BOOK OF POSTER ABSTRACTS ‘Enriching Public Health Through Ayurveda’ 2 announcement

2nd announcement
Govt of Madhya Pradesh
Partner State
Govt of Chhattisgarh
Focal theme
‘Enriching Public Health Through Ayurveda’
7–10 December 2012, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Prime Sponsor
AVS, Kottakkal
AVP, Coimbatore
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Government of India
Date :08.12.2012 Morning to 10.12.2012 Afternoon
Hall : Chitrashala
Anorectal Diseases
Preventive measures of anorectal
disorders (a.r.d.) in ayurveda
Mahesh Kumar
Purpose : Inspite of tremendous advancement in modern surgical
field, still the Anorectal diseases (ARD) has remained as a
challenging task for its management. Constant efforts have been
made globally to meet this challenge. ARD are usually neglected
by general surgeons and physician may perhaps due to various
factors like involvement of faecal matters, more probability of
recurrence & very complex related anatomy. On the basis of
experience most of the patients are treated or got relief from
discomforts by proper guidance, hygiene, diets, preventive
measures, awareness & knowledge about Anorectal diseases in
person & society may prevent or lower the incidence from
suffering of major discomforts. So an effort was taken to relief the
suffering human.
Method : For the scientific approval of ancient concept of ARD in
current time with chief complaints & effect of Ayurvedic therapy,
method of prevention, precaution & guidance a survey based
study of one thousand cases in ARC OPD of S.S.H., department of
shalya tantra, faculty of Ayurveda I.M.S., B.H.U. is carry out. Their
result shows that how the occupation & life style affect the public
health. Patient are recorded randomly in period of year 2011 to
observe the effect in follow-up after suggestion to be followed as
avoid straining, hot sitz bath, fibrous diet, avoid junk & spicy food
etc. .
Result : Their result shows that how the occupation & life style
affect the public health. Most of the patients are treated by proper
guidance, hygiene & preventive measures by providing awareness
& knowledge about ARD in person & society prevent or lower the
incidence from suffering of major discomforts.
Conclusion : Most of ARD are mainly got relief by proper diet &
hygiene, lifestyle modification, regulate bowel habits, occasionally
needs conservative management & really needs surgery if not
aware in earlier stage.
Role of poorvakarma and
paschatkarma in anorectal
Prafulla Fadanvis
Purpose : Despite being pioneer, Ayurved has been still
questioned for its status in the field of surgery. There is
unanimous acceptance of principals of ancient Shalya tantra
mentioned by Acharya Sushruta, but with technological
advancement modern surgery holds high. Aim: This paper aims
to highlight the role of Ayurvedic principals (poorva and paschat
karmas) in patients of anorectal surgery (i.e.
hemorrhoids+fissures). Anorectal diseases like hemorrhoids and
fissures are most common consequences of western lifestyle.
Modern science emphasizes more on surgical treatment although
Ayurved advocates protocol of Bheshaj, kshar, shastra and agni
for it. Anal region being rich in nervous and vascular supply; it is
associated with pain, bleeding, infection and incontinence etc.
post operatively. Being the ultimate treatment in anorectal
diseases, surgery has to be safe and free from complications. But
inspite of advanced instrumentation modern science has
limitations and Ayurved has an edge over it.
Method : Ayurved advocates poorvakarmas like snehan, swedan
and shodhan before surgery. There are paschatkarmas like
various types of vranakarma. Diet, fluids and medicine having
agnideepan and anuloman properties are advised to be consumed
post operatively. Study conducted on 5 patients each in two
groups with ligasure hemorrhoidectomy in control group and
same along with Ayurvedic poorvakarma (snehapan, abhyang,
swedan and matra basti) and paschat karma (avagah swed, matra
basti, vranakarma, pathya aahar aushadhi pan) in experimental
Result : From the study it was found that patients of experimental
group were having significantly less post operative pain and
bleeding. Other complaints like nausea, vomiting, urine retention,
distension of abdomen were not found. Wound healing was very
encouraging with use of matra basti (pre and post operatively) in
experimental group which also reduced post operative incidence
of anal stricture and incontinence. Patients resumed their routine
work within minimum 6 - 8 days of convalescence period.
Conclusion : So Ayurvedic principles are boon for anorectal
Anorectal Diseases
Ayurveda and Tourism
An empirical study on utilizing
tourism industry in order to
improve the ayurvedic system of
medicine efficiently.
Anura Senavirathna
Purpose : It is known that the Indigenous system of medicine has
drawn a special attention of various organizations and educated
people including the WHO. Being a nation, among the third world
developing countries, we need to achieve the third foreign income
through developing the field of tourism with various challenges
where the Ayurvedic system of medicine reserves an important
role. Through this research studies it is meant to identify the ways
and means to implement the Ayurvedic system of medicine into
the field of industrial tourism with fertile and profitability.
Method : This is based on a case study and descriptive analysis. A
questionnaire was given for the forty numbers of tourists and for
four managers of the tourist resorts to collect data and also
through a discussion with top level managers of the above two
fields, Primary data were collected. Data were analyzed by the
data triangular analysis, using primary, secondary and
observation data.
Result : Through this research study following conclusions were
brought to light. Many falls treatments are done under the name
of Ayurveda. It is necessary to find legal assessments for tourist
resorts along with qualified Ayurvedic service providing staff. The
profit of tourist resorts increased after the introduction of
Ayurvedic treatment. It is very important to find the government
intervention and encouragement to the public sector to develop
these two fields. It is an important fact to develop relationship
among allied institutions.
Conclusion : In brief, the Ayurvedic treatments done in tourist
resorts in Sri Lanka are not accurately directed.
Ayurveda and Tourism
Ayurvedic Surgery
Effect of agnikarma-mechanism of
action of agnikarma-local and
Seema Ingle
Purpose : To see the mechanism of action of agnikarma local and
Method : Shalaka (probe) made of different materials are used.
Depending on the diseases, different materials heated at different
temperatures are used for agnikarma i.e. depending upon the
disease and its predominant doshas, different metals and its
temperature is selected for the treatment.
Result : Mechanism of action of agnikarma, Local - capable to
break down the vicious adhesive encapsulations thus relieving
pain, Systemic, Lymphatic system - lymph circulation increases by
6 times. Releases an enzyme which is 30 times rich in histaminase
concentration - diamine oxidase > breaks down histamine which
is responsible for inflammatory joint disorder, sore muscle.
Neuro hormonal - lymph also contains an amino acid
i.etryptophan releases a brain hormone serotonin > melatonin
with its neurotransmitter capable to reduce local oedema
inflammation, Circulatory system - albumin, glucose, fats, amino
acids and lymphocytes ratio is increased, antibody antigen
phenomenon activated, local energy levels are activated, brings
back the joint inflammation to normalcy.
Conclusion : Resulting in reduction in intensity of pain, reduce the
excitability of nerves, heating affect the vasomotor centres
causing general rise in temperature, result in a fall in blood
pressure, relaxation of muscles and increase the efficiency of their
The glimpses of ancient indian
surgery - an overview
Mallika Varma, M. Bhaskar Rao
Purpose: This paper was aimed to evaluate, elaborate, discuss,
various surgical glimpses which are still hidden by heavy blocks of
fundamental, conceptual, philosophical aspect. To enumerate
various surgical procedures mentioned in Susruta samhita (800
B.C.) and its applicability to contemporary generations. To give
special emphasis on plastic surgery and para surgical concepts
and to unravel the clinical facts of ancient surgery.
Method: This conceptual evaluation on Susruta samhita (800 B.C.)
was been collected and compiled from its 186 chapters tracing to
its 1120 illness, 700 medicinal plants, more than 10,000 drug
compounds. This science, having given enough importance to
more than 220 surgical operations covering Laprotomy,
Craniotomy, Plastic Surgery and as well as incorporating various
para surgical components to counter the disadvantages of existing
surgical procedures.
Result: Since, this clinico conceptual work churning the total 186
chapters covering various principles of surgery proved that this
science of surgery is not a mere textbook of Shalya Tantra but
documented to be an encyclopaedia on surgery attributing
Susruta, as the authority.
Conclusion: This encyclopaedia of Indian surgery unravelling the
various facets and glimpses of surgery proving to be pivotal and
beneficial even today to the contemporary generation in treating
the ailing humanity.
Ayurvedic Surgery
Management of bhagandara (fistula
in ano) with different types of
ksharasutras prepared from
mrudu, madhyama and tiksna
Siddamurthy Sravanthi, Satish Perala
Purpose: Fistula in ano is an age old common condition prevalent
all over the world. The disease is very notorious for its chronicity
and incurability, as it leads to major physical, psychological and
social problems due to persistent discharge. The present trend in
the management of fistula in ano is surgery. It results in
sphincteric incontinence, stenosis, discomfort, recurrence,
absence from work with consequent economic strain. Susrutha
while dealing with the management of Bhagandara has
mentioned general, surgical, parasurgical methods. Kshara sutra
is one of the most important para surgical technique in the
management. It is emerging as an effective tool to replace the
regular surgical procedures. Different types of kshara sutras with
different types of ksharas and also different types of binding
materials were prepared and tried in bhagandara. Preparation of
three types of ksharas mrudu, madhyama and tiksna ksharas in a
stage wise process was dealt in Susrutha samhita and other
treatise. But these three types were not prepared as per the text
and used in the preparation of Kshara sutra and not tried on
fistula so far.
Method: In the preparation of these three ksharas drugs are
additionally added in a stage wise manner. 3 Kshara sutras were
prepared as per the standardized procedure separately. Three
Kshara sutra groups i.e., mrudu, madhyama, tiksna were made &
21 patients with fistula in ano were taken into three groups
randomly and kshara sutras were applied. Parameters like unit
cutting time, complete healing time were observed.
Result: Detailed findings of this clinical trial were present in full
paper which happened to be impressive and innovative in the
field of management of fistula in ano.
Management of Pilonidal Sinus
with minimal sinectomy and
Nilesh Doshi
Purpose: Pilonidal Sinus is a one type of Nadivranan occurs at
natal region, having high recurrence rate with surgery. Acharya
sushruta has advocated kshara sootra chikitsa for the same.
Evaluation of this management was the purpose of the study.
Method: Patients were asked to lie down in left lateral position
and General anesthesia was given small incision was taken at
natal region and hairs were extracted and tract was scooped,
another opening was created and kshara sootra was passed and it
was changed till the complete excision of the tract occurred.
Result: Total 133 patients are treated with this technique. Out of
which 57 patients were treated in between 2005 to 2012. It was
observed that out of this 57 patients 33 i.e. 58% patients reported
the hospital in their 16 to 25 years of age group and 18 i.e. 31.5%
patients regarded the disease in their 26 to 35 years of age. Rest
10.5% reported in later age of their life. 36 i.e. 63% patients were
male and 10 i.e. 28% of male patients were having the history of
previous surgery out of which one patient had underwent kshara
sootra therapy still he had a recurrence of the disease. Whereas
21 i.e. 37% of female patients were reported out of which 8 i.e.
38% female patients reported recurrence of the disease. Thus it
can be said that ratio of male/female had deceased & recurrence
of the disease was more in female than male. Hairs were found in
24 male patients versus 3 female patients. 3 patients reported
delayed healing, all the patients were cured.
Conclusion: It Seems from the study that minimal sinectomy with
the Ksharsootra had provided all most 100% success rate with the
advantage of day care procedure cost effectiveness, Minimum
days of off the work and better patients compliance with minimal
Conclusion: Hence the trial is designed to evolve the efficacy of
the kshara sutras made from classically prepared ksharas and the
results were found to be effective in fistula management.
Ayurvedic Surgery
Randomised comparative clinical
study of apamarga kshar sutra and
udumbara ksheera sutra
application in fistula in ano.
Raj Kumar Mishra
Purpose: This paper is about the comparative study between two
ayurvedic surgical devises apamarga kshar sutra and udumbara
kshar sutra. In this study the motto is to project the efficiency of
both devises of kshar sutra and project the importance of
udumbara ksheer sutra in the case of fistula in ano.
Method: 100 patients of fistula in ano both male and female
attending SSH IMS BHU were selected on the basis of their
physical examination. Computerized treated randomized
selection method was used. They were grouped in to two that is
group I and group II; group I was treated with apamarga kshara
sutra and group II treated by udumbara kshara sutra. Both the
drugs were manufactured by department of shalya tantra IMS
BHU. HIV, Ulcerative colitis, crohn's disease and below 10 years
and above 60 years patients were excluded.
Result: Udumbara ksheera sutra is easy to manufacture in
comparision to apamarga kshar sutra unit; cutting time is fast in
apamarga kshar sutra in comparison to udumbara kshar sutra but
healing of tissue and development of granulation tissue is good in
Conclusion: Udumbara ksheera sutra is also a good for the
application in patients who are having less threshold level.
ADR Kshasutra Kit A
Breakthrough in the
Standardization of Ksharasutra
Amarprakash Dwivedi(1) , D.Y.Patil(2)
1. Asso.Professor, Dept. of Shalya Tantra, 2. College of Ayurved,
Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
‘Ksharsutra’ can be defined as an Ayurvedic medicated thread
(Cutting Seton) coated with herbal alkaline drugs. ‘Ksharasutra
therapy’ has been described as a treatment of choice for the
treatment of fistula in ano due to low recurrence rate (up to 3%).
However, this unique para surgical procedure is not yet globally
accepted basically due to lack of standardization in the
Ksharsutra preparation process and poor acceptability by Modern
surgeons due to lack of training& fear of Complications. Need for
Standardization of Ksharsutra: Standardization of ‘Ksharsutra’
requires standardization in preparation process and quality
standards including packaging, storage, labeling and developing
scientific parameters for maintaining its uniform coating, pH,
microbial check etc. What is ‘ADR Ksharsutra Kit’? ‘ADR
Ksharsutra Kit’ is a disposable ‘Ksharsutra Applicator’ made up of
HDPE. This Ksharsutra embedded device after UV treatment is
kept in Airtight silver foil sachet.The Physico chemical Characters
of Ksharsutra, its indication, manufacturing details along with its
expiry date, etc. are labeled properly. Method of ‘ADR Ksharsutra’
Application: The tip of the ‘ADR Ksharsutra Applicator’ is
introduced in the external opening and allowed to follow the track
upto the internal opening situated in the anal canal. Once the tip
comes out through the internal opening, cap is removed and the
Ksharsutra is firmly held with artery forceps. After this,
applicator’ is withdrawn (taken back) from outside opening. By
doing this, the embedded Ksharsutra is automatically placed in
the fistula track whose two ends are tied together. ‘ADR
Ksharsutra’ has truly made the entire procedure very smooth and
will be helpful in Globalization of Ksharsutra technique for fistula
ablation & acceptable to modern surgeons.
Ayurvedic Surgery
Application of different methods of
Tribhuvanpareek , Santosh N. Belavadi
D.G.M Ayurveda Medical College, Gadag-582103 , Assistant
Professor, Department of P.G studies in Panchakarma D.G.M
Ayurveda Medical College, Gadag
Introduction: Panchakarma is gaining more popularity in the
present time in which for all chronic diseases this is ideal
treatment. Among Panchakarma, Raktamokshana is one where
we can practice this in diseases related to Rakta and treat
successfully. Raktamokshana, in simple words is the procedure of
allowing the blood to bleed for therapeutic purpose. The other
Panchakarmatraement eliminates the morbid doshas, while
Raktamokshana eliminate the vitiated Rakta, along with Rakta
pitta is also likely to be eliminated as both these are inter linked.
Acarya’s have also quoted that if all the treatment failed to cure
disease condition then we should consider that the doshasare
entered in blood. So Rraktamokshana is to be conducted. In
today’s era there are many modified methods of conducting
Raktamokshana but they do not fulfil the desired effect which is
attain by the old methods of application of different instruments
mentioned in our classics like jaloka, shringa, alabu. Utility of
Raktamokshana: Mainly now a days blood-letting is conducted for
both therapeutic use as well as diagnostic purpose. But in modern
era it is usually conducting in iron load disorders like
haemocromatosis. Rakta, being the vehicle to carry and transport
absorbed nutrients, oxygen, metabolites etc. from place to place,
correction of any abnormality in blood, is bound to relieve
number of problems associated with vitiated rakta. Now the days
practice is widely used in different diseased conditions like
uraemia, CCF, renal failure, and it also help in reduce some work
load over certain organs. We carried out different
Raktamokshana procedures like Jaloka, Alabhu, Siravyadha,
Prachanna and modified of the same in our hospitals in different
conditions. The method of applications, photographs, videos,
Discussion etc. will be shown and discussed during my full paper
Effect of Mahamanjishtadi Kashaya
And Leech Therapy in complicated
varicose ulcer
Prasanna Kumar L
Patient Name: Mr.AN
D.O.A: 14.07.2011
Age: 40 / Male D.O.D:20.07.2011
Occupation: Business ID.No: IP/00188/11
Patient complaints with duration: Before 7 years the patient was
asymptomatic, but due to his profession, he was working.
Continuously by standing position for more than 8 hours. Initially
he developed varicose veins and due to poor hygiene and lack of
awareness it was complicated and became varicose ulcer. 3 Times
he has done plastic surgery but no result at all. Then he was
admitted at our Modakuruchi IPD, for 8 days treatment.
Our I.P.D treatment protocol:
(1) Mahamanjishtadi Kashayam, (2) Kaishore Guggulu, (3)
Tripalakukil Tablets, (4) Gandaka Rasyanam, (5) Leech Therapy –
Daily, (6) Sneha Vasti – Tiktaka ghrutam, (7) Tripala + Nimba +
Haridra as wash after Leech.
Do’s and Don’ts:
(a) Patient is advised to take less spicy and oily items. (b) Patient
is advised to sleep in a cot with a pillow raised.
(1) Varicose ulcer has completely cured, even without oral
medications. (2) Only one day he developed Pyrexia and got
subsided with simple kashayas. (3) Even the plastic surgeon also
clearly opined to continue the same ayurvedic medications. (4)
After the treatment period he was observed during the follow up,
none of his problems has reoccurred even after stopping the
medications and treatment.
Ayurvedic Surgery
A study on minimal invasive
para-surgical procedures in
ano-rectal diseases w.s.r. to
Govind Reddy, Savita Chavan, Vidya Jangle
1. Research officer (Scientist-2) In charge, 2. Senior consultant
(Ayu), 3. Junior consultant (Ayu)
Purpose: As per the changing and modern trends in the
techniques and practices of surgery the para surgical procedures
viz. Ksharakarma, Agnikarma, and Raktamokshana are gaining
enormous importance as they exert the same surgical action.
Ksharsutra/Ksharvarti has been advocated by Ayurvedic texts as
para surgical measure for the successful management of fistula in
ano vis à vis Bhagandara. Considering the importance of
Ksharvarti in the management of Bhagandara (Fistula in ano), a
study was undertaken to establish the efficacy of Ksharavarti
along with Kumarika vati (oral medication to relive pain).
Patients of both sexes suffering from fistula in ano were included
in this study. Both Low and high anal fistulas were treated with
application of Ksharavarti in the track of the fistula till complete
and successful healing of track. Objective: To study the disease
pattern of fistula in ano. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of
Ksharavarti application along with Kumarika vati in the
management of fistula in ano.
Method: Local application and changing of the Ksharavarti every
alternate day up to the completion of the treatment. Kumarika
vati – 500 mg T.D.S orally along with water as pain killer. Duration
of the treatment is approximately three months or depends upon
severity of the patients and depth of the fistula.
Result: Response wise distribution of patients of fistula in ano
treated with ksharavarti. Years 2001 08, Good Resp – 18
(21.68%), Fair Resp – 22 (26.50%), Poor Resp – 22 (26.50%), No.
Resp – 07 (8.43%), Dropout – 14 (16.86),
Total – 83 (100%),
Conclusion: The incidence of fistula in ano is more common in
between 21 40 year’s age group. Males are more prone to this
disease in comparison to females. No. of patients of Kapha
prakriti was more in comparison to Vatika and Paittika prakriti.
Maximum number of patients was reported having the Parisravi
among the types of bhangandara. It has been observed that lesser
the track, slower the cutting rate and longer the track, faster the
cutting rate.
Ayurvedic Surgery
Ayurvedic Therapies
Effect of abhyanga and shashtishali
pinda sweda in under sized breast
Prachi Dalvi Kawthekar, Kamal Nayan Dwivedi
1. Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciance, Bhu
Purpose : Undersized breasts seem most challenging and burning
cosmetic problem among them in present era. In lean and thin
women undersized breasts reflect feeling of inferiority and lack of
confidence. Many fake practices regarding this are confusing to
the modern women. Ayurveda treatment is a good option to this
problem. Present work was done to evaluate the role of
Shriparyadi taila Abhyanga & Shatavari kalpa for undersized
breast as a control group. To evaluate the role of Shashtishali
sweda for undersized breast when administered along with
control group. To compare the results of both groups and to
ascertain the role of Shashtishali sweda.
Method : The present study was done to assess the effect of
Ayurveda external therapies for this issue. Twenty cases with
undersized breasts were selected and treated after dividing them
in to two groups. The group A was administered with Abhyanga
externally & Shatavari kalpa orally. (Control group).The group B
was treated with Abhyanga & Shashtishali sweda externally and
Shatavari kalpa orally. To administer Abhyanga & shashtishali
sweda at breast area, special strokes were planned. The total
duration of course was 1 month (15 days therapy+15 days follow
up). The breast size was measured before treatment and after
Completion of the course.
Result : The results of Shashtishali sweda group was encouraging
enough over the control group. Major improvement was noted in
70% patients of group B where as 20 % patients has got minor
improvement.10% patients remained unimproved who were post
lactating. In group A major improvement was observed in 20%.
30% patients showed minor improvement. Rest 50 % remained
Conclusion : Ayurveda Shashtishali pinda sweda along with the
other two is the therapy of choice to improve undersized breasts.
Vamanopakram- New technique
Parag Khatavkar
Purpose: Vaman is the first, important & most difficult Upakram,
among the Panchakarma; in which, vitiated Dosh are expelled out
by Pratilom Gati of G.I. tract. So it requires more force & become
more difficult for patient & physician also. That's why Vaman is
less popular & also quite less in practice. Vamanopakram has
more complications. Apart from that, Vaman has wide range of
benefits also. That's why Vaman is described as
"NIHSUKHATVAM SUKHAY CH". Considering sufficiently good
Satva & Sahatva Proper selection & preparation of patient (both
mentally by proper counseling & physically by proper
Poorvakarma); Till the procedure becomes quite difficult. To
make this procedure more easy, less complicated & more
effective, new technique was established by my Guru' renowned
& respected Vaidy Ya. Go. Joshi ; few decades ago.
Method: In this technique, Poorva karma & Paschyat karma are
same. But there is slight change in the sequence of Pradhan karm.
In old method, as described in texts the sequence of Pradhan
karma is first Aakanth pan of Vamanopaga Dravya, which is
followed by Vamak Yoga, e.g. any Madan Phal Yog. Then after
Utklesh kal, Vaman veg start. Utklesh kal means the time of the
action of Vaman i.e. emesis & it is 1 Muhoort i.e. 48 min. But in
this new method; first of all Vamak yog then after reaching
maximum level of Utklesh, Aakanth pan of Vamamopag Dravya,
repeatedly as per need. Both the methods are compared by
various aspects like sequence, mode of action of Vamak &
Vamanopag, Utklesh Kal, quantity of Aakanthpan, Vaman Veg, and
Result: Absorption & action of Vamak drug is quicker & full
fledged. Utklesh kal is 5 to 15 minutes Ayog, Atiyog & Upadrav
(complications) are very rare. Vaman veg are well controlled.
Actions of both, Vamak & Vamanopag drugs are well matched
resulting Samyak (proper) Vaman.
Conclusion: Comparatively new method is safe, quicker & more
Ayurvedic Therapies
Basic principles
Enriching the core
Jayesh Thakkar
Purpose : Most of India population resides in rural and are not
that economically sufficient to attend to rich healthcare bills of
costly medicine, therapies and laboratory tests. The government
is surely upto create more health centres and aid in future, as
such this is a time taking project. On the other hand, an easy and
effective way is following Ayurvedic life style and measures,
moreover rural India is more closer to nature and the science of
life, and it is more favourable to implement the ways mentioned
in Ayurveda at core level. A study to verify the ways that can be
advocated, from the basics of Ayurveda was projected.
Method : Simple methods like following of dinacharya, ritucharya,
sad vyavahar, plantation of home remedial medicinal plants along
with the prime occupation of agriculture farming, using or
organic fertilizer, following the medicinal ethics in rituals,
protecting off from modern disorder causatives like sedentary
lifestyle, junk canned foods, synthetic fertilizers, pollutants, etc.
living in close with the nature, precisely Ayurvedic living seen to
be very efficient.
Result : The cost of healthcare expenses and maintainence, was
nullified, except the genetic and traumatic disorders most of them
were very well handled or controlled before attaining full blown
condition. The concept of swasthavritta, nidaan parivarjan and
samprapti vighatan could control most of the diseases. Health and
happiness is a gift of life, was truly experienced. Implementing
simple ways which are in chorus with the lifestyle of rural, is not a
complex issue. The results are highly benefitting and puts up a
golden example for other to follow. It is in tune with enriching of
public health through Ayurveda.
Conclusion : Rural population is the core of our country. Health to
them in an economical and easy way Ayurveda will result a
comprehensive progress to the whole country, and set an example
for the world to follow.
Dosha balance and samathya in
light of modern complexity biology
Alex Hankey
Purpose: The program of Decoding Ayurveda has been widely
acknowledged to offer a way of approaching Tridosha that other
Ayurveda Padartha that maintains the basic integrity of the
subject's approach to bio science. When in balance, Vata, Pitta and
Kapha are responsible for maintaining the integrity of function of
the fundamental systems functions of input/output, turnover and
storage. As such they have been inherited in increasingly complex
forms as the history of life has unfolded, and can thus be traced
back to the earliest living organisms. The question arises as to
how best to define in corresponding scientific terms, the state of
perfect health, or Samatya described in Ayurvedas ancient texts
as balance of doshas, dhatus, agnis and various functions of mind
and body like digestion, excretion, sleep and so on.
Method: Unique levels of rational thought based on prolonged
scientific experience of key areas of physical science.
Result: This paper describes how modern complexity biology
combined with knowledge of phenomena associated with its Self
Organized Criticality (SOC) can come to our aid. The universality
of SOC and associated Edge of Chaos behaviour, fractal responses
in physiological systems and acknowledged multi fractality in
systems as widely different as the immune response and heart
rate variability (HRV) in healthy organisms, point to critical
instabilities playing central roles in states of health. We
specifically show that balance of all three doshas is easily
described by a Tricritical Point (Hankey Chang Stanley 1972).
Specific reasons are given suggesting that this fundamental
tricritical structure probably originated even before the first cells
emerged in the cosmic soup.
Conclusion: This points to the tridosha structure and samathya
being a precondition for the emergence of life itself. Tricritical
points naturally describe the complexity of Tridosha function as
dhatus in Samathya. Also the Ayurvedic diurnal biorhythm can be
naturally accounted for.
Basic principles
Coronary heart disease: An
ayurvedic perspective
Aman Sharma, Debajit Bhattacharyya
Purpose: The purpose of this presentation is to analyse
Ayurveda's preventive and therapeutic measures for treating
coronary heart disease (CHD), specifically atherosclerotic CHD,
and to evaluate how these measures can contribute towards
improving the level of health care currently in India.
Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) account for 52% of mortality in
India. The potentially productive years of life lost (PPYLL) due to
CVDs in the age group of 35 64 was 9.2 million in 2000 and is
expected to rise to 17.9 million in 2030.
Method: The literature review is an analytical, reflective, critical
and evaluative study of both historical as well as contemporary
Ayurvedic medical literature. Although this presentation focuses
primarily on Ayurveda, multidisciplinary literature and research
(particularly modern) have also been analysed with
psychological, sociological, philosophical, ethical and political
literature that relates to CHD. However, the prime focus of this
presentation is the Ayurvedic approach to the specified condition.
Result: With this present presentation, it can be understood that
Ayurvedic medicine has a highly comprehensive, conceptual
understanding of CHD. It not only has its own in depth explanation
of the pathology and clinical manifestation of this condition, but
also acknowledges that the causes of this disease are a complex
combination of physical, mental emotional, environmental and
social factors. Ayurveda also appreciates that spiritual
components have a profoundly influential involvement and that
treatment is not complete and true healing cannot occur without
incorporating the spiritual dimension.
