy Communion and Confirmation items now in stock. Pearse Og News: Lotto: 6, 8, 13, 21,. 2 matched 3, next jackpot £4450. Abbey Lotto: 4, 5, 18, 24 3 matched 3. No Jackpot winner. Next week’s Jackpot £1050. Membership now due. Eugene Quinn Handball Lotto: 1, 2, 11 one winner of £550 Next week’s jackpot £100. Milford Community Development Association Jiving classes in The Old School House beginning Friday 10th April at 7.30pm. All welcome. Aifreann na Gaeilge - Sos na Cásca: Ós siocair go mbíonn Sos na Cásca ag Aifreann na Gaeilge i gColáiste Phádraig, Ard Mhacha, ní léifear an chéad Aifreann eile go dtí 18ú Aibreán ar 5.30 i.n.. There will be no Irish Mass in the chapel at St Parick's GS until after the Easter Break on Sat 18 April at 5.30pm. KNOCK SHRINE Saturday 2nd May Mass and Blessing with St Joseph's Cord of Hope. Coach £15 For information call Gabrielle (028) 87784964 Grace (028)87784942 Chest Heart & Stroke coffee morning in the Cathedral Road Recreation Centre on 16th April from 10.30am until 12 noon. All welcome. Medjugorje Pilgrimages for 7 nights 24th May, Family Pilgrimages 15th July and 12th August. Call Anthony on 07753406356 Medjugorje Monthly Prayer Meeting on Tue 14th April at 8.15pm in Sacred Heart Convent. Stress and Mood management course six weeks beginning 20th April. Call 07847611212 or Called & Gifted Two day conference on 29th & 30th May in Dromantine Conference Centre. This is a beautiful opportunity for people to discover and to own the gifts and charisms given to them in their baptism. It offers huge potential for the proclamation of the gospel and for the wellbeing of the Church. Fee £35 early bird or £40 standard fee includes lunch and materials. Contact 00353429336649 or PARISHANDFAMILY@GMAIL.COM for more information Order of Malta Monthly Draw £500 Joanne Murphy; £100 Gerard McKenna; £100 Michael Kelly; £100 Patsy Murphy. The next draw will be on Tue 21st April. Thank you for your continuing support! Adorers required for adoration chapel in St Malachy’s Church at 10am on Sunday & Friday Contact Nora McBrien on 02837 525265 if you can commit to these times. Annual Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance for all babies and children who have died in Craigavon Area Hospital on Sunday 26th April 2015 at 3pm in the Medical Education Centre, Craigavon Area Hospital (main hospital site). ACCORD Marriage Preparation Course Due to the increasing demand for the courses we are advising couples to book their place at least ten months before the wedding. The next courses are being held on three consecutive Tuesdays: 26th May, 2nd and 9th June and also 25th August, 1st and 8th September. Contact ACCORD on 02838334781 or Police in Armagh are promoting their No Cold Calling scheme. The campaign aims to empower householders to feel safe in their own home through the display of No Cold Calling stickers which clearly instruct cold callers not to call at the property. Packs with No Cold Calling stickers and leaflets are available from PSNI. If you are interested in making your home a no cold calling zone or would like more information please contact your local crime prevention officer on 101. Website: Email: 12th April 2015 - 2nd Sunday of Easter Reflection Doubt no longer but believe! Sometimes people are better remembered for the mistakes they make than the good they do. The score missed in the final minutes of a crucial football match can blight a whole career. Even the apostles were affected by this quirk of nature. Thomas made one of the most perfect acts of faith when he said, “My Lord and my God”. Yet, he’s remembered not as a believing Thomas but as a doubting Thomas. After the death of Jesus, Thomas chose to distance himself from the others, to grieve in solitude and to work through his loss alone. And yet, it was only when he rejoined the community that his deepest questions were answered. Surely in our struggling and doubting, we need the presence and the support of the community to sustain us. Maybe it’s no coincidence that conversion and conversation both have the same root meaning. Thomas’ conversion to belief was experienced in community: as conversation. On his own, he had only his doubts for company; in community he encountered the Risen Lord. The story of Thomas calls us into community. It beckons to those who no longer walk with us. It assures us that healthy questioning can lead to worthwhile knowledge. It challenges us above all, to accept that faith