AA Newsletter June 2015.cdr

Happy Summer!
Your Neighborhood, My Neighborhood, Our Neighborhood...
JUNE 2015
Board Of Directors
President: Brian Fontana
VP: Lyle Krueger
Secretary: Lisa Whalen
Treasurer: Dave Campagna
Operations: Tim Salzbrenner
Newsletter: Nancy Sayles
Membership: Annie Beck
Website: Laurie Brodeur
Members At Large:
Mark Goodrich
Jake Farrell
Doug Larson
Committee Chairs
Social Committee
Bonnie Farkas
Recap: Annual Meeting - April 28, 2015
The Armbrust Acres
Homeowners Association
annual meeting was held at
Clancy April 28th. AAHA
President, Brian Fontana,
introduced all current board
and committee members. He
covered various topics, such
as the membership dues, the
2014 treasury reports, 2015
projects, upcoming events
and issues to be discussed.
For the year of 2014 we had
numerous important projects.
Tree trimming, cleaning up
our cul-de-sac's, replacing
dead trees in the park, a new
grill and cul-de-sacs, and our
annual 4th of July festivities.
We are still in the process of
cleaning up the cul-de-sacs,
trimming trees and cleaning
up the entrances.
The 2015 focus will be on
fundraising for new
playground equipment, to get
more trees planted, update
more cul-de-sacs, put more
effort in the events around our
Independence Day
celebration and have our
basketball court cleaned and
Laura Hanson, who has
spearheaded the playground
replacement committee,
presented her findings in
regards to meeting with
prospective playground
builders and fundraising. The
main focus of 4th of July will
be the start of fundraising for
the park. It's estimated the
costs for the park renovation
could be in the $100,000 to
$150,000 range. Fundraising
will focus on donations and
Char Smith talked to the
neighbors about the real
estate market and updates to
your houses. This is a great
market to sell as houses are
brining premiums not seen in
quite some time.
The last topics were issues
that have been brought to the
board's attention. Issues
reported were related to
parking on the street, political
signs, dogs barking, Movies
in the Park, Santa Volunteers
and traffic issues on certain
corners. Keep an eye out for
further discussions of these
We would like to thank all
residents for attending!
Armbrust Acres Housing Market
There are currently 6 homes
for sale in Armbrust. The
average price is $ $289,483
with an average market time
of 35 days. There have been
21 homes sold in the last year.
Average price was $ 272,172
with an average time of 25
days. Currently there are 7
properties pending. Please
call one of us for a complete
market analysis report.
John Rohwer 402 - 677-1111
or Char Smith 402- 6779279.
Social Committee
Brigette Porro
New Neighbor Coordinator:
Chris Olson
$279,900 - 16332 Oak Circle
$270,000 - 16629 Westfield Cir $300,000 - 16506 Frederick Cir
$297,000 - 16336 Bancroft St
$285,000 - 16584 Hascall St
Lost and Found: Rose Bockleman
Garage Sale: Rose Rutherford
Security Alerts: Dave Beck
$265,000 - 16426 Pasadena Cir
Volunteer Opportunity - Entrance Maintenance
Calling all residents who would like to
work to beautify the AA entrances. We
would like to meet every Tuesday
evening this summer from around 6:30 to
8:30pm to enjoy each others company,
make new friends, help pull weeds, trim
bushes and plant annuals. Just put on
your work gloves and bring a yard waste
sack or can and what ever tools you
would like to use and come on over to the
main entrance on 168th and Oak. Join us
any time after supper on Tuesdays all
summer long. Contact Dalene Davis
402-490-2366 if you have questions.
Covenants Reminder - Restrictions And Covenants
Improvement shall deliver two sets of
construction plans, landscaping plans,
fencing plans and plot plans to the
Association (herein collectively referred
to as the "plans"). Such plans shall
include a description type, quality, color
and use of materials proposed for the
exterior of such Improvement.
Concurrent with submission of the plans,
Owner shall notify theAssociation of the
Owner's mailing address.
