Armagh County Agricultural Show Society 2015 PATRON: Mrs Charlotte Crowe PRESIDENT: Mr Gordon Frazer VICE-PRESIDENT: Mr Joe Linton CHAIRPERSON: Mr Stephen Hamilton VICE-CHAIRPERSON: Mr Noel Reid EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Mr W.G.S. Parr TREASURER: GENERAL SECRETARY: ASSISTANT SECRETARY: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Mrs Marjorie Mitchell Mr W.H Leeman Mrs Flo McCall President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Past Chairman, Norman Morton, Bill Leeman, Tom Bratten, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary SECTIONAL SECRETARIES: Pigs: Kenneth Gracey Norman Morton Ponies: Annice Broomfield Noel Reid Riding for Disabled: Joy Brown Thelma Gorman Dog Show: Jenny McDowell Sheep: Jack McGowan Home Industries: Flo McCall Goats: Gordon Frazer Trade Stands: Jim Gillow Horses: Tom Bratten Schools: Joanne Morrison Wilson Faloon Vintage: David McCune & Charlie Beattie Show Jumping: Raymond Jess Dairy Cattle: Beef Cattle: CONTACT NUMBERS ON NEXT PAGE Mr B Anderson Mr & Mrs W Anderson Mr & Mrs I Beattie Mrs R Beattie Mrs M Black Mrs J Brown Mr G Chapman Mrs J Clarke Mr G Cranston Mrs C Crowe Mr N Dickson Mr D O’Brien GENERAL COMMITTEE Mr E Crozier Mr B Gilbert Mr M Dawson Mrs C Gilpin Mr E Diffin Mr R Irvine Mrs J Dorman Mrs D Irwin Mr. B Dougan Mr R Lamb Mr W Faloon Mr F Lappin Mr J Farrell Mr A Leeman Mr A Frazer Mrs F Leeman Mr & Mrs G Frazer Mr N Lockhart Mr Geo Frazer Mr G McCall Mr J Speers Mr J Compston BANKERS: First Trust Bank Armagh AUDITOR: Mr Cecil Dickson, 10 Dobbin Street, Armagh HON DOCTOR: Dr Colvin HON VETERINARY SURGEONS Mr J Calvert MRCVS, Messrs O’Reilly and Fee MRCVS, Willows Veterinary Clinic, Orchard Veterinary Centre INSURERS: Ulster Farmers Union 1 Mr R McCall Mr D McCune Ms J Morton Mr A Philips Mr C Reid Mr & Mrs M Thompson Mr W R Todd Mr J W atson Mrs M Wilson Mr A Menary Mr B Allen Armagh County Show Contacts: Show Office: Tel: 028 3752 2333 If at all possible please email queries to ONLY PHONE THE FOLLOWING NUMBERS IF YOU HAVE AN URGENT QUERY GENERAL ENqUIRIES: Stephen Hamilton (Chairman) Noel Reid (Vice Chairman) Bill Leeman (Secretary) a a possible, p Tel: 028 3752 7111 Tel: 07816 840 865 Tel: 028 3753 1280 all028 3752 t4238 Tel: / 07919 123 648 FOLLOWING NUMBERS IF YOU HAVE AN URGENT QUERY TRADE STANDS Jim Gillow HOME INDUSTRIES Adults: Schools: Sheep: Goats: Pigs: Flo McCall Joanne Morrison DOG SHOw Jenny McDowell LIVESTOCK Dairy Cattle: Beef Cattle Norman Morton Thelma Gorman Noel Reid Jack McGowan Gordon Frazer Kenneth Gracey Tel: 07977 275 160 Tel: 07759 467 156 Tel: 028 9263 8273 / 07980 681 346 Tel: Tel: Tel: Tel: Tel: Tel: EqUESTRIAN Horses and Ponies: Bill Leeman Show Jumping: Raymond Jess Riding for Disabled: Joy Brown Tel: 028 3752 2270 07808 915 795 07775 650 512 028 3753 1280 028 3752 4336 028 3752 3217 07710 804 819 Tel: 028 3752 4238 Tel: 07802 655065 Tel: 028 3752 4356 All correspondence should be directed to: Armagh County Show Office Unit 20, Armagh Business Centre, 2 Loughgall Road BT61 7Q ARMAGH BT61 7NH Email: 2 SAFETY AT ARMAGH COUNTY SHOw SAFETY POLICY The Armagh County Agricultural Show Committee will operate a Code of Safety Practice on Show Day to ensure the health and safety of everyone attending the event. Visitors must share responsibility for their own safety and for the safety of others in their charge by not taking unnecessary risks on the Show Fields, particularly close to animals and machinery. Advice and guidance on safety matters from Safety Officers and Stewards must be strictly followed. RULES Mr Jim Gillow Mr Norman Morton CHIEF SAFETY OFFICERS Mr wilson Faloon Mr Stewart Morton Mr Tom Bratten Mr Isaac Beattie Mr Jack McGowan • Safety Officers on duty can be identified by clearly marked uniforms. • All accidents or injuries on the Show Fields must be reported to the Secretary or one of the Safety Officers immediately. • All vehicular traffic arriving and leaving the Show Fields must obey the instructions of the Stewards and Traffic Wardens on duty. No vehicles will be allowed to move through the public areas whilst the Show is in progress – except for Offical Show Vehicles • In the event that the fields must be evacuated, everyone must follow the instructions relayed on the Public Address System. • Static Exhibits must be erected so that they do not cause injury, or risk of injury, to the public. • Demonstrations at exhibits must be adequately protected to reduce the possibility of an accident or injury to the operator or members of the public • All animals must be kept under strict control at all times and must not be allowed access to public thoroughfares. All horses and ponies must keep to the designated exercise areas and strictly not allowed in the public areas. • Aggressive or fractious animals must be returned to their transport vehicle and removed from the field. Any animal which endangers public safety and cannot be controlled, may have to be humanely destroyed. • All livestock and equestrian owners must have their animals insured against public liability risks. • All handlers and stockmen must be capable of controlling the animals in their care. Children must not be left in charge of any animal. • In the horse field, all riders and grooms must wear safety headgear when in charge of their animals. • Dogs must be kept on their leads at all times and must not be allowed near the animals • Children must be safeguarded from animals and machinery at all times. No child shall be permitted to handle, ride or have control of an animal, machine or vehicle that is likely to cause injury. • If an animal is handled, hands must be thoroughly washed immediately at one of the designated wash stations. FIRST AID St John Ambulance Brigade Adjacent to LivestockRings And Horse and Pony Field A paramedic will be in attendance on the Show Fields during the Show In case of emergency please contact the Show Secretary we ask everyone attending the Show to treat Safety as a Priority at all times 3 Irish Shows Association Rules For the efficient running of the championships all concerned are requested to read and observe the Rules set out below. qUALIFYING ROUNDS (qUALIFIERS) Qualifying rounds will take place at eligible shows selected by the Irish Shows Association. RESPONSIBILITY OF SHOwS HOLDING qUALIFYING ROUNDS a. Selected shows should hold a separate class for each qualifier from which the highest placed animal will qualify. b. The qualifier class should be held, if possible, as the first class in the relevant section of the show. c. Shows must ensure that the qualifiers are held strictly in accordance with the relevant rules. d. No other sponsor may be involved in qualifying classes. e. Shows may charge an entrance fee for each qualifying class. The I.S.A. will award a rosette to the successful animal(s) on appearance at theFinal. f. No show hosting a Championship Final may hold a qualifier for that Championship on the day of the Final other than by agreement with the Irish Shows Association. g. Animals qualified for Finals are not eligible to enter in any other class at the Show where the Final is held other than a Qualifying Class for another Competition h. Shows should appoint competent well-briefed persons to act as Stewards, who must ensure that only animals (or other exhibits) which are eligible to compete and those whose