Conclusion: Finally to conclude, this presentation demonstrated
that Ayurveda has the potential to effectively contribute towards
the goal of reducing the high incidences of CHD in India, as it is a
cost effective, long term preventive and therapeutic safe form of
medicine, which can provide comprehensive preventative care to
potential heart patients and therapeutic benefits to those already
afflicted with coronary heart disease.
Effect of short term yoga practice
on weight and blood pressure - An
observational study
Sangamesh Swami Hiremath
Purpose : Adult hood attained with paradogmic shift in life style
and its own stress leading to birth of many ailments of chronic
nature. Hypertension and obesity considered to trigger many fatal
diseases. Yoga can be implemented as non pharmacological
intervention in these problems. So to evaluate effect of yoga
during short term yoga program on semi urban school teachers
was carried out.
Objectives: To assess effect of yoga techniques on body weight,
systolic and diastolic blood pressure during short term practice.
Method : 55 Semi urban school teachers between age group 20 to
55 years were subjected to one week Yoga program. Yoga training
was given for 2 hrs from 6am to 8am. Yoga session included
(Q.R.T). Weight, Blood Pressure was recorded before yoga session
on first day and on last day after yoga performance. The results
were statistically analyzed.
Result : During the study, significant result in Weight with t value
2.506 and Systolic Blood pressure with t value 2.214 at P>0.05.
But no significant result in Diastolic Blood pressure was observed
at P>0.05 with t value 0.413.
Discussion: Asana like Surya Namaskara, Ardha kati chakrasana,
Paada Hastasana etc may regulate lipid metabolism, calorie
expenditure by muscles and soft tissue and also reduced fat
accumulation may attributed to Weight reduction. Significant
Drop in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure was may be due
to Pranayama and Quick Relaxation Technique which helped in
reducing stress and increase mental relaxation.
Conclusion : 1.
Even short term yoga practice has its beneficial
effect on weight and blood pressure. 2. Hence yoga therapy can be
considered as potential alternative approach for the management
of weight and blood pressure.
Clinical efficacy of drug vyan
utkshepahara ghan vati(kalpit yog)
in hypertension
Manoj Kumar Gupta, Shrikrishna Sharma(1), Dinesh Singh
1. Ex Associate Professor Department of Roga and Vikriti Vijnana,
National Institute of Ayurveda,
Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of Ayurvedic drugs as compare
to modern drug, like Atenolol 50 mg. To overcome the harmful
effects of Allopathic drug in those patient which are suffering
hypertension from long duration.
Method: A total Ninety patient of Hypertension for clinical trial
was screened out from OPD & IPD Government Ashtang College
and local regional area of Lokmanya Nagar Indore M.P. Grouping
of Patient: Screened patient or the case registered for the study
were randomly divided into three groups. Group A: This group of
30 patients will be given the trial of drug Vyan utkshepahara ghan
vati. Group B: This group of 30 patients will be given the trial drug
Atenolol 50 mg. Group C: This group of 30 patients will be Placebo
Result: In group A 30 patients were investigated for S.B.P. and an
initial mean score of 159.67 mm of Hg was measured, after 2
month's treatment of Vyan utkshepahara ghan vati, it reduced
145.53 mm of Hg with a mean difference of 14.14 mm of Hg with
8.85% of relief, it is highly significant (t = 5.91, P<0.001). In group
A 30 patients were investigated for D.B.P. and an initial mean
score of 94.73 mm of Hg D.B.P. was measured, after 2 month
treatment of Vyan Utkshepahara Ghan Vati it reduced to 89.26
mm of Hg with a mean difference of 5.47 mm of Hg and 5.78% of
relief. It is highly significant (t = 4.32, P<0.001).
Conclusion: In all the three groups, group A was found as the most
benefited group because it showed significant as well as highly
significant changes in symptoms and Biochemistry investigations.
Whereas Group B (control group) showed significant as well as
highly significant changes in symptoms but not in Biochemistry
investigations. Placebo showed insignificant changes in both.
A clinical study to evaluate the
effect of extract based herbal
formulation on hypertension- a
single blinded standard controlled
randomized study.
Clinical efficacy of standardised
palash kshar and nirdaha rasa in
coronary artery disease
Suchita Sheth, Ramesh Wavare
Purpose: To standardize Palash Kshar and Nirdaha Rasa and to
prove its efficacy in recanalizing Coronary Artery.
Method: Ksharas was prepared by various methods from the
secondary root bark of palash tree procured from Aanup
Sadharan and Jangal Desh. The kshar was prepared on the basis of
samhitas. Elements present in Kshar and Nirdah Rasa were
analysed using Atomic Absorption Emission Spectrophotometry.
During preparation, hourly pH reading showed highly alkaline
solution having pH between 14 15. A placebo controlled
comparative study conducted to evaluate efficacy using
standardized Palash Kshar and Nirdaha Rasa in 30 patients.
Result: Nirdaha Rasa was found to be more useful but the plant
gets scarified because of the extraction method hence Nirdaha
Rasa was obtained with tiryaak paatan yantra which yielded
maximum quantity but had less mineral content. Nirdaha Rasa
was for the first time prepared and standardized by the author.
Numbers of experiments were performed to standardize the
method of preparation of Kshar. The ideal method was found to
be as per Shushrut. Atomic Absorption Emission
Spectrophotometry was used to analyse prepared Kshar and
Nirdaha Rasa, which showed the presence of elements like
magnesium, sulphur, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, chlorine and
some antioxidant and trace elements like zinc and selenium. A
placebo controlled comparative study showed symptomatic relief
and improvement in Stress test (n=5) and 2D echo cardiography
(n=2) and reduction in LAD artery (n=2), partial recanalization of
renal artery (n=1) and complete recanalization of carotid (n=2)
circumflex (n=2) artery.
Conclusion: It is postulated that potassium found in palash kshara
plays an important role in breaking the etiopathogenesis of CAD
and will be useful in recanalising coronary artery and prevent
further myocardial infarction. A further analytical evaluation and
statistically powered clinical study will be useful in confirming the
current findings.
Satish Agrawal, Hemant Pol
Purpose : This work is an approach to establish relationship
between hypertension and vitiated functioning of three governing
forces of our body i.e. Tridosha and to treat Hypertension on
Ayurvedic principles. The logic behind such correlation is based
on the fact that, like other physiological processes, B.P. too is
normal phenomenon of our body which is governed by Tridosha.
A scientific study of Ayurvedic drug
on cardiac activity based on ECG
Management of endothelial
dysfunction ayurvedic way
Ashok Kumar Sonker
Rajeeve B
Purpose: The comparative study has been carried out for
evaluation of abhayarishtha & powder on heart & efficacy in
physiological limit. Whole study has been conducted on groups of
self-controlled models.1 Albino rats 2 Healthy human volunteer
Purpose: Endothelial dysfunction is a systemic disorder and a
critical element in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic diseases
and its complications. Endothelial dysfunction refers to
impairment of many significant functions of vascular endothelium
including anti inflammatory and anti-proliferative characteristics
as well as vasodilatation. Management of endothelial dysfunction
can prevent/ reduce/ reverse atherosclerotic vascular damage
and reduce cardiovascular morbidity of leading risk factors like
Dyslipidemia, Hypertension, diabetes & autoimmune diseases.
Method: Drug abhayarishtha are administered to rat intra
gastrically & anesthetized. ECG are connected with rat
subcutaneousally & recorded on ECG paper. Powder are given to
human and also recorded the pulse rate, respiratory rate & ECG.
Subject (rat & human) are self-controlled. First ECG & Vital of
human are recorded then rat provided abhayarishtha & powder
to man
Result : Alteration with significance increase in the Q T interval.
*Irregularities produced in ECG wave pattern by oval intake of
higher dose Abhayarista suggest there might be decrease effect
on heart and other related systems. *This work is of very
preliminary by nature and further work on the drug is needed to
elucidate its action on cardiovascular system
Conclusion : The preliminary study therefore suggests cardio
tonic nature of Abhaya powder and its compound preparation
Abhayarista.*In human volunteers, the respiratory rates shows
down transiently but pulse rate responded to longer period. *In
experimental animal rats the cardiac cycle duration increased
when the heart rate decreases.
Method: HHARL 1 a proprietary decoction made out of Arjuna,
Pushkarmool, Goksura, Vrikshamla, Kurabaka,and Jatamansi
.HHARL1 Beneficial effects on Dysplipidemia and Inflammation in
Hyperlipidemic Chick model was recorded in November 2010.
HHARL1 activity on oxidative stress in Hyperlipidemic chick
model was recorded in December 2010.
HHARL 1 Complete
toxicity studies and fertility studies were conducted in August
Result: In the present study we have evaluated hypolipidemic
properties of HHARL 1 and we have also evaluated possible
mechanisms of cardio protective properties of this formulation in
a comparative study involving well known pharmacological
agents like lovastatin, 35 ascorbic acid 36 and piroxicam 37 as
standard controls for hypolipidemic activity, antioxidant activity
and anti inflammatory activity respectively. HHARL 1 has shown
hypolipidemic, antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties
which are comparable with respective standard controls. These
properties synergistically overcome Vata & increase bala i.e.
immunity to withstand the possible susceptibility to various
infections & complications. Apart from working on liver, these
drugs have properties of Anulomana, Rasayana, Vayasthapana,
Amapachana, Raktashodhana, etc which act synergistically
against endothelial dysfunction complications.
Conclusion: There is an urgent necessity to work out for an
alternative non invasive treatment for Endothelial dysfunction
and Atherosclerosis related diseases at an affordable cost and
relatively with low or no side effects which should replace
multiple medications in practice.
The poly herbal formulation
HHARL 1 appears to be one of the Ayurvedic solutions, which can
reduce/ replace multi drug strategy.
Evidence based essential
guidelines for the management of
primary hypertension
Rajkumar Warrier, Remya Krishnan
Purpose: Benign Primary Hypertension (BPHtn) is idiopathic,
asymptomatic and is having only indecisive definition and
treatment as per Modern Medicine. Case Control Study (CCS) on
its aetio pathogenesis which is subjected to statistical analysis is
first of its kind in Ayurveda. Technical definition and scientific
standards of Evidence Based Ayurveda are discussed in second
author’s paper titled “An Evidence Based Ayurveda in reality”.
This paper exemplifies the scientific methodologies for employing
basic evidence in Applied research and Medicine to explore the
exact aetio pathogenesis and treatment principle of an
unidentified disease namely Benign Primary Hypertension. The
paper is based on the clinical study done as a part of PhD
undertaken by the author himself.
Method: From Basic evidences, Samprapti of BPHtn was
deciphered by assessing Sthaanika doshas and their gunas which
are the explicatory tools in Ayurveda. Aatma Rupas of doshas
were assessed to find out the doshas participating in the
pathogenesis. All causes and possible pathogeneses were
subjected to Factor analysis and chi square tests to assess the
maximum incidence of various variables, which all are related to
each other and also cause pathogenesis relationship. Randomised
control trial with Vataanulomana upasaya was done to confirm
the Vatik pathogenesis.
Result: Auto regulation mechanisms are performed by Praana
Vayu; Sympathetic hyperactivity (Vyana) causing increased
vasomotor tone (sira sankocha) is the underlying mechanism;
Hormonal activity and energy utilisation for sympathetic
hyperactivity is by Samaana Agni Udaana; Vataanulomana will
normalise BPHtn and management of Sthanika Vata responsible
for the pathogenesis with Treatment Principles is the best
evidence based curative protocol for BPHtn. Vataanulomana
pathya has to be practised to prevent its recurrence.
Conclusion: The paper depicts the best "Evidence based"
guidelines for successful management of Benign Primary
Hypertension , which is a newly emerged disease not mentioned
in Ayurveda.
Clinical evaluation of Shirodhara &
Sharp Agadhaghana Vati in patients
of Hypertension (Raktagata Vata)
Ajai K.R. Pandey
Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Faculty of
Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences
Purpose: The incidence of hypertension is rising with an alarming
rate globally (26% of the adult population). It has strong
correlation with obesity and stressors of modern society. It is
estimated that 40 to 45 million Indians are believed to be
suffering from hypertension. It is most important risk factor for
CAD, CHD, CHF, Stroke, ESRD etc. The etio-pathogenesis of
hypertension is still evolving in biomedical science. Hridya and
process of Rasa Vikshepa or Anudhavana by Vyana Vayu has
become helpful to understand the disease hypertension and it can
be named as Raktagatavata or Vyanavayu Vaishamya in
Ayurveda. It is clear that Vata Dosha play an important role in the
genesis of essential hypertension but Pitta & Kapha Doshas are
directly or indirectly influenced the Vata Dosha and aid in the
diathesis of hypertension. No doubt modern hypertensive drugs
have minimized the cases of hypertension up to some extent but
not up to the mark. This warrants many researchers and
professional scholars to find out newer strategy from other
resources to its management. Seeing this fact I have selected
Shirodhara & Sarpagandhaghana Vati to evaluate it as trial
remedial measures in cases of hypertension and to compare it
with parallel control group.
Material and methods: 2o hypertensive patients fulfilling the
exclusion and inclusion criteria, were selected from OPD & IPD of
Kayachikitsa, S.S. Hospital, IMS, BHU, Varanasi on random basis
and were recruited on a well set profroma into two group viz (A)
Shirodhara with Medhyakashaya & Sarpagandhaghana Vati and
(B) Control group; for a period of 3 months with monthly follow
ups. All the findings of subjective and objective parameters were
scientifically analyzed by statistical methods at base line and end
of trial treatment.
Results: The study reveals that patients of group A, treated with
Shirodhara and Sarpagandhaghana Vati were showed good
results in reducing systolic blood pressure, while patients of
group B, showed good results in reducing diastolic blood
pressure. The overall complains was better in group A.
Conclusion: Finally concluded that Shirodhara with
Medhyakashaya and Sarpagandhaghana Vati are useful as safe
and effective remedial measures in mild to moderate
Yogasana and pranayama alters
body mass index, cardiovascular &
lipid profile in obese subjects
Parwe S.D , Nisargandha M. A. , Deshpande V.K.
Department of Panchakarma, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurvedic College
& Research Center Sawangi (Meghe) Wardha
Introduction: Obesity is an important risk factor for heart
diseases and it has been reported that overweight and obesity
increase the risk for hospitalization and death. Yagasanas can be
an alternative to improve physical activity for obese person.
However, conventional exercise may not result in enough training
improve cardiovascular fitness. The purpose of this study was to
evaluate the effect of yogasanas on obese adults and their
cardiovascular risk factor and to evaluate subsequently fast food
(Junk food) eating habit which leads to overweight & obesity.
Material and method: The study was carried out in the
department of Panchkarma and department of physiology JNMC
Wardha on 140 obese adults, with BMI > 27, as per WHO
guidelines for Asian countries. For this study subjects was
evaluated for the CVS parameters and lipid profile test. The same
subjects have given yogic exercise and pranayama by trained
yoga expert. After 12 week the same subjects was again exposed
for the same tests. Subjects were practicing yogic exercises for at
least one hours and pranayama for half an hour daily for 12 week.
Yogasanas and Pranayama were carried out under the trained
Yoga expert, early in the morning and evening time.
Result : Regular yogasana in an elderly population resulted in
favourable changes in cardiovascular parameter and serum lipid
concentrations that were significantly and change in body weight
or fatness observed in the same subjects.
A Clinical study to evaluate efficacy
of Jatamansyadi Kwath in the
Management of essential
Hypertension in elderly: A Clinical
Vijay Chaudhary
Introduction and objective: Today the whole world is facing a
pandemic of hypertension. Hypertension has globally become one
of the most important challenging health problems. Changing life
style and erroneous dietary habits are mainly responsible for its
increasing incidence. Today numbers of potent modern
antihypertensive drugs are available. But none of the drug has
curative potential and they possess number of untoward effects.
So people are looking towards Ayurveda with a great hope. So the
present study was conducted with the aim to clinically evaluate
efficacy of jatamansyadi kwath in the management of essential
hypertension in elderly patients.
Method: The present study was open, single blind and double
group in nature. Total 95 patients were selected for this study and
they were randomly divided into two groups i.e. Group 1 and
Group 11. In Group I: Patients were managed with following drugs
Jatamansyadi Kwatha – 50 ml (15g) BD. Triphala Churna 3 6g at
bed time (according to kostha of patient) along with Jatamansyadi
kwatha. In Group II: Patients were managed with a standard
calcium channel blocker drug i.e. Amlodipine. It was given once a
day in a dose of 5mg, Duration 30 days. Patients suffering from
stage I hypertension (Systolic blood pressure 140–159mm of Hg
and/or diastolic blood pressure 90 99mm of Hg) or isolated
systolic hypertension (Systolic Blood pressure =140mm of Hg and
diastolic blood pressure <90mm of Hg) were included in trial
.Diagnosis was mainly based on readings of mercurial
sphygmomanometer and patients were selected irrespective of
caste, sex, race and religion. Assessment of the effects of therapy
was done on the basis of various objective and subjective criteria.
However the change in systolic, diastolic and mean blood
pressure was the main criteria. Effects of therapy on various
haematological and biochemical parameters were also assessed.
Results: In Group I, systolic blood pressure reduced from151.48
mm of Hg, to 129.37 mm of Hg after treatment with 14.59%
reduction and diastolic blood pressure reduced from 96.06 mm of
Hg to 83.77 mm of Hg after treatment with 12.79% reduction. In
Group II, systolic blood pressure reduced from 152.80 mm of Hg,
to 130.67 mm of Hg after treatment with 14.48% reduction and
diastolic blood pressure from 92.53 mm of Hg, to 82.27 mm of Hg
after treatment with 11.09% reduction. Reduction in both systolic
and diastolic blood pressure in both groups after the therapy was
statistically highly significant (p<0.001). The inter group
comparison showed statistically insignificant difference between
two therapies in reduction of both systolic and diastolic blood
pressure (p>0.05).
Conclusions: On clinical evaluation the trial drug Jatamansyadi
Kwatha has proved to be an effective and safe remedy for patients
of hypertension. It showed equivalent efficacy to amlodipine in
reducing blood pressure whereas in ameliorating subjective
symptoms it showed better results. No untoward effect of therapy
was observed in both the groups during the entire trial period and
follow up.
A comparative study to observe the
effect of meditation in
Rajesh Shivajirao Kolarkar , Rajashree Kolarkar
Objectives Primary objective was to evaluate and compare the
change or reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP)
in sitting position from baseline (week 0) to the end point (Week
12) between two groups, to evaluate and compare the change or
reduction in Stress value between two groups and Secondary
Objective was to observe and compare change in lipid profiles
between two groups.
Methods: In a comparative interventional study Group a 30
patients of hypertension of male and female were given training
in relaxation and meditation. Study was performed in YMT
Ayurvedic Medical College and Smt. K.G. Mittal College and
Sanjivani Ayurvedic centre Mumbai. The study was conducted on
30 patients including both male and female practicing daily
meditation for 12 weeks to observe effect of meditation in
hypertension. This showed an overall reduction of systolic and
diastolic blood pressure.
Results: In a controlled trial, 30 patients with systemic
hypertension were given training in relaxation and meditation. As
a result there was a significant reduction in both systolic and
diastolic pressure in 75% of the patients. In 50% of the patients it
was also possible to reduce antihypertensive drugs. Meditation is
the highest method of mystical practice. Charakacharya has
described Yoga is the last and best medicine for all types of
misery. In the classic scheme of advancement through the stages
spiritual development outlined by Patanjali meditation (Dhyana)
is on the seventh place. It is preceded by learning the ethical
principles, the rules of hygiene, making the body healthy with the
help of special physical exercise, cleansing, learning to control of
the mind and many other things. The goal of treatment is to
reduce blood pressure so that you have a lower risk of
complication and to save the expense on medicine. High blood
pressure can be controlled with diet, medical and life style
changes. There are following main classes of drugs used for
controlling blood pressure Diuretics, Beta blocker, Ca channel
blocker, ACE inhibiters etc. Despite all the advances in
hypertension diagnosis and therapy there are many patients who
develop complex side effect and also remain uncontrolled. Above
no one class is unable to control hypertension and treatment is
very expensive.
Conclusion: Mode of action, Disease, Primary objective, Secondary
Objective, Study population, Inclusion criteria, Exclusion criteria,
Study assessment, Results and Statistical analysis etc. will be
presented in the conference.
Herbal contraceptives and women
Prashant Nandwate
Purpose: From times immemorial, humans have relied on plants
and their products as source of drugs and therapeutic agents.
Further, world’s 90% contraceptive users are women. Therefore
herbal contraceptive practice by women remained preferable
since long ago and still research in herbal drug of such plants is of
great therapeutic use.
Method : Women in rural area found methods for controlling
fertility and contraception and they have passed this traditional
knowledge of magic remedies orally. Some medicinal plants are
being used from years to present days; some internally or
externally as pessaries, e.g. fruits of Embelica ribes (vidanga),
Hibiscus rosa sinensis flowers (japa), Jatropa curcas (jungly
eranda), Carica papaya seeds (erandakarkati), Ocimum sanctum
leaves (tulasi), Piper longum (pippali), etc. Traditional healers
from rural area knows their morphology, part used, doses and
indications. Though some drugs doesn’t have any textual
reference; their clinical effects are high. Texts like Kashyap
samhita, Charaka samhita, Sushruta samhita, Bhavaprakash
samhita etc. emphasized on female reproductive system its
diseases and treatment very beautifully.
Result: These herbal fertility regulating agents i.e. their
biologically active botanical substances are eco friendly in
approach and maintains the natural pattern of reproduction .
Conclusion: Therefore they are pharmacologically safer and of
less side effects than the contraceptive pills of synthetic origin.
Academicians and researchers should find meaning between the
lines of textual matter and general practitioners should imply it
on patients. So that our ancient science will never diminish and
continue throwing its light on us!
Burn contracture patient cured by
B.C. Senapati
Professor & Head, Deptt. Of Shalya, Gopabandhu Ayurveda
College, Puri P.O.-Puri-2,Odisha,Pin-752002
About Patient’s identification—Name PD, Age 50 Yrs, Hindu
Female, w/o K C D, Sangram Club Lane, Acharya Bagicha, Puri
Town, Odisha.
Brun: Accidentally she caught fire to her synthetic teri cotton
saree. She had burn on her front of thigh region (from knee joint
to femoral fold), front side of abdomen, neck region from clavicle
to upward till her ears on both side and mandible except backside
of the neck.
Contracture – Burn was healed, with an ugly contracture and
discolouration of both side of neck. But only discolouration of
some portion of thigh with Keloid formation. After healing, on
investigation, she found that she had diabetes Grade –II for which
she was using insulin injection.
Surgery – Skin flaps were used by surgical procedures. But that
was rejected by her body without healing which made more
disfiguring keloids. This was perhaps due to allergic reactions.
There was no hope for cure.
Yoga – She is practising Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, Anuloma Biloma
and some yogic assanas daily for last one and half years. She
invests 45 minutes in the morning and 1.5 hrs. In evening. She is
now free from some ugliness and remaining ugliness is gradually
vanishing. She is feeling very comfort. Now no insulin injection is
"A clinical study on sheetada vis
-a-vis gingivitis and its
management with bakula kashaya".
Subrat Kumar Nayak, Mryunjay Panda
1. Gopabandhu Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Puri, Odisha
Purpose: Now a day the dental and gingival diseases are more
common in the society. Lack of awareness, improper maintenance
of oral hygiene, excess chewing of tobaccos, change in food habits
etc. are the main contributing factors for oral and gum diseases.
Advancement in the field of Dantashastra is not yet sufficient to
control and cure of such diseases. Sheetada is a disease of gingiva
which causes bleeding from gum, pus discharge, foul smell,
discoloration and recession of gum and makes troublesome to the
patient, resulting systemic affection occasionally. On the other
hand with a close review of ancient scriptures and past research
records Bakula was found to be effective in Sheetada and selected
for the study as it was an astringent, easily available, economic
and non-toxic. the decoction of Bakula was well absorbed through
oral mucosa, hence decoction of Bakula was selected. Keeping in
view the above problems and facts the proposed research was
undertaken to know the effectiveness of the drug Bakula kashaya
in compare to a known control drug Chlorhexidine
Method: The research was conducted by Control single blind
clinical trial method.
Result: After 30 days of treatment 15% in T.D.G and 25% in C.D.G
got cured. 45% in T.D.G and 40% in C.D.G got maximum
improvement and 40% in T.D.G and 35% in C.D.G got moderate
improvement. It was found that the effect of both trial and control
drug were highly significant to reduce different signs and
symptoms after 30 days of treatment.
Conclusion: Analysing the clinical effect derived out of study, it
was revealed that effectiveness of Bakula kashaya was equally
effective as Chlorhexidine. But from economic, availability and
easy domestic process of preparation point of view Bakula
Kashaya is a better medicinal approach in the treatment of
Sheetada (Gingivitis).
Ayurvedic management of
psoriasis: a comparative clinical
Efficacy of chitrakari rasa and
kushthakalanal taila in the
management of svitra (vitiligo)
Dattatrya Nikam, Sameer Shinde
Chhaju Ram Yadav
Purpose: Conceptual & clinical study on Psoriasis according to
Ayurveda as well as Modern science on various scientific
Clinical evaluation of efficacy of Vamana, Virechana
& Laghumanjisthadi Ghana in Management of Psoriasis, and
comparative clinical study of trial drug along with standard
allopathic regimen.
Purpose : To evaluate the effect of chitrakari rasa and
kusthakalanala taila on svitra (Vitiligo). Chitrakari Rasa (Rasa
Yoga Sagar) and Kusthakalanal taila mentioned in Ayurvedic
texts, have been used traditionally in treatment of Svitra (Vitiligo)
disorders mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. Svitra is characterized as
hypo-pigmentation of the skin. Efficacy of Chitrakari Rasa and
Kusthakalanal taila is being studied in this study of 30 patients of
Svitra (Vitiligo).
Method: Selection of patient: The study was conducted on 30
clinically diagnosed & confirmed cases of Psoriasis. Criteria of
diagnosis: The main criteria of diagnosis of patients were based
on the cardinal and associated signs and symptoms of the disease
based on the Ayurvedic and modern texts. These have been
depicted in detail in the criteria of inclusion. Criteria of
inclusion:1. Patients who are willing for trial, 2. Patients in the age
group of 15 - 60 years, 3. Patients of Mandal Kustha diagnosed by
Ayurvedic classics and psoriasis diagnosed by Modern classics.
Exclusion criteria:1. Patients with age below 15 & above 60 yrs, 2.
Pregnant women’s & lactating mothers, 3. Patients suffering from
serious systemic disorders like Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiac & Renal
Disorders, Malignant disease, Major liver disorders etc., 4.
Patients Contraindicated for Vaman & Virechana as per classical
Ayurvedic Texts.
Result: Significant results were obtained in PASI Score, Itching &
Burning Score.
Conclusion: So it is concluded from above study that Vaman,
Virechana followed by administration of Laghu Manjisthadi Ghana
is effective in management of Psoriasis as it is safe, cost effective
& free from any side effects. It also prevents the relapse
Method : In this study 30 patients of svitra were divided in to
three groups (a) chitrakari ras orally dose 1 gram bd. Group (b)
Kushthakalanal taila local application. Group (c) orally & local
application, for 30 days, at OPD and IPD of NIA jaipur. The study
was statistically analysed using T-test.
Result : In group (a) t=8.8008, p <0.001, In group (b) t= 3.0000, p
<0.05, In group (c) t= 9.7024, p <0.001. Study indicated that,
Chitrakari Rasa and Kusthakalanal taila are significantly useful in
the management of Svitra (Vitiligo).
Conclusion : The collected data proved the role of Chitrakari Rasa
and Kusthakalanal taila in the treatment of Svitra (Vitiligo).
Svitra (Vitiligo) has its etiopathology in the Tamra (fourth layer)
of Tvacha (skin). Psoralin (Photosensitive drug) and Copper
(Tamra) containing enzyme tyrosinase is mainly responsible for
the formation of melanin from melanocytes. Chitrakari Rasa and
Kusthakalanal taila clear the dusti (anomaly) of Bhrajak Pitta
stimulating the formation Tyrosinase, thus increasing the Melanin
formation and the coloration of skin.