Improvement shall be exercised by the
Association to promote development of
the Lots and to protect the values,
character and residential quality of all
Lots. If the Association determines that
the proposed Improvement will not
protect and enhance the integrity and
character of all the Lots and neighboring
Lots as a quality residential community,
the Association may refuse approval of
the proposed Improvement.
b. The Association shall review such
plans in relation to the type and exterior
of improvements constructed, or
approved for construction, on
neighboring Lots and in the surrounding
area, and any general scheme or plans
formulated by the Association. In this
regard, the Association intends that the
Lots shall be developed residential
community with homes constructed of
high quality materials. The decision to
a. An owner desiring to erect an approve or refuse approval of a proposed
c. A Notice of Approval of the proposed
improvement by the Armbrust Acres
Board of Directors must be received by
the owner before commencement of the
If the owner does not receive a Notice of
Approval nor a Notice of Denial within
forty five 3 (45) days after the date of
submission of the plans then the owner
can consider them
1. Each Lot, with the exception of any
outlots being used as a park as of the date
hereof, shall be used exclusively for
single-family residential purposes.
2. No residence, building, fence, wall,
driveway, patio, patio enclosure,
swimming pool, basketball backboard,
dog house, tree house, antenna, satellite
receiving stations ("discs") (other than
DIRECTTV or similar such discs), flag
pole, solar heating or cooling device, tool
shed, storage shed, potting shed, wind
mill or other external improvement,
above or below the ground (herein all
referred to as any "Improvement") shall
be constructed, erected, placed or
permitted to remain on any Lot, nor shall
any grading or excavation for any
Improvement be commenced, except for
Improvements which have been
approved by theAssociation as follows:
Become a business sponsor!
Help fund the new
for Armbrust Acres
Your logo will be in the newsletter until we have our new playground
- Receive a Sponsorship Discount on ads in our newsletter
- Your business will be named as sponsor in several articles
For Questions regarding the sponsorship opportunities, please contact Nancy Sayles at 402-699-2486 or Dave Campagna 402.578.5205
Armbrust Acres News
June 10, 2015 - Board Meeting!
The board meeting will be held at the
Salzbrenner residence.
Anyone who is interested in financials,
social activities, planning, getting a
status update on landscaping actions or
just to see what is going on is invited to
join us at 7 pm at the Salzbrenner
residence at 16325 Grover Street.
Lost & Found:
FOUND: Black Sony remote control.
Found at 163rd & Elm
Please contact Rose Bockelman if you
have any information about lost or
found items at 402-697-9250 or email
Baseball Field & Park Shelter
Requests are honored in the order in
which they are received and/or by the interested in joining the committee.
number of coaches and children that live The next meeting will be held on June 4,
in the neighborhood.
2015. Join the committee at 7PM at
For more information, please contact
S h a n e v i a e m a i l a t
Shane_Belohrad@ajg.com. You may Fourth of July Helpers Needed!
We are looking for volunteers to help
also call him at (402) 676-7854.
with the Fourth of July Carnival
If you are interested, please contact
Laura Hansen or Lindsay Creath via
email at lhansen@investorsomaha.com
or lncreath@gmail.com.
Playground Equipment
Your help is needed. We assembled a ArmbrustAcres Directory
committee that meets once a month and The new Armbrust Acres Directories
discusses steps to be taken, plans fund- was printed and will be delivered in the
raisers and anything that will help to next couple of days. Learn about your
replace our current playground neighbors and services they may offer.
equipment. Please send an email to It is always good to have a copy!
armbrust.voice@gmail.com if you are
Did you know?
International Picnic Day celebrates the gathering together outdoors to eat and enjoy
one another's company - The Picnic. As an informal food holiday, there are few rules
and lots of options. International Picnic Day is observed on June 18th each year.
Follow the Armbrust Acres Homeowner's
Association on Facebook!
Get the latest updates on events and news
and share them with your friends!
You can find information about ongoing meetings, our
Independence Day celebrations, Movies at the Park,
alerts, garage sales, cleanups, volunteer opportunities,
lost and found information and much more.