documentation is in order are allowed to proceed to the judging ring. i. Animal Passports should be read by a Veterinary Surgeon appointed by the show. j. On completion of judging, Stewards should instruct the successful competitors to attend at the Show Secretary’s Office within one hour and to complete the necessary documentation to entry to the championship final. k. The show must appoint a well-briefed officer, who will be in attendance at the Secretary’ s Office, and who will assist exhibitors to complete the necessary documentation for participation in the final and to collect the relevant entrance fee. l. Show Secretaries must forward complete result cards, together with appropriate fees to the Irish Shows Association within three (3) days following the holding of the show. N.B. Shows must return results card marked “No qualifier” for any or all of the events for which no animal (or exhibit) has been selected. D. RESPONSIBILITY OF EXHIBITORS a. Exhibitors accept that the Judges decision is final in all cases. Any abuse or Judges will not be tolerated. Where a dispute or case for complaint arises the matter should only be dealt with under f. below. b. winners of qualifiers are themselves responsible for entering their animals (or exhibits) for the final in accordance with j. and k. above, within one hour of qualifying. c. Winners of qualifiers will compete in the final. d. The Irish Shows Association in conjunction with the sponsor reserve the right to alter or amend the rules of any competition as may be necessary or appropriate. e. Shows and competitors must contact the National Irish Shows Office for details of any championships and not the sponsor involved. f. Objections must be lodged in writing with the I.S.A. representative at the show or the Show Secretary within half an hour following the completion of judging, together with a fee of 50 euro, or other stated fee, which is refundable in the event of the objection being upheld. g. Any Exhibitor who makes a false declaration or misrepresents a fact regarding themselves or their exhibit are liable to disqualification and or forfeiture of any prizes awarded. 4 Equestrian Classes ENTRY FEE: All Pony Classes - £8.00 (excluding ISA qualifiers) All In-Hand Horse Classes - £10.00 Riding Horses and working Hunter Horses - £10.00 All ISA qualifying Classes £10.00 PRIZES: See individual sections Main Arena: RING 1: RING 1: RING 1: RING 2: RING 3: RING 4 RING 3 or 4: RING 5: RING 6: wH Rings: wH Rings: ARENA 1: ARENA 2: NEw: You can also enter online - Fees £1.00 less Online fees: Ponies = £7.00, Horses & ISA qualifiers = £9.00 Riding for Disabled Donkeys Miniatures, Clydesdales Racehorse to Riding Horse Pony Showing Native Ponies Family Ponies In-Hand Horse Ridden Hunter working Hunter Ponies working Hunter Horses Showjumping (Horses) Showjumping (Ponies) In-Hand Horses: Riding Horses: Ex Race Horses : Agricultural Horses: Working Hunter Horses: Working Hunter Ponies: Pony Showing & Family Pony: Native Ponies: Miniature Horses: Donkeys: Judging Judging Judging Judging Judging Judging Judging Judging Judging Judging Judging Judging Judging Judging commences at 11.00am commences at 9.30am commences at 10.30am commences at 12.00pm commences at 11.00am commences at 9.30am commences at 9.30am commences at 2.00pm commences at 9.30am commences at 9.30am commences at 9.00am commences after lunch commences at 9.30am commences at 9.30am EqUESTRIAN JUDGES Mr D Cosby, Co Wicklow / Mr T Wilson, Co Kilkenny Mrs T Haslem, Ipswich / Ms I Thompson, Suffolk Ms L Porter, Limerick / Ms M Kelly Mr B Haire, Hillsborough Mrs D Colebrooke, Galway / Ms D Tems, Co Laois Mrs P Turner, Dromore / Mrs A Millar, Downpatrick Ms L Cadman, Lancashire Ms V Hodgett, Lancashire Mrs. D Colebrooke, Galway Mr J Hamilton, Co Tyrone ENTRIES CLOSE 23rd May 2015 No Entries taken by Telephone or Fax and strictly No Late Entries ENTRY FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. NOTE: 5% of all Prize Money will be deducted for Irish Shows Association contribution Classes with less than 3 entries may be amalgamated with the nearest appropriate class or cancelled without notice All entries to be forwarded with appropriate fees to: Armagh Show Office, Unit 20, Armagh Business Centre, 2 Loughgall Road, ARMAGH BT61 7NH EqUESTRIAN CONTACT: Bill Leeman. Tel: 028 3752 2333 NUMBERS TO BE COLLECTED FROM THE HORSE SECRETARY ON THE FIELD 5 RULES • The number of entries will determine the number of prizes paid out: 1 entry = nil, 2 entries = 2nd prize; 3-4 entries = 1st & 2nd; over 4 entries = 1st, 2nd, 3rd. • All Entry Forms must be completed in full and must be accompanied by the appropriate fee. No animal will be allowed to compete unless all entry fees are paid. • All entry fees are non-refundable • No substitutions will be allowed on the field. • Competition numbers to be collected from the Equestrian Secretary’s marquee on Show Day. • Horses or Ponies not present when the judging of their Class commences, will be disqualified. • Classes with less than 3 entries may be amalgamated at the discretion of the stewards. • All competitors, exhibitors and members of the Public must observe the Show Safety Rules detailed in this Schedule. • The Show Committee reserves the right to reject an entry if necessary and to cancel or combine Classes if there are insufficient entries. • Everyone attending the Show should be familiar with the General Show Rules which are detailed in this Schedule. EqUESTRIAN TROPHIES Dr Maguire Shield A F Stinson Cup The Armagh County Show Perpetual Trophy The Lillian Graham Perpetual Trophy The Knockshane Trophy The Grangemore memorial Trophy The W illiam Greer Perpetual Trophy The Gillespie & Ritchie Perpetual Cup The Springfield Trophy The J A Johnston (Jewellers) Perpetual Trophy The Lawrence Duffin Memoral Cup presented by Mrs Margaret (Peg) Duffin The Baird Perpetual Trophy The Armstrong Cup The Tynan Abbey Cup The Jackie Stinson Memorial Cup The John Taylor (Solicitor) Perpetual Trophy The Armagh Show Shield The Malcolm Anderson Memorial Trophy The Conly Cup The Glenmare Perpetual Cup The Armagh Show perpetual Challenge Shield The Armagh Show perpetual Challenge Shield The Alexander Mills Perpetual Trophy The Bank of Ireland Perpetual Trophy Joint Winners of RDA Senior Group Winner of RDA Junior Group Miniature Horse Champion Reserve Miniature Horse Champion Champion Donkey Champion Clydesdale Best Irish Draught Mare Champion Young Irish Draught Horse Best Non-Thoroughbred Brood Mare Champion Young Horse Racehorse to Riding Horse Champion Ridden Hunter Champion Horse Best Pony Brood Mare Pony Youngstock Champion Novice Pony Champion Mini Mountain & Mooreland Pony Champion Open Hunter Pony Champion Family Pony Champion Best Shetland Brood Mare Best Registered Male Shetland Pony Novice Working Hunter Pony Champion Open Working Hunter Pony Champion Working Hunter Pony Champion Horse Working Hunter Champion RIDING FOR THE DISABLED CLASSES Main Arena 11.00am Longstone Riding for the Disabled Association will hold a Riding Class in the Main Arena commencing at 11.00am The winner of this Class will be presented with the Dr James Maguire Perpetual Shield. Details from: Mrs. Joy Brown. Tel: (028) 3752 4356 Judges: Mrs. R. Beattie, Mr. A. Stinson 6 RING 1: Donkeys 9.30am RING 1: Miniature Horses 10.30am ENTRY FEE: £8.00 (£7.00 online fee) Prizes: 1st: £20; 2nd: £15; 3rd: £10 200. Male Donkey, shown in hand 201. Female Donkey, shown in hand 202. Best turned out and conditioned donkey, any age or sex (jacks excluded), to be judged 75% condition, 25% turnout Champion and Reserve Donkeys will be chosen from the above 3 classes The Knockshane Trophy will be presented to the Champion 203. Pet Donkey, any age or sex (excl Jacks). No show donkeys to enter this class 204. Lead rein Class – to be ridden by a child under 12 years of age. 205. Donkey with vehicle or attachment ENTRY FEE: £8.00 (£7.00 online entry) Prizes: 1st: £20; 2nd: £15; 3rd: £10 Horses should not be expected to exceed 34” at maturity ie 3 years of age, (guidelines for yearlings 32”, two year olds 33”) measured to the last mane hair. Classes will be amalgamated without prior notice if there are insufficient entries. 