The effect of vamana and virechana
on psoriasis- A clinical study
Rekha Narasimhan, Kiran.M. Goud, Amaranath BVB,
Supreeth M J
Purpose : Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder of
unknown etiology affecting about 1 2% of the population. Despite
its fewer incidences, considering the severity and complication it
can be deemed as a major disease. The present study is focused
on the clinical study to evaluate the effect of shamanaoushadis
and ubhayataha shodhana in Psoriasis.
Method : This is a single blind comparative clinical study with pre
test & post test design where in 20 diagnosed Psoriasis patients of
either sex were randomly assigned into two groups(A & B) each
comprising of 10 patients. The patients diagnosed on the basis of
signs and symptoms, candle grease sign and auspitz sign were
selected. Group A patients were administered with
shamanaoushadis(Arogyavardini vati, Aragwadhadi kashayam,
Kutaja taila), Group B with Ubhayataha shodana(vamana and
virechana) followed by Shamanaushadis.
Result : The effect of treatment on symptoms were recorded, the
total response period of the disease between group A and B is less
significant as P value >0.1, whereas of itching does not show any
significance at P value >0.5.
Conclusion : A favourable response was obtained in all groups
which received samshodhana and shaman therapies, but the
efficacy of samshodhana combined with shaman therapy proved
superior in providing response.
Conceptual and applied study of
"vishesha" management of
Kumkum Pandey, Rajesh Sood, Satish Gandharve
Purpose : To explore the concept of 'vishesha'
management of charmakeela described in ayurvedic literature by
comparing it with warts, keloid and other disease described in
modern dermatology.
Method : There were two groups of patients, one which was given
lekhniya mahakashaya orally and other which was given lekhniya
mahakashaya along with local application of apamarg
pratisarniya kshara on charmakeela. Comparison was done by
grading lesion on the basis of cardinal sign and symptoms of
charmakeela which are nistoda, raukshyatva, kharatva,
granthitva and krishnatva.
Result : In group 1 granthitva was relieved by 49.98% which was
statistically insignificant, raukshyatva was relieved by 73.33%
which was highly significant, kharatva was relieved by 66.67%
which was significant, krishnatva was relieved by 33.33% which
was significant and nistoda was relieved by 43.67% which was
significant statistically.
In group 2 granthitva was relieved by 86% which was statistically
highly significant, raukshyatva was relieved by 94.44% which was
highly significant, kharatva was relieved by 93.33% which was
significant, krishnatva was relieved by 77.28% which was highly
significant and nistoda was relieved by 43.67% which was
significant statistically. While comparing data of both groups
difference was significant in granthitva and insignificant in the
case of raukshyatva, kharatva, krishnatva and nistoda.
Conclusion : Results of group 2 were better in comparison to the
results of group 1. data shows that only internal medication is not
sufficient to treat charmakeela . Excision of the growth should
also be done as kshara causes scraping and removal of growth
along with internal use of lekhniya mahakshaya which causes
diminution of kapha and shaman of prakupit vyan vayu as vyan
vayu along with kapha are the main doshas responsible for
charmakeela. This study has established that karma vishesha
along with guna vishesha has much value in the management of
charmakeela .
Effect of virechanakarma in kitibha
Sahil Basotra
Purpose : Large community prevalence studies have
demonstrated that between 20 30% of the population have
various skin problems requiring attention. (Davidson 18th Ed.)
Skin is a mirror that reflects internal & external pathology & thus
helps in diagnosis of diseases. Acharya charaka has explained the
dosha predominance in kitibha kushta as vata and kapha.
According to sushruta the predominant dosha in kibha kushta is
pitta. As we know for pitta, Virechana is the best line of treatment
.So here Virechana in the management of Kitibha kustha is being
Method : Study is conducted on15 patients of Kitibha kustha with
Virechna and Shamanoushadhis for a period of 60 days. All the
patients are randomly made into 3 groups, A) Only Shodhana, B)
Only Shamana C) Both Shodhana and Shamana. All 3 groups’
patients were applied kutaja patra tail. For Shamana purpose Tab.
Kaishora guggulu 1tid, Aragwadadi kashaya 10ml tid used. 1)
Trikatu churnam for Deepana Pachana for 3days, 6gms with hot
water. 2) Panchatikta ghritha for Arohna krama snehapanam
from 30ml /till samyak snigdha lakshanas for 3 5days . 3) Trivrit
lehya for Virechana karma 30gms, dose may alterd based on bala
and vaya of the patient.
Result : Group C patients are responded very well as compared to
Group B. Hence role of Virechana along with Shamanoushadhis
works significantly in kitibha to get rid of Kitibha kustha.
Conclusion : Hence Virechana karma helps in the management of
Kitibha kushta effectively.
A Comparative clinical study of
ayurvedic formulations for
"shvitra" with special reference to
Suresh Jadhao, J.A. Sugeeswara Jayakody
Purpose : Leucoderma is loss of pigmentation of the skin. Near
about 1 2% of world population, 2.8% Indian population are
suffering & the numbers of patients are increased day by day. The
disease of Leucoderma is an acquired idiopathic, depigmentary
condition. The purpose of study is to evaluate the clinical efficacy
of Dhatryadi kwatha and Vayasyadi Lepa followed by
Virechanakarma on Shvitra.
Method : The study was conducted on 30 cases of Leucoderma
selected from OPD & IPD of NIA, Jaipur. They were divided into 2
groups (group A and B). Group A was administrated with
Dhatryadi Kwatha 50 ml twice a day and Vayasyadi Lepa
applied twice a day for 2 months with goat’s urine. In Group B,
after following Virechana karma, the Dhatryadi Kwatha 50 ml
twice a day and Vayasyadi Lepa was applied twice a day for 2
Result : In group A, there was an improvement by 26.66 %. In
group B, the improvement was 37.77%. Group B was more
significant than group A on the basis of all the symptoms and
photographic observations.
Conclusion : Dhatryadi Kwatha (Internal drug) and Vyasyadi Lepa
(External application) both were effective for the Skin of human
being. The effects of virechana karma helped better results in
group B probably because it is very good shodhana therapy for
pitta dosha.
Cosmetology and ayurveda
Neha Mahajan
Purpose : Beauty is a subject of socio medical importance.
Cosmetology is the science of beautifying skin and its appendages.
There is great demand of ayurveda in field of cosmetology has
been established due to its unique concept about beauty, and due
to effective, cheaper, and long lasting beauty therapy without any
side effect. People rising cosmetics not only for curing their skin
problems but also to maintain the skin appearance and beauty.
Acharya Sushruta was the first and foremost to mention a whole
group of skin disease in kshudra roga. Increased demand of
beautification in today’s era due to increased beauty problem
caused by changing life styles gives a birth to cosmetology as a
special field of cosmetology is so vast so vyanga was for
selected for study. Main purpose of research is (a) To study about
ayurvedic approach in the field of cosmetology.(b)To study the
disease vyanga with its etiopathology and symptomatology
according to ayurveda as well as modern literature.(to evaluate
the effect of vyangharlepa after microdermaabrasion.(d)To study
or evaluate the combined effect of vyanghar lepa locally and
haritaki churna orally after microdermaabrasion.
Clinical study of manashiladi lepa
and traditional lepa in the
management in the kitibha
Kamal Kanti Pal, O.P. Gupta
Purpose : Psoriasis is a common scaly disorder of unknown
etiology and exacerbation of unpredictable onset mark its course.
Psoriasis is also one of the most dreaded skin diseases today.
Kitibh is a clinical entity described in Ayurveda can be correlated
near to Psoriasis. There is no safe and effective medicament
available in modern medicine, so the present study has been
taken to evaluate the safe, economical and better alternative drug
with least side effects.
Method : An open clinical trial was done on 60 patients attending
the OPD of Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Guwhati. 2 groups
were made Group A was given trial drug locally Manashiladi lepa
(oil) and Group B was given traditional lepa (earth worm soil
paste). The duration of treatment was 90 days.
Result : After completion of trial period all the patient was
enrolled for clinical study was statically evaluated over the
pre-trial state of objective and subjective criteria
Result : The effect of therapy was found to be very encouraging.
The mean difference of itching before and after treatment was
2.17 ± 0.37 with t value 31, p<0.001 in group A and the mean
difference of itching 1.5 ± 0.57 with t value 14.4, p<0.001 in group
B. The mean difference of erythema before and after treatment
was 1.77 ± 0.81 with t value 12.64, p<0.001 in group A and the
mean difference of erythema 1.43 ± 0.50 with t value 15.59,
p<0.001 in group B. The mean difference of scaling before and
after treatment was 2.03 ± 1.03 with t value 10.74, p<0.001 in
group A and the mean difference of scaling 1.86 ± 0.57 with t
value 17.88, p<0.001 in group B.
Conclusion : So it was concluded that vyanghar lepa applied
locally in patient of vyanga after microdermaabrasion had good
results .but vyangharlepa applied locally along with use of
haritaki churna internally after microdermaabrasion had more
good results in comparison to patient of trial group one.
Conclusion : As more differences have been observed in group A
the effect of drug Manashiladi lepa (oil) is better than Traditional
lepa statistically. Thus it can be said that Manashiladi lepa is not
only effective but also a simple and cost effective means of
managing psoriasis.
Method : The available literature was scrutinized for the study of
vyanga in ayurvedic and modern text of dermatology, Trial group
1 patients was treated with vyangaharlepa locally once a day after
microdermaabrasion for one month. Trial group11 patients was
treated with vyangaharlepa locally with haritaki churna internally
twice a day for one month after microdermaabrasion
Scientific evaluation on siddha
drug g 7 for the management of
allergic disorders of the skin
Aarthi Velmurugan, J.R..Krishnamoorthy
Purpose : In the ancient siddha literature various herbomineral
components individually and in combination are documented to
have wide spectrum of activity against allergic disorders of skin
like pruritus, urticaria, eczema etc. The aim of the present study
was to establish the effect of G7 on IL 8, IL alpha 1 and histamine
both in vivo and in vitro studies.
Method : The cultured keratinocytes were exposed to uv
irradiation and the release of IL 8, IL alpha 1 and histamine were
established by ELISA. The effect of G7 on histamine induced wheel
and flare reaction were established in human subjects. Capasicin
and substance P were used as positive control with intra dermal
Result : G7 had significantly interfered in the release of IL 8, IL
alpha 1 and histamine in vitro studies and in vivo studies G7 had
significantly reduced wheal and flare reaction in human subjects.
Conclusion : The findings of the study have clearly established the
anti-allergic effect of G7 and its mechanism of action. Siddha
system of medicine was contemporary to ayurvedic system of
medicine. Siddha system however was confined to Tamil nadu
while the ayurvedic system was prevalent throughout India.
Pathya ahara - A key for the
management of kitibha (psoriasis)
Anil Kumar, Prashant. G Jadar, Neeru Nathani, Om Prakash
Purpose : In Ayurveda, Kitibha is explained under the heading of
Kustha, which resembles with Psoriasis in sign and symptoms.
Psoriasis is a complex, chronic, non infectious, inflammatory,
multisystem disease. Some studies suggest that incomplete
protein digestion causes bacteria acting on the proteins in the
gastrointestinal tract to form toxic compounds that trigger
excessive skin cells proliferation. According to Ayurvedic
references, Kitibha is caused by the vitiation of Vata and Kapha
dosha. Although there are many factors in the vitiation of doshas
but Apthya ahara (sour and salty items, guru anna, viruddha
ahara etc.) plays an important role in the accumulation of dooshi
visha (low potency poisons), which is responsible for basic
pathological changes taking place in the system. Pathya ahara is
the best medicine that alleviates the sign and symptoms of the
Method : Total 30 patients with moderate to severe Kitibha
(Psoriasis) were assigned for 3 months treatment in S.S. Hospital,
IMS, BHU. Study was designed into two groups, Group A contains
15 patients (control group mtx 7.5 mg weekly) and 15 patients in
group B (control group + pathya ahara). The outcome of two
groups was estimated by PASI score.
Result : After 3 months of treatment the mean score of PASI
decreased to a greater extent in the patients of group B as
compared to group A, and a significant difference was found
(P < .001%) between two groups.
Conclusion : After study it was evident that for better results and
management of Kitibha a strict dietary regimen has to be
followed along with drug therapy.
A clinical study on the management
of kitibha kushta (psoriasis) w.s.r.
to ubhaya shodhana and shamana
A clinical study on the effect of
virechan karma and karanjadi taila
in the management of ek-kushtha
vis-a-vis psoriasis
Nidhi Verma
Sunanda Bhople, Ameya Kelkar
Purpose : Psoriasis is among the most wide spread chronic,
frequently recurring diseases of the skin. About 3% of the world
population suffers from psoriasis. And it is also have become a
major source of frustration to patients suffering from this. Inspite
of various advancements in all the branches of modern science its
etiology is still a dermatological mystery ,the solution to which is
being tackled by many scientists, but still there is no satisfactory
treatment found till now. Psoriasis can be compared to kitibha
kushta in Ayurveda. Vitiated saptako dravya sangraha are the
main responsible factors for it. These are vitiated by mithya
ahara, vihara, virudha ashana and manasika bhavas.Management
of kitibha kushta includes Shodhana, shaman, alepana, abhyanga
Purpose : Psoriasis is a Greek word meaning of 'itch'. Park opined
that 1.5 2% population is suffering from this disease. Psoriasis is
one of the commonest autoimmune diseases occurring in human,
which is mediated by T lymphocytes. In Modern Medicine; Coal
tar, PUVA, Retinoid and Corticosteroids drugs are used for
treatment. But these drugs are very costly, having side effect . So
it is our duty to check remedies in our Science like Shodhana
therapy. In Ayurveda; symptoms of psoriasis resemble to
Ekakushtha & Kitibha. The main treatment of Kushta comprises
Shodhana therapy. So, Virechan as advised by Charaka (C.C.7/40)
is very useful in such conditions and when it is accompanied with
Karanjadi taila (local application) it gives even better results.
Method : The drugs selected for the study were mahakhadiradi
ghrita for snehapana,karanja taila for abhyanga,madana phaladi
yoga for vamana,trivrit lehya for virechana and guduchyadi
kashaya for shamana.30 patients were studied in this series
under groups A,B,C EACH group containing 10 patients. The
patients of group A received vamana and shaman,the patients of
group B received virechana and shaman while patients of group C
received only shaman oushadhi. The study was done to evaluate
the advantages of vamana and virechana. The effect of the
therapies were assessed based on improvement obtained in
terms of scores given to signs and symptoms,P.A.S.I scoring etc
and the datas were statistically analyzed
Result : The therapies provided highly significant results on all
parameters including P.A.S.I scoring. The results were
encouraging with more than 85% results. In a nutshell out of 30
patients 20 patients improved markedly,8 patients improved
moderately and 2 patients showed better improvement
Conclusion : In all the three groups the therapies provided highly
significant effect on the affected sroto dushti.It is just a humble
effect to prove the value of Ayurvedic measures on the basis of
scientific lines and thus to highlight its worthiness
Method : 15 patients of Psoriasis were treated by Virechana and
local application of Karanjadi Tail for 21 days. For Virechana
Karma, the classical method mentioned in the texts was adapted.
For this purpose patients were given Panchatikta Ghrita 25ml on
1st day and increasing onwards by 25ml per day till Samyak
Sneha Siddhi Lakshanas are seen but not exceeding 7 days. Then a
rest of 3 days was advised following Virechana on 4th day.
Samsarjana Krama of Peya, Vilepi was designed depending upon
type of Shuddhi. Simultaneously patients were given Karanjadi
Taila for external application. BT and AT scores of symptoms of
psoriasis were assessed.
Criteria of Assessment:
Signs & Symptoms for Assessment of study :1) Dryness, 2) Scaling,
3) Redness, 4) Itching, 5) Oozing after scratching lesion
Result : Dryness was relieved by 50.28% while redness was
relieved by 65.12%, Itching by 68.25%, and scaling by 38.34%
Conclusion : Shodhan Therapy i.e Virechana accompanied with
Karanjadi Taila causes beneficial effects on reducing symptoms of
Psoriasis like Dryness, Scaling, Redness, Itching, Oozing. The
average percentage of releif was 67.08% which is very
Evaluation of sharanghdharokta
vyangaghna lepa in vyanga- a
cosmetic preparation
Prakrithi M V
Purpose : Now days, appearance plays major role everywhere. It
is essential to protect and preserve the cosmetic appearance for a
person. As skin is the largest organ of the body, which covers
outer surface, focus on skin care and management is necessary.
Ayurveda emphasizes on both internal and external remedies to
normalize avasthika doshas and sthanika vikaras. And Vyanga is
a common anomaly, where in shyava mandala occurs on face by
the vitiation of vayu, pitta, because of krodha, ayasa. Patients get
disturbed due to unusual black patches and seek solution. Hence
attempt was made to evolve effective solution using
sharangadharokta vyangaghna lepa.
Method : It was a single blind clinical study wherein 20 volunteers
diagnosed as vyanga was incidentally selected from OPD of AMV
hospital, Hubli. 5gm of sukshma choorna mentioned in
sharangadhara samhita for vyanga, consisting of raktachandana,
manjista, lodhra, kushta, priyangu, vatankura and masura was
given for local application with sheeta jala in the early morning
for 45 days. Assessment was done before and after treatment by
measuring size of mandala in cm and color with the help of 1 7
cosmetical color grading scale. Grading was done from the darker
side to the lighter one.
Result : Initial mean score of size of mandala was 3.005 which
were reduced to 2.55 after treatment. This result was highly
significant at the level of P < 0.001. Initial mean score of shyava
varna was 2.9 which went to the higher side of the score reducing
the color to the level of 4.65 after treatment. One can recall that
color index scale scoring was done from darker to lighter side
with reverse score. This was highly significant at the level of P <
Conclusion : The Vyangaghna lepa of Sharangdhara samhita
showed a good result in reducing the shyava varna and size of
A case study on vitiligo
Ritamadhuri Thounaojam
Purpose : Vitiligo is a chronic disorder that causes
depigmentation of patches of skin. It is an important skin disease
having major impact on quality of life of patients, many of whom
feel distressed and stigmatized by their condition. Vitiligo has
become a marked social stigma in countries such as India, where
opportunities for social advancement or marriage among affected
individuals are severely limited even today. In spite of
tremendous development in the health science till date successful,
safe and cost effective therapeutics for the management of vitiligo
is yet a challenge due to the chronic nature of disease, long term
treatment, lack of uniform effective therapy and unpredictable
course of disease. Establishment of new and safe drug is essential
to cope up the increasing burden of the vitiligo epidemic. Herbal
products along with Virechana therapy are seemed to be quite
effective for this as they are considered safe and cost effective.
Extensive and methodical clinical trials are necessary in order to
justify and develop these medicines and application of Virechana
Method : The case study was carried out in Kaya Ayurvedic clinic
and research centre on the vitiligo patient. The patient was
treated with a preparation of Herbal compound consisting of
Achachia catechu Willd, Emblica officinalis Gaertn and Psoralia
corilifolia Linn for a period of 6months in a dose of 2 gms daily in
two divided doses along with its local application and Virechana
Result : The assessment of treatment result i.e. effect of the drug
and Virechana therapy was determined in terms of changes in
Skin colour and reducing in size of the abnormal patches.
Conclusion : Vitiligo which is a chronic skin disorder can be
managed with proper Panchakarma therapy and oral medication
along with local application provided with proper diet and
regimen. This clinical study shows positive response without any
adverse or side effects.
Cosmetics in ayurveda - A critical
Efficacy of Pd8 cream in the
management of pada dari
Sandhya B
Nirasha Gunaratna, K. A. A. D. N. A. Shiwanthika
Purpose : Keeping the health hazards with the synthetic cosmetics
in view, the present study has been taken up to reveal the safest
herbal beautifying formulations embedded in the lore of
Ayurvedic literature.
Purpose : Pada dari is a common problem experienced by many
people all over the world. This research was considered about
preparation of a herbal cream that can be used for Pada dari.
Method : A thorough study of Ayurvedic cosmetics is done by
consulting the available authentic literature of Ayurveda as well
as electronic material and recorded the useful and safest herbal
beautifying formulations.
Result : A number of practically proven and safest formulations
related to different conditions viz. Gray hair, Baldness, Dandruff,
Depilation (Hair removal), Acne, Warts, Blackish spots, Wrinkles,
Nail diseases, Cracks on the foot, Floppy Breast, Tooth problems
etc. have been recorded in the present study.
Conclusion : In fact, the concept of beauty and cosmetics is as old
as mankind and civilization. Nowadays the consciousness of
beautification is increasing day by day not only in women but also
in men by adorning themselves with jewelry, scents and
cosmetics. Harmful chemicals found in cosmetics such as hair
dyes, nail polishes results in occupational hazards like allergies,
dermatitis and other respiratory health problems; and which has
forced approximately 20% of hairdressers to stop practicing their
profession. Hence, herbal cosmetics have been of great demand
as they are efficient, safe and have lesser side effects. Currently
Ayurveda concepts have got lot of attention and have been
witnessing a huge rise in demand not only nationally but on
international arena. The cosmetics industry registered impressive
sales worth Rs 422.3 Billion (US$ 9.3 Billion) in 2010. Indian
cosmetics sector is expected to witness noteworthy growth rate in
near future, owing to the rising beauty concerns of both men and
women. This is the time to awake and tap the market demand by
making the practically proven herbal cosmetic formulae into
value added products.
Method : Preparation of the herbal cream was carried out at
Bandaranaike Ayurveda Research Institute, Nawinna, Sri Lanka.
50 grams of the cream was given to twenty volunteers and
advised to apply after cleaning the foot with warm water and dry
the foot. They were also advised to avoid other treatments for
cracks. Cracks and other symptoms (Skin discolouration, pain in
heel, bleeding, pus discharge, itching and burning sensation) were
record throughout the period. They were taken to the account for
the evaluation and severity of the crack and other symptoms were
rated using five point scales.
Result : According to volunteers results after two weeks of time,
crack grades were decreased to grade 0 and grade 1. Percentages
were as 15% and 55% respectively. Skin discolouration, pain in
the heel, bleeding, pus discharge, itching and burning sensation
were decreased to grade 0 as 70%, 90%, 90%, 100%, 95% and
75% respectively.
Conclusion : According to Ayurveda, Pada dari is caused by
vitiation of Vata. Then skin becomes dry, rough and fissured. The
ingredients of PD8 cream have shothagna, vedanashamaka,
vranashodhana, vathanulomana, vishagna, kushtagna,
rakthashodhana, varnya, vranaropana karma. They help to purify
the blood, heals sores, boils, wounds, eliminate the pain, reduce
inflammations, and removes infections. Therefore, the PD8 cream
ingredients decreased the aggravated vata when they were active.
Thus, the PD8 cream reduced crack depth and healed. It helped to
reduce other symptoms also. Therefore, it can be concluded that
the PD8 cream is an effective cream for Pada dari.
Clinical evaluation of panchakarma
and allied therapies on khalitya
Prashant Tiwari
Purpose : Aim To evaluate clinicaly of panchakarma & allied
theray in hair fall[khalitya]
Objective To study the khalitya and standardization of drugs
used in panchakarma procedure. Background Out of around 1
lakh scalp hair, everyday 50 100 hair fall is normal but more then
this is one of the biggest problem in health world but Ayurvedic
classics have mentioned its solution long back ,we tried a part of it
to solve this problem with panchakarma therapy & allied
Method : Four group A B C D having 15 patient each with
complaint of hair fall were taken for study. Shodhan is given to
each group followed by pratimarsh nasya (for one month) shiro
dhara(4 daya in a week) shiro abhyanga (1 month)shiro lepan(4
days in a week) w
Result : Result Group wise 71%,68%,60%,20%less hair fall were
noted respectively in a month. Observation We have assessed
reduced hair fall after combing & bath in successive weeks in a
month.On this basis we calculated percentage of reduced hair fall.
Conclusion : Best result were noted in shodhan+patimarsh nasya
and least with lepan as it was not very feasible for patients. Note In paper, we did try to show possibility to prevent and cure hair
fall with the help of panchakarma therapy .
To study the efficacy of Triphala
kwatha on Vyanaga vyadhi (
Chloasma) under the siddhant of
apakarshan chikitsa.
Mrunal Dharmik
Apakarshan' Ashtang Sangrah 12/6; 'Apakarshan......' Charak
Viman 7/28. Vyanga Vyadhi Described under Kshudra Roga in
various Samhita`s. The objective is To study the sign & symptoms
of Vyanga. To study the efficacy of Triphala Kwatha on vyanga
under the siddhant Apakarshana chikitsa.
Method: 30 patient were taken govt. Ayurved College, Nagpur,
Dravyaguna OPD. Drug Triphala Kwatha for Virechanartha. Dose
decided as per mrudu, madhyam, krura kostha. Duration: 1 to 2
months. Criteria of Assessment 30 patients were taken and
chloasma was measured & scored (4 0) before treatment and
after (1 &2 months) treatment. This data is presented in table.
Following gradation were decided: 4 Very Severe dark circle; 3
Severe dark circle; 2 Moderate dark circle; 1 Mild dark circle; 0
Relived dark circle. The data is completely non parametric in
nature and symptom severity is a desecrate variable. For
coloration distribution is polynomial and so Wilcoxon Signed
Rank Test was applied which is equivalent to paired "t test" of
parametric analysis.
Result: Details of statistical analysis of our data is presented
below. Vyanga dark circle. Total score of Lakshana before starting
the treatment = 89. After first Virechan Karma the total Lakshana
score = 89 (0%). After Second Virechan Karma the total Lakshana
score = 61(31.46%). After 7 days of second Virechan Karma the
total Lakshana score = 61(31.46%) Mean observed second
virechan karama as well as 7 days after second virechana karama
= 2.0333. The S.D. of this data = 0.8087. Z= 5.112b. P. Value of this
data (p < 0.05)
Conclusion : The data shows significant (p < o.05); After Triphala
Kwatha Virechan within 1 months p > 0.05; Triphala Kwatha
Virechan after 2 month p < 0.05; Significant result found after 2
A success story on the clinical
management of severe acne
through Samshodhana
(bio-cleansing) treatment.
Santoshkumar Bhatted, Prakash Lokhande
Purpose: Acne vulgaris is the major cosmetic problem of the
present era particularly seen in young age causing into
disfigurement and loss of skin beauty resulting into frustration.
The present treatment modalities include use of antibiotics,
NSAID, steroids, tropical applications and cosmetic laser
treatment. All of them are associated with adverse effects and
poor efficacy. 1. To find an effective, safe and long lasting
Ayurvedic remedy for severe Acne by using Samshodhana (bio
cleansing) therapy through Vamana (therapeutic emesis),
Virechana (therapeutic purgation) and Jaloukavacharana (Leech
application). 2. To stop the regular use of antibiotics, NSAID,
steroids, tropical applications.
Method: case study in which two male patients of Severe Acne
were selected. First case was suffering with Acne conglobate a
type of severe acne grade 4 treated with classical Vamana
followed by Virechana with some palliative medicine. Second case
was suffering with Nodulocystic Acne a type of severe acne grade
3 treated with Jaloukavacharana in four sittings with some
palliative medicine and tropical application of Rakta Shodhaka
(blood purifier) and Varnya Dravya (complexion promoting
Result: In first case Modern medicine like NSAID and antibiotic
Azithromycin was totally stopped which he was regularly using.
Size and number of papules, pustules and nodules was reduced,
pain, itching and burning sensation and discolouration was
In Second case Thickening and size of the lesion, pus discharge,
pain, burning sensation and discolouration was reduced and
complexion was improved.
Effect of aragwadhadi kashaya and
bilvadi gutika in atopic dermatitis
Prasanna Kumar
Purpose : Beauty is either skin deep i.e. Superficial or the purity of
soul itself the later which is implied to satwa guna is penultimate
and is beyond physical afflictions. Complexion, colour etc.
attributed to the healthy status of twak (skin) and the humors and
the former is mean of sensory perception and the vata dosha
pervades in it. People who live in urban areas and in climates with
low humidity seen to be at increased risk for developing atopic
dermatitis. WHO reveals that more than 75 million people all over
the world have this disease. In review of literature part there was
a detail description of Jaloukavacharana, brief description of
Rakthamokshana is mentioned. Objective of the study is to
evaluate the efficacy of Atopic Dermatitis.