Join us today!
Monday-Saturday 11.00 AM-10.00 PM
Sunday 3.00 PM-9.00 PM
15619 West Center Rd
Omaha, NE 68130
Thank you for your support of Piezon’s first year of business!
10% OFF*
For Armbrust ResidentsPlease bring this coupon!
*excludes lunch specials
Armbrust Acres Newsletter Coupon - June 2015
Baby Birds Out of the Nest - What To Do?
Sooner or later, no matter where you
live, you’ll come across a baby bird on
the ground. You’ll have to decide
whether you should rescue it or leave it
to fend for itself. In most cases, it is best
not to interfere. The natural parents do a
much better job at raising their young
than we could ever do. A baby bird that is
featherless must be fed every 15 to 20
minutes from about sunrise to 10 p.m.!
This obviously requires a large time
commitment on the part of the foster
beginning feathers: If you find an
uninjured nestling that has fallen or been
pushed out of its nest, replace it in the
nest (Fig. 2). (Note that this behavior is
actually adaptive for some species. This
way, only the strongest of the brood
survive and go on to raise young
themselves.) If the nest has fallen down
(common after windstorms), replace the
nest in a tree with the baby bird(s) in it.
(It is not true that birds abandon their
chicks if a person touches them. Birds
have a poor sense of smell.)
Finding fully feathered birds: If the bird
is fully or partially feathered, chances
are it doesn't need your help. As young
birds develop they soon outgrow the
limited space of a nest. The young birds,
referred to as “fledglings” or
“branchers” at this stage, typically leave
the nest and move about on the ground
and on low branches for a few days
before they can fly (Fig. 1). Their parents
are nearby and continue to care for the
birds, answering their demanding calls
with regular deliveries of food. The
scolding calls coming from the nearby
tree are likely the adult birds, voicing
their disapproval while they wait for you If you can’t find the nest or accessing it
to leave.
is too dangerous, put the baby bird where
its parents can find it but where it will be
safe from cats. Use a small plastic berry
basket, margarine tub, or similar
container lined with shredded paper
towels (no cotton products, which tend
to tangle up in birds’ feet). With a nail or
wire, fasten the makeshift nest to a shady
spot in a tree or tall shrub near where the
bird was found. Next, place the nestling
inside, tucking the feet underneath the
Unless injured, the fledgling bird should The parents will usually come back in a
be left where it is. Efforts should be short time and will feed the babies in the
made to keep cats, dogs, and curious container just as if it were the original
children away from the bird so the nest. (Often, you will see the mother
mother can continue to feed it.
going back and forth between each
Unfortunately, this is when people often “nest,” feeding both sets of babies.)
interfere and take a healthy bird out of
the wild. Not only is this illegal (except
Times when you should consider
in the case of starlings, house sparrows,
quickly getting the bird to a wildlife
and domestic pigeons), but it also
deprives the growing bird of essential
(1) If the parents don’t find the new nest
care it needs from its parents.
within two hours, or if you are certain
Finding naked birds or birds with
Follow Armbrust Acres
Homeowners Association
that the mother of a baby bird is dead;
(2) if the bird is hurt or sick (unable to
flutter wings, bleeding, wings drooping
unevenly, weak or shivering), or the bird
was attacked by cat or dog, call a wildlife
rehabilitator immediately. The longer
the delay, the less chance the bird has of
surviving. Your local wildlife office
keeps a list of rehabilitators and can tell
you which ones serve your area, or you
can look under “Animals” or “Wildlife”
in your phone directory. If a rehabilitator
isn’t available, follow the menu options
over the phone or on the group’s Web site
for information on what to do.
While waiting for a rehabilitator to
arrive, pick the bird up with your gloved
hands and place it in a well-ventilated,
covered box or paper bag that is padded
with paper towels.
Keep the baby bird warm and in a quiet,
dark place until it can be picked up by a
wildlife rehabilitator. If the bird is cold,
put one end of the bird’s container on a
heating pad set on low. Or, fill a zip-top
plastic bag, plastic soft-drink container
with a screw lid, or a rubber glove with
hot water. Wrap the warm container with
cloth, and put it next to the animal. Make
sure the container doesn’t leak, or the
animal will get wet and chilled.