is not a cosy creed but a fire in the heart that impels us to reach out in service to others. May we be counted among those who have not seen and yet believe. And may St Thomas, the patron of doubters, pray for all of us. Resurrection Prayer Risen Lord, the way, the truth, the life, make us faithful followers of the spirit of your resurrection . Grant that we may be inwardly renewed; dying to ourselves in order that you may live in us. May our lives serve as signs of the transforming power of your love. Use us as instruments for the renewal of society, bring your life and love to all and lead them to your Church. This we ask of you, Lord Jesus, living and reigning with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever. Amen Prayer before the Tomb (in St Malachy’s Church) Risen Lord, let the light of your presence shine on the darkened areas of our lives. May the light of your goodness cast out the shadows of our doubt and remove the garments of suffering and sadness that we carry. Help us to realise that you have rolled away the stones of all that hinders us from experiencing your love in the fullest. Give us the courage to walk with you beyond Galilee to all the places that await your Risen presence. For we know and we believe that you are truly risen and walk among us....Alleluia! RECENTLY DECEASED Rosaleen Lennon, Harry Donnelly, , Chantelle McDonagh, Annie Duffy, Ann McDermott, Patricia Boyce, Shirley Curry, Marianne Mills, Seamus McGuigan Months Mind: Christopher Powell 17th April, Melie Anderson 18th April, John Quigley 18th April Good Friday collection for Holy Lands 3rd April amounted to £ 2420.00 & € 50.00. Weekly collection 5th April 2015 amounted to £ 8029.98 & €222.01. Trocaire collection Easter 2015 amounted to £ 15,980.00 & € 400.00. Thank you. All requests for prayers and Masses are to be arranged through the Parish Office. All Anniversaries and Month’s Minds must be left in the Parish Office by 12 noon on the Thursday of the week prior to the intention being remembered. Counters required for Cathedral. Contact Caroline at the Parish Office 02837522813 Armagh Parish Draw: Tickets can still be purchased at the parish office. Next draw in Parish Office on Friday 17th April at 1pm. The Do this in Memory Programme continues for all Primary Four pupils and their parents in St Patrick’s Cathedral next Sunday at 9am. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, TULLYSARAN Novena Mass on Monday evening at 7.30pm Tullysaran SVP Helpline 07738838035 Community Centre: Classes will resume Monday 13th April. ST COLMCILLES, KNOCKACONEY St Colmcilles GAC lotto 1st April: 7,13,14, 24. 1 match 3 winner. Next Jackpot £3050. GRANGE LADIES CLOTHES COLLECTION - Our next collection will be on WED 15th April from 7pm - 9pm at clubrooms and anyone that needs bags collected just let us know. Thankyou for your support. St Colmcille’s Youth Minor training: Monday 7pm. U16 training: Thur 7pm and Sun 12.15pm; U14 training: Tues and Fri at 6pm; U12 training: Wed 6pm and Sat 3pm. The Parish Bereavement group will meet on Wednesday 15th April in the Gate Lodge at 8pm. The group is strictly confidential and through sharing and the support of the group, many people find comfort and strength, and the confidence to move forward. All welcome. Annual Hospice Towpath Walk - Sunday 26th April at 3pm from Newry Cue Club to Steenson’s Bridge and back, refreshments afterwards in the Hockey Club. For more information, contact Siobhan or Danielle on 02830251333 or The Monaghan Charismatic Prayer Group are hosting a healing Mass in Saint Louis Convent Chapel, Monaghan Town on Monday April 13th at 8pm. The Celebrant is Fr John Keane from Cork. More details on our website Latin Mass including gregorian chant and traditional hymns will take place in St Patrick’s Cathedral at 12 noon on Saturday 18th April. All welcome. NI Blood Transfusion Service Next Blood Donation session will be held in St Mark’s Church, Crozier Hall, The Mall on Thurs 23 and Fri 24th April 1.30-4pm & 5.15-8pm. Marian Retreat in Benburb Priory on Sunday 26th April, 10am-5pm, organised by the Legion of Mary. The donation of £25 includes morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea. All welcome, enquiries to Miceal 02837524202 or Margaret 07799867714. A Course for Parishioners The Pontifical Irish College, Rome is hosting a course for parishioners from 7 – 11 September 2015. The theme is “Handing on the Faith Today” . Contact 00 