206. Miniature Horse - Foals and Yearlings (Colt, Filly or Gelding) 207. Miniature Horse - Two / Three Year-Old (Colt, Filly or Gelding) 208. Miniature Horse - Four Year Old and over (Mare or Gelding) 209. Miniature Horse - Stallions (4 years old and over) 210. Miniature Horse - Best Junior Handler (Aged 16 years and under) NOTE: No colt or stallion to be handled by a junior exhibitor. Handlers to be strictly supervised by an adult at all times. 211. Miniature Driving Class - Horses not to exceed 36” (Any type of vehicle) Miniature Horse Championship (1st & 2nd in classes 206-209 eligible) ARMAGH SHOW TROPHY for the Champion Miniature Horse and the LILLIAN GRAHAM PERPETUAL CUP for the Reserve Champion RING 1: Clydesdales & Agricultural Horses Entry Fee: £10.00 (£9.00 online fee) 12.00pm PRIZES: 1st = £30.00, 2nd = £20.00, 3rd = £10.00 GRANGEMORE MEMORIAL TROPHY and Armagh County Show Championship Sash will be presented to the Champion Agricultural Horse (NOTE: The Committee may amalgamate Classes where there are insufficient entries 212. Brood Mare, in foal or with foal at foot Prizes for Foals: 1st = £15.00, 2nd = £10.00, 3rd = £5.00. 213. Yearling Colt, Gelding or Filly 214. Two-Year-Old Colt Gelding or Filly 215. Gelding or Filly - 3 years old and over 216. Ridden Agricultural Horse. Any age or sex. Riders to be at least 16 years of age Northern Ireland Shows Association: Co. Londonderry Horse Breeding Society / NISA Clydesdale Championship 2015 Points will be awarded for animals placed - 1st (5 points), 2nd (4 points) and 3rd (3 points) in the Clydesdale Classes at this Show. In addition all horses forward in a class will be awarded one point. Top 6 horses in the 2015 show season will be awarded trophies. 7 BREEDING HORSES & YOUNG STOCK Prizes: 1st = £30; 2nd = £20; 3rd = £10 (except where otherwise stated Entry Fees for In-Hand Horses Classes & qualifiers: £10.00 (£9.00 online) RING 5: Irish Draughts In-Hand 9.30am 217. Registered Irish Draught Brood Mare or Appendix Mare, in foal or with foal at foot. All foals to be led WILLIAM GREER PERPETUAL TROPHY will be awarded to the winner of this Class. 218. Pure Bred ID Colt Foal PRIZES: 1st = £15.00, 2nd = £10.00, 3rd = £5.00 219. Pure Bred ID Filly Foal PRIZES: 1st = £15.00, 2nd = £10.00, 3rd = £5.00 £50 Prize money has been kindly donated for the ID Foal classes by The Irish Draught Horse Society - Northern Branch. Foal classes will be amalgamated if less than 3 entries in either class Class 220: qUALIFIER Irish Shows Association and Leitrim Irish Draught Breeders presents: Leitrim Irish Draught Breeders Championship Sponsored by: Horse Sport Ireland & Leitrim ID Horse Breeders Association ENTRY FEES: To qualifying Show: £10 To Final: €20 PRIZES at FINAL: Champion: - € 500 & Central Motors Perpetual Trophy presented by Mr Patsy walpole; 2nd:= €300; 3rd:= €260; 4th:= €200; 5th:= €150; 6th:= €100; 7th upwards to receive €80 on appearance at Final A prize for combination of best turned out animal and most suitably dressed handler RULES&CONDITIONS 1 Entries are confined to: ID Mares with ID foal at foot. Mares must be registered in the Irish Horse Register with the breed codes ID. Mares and foals must be sired by a stallion that is classified as Class 1 / Class 2 / RID (GB) / RID (Can) / Grade 2 (GB) in the Irish Draught Horse Studbook. 2 Mares must have both Sire and Dam recorded in their passport and have an ID foal at foot. Mare and foal to be judged as a unit and foals must be led. 3 One Mare and Foal may qualify from each show 4 Passports must be produced at Qualifying Show and at the Final before entering the judging ring. Failure to comply with this ruling will result in disqualification 5 Passports and microchips to be read by a vet at the Final. 6 One of the judges at the Qualifying Show must be on the IDHS list of judges 7 Animals qualified for the final are not eligible to enter any other class at the show. 8 These rules to be read in conjunction with ISA Rules. Final at MOHILL SHOw Sunday 16th August 2015 RING 5: Irish Draught – Youngstock Entry Fee: £10.00 (£9.00 online) PRIZES:1st = £30, 2nd = £20, 3rd = £10 ARMAGH COUNTY SHOw CHAMPIONSHIP SASH and PERPETUAL TROPHY will be presented to the RID Champion Young Horse 221. Yearling, Colt, Gelding or Filly out of RID Mare by RID Stallion 8 Class 222: qUALIFIER The Irish Shows Association and Roscommon Show Society presents: The Roscommon Irish Draught Yearling Filly Championship Part of Horse Sport Ireland National Showing Championship Series Sponsored by: Hannon’s Hotel, Roscommon Prize Fund: €1500 RULES & CONDITIONS 1. Entries confined to: Yearling Fillies registered in the Irish Horse Register with the breed codes: ID. Fillies must be sired by a stallion that is classified as Class 1 / Class 2 / RID (GB) / RID (Can) / Grade 2 (GB) 2. Fillies must have both sire and dam recorded in their passports. 3. Exhibitors to both qualifier and final must have their passport available for inspection prior to judging. Failure to comply will result in disqualification 4. One animal in each qualification class may be selected to compete in the final, provided the judges agree that the standard is high enough 5. One of the Judges at the qualifying Show must be from the Irish Draught Horse Judges List. 6. Passports & Microchips should be read by a Vet at the Final 7. Animals qualified for Final are not eligible to enter any other class at the Show. 8. These rules to be read in conjunction with ISA Rules. ENTRY FEES: To qualifying Show: £10. To Final: € 20 PRIZES: Champion:= €500; 2nd:= €300; 3rd:= €200; 4th:= €150; 5th:= €125; 6th:= €100; 7th to end: € 50 A prize for combination of best turned out animal and most suitably dressed handler Final at ROSCOMMON SHOw - Saturday 15th August 2015 223. 2 Year Old Gelding or Filly out of RID Mare by RID Stallion Class 224: qUALIFIER The Irish Shows Association and Limerick Show Society present: The Irish Draught 2 Year Old Filly Championship Part of HSI National Showing Championship Series RULES & CONDITIONS 1. Entries are confined to: Two Year Old Fillies registered in the Irish Horse Register with the breed codes ID. Fillies must be sired by a stallion that is classified as Class 1 / Cass 2 / RID(GB) / RID (Can) / Grade 2. Fillies mut have both Sire and Dam recorded in their passports. 2. Each entry must have the passport available for checking by the I.S.A.Representative both at the Qualifying Show and at the Final to confirm that she is eligible to compete. Failure to comply with rule will lead to immediate disqualification. 