Do not give the baby bird any liquids
(they get all they need from their food
and very often will inhale any liquid).
Wash your hands after contact with the
bird. Wash anything the bird was in
contact with—towel, jacket, blanket, pet
carrier—to prevent the spread of
diseases and/or parasites to you or your
Source: http://wdfw.wa.gov/
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Fourth Of July Parade
Register Your Antique or Classic Car!
This years parade has a new and slightly
longer route.
To make this years parade a success, we
would like to ask you not just to
participate, but also bring your antique or
classic car.
We expect quite a number of participants
and would therefor like to ask that you let
us know as soon as possible if you will
join with your antique or classic car.
Please contact Denise Salzbrenner at
dksalzbrenner@yahoo.com to let us
know about the car you will bring!
Please let all your friends and Family
know and ask them to join us in our
After the parade we have lunch food
trucks at Armbrust Park and the Bounce
House will be open for the kids.
Please find more details about the
‘Fourth of July - Festival & Fireworks’on
page 7 of the newsletter.
Membership Dues Update
We would like to give a special
“Thanks” to all of the families who
have already paid their membership
dues from 2015. As of May 21st, we
have collected dues from
approximately 88% of the residents.
A huge ‘Thank You’ to all volunteers
and families that donated extra money.
Please call Annie Beck at (402) 6589140 if you are unable to get a copy of
the form.
Families that ‘Gave Extra’ as
Ackman - Adam - Aden - Amick Anderson, Roy - Andrews - Armbrust,
Amy - Armbrust, Willis - Atkinson Ballard - Bauer, Darold - Bauer, Mike
- Beck - Belohrad - Blumenthal, Jon Bockelman - Bogatz - Bornholdt Brady - Brendenkamp - Brennan –
Brown - Bruce - Campagna - Chastain
- Clatanoff - Connealy - Cooney Decker – Dennis - Dethlefs - Deweerdt
- Drake - Duckworth - Dudley - Egbert
Lane - Lanoha - Lenhoff - Libis Litherland - Lovstad - Lynch – Lynn Maas - McCollister - McCoy McDowell - McGuire - McIalwain
–McIllece - McKenna - McMillan Meierhenry - Moon - Moritz - Mueller
- Murphy - O'Connell
O'Neal - Olson, Robert - Olson,
Daniel - Olson, David - Osborne Peers - Penwell - Person - Peterson,
Chuck - Peterson, David - Pettay –
Petty - Phillips - Radtke - Reno Reynolds - Rimington - Rohwer Ronnenkamp - Rotella - Royers –
Salzbrenner, Tim & Denise - Sayles Schaaf - Schergin - Schicker - Scott Shafer - Sliva - Smith, Dennis Smith, Greg - Sohnholz - Stephens Stewart – Sueper - Swartz - Syers Torpy – Turner - Umbarger - Van
Hechtner - Henry - Hollendieck - Holt Osdel - Watson - Weiss, Jim - Whalen
- Hytrek – Irons - Jensen - Jepson, - Wiese - Will - Wilson, Andy Mark - Jepson, Pat - Jeyaram - Johnson, Wilson, Tom - Wolf - Zavadil
Cameron - Kamphaus – Karlin Karpan - King - Koch, Ed - Koch, Thank you!
Michael - Krause - Kuehn - Kula - Elofson - Emry - Farkas - Fereday –
Feuerbach - Fontana - Formanack Franke - Fricke - Furlow - Gaines –
Ganer - Garrett - Gelbman - Gilbert Gjere - Good – Grant - Grimm - Grothe
- Guinn - Halvorson - Hanmer - Heard -
Join the Armbrust Acres neighborhood on 168th & Center in celebrating Independence Day with fun for the
whole family!