Method: Our O.P.D treatment protocol: Aragwadhadi Kashayam
SKM; Bilvadi Gutika SKM; Siddha Makaradwajam SKM; Leech
Therapy Alternate days. For 2 weeks Our I.P.D treatment
protocol: Snehapanam with Tiktaka Ghruta; Virechanam with
Abayathi Modak; Navarakizhi with maha manjishtadi kashaya
choorna. Subjective Parameters: Rajyam, Kandu, Rujaha,
Rooksha, Pidakas, Shyava and Daha. Objective Parameters: Sites
of the lesion, size of the lesion, colour of the lesion Thick ness of
the skin and srava. Source of Data- Patients suffering from
Vicharchika were selected from the SKM Chikitchaalaya, Erode
O.P. D and I.P. Depatments; Treatment Duration: 3 weeks.
Discussion: After the treatment result was calculated by using
paired‘t’ test,
Result: In Jaloukavacharana group after 4 sittings there was a
good response only for Kandu (77.55%) and Srava (77.27%).
Other PARAMETERS also reduced.
Conclusion: Cost effective treatment can be practised at OPD level
also with easy and immediate results.
Conclusion: Classical Vamana followed by Virechana is effective
treatment in acne conglobate. By adopting Ayurvedic treatment
one can stop the regular use of NSAID, steroid and antibiotics.
Jaloukavacharana followed by ayurvedic tropical application
stops pus discharge, reduces the size and thickening of acne lesion
and improves complexion.
A Study on the Concept of Varnya
vis à Vis Clinical Evaluation of
Efficacy of Varnya Gana lepa in
Megha T , Pallivi G , Balakrishna , Nazeema Akhtar
Government Ayurveda Medical College, Mysore, Karnataka,
INDIA, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Mysore,
Karnataka, INDIA, Government Ayurveda Medical College,
Mysore, Karnataka, INDIA, Government Ayurveda Medical
College, Mysore, Karnataka, INDIA
The concept of Varnya dealt in Ayurveda is an innate entity of
beauty .Varnya represents all the parameters for healthy and
radiant skin. In this aesthetic era, people are getting more and
more beauty conscious, so to cope with their cosmetic demands; it
becomes invariably essential to resort to Varnya upakramas.
Vyanga is a Varnya vikara (hyper pigmentation) which has been
selected for this study The 2 important objectives with which this
study was designed were To systematically compile and review
the literature on the concept of Varnya and Vyanga & To clinically
evaluate the efficacy of Charakokta Varnya Gana Lepa in Vyanga.
There was statistically highly significant improvement in the
MASI Scores but in overall assessment 64.5% patients had mild
improvement. Clinical improvement was more evident in
Darkness parameter when compared to other parameters. Varnya
incorporates the entities like colour, texture, lustre, appearance
and nourishment (plumpness). It is evident from the study that
application of Varnya Gana Lepa in Vyanga could bring a mild
improvement in colour and texture parameters of Varnya along
with other symptoms like itching and burning sensation. Greater
extent of improvement could have been expected in all the
parameters if the duration of intervention is extended.
A clinical study on the effect of
vamana karma by kutaja kalpa in
the management of kitibha kustha
M.Yogeshwari Biradar , Sherekara Deepali , Manikarao
Dept of panchakarma, N.K.J.Ayurvedic medical college & PG
centre, Bidar, Karnataka state, India
Introduction: Recent era showing greater interest in the
treatment which balances the function of the body and counter
act’s the pathogenesis of the diseases; all this get fulfilled by
Ayurveda specifically by panchakarma treatment. Acharya
Charaka has described the involvement of vatakapha in kitibha
kushta1. In the present study kitibha kushta is compared with
psoriasis due to its maximum resemblance of its symptoms. It is
notoriously chronic and is well known for its course of remission
and exacerbation. Psoriasis is one of the most common
dermatological diseases affecting up to 2.5% of the world’s
Hence Present study designed on the basis of Bahudoshavastha
janya status to induce Vamana; here 30 patients were selected for
vamana in single group i.e. kutaja kalpa to assess the result of
Objective: To analyze the efficacy of vamana karma by using
kutaja kalpa in the management of kitibha kustha. Detail Study of
disease kitibha kushta according to various authors.
Methods: A total of 30 patients were selected according to
inclusive and exclusive criteria. Special case Performa was
designed and parameters were assessed.
Results: In present study kutaja kalpa for vamana helps in proving
an effective and safe treatment for Kitibha kushtha.The results
are highly significant and revived in full paper.
Interpretation and Conclusion: Kutaja kalpa gives better result for
vamana karma in kitibha kustha.
Clinical study of some Ayurvedic
formulations in the management of
Ekkushtha w s r to Psoriasis
Alankruta R. Dave(1) , Charmi S. Mehta(2) , V.D. Shukla(3)
1. Associate Professor, Dept of Kayachikitsa, IPGT &RA,
Jamnagar, 2. Resident medical officer, Shree Gulabkunwarba
Ayurved Chikitsalaya, Jamnagar, 3. Ex-HOD, panchkarma dept,
IPGT &RA, Jamnagar
Kushtha is described as one of the most chronic disorders
(Dirgharoga) by Acharya Charaka. Among different types of
Kushtha, Ekkushtha is described as one with symptoms like
Aswedanam (anhydrosis), Mahavastuvam (lesions spread all over
the body), mastyashakalopamam (fish like scales) etc. All these
symptoms can be correlated with Psoriasis in which slivery fish
like scales is the most predominant feature. In the present
research paper, clinical effect of two classical formulations is
scientifically and statistically evaluated. The formulations are –
Amrutbhallatak avleha (Reference Bhavprakash) and
Pathyadhya vatak (reference Bangsena). Amrutbhallatak avleha
was given to the 36 patients of Ekkushtha for 3 months in the
dose of 5 gram bid along with local application of Karanjadi lepa.
The results of the drug were statistically highly significant in the
management of Ekkushtha. Likewise, Pathyadhya vatak was given
to 24 patients of Ekkushtha for 3 months in the dose of 2tablets
three times a day along with local application of Vidangadi lepa
(reference chakradutta). The results of this formulation were
also highly significant. Thus, it can be concluded that such
classical formulations give very promising results for treatment of
Ekkushtha (psoriasis).
Dose prakriti affect vital functions
at static state
Mahendra Prasad
Purpose : To evaluate the some fundamentals objective
non-invasive parameter like body mass index, body temperature,
pulse rate & arterial blood pressure (systolic & diastolic) at
resting stage, would serve a good indicator to determine the
Method : The study are designed in 54 people on the occasion of
Ayurvedic Health Fair 2010 in the campus of State Ayurvedic
College & Hospital, Atarra Banda. Prakriti was assessed by
questionnaire to the subjects So also, the vitals, pulse rate, height,
weight, body temperature (sublingual) & blood pressure were
measured. One way ANOVA statistical test was applied.
Result : Study of prakriti in relation to vital static activity is not
significant. In case of temperature analysis the calculated F value
is greater than tabulated F value. In Ayurveda human physiology
is based on Tridosha theory. It is conceptual & most scientific. It
regulates the homeostatic mechanism by three doshas namely
Vata, Pitta & Kapha of a Prakriti person affect its activity in
different parameter. In static state it is silent not affecting & lies
within physiological limit. Temperature of core body is constant
(97oF to 99oF). It is regulated by hypothalamus. BMI depends on
diet intake & exercise, & deposition of fat. Systolic blood pressure
is determined by pumping of blood via heart. Body is acclimatized
according to situation but not on its prakriti until unless body is
not in action.
Conclusion : The pulse rate, height, weight, BMI, systolic blood
pressure, diastolic blood pressure & temperature are in lies in
physiological limits. They are not related with prakriti typing at
static state.
Clinical study on prakriti
assessment in patients of
Vivek Bhargava, Anuradha Roy, Manjari Dwivedi
Purpose : In many countries the population explosion still asks for
an effective control of human fertility.however,unwanted sterility
remains one of the most serious personal problem for a
couple.during the last two decades on insight into the complicated
mechanism involved in reproduction has been considerably
broadened. Consequently, our understanding of pathological and
physiological process has refined and therapeutic possibilties has
increased considerably. A reorganization of methodology
approach in related medical discipline has simultaneously taken
place.resulting new diagnostic and therapeutic methods had
devloped which may help score of barren marriage to achieve the
long desired child. Major cause of infertility are likely to differ in
different countries.roughly 1/3rd of the infertile population
seeking advice at infertility clinics present with ovulation failure.
Conceptually prakriti brings about a phenotypical classification of
human population based on predominance of certain dosha in
every individual leading to contitutional specificity and on which
the physical, physiological and mental traits of a person depends
prakriti examination forms an essential component of tenfold
examination plan of ayurvedic decision making. Prakriti
identification has value in predictive medicine by presenting a
clue to disease susceptibilty and incidence pattern in a given
constitution type. The study was designed to evaluate the prakriti
of the anovular infertile females to assess the prognosis and
better management still the study could be used for the pre
conceptional conselling to the married couple.
Method : 25 infertile female patients having usg finding of
anovulation had been selected for the clinical assesment of
prakriti and data analysed following anova statistical method.
Result : Out of 25 patients 72% found to have vata predominat
prakriti, 8% found to have pitta prakriti and 20% found to have
kapha prakriti.
Conclusion : In the present clinical study the patients having vata
predominant prakriti was found more prone for anovulation as a
cause of infertility.
Anatomical variation of eye
according to deha prakriti
specially in glucoma
Mukesh Kumar Gupta, Manoj Kumar(1) , Surendra Patel(2)
1. IMS BHU, 2. LRP Ayurveda Medical College & Research Center
Purpose: The present study entitled Anatomical variation of eye
according to deha prakriti specially in Glucoma was conducted to
observe and document the structural, functional variations in
modern terms which, according to Ayurveda, exist in the
individuals of different deha prakriti. The following
characteristics are examined in this study.
Method: Palpebral aperture, Size of eye ball (Axial length), Depth
of Anterior Chamber, Size of Cornea, Power of Cornea, Pupil Size,
Cornea covered by upper eye lid, Anterior Chamber Angle, Field of
vision, Number of eye lashes, Intra ocular pressure, Appearance of
Eye (Sclera), Colour of Iris, Density of eye brow, Cup disc ratio,
A.V. Caliber ratio and Visual acuity. To study these variation 90
individuals were taken, in which 30 individuals were selected of
each prakriti.
Result: In this study it has been found that the variations exist in
Diameter of pupil (in dark room), anterior chamber depth,
number of eyelashes, density of eyebrows and appearance of eye
Conclusion: Vata prakriti individuals may be prone to early
appearance of presbyopic symptoms, glare and increased intra
ocular pressure in dark. ( Glaucoma)
Biochemical and Serological
Profiles of Arthralgia (Vata Dosha)
Patients of Ayurveda Hospital
Amit Kumar Dixit, Jayram Hazra, Ranjit Dey, Aela Suresh,
Subash Chandra Pandey
Purpose: Arthralgia refers to the joints pain where there is no
inflammation and can be caused by injury or a number of
autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and gout.
Ayurveda system of medicine believes this as Vata dosha
condition in which there is difficulty in walking and running and
based on the physical examination, it is categorized into major
types i.e. Aam Vata (AV), Sandhi Vata (SV) and Vatarakta (VR) etc.
However, biochemical and serological investigations for Vata
Dosha were not cited in ancient Ayurveda literature.
Method: A retrospective study in which biochemical and
serological investigations such as uric acid (UA), Ca2+ and
rheumatoid arthritis factor (RAF), C reactive protein (CRP),
antistreptolycin O (ASO) were carried out respectively in 50 Vata
Dosha patients of Ayurveda hospital at Kolkata. The individual
information about clinical symptoms and diagnosis by the
hospital professionals were recorded. UA and Ca2+ content in
serum was determined by enzymatic and cresolphthalein
complexone methods respectively, however RAF, CRP and ASO
were determined through latex agglutination method.
Result: Results showed that maximum number of patients (24)
suffered from AV followed by SV (15) and VR (11). The range of
the UA and Ca2+ were 2.6 -18.0 mg/dl and 7.0 - 11.3 mg/dl
respectively. The average UA content is maximum in case of VR,
while no significant difference was found in Ca2+ content among
the three Vata doshas. Serological tests indicated maximum RAF
positive samples in case of AV followed by SV patients, while CRP
was positive in maximum patients of AV and SV.
Conclusion: Biochemical and serological investigations revealed a
strong diagnostic measure for Vata doshas. Results suggested that
higher UA content and positive RAF should be a diagnostic
measure in case of Aam Vata and Vata Rakta respectively. In
conclusion, modern biochemical and serological investigations
should be encouraged in Ayurveda practice.
The Significance of Prakriti in the
Prognosis of diseases W. S. R. to
Nadi Parikshan
Ankita Upadhyay
Govt. Ayurvedic College, Raipur (Chhattisgarh)
Ayurveda has holistic approach and includes all the factors which
are absolute or accessory in the determination of health. Prakriti
is one these, it plays an important role in the selection and
establishment of every factor for which a person is going to
interact from conception till death. Prakriti stands for nature of
the body in terms of dosha and is decided at the time of
conception according to the predominance of dosha. It does not
change during whole life and is responsible for the physical and
mental characteristics of an individual. The individual of specific
prakriti like vata,pitta and kapha exhibits biological variations in
terms of structure, function, behaviour and individual response to
internal and external stimuli susceptibility to different disease.
Nadi gyan is also one of the great sciences regarding Ayurveda.
With the help of nadi parikshan we can assess the prakriti of an
individual and diseased condition as well because of Nadi gyan
determine the prakrit and vaikrit avastha of dosha. This survey
study conducted for assessment of personality through nadi
parikshan. In this study 60 persons has randomly selected and
study of constitution in accordance with pronicity of diseases in
particular personality have done. So this study will provide great
significance in the diagnosis and treatment.
Maturahara vihara & beeja dosha A critical review
Role of coconut inflorescence in
foetal complexion.
M.Girija Devi
Bharti Dadlani
Purpose : Current study is an attempt to explain how ahara
viharas of mother can affect the offspring in terms of beeja dosha
and what all modification in current day life style can be made to
prevent the same.
Purpose: Ayurveda attributes primary importance to preventive
medicine and maintenance of positive health. My present study
improves the varna of foetus and bala of mother during
Method : Ayurveda is a holistic science which tends to consider
various factors which help human beings to attain healthy living.
As Ayurvedic students, we were in frantic search of the most
interesting and quite less discussed aspect of Genetics in our
system of medicine. While narrating a verse Charaka says that
human sex gametes contain a number of fragments called
Beejabhagas representing the different tissues and organs of the
human body. This is a Concept Similar to Chromosome .Genetics
in ayurveda, resembles to modern genetics which deals only the
combination of genes of mother and father. But ayurveda deals
more than this. Another important aspect vividly explained by
Acharyas are the different factors favouring the development
such as 6 bhavas which are important for garbhotpatti. These are
matruja, pitruja, aatmaja, satvaja, rasaja, satymaja. Different
characters depend on different components. This implies that the
child born to a couple is not merely an exact blend of parental
characters alone. This sounds very similar to the phenomena like
Multiple Gene Inheritance. Ayurveda had a deep insight into the
origin of congenital diseases.
Method : According to Acharya Charak and Acharya kashyapa
gharbhini becomes krish in 5th & 7th month. So to provide
nutrition to mother & develop the foetal complexion this present
study has been conducted in 50 pregnant women. In this study
drug used is coconut inflorescence & given in 3rd 5th & 7th month
of pregnancy in the dose of pregnant lady's own fist for three
Result : It was observed that this drug is effective to improve
foetal complexion & garbha vriddhi. This drug has given 70 %
Conclusion : In modern medicine there is no drug available which
improves the foetal complexion. Hence Ayurveda can give better
results to improve the foetal complexion through varna samskar .
It is a safe OPD procedure with no side effects. So further
researches are to be done in this field.
Result : Ayurveda advises pre conceptional shodhana upachara
and proper diet for parents.It is interesting to note that the
ancient scholars were confident enough to explain that the
destiny of a mortal can be altered even with powerful deeds or
strong will implying that the constitutional make up of all.
Conclusion : The above said ideas can be implemented in fields
like infertility management, preventing habitual abortions due to
chromosomal aberrations and certain hereditary diseases. Thus
we can succeed in bringing up a generation with better health.
Literary study on agni in ayurveda
in relation to thyroid gland.
Jilina Mangang
Purpose : 1) To study the concept of agni as mentioned in
brihattrayee. 2) A literary study was carried out to evaluate the
role of agni in relation to thyroid gland activities. 3) To study the
normal function of agni co relating with functions of thyroid
hormones and other enzymes in relation to metabolism.
Method : 1) References was taken from various Ayurvedic
Samhitas especially Brihattrayee.
Result : 1) Dhatwagni is the factor responsible for the increase or
decrease of dhatus due to debility & intensity of the dhatwagni
respectively. In the states of mandagni and tiksnagni are stated to
undergo hypometabolism usually associated with hypothyroidism
and hypermetabolism usually associated with hyperthyroidism.
In these cases the hormones T3 & T4 secretions sets down & rises
respectively. 2)The human body is made up of panchamahabhuta
and this panchabhautic body recieves nutrition from ingested
food materials which are made up of panchamahabhuta only.
Agnibhuta is already present in our ingested food but this
agnibhuta become active when antaragni within it such like
Apoenzyme become active when it combines with a cofactor. So
agni functions act like a cofactor in our body.
Conclusion : In our Ayurveda system, Agni has got a key role in the
maintenance of chaturvimsati purush. Agni pariksa is an
important part of dashavidha pariksa to attain the diagnosis of
any disease. As the term kaya or body itself has been equated to
agni, the term kaya means agni or the enzymes responsible for
the digestion as well as metabolism. Therefore kayachikitsa has
given maximum importance on agni as antaragni is known as
kayachikitsa. Amadosa is considered in Ayurveda to be
responsible for the production of all types of internal diseases.
Amadosa is formed only if agni is not in equilibrium state. So agni
takes an important role to maintain our human body being
healthy and unhealhy states.
A comparative pharmacological
study on substitute itana (Themeda
triandra Forssk.) Use for kusa
(Desmostachya bipinnata stapf.) In
traditional medica
Wijesinghe Wathsala, Mita Kotecha
1. NIA, Jodhpur Ayurved University, Jaipur, India
Purpose: In the absence of a desired original medicinal herb,
classical Ayurveda recommends use of a functionally similar
substance named substitute or pratinidhi dravya. Very limited
researches were done to compare bioactivities of chemical
profiles of substitutes and these are 2 such drugs. The study was
carried out to conduct a comparative chemical analysis of the
widely used substitute (i.e Themeda triandra Forssk.), to make a
comprehensive list of the any other substitutes used for Kusa by
traditional medical practitioners in Sri Lanka, to carry out a study
on the morphology of all the substitutes listed above and to
demonstrate chemical relationship between the authentic drug
and the substitutes to recommend the most suitable and feasible
substitute through an animal experiment.
Method: Literature review, participatory rural appraisal (PRA),
pharmacognostic study (Nama rupa vijnana), phytochemical
analysis and an experimental study was done.
Result: Out of five plants the majority (53%) of the traditional
practitioners use Themeda triandra Forssk. as kusa. Both the
drugs have the potential to cause diuresis and can be comparable
to the diuretic drugs those act as osmotic and loop diuretics in
almost all the doses tried, except the 50mg/100 b.wt dose of
Itana. The experimental study (n= 6) confirmed that both drugs
were significantly bio equivalent in this pharmacological activity
(** P<0.01).
Conclusion: Substitution for that condition is therefore supported.
A literature study on the medicinal
preparations mentioned in Sri
lankan indigenous medicine for
chronic wound healing
Eranga Karandugoda, Roshini Perera, A.A.J. Pushpakumara
Purpose : Chronic wounds are a challenge to the modern medical
science since there is no proper medication to correct this
imbalance as to stimulate and enhance the growth of healthy
granulation tissue making the wound fill up. When Sri Lankan
traditional medicine is concerned it has been strewn with a large
number of medicinal formulas for wound healing especially for
granulation tissue formation. The primary intention of this study
was to collect these formulas and analyse them to come up with
the most frequently used herbal, mineral and animal material. It
was also wished to analyse their pharmacodynamics properties to
see how they agree with Ayurvedic theories in healing a wound.
Method : For this purpose, a literature study was carried out by
referring 30 major Sri Lankan Traditional texts and manuscripts.
Formulas which particularly prescribed for tissue formation
(Vrana ropana) were retrieved. They were studied, analysed and
were calculated to come up with the mostly used ingredients.
Result : At the end of the study 152 formulas were analysed
gathering 157 herbal material, 10 minerals and 8 materials of
animal origin i.e. 176 materials in total. The analysis revealed that
Ficus religiosa, Ridi thuththam (Calamine) and Bee’s wax as the
most frequently mentioned material in wound healing formulae
in Sri Lankan traditional medical texts. Pharmacodynamic
analysis showed essential properties in nutrition and growth.
Conclusion : It was seen that the Sri Lankan Traditional Medicine
possesses a rich pool of medicinal formulas for chronic wound
healing. Ficus religiosa, Ridi thuththam (Calamine) and Bee’s wax
as the most frequently used materials with herbal, mineral and
animal origin respectively in wound healing formulae in Sri
Lankan traditional medical texts.
Ethanobotanical claims reported by
tribal people of barda hills
(gujarat) w.s.r to veterinary science
Krutika Joshi, K.Nishteswar , Suhas Chaudhary
Purpose : The branch of modern science which deals with the
ethnic knowledge about plants is called ethnobotany.
Ethnomedicine is a subfield of ethnobotany or medical
anthropology that deals with the study of traditional medicines:
not only those, that have relevant written sources, but especially
those, whose knowledge and practices have been orally
transmitted over the centuries. Tribal claims of Barda hills with
regards to veterinary medicine have been taken up for analysis
basing on the published sources on ethanomedicine of the region.
It appeared out of 602 plants reported 84 herbs were indicated in
the management of disease of the cattle.
Method : Recorded folk lore claims were compiled and analyzed
by critically review of the book: Vanaspatishastra; by Jaikrushna
Indrajee which are written mainly on the flora of Barda Hills,
Gujarat. Medicinal plants having diverse therapeutic action
especially on animals were compiled and analyzed according to
their actions or effects.
Result : The observation of the author was based on the folklore
claims of Barda hill region. 84 plants were recorded having one or
more action viz., anthelmintic, analgesic, disinfecting, lactogenic
and abortive effects especially on animals. All the drugs were
compiled and analyzed w.s.r. to veterinary health and reported in
the paper.
Conclusion : Amongst the claims 58 plants were found reported in
Ayurved classics or texts whereas 26 plants are very new which
are commonly growing in Barda region.
Survey of angiospermic medicinal
plants used in the treatment of
diabetes by the rural people of
district kushinagar
K.K Pandey
Purpose : The present paper deals with the survey of angospermic
medicinal plants of district kushi nagar(U.P) with special
reference to the treatment of diabetes by rural people .
Method : Several ethno botanical survey were conducted by me
and my collaborator during the period from Jan 2010 April 2012
in trivial areas of district kushinagar .An extensive data sheet was
prepared regarding the utility of plants in food and medicines
their application , dose and duration .The ethno botanical data
were obtained from rural peoples. The collected plants were
preserved and the locality of the correction and information
regarding uses were metioned in the field book.
Result : There are 31 plants in the report which are very
beneficial for the treatment of diabetes Some are listed below on
the basis of the part of plant which can be used for treatment of
diabetes Mimosa pudica, Root extract is given daily for 21 30
days, Eucalyptus globus.
The leaf juice is given for 21 30 days.
Cicer arietinum- Ground seed powder mixed with water and
taken as twice a day for 7 days. syzygium cumini- seed powder
mixed with water and taken as twice a day for 7 days. Brassica
rapa glabra- root extract is given daily for 21 30 days etc.
Conclusion : On the basis of survey ,we concluded that the plants
which are mentioned above have been presently used in the
treatment of diabetes by the local indigenous people of district
Role of rural women in
conservation of traditional
medicinal knowledge: A case study
Nikhil Agnihotri, Santosh Bhatnagar
1. Department of Botany Acharya Narendra Dev Nagar Nigam
Mahila Mahavidyalaya Kanpu
Purpose : The present study deals with the detailed traditional
knowledge of medicinal plants among the rural women of central
Uttar Pradesh. This study has been conducted while keeping
social, educational and personal qualities of the women
considered under this study. A huge amount of wonderful
information prevails among the rural women as household
remedial formulations of grandmothers.
Method : A field survey was conducted to study the traditional
medicinal knowledge among rural women in remote and rural
areas of Central Uttar Pradesh. The survey was conducted
repeatedly during January to December 2010 at different places
in different seasons. Farrukhabad, Kannauj and rural areas of
Kanpur district are considered under the study for the objective.
Rajepur from Farrukhabad, Jalalabad from Kannauj and
Kalyanpur development blocks have been selected for collecting
the data
Result : In this study, 46 plant based traditional medicinal
formulations were identified and analyzed. . These formulations
are based on 36 plant species of 34 genra of 22 families. Out of
these, 4 genra of 5 species of 3 families are monocots and 30
genra of 31 plant species of 19 families are dicots
Conclusion : Herbal formulations collected from rural women are
very effective to cure various diseases e.g. cough and cold,
Arthritis, liver and spleen disorders, hair problems, diarrhoea and
dycentery urinary problems. External wounds and cuts diabetes
and urinary disorders etc. Present study also highlights some new
approach about the role of rural women in the conservation of
traditional medicinal knowledge in Kanpur and adjacent areas.
Revitalising tribal traditional
medicines in enrichment of public
Peter Paul Hembrom, Anirban Mitra
Purpose : 1.Draw world attention to revival of traditional Tribal
medicine. 2.Ethno medical alternative effective in treating
Kalazhar with this new concoction formula tested in 1998. 3. This
Age old practice is effective in treating TB (lungs) tesetd in 1999
Method : Purpose II - a.Sample of 36 patients with KA positive
tests selected at 5 centres in Godda, Sahibganj and Pakur were
administered medicines, b.Each patient was monitored, case
history and charts maintained at each dispensing centre, c.After
completing the medicine course those with improved health and
no clinical symptoms of KA were were considered cured. Purpose
III- 29 TB lungs were admitted in bulk in the allopathic Ursuline
Hospital, Gumla of which 25 patents were treated with Celastrus
Paniculata (malkangani) and 4 patients were treated with
Artocarpus Heterophyllus (Katahal). The former 25 patients were
discharged in 45 to 90 days where the latter were discharged
after 111 days.
Result : Purpose 2. 36 patients took the treatment. Of these 21
completed the course and 16 got completely cured. Among the
rest 5, three had initial recovery but the spleen remained palpable
throughout the course of treatment: others has secondary
infections like tuberculosis or some other diseases, because of
which the spleen was palpable and general improvement was
slow. Purpose 3. 25 patients were discharged in 45 to 90 days
whereas the later were discharged after 111 days.
Conclusion : Oral and nondocumented knowledge of traditional
medicines being practised for ages is effective as well as low cost
in treating disases prepared from easily accessible, affordable,
local resources. 300 practitioners trained and are treating 50 60
patients everyday. Further research, funding, documentation and
growth required to explore the potential of 3000 plants species
with Medicinal value
Ethnomedicinal plants of
bundelkhand (U.P)India
Medico ethnobotany of family
asteraceaein Kanpur
Vijay Kumar, Parikshit Singh
Nikhil Agnihotri, Narendra Mahan
1. Pt.J. N. P. G. College
1. Department of Botany, D. A-V. College Kanpur
Purpose : No systematic ethnomedicinal studies of Tribals of
Bundelkhand region U. P. has been taken up so, far. Thus the
present survey was undertaken to document the ethnomedicinal
data from the tribals of this area.
Purpose : Present paper deals with ethnomedicinal utility of
family asteraceae indifferent localities rural remote as well as
urban areas of Kanpur nagar.