3. Passports & Microchips should be read by a Vet at the Final 4. Two animals in each qualifying class will be selected to compete in the final provided the Judges agree the standard is high enough. 5. One of the Judges at the qualifying Show must be from the Irish Draught Horse Judges List. 6. Animals qualified for Final are not eligible to enter any other class at the Show. 7. These rules to be read in conjunction with ISA Rules. ENTRY FEES: To qualifying Show: £10. To Final: € 20 PRIZES: Champion:= €500; 2nd:= €300; 3rd:= €250; 4th:= €200; 5th:= €150; 6th:= €100; 7th to end: = € 50 A prize will be presented for combination of best turned out animal and most suitably dressed handler Final at LIMERICK SHOw - Saturday 22nd August 2015 9 225. 3 Year Old Gelding or Filly out of RID Mare by RID Stallion Perpetual Trophy will be presented to Champion RID Young Horse. Class 226: The Irish Shows Association and Bonniconlon Show present The Irish Draught 3 year Old R.I.D. Mare Sponsored by: Diamond Coast Hotel, Enniscrone, Co. Sligo PRIZE FUND: € 2000 RULES & CONDITIONS 1. Entries confined to: 3 Year Year Old Fillies, registered in the Irish Horse register with the breed codes: ID. Fillies must be sired by a stallion that is classified as Class 1 / Class 2 / RID (GB) / RID (Can) / Grade 2 (GB) 2. Mares must have both sire and dam recorded on their passport. 3. Each exhibitor must have mare’s passport available for checking before entering the ring at both the qualifying show and at the final. Failure to comply will result in immediate disqualification. 4. Passports & Microchips should be read by a Vet at the Final 5. Two mares in each qualifying class may be selected to compete in the final provided the judges agree the standard is high enough. 6. One of the judges must be from the Irish Draught Judges List. 7. Mares qualified for this final are not eligible to enter any other class at Bonniconlon Show. 8. These rules should be read in conjunction with the Irish Shows Association Rules. A prize will be presented for Combination of Best Turned out Animal and Most Suitably Dressed Handler ENTRY FEES: To qualifying Show: £10. To Final: € 20 PRIZES: 1st € 600; 2nd:= € 400; 3rd:= € 200; 4th:= € 150; 5th:= € 100; 6th:= € 80 7th and following will receive € 50 on appearance at Final. Final: BONNICONLON SHOw - Monday 3rd August 2015 Ring 5: Thoroughbred Horses 227. Entry Fee: £10.00 (£9.00 online) PRIZES: 1st = £30, 2nd = £20, 3rd = £10 Thoroughbred Brood Mare, in-foal or with foal at foot. Foals to be led. 228. Thoroughbred Young Horse, 1-3 year old, any sex (excluding stallions) (This class will be split if there are sufficient entries). Championship rosettes will be presented RING 5: Non-Thoroughbred Mares 229. Brood Mare, likely to produce a hunter. (RID mares excluded). Entry Fee: £10.00 (£9.00 online) PRIZES: 1st: £30; 2nd: £20; 3rd: £10 SPRINGFIELD PERPETUAL CUP presented for the Best Non-Thoroughbred Brood Mare. 230. Foals in Previous Class Entry Fee: £8.00 (£7.00 online) PRIZES: 1st = £15, 2nd = £10, 3rd = £5. Plaque for Best Foal and all foals will receive rosettes 10 BROOD MARE - Armagh/Tydavnet Shows Championship RULES 1. To be eligible for the Championship mares must compete in the appropriate class - RID / Appendix Mare or Mare likely to produce a Hunter - at both Armagh County Show and Tydavnet Show. 2. Points will be awarded at each Show as follows: 1st - 10 points; 2nd - 8 points; 3rd - 6 points; 4th - 4 points; 5th - 3 points; all other competitors - 2.5 points. 3. Change of owner between the two Shows will not affect points awarded to mares. 4. Prizes will be as follows: - Champion. - Championship Sash and Award; Reserve Champion: - Reserve Champion Rosette and Award. All other eligible competitors: RING 5: Non Thoroughbred Young Horses ENTRY FEE: £10.00 (£9.00 online) PRIZES: 1st: £30; 2nd: £20; 3rd: £10 J A JOHNSTON (JEWELLERS) PERPETUAL CUP will be presented for the Champion Young Horse.CHAMPIONSHIP SASH and Rosette will be presented. The Championship is sponsored by Philip White Tyres. Young Horse classes will be amalgamated if there are insufficient entries 231. Yearling Colt, Gelding or Filly likely to make a hunter Class 232: ISA qUALIFIER The Irish Shows Assoc. & Castlewellan Show presents The €1,500 All Ireland Yearling Colt/Gelding All Ireland Championship RULES AND CONDITIONS 1. Entries are confined to Animals registered in the Irish Horse Register with the breed codes ISH,RID or ID; & must have Sire & Dam recorded on the passport. 2. Animals must be Sired by a Stallion that is classified in the Irish Sport Horse Stud Book as either: Approved /Preliminary Approved/Supplementary Approved/ Recognised/Preliminary Recognised / Not Approved 1 (NA1) or a Stallion that is classified in the Irish Draught Stud Book as either CLASS 1 /Class 2/ RID (GB) / RID (Can) /Grade 2 (GB) 3. The class is also open to Weatherby’s registered animals, progeny of Weatherby’s Thoroughbred Stallions that are not classified in the Irish Horse Register as Not Approved 2 (NA2) 4. Two Animals may be selected to qualify for the final if the judges and the I.S.A. agree the standard is high enough. 5. Exhibitors to both the qualifier and the final must have the Animals passport available for inspection prior to entry to the judging ring. Failure to comply with this rule will lead to immediate disqualification. 6. Passports & Microchips should be read by a Vet at the Final 7. Animals Qualified for Final are not eligible to enter any other class at the show at which the final is held Those rules should be read in conjunction with the I..S.A. Rules ENTRY FEE: To qualifying Show £10. To Final €20. Prizes: Champion € 500; 2nd € 250; 3rd €175; 4th €150; 5th €100; 6th €75; 7th to the end € 50 each. A prize will be presented for combination of best turned out Horse and most suitably dressed handler. Final: CASTLEwELLAN SHOw – Saturday 18th July 2015 11 233. Two Year Old Gelding or Filly, likely to make a hunter 234. Three Year Old Gelding or Filly, likely to make a hunter Class 235: ISA qUALIFIER The Irish Shows Association and Bannow & Rathangan Show Society presents: The Galway Irish Crystal / Belleek China 3-Year Old All-Ireland Horse Championship. Sponsored by: GalwayCrystal & Belleek China Part of HSI National Showing Championship Series PRIZE FUND: €6000 ENTRY FEES: To qualifying Show: £10. To Final: €20 PRIZES: Champion: € 800 + Galway Irish Crystal Trophy 2nd: €500 + Galway Irish Crystal; 3rd: € 350 + Belleek China; 4th: € 250 + Belleek China; 5th: €200 + Galway Irish Crystal; 6th: €150 + Belleek China; 7th upwards will receive €70. Plus: Galway Irish Crystal or Belleek China award will be presented to all Horses at the qualifying Show and on appearance at the Final. Additional Prizes at the Final: €150 and Trophy for best Filly. €150 and Trophy, for combination of the best turned out horse and most suitably dressed handler. Breeder of winning animal to receive Galway Crystal or Belleek China Trophy. RULES & CONDITIONS 1. Entries are confined to horses registered in the IHR with the breed codes ISH, RID or ID and must have the Sire & Dam recorded in the passport 2. Horses must be sired by a stallion that is classified as either: Approved / Preliminar y Approved / Supplementary Approved / Recognised / Preliminary Recognised / Not approved 1 (NA1) or a stallion that is classified in the Irish Draught Studbook as either Class 1 / Class 2 / RID (GB) / RID (Can) / Grade 2 (GB). 