Food trucks, carnival games, music, a parade are just a few of the festive activities you can expect. Of course,
the evening will be topped off with a dazzling and grand fireworks display! Check out the schedule of events
to see what's happening throughout the day.
Proceeds from the event help support efforts for a new playground. Help support the community and enjoy
the holiday all at the same time!
Follow the event on the Armbrust Acres Homeowners Association Facebook page and share it with your
11:00 AM - Parade, beginning at 165th and Center (everybody is encouraged to
decorate their bikes, wagons, or even themselves and celebrate along the parade route!)
11:30 AM - Food Trucks begins lunch service & Bounce House open
4:00 PM - Carnival Begins*
4:30 PM - Food Trucks begin dinner service
5:00 PM - Clowns and Princesses arrive
7:00 PM - DJ begins
8:00 PM - Dippin' Dots begins service
9:00 PM - Fireworks display
*Armbands will be required for carnival activities. They will be available for sale at the park after the parade and throughout the
? Face Painting and Balloon making
? Bounce House
? Ring Toss Game
? Duck Pond
? Bucket Toss
? Candy Jar Guessing Game
? Bean Bag Toss
? Cake Walk
? Giant Bowling
? Lollipop Tree
? Ping Pong Ball Toss
? Quarter Drop
? Tugawar
? Hulahoop
? Basketball Shoot Out
? Real Princesses of Omaha
? Photo Booth
and more...
? Chicago Dawg House
? 402 BBQ
? Piccolo's
? Ox & Bull BBQ
? Maria Bonita
? Island Season
? Dippin’ Dots
Follow our event on the Armbrust Acres Homeowner's Association Facebook page for the latest updates and to share with your friends!
Follow our event on the Armbrust Acres Homeowner's Association Facebook page for the latest updates and to share with your friends!
Seven Auto Accident Legal Tips
Auto accidents come in many forms,
from minor fender benders to
catastrophic multi-car pileups. No
matter what type of accident you are in,
regardless of who is at fault, it is
important to understand your legal
rights and responsibilities. After an
accident you may be forced to deal with
medical issues, insurance claims,
lawsuits and even potential criminal
Safety First
Pull safely to the side of the road and out
of the traffic lanes, if possible. If you
cannot do so or you feel it is dangerous
to move your vehicle, carefully exit your
vehicle and move yourself to a safe
location away from traffic until help
Even if your accident seems minor, call
the police and file an accident report. Do
not admit guilt or responsibility for the
accident to the police or other persons.
Some individuals who are shaken up
after an accident become overly
apologetic while others may become
angry and combative. It is important to
remain calm and let the police do their
Important documents include the police
report, the other driver’s information,
insurance documents, medical papers,
repair estimates or bills associated with
the accident. Keeping your
documentation organized will help you
and your attorney accurately review
your matter and calculate expenses.
Hit and Run
Never chase a hit and run driver. A chase
could put you and other drivers in harms
way. If you can only remember one
piece of information make it the other
driver’s license plate number. Knowing
the make, model and color of the car will
also be helpful. Call the police. Even if
you have very little information about
the other driver, a police report will be Injury
necessary for any insurance claim or If you or a loved one is injured in an
accident it is extremely important to
legal action.
contact an attorney as soon as possible.
Those who are seriously injured are
Exchange information with the driver of often unable to gather evidence at the
the other car or cars. Gather names, scene. An attorney can help explain the
phone numbers, addresses and process and help make sure vital
insurance information. If there are information is gathered and preserved as
witnesses on the scene take down their evidence.
contact information as well. Witnesses
may be particularly helpful in
identifying hit and run drivers or
understanding the full picture of a major
accident. Use your smart phone to take
pictures of the accident scene and any
property damage.
It may be tempting to take a settlement
to pay for repairs, a replacement vehicle
or medical bills, but it is important to
make sure the settlement is fair and that
it truly compensates you for the longterm consequences of the accident. An
attorney can help you consider all of the
potential costs and negotiate a fair
settlement on your behalf. Do not sign
any documents or agree to any type of
settlement without calling an attorney.