Method : The present study was carried out during 2008 2012
in deferent seasons of the year. The plant species were collected
in their flowering, fruiting or at fully mature stage. Attempts have
been made to note down plant size, flower colour, fruit type,
flowering period, habit and habitats, medicinal uses, common
name and other characteristics.and habitats, medicinal uses,
common name and other characteristics. Plant specimens soon
after the collection were labelled and placed in the polythene
bags. Every time 4 5 specimens were collected. These plant
specimens were carefully pressed between the news papers. After
pressing, drying and poisoning the specimens were pasted on the
herbarium sheets with fevicol.
Result : The present ethnobotanical study was carried out among
the ethenic groups ( Sahariya, Kols, Nath, Kabootra and Sapera) in
the Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh, India. Traditional uses
of 114 angiospermic plant species are described under this study.
The documented ethnomedicinal plants were mostly used to cure
diabeties( e.g. Momrdica charantia, Syzygium cumini, Gymnema
sylvestris, Pterocarpus marsupium, Pumbago indica etc.) , snake
bite (e.g. Boerhavia diffusa, Clocasia esculenta, Gloriosa superba.
Ipomoea quamoclit, Jatropha curcas etc.), Jaundice (e.g. etc.),
Dysentery and diarrhea
(e.g. Ficus benghalensis, Aegle mamalos, Helicteres isora,
Holarrhena antidysenterica, Psoralea corylifolia etc), Boils (e.g.
Abutilon indicum, Cleome viscose Dalbergia sisso, Datura inoxia,
Linum usitatissimum etc.), Rheumatism (e.g. Aloe barbadensis,
Calotropis procera, Holoptelea integrifolia, Lantana camara,
Madhuca indica etc.), Eczema (e.g. Cocculus hirstus, Acacia
catechu, Cajanus cajan, Azadirachata indica, Ficus religiosa etc.),
Piles ( e.g. Acacia nilotica, Adhatoda vasica, Bauhinia variegate,
Tephrosia purpurea, Vitex negundo etc.), Female problems like
menstrual problems, Fertility, Abortion, Labour pain, Pimples and
Leucorrhoea (e.g. Euphorbia thymifolia, Aspergus racemosus,
Acacia nilotica, Achyranthus aspera, Bombax ceiba etc.).
Method : A field survey was conducted to study the medicinal
utility of self grown plants or weeds as folk, ethnic or house hold
remedies in Kanpur and adjacent areas. The survey was
conducted repeatedly in January to December 2009 during
different places and seasons. Plants specimens were collected
from different localities.Informants were asked to go to the places
where these plants grow or to bring the drug local inhabitants
use. The information™s were collected with the help of local
vaidyas, hakeems, old villagers, local conversant persons, hermits,
herbal cultivators and sailors etc. Each informant was shown
collected plant specimen. The medicinal utility of plants, local
names, botanical names, families, growing period, habit and mode
of preparation of medicine were collected and documented. The
medicinal utility of plants was crosschecked through the available
literature. Photographs of plants and herbarium specimens were
deposited by research group. All 84 plants species were
taxonomical identified.
Result : There are 34 plant species belonging to 29 genera of
asteraceae family are identified and analyzed with their botanical
names, local names, family, habitat and method of utilization.
these Plants are very effective to cure Diabetes, liver and spleen
disorders, hair problems, external cuts and wounds, digestive and
intestinal system disorders. etc.
Conclusion : Most of the plants are easy available and effective in
more than one disease, these plants are very effective to cure
more than one disease The documented information provides
enough opportunities to study their actual perspectives for the
treatment of various human diseases by rural inhabitants of this
area..Thus, proper documentation and conservation of this
traditional knowledge is very important for future generation.
Conclusion : Traditionaly people in Bundelkhand aspecially the
local healer
(Ojha, Vaid) and other community posses considerable knowledge
of the therapeutic properties of local plant species. Local
knowledge on ethnomedicinal is revolutionary way to recast our
conventional approach to development people's knowledge
stands at the center of developments action. Relevance of
ethnobotanical data for agro industrial development. The
ethnobotanical information needs to be utilized and integrated
with the process of development.
Geern herbs medication for rural
health care: A study
Arun Kumar Pandey, Pushpendra Bundela, Ambe Kumari
1. Mahavirgunj 2end, 2. Dep.of linguistics,BHU
Existance of ethnomedical
treatment among minicoy islander
of lakshadweep india
Mohammad Nasir Ahmad
Purpose: About 60 70 % rural people are still dependent on green
herbs for their health care. The purpose of this study is to
investigate the authenticity, of use and effects of these herbs and
search possibilities of their widespread therapeutic use.
Purpose: The present work is based on an anthropological field
research in Minicoy Island Lakshadweep, India. It throws light on
the traditional medicine and healing system among this Muslim
Matrilineal society. The paper gives a view how it exits till the day
in the presence of modern medical system.
Method: 4th village in UP selected for in this study. Generaly used
green herbs from these villages as jingni (Odina woodoer Roxb),
Harsingar (Nyctanthes arbor tristis Linn.), Chirchira
(Achyranthus aspera linn.), Aranda (Ricinus communis Linn.) a.e
were listed for study. Users were identified, diagnose diseases,
doses of herbs effectiveness were monitored during 5 July to 20
Dec 2011 and use statistics designed to observe the results
Method: A semi participant research work conducted at the
Minicoy Island Lakshadweep for nearly a month. It consisted of an
interview schedule which includes the questions regarding health
practices along with demographic profile. An interview was
conducted also with the folk healer to understand the importance
of ethno medicinal treatment.
Result: Those users who took proper recommended doses of
Jingni for wounds, Harsingar for fivers, Apamarga for insect bite,
Arand for jaundice, got expected results. Those who could not
take proper doses could not get any relief.
Result: The social structures among the Islanders are very strong.
They accept all the positive changes in modern context. There is
only one folk healer and one traditional midwife, present in the
island. It was found that they have the ethno medical remedies to
cure both acute as well as chronic disease which includes flu
fever, severe pain, fracture, and voice lost children.
Conclusion: Generally therapeutic use of green is coming to
antiquity, but the farm due to the destruction of the vacant land
and forest is going extinct. Modernity and social changes due to
the effects of the recognition green herbs Lack of knowledge is
becoming the experimental volume. because it is based on green
herbs rural medical system failure and extinction is happening
now, which is increasing reliance on expensive modern medicine,
which is still common villagers out of reach, so the Ayurveda
physicians in identifying of green herbs and the appropriate
intake for Disease Patients should be advised to Cheaper
alternatives might be available for the rural health.
Conclusion: There is strong ethno medical relevance for the
treatment of various diseases among the Minicoy Islanders of
Lakshadweep. It should be further explored to develop new
therapeutic strategies for bridging the gap between traditional
and modern system of medicine.
Ethnomedicinal Heritage to combat
Arthritis and its contribution to
Ethno medicinal flora of north tarai
forsets of uttar pradesh for
N. Suryanarayana Swamy(1) , T.V.V. Seetharami Reddi
T.P. Mall
1. Dept. of Botany, Govt. Degree College (Men) Srikakulam,
Andhra Pradesh, India- 532001, Dept. of Botany, Andhra
University, Visakhapatnm, India-530 003
Postgraduate Department of Botany, Kisan P. G. College,
Bahraich-271801 (U.P.), India
Arthritis was known to mankind as “Sarjumshotham” from
antiquity. This was known to Indian Ayurveda since 3000 years as
a disease with painful swellings of joints and ligaments. This is the
greatest and uncommon or less known crippling disease of
unknown causation, infesting, claiming and involving maximum
loss of human working power. The latest survey in US showed 11
million persons suffering from arthritis, consisting of about 6.4%
of total US population. It is now widely spread in different parts of
the World especially in temperate zones and with largest
sufferers in India, Central America and Mediterranean countries.
The onset of the disease is usually between age of 20 60 with two
peaks at 35 and 45 years respectively. In clinical population, the
females are more susceptible to disease than males and the ratio
being 2 3 females to one male.
Methodology: Ethnomedicinal surveys were undertaken during
2006 2009 in 42 tribal pockets of Adilabad district, Andhra
Pradesh, India with good forest cover. The study area lies
between 77° 47' and 80° 0' of the eastern longitude and 18° 40'
and 19° 56' of northern latitude. Interviews were conducted with
tribal vaidhyas belonging to Gond, Lambada and other tribal
communities at their dwellings. The data were verified in
different villages among the interviewers showing the same plant
sample. The knowledgeable informants and medicinemen and
vaidhyas were taken to the field and along with collection of
plants for the voucher specimens, method of application,
preparation of dose and mode of administration of the plants as
given by the tribal informants was recorded. Each practice was
cross checked with at least 4 5 informants. The survey yielded 8
plant species belonging to 6 families of Dicotyledons used to
combat arthritis. Based on habit, herbs include 1species, followed
by shrubs 2 and trees are 5. While classifying plants depending
upon the plant part used, leaf constitutes highest percentage
(62.5%) of utilization for the purpose and stem, stem bark and
root 12.5% each. It is quite interesting to note that 1 plant viz.,
Dolichandrone atrevieres (Roth.) Sprague. and 5 practices are
reported as new records after comparison with work of Jain
(1991, 1997).
Results: Most of the ethnic practices are now recognized to have
specific beneficial effects in Ayurveda and the development of
modern medicine. The methods of investigation employed by a
traditional herbalist are not quantitatively different from modern
chemotherapeutic investigation. In present day scenario, the
herbal medicines and Ayurveda are gaining popularity and
appreciated not only in India but also abroad. The knowledge and
heritage of herbal medicines is an important source of
information for scientific community, research workers and
medicinal practitioners. It is high time now to conserve plants of
medicinal value, bringing out light to ethnomedicinal practices in
Ayurveda as well as conservation and preservation of the original
India represents one of the twelve mega biodiversity centres of
the world, has two of the world’s eighteen biodiversity hot spots
located in the Western Ghats and in the Eastern Himalayas. The
North Tarai region of U.P. is the next only to Eastern & Western
Ghats, offers a great scope for ethno botanical studies due to its
phytodiversity, a large tribal community and ethnic culture,
brought to light a number of plant species used as herbal
medicines for the treatments of headache, migraine and other
ailments. It may be a source of gainful exploitation of natural
resources. The method adopted for documentation was based on
questionnaire, consisting of semi structured interview employing
a checklist of questions and direct observation. The present
report elucidates a rich and unique profile of phytodiversity of
research area surveyed with forty six plant species representing
thirty four families for headache viz., Abrus precatorious Linn.
(Ghoomachi, Fabaceae); Acacia catechu (Linn.) Willd (Khair,
Fabaceae); Adhatoda vasica Nees (Arusa, Rusa, Acanthaceae);
Allium sativum Linn. (Lehsun, Liliaceae); Amaranthus spinosus
Linn. (Chaulai, Amaranthaceae); Amaranthus viridis Linn.
(Slender amaranth, Amaranthaceae); Asperagus racemosus Willd
(Satavar, Liliaceae); Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Neem, Miliaceae);
Brassica oleracea var capitata Linn. (Patta gobhi, Brassicaceae);
Carissa congesta Wight (Karaunda, Apocyanaceae); Catharanthus
roseus (Linn.) G Dom. (Medagascar Periwinkle, Apocyanaceae);
Chassalia curviflora (Wall.) Thw (Curvedflower, Rubiaceae);
Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume (Dalchini, Lauraceae); Citrus
medica Linn. (Nimboo, Rutaceae); Cleome gynandra Linn.
(Ajagandha, Capparidaceae); Clitoria ternata Linn. (Aparajita,
Fabaceae); Cordia dichotoma Frost (Lasor, Boraginaceae);
Emblica officinalis Gaertn. (Amla, Euphorbiaceae); Ficus
benghalensis Linn. (Bargad, Moraceae); Ficus religiosa Linn.
(Peepal, Moraceae); Ipomea fistulosa Mart ex. Chosiy (Behaya,
Convolvulaceae); Lawsonia inermis Linn. (Mehndi, Hinna,
Lathyraceae); Leucas aspera Linn. (Guma, Lamiaceae); Laucas
cephlotes (Roxb.) Spreng (Spider wort, Lamiaceae); Ludwigia
octavalis (Jacq.) Raven P.H. (Laungphool, Onagraceea); Madhuca
langifolia (J. Konig) J F Macbr (Mahua, Sapotaceae); Melia
azadarachta Juss. (Bakayan, Miliaceae); Mentha piperita Linn.
(Pipermint, Lamiaceea); Miliusa roxburghiana (Wall) Hook f. &
Thomson (Armonaceae); Mucuma pruriens (Linn.) D C (Kewanch,
Fabaceea); Naravelia zeylanica DC (Ranunculaceae); Nyctanthes
asbor tristis Linn. (Harshingar, Oleaceae); Pandanus
odloratissimus (Linn.) f. (Kevara, Pandanaceae); Peperomia
pellucida (Linn.) HBK (Shiny Bush, Piperaceae); Phyllanthus
mederaspatensis (Linn.) Hajarmani, Phyllanthaceae); Plamtago
erosa Wall (Plantains, Plantaginaceae); Rhododendron arboreum
Sin (Loligurans, Ericaceae); Ricinus communis Linn. (Arandi,
Randi, Euphorbiaceae); Santalum album Linn. (Safed Chandan,
Apocyanaceae); Solanum nigrum Linn. (Makoiya, Solanaceae);
Swerrta chirayata (Roxb. ex. Flem) Karsten (Chiroyita,
Gentianaceea); Tectona grandis Linn. Teak, Verbenaceae);
Terminalia bellrica (Goertn.) Roxb. (Bahera, Combretaceae);
Terminalia chebula Linn. (Harre, Combretaceae); Vanda tasselera
(Roxb.) Hook ex. & G Don (Harjodi & Turwari, Orcheaceae) and
Withania somnifera Dunal (Ashwagandha, Solanaceae).
Ethnomedicinal Flora for
Conjunctivitis from North Western
Tarai Forest of Uttar Pradesh
Utilization of ethno medicinal
Papilionaceous Plants by the Tribes
of Jabalpur Disctrict M.P.
T.P. Mall
Karuna S. Verma(1) , Lekhram Kurmi(1)
Postgraduate Department of Botany, Kisan P.G. College, Bahraich271 801 (U.P.), India
1. Aeroallergens, Immunology and Angiosperms Diversity
Lab.R.D. University, Jabalpur -01 (M.P.) Indi, 1. Aeroallergens,
Immunology and Angiosperms Diversity Lab.R.D. University,
Jabalpur -01 (M.P.) Indi
An ethnomedicinal survey was carried out in North Western Tarai
Forests of Uttar Pradesh which is full of phytodiversity and a large
tribal community which brought to light a number of plant
species used as herbal medicines for the treatment of
conjunctivitis. The aim of the study is to document the traditional
indigenous knowledge of local inhabitants based on oral tradition
and vanishing from the use of native medicinal plants and herbs
which are being utilized by the people for the treatment of
conjunctivitis and other ailments. The method adopted for
documentation was based on questionnaire, consisting of semi
structured interviews employing a check list of questions and
direct observation. The present report elucidates a rich and
unique profile of phyto-diverisity of the research area surveyed
with 70 plant species which belongs to 63 genera and 49 families.
Phytochemical and clinical investigation of these plants is
desirable for more useful and interesting results.
Ethnomedicinal Aspects of Plants in
Jabalpur City Highlighting its use in
Karuna S. Verma , Tabassum Ansari
Ethno–medicinal plants are widely practiced from ancient period
throughout the world. These medicines are safe and environment
friendly. The popularity of ethno medicinal plants all over the
world in recent years is a significant contribution of ethno
medicine. The investigation revealed that, the traditional healers
used 20 species of plants distributed in 15 genera belonging to
Papilionaceae family to treat various diseases. The documented
medicinal plants were mostly used to cure skin diseases, Women
disease, Fever, Diarrhoea, Child, Cough and Cold, Liver disorders
and stomachache. In this study the most dominant Abrus,
Alysicarpus, Crotalaria, Dolicus, Erythina, Mucuna, Pongamia,
Pterocarpus, Smithia, Sesbania, genus of Papilionaceae are
monospecific and ethno medicinally highly explored by the
tribals of these areas. This study showed that many people in the
studied parts of Jabalpur district still continue to depend on
medicinal plants at least for the treatment of primary health care.
The traditional healers are dwindling in number and there is a
great danger of traditional knowledge disappearing soon since
the younger generation is not interested to carry on this tradition.
Therefore there is a need today to record, document and preserve
their invaluable bank of knowledge.
Aeroallergens & Immunology and Angiosperm Diversity Lab R.D.
University, Jabalpur-01 (M.P.) India
Folk medicine or traditional medicine is the natural healthcare
practiced by all humans’ cultures from ancient times. Use of
medicinal plants for curing disease is widespread in Jabalpur
(Madhya Pradesh). This paper provides information on 25
medicinal plants species belonging to 10 families used by the
village folks. Herbal formulation of 21 ailments is presented in
this paper. The documented medicinal plants were mostly used to
cure skin disease, poisonous bites, stomach ache, and nervous
disorders. This study showed that local people of Jabalpur city still
continue to depend on medicinal plants at least for the treatment
primary health care. The traditional knowledge used by local
healers is worth being treasured.
Gastro protective effect of
normacid powder, a herbal
formulation on experimental
induced ulcer in mices.
Vasudev Patwardhan, Anjal Patel, Balaraman R, A K Seth
Purpose : Present study was carried out to investigate antiulcer
activity of Normacid powder in diclofenac and pylorus ligated
induced ulceration in the albino mices.
Method : Preliminary normacid powder was subjected to the
acute oral toxicity study according to the OECD guideline no. 425.
Based on which, two dose levels i.e. 250 and 500 mg/kg were
selected for the further study. Various parameters were studied
viz. gastric juice volume, pH, total acidity, free acidity, ulcer index,
percentage inhibition, anti oxidants parameter, mucin level and
mucosal nitrate level of ulceration was determined for diclofenac
and pylorus induced ulcer model. Ranitidine at 20 mg/kg was
used as the standard drug.
Result : Pre-treatment of normacid powder showed significant
(P<0.001) decrease in the gastric volume, total acidity and free
acidity. However, pH of the gastric juice was significantly
(P<0.001) increased only at higher dose, 500 mg/kg. It showed
also significant (P<0.001) decrease in number of ulcers and ulcer
score index in diclofenac and pylorus ligation induced ulceration
models. The increase in the level of superoxide dismutase,
catalase, reduced glutathione and decrease in lipid peroxidation
in both the models showed the antioxidant activity of the
formulation. Also increase in mucin and mucosal nitrate level in
both models showed the cytoprotective activity of the
formulation. Normacid powder possesses significant antiulcer
properties in a dose dependent manner.
Conclusion : In conclusion the antiulcer properties of the
normacid powder may be due to the modulation of defensive
factors, improvement in gastric cytoprotection and due to
antioxidant property.
Correlative study of "dehik
prakriti" with special referance to
amlapitta (hyperacidity)
Prakash Raj Singh
Purpose : The purpose of the study are to establish the criteria for
better diagnosis, better prognostic parameters according to the
study of a human prakriti and established the better management
of the amlapitta patients.
Method : The criteria for establishing the diagnosis of amlapitta
patients is will be based on the following specific signs and
symptoms. Hirtkanth kucchi daha (Retrosternal & epigastric
burning), Avipak (Indigestion), Tikatamlodgar (Bitter & acidic
regurgitation), Tiktamlavami kadachit (Occasional bitter & acidic
vomiting). In addition to this, type of diet, diet habit, whether
regular or irregular, timing of breakfast, meals and tea time,
social status, occupation, anxieties, worries, addiction, family
history, past illness, diseases which predispose the person to
amlapitta. The following laboratory investigation were done.
Routine test Blood Hb%, TLC, DLC, ESR, GBP, Blood Sugar, Urine
R/M, Stool Ova, Cyst, Occult Blood, Analysis of Gastric juice
Fractional Test Meal (FTM) and exclusion of other condition i.e.
chronic gastric ulcer, carcinoma of stomach etc. In addition to
complete examination, the prakriti examination of the amlapitta
patients is done with the help of proforma, which is specially
prepared for this purpose.
Result : It is clear from the present study and its observation, that
there is a close association between doshaj prakriti and incidence
of amlapitta. It was observed in the present study the pittaj
prakriti (68%) is more susceptible to amlapitta Vyadhi
(Hyperacidity) in comparison to kaphaj prakriti (22%) and vataj
prakriti (5%).
Conclusion : The work contributes to the physicians for better
diagnosis and developed the better prognostic parameters with
better management of the amlapitta patients with the knowledge
of human prakriti, it advances the knowledge of practice in
Clinical eficasy of yavaani churna
on amajirna
Coeliac friends with gluten - thanks
to ayurveda
Khushbu Gupta, Hiesh Vyas, Mahesh Vyas
Aishwarya Iyer
Purpose : Primary aim of the study was to evaluate efficacy of
Yavani Churna on Ajirna. The study also solve the purpose to look
for cost effective home remedy for a common clinical condition
Purpose : 1 in every 100 people suffer from Coeliac , an
autoimmune disorder.The objective behind this case study to
detail the symptoms of coeliac thus establishing a direct
correlation between coeliac and grahani . This will enable us to
understand and treat Coeliac on the same lines as grahani.
Method : Study was placebo controlled intervention type. Total 28
diagnosed patients of Amajirna were divided in to two groups
with simple random sampling method. Group A was treated with
Yavaani Churna while Group B was considered as placebo control
group and given roasted Suji powder. Both Group advised
Matravat Ahara as Pathya. Duration of treatment was 7 days. Jirna
Ahara Lakshanas and Matravat Ahara Lakshanas described in
texts were considered as criteria of assessment.
Result : In Yavani treated group Utsaha was increased by 68.18 %
(statistically highly significant, p<0.001 ), Laghuta was increased
by 60.00% (statistically highly significant, p<0.001 ), Purisha
Vegotsarga was improved by 55.17% (statistically highly
significant, p<0.001 ) and Kshudha was improved by 51.60%
(statistically highly significant, p<0.001 ). For placebo group
results were not up to the mark. The total effect of therapy,
14.29% patients in group A got complete remission and 50%
patients got marked improvement. In group B no patient got
complete or marked improvement. The 35.71% in group A and
85.71% patients in group B got mild improvement respectively
while 14.29% patients remain unchanged in group B.
Conclusion : Yavaani Churna shows better result on Matraavat
Ahara as well as symptoms of Amajirna than placebo group
though statistically it is insignificant to placebo by unpaired t'
Method : A patient wanted to seek treatment for coeliac disorder
and the only treatment that her doctor had suggested was a LIFE
LONG GLUTEN FREE DIET. The patient had most of the major
symptoms of coeliac which include Diarrhea / Constipation,
stomach bloating / excessive wind formations,stomach Cramping
and pain, developing Osteoporosis (due to malabsorption) which
are classic symptoms of Grahani also. First she was given a sneha
pana and a mild virechana to cleanse the koshtha. After which she
was immediately put on a pathya ahara predominantly consisting
of mudga peya, ajamodam and shunti jalam for 2 weeks. At the
same time she was also advised dadimashhtaka choornam with
takram . This diet calmed down the inflamed and agitated villi of
the small intestine. Dadimashtaka choornam helped restore the
agni and reduce the frequency of bowel movements and reduced
the gluten intolerance
The next step was to administer some ashtachoornam with ghee
to improve the grahani balam . With this I had advised her to have
some dadima tvak with curry leaves and haridra in takra. In one
month she started on Dadimadi ghrutam.
Result : In a process towards recovery the patient started
including gluten in her food with no evident discomfort or
symptoms . With a gradual and regulated increase in the amount
of gluten content in her food there was still no discomfort
experienced .
Conclusion : With proper administration of Ayurveda ahara and
vihara a coeliac patient can include regulated amount of gluten in
diet without adverse effects.
Clinical management of irritable
bowel syndrome (IBS) through
takra vasti and sangrahi vasti.
Kiran Nath, Raghavendra Dorairaj
Purpose: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder,
which is also considered as psychosomatic disease in modern. The
main symptoms includes abdominal pain, altered bowel habits,
abdominal distension, incomplete evacuation of stools urgency of
passing stools, sometimes mucous presence in stools. It is the
most common intestinal problem that occurs in present era due to
impaired lifestyle. Aetiology and Pathophysiology is still under
research. Impaired enteric nervous system and abnormal motility
of intestine plays major role in manifestation of IBS. The
treatment in modern is mainly symptomatic. In Ayurveda IBS can
be compared with a spectrum of diseases like Grahani, Atisaram
and Pravahika. Chikitsa mainly consists of Deepana, Pachana
initially; grahi and sthambhana by means of vasti karma followed
by shamana oushadhis & satvavajaya. The current study is to
assess the efficacy of Takra and Sangrahi vasti along with
Kapitthashtaka choornam for the effective management of IBS.
Method : 30 subjects were studied under group A & B each
consisting 15 subjects. All subjects received Amapachana with
Shuntyadi Choorna.Group A Takravasti in kalavasti schedule,
Group B Sangraha Vasti in Kalavasti Schedule. Internally
Kapitthashtaka Choorna with Takra Anupana for 32 days for all
subjects. The data was finally statistically analyzed and result
were drawn.
Result : Group A relief ranging from (41.67% 90.90%) Average
of 66.12% , Group B relief ranging from (20% 85.71%) Average
of 65.79%. In nut shell 10 subjects got marked relief, 17 subjects
got moderate relief, where as 1 subject had no relief.
Conclusion: Takravasti and Sangrahavasti along with
Kapitthashtaka choornam as Shamana oushadhi have a significant
role in the management of IBS.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) :
Treatment in ayurveda
Seema Chawardol
Purpose : The fast life of today's era and changes in environment
produces lot of stress and tension affecting the mind & disturbs
human physiology. For the maintenance of mental & physical
health it is must for the digestive system to be sensitive enough to
protect the body from these unwanted influence. The gut is a
mirror of the mind. The close tie up between the mind and the
gut results in psychosomatic disorders. One of them is Irritable
Bowl Syndrome (IBS) which is functional bowel disorder. It is a
symptom based diagnosis & characterized by intermittent loose
motion, abdominal pain/ discomfort, bloating and alteration of
bowel habit. Now a days large section of our society is returning
back to the natural ways of living with lot of expectation from
Ayurveda system of medicine which is easily available. It is also
eco friendly and toxicity free. So they look for treatment of such
psychosomatic disorders in Ayurveda.
Method : Ayurved mention one similar disease known as
Grahani . The symptoms of grahani resemble to the most of IBS
symptoms. The study shows effectiveness of Ayurvedic Yoga
(Containing Rasparpati, Kutaj, Bilwa, Dhanyaka, Pudinapatra,
Nagarmotha, Bramhi) in relieving these symptoms. The study
was conducted in 30 clinically diagnosed and randomly selected
patients, which were divided into two groups. Group A of 15
patients treated with Ayurvedic Yoga & Group B treated as
placebo group with counseling.
Result : In both groups patients were treated for 8 weeks.
Observation showed highly significant improvement in clinical
symptoms of Group A.
Conclusion : Ayurveda provides better cure for psychosomatic
disorders. The treatments in Ayurveda is free from side effects
which is very common in case of anti depressant medicines.
Pharmacological study of Anti
Inflammatory Action of Haritaki in
Hamorrhoids (Piles)
Haryan J.K , Pampattiwar S.P. , M. Rajaiah , Bulusu
P.G. Dept. of Rasa Shastra, S V Ayurveda College, Tirupati
, P.G. Dept. of Dravyaguna, S. V. Ayurveda College, Tirupati,
Principal & HOD, P.G. Dept. of Rasa Shastra, S. V. Ayurveda
College, Tirupati
Introduction: Haemorrhoids are swollen inflammed veins around
the anus or in the lower rectum. About 75 percent of people will
have hemorrhoids at some point in their lives.(Baker H 2006)
Hemorrhoids are most common among adults ages 45 to 65 as
well as in pregnant women. (Chong PS 2008). Various medicinal
plant drugs are used in the treatment of piles and Haritaki
(Terminalia chebula Retz.) is one of them, which is also cited in
Charka’s “Arshoghna Mahakashaya”. Despite the traditional use of
this plant in the treatment of piles, its anti-inflammatory activity
has not been studied in detail in the past.