3. The class is also open to Weatherby’s registered animals, the progeny of Thoroughbred stallions that are not classified as Not Approved 2 (NA2) in the IHR. 4. Two Animals may qualify for the final if the judges and the I.S.A. agree the standard is high enough. 5. Exhibitors to both the qualifier and the final must have the passport ready for inspection prior to entry to the judging ring. Failure to comply with this rule will lead to immediate disqualification. 6. Passports & microchips should be read by a vet at the Final 7. Animals Qualified for final are not eligible to enter any other class at the Bannow & Rathangan Show. These rules should be read in conjunction with ISA Rules. For information on accommodation or free stabling for the Final, contact 087-7560871 or 053-9136588 in advance. Final at BANNOw & RATHANGAN SHOw: Thursday 9th July 2015 at 1.30pm 236. 237. 238. Coloured Sport Horse, any age, over 148cm (excl. Stallions) to be shown in hand Veteran Horse - Veteran horse 16 year old and over on 1st January 2015. Any height. (Age should be displayed on the bridle) (excl. Stallions). Rescued Horse / Pony shown in hand. Handlers to be 15 years and over. Proof of rescue must be available for inspection, eg.letter from centre where sourced or photograph when found 12 RIDING HORSES RING 5: Ridden Hunter 10.00am PRIZES: 1st: £30.00; 239: 240. 241. 242. 243. 244: 245. 246: ENTRY FEE: £10.00 (£9.00 online) 2nd: £20.00; 3rd: £10.00; Small Hunter Mare or Gelding, over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15.2 hands to be ridden Mare or Gelding to be shown under saddle to carry up to 12st. 7lbs. Mare or Gelding to be shown under saddle to carry over 12st. 7lbs and up to 14st. Mare or Gelding to be shown under saddle to carry over 14st Cob, Gelding or Mare not exceeding 15.1 hands to be shown under saddle THE BAIRD CUP and ARMAGH COUNTY SHOw SASH will be presented to the Champion Ridden Hunter (1st and 2nd places in classes 239 – 243) Maxi Cob: Mare or gelding, 4 years old or over, exceeding 155cms, to be judged as Cobs. To be shown with hogged mane. To be ridden by riders who have attained their 16th birthday by 1 January 2013. Riding Irish Draught: Ridden hunter class for mares and geldings aged four and over who have a least one recorded Irish Draught parent. A special prize, sponsored by Ballinteggart Sud, will be awarded for the highest placed Purebred Irish Draught with an Irish Draught sire and Irish Draught or Appendix Irish Draught dam. Passports will be required for inspection. The judge will ride the horses. Ladies’ Hunter: Mare or gelding, 4 years old or over to be ridden by ladies in hunting costume riding astride. Riders to have attained their 16th birthday before 1st January in the current year. Royal Dublin Horse Show 2015 Side Saddle Qualifiers 247: LADIES’ SIDE SADDLE. Mare or Gelding, 5 years old or over. To be ridden side saddle by riders who have attained their 16th birthday by 1 January 2015. 247A: JUNIOR SIDE SADDLE: Mare or Gelding, 5 years old or over not exceeding 153cms. Suitable for and to be ridden, side-saddle and wearing hunting costume, by riders who have attained their 8th birthday but who have not attained their 18th birthday by 1 January 2015. RULES: ● These are Armagh County Show classes as well as Dublin Qualifiers. You can enter these classes even though you may not wish to qualify. ● To enter for Dublin, you must print off and complete the entry form on the Armagh Show Webside – Forms page – and hand it to the Secretary at Armagh on Show Day. ● The top three places from each class that have handed in a completed entry form will qualify for Dublin. ● The way of going, manners, rider ability and turnout, way of going for the judge, conformation and movement will be considered as part of the adjudication. ● Entry Fees as for other Riding Classes: £10.00 (£9.00 online booking) 248. 249. 250. Open Riding for Style and General Appearance for Mare or Gelding, to be ridden by a Lady or Gentleman Mare or Gelding to be shown under saddle, for Horses and Riders who have never been placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd at a County Show Coloured Horse - over 148cm to be shown under saddle. 13 RING 1: RACEHORSE TO RIDING HORSE IRELAND Racehorse to Riding Horse 11.00am Entry Fee: £10.00 (£9.00 online) PRIZES: 1st = £30, 2nd = £20, 3rd = £10 Judges: Ms Leanne Porter, Limerick / Ms Michelle Kelly Class 251: Retraining Class (within confines of the show ring) Open • • • to thoroughbred horses that have raced either track or P2P and must not have: won more than 3 classes in either Training or Novice competitions won an open class under Racehorse to Riding Horse Ireland rules, won or placed in the first three at a Championship Show such as Dublin, Balmoral, Hickstead or Wembley. • won a County Show class as a hunter hack or ridden horse. RULES 1. Passport and racing details to be available for inspection on the day of the show. Competitors must have attained their 15th birthday. Proper show turnout essential. 2. Horses to be shown in snaffle bits only and no spurs to be worn in this class 3. The judges do not ride the horse but score on control, obedience, manners and way of going. The format is walk / trot as a group, then line up before being asked to perform an individual show consisting of: walk, trot, canter (on the correct leg), and extension / gallop returning to halt which should be maintained for 5 seconds. 4. Neither racing injuries / blemishes nor conformation are taken into consideration. 5. A score sheet is completed in respect of all competitors and will be available for viewing after the class has been judged. 6. There will be special rosettes for the best turned-out horse and for the best placed veteran horse (over 15 years) Class 252: Open Ridden Class Sponsored by: Down Royal Racecourse. Open to thoroughbred horses that have raced either track or P2P - passport and racing details to be made available for inspection on the day of the show. Competitors must have attained their 15th birthday. Proper show turnout essential. The judges will ride the horses in this class. The horse will perform walk, trot, canter (on the correct leg), gallop, halt (maintained for 5 seconds) and a few steps of rein back. Racing injuries blemishes etc are not taken into consideration. A score sheet will be completed by the judges and this will be available for viewing after the show but will be retained by the association until the conclusion of the league. This class at Armagh County Show is the third leg of a five part league - of which three classes must be entered to qualify. The league will be run on a points system with a trophy for the overall winner. In addition, all competitors will receive a pair of entrance tickets to a race at Down Royal (race meeting date will be at the discretion of Down Royal) Dublin qualifier: Racehorse to Riding Horse Class Armagh County Show is an “Invitational Event” for the RDS Racehorse to Riding Horse Class at the 2015 Discover Ireland Dublin Horse Show. The winner of the Open Racehorse to Riding Horse Class at Armagh Show will receive an invitation for the 2015 Class at the Dublin Horse Show provided that the eligibility criteria of the