39 06 772 631 or email for more information. Lough Derg Pilgrimage Season opens Saturday 2nd May with One Day Retreats which continue on 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 19, 23, 25, 25 of May. Advance booking is essential. The Three Day Pilgrimage season begins on Friday 29th May, beginning any day between 29th May and 13th August. Pre-booking not required. Contact 0035371 9861518 or Armagh Diocesan Youth Commission: “Assume” Summer Camp! Taking place on two separate weeks: 10 – 14 August and 17 – 21 August at Greenhill Centre, Newcastle. This is an adventure and a four night, faith based residential for 12 – 14 year olds. More details at or call 028 37523084 World Youth Day 2016: Armagh Diocese will lead a pilgrimage to World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland in July 2016. Any young people (aged between 16 and 30) and who are interested are asked to contact or call 028 37523084 Summary of March PPC meeting The feedback from the Life in the Spirit seminars has been very positive. With so much going on in the parish at present, it was decided to postpone the Tom Herron seminars until later in the year. A suggestion that Mount St Catherine's PS was a more suitable venue than the Synod Hall for seminars/meetingr was agreed and the parish is grateful to the school for allowing us to host the seminars there. The 5 members of the PPC who had attended the evening in Keady to discuss marriage and family felt that it was a worthwhile venture and a positive step forward in consulting with the laity. Fr Peter, Caroline, Eleanor and the Draw Committee were thanked for the tremendous work they had done with the Parish Draw. Discussion continued around celebrating the Year of Consecrated Life and the importance of involving religious who live in our parish. The Liturgy group is working on prayers for the 24 Hours for the Lord, the Youth group are discussing the celebration of Mass for newly married couples and Witness and Outreach group are reflecting on an evening of celebration for those who are celebrating significant anniversaries. All in all, it was a fruitful meeting and before the end the sick of the parish were remembered in prayer. Pilgrimage to Shrines of Italy, 15 th – 22nd September 2015 Visiting the cities of Venice and Verona, the beautiful city of Padua - famous for its Franciscan monk, St Anthony, the medieval town of Assisi - the birthplace of Saints Francis and Clare and the site of the Holy House of the Holy Family in the hill town of Loreto. £739 (Single Supplement £210) inc flights, transfers, taxes, insurance, pilgrimage representative, four nights half board in Lido de Jesolo and three nights half board in Cattolica. Spiritual Director: Fr Peter McAnenly. More info at Parish Office BEGINNING EXPERIENCE Alone Again, Separated or Widowed? Beginning Experience helps people work through their grief to be healed and free again. A Beginning Experience Coping Programme is scheduled to take place on April 16th 2015 8pm – 10pm and will run for five consecutive Thursdays. Contact Armagh Diocesan Pastoral Centre 00353 42 9336393 Armagh Diocesan Vocations Team have organised two special evenings entitled: “Great people, great stories, come and listen!” The evenings will take place on: Thursday 23 April in The Synod Hall, Armagh & Wednesday 29 April in The Parochial Centre, Fairhill Rd, Cookstown at 8pm. The evenings will include music and prayer and two special testimonies will be given. Brother Ronan Lennon and Martina Purdy will be the guest speakers in Armagh. Brother Ronan has been a religious brother with St John of God Brothers for the last number of years. He has worked a lot with the sick and he’s the former Provincial of the Order and Martina is a former journalist with the BBC and she’s now a postulant with the Sisters of Adoration and Reparation in Belfast. Deacon Kevin Duffy and Sr Fiona Galligan will be the guest speakers in Cookstown. Deacon Kevin is married with two children and he was ordained a permanent Deacon for the Archdiocese of Armagh last year and he’s currently ministering in the parish of Magherafelt. Sr Fiona has been a Sister of Mercy for the last number of years and she works as a Chaplain in Craigavon Area Hospital and St John of God Hospice, Newry. After the great stories are shared, there will be an opportunity for questions and reflection and refreshments will be served.
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