Methodology:In the present study attempts have been made to
evaluate anti-inflammatory effect of Haritaki (Terminalia chebula
Retz.) in rats and to compare it with that of anti-inflammatory
drug Diclofenac Sodium. Inflammation was induced by
subcutaneous injection of 0.05 ml of 1 % solution of Carrageenan
into the plantar side of left hind paw. The paw volume is
measured plathysmographically immediately after injection,
again 3 and 6 hours and eventually 24 hours after challenge.
Results:The results obtained clearly depicted the fact that
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula Retz.) has promising
anti-inflammatory activity. The details of the study will be
presented in foremost paper.
A Conceptual Study of Viruddha
Ahara mentioned in Brihattrayee
and its role in manifestation of
Diseases W.S.R. to Gastrointestinal
Samir Sapcota(1) , S.P Bhattacharjee(2)
1. Sankardev University of Health Science Guwahati, Assam, 2.
Professor & H.O.D, P.G. Department of Samhita & Siddhanta,Govt.
Ayurvedic College. Guwahati -14,
In present day world dietetics has become most important subject
of study and Research. The word diet is derived from Greek word
“diatia” meaning the way of life. The physical and mental
happiness of an individual depends on good food. The suitability
of food stuff depends on many factors like race, country, season
and physical condition of an individual. Therefore, Ayurveda
prescribes food suitable for different season for inhabitants of
different region and for people of different temperament. Charak
has given much more importance on incompatible food by
describing eighteen types of viruddha ahara. Susruta has also
given importance to viruddha ahara by mentioning guna
viruddha, veerya viruddha, desha viruddha etc.
Knowingly or unknowingly, we all of us are consuming viruddha
ahara in our daily routine which is silently leading to many
diseases. Ayurveda has mentioned many diseases like Infertility,
Blindness, Visarp, Jalodara, Sotha, Unmada, Bhagandara, Murcha,
Mada, Adhmana, Galagraha, Pandu, Amavisha, Kustha, Grahani,
Amalapitta, Jwara, Pinasa etc. Viruddha ahara is defined as those
food substances which cause increase in doshas of the body but
does not expel them out and remain antagonistic to dathus.
Methodology: A survey study had been carried out in 100 no of
O.P.D. and I.P.D. patients of Govt. Ayurvedic College the survey has
been classified according to type of Viruddha Ahara, Age, Sex,
Marital status, Religion, Financial status, Prakriti, Diet pattern &
Conclusion: This study once again proved that Viruddha Ahara is
responsible for many kind of diseases including various G.I.
disorders. Among this Large people were suffering from
Amalapitta after regularly consuming Samyog Viruddha Ahara.
Efficacy of amlapittantaka churna
in the management of amlapitta a
clinical study
Effect of Amrita Sattvadi Yoga in
Parinamshula w s r to Duodenal
Ashwini H.S. , Shivaprasad Huded
Karthik Prasad , Veena G Rao
Dept. of PG Studies in Dravyaguna, JSSAMC & H, Mysore., Asst.
Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Dravyaguna, JSSAMC & H, Mysore
Dept. of PG Studies in Panchakarma, JSSAMC & H, Mysore - 28,
Asst. Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Panchakarma, JSSAMC & H,
Mysore - 28
The ahara has got major role in the management of the body and
also in causing the diseases. Our acharyas says ‘Roga
sarvaepimandagnou’ i.e vitiation of Agni is the main
pathophysiological factor of all disease. Here also, faulty dietic
habits, lot of stress and lack of self awareness gives rise to
agnimandya, vidagdhaajirna and finally leads to Amlapitta, which
is a disease of Annavaha srotas. In this disease, Pachaka pitta
attains excessive amlata due to vidagdha paka and causes vidaha.
Ayurveda has got potential remedy for the management of
Amlapitta. Uncommon formulation i.e, Amlapittantaka churna
(Bhaishajya ratnavali, amlapittadikara) has been selected for this
study as the drugs mentioned in this yoga are easily available, cost
effective and ideal to treat amlapitta.
Objectives: To assess the efficacy of Amlapittantaka churna in
Materials and Method: A clinical trial was carried out on 30
patients of amlapitta aged between 20 to 60 years with
complaints of avipaka, hrit kantadaha, amlodgara, utklesha,
udarashoola and aruchi who were registered from OPD and IPD of
JSSAMC, Mysore. The Amlapittantaka churna was administered to
30 patients in a dosage of 6 gms BID with madhu for 30 days. The
clinical assessment was carried based on subjective parameters.
Observation and Result: Statistically significant (P<0.01)
reduction in symptoms was observed in majority of cases. No
untoward effect was noticed due to the administration of churna
during the clinical trial period.
Conclusion: From the present study it can be concluded that the
Amlapittantaka churna helps in decreasing the amlaguna of
pachaka pitta and helps to perform its function properly. The
yoga is effective, safe, and cost effective, hence can be
recommended to patients.
Parinama shula is one among the ten types of Udara shula
explained by Hareeta. Aggravated vata combines with kapha pitta
to produce udara shula during digestion of food. Parinama shula
can be paralleled with duodenal ulcer as it matches with its
nidana panchakas. Parinama shula is very common disorder
owing to stressful life, westernization of food, habits, and culture.
As reoccurrence of the ulcer is quiet common even after surgery,
and to prevent the patients from going in to severe complications,
an effective ayurvedic formulation has to be established.
Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the causes for duodenal
ulcer. NSAIDs, alcohol, cigarette smoking, reflux of bile with poor
functioning of pylorus sphincter are other etiological factors, ‘O’
blood group predisposes the condition. The peak incidence is in
older age group common in men.
Aims & Objectives: Effect of Amrita sattvadi yoga in patients of
parinama shula/duodenal ulcer.
Methods: In this observational study 20 patients with confirmed
clinical diagnosis of parinama shula/duodenal ulcer were
administered Amrita sattvadi yoga orally 2gms twice daily with
ghee & honey for 45 days under proper pathya & apathya and
weekly follow up was done for 8 weeks.
Results: From the statistical analysis of the recorded data it is
evident that, in 70% of patients with epigastric pain & hunger
pain got relieved completely within 15 days of treatment. Where
as in another 16% &14% of patients it took 3&4 weeks
respectively for the complete subsidence of pain. Relief from
other clinical features were observed in due course within 4 to 6
weeks of treatment. Recurrence of pain was not observed in any
patients up to the last follow up i.e.70th day.
Conclusion: Amrita sattvadi yoga is highly effective in the
management of Parinama shula i.e duodenal ulcer.
The efficacy of Drakshadi Gutika in
Sanchita Karotkar
Lecturer, Dept of Panchakarma, MGACH & RC, Salod(H),Wardha
Introduction Today’s life style is completely changed by all the
means our diet pattern all above mentioned causes aggravated
dosha which creat agnimandya & due to improperly it
metabolized it get convert into shukata (vitiated liquid acid) &
this gets situated in Amahsaya which is called as Amlapitta1.
Charak & Kashyapa have clearly indicated that the Grahani Dosha
& Amlapitta occur in the persons who could not check the
temptation of food. Acharya Kashapa believed that the disease is
caused by vitiation of Doshas (Tridosha) causing mandagni
leading to vidagdhajirna manifesting as Amlapitta. Modern
medicine is not having proper medication for gastric dyspepsia
disease. Acharyas told to use the drugs which are having Tikta
Madhura rasa. Madhura Vipaka Sheeta Virya & Laghu Ruksha
property with kapha Pittahara action. Taking all these points into
consideration the study was planned to evaluate aims &
Aims & Objectves – To evaluate clinical effect of ‘Drakshyadi
Gutika’ in the management of Amlapitta. To study the
etiopathogenesis of Amlapitta according to Ayurvedic text as well
as modern science. To study side effects of ‘Drakshyadi Gutika’ if
Materials & Methods: Clinical trial is taken in group A and group B
having 30 patients in each group. Group A has given Drakshadi
Gutika & group B has given Placebo.
A comparative study of wild
ashwagandha & cultivated
ashwagandha rasayan
Rajeev Kushwah, Nirmala Kushwah(1)
1. Ayush Wing
Purpose :
Ashwagandha is the most important plant, not only
Ayurvedic literature as well as modern literature also. Scientist
has found characteristics difference between wild & cultivated
plant. The cultivated plants are reported to differ from the wild
ones not only in their morphological characters but in their
therapeutically action though the alkaloids present are the same
in both. In view of their difference, some botanist considers the
cultivated plant distinct from the wild one and has given at a new
specific name Withania ashwagandha. Kawl (Atal Schwarting.
Econ.Bot. 1961, 15,256 Kawl symp. PL. Lucknow1957
7.8). It is a Rasayan promote longevity of life ( Ch.Chi.1/1/7 8 ).
The study proposed to evaluate the comparative clinical efficacy
of Wild Ashwagandha & Cultivated Ashwagandha on Rasayan
Method : 30 patients who are registered in O.P.D. & I.P.D. of Govt.
Auto. Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Hospital Ujjain and randomly
divided them in three groups. Each group has 10 patients. Group
A: 10 Patient of this group were administered Wild ashwagandha
churna 5 gm B.d. Group B: 10 Patient of this group were
administered Cultivated (Mandausar, Madhyapradesh)
ashwagandha churna 5 gm B.d. Group C: 10 Patient of this group
were administered Nagauri ashwagandha (Rajasthan) churna 5
gm B.d.
Result : It is clear from the study that IgG increase after treatment
up to 5.81 %-, Hb 5.15%-, RBC 2.57%-, WBC 5.56%-, Neutrophil
1.53%-, Eosinophil .01%-, Lymphocytes 1.03, Weight 3.59%‚- and
all these parameter include in cellular & humoral immunity.
Role of chakshushya rasayana in
the management of geriatric ocular
Shweta Mata, Kartar Singh Dhiman, Viresh Adoor
Purpose : There is lack of satisfactory remedy in medical science
except surgery, but the Chakshushya Rasayanas possesses
diversified activities viz. antioxidant, immuno modulatory,
regenerative, adaptogenic etc. According to recent advances
Rasayanas works at cellular and subcellular levels. So the aim of
the present study is to find out the role of the Chakshushya
Rasayanas in the management of geriatric ocular diseases.
Method : Detailed literary review of geriatric ocular diseases and
their management through Chakshushya Rasayana using
Ayurvedic texts and related theses, recent material available on
net, published articles as well.
Result : The Chakshushya Rasayanas viz. Shilajatu has a
constituent, fulvik acid other than which the drug contains about
85 types of minerals, congrugation of which give rise to the
properties like antioxidant, immuno modulatory, antioxidant,
hypoglycemic etc. In the phyto chemical analysis of Triphala, it is
revealed that it contains phenolic acids and polyphenolic
compounds [38+/ 3%], tannins [35+3%] along with galic acid,
flavinoids, kempferol, etc. inturn generating actions like
antioxidants, radiation, protecting ability, free racial scavenging
effect, cytoprotective and anti mutagenic. Yastimadhu has
antioxidant and neuroprotective properties. Shatavari has
adaptogenic, antidiabetic, antioxidant effects.
Conclusion : Hence after the detailed review of all the relevant
texts and published papers, it can be concluded that Chakshushya
Rasayanas viz. Shilajatu, Triphala, Yashtimadhu and Shatavari
plays a vital role in the Ayurvedic mode of management of
geriatric ocular diseases.
Conclusion : Now this research shows that Ashwagandha plays an
important role to increase immunity as well as acts as an anti
oxidant also. It is cleared by clinical study that cultivated
Ashwagandha has better result than wild, so Withania
ashwagandha should be taken for rasayan properties.
A literature review and geriatric
health care through nutraceuticals
of morinda citrifolia l.
Pradeep Soni
Purpose: Ageing (jara) is a natural process and an inevitable
phenomenon in life. Ageing not only brings about a continued
generalized involution of the bio system, it also predisposes in
aged individual to set of diseases and disorder warranting special
medical care. Problems of Geriatric age group Health problems
Joint problems, Impairment of special senses, Cardio vascular
disease, Hypothermia, Cancer, Prostate enlargement, Diabetes &
Accidental falls Psychological problems. Noni is the common
name for Morinda citrifolia L and is also called Indian Mulberry
has been described in CARAKA and SUSRUT as the name of
Akshiki phala, (Ashyuka) and also used in folk remedies by
traditionally for over 2000 years, and is reported to have a broad
range of therapeutic effects, including antibacterial, antiviral,
antifungal, antitumor, antihelmin, analgesic, hypotensive, anti
inflammatory, and immune enhancing effects. In order to reveal
the nutritional and medicinal value of the Noni plant, and to
summarize scientific evidence that supports it geriatric health
Method: Articles and books related to nutraceuticals efficacy of
Morinda citrifolia in health care are observed. Here, an attempt
has been made to compile those scattered reporting from various
published research articles and books related to preventive and
curative health care regarding to geriatric.
Result : Over 150 neutraceuticals have been isolated from
Morinda citrifolia L. these neutraceuticals are rich in natural
antioxidants, vitamin E, C, beta carotene, amino acids and many
essential minerals useful for health. Research shows that its
neutraceutical are beneficial for geriatric problems.
Conclusion: Traditionally Morinda citrifolia L. is medicinally used
in various country for fever and as tonic (Chinese, Japan), arthritis
(Philippines) and also prevents the illness and cure the ailments
in the aged persons. Ayurveda explains that it is useful in
rejuvenator drugs by their tissue nourishment (Dhatu poshana),
and Vata shamaka property (
A clinical study of pandu roga in old
age (Geriatric Anemia) and its
management with amrutarnava
Megha Pandya, Alankruta Dave, Arpan Bhatt
Purpose: Anemia is the commonest hematological abnormality
among elder population. It should never be considered as normal
physiological response to aging. Rasayana drug viz. Amrutarnava
Rasa might be useful in Pandu Roga in old age, because Rasayana
therapy is helpful to create optimum dhatus (body tissues) in
body which is need of the elderly people as well as in Anemia,
because degenerative changes are found in both the conditions.
Further,higher prevalence, negative impacts of Anemia in older
individuals, it is very important to deal with such type of disease.
Method : Total 50 patients having age between 50 to 80 yrs and
Hb% below normal level (male<13%, female <12% ) were
registered for the present study from the O.P.D. , kayachikitsa
dept. of I.P.G.T. & R.A., G.A.U., Jamnagar hospital irrespective of
their sex, religion, etc. Among these, 1 patient droped out the
treatment. Registered patients were provided 2 tab. (250mg
each) of Amrutarnava Rasa twice a day with freshly prepared
Takra (buttermilk) after lunch and dinner for a period of 90 days.
Result : Though, Amrutarnava Rasa provided highly significant
improvement in almost all the chief complains i.e. Panduta,
Ayasaja Shwas, Daurbalya, Shrma, Aruchi etc. and associated
symptoms, dhatu kshaya, agnibala, dehabala, satvabala, heath
parameters and health, wellness and quality of life questionnaire,
but changes on the laboratory parameters i.e. Hb%, MCV, MCH,
MCHC, S. Iron and TIBC were non significant. Amrutarnava Rasa
was ineffective in increasing the hemoglobin. It may be due to
delayed tendency to raise hemoglobin in old age.
Conclusion: It seems difficult to increase haemoglobin level
significantly in old age as compared to adult. Lastly, it can be
concluded that Amrutarnava Rasa is a better choice of treatment
in Pandu Roga during old age (Geriatric anemia). Moreover, no
side effects of the research drugs were observed during the
clinical study.
Gynecology and Obstetrics
A clinical study on the role of
chandanadi choorna in the
management of asrigdara.
A clinical study on the role of
virechana in asrigdara w.s.r to
dysfunctional uterine bleeding
Ranju Kumari Chaurasia
Roopa Raghavendra
Purpose : Menopause is the stage when a women enters from
reproductive life to non reproductive life. Globally more than 470
million people suffer from menopausal syndrome and 25 million
women pass through menopause each year. About 75% of women
face the disturbing physical symptoms and 50% experience only
types of psychological manifestation during menopause. A
50-60% women seek medical helps for that.Large population of
women suffering from this and there are lack of safe and cost
effective ultimate treatment. So this was aimed to study the effect
of menosol compound in the management of menopausal
syndrome on various parameters.To provide an alternative,safe
and cost effective remedy for patient of menopausal syndrome.
Purpose : To Validate the Role of Virechana in Asrigdara w.s.r to
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB). To study the effect of
Pathya Aahara and Vihara in Asrigdara w.s.r to DUB.
Method : Study was a randomized,single blind,placebo controlled
study. Total 30 patients was selected from NIA hospital, Jaipur
grouped into two, group A, menosol compound with vehicle and
group B, placebo for 60 days duration.
Result : Menosol compound showed more effect as compared to
Conclusion : It could be concluded that menosol compound
showed moderate improvement in 80% patients as compared to
no improvement in 100% patients with placebo.All the patients
tolerated the trial drug Menosol Compound very well with no
complaints of any side effects/ toxic effects. So the trial drug
proposed herbo mineral formulation for management of
Menopausal Syndrome proved to be an effective, safe, promising
and cost effective remedy.
Method : For the present study Patients who fulfilled the inclusion
criteria where randomly selected from O.P.D and I.P.D of S.J.I.I.M
Hospital Bangalore. Diagnostic criteria: The patients with the
cardinal symptoms of Asrigdara W.S.R to DUB With Normal Pelvic
USG Study. Subjective criteria: Increased (Abnormal) Amount of
bleeding, Increased (Abnormal) duration of bleeding Objective
criteria: Hb gm %, before and after treatment. Both subjective
and objective signs and symptoms before and after treatment are
recorded and analyzed statistically using Paired t test.
Result : The trial produced highly significant result among
patients of Group A with regard to duration of bleeding, no. of
clots passed and in Hb gm%, after trial in comparison to before
trial. Similarly there was excellent relief among patients of group
A with regard to Dourbalya, angamarda, alasya, aruchi etc
following trial. The data thus obtained among patients of group A
& group B leads one to the interpretation that the trial employed
for patients of group A is much superior in comparison to group B.
Conclusion : Conclusions of a clinical study is the final result of
painstaking effort of selection of patients, their systematic
classification, collection of data, tabulation of data, statistical
analysis of data, and logical interpretation of the statistically
analysed result. It can also be concluded that stress is an
important causative factor in causing Asrigdara since 60% of the
patients were under mental stress. Statistical analysis of the data
obtained leads to the conclusion that Virechana along with pathya
aahara vihaara is highly effective in Asrigdara. It can also be
concluded that Pathya aahara and vihaara (Group B) alone
doesn’t produce results comparable to Pathya aahara vihaara
along with virechana (Group A).
Gynecology and Obstetrics
A clinical evaluation of
panchavalkala kashaya
yoniprakshalana in sweta pradara
w.s.r vaginitis
Reshma Maniyankode Ashok Kumar, Jayasudha.G.C ,
Anupama Venkataramana
Purpose : Sweta Pradara is an annoying complaint of women seen
in the gynaec outpatient set up. Many diseases represent the
symptom of white or abnormal vaginal discharge where Vaginitis
is a burning problem in women of reproductive age. Advances in
understanding the pathophysiology of vaginitis have allowed
improved diagnosis and treatment of these patients. Three main
types of infection causing vaginitis are Bacterial vaginosis
accounting for 50% of cases, Trichomonas and Candida, 25%
each. No longer considered merely a harmless annoyance,
vaginitis is the object of serious studies as it may in turn result in
causing pelvic inflammatory disease and pregnancy related
complications. Though contemporary system of medicine offers
cure with oral medications , they often trouble the patient with
side effects and tend to recur. Yoni Prakshalana which is safe and
acts locally in the affected part could be more acceptable by the
women in reproductive age.
Method : A single blinded clinical study with pre-test and post-test
design was conducted in 20 married female patients suffering
from sweta pradara aged between 20 40 yrs .The selected
patients were categorized into 2 groups Group A and Group B.
These patients were treated with Panchavalkala kashaya yoni
prakshalana and with luke warm water respectively for 7 days
with follow up on 14th and 21st day. The signs and symptoms in
the patients were recorded before and after treatment and were
Result : Statistically, unpaired T test proved highly significant
results in yoni kandu, srava and also in excoriation of skin of
vulval region .
Conclusion : Panchavalkala kashaya has proved to be effective
against Candida, Trichomonas vaginitis and other non-specific
organisms. There were no untoward manifestation associated
with the use of panchavalkala kashaya yoniprakshalana and it was
found to be helpful in maintaining vaginal flora and had good
acceptability among patients.
Clinical evaluation of pandughni
vati & dhatri lauha vati on garbhini
pandu (iron deficiency anaemia in
Rupapara Amit V, Donga Shilpa B
Purpose : The desire to have a healthy progeny is innate & very
intense in every living being. The hectic life and tremendous
stress in today’s world has made the conception & continuation of
pregnancy to term very difficult. Anaemia is one of the common
disease conditions which affect a pregnant woman. In Ayurvedic
classics anaemia in pregnancy is taken under the Rasa Pradoshaja
Vikara. It is also a Santharpanotha Vikara.
Method : Total 26 patients were registered from O.P.D. and I.P.D.
of the department of Streeroga & Prasootitantra, out of them 4
patients were discontinued. They were randomly divided in to
two groups; Group A (n 12) Pandughni Vati 2 tablets of 250mg tds
and Group B (n 10) Dhatri Lauha Vati 1 tablet of 250mg tds.
Dhatri Lauha Vati was selected for the present study due to its
Pandughna, Prinana, Raktaprasadana properties. AYUSH
department has developed a compound formulation Pandughni
Vati. As a part of its clinical trials the same drug was selected for
present study.
Result : Group A The result observed in Shwasa (dyspnoea)
(60%) and Hridrava (palpitation) (53.33%) were highly
significant statistically (<0.001). Daurbalya (33.33%), Shrama
(fatigue) (40%), Aruchi (anorexia) (28.57%) and
Pindikodvestana (55.55%) were decreased significant
statistically (<0.05) whereas in Panduta (pallor) (24%) it was not
significant. In Group B, results observed were highly significant
statistically (<0.001) in Panduta (pallor) (50%) and Shwasa
(dyspnoea) (56.25%). The results in Shrama (fatigue) (61.54%),
Hridrava (palpitation) (55.55%), Aruchi (anorexia) (42.85%),
Pindikodvestan, (49.49%) were significant
Conclusion : On comparing the effect of therapy study was finding
better percentage improvement in group B consistently in most of
subjective and objective parameters. So it can be said that Dhatri
Lauha Vati has somewhat better results, proving it better to
Pandughni Vati.
Gynecology and Obstetrics
Study on savarnakara ghrita and
savarnakar lepa in the
management of kikkisa
Shiv Shankar Rajput, Jalpa Joshi, Asokan Vasudevan
1. Medical Officer-Sanand, ISM, Govt. of Gujarat., 2. Ph.D. Scholar,
Dept. of SRPT, IPGT & RA.
Purpose : Striae gravidarum a physiological change due to
overstretching of skin, in 2nd trimester of pregnancy, especially
in the 6th to 7th month. This cosmetic problem among young
women was seldom addressed successfully by any system of
medicine. The study was an attempt to fulfill this lacuna based on
principle of Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, agni mahabhuta in
combination with four mahabhuta is responsible for colour &
texture of skin. Bhrajaka pitta situated in the skin is responsible
for absorption & metabolism of lepa dravyas. The Savarnkara
ghrita & Savarnkara lepa were selected based on this concept.
Method : 64 patients selected randomly from OPD & IPD of
I.P.G.T.& R.A. Jamnagar, were divided into 3 Group A,B & C and
administered with Savarnakara Ghrita 10 grams orally, twice
daily; Savarnkara Lepa (quantity sufficient) externally twice
daily; Oral Placebo wheat Cap. & Krishna Mrittika Lepa
respectively. The duration of the treatment for all the groups was
for 2 months. Each of the groups were subdivided into preventive
& curative types.
Result : I. Preventive Group: Group A Non-occurrence (40%),
Moderate occurrence (20%), Group B Non-occurrence (60%),
Mild occurrence (30%); Moderate occurrence (10%), Group C
Moderate occurrence (75%); Severe occurrence (25%)
Curative Group: Group A Moderate improvement (60%); Mild
improvement (40%), Group B Marked improvement (55%);
Moderate improvement (27%); Mild improvement (18%), Group
C Symptoms(Kandu, Vidaha etc.) aggravated, Unchanged(100%).
An ayurvedic management of
vandhyatva w.s.r. to cervical factor
Shilpa Donga, Pallavi Parikh, Induben Mistry
1. R.M.O., Government Ayurved Hospital, Baroda, Gujarat. , 2.
Head of Department, Department of Kaumarbhritya, Institute of
Postgraduate Teaching & Research in
Purpose : Vandhyatva (infertility) has been long standing problem
since ancient period. Many herbal and herbo mineral
formulations are mentioned as a treatment of infertility in the
ancient texts, but they are not categorized according to the
responsible factor like Ritu Kshetra, Ambu, Beeja. It is the need of
time to evaluate the efficacy of formulations in respect to various
factors of infertility. The objective was to evaluate the efficacy of
Aswagandha Ghrita and Phalaghrita in the management of
Vandhyatva w.s.r. to cervical factor.
Method : In this study, total 14 patients were treated in two
groups viz. Group A; Ashwagandha ghrita (Intra cervical
Uttarbasti 6days for 2 cycles and Ghritapana 15ml bid for 2
months) and Group B; Phalaghrita (Intra cervical Uttarbasti 6days
for 2 cycles and Ghritapana 15 ml bid for 2 months) to assess the
role of Ghrita in the management of Vandhytva. Sim’s hunter and
Moghissi cervical mucus Test and Post coital test were selected
for the diagnosis and for evaluation of efficacy of therapy on
cervical factor.
Result : The overall effects of both the therapies on properties of
cervical mucus showed that the administration of Ashwagandha
ghrita (group A) was more effective to increase the amount and
tradability as compared to Phalaghrita whereas Phalaghrita was
more effective in comparison to Ashwagandha ghrita to decrease
the cellularity and viscosity of cervical mucus.
Conclusion : Significant results were found in both the groups, but
Ashwagandha ghrita provided better results in comparison to
Conclusion : Savarnkara Lepa accelerated the process of skin
remodelling. Group B show better result when compare to A & C.
The Savarnkara ghrita though has Vata shamaka, Kandughna
action & Snehan effect, proved better then group C but less
effective than B. .A better trial with larger sample was
recommended to evaluate much significant outcome.
Gynecology and Obstetrics
Ayurvedic tratment modalities in
Jagriti Sharma Dutta
Purpose : To discuss evaluate and elaborate the dysmenorrhoea
according ayurvedic and modern medicine. To give the ayurvedic
remedy mentioned in ayurvedic text to get permanent and side
effect free solution of the problem.
Method : These review article is based on my personal experience
and textual review collected the material about ayurvedic
treatment modalities in dysmenorrhoea from brihatri, lagutri and
original commentary of those. I also reviewed various modern
text and websites for currant update of relevant topic
Result : Dysmenorrhoea is one of the most common gynecological
conditions of pain during menstruation of women faces in her
reproductive age. Especially in late teen age girls/women, it is
most common reason to bunk school in those days. In working
women it incapacitates her in the day to day activities during
menstrual period and her work suffers. Primary /spasmodic
dysmenorrhoea is characterized by recurrent cramps lower
abdominal pain occurring during menstruation in the absence of
demonstrable pelvic pathology. Secondary/congestive
dysmenorrhoea is the painful menses in the presence of
underlying pelvic pathology. In the modern medicine, only
temporally remedy of dysmenorrhoea is prescribed as painkiller
(NSAIDs) or in the form of hormone contraceptives pills that has
many side effect and no permanent care can be expected. So it is
the need of the hour to understand dysmenorrhoea in ayurvedic
terms and utilized ayurvedic remedy mentioned in ayurvedic text
to get permanent and side effect free solution of the problem
Conclusion : Detailed description has found in dysmenorrhoea
and its chiktsa in bhutri and lagutri
Querries in the minds of indian
adolescents regarding menses.
Vikas Chothe, Supriya Shah, Kaustubh Ghodake
1. Shree Niramaya Ayurveda Kendra, Pune
Purpose : Adolescence is a period of rapid physical, emotional,
cognitive, social growth and development. Though menstrual
education programs are conducted in schools, the factual
information that adolescent girls need is not always available to
them leaving behind a large number of unanswered questions,
ranged from sophisticated to poignantly ignorant, in the minds of
young girls.