class are met 14 Class 253: Unraced Thoroughbred Class Class 254: Side Saddle Thoroughbred Class Open to unraced thoroughbreds that have never raced in a P2P or track. Horses may be officially named or unnamed but not raced. Entries to this class must have official Weatherbys passports which must be available for inspection. Horses will be required to walk, trot, canter as a group on both reins and then line up for either an individual show and / or to be ridden by the judge. This class is based on the suitability of a riding horse – neither conformation nor blemishes are taken into account. Manners, control, obedience and ride are the primary factors in the judging of this class. Score sheets will be completed for each horse and will be available for inspection after judging. Entries open to raced and unraced thoroughbred horses registered with Weatherbys (passports to be available for inspection). This class will be judged on manners, control and obedience. An individual show will be required for all competitors showing all paces on both reins with extension at trot and a rein back after the gallop. Racehorse to Riding Horse Championship: The Lawerence Duffin Memorial Cup and sash will be presented to the Champion, and rosette for the Reserve Class 255: Racehorse to Hunt Horse Class Open to thoroughbred horses, raced or unraced, which are registered with Weatherbys – passports must be available for inspection. Competitors have to negotiate a swinging gate – open, go through and close behind. Lift the stirrup cup from the tray and replace it. The hunting horn is then blown to commence the jumping phase which will include a hurdle and an assortment of jumps. This is a fun event and as such there will be commentary and the spectators will have a say in the overall winner – it will be an entertaining and fun event. NI HOUND SHOw Hound Show will be held at the top of the Horse Field 10.30am - 4.00pm 15 PONY SECTION Judge: Ms L Cadman, Lancs. Judging in Pony rings commences at 9.30am sharp ENTRY FEE: £8 (£7.00 online) RING 3: 256. Pony Showing PRIZES: 1st: £20; 2nd: £15; 3rd: £10 9.30am Pony Brood Mare. 4 Years old or over, not exceeding 148cm, in foal or with own foal at foot by a pony Stallion, not exceeding 153cm, with a Stud Book qualification as set out below. In the case of a Brood Mare without a foal at foot, covering sire must be named and a certificate produced. PONY STALLION QUALIFICATION 1. Weatherby’s (including pure Arabs) 2. Arab Stud Book or Anglo Arab Stud Book 3. Part Bred Arab Stud Register 4. Any recognised Pony Stud Book or Register ARMSTRONG CUP will be presented for the best Pony Brood Mare. Plaque for the best foal. 257. 258. 259. 260. 1/2/3 Year Old Colt, Gelding or Filly. Not exceeding 146cm, to make a child’s Riding Pony. 1/2/3 Year Old Colt, Gelding or Filly. Not exceeding 151cm, to make a child’s Show Hunter Pony. The highest placed exhibit in each class, within the first three places, not already qualified, will qualify for the N.P.S. Area 32 Pony Breeding Championships held at Clogher Valley Show. Pony Youngstock Championship. Open to 1st & 2nd place in previous 2 classes The TYNAN ABBEY CUP will be awarded to the Champion. Lead Rein Leading Rein Pony, Mare or Gelding, 4 years old or over not exceeding 122cms. Riders must have attained their 3rd birthday before 1st January in current year but not to have attained their 7th birthday before 1st January in the current year. To be led by an attendant and shown in a snaffle bridle. Lead rein to be attached to the noseband only. Ponies in this class are excluded from entering Family Pony Lead Rein Class. First Ridden First Ridden pony, Mare or Gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 122 cm. Riders not to have attained their 10th birthday before 1st January in the current year. To be shown in any suitable bridle. Ponies in this class are excluded from entering Family Pony First Ridden Class The highest placed exhibit not already qualified within the first three places in each class will qualify for the N.P.S. Area 32 Mini Championships held at Clogher Valley Show. Mini Show Pony Championship. Open to 1st & 2nd place in previous 2 classes. 261. Show Hunter Pony Lead Rein Show Hunter Pony 4 years old or over not exceeding 122cms to be ridden by a rider who has not attained their 8th birthday before 1st January in the current year. To be led by an attendant. To be shown in snaffle bridles. Lead Rein to be attached to the noseband only. Ponies in this class are excluded from entering Familiy Pony Lead Rein Class 262. Show Hunter Pony First Ridden 122 cm Show Hunter Pony 4 year old or over not exceeding 122cms. Rider not to have attained their 11th birthday before 1st January in the current year. Ponies in this class are excluded from entering Family Pony First Ridden Class. The highest placed exhibit not already qualified within the first three places in each class will qualify for the N.P.S. Area 32 Mini Championship held at Clogher Valley Show. Mini Hunter Pony Championship. Open to 1st & 2nd place in previoius 2 classes. 16 263. 264. 265. 266. Novice Show Pony. For Mares & Geldings 4 years old or over, not exceeding 148cm, suitable for and ridden by riders of correct age. The highest placed exhibit not already qualified within the first three places in each class will qualify for the NPS Area 32 Show Pony Championship held at Clogher Valley Show. Novice Show Hunter Pony. For Mares & Geldings 4 years old or over, not exceeding 153cm, suitable for and ridden by riders of correct age. The highest placed exhibit not already qualified within the first three places in each class will qualify for the NPS Area 32 Show Hunter Pony Championship held at Clogher Valley Show. Novice Show Hunter Pony Championship. Open to 1st & 2nd place in previous 2 classes. The Jackie Stinson Memorial Trophy will be presented to the Champion Novice Pony. Open Show Pony. For Mares & Geldings 4 years old or over, not exceeding 148cm, suitable for and ridden by riders of correct age. The highest placed exhibit not already qualified within the first three places in each class will qualify for the NPS Area 32 Show Pony Championship held at Clogher Valley Show. Open Show Hunter Pony. For Mares & Geldings 4 years old or over, not exceeding 153cm, suitable for and ridden by riders of correct age. ARMAGH COUNTY SHOw SHIELD will be awarded to winner of this class. The highest placed exhibit not already qualified within the first three places in each class will qualify for the NPS Area 32 Show Hunter Pony Championship held at Clogher Valley Show. Open Show Hunter Pony Championship. Open to 1st & 2nd place in previous 2 classes. RING 3 Family Pony After lunch ENTRY FEE: £8.00 (£7.00 online) Prizes: 1st: = £20; 2nd: = £15; 3rd = £10; Rosettes + medals to 6th Family ponies are all-round working ponies, pony and/or rider not to have won a 1st or 2nd Prize in Riding/Show Hunter/M&M Riding classes at Agricultural or Society Shows (family pony classes excluded). Conformation will not be judged, but the suitability of pony and rider will. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. Family Pony Lead Rein. To be ridden by children 9 years and under on 1st January in current year. Ponies must be led with lead rein attached to noseband. To be shown in a snaffle bridle. Mare or Gelding of suitable height. If entries warrant it this class will be divided. Family Pony Riding Class. To be ridden by children under 12 years on 1st January in current year and off lead rein. Mare or Gelding of suitable height. If entries warrant it this class will be divided. Family Pony Riding Class. Riders having attained their 12th but not their 17th on January 1st in current year. Ponies not to exceed 153cm. Family Pony Championship. Open to 1st & 2nd placed ponies in above 3 classes. Championship Sashes will be awarded to Champion & Reserve. The Malcolm Anderson Memorial Trophy will be presented to the Family Pony Champion. Coloured Pony In Hand. Any age or sex under 148cms. Traditional Irish Cob, mare or gelding, 4 years of age or over to be shown in hand Handler to be 15years and over 17 272. 273. 274. Coloured Pony Ridden. Mare or Gelding, 4 Years old or over, to be ridden by rider of correct age. Coloured Pony Championship: Open to 1st & 2nd place in above 3 classes. Veteran Pony shown in hand: 15 years old and over on 1st January 2010. Any height. (Age of pony should be displayed on the bridle.) Young Handler Class. Children up to 16 Years of age on 1st January in current year. Mare or Gelding 4 years old or over. No Stallions or Colts. To be judged purely on the ability of handlers` showing. All exhibitors MUST wear a current British Standard Riding Hat. Exhibitors in this class must be supervised by an adult at all times. Open First Ridden Pony Armagh/Tydavnet Shows Championship Rules: 1. To be eligible for the Championship ponies must compete in the designated class at both Armagh Show and Tydavnet Show. 2. Points will be awarded at each Show as follows: 1st - 10 points; 2nd - 8 points; 3rd - 6 points; 4th - 4 points; 5th - 3 points; all other competitors - 2.5 points. 3. Change of rider or owner between the two Shows will not affect points awarded to ponies. 4. Prizes will be as follows: - Champion. - Champion Sash and Trophy. Reserve Champion: - Reserve Champion Rosette and Award. All other eligible competitors: - Rosettes. RING 4: Native Ponies Judge: Ms V Hodgett, Lancs. Judging commences at 9.30am Shetland Ponies 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 9.30am ENTRY FEE: £8.00 (£7.00 online) Prizes: 1st: = £20; 2nd: = £15; 3rd:= £10 Colt, Gelding or Filly 1, 2 or 3 Years old Stallions or Geldings 4 Years old or over Glenmar Perpetual Cup. awarded to Best Registered Male Shetland Pony. Mares 4 Years old or over Conly Perpetual Cup awarded to best Registered Brood Mare with foal at foot. Shetland Foal Young Handlers Class. Handlers under 16yrs on Show Day. Stallions excluded. The highest placed exhibit in each class within the first three places, not already qualified will qualify for the N.P.S. Area 32 M & M Championships held at Clogher Valley Connemara Ponies 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. Ridden Connemara 4 Years old or over. Stallion /Gelding 4 years Old or Over Colt, Gelding or Filly Three years or under Brood Mare/Yield Mare The highest placed exhibit in each class, within the first three places, not already qualified will qualify for the N.P.S. Area 32 M & M Championships held at Clogher Valley Show. Connemara Foal Connemara Championship: Open to 1st & 2nd places in the Connemara Classes 18 welsh Ponies 285. 286. 287. 288. welsh Section A. welsh Sec B. welsh Pony Sec C or D. welsh 1/2/3 Years The highest placed exhibit in each class within the first three places, not already qualified will qualify for the N.P.S. Area 32 M & M Championships held at Clogher Valley show. welsh Championship: Open to 1st & 2nd place in above classes 289. Part-Bred welsh: Any age or sex, to be shown in hand. Mountain & Moorland 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. Mixed Mountain & Moorland - Small Breeds, any age, shown in-hand Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland, Welsh Sections A & B Mixed Mountain & Moorland - Large Breeds, any age, shown in-hand Connemara, Dales, Fell, Highland, Welsh Sections C & D Mixed Mountain & Moorland In-Hand Championship: Open to 1st and 2nd prize winners in previous 2 classes. The highest placed exhibit, not already qualified and within the first 3 places in the previous 2 classes will qualify for the NPS Area 32 M & M Championship at Clogher Valley Show Mountain & Moorland Lead Rein Mares or Geldings 4 years old or over not exceeding 122cms. Riders must have obtained their 3rd Birthday but not have attained their 9th Birthday before 1st Jan. in the current year. To be led by an attendant and shown in a snaffle bridle, the lead rein to be attached by the noseband only. (Part bred are not eligible). The highest placed exhibit in above class within the first three places, not already qualified will qualify for the N.P.S. Area 32 Mini Championships held at Clogher Valley Show. Mountain & Moorland First Ridden Mare or Gelding, 4 years old or over not exceeding 128cms. Riders not to have attained their 12th birthday before 1st January in the current year. To be shown in any suitable bridle. (Part bred are not eligible). The highest placed exhibit in above class within the first three places, not already qualified will qualify for the N.P.S. Area 32 Mini Championships held at Clogher Valley Show. Mountain & Moorland Mini Championship. Open to 1st & 2nd placed ponies in above 2 classes. The Taylor Perpetual Trophy will be presented to the M & M Mini Champion. Open Mountain & Moorland Ridden Small Breeds Open to M&M ponies registered in their respective pure bred Breed Societies of Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland, Welsh A & B. Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 4 years old or over. Rider any age. (Part bred are not eligible). Open Mountain & Moorland Large Breeds Open to M&M ponies registered in their respective pure bred Breed Societies of Connemara, Dales, Fell, Highland, Welsh C & D. Rider any age. (Part bred are not eligible). Open Mountain & Moorland Ridden Championship. Open to 1st & 2nd placed ponies in above 2 classes. 19 wORKING HUNTER Working Hunter Rings at bottom of horse field: Commencing at 9.00am sharp for Ponies - After lunch for Horses Judges: Ponies: Mrs P Turner & Mrs A Millar Horses: Mrs D Colebrooke & Ms D Tems working Hunter Pony PRIZES: 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 1st: = £25; Commencing at 9.00am sharp ENTRY FEE: £8.00 (£7.00 online entry) 2nd: = £20; 3rd: = £15; 4th: = £10 working Hunter Pony Starter Stakes. For Novice and Open Ponies, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 133cm, suitable for and ridden by riders who have not attained their 12th birthday on 1st January of the current year. Any combination of pony and rider competing in this Class may not compete in any other Working Hunter Pony Class at the same Show. Novice 133cm working Hunter Pony Class. For ponies 4 years old and over, not exceeding 133cm, suitable for and ridden by riders who have not attained their 14th birthday on 1st January of the current year. Novice 143cm working Hunter Pony Class. For ponies 4 years old and over, exceeding 133cm but not exceeding 143 cm, suitable for and ridden by riders who have not attained their 17th birthday on 1st January of the current year. Novice 153cm working Hunter Pony Class. For ponies 4 years old and over, exceeding 143cm but not exceeding 153cm, suitable for and ridden by riders who have not attained their 20th birthday on 1st January of the current year. ARMAGH COUNTY SHOw PERPETUAL CHALLENGE SHIELD will be awarded to the Novice Working Hunter Pony Champion. Open 133cm working Hunter Pony Class. For ponies 4 years old and over, not exceeding 133cm, suitable for and ridden by riders who have not attained their 14th birthday on 1st January of the current year. Open 143cm working Hunter Pony Class. For ponies 4 years old and over, exceeding 133cm but not exceeding 143cm, suitable for and ridden by riders who have not attained their 17th birthday on 1st January of the current year. Open 153cm working Hunter Pony Class. For ponies 4 years old and over, exceeding 143cm but not exceeding 153cm, suitable for and ridden by riders who have not attained their 20th birthday on 1st January of the current year. ARMAGH COUNTY SHOw PERPETUAL CHALLENGE SHIELD will be awarded to the Champion Open Working Hunter Pony. THE ALEXANDER MILLS CUP will be presented to the Working Hunter Pony Champion. 