Organize all documents regarding your
accident and keep them together. Source: www.legalshield.com
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Omaha - What is going on in June?
LEGO: TravelAdventure
May 23, 2015 to September 06, 2015
(Recurring daily)
Venue: Omaha Children's Museum
Address: 500 S. 20th St., Omaha, NE
Times: Tues-Fri: 10am-5pm/Sat: 9am5pm/Sun: 1-5pm
Admission: $9 Adults 16-59 & Kids 215, $8 Seniors 60+, FREE for Children
under 2 & Members
Children and their families are invited to
use LEGO® bricks to create their own
imaginary dream machines.
Lost Egypt: Ancient Secrets, Modern
May 23, 2015 to September 06, 2015
(Recurring daily)
Venue: Durham Museum
Address: 801 S 10th St, Omaha, NE
immersive storytelling,
mummies and artifacts. The
challenges visitors to apply
methods to unveil hidden
within the display.
and real
Omaha SummerArts Festival
June 5 to 7, 2015. The three-day arts and
entertainment event fills the streets of
downtown Omaha from 10th to 15th
Streets on Farnam Street. The free
festival features an artist’s market,
children’s fair, food, live music and
The Omaha Summer Arts Festival is
located in the heart of downtown Omaha
Times: Tues 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM; Mon on Farnam Street from 10th Street to
& Wed-Sat 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Sun 15th Street. The Festival site lies directly
1:00 - 5:00 PM
south of the Gene Leahy Mall and one
Admission: Adult $9, Seniors $7, block north of the historic Old Market
Children $6, Members & Under 2 - Free district.
Step into the world of archaeologists,
Egyptologists and other researchers
through multiple hands-on elements,
Call for an
Go Green with Green Wings!
Sidewalk Edging
Power Raking
Lawn Renovation
Paver Patios
Retaining Walls
Water Features
Sprinkler Maintenance
402 - 290-7199
Your Resident Lawn & Landscape Partner - Tim Salzbrenner!
Who Are Our Armbrust Acres 2015 Graduates?
Lindsay Mary
Koltas is
graduating from
Millard West and
Millard West
Academy. She will
attend UNO and
major in
9, 2015 - 9 am to 2 pm
Shepard Church at 165th & West
Spring Clean-Up
Please share your 2015
graduation and prom
pictures with Armbrust Acres
by sending them to
by June 17, 2015
to be published in our
July Newsletter.
Center Road
Movie Night in Armbrust Park - June 20, 2015
During the warmer months of this year,
we will be offering some great family fun
for our Armbrust residents again. We
will be showing assorted movies in
Armbrust Park which will be projected
on a 16 foot screen!
Mark your
calendars! The shows will start at dusk
and right before the show, a nostalgic
drive-in intermission trailer will be
shown. A new one will be shown at
every event through the fall. You do
remember the hot dog jumping into the
bun don't you!!
The movies will be shown Saturday
Tentative Movie Schedule:
June 20, 2015
Sylvester Stallone stars in "Rocky"
July 18, 2015
Chicago with Earth Wind and Fire
virtual concert in the park
August 22, 2015
"Ferris Bueller's Day Off"
September 19, 2015
More information about Movie Nights
will be announced through our Facebook
page and signs at the entrances as well as
this newsletter.
All Of Our Service
People Are Experienced,
Insured, Bonded.
Your Neighborhood, My Neighborhood, Our Neighborhood...
This newsletter is produced by the Armbrust Acres
Homeowners Association since May 2011.
Print: abc printing 402.895.0222
Distributed to 553 homes in Armrust Acres every month.
Call Today
(402) 397-8884
Pigeons - Bees - Carpenter Ants - Roached - Spiders
Moles - Fleas - Clover Mites - Rodents - Snakes - Bed Bugs
We Remove: Woodchucks, Raccoons, Possums, & Squirrels
Advertising: armbrustadvertising@gmail.com
Nancy Sayles 402.699.2486
Armbrust Acres Homeowners Association
2903 North 84th Street - Omaha, NE
Armbrust Acres Fun For Old And Young