Method : 1,430 female Indian students from middle and lower
socioeconomic class, ranging in age from 12 to 15 years of a Pune
city school were given a chance to ask anonymous written
questions after the menstrual health and hygiene classes.
Result : The most popular categories of questions were on
menstrual physiology, beauty and symptoms associated with
menstruation, followed by myths and taboos, use of sanitary pads,
anatomy of reproductive organs, diet and menstrual disorders.
Among 258 questions asked voluntarily, the most popular topic
for 6th graders was menstrual physiology (45%) and beauty for
7th (39%) and 8th (19%) graders. Why does baby grow in
mother’s womb only, how do astronauts get menses in space, do
boys too develop pubic hair, does a girl become pregnant
immediately after menarche, etc. were some of the interesting
questions showing the curiosity and ignorance in the minds of
young girls. Myths and taboos like during menses a girl shouldn’t
enter kitchen, perform religious activities and touch others,
getting infertility if disposed sanitary pad is sniffed by a snake etc.
were persistent. The significant increase in the questions under
beauty category from 2% (6th grades) to 39% (7th grades)
depicts sudden increase in level of self-consciousness and
attraction towards opposite sex.
Conclusion : Questions asked by local adolescent girls should be
considered by physicians and health education policy makers as
the bases for designing subsequent material and programs on
menstrual health education.
Gynecology and Obstetrics
Basti karma in female disorders
Anjali Verma, Kamini Dhiman
Purpose : Woman is the backbone of the family and should be
cared for her problems. Good gynecological health is important
for women of all ages. The science of Ayurveda deals with these
issues in a systematic manner. Ayurveda is practiced in India
since time immemorial and to find out remedy for gynaecological
problems the work has been done to search the solution.
Method : For this study, all available classical references were
compiled, studied & were critically analyzed. Ancient Ayurvedic
literature of all the Samhitas was taken into consideration.
Result : Gynaecological disorders are described in Ayurvedic
classics under the umbrella of Yonivyapad which may be
manifested by following improper regimen, menstrual
morbidities, defective genes and daiva or karma. Vayu is
controller of everything in universe same as in human body and is
of five types prana, udana, samana, vyana & apana which
according to locations in the body, controls various functions.
Apana vayu plays a major role in physiology as well pathology of
reproductive system and so as in gynecological disorders.
Anatomical position of female genital organs comes under the
influence of functional as well as anatomical zone of vayu. Basti is
said to be as CHIKITSARDHA. It is considered as best treatment
for vata dosha, by its purificatory action, causes downward
movement of vayu along with pitta, kapha and faces. Because of
the alleviation of this vayu, all the diseases pervading the
reproductive system get alleviated.
Conclusion : As per principle mentioned by Acharya Vagbhatta
any dosha comes in the place of a particular dosha, then first line
treatment is given according to the host. By following this rule,
line of treatment of female disorders is to maintain the
equilibrium of vata dosha and Basti is the best treatment for it.
Phameco-therapeutical study on
with special reference to
A comparative study of
punarnavädi guggulu and paã
‘cawalkalädi kwätha uttarabasti
with paã‘cawalkalädi taila picu in
the management of pariplutä yoniv
Sushila Sharma
Purpose : In the present era, pelvic inflammatory disease is a
burning problem . Out of twenty yonivyapada, paripluta
yonivyapada show signs and symptoms similar to pelvic
inflammatory disease (PID). Hence this topic was chosen for their
comparative study & to extract some facts about the disease
which may decrease its recurrence and incidence. Clinical
evaluation of the efficacy of Punarnavadi guggulu in paripluta
yonivyapada (PID). To study the role of uttarabasti with
PaAcawalkaladi kwAtha & picu with paAcawalkalAdi taila in
pariplutA yonivyApada To compare the clinical efficacy of oral
administration of PunarnavAdi guggulu with the role of
uttarabasti & picu in pariplutAyonivyApada . To study the
combined effect of oral administration along with uttarabasti &
pichu of above mentioned drugs in pariplutA yonivyApada
Method: The trial was conducted on 30 clinically diagnosed &
confirmed cases of PID selected from OPD/IPD of Prasuti Stree
Roga Deptt., National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur (using
randomized method of clinical trial). the study was conducted on
30 patients with three groups A-Punarnavadi guggulu,
B-Uttarabasti & pichu, C-A+B
Result : It was observed that group C is more effective than group
A, B clinically as well as statistically. In group C, 84.80% relief was
found which was maximum as compared to group A (72.19%) and
group B (63.04%), because in group C, therapy used was in
combination of group A and group B, hence its effect was found to
be more.
Conclusion : We can conclude that Ayurveda drugs are very
effective to relieve the symptoms. These drugs are vata pitta
amaka, have bacteriostatic, bacteriocidal, anti inflammatory
action and inspite they cure the generalized weakness by their
rasayana property. They not only provide significant relief in
symptoms but they are also capable to increase the immunity of
particular patient against the disease.
Urmila Shukla, Meeta Kotecha
Purpose : To evaluate the effect of Upkinchika (Nigella sativa) on
kastartava (primary dysmenorrhea)
Method : This research was divided into two groups: Group A
(medicine group) upkunchika churna was given in dose of 2gms
TDS with lukewarm water. Group B (placebo group) maize floor
filled in capsules was given in dose of 2 capsules TDS with
lukewarm water. Both groups have started from 5 days before the
menses.& continued upto the menstruation is over i.e. for 10 days.
Follow-up was done for three months. Routine pathological
examination was done before & after the treatment
Result : Following results were found: Group A complete relief
14.29%, marked relief 50%, moderate relief 35.71%. Group B
complete relief 0%, marked relief 0%, moderate relief 28.57%,
mild relief 28.57%, no relief 42.86 %
Conclusion : Effect of upkunchika on kastartava is highly
significant , effective and with no side effects
Gynecology and Obstetrics
Sutikagaar in modern aspects
Shikha Sharma, Sushila Sharma
Purpose : Sutikagaar, one of the most thougtful creations of
ancient time, was designed especially for a sutika to stay from
Prasav purva kala upto completion of Sutika kala for complete
care and attention regarding her physical and mental health. The
main purpose of this study is to prove efficacy of ancient
sutikagaar scientifically,to compare Sutikagaar with modern
maternity home.
Method : To design the study, the reference for comparision is
taken from Charak.Sharir 8/33 Prak chaivasya navman masat
Keeping (increasing rate) Preterm labour in mind. Aphrit asthi
sharkara kapale deshe. Complete Hygiene maintainance. Prashast
roop rasa gandhayam bhoomau. Healthy & psychologically
favorable environment. Pragdwaram udagdwaram wa To have
proper sunlight as a good source of light. Temperature
maintenance. Degermifying. Bailwanaam
kashthanaam......khadiranaam wa Temperature regulating (Heat
insulator). With all properties of that particular wood. Cheaper &
best for making a temporary house. Vasav alepan achchadan
aapidhan sampadupetam wa Properly covered (Isolated) to
avoid infections. Vastuvidya hriday yogaagni salil udukhal
varchasthan snanbhoomi mahanasam ritusukham wa A
completely architected house having seperate places for heat,
water, instruments, toilet, bathroom and kitchen.
Result : This study shows that our aacharyas in ancient time were
minutely known to this fact that a Sutika is very much prone to
infections, they prescribed the best isolated ward for her better
resistance from diseases. They also gave a good architecture to
ward keeping her basic requirements in mind.
Conclusion : Now it is clear that a sutikagaar has a great scientific
importance regarding well being of a sutika. And sutikagaar is
just a little part of wide thinking of ayurved aacharyaas. So now it
is need of time to establish a correlation between maximum
ayurvedic concepts and modern views so that we can understand
the importance of it's precious basics and can apply them for the
betterment of our people.
Comparative study of kumari
swarasa and kanyasara in
management of kashtartava
Sonia Dhiman
Purpose : Kumari (Aloe barbadensis Mill.) is a miracle plant. In
Ayurvedic Texts Kumari has raspanchaka as: Guna Guru,
Snigdha, Pichhial; Rasa Tikta, Madhur; Vipaka Katu; Veerya
Sheeta whereas Kanyasara has rasa panchaka as: Guna Laghu
Ruksha, Teekshna; Rasa Katu; Veerya Ushna ; Vipaka Katu . On
the basis of different raspanchaka comparative study has been
done to analyse its effect in the management of Kashtartava.
Method : 30 patients of age group 15 35 were selected randomly,
group 1 (15 patients) was given Kumari Swarasa 10 ml BD and
group 2 (15 patients) was given Kanyasara Vati 250 mg BD for10
days before expected commencement of Menstrual cycle for 3
menstrual cycles.
Result : Group 2 showed 25.11% more relief than group I which is
significant at p<0.05. (t =3.283). Kanyasara having Katu rasa and
Katu vipaka which has predominance of Vayu + Agni mahaboota.
It has Strotasa shodhna & Kaphahara activities due to which it
removes clots, increases flow of menstrual blood and due to
Ushna Virya it improves rhythmic contractions of uterus.
Conclusion : In group 1) 5 were improved it was effective in
premenstrual symptoms like anorexia etc. In group 2) 5 Patients
were markedly improved, 9 moderately improved in over all
symptoms. Hence Kanyasara is best line of treatment in
Role of prajasthpana gana siddha
ghrta uttarbasti and oral yoga in
the management of vandhyatva
with special refernce to bijotsarga
(ovarian factor)
Swati Ubarhande
Purpose : To compare efficacy of Uttarbasti and combined effect
in relation to ovarian factor also on uterine endometrium,cervical
factor. To study the complications of Uttarbasti if any during and
after the course of treatment.
Method : Study done at I.P.G.T & R.A, Jamnagar special proforma
was prepared, investigations done & 19 patients randomly
divided in 2 groups.Uttarbasti group treated with prajasthpana
Gana Siddha Ghrit Intra uterine Uttarbasti 3ml, 3days, 2
consecutive cycles. Group B given uttarbasti with oral yoga 5gm,
twice a day, kshiraanupan, 2 months.
Result : Assessed on the basis of follicullar study by USG. Effect on
menstrual bleeding, pain, cervical mucos,scoring methods was
adopted. Overall effect was graded into 4 groups and results are
as 1] conceived (14.3%), A & B group, 2] complete remission (A
gr. 57.1% B gr. 42.8%),3] improved (A14.3%, B 28.6%),4]
unchanged (A & B 14.3%)
Conclusion : It may be concluded that Uttarbasti with oral yoga
has got an edge over only Uttarbasti. It is relevant that Uttarbasti
with oral Yoga of Prajasthpana Gana Drugs may be recommended
for management of Vandhyatva W.S.R to Abijotsarga.
Gynecology and Obstetrics
Critical analysis of medicinal
properties of jeeraka (Cuminum
cyminum) in females w.s.r. To
Archana Singh, Gayathri N V Bhat
Purpose : Ayurveda, the science of life, has eight main branches.
Kaumarabhritya branch includes Stree and Prasuti. Sutika is an
important stage of female life. Sutika Paricharya explained in
detail in all the classical text book of Ayurveda. There is lot of
home remedies as well as drugs mentioned for the Sutika
Paricharya and also for the prevention and cure of the diseases of
the Sutika. On that Jeeraka is a unique drug which is having all the
qualities of Dravya mentioned in classical text book of Ayurveda
as having multiple properties Jeeraka also used in folklore
practices for the Sutika Parichrya.
Method : In the classical text book of Ayurveda Jeeraka used as a
medicine for the number of diseases related to almost all the
system. In cases of Sutika it is mentioned as an excellent drug and
used mainly in Garbhashaya Shothhara, Garbhashaya Vishodhana
and Stnyajanana.
Result : Here author made an effort in analyzing scientific
description & pharmacological properties of Jeeraka related to
female reproductive system especially in cases of Sutika. In the
recent few years lot of researches on Jeeraka showing the
pharmacological properties of Jeeraka like estrogenic/ anti
osteoporotic, antimicrobial, antiulcerogenic, anticarcinogenic,
diuretic etc.
A clinical study on the role of
kanchnar guggulu & panchtikta
guggulu ghrita utterbasti (intra
uterine). In the management of
garbhashya arbuda.
Aradhana Sweet
Purpose : Uterine Fibroid or Garbhashya arbuda is one of the
most common and least discussed of female diseases. Fibroids or
myomas are non cancerous or benign growths that develop in
uterus. By the age of 40, approximately 40% to 70% of women
may have them. This is extra ordinary that 70% women having
Fibroid tumours with symptoms are suggested for
Hysterectomy.This creates a niche for Ayurveda to come up as an
alternative system of medicine with excellence.
Method : A total no. of 30 patient of different age group from
OPD/IPD of Prasuti Stree Roga Deptt., N.I.A., Jaipur along with
consideration of inclusion and exclusion criteria was
administered with Trial drug Kanchnaar Guggulu orally &
Panchtiktaguggulu ghrita Uttara basti(intra uterine).
Result : Result was found encouraging in terms of improvement in
clinical features and reduction in size of Fibroid without any
apparent side effect.
Conclusion : ²The combined therapy of Kanchnar Guggulu &
Panchtiktaguggulu Ghrita Uttara basti was found more beneficial
& effective than single therapy alone in symptomatic treatment of
Uterine Fibroid as well as in reducing Fibroid size.
Conclusion : So author has selected Jeeraka as a drug of choice in
Sutika Paricharya. By using this we can reduce the morbidity and
mortality of Sutika.
Gynecology and Obstetrics
Aartav vyapad ( anovulatory
cycles) - a clinical study
Preeti Chhabra
Purpose: One clinical entity which is playing havoc with the
female reproductive health is polycystic ovarian syndrome
(STEIN LEVENTHAL SYNDROME). It is a menace and is taking
shape of almost an epidemic. PCOD is encountered in the largest
group of women (60 85%) with anovulatory infertility. It is
symptom complex associated with oligo or amenorrhea,
hirsuitism (75 80%) ,obesity and bilateral enlarged ovaries. This
is also characterised by toxically high levels of Luteinizing
hormone, androgens and hyperinsulinemia. To regulate
menstrual cycle irregularities, Induction of ovulation, Weight
reduction, Combat hirsutism
Check Hyperinsulinemia
Method: Koshta shuddhi accompanied by deepan pachan of the
subjects was done prior to initiation of Shaman therapy. The
medicaments were chosen and administered in accordance with
individualistic requirements of the patients. Rajahpravartini vati
with anupana of Kumarayasava was given to trigger menstruation
along with dietary supplementation of shatpushpa, methika and
jeera. This was followed by rational use of ashoka, shatavari,
kanchnaar guggul, dashmool, yashtimadhu, kushmaand, aloe vera,
manjishtha and ajmoda in different permutation and
combinations as per the prakritik constitution of the patient.
Pushpadhanwa Rasa was assessed to be highly effective in
correcting ovarian dysfunction and especially luteal phase defect.
Pratimarsha nasya was judged to play a significant role in
regulating ovarian pituitary hypothalamus axis.
Result: Normal menstrual cyclicity established, Improvement in
ovulation and pregnancy rates
Reversal of ultrasonographic findings by attaining normal
morphology of ovaries, Reduction in weight and hirsutism,
Hyperinsulinemia was checked, Elevated levels of Testosterone
(T), Androstenedione (AD) & Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
were markedly reduced
Ayurvedic diet in pregnancy
Deepali Koli
Purpose :The fast changing life style of the modern era has caused
increase in the pregnancy complications, anamolies etc. due to the
change in the diet of pregnant women. Ayurveda has focused on
this concept & have explained it very effectively. The diet of
pregnant woman is not only explained according to the need of
the mother but also by the of fetus which is advised monthwise
(masanumasik patya). Thus, it is very necessary to promote the
pregnant women to take proper diet i.e. masanumasik patya
which will lead to healthly & safe motherhood along with its
Method :Masanumasik patya of Ayurveda, as the name suggest, is
advised according to the month & by the need of fetal
development. During pregnancy. various symptoms are faced by
woman like in first trimester, nausea, vomiting are seen very
comman. Thus, patya advised is madhura, shita, drava(liquid),
which will prevent dehydration & supply required nourishment.
In second trimester, devolepment of muscles, organs occurs, so
the diet rich in proteins is advised. In third trimester retention of
water, constipation is seen & finally preparation of genital tract
for delivery is needed.So patyas prescribed are diuretics. mild
laxatives and basti which will smoothen genital tract. According
to Ayurvedic diets, the junk & fastfood which is prevalant now is
not benificial for mother & fetus is also described.
Result : As mentioned above, the diet of pregnant woman
according to month is proved to se helpful for mother & fetus.
Also the present diet substances causes complication. Thus
Masanumasik patya is the need of the hour.
Conclusion :It is therfore clear that the diet of pregnant woman
according to Ayurveda will prevent many complications of
pregnancy which will lead to healthy pregnancy & healthy fetus &
finally good outcome.
Conclusion: Ayurvedic drugs coupled with modifications in
dietary regimen are capable of effectively handcuffing the
modern day epidemic of PCOS. It has brought about significant
improvement in subjective and objective clinical features, bio
chemical parameters and ultrasonography appearance of ovaries.
Gynecology and Obstetrics
A clinical study on the role of
menosol compound in the
management of menopausal
B.Pushpa latha
Purpose : Menopause is the stage when a women enters from
reproductive life to non-reproductive life.Globally more than 470
million people suffer from menopausal syndrome and 25 million
women pass through menopause each year. About 75% of women
face the disturbing physical symptoms and 50% experience only
types of psychological manifestation during menopause. A
50-60% women seek medical helps for that. Large population of
women suffering from this and there are lack of safe and cost
effective ultimate treatment. So this was aimed to study the effect
of menosol compound in the management of menopausal
syndrome on various parameters. To provide an alternative, safe
and cost effective remedy for patient of menopausal syndrome.
Method : Study was a randomized,single blind,placebo controlled
study. Total 30 patients was selected from NIA hospital, Jaipur
grouped into two, group A,menosol compound with vehicle and
group B, placebo for 60 days duration.
Result : Menosol compound showed more effect as compared to
Conclusion : It could be concluded that menosol compound
showed moderate improvement in 80% patients as compared to
no improvement in 100% patients with placebo.All the patients
tolerated the trial drug Menosol Compound very well with no
complaints of any side effects/ toxic effects. So the trial drug
proposed herbo-mineral formulation for management of
Menopausal Syndrome proved to be an effective, safe, promising
and cost effective remedy.
Ayurveda reproductive health care
system for women to regulate
menstrual cycle and manage safe
conception, pregnancy,
motherhood and puerperium.
Deepshikha Singh
Purpose : To maintain and restore reproductive health, healthy
conception and upbringing of a healthy child delivery.
Method : Critical study from Ayurvedic literature,various
Ayurvedic and Medical journals available at institutional library
and from Internet.
Result : In modern scenerio, stressful lifestyle is deteriorating
reproductive health. The key to reproductive health for a woman
is her regular menstrual cycle, in our Ayurvedic text Rajah Srava
is regulated by Prakrita Apaana Vayu and this Prakrita Awastha
of Apaana Vayu restore and maintain regular menstrual flow.
Criteria of 'ritukaala acharanas' for healthy conception to get
"ayushmana, arogya yukta, prajawaana, saubhagyashali,
aishwaryaan evam balwana santana (baby)". su.sharir 2 / 26-30,
ch.sharir 8 ) Description of preventing foetal anamalies (vikrata
garbha) by following garbhini paricharya (dietetic regimen
during pregnancy) modern obstetric also quotes a possible cause
of congenital defect , disturbances in the nutrition and
metabolism of foetus during the early weeks of intrauterine life.
Discription of 'prasuta paricharya' restoring reproductive of a
woman during puerperium. Criteria of breast feeding
(stanyapana) for mother to improve digestion, smooth bowel
movement, for nourishing stressed tissues and to subdue the
vitiated vata dosha that generally gets aggravated during the
process of child birth.
Conclusion : Thus, Prakrita awastha of apana vaayu regulates the
normal menstrual cycle, Ritukala Acharanas gives healthy
conception and desired healthy baby, Criteria of Garbhini
Paricharya prevents vikrata garbha (congenital anamolies )
Prasuta paricharya restores reproductive health during
puerperium. So by following AYURVEDA HEALTH CARE SYSTEM
a woman can achieve er normal reproductive health together
with healthy conception and healthy child delivery.
Gynecology and Obstetrics
An assessment of effect of some
yogic and naturopathic procedures
in the treatment of Dysmenorrhoea
Priyanka Meena, Hitesh Vyas, Gouravi Vyas
1. IPGT & RA, GAU, Jamnagar
Purpose: The menstruation is considered as a landmark of
homeostasis in female reproductive system. The same can create
hill situation if, it is associated with unbearable pain as we are
seeing in case of Dysmenorrhoea (Kashta rtava). It is the most
common problem faced by women during their menstrual period
which causes significant discomfort & anxiety for herself as well
as her family. The present study is aimed at finding out a method
of treatment with the help of Yoga and Naturopathy, which will
impart a permanent cure without any side effect.
Management of shwetapradara
(leucorrhoea) with special
reference to cervical erosion with
topical application of acacia
catechu (linn. F) willd
Dipak Kumar Goswami, Laxmipriya Dei
Purpose: Shwetapradar (leucorrhoea) is a common problem of
the females that causes different types of sufferings including
serious type of debility. Among the different causes of
leucorrhoea, cervical erosion is considered as an important one,
with 20% estimated incidence where medical treatment has very
little effect.
Method: Clinical study was conducted on 12 patients of
Dysmenorrhoea, which were randomly divided in to 2 groups (6
patients in each group). Patient of Group A were treated with
some Yogic procedures like Jalneti, different Asanass e.g. Surya
namaskara, Pawanmuktasana, Bhujangasana, Vakrasana etc. and
Pranayama for three weeks; while patients of group B were
treated with Naturopathic processes i.e. Mud pack, Massage,
Steam and vibrator for three weeks. The assessment was done on
the basis of difference in the score of the signs and symptoms
before and after the course duration with the help of Paired t'
test. Overall improvement in the condition of the patients was
taken into consideration while scoring.
Method: Considering its importance easily available effective
medical treatment for the condition a study had done in the Post
Graduate Dept. of PrasutiTantra & Stree Roga, Gopabandhu
Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Puri, Orissa. During the period from July
2000 to July 2001, with topical application of Acacia Catechu
(Khadira) powder. During the period 30 nos. of patients were
included in the study after proper screening. They were divided
into two groups. Group A (Trial Group) 20 nos. of patients were
treated with local application of Khadira sara churna after
irrigating the vaginal canal with normal saline. Group B (Placebo
Group) 10 nos. of patients had given only saline irrigation for a
period of 15 days.
Result: Significant relief in main symptoms of Dysmenorrhoea
was found in both the groups. In Yoga Group, 83.33% of the
patients got marked improvement whereas 16.66% of the
patients got cured. In Naturopathy Group, 50% of the patients got
marked improvement whereas 33.33% of the patients got mild
improvement and 16.66% patients were completely cured.
Result: After completion of the study the statistical analysis had
done and it was observed that the group A patients showed 80%
improvement in overall signs & symptoms. On the other hand only
20% of patients of group B showed mild improvement only. After
completion of the study it was observed that, the Placebo group
had shown mild improvement in 20% and no improvement in
80% patients. Where as in the Trial group after completion of the
course 20% patient showed total cure, 35% maximum
improvement, 25% moderate improvement and 20% mild
Conclusion: Yogic and Naturopathic procedures are helpful in
treating Dysmenorrhoea successfully without any use of oral
Conclusion: It can be concluded that Shwetapradara
(Leucorrhoea) caused due to cervical erosion can be effectively
treated with Khadira sara churna dusting. But there is necessity of
evaluation of the effect on more number of patients to establish
the fact.
Gynecology and Obstetrics
The Comparative Study of Palash
kshar in Yonimukh Vrana with
Apamarg W.S.R. to Cervical Erosion
Rupali D Chordiya , Sandeep Chavan , Surekha Dewaikar
Streerog Prasutitantra R A Podar College. , Streerog Prasutitantra,
RA Podar Medical College Worli, Mumbai -18 , Streerog
Prasutitantra, RA Podar Medical College Worli, Mumbai -18
Introduction: About 80 85% of women suffer from cervical
erosion (Polak 1926; Shaw 1962) which is the cause of
leucorrhoea. Treatment according to modern science is
Cauterization and Cryosurgery; which has side effects. According
to Ayurveda Kshar pratisaran yields very good results
To compare the effects of Palash Kshara and Apamarg Kshara
pratisaran in cervical erosion ;To observe the mode of action of
Palash Kshara and Apamarg kshara on Yonimukh Vrana(Cervical
erosion) ; To study the complication during and treatment if any.;
To collect the data preclinical and postclinical observation on
cervical erosion.
Type of study Comparative study
Group A : study group ; Drug used : Palash Kshara
Group B : comparative group; Drug used : Apamarga Kshara
Duration of study - 7 days; Sample size - 60
Method of Administration:
Locally-Kshar pratisaran upto 100 matra for 7 days on cessation
of menses in every month for two consecutive cycles
A comparative clinical study of
madhukadi kashaya for prevention
of garbhasrava garbhapata with
modern medicine (special
reference to torch infection)
Aparna Tamhanekar , Surekha Dewaikar
Streerog Prasutitantra, RA Podar, Medical College, Worli,
Mumbai-18, Streerog Prasutitantra, RA Podar, Medical College,
Worli, Mumbai-18
Introduction: Pregnancy is a very precious moment of women’s
life. For any expectant mother a spontaneous loss of pregnancy or
recurrent abortions is a traumatic experience. Number of cases
shows the evidence of antibodies towards TORCH infections. The
drug selected for study is Madhukadi kashaya from Sushruta for
the prevention of Garbhasrava Garbhapata. Aims and objectives:
To evaluate the effect of Madhukadi Kashaya in prevention of
Garbhasrava Garbhapata and TORCH infection. To review the
literature on Garbhasrava Garbhapata. To compare the effect of
ayurvedic compound, Madhukadi Kashaya with modern therapy.
To evaluate the incidence of TORCH infection in pregnancy and its
Assessment of laboratory investigation:
Gradation of pH, Pap smear , Discharge smear Examination
Materials and methods: Group A: 30 patients with Madhukadi
Kashay; Group B: 30 Patients with Micronised Progesterone;
Drugs: Raw materials were purchased directly from the market.
Kwath was prepared by the standard method given in the
Sharangdhar samhita. The proportion of the ingredients of
Madhukadi Kashaya was as follows: Contents of Madhukadi
Kashaya: Each 2gms Bharadchoorna of Yashtimadhu, Bala,
Gokshura, Udumbara, Sariva, Shatavari, Kantakari, Dadima,
Utpala, and Durva Type of study open controlled Randomized
study: Group A: Trial group; Drug used: Madhukadi Kashaya: Dose
40ml Madhukadi Kashaya twice daily orally. Duration of
Treatment: 90 days. Group B: control group, Drug used: Cap
progesterone 100mg twice daily. Duration of Treatment: 90 days.
Observation and Result:
Total effect of therapy was statistically evaluated by Chi square
test. The value of P < 0.001 which is highly significant which
suggested that there is highly significant difference between two
groups with respect to total effect of therapy. So Palash
Kshar(Group A) is more beneficial than Apamarg Kshar (Group B)
in Yonimukh Vrana.
Observation and result: All values were recorded as after
treatment. Thus changes in the status of parameters Quantity of
bleeding, Backache, Pain in abdomen were recorded. In case of
trial group 25 patients (83.33%) were got upashaya and 5
patients (16.66%) were got Anupashaya. In case of control group
26 patients (86.66%) were got upashaya and 4 patients (13.33%)
were got Anupashaya.
Assessment of symptoms: Cervical Erosion, Yonigata Srava (White
discharge per vagina) , Yonikandu (Itching vulva), Katishula (low
backache) , Udara Shula (Lower abdominal pain), Mutra Daha
(Burning Micturation)
Gynecology and Obstetrics
The comparative clinical study of
Punarnavadi Kwath with tablet
methyldopa in Garbhini Shotha
with special reference to PIH
Swati U. Pathade , Savita Gopod , Surekha J. Dewaikar
Streerog & Prasutitantra, R.A.Podar Medical College,Worli ,
Streerog & Prasutitantra, R.A.Podar Medical College,Worli, Prof. &
HOD.Streerog & Prasutitantra R.A.Podar Medical College,Worli
In modern science, numerous efforts have been taken to treat
oedema of pregnancy, but there is only symptomatic treatment
along with side effects. PIH is an unpredictable, multiorgan
disorder unique to human pregnancy. It is associated with
significant maternal and foetal morbidity and mortality
worldwide. Treatment of this disorder still remains a challenge to
even the most experienced obstetricians, mainly because exact
aetiology is unknown. Punarnava, deodaru and murva have no
side effects on both mother and fetus. So they are selected for the
treatment of Garbhini shotha. Aims: Clinical study of Punarnavadi
kwath for prevention of garbhini shotha.