20 Armagh & Tydavnet Shows working Hunter Pony Championship 2015 Armagh County Agricultural Show and Tydavnet Parish Show proudly present their combined working Hunter Championship 2015 Pony Championship will comprise of the following grades Open Pony 133cm @ 70cm Open Pony 143cm @80cm Open Pony 153cm@90cm Rules: * Points awarded at both shows are as follows: 1st 10pts; 2nd 8pts; 3rd 6pts; 4th 4pts; 5th 3pts; 6th to 10th place 2pts * Leading 1st and 2nd placed ponies in each grade after both shows qualify for the Working Hunter Championship, final to be held at Tydavnet Show on 15th August 2015. * To qualify for the overall Working Hunter Championship all pony entries must attend both shows. * Change of Rider or Owner between the two shows will not affect points awarded to individual ponies . * Please note if any rider qualifies with a pony/ponies from same or different grades, only one pony can be declared for the overall Working Hunter Championship Final. * Passports must be available for inspection. Championship prizes: Champion Pony will receive Perpetual Cup, Sash and €150 Reserve Pony will receive Championship Rosette and €50 wORKING HUNTER HORSES Starts immediately after lunch ENTRY FEE: £10.00 (£9.00 for online entry) Prizes: 1st £100.00; 2nd £75.00; 3rd £50.00; 4th £40.00 THE COURSE: The course shall consist of 8 to 12 fences. It shall have a combination of upright and spread fences and may include a double or a small bounce fence. The fences shall be natural in type with copious sensible filling and not be easily dislodged. Only white or rustic poles shall be used. A small gate, bank or water jump may also be included. The fences shall have a maximum height of 1.0m for the open class and 0.9m for the novice class. JUDGING PHASES: Phase 1: JUMPING: Each horse will be required to jump the course. To be judged 60% for jumping performance (40% for actual jumping and 20% for style and presence). Judges will take into account the overall style of the jumping and each fence will be taken into consideration. The approach, take off, jump, landing and depart from each fence will be assessed. Phase 2: RIDE: The judge may ride all horses in all paces on either or both reins they may jump the horse over one fence. Phase 3: CONFORMATION AND MOVEMENT: The conformation and movement of the horse inhand will be assessed by the judge. 1. 2. 3. NOTES: The same rider must ride the horse throughout the class. A rider may ride several horses in the jumping phase of the competition but will have to choose one horse to compete the remainder of the competition. The same horse cannot enter both Novice and Open classes. 21 4. 5. 6. Tack, No brushing boots will be worn in the showing phase. A running martingale with a snaffle bridle only. Double bridle may be worn. The same tack must be worn in all phases. No Grade A Showjumpers or advanced Event Horses may compete in Open Working Hunter classes. Novice Classes are restricted to horses that have not won £200 in prize money (excl. Championship prize money) in any Working Hunter Class. Phase 1: Phase 2: Phase 3: 303. 304. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MARKING SCHEME: Jumping … Style and Presence … Ride … Conformation and Movement … … … … … PENALTIES: 10 marks for pole knocked 15 marks for first refusal 20 marks for second refusal Third refusal - elimination Elimination - for a fall of either horse or rider. … … … … Total 40 marks 20 marks 20 marks 20 marks 100 marks Novice working Hunter Class. Mare or Gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 148cm, and never having won a hunter competition at an agricultural or society summer show. Fences not to exceed 1m. Open Horse working Hunter. Open to horses exceeding 153cm (15hh approx). Maximum height of fences 1.15m Armagh Show Horse working Hunter Championship will be confined to the 1st & 2nd prizewinners in the previous 2 classes. The Bank of Ireland Challenge Cup and Sash will be presented to the Champion Armagh & Tydavnet Shows working Hunter Horse Championship 2015 Armagh County Agricultural Show and Tydavnet Parish Show proudly present their combined working Hunter Horse Championship 2015 Open to all horses – both Novice & Open exceeding 153cm (15hh approx.) Rules: * Points awarded at both shows are as follows: 1st 10pts; 2nd 8pts; 3rd 6pts; 4th 4pts; 5th 3pts; 6th to 10th place 2pts * Leading 1st and 2nd placed horses after both shows qualify for the Working Hunter Championship final to be held at Tydavnet Show on 15th August 2015 . * To qualify for the overall Working Hunter Championship all Horse entries must attend both shows. * Change of Rider or Owner between the two shows will not affect points awarded to individual horses. * Please note if any rider qualifies with multiple horse entries from same or different grades, only one horse can be declared for the overall Working Hunter Championship Final. * Passports must be available for inspection. Working Hunter Horse Championship prizes will be as follows: Champion Pony will receive Perpetual Cup, Sash and €250 Reserve Pony will receive Championship Rosette and €50 22 SHOw JUMPING (Unaffiliated) Armagh County Agricultural Show & Mossvale Riding Club Saturday 13th June 2015 Gosford Forest Park, Markethill Both Arenas commence at 9.30 sharp! PRIZE FUND £1200 + Prizes in Kind All entries taken on the day ARENA 1 - PONIES ALL PRIZES IN KIND 40cm 50cm 60cm 65cm 70cm 75cm 80cm 85cm 90cm 95cm draw for prize draw for prize draw for prize against the clock draw for prize against the clock draw for prize against the clock draw for prize against the clock PONY ENTRY FEES £10 Rules: • • • JUMPING CLASSES ARENA 2 - HORSES £1200 PRIZE FUND CLASS PRIZE FUND ENTRY FEE 60cm Double Clears £50 £12 70cm Double Clears £50 £12 80cm 2 phase 2nd phase timed £100 £12 90cm 2 phase 2nd phase timed £200 £15 1m 2 phase 2nd phase timed £200 £15 1.10m 2 phase 2nd phase timed £200 £15 1.20m 2 phase 2nd phase timed £200 £15 1.30m 2 phase 2nd phase timed £200 £15 ONLY HORSES ARE ELIGIBLE FOR PRIZE FUND Judges decisions will be final Only horses are eligible for the prize fund (at the discretion of the judges, unless proven by passport) Ponies may compete in horse classes but are not eligible for the prize fund Course Builder: Enquiries: Mr Raymond Jess (0044) 7802 655065 23
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