Objectives: To review the detail literature of `Garbhini shotha’
and its Ayurvedic and modern management. To observe and
study the detail drug Punarnava, Deodaru, Murva. To evaluate the
effect of Punarnavadi Kwath and tab methyldopa on Garbhani
Materials and Method: No of patients: 30 in each group. Group A:
30 patients with Punarnavadi Kwath, Group B: 30 patients with
Tablet methyldopa. Contents of Punarnavadi Kwath - Punarnava,
Deodaru, Murva, Water – 320 ml, Type of study Open controlled
Randomized study, Group A: Trial group, Drug used: Punarnavadi
Kwath, Dose: 40 ml Punarnavadi kwath twice daily orally with
Madhu. Duration of treatment: 10 days. Group B: control group,
Drug used: Tablet methyl dopa 250mg TDS, Duration of
treatment: 10 days.
Result: Total effect of therapy has been evaluated in terms of
Markedly Improved, Improved and Unchanged. In case of trial
group 5 patients (8.33%) were Markedly Improved, 17 patients
(28.56%) were improved and 8 Patient (13.33%) remain
Unchanged. In case of Control group 1 patients (1.67%) was
Markedly Improved, 12 patients (19.08%) were improved and 17
Patient (28.56%) remain Unchanged.
The controlled comparative study
of Rason Taila Uttarbasti and
Rasonsiddha Kshirpak with
Clomephene Citrate in the
management of Vandhyatva with
respect of Anovulatory Cycles
Subhash G Marlewar , Aarti Joshi , Varsha Jadhao
Asst. Professor, R A Podar Medical College, Worli, Mumbaii-18
“A Mother is born to love her child with every single beat of her
heart” The t/t of infertility suggested in modern science is though
effective, has lots of side effects. In Ayurveda we find this topic of
infertility described under the heading of ‘Vandhyatva’. Ovarian
factors are the 2nd most common cause of infertility, contributing
about 25 to 35%.IN Kashyapa ‘RASONA Taila’ for Uttarbasti
Aartavadosha i.e. ovulatory dysfunction. Rasona taila uttarbasti if
given with Rasona siddha kshirpan, may be more beneficial.
Aims & Objectives: To study the effects of the study drug on the
ovulation. To study the effects of the study drug on endometrium.
To propose the probable mechanism of action of the study drug
on the anovulatory cycle. To study the complications if any during
the course of treatment. To review the literature of vandhyatva
Type of study: open controlled Randomised. Group A: study
group; Sample size: 30; Drug: Rasona Taila, Procedure done:
Rasona Taila uttarbasti, Kala:
Rutukaala (from 5th day of
menstrual cycle) for five days for three consecuative cycles, Dose:
4ml 6ml 8ml 10ml 12ml in vardhman matra. Group B: Sample size
30; Drug : Clomiphene citrate, Route:
oral, Kala: from 2nd day
of m. c., Dose:50 mg (once in a day), The data collected from the
CRF were then subjected to demographic and statistical analysis.
The ‘Wilcoxon Signed Rank test’ was applied to the clinical
parameters. Comparison between two groups was done by using
the ‘Mann Whitney U test’. The 'Chi Square test' was applied to the
total effect of therapy. The significance of data was analysed at
5% level of significance. It can be seen that there is hardly any
difference in both the therapies on ovulation. Thus the study drug
is as effective as controlled drug, clomiphene citrate.
Gynecology and Obstetrics
A clinical study of pandu roga and
its management with mandoora
A physiological study of blood
formation with reference to chatu
shasthi pippali and louha bhasma
Sumi S.R
Amruta Deshpande, Mahendra Singh Meena
Purpose : Pandu roga is one among the most common ailment
observed in the mankind. It gains importance due to the gravity of
this problem in human race which is affecting all the age groups
and both the sex. Hence it is the need of the hour to develop better
protocol. With this purpose the present study was taken up to find
out the efficancy of shamanoushadi (Mandoora Vataka) with or
without shodhana therapy (Virechana karma).
Purpose : Anaemia being a very common disorder in today’s era.
Rakta dhatu does the most important function of jeevana
(maintaining good quality of life). To maintain swasthya it is
important having pravara saara rakta dhatu. The main purpose of
this study was to increase the quality of rakta dhatu.
Method : In this clinical study 50 patients of either sex were
randomly grouped in two groups. In first group Mandoora Vataka
was given after Virechana karma and in the second group only
Mandoora Vataka was given. Takra was given as anupana in both
groups. Period of study was 30 days of trial drug and mean while
the patients were examined once in 15 days during the course of
trail period. Patients were followed for 3 months with clinical trial
drug. Relevant investigations were done BT and AT. Assessment
was based on the basis of nivrutti of lakshanas and improvement
in Hb% .
Result : In group 1, 14 patients had good relief (75%), 10 patients
had moderate relief (50%), 1 patient had mild relief (25%). In
group 2, 2 patients had good relief (75%), 20 patients had
moderate relief (50%), 3 patients had mild relief (25%). Even
Hb% increased comparatively more in group 1 than group 2. The
statistical analysis was carried out and the test of significance
(paired t test) was comparatively more significant in group 1 than
group 2.
Method : To enhance the quality of rakta dhatu 30 patients having
symptoms of rakta kshaya selected from the OPD of NIA, Jaipur
were divided into 3 groups. Group A (10 patients) Pippali
rasayana, Dose 4 ratti with madhu, Group B (10 patients) Louha
bhasma, Dose 2 ratti with madhu, Group C (10 patients) Both the
above for a duration of 45 days. Subjective parameters assessed
were symptoms of rakta kshaya and objective parameters were
Result : Significant result using t test was obtained. 79%
improvement in the Group A, 68% in the Group B, 85% in Group
C. Reduction of symptoms of rakta kshaya and an increase in the
values of Hb%, RBC, PCV, MCV, MCHC was found.
Conclusion : The Pippali rasayana acted as an intrinsic factor and
louha bhasma acted as an extrinsic factor together for increasing
the quality and quantity of rakta dhatu. Pippali rasayana
normalized the agni vikriti and enhanced healthy dhatu formation
(sara vishudha dhatu).
Conclusion : Efficacy of Mandoora Vataka was found to be
effective in the patients who were given shodhana. This
ultimately showed the influence of shodhana therapy on jataragni
and enabling maximum utility of Mandoora Vataka after
shodhana karma.
Hepatoprotective activity of
Hippo-08 an oral ayurvedic
formulation against ethanol
induced liver damage
Pakutharivu Thangarajan, Suriyavathana M
Purpose : The present study was carried out to evaluate the
hepatoprotective activity of Hippo 08 an oral ayurvedic
formulation. Hepatoprotective activity of Hippo 08 was examined
against ethanol induced liver damage in rats using Liv 52 as
Method : The Biochemical parameters like serum, ALP, AST, GGT,
where evaluated using standard procedures. Liver histological
changes were also analyzed
Result : Ethanol produced significant changes in various
parameters like serum ALP, AST, ALT, GGT, along with changes in
histological parameters. Treatment with Hippo 08 (500mg/kg
b.wt and 1000mg/kg b.wt) significantly prevented the
biochemical and histological changes induced by ethanol,
indicating the recovery of hepatic cells. The activity of Hippo 08
was also comparable to that of Liv 52 a known hepatoprotective.
Conclusion : The results of this study strongly indicate that Hippo
08 has got a potent hepatoprotective action against ethanol
induced liver damage in rats.
Double- blind randomized
placebo-controlled clinical trial of
herbal compound Livomap
(MA-579) in patients with non
alcoholic fatty liver disease
Abha Saxena, Nidhi Kaushik, Anoop Misra, S.M Bhushan,
Naval Kishor Vikram
1. Department of Diabetes and metabolic disease Fortis hospital
Vasant Kunj New Delhi, 2. Maharshi Ayurveda Products Pvt. Ltd
Purpose : Non alcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD) is increasingly being
recognized as an important entity in the spectrum of liver
diseases, indicate the presence of fatty infiltration of liver in
non-alcoholics. Treatment of NAFLD typically focused on the
management of associated conditions which may be beneficial
but limit their uses due to side effects. Therefore there is need to
evaluate herbal formulations for the treatment of NAFLD. The
objective of present study was to evaluate the effect of MA 579
(Livomap) in patients with NAFLD.
Method : Fifty eight patients with NAFLD, proven on
ultrasonography with/without persistent elevation of serum
alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or aspartate aminotransferase
(AST) and with negative viral markers were enrolled. Patients
received one month of placebo, diet and exercise advise and were
subsequently randomized to receive either MA 579 or Placebo (2
tab BD) for 4 months. Patients were followed up every month for
clinical evaluation. Assessments of all biochemical investigations
were done at baseline. Liver function test, S.insulin, lipid profile
performed at baseline (day1, day 60 and at the completion of
study (day 120). Ultrasonography performed at baseline (day 1)
& (day 120).
Result : Fifty out of 58 patients completed the study. Twenty six
patients were on MA 579 and 24 patients received Placebo. After
16 weeks, significant reduction in hepatic steatosis determined
on ultrasonography was observed in group MA 579 (p<0.01).
Greater reduction in triglycerides was also observed in the MA
579 group as compared to placebo (p=0.02). No effect was
observed in plasma transaminases levels in both groups.
Significant reduction in pain in abdomen was also observed in
medicine group (p<0.01) as compared to placebo group. No side
effects were observed so far.
Conclusion : MA 579 decreased triglyceride levels and hepatic
steatosis significantly. It may be beneficial for NAFLD patients,
which need to be tested in larger sample size.
Immunological and virological
effect of amrita tablate in human
immunodeficiency virus positive
Brajeshwar Mishra
Purpose : To assess the safety and efficacy of Amrita tablets in
human immunodeficiency virus positive patients.
Method : The randomized double blind placebo controlled trial
carried out 40 HIV positive patients at Ayurvedic Drug Research
Institute Motihari Bihar, with permission from Institutional Ethic
Committee for achieve the purpose. Out of 40 HIV patients 30
were male and 10 patients of female. The HIV positive patients
were randomly assigned to three group A, B and C. Group A
received Amrita tablet. Group B received Amritasava and group C
received Placebo. The doses of Amrita tablet, two tabs. and
Amritasava 10ml with one cup water twice daily for six months.
The hematological investigation was repeated at the end of the
Result : In study participants, HIV was more common in the 15 30
year’s age group. Half of the enrolled patients where from the
age group 42% from 30 40 years and 8% from 40 50 age group.
It was observed the end of trial period of amrita tablet was
marked increase in the number of CD4count and viral load
reduced<300 copies/ml. It was also found gradual reduction of
clinical feature of early symptomatic stage of HIV disease. Among
the participants received Amritasava there was moderate
increase in the number of CD4 count, but there was no difference
in viral load. Participants was received placebo there was no
differences in CD4 count before the six months
Conclusion : Amrita tab. is an ideal herbal formulation .It contain
mainly standard chemically defined Asava of Amrita (Tinospora
cardifolia) ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and yasthimadhu
(Glycyrrhiza glabra).It increase in number of CD4 count and
reduce viral load. It is safe and no adverse toxic effect on long
therapy. Now it is necessary to evaluate the physiological activity,
pharmacological property toxicity and determination of structure
of amrita tab. To antiretroviral classes of drug for used in the
health care systems of countries with in the Region and elsewhere
in the world
An evaluation of a new anti-aids
herbo-mineral compound (laa-1)
Pushpendra Shukla
Purpose : AIDS is the deadliest disease of the decade, for which
unfortunately even after several advancement in biomedical
sciences, no curative treatment is available as no drug is capable
of separating and recovering the motif between retro viral DNA of
the host.
Method : The present study has been undertaken to evaluate the
role of a new herbo mineral compound (LAA01) in 18 cases
suffering from AIDS after getting clearance from the Institutional
Ethical committee (IEC). Criteria for assessing antiviral activity
includes CD3, CD4, CD8, CD4/ CD8 ratio and viral load parameters
were measured. These parameters were conducted at Biognosis
an approved GLP lab in Hyderabad.
Result : Pre treatment mean values of these parameters
compared with LAA01 treated cases values periodically
respectively given in following table. Parameters, Basal data,
After 1 month, After 2 month, After 3 month, Absolute CD3,728.6,
1395.4, 1195.5, 1120.5, CD3%,
78.89, 72.83, 79.75, 76.2,
Absolute CD4, 127.6, 246.25, 212.5, 326.5, CD4%, 14.63,14.36,
13.36, 22.24, Absolute CD8, 559,1009.63, 557, 718.5, CD8%,
59.74, 55.59, 63.51, 48.74, CD4/ CD8 Ratio, 0.238, 0.318, 0.385,
0.455, Viral Load,110837.2, 63017.5, 24507.5,13053.5
The results indicate a significant rise in CD4 counts and a
significant decrease in viral load.
Conclusion : It concludes that the drug Ayurvedic herbo mineral
preparation LAA01 under test is not only a viridicidal (drug
inhibiting the HIV replication) as is evident from decrease in HIV
load, but the drug also enhanced immunity as is evident from
increases in CD4 and CD8 counts and their respective percentage,
which maintained the quality of life (QOL) of the patients, which
needs further extensive clinical trial.
Suvarna prashana - An elixir of life
Malavi Shayan
Purpose: 'Suvarna prashana', an age old procedure, the secret of
Ayurvedic way of "immune booster" is gaining popularity
nowadays. Being one of the Jatakarma, it occupies a major place in
a child's life and helps in preventing the disease and promoting
positive health, which is the need of the hour. The main aim is to
revive and retrieve the classical procedure and to generate the
data regarding the efficacy of suvarna prashana in welfare of the
Method: Classically, "prashana or lehana" means, licking of
suvarna with medicated Ghrutam and Madhu. Government
Ayurvedic Medical College, Bangalore, Department of Rasashastra
is successful in conducting suvarna prashana on every Pushya
Nakshatra day since three years. 50 kids between the age group of
5 10 years of both sex who had completed 30 doses of suvarna
prashana were taken up for the study. Medicated Ghrutam was
prepared in the department of Rasashastra. Ayurvedic
parameters such as Medha, Agni, Bala (as mentioned in Kashyapa
Samhita) were given more importance. Medha, Shakti was
assessed using Mini Mental Tests such as Orientation, Attention,
Calculation, Recollection and Language. Other parameters such as
height and weight were also recorded regularly.
Result: Among 50 kids, observation and results were, 80%
showed considerable improvement in appetite. 75% of them
showed reduction in frequency of occurrence of allergic
respiratory disorders. 60% of them showed marked improvement
in academics. Biochemical lab investigations such as A.E.C & E.S.R
were comparatively reduced in 75% of kids suffering from
allergic respiratory disorders. No side effects were noticed during
the course of suvarna prashana.
Conclusion: Suvarna Prashana is found to be an effective and safe
immune booster for the children of age group between 8 - 10
Clinical study of
immunomodulatory effect of an
ayurvedic compoun (kashyapokta
leha) in children.
Jyotsna Ahir, Ajit Kshirsat
Purpose : The immune system plays a vital role in maintaining the
body's overall health and resistance to disease. Immune system is
immature in children thus, they are unable to protect their body
from invaders .It suggests there is deficiency in the local or
systemic host defence. In this clinical study, an Ayurvedic
compound Kashypokta Leha was shown statistically significant
improvement in recurrent infections like Tonsilitis, Respiratory
tract infection , Gastrointestinal tract infection, Viral infection,
Skin infection( papular urticaria), Malnutrition, Anemia.
Objective: To evaluate the immunomodulatory effect of an
ayurvedic compound kashypokta leha in children.
Method : A clinical study of total 210 children divided in 7
groups.Each group contains 30 children( in between age
1mounth to 10 yrs) showing recurrent infections like Groups,
1)Tonsilitis, 2 )Respiratory tract infection 3) Gastrointestinal
tract infection,4) Viral infection, 5) Skin infection (papular
urticaria), 6)Malnutrition, 7)Anemia. received Kashypokta Leha
for 6 months. Total no of episodes of recurrent infections,
hospitalization rate, overall well being and adverse events were
assessed at every month at Y.A.C. Kodoli in the OPD of
Kaumarbhritya (Balrog) Dept. Tal “Panhala, Dist. Kolhapur, State,
Result : Episodes of recurrent infections like 1)Tonsilitis reduced
in 40 % children, 2) Respiratory tract infection reduced in 60 %
children, 3) Gastrointestinal tract infection reduced in 40 %
children, 4) Viral infection reduced in 30 % children, 5) Skin
infection (papular urticaria) reduced in 30 % children, 6)
Malnutrition reduced in 50% children, 7) Anemia reduced in 40
% children
Conclusion : Kashypokta Leha was effective in the prophylactic
treatment of recurrent infections (needs prolonged study).
Conceptul study of ojas in
perspective of immunity
Manoj Rathod
The study of efficacy of amalaki
rasayan on Jirna Jwar under the
concept of AIDS.
Purpose : As per modern, the human body has the ability to resist
almost all types of organisms or toxins that tend to damage the
tissues and organs. Human body have this special system for
combating the different infections and toxic agents by innate (non
specific) and acquired (specific) immunity. Ayurveda the science
of life defines man as conglomeration of panch mahabhutas and
atma. These are present in body in the form of doshas, dhatus and
malas.Oja is considered as the essence of all bodily tissues. Ojas is
the vital fluid which supplies energy to different tissues in the
body and relates to vitality and immunity. Vadhikshamatva
depends on the maintenance of the equilibrium of doshas and the
healthiness of dhatus. Immunity means non susceptibility to
disease due to presence of adequate mechanism in the body
against the infection.
Kavita Khond
Method : The literary view collect from Vedas, Charak Samhia,
Sushrut Samhita, Ashtang Sangrah, Ashtang Hridya, Madhav
Nidan, Sharangdhar, Bhavprakash, yogratnakar, kashyap, bhel,
harit ect.Samhitas and their available commentaries. All
references are collected fromabove samhita and commentries
which are available in market.
Result : 60 Patent were com pair with signs of symptoms of Jirana
Jwara & AIDS & Basthi of Amalaki Rasayana was given for 03 to 06
months & studied the effect of the drug on the basis of signs &
symptoms, CD4 count the effect showed was categories on the
basis of CD4 count. Study showed positive effect on the 60%
patient whose CD4 count was more than 400.
30 to 40%
positive result was seen on the patients whose CD4 count is
between 200 to 350. Only 10 to 20% positive result was seen on
the patients whose CD4 count was less than 200.
Result : As per the study result is that the immunity is strongly
depends on ojas dhatu. in any human being where there is ojas
dhatu purnata (sapta dhatu vrudhi) there is a strong immunity.
Conclusion : as per study it is concluded that every human being
who have strong immunity power having saptadhtu vrudhi with
ojas dhatu purnata.
Purpose : 1) To study the etiopathenogenesis, signs & symptoms
of Jirna Jwara, 2) To study etiopathenogenesis, signs & symptoms
of AIDS. & details study of CD4 count, 3) To study the efficacy of
Amlki Rasayana on Jirna jwara
Method : 1) In this study 60 Patients of Jirna Jwara were taken
from, Orange city hospital, Nagpur, These patient of Jirna Jwara
are correlated with AIDS w.s.r. to CD4 count, 2) Drug : Amalki
Rasayana kwatha Dose : 200 ml to 250 ml for Basthi karma.
Duration : 03 to 06 Months, 3) criteria of Assessment : a) score of
signs & symptoms of Jirna Jwara are correlated with signs &
symptoms of AIDS with special reference to CD4 count & produce
data paired t test was applied.
Conclusion : Amalaki Rasayana can be used as supportive drug in
AIDS patient to maintain the CD4 count & for the well being of the
Mast cell stabilizing and
antioxidant properties of morinda
umbellata l.
Krishnakumar N M, Latha P G, Suja S R , Rajasekharan
Purpose: Morinda umbellata L. (Family: Rubiaceae) is a medicinal
liana commonly known as Neyvalli or Kudalchurukki in
Malayalam and Pitadaru in Sanskrit. According to traditional
system of medicine, the leaf powder is used in diarrhoea and
dysentery. The leaves are used for treating indigestion, syphilis
and gonorrhoea. The objective of the present study is to evaluate
the mast cell stabilization and antioxidant properties of ethanolic
extract of the leaves of Morinda umbellata.
Method : The mast cell stabilization study was carried out in rat
peritoneal mast cells in vivo on Wistar albino rats (150 200 g)
sensitized with egg albumin (1 mg/rat ) intramuscularly. After
four days of drug treatment, mast cells were collected, washed by
centrifugation and pellets of mast cells collected and incubated
with egg albumin (1.0 mg/ml). After incubation, mast cells were
stained with 0.1 % toluidine blue and percentage protection
against mast cell degranulation was counted under compound
microscope. The antioxidant studies were carried out by in vitro
antilipid peroxidation, DPPH and Hydroxyl radical scavenging
Result: Results showed the potent mast cell stabilizing activity of
the extract in egg albumin sensitized animals at 200 mg/kg dose
as evidenced by the decrease in antigen induced degranulation of
mast cells in vivo. The extract showed significant inhibition of
FeCl2 Ascorbic acid induced rat liver lipid peroxidation in vitro by
significantly decreasing malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in FeCl2
Ascorbic acid treated rat liver homogenate compared to normal
control without FeCl2 Ascorbic acid. The extract also showed
significant free radical scavenging activity in both DPPH and
Hydroxyl radical scavenging assays at 50 µg/ml and 100 µg/ml
Conclusion: Thus the results of the study reveal for the first time
the mast cell stabilizing and antioxidant potential of Morinda
umbellata L. leaves.
In Vitro Anti-Oxidant Activity of
Bharma Rasayana
Bali Chouhan
National Institute of Ayurveda, Bilwal Pharmaceutical Ag. O.P.P.
N.I.A. Joraver Singh Gate Amer Road
Purpose: In Vitro anti-Oxidant scavenging activity of bhrama
rasayana was studied to find out the amount of free radicals.
Methods: Bhrama rasayan was extracted with ethanol and
screened for their in vitro antioxidant effects using two assay
models (1) 1,1 Diphenyl Picryl Hydrazyl (DPPH) quenching assay
and Ferric reducing power, total phenolic count and the results
were analyze statistically by regression analysis.
Results: The ethanolic extract of Bhrama rasayana exhibited
significant DPPH radical quenching activity with IC50 value of
42.79±1.45 .
Conclusion: Bhrama rasayan extract were also found to a strong
reducing activity. Based on this study, this is comparable to that of
reference compound Butyl Hydroxy Anisole (BHA).
Study of Herbal combination in HIV
S.Tumbare1 , K.Gangurde , N.Lakare , R.Bhoknal
1Avinash Herbals Pvt Ltd, 352/3 Hanumantgaon, Tal, Rahata,
Ahmednagar - 413711Maharashtra, India
Objective: To assess the safety and efficacy of traditional herbal
medicine preparation in HIV 1 positive patients.
Material & Methods: The efficacy of a combination of three herbal
drug preparations in a total of 10 HIV 1 positive patients
attending our herbal clinic at Hanumantgaon was assessed. Eight
patients have only on herbal formulations, while the other two
had ARV treatment along with herbal formulations. The patients
were tested for their HIV status by standard NACO protocols and
CD4 and viral load estimate followed along with the other clinical
and biochemical analysis.
Results: The duration of the 10 patients for herbal treatment
ranged from 11months to 65 months follow up. Except for the
patients on 11 months the overall gain for CD4/CD8 was
increased. Eight patients out of the ten patients showed viral load
below detection level after the traditional herbal formulation
treatment while the other two showed a reduction. One patient
among eight patients who on herbal treatment had tuberculosis
from seven months before and was on anti-tuberculosis
treatment along with herbal treatment got reduced to below
detection level from59304 copies/ml. Though only 2 patients
were on ARV treatment was involved they had no side effects with
herbal formulations. All the 10 patients on herbal treatment
showed improvement in health and well-being.
Conclusion: The primary conclusion is that traditional herbal
preparations can be used as an alternative form of therapy in HIV
positive individuals.
Immune Deficiency Disease and
Sunil Kumar Thakur
Lecturer, Rajiv Gandhi Govt. Post Graduate Ayurvedic College,
Paprola (Kangra) H.P. - 176115
India is developing country. Due to low socio economical
standard, poor hygienic conditions and population explosion
tuberculosis has become a serious threat to the society in our
country. Government of India has launched so many programmes
like B.C.G. vaccination, DOT and RNTCP to control tuberculosis,
but in spite of all these, tuberculosis remains as one of the fastest
spreading disease. Today entire society is looking toward
Ayurveda with a great hope because the most of effective anti
tuberculosis drugs have also failed to control this notorious
disease. Ayurveda is a science of life designed to increase our
well-being and happiness in all aspects. The objective of Ayurveda
is to achieve physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being by
way of adopting preventive and promotive approaches as well as
to treat the disease with holistic approach. Rasayana therapy is
particularly helpful in management of such a disorder where
immunity and infections are playing the central role. The aim of
present study was to clinically evaluate the effect of Rasayana
(Chyavanprash Avleha) in the management of pulmonary
tuberculosis to reduce the effect of modern synthetic anti
tuberculosis drugs. The role of alternative system of medicines to
control the disease is being evaluated. Further various Ayurvedic
formulations are being sought to increase the immunity of body
to fight against immune deficiency diseases. Rasayana
(Chyavanprash Avleha) one of the most important immune
modulator described in various Ayurvedic texts as herbomineral
product to increase the immunity and to evaluate the effects of
Rasayana in tuberculosis to reduce the common side effects of
modern synthetic anti tubercular medicines. Trial was divided
under following two groups Standard Group : Each patient of this
group was given Anti tuberculosis therapy with multivitamins
according to weight of patient for two months. Trial Group II:
Each patient was given Chyavanprash Avleha orally 400mg/kg
(maximum 20gm) body weight once a day with cow milk before
breakfast after one hour of taking Anti tuberculosis therapy for
two months. Patients were thoroughly evaluated on various
scientific objective and subjective parameters during and after
the completion of the entire trial. A significantly higher response
was observed in trial group II patients, which were managed with
Anti tuberculosis therapy with Chyavanprash Avleha. No adverse
effects were observed in the entire trial period in group II. The
study of “Scientific Evaluation of Rasayana (Chyavanprash
Avleha) as an adjuvant with Anti tuberculosis therapy” in immuno
compromised patients of infectious pulmonary tuberculosis was
found excellent and showed that Rasayanas are the best
medicines of choice in immune deficiency diseases.
Infectious Diseases
Ayurvedic medication and
vaccination for Dengue fever with
clinical experience
Malaria cure by Herbal / Ayurvedic
Medicine in Central Indian tribal
Chethan Kumar
Utkarsh Ghate(1) , Hema Kulkarni(1)
1. Ujwala Ayurveda Association
1. Gram Moolige Co. Ltd. (GMCL) & CCD, Durg city, Chhattisgarh
state, India
Purpose : Dengue fever is caused by a family of viruses that are
transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquito that has previously bitten
infected person. acute illness of sudden onset that usually follows
benign course with symptoms such as headache, fever,
exhaustion, severe muscle, joint pain, swollen glands, rash.
"dengue triad" fever, rash, headache. Other signs of dengue fever
include bleeding gums, severe pain behind eyes, red palms, soles.
Currently no vaccination is available for dengue fever in other
system of medicine. The study highlights clinical condition of
Dengue fever, ayurvedic medication and vaccination for dengue
with clinical experience.
Method : Bala guduchyadi as anubhutha yoga is the drug of choice
and was administered for patients as a kashaya by 1:4 ratio then
add 1tsf honey advice to take hourly once. As vaccination, bala
guduchyadi Q churna are made into kashaya by 1:4 ratio then add
1tsf honey advice to take twice in a day. upto 21 days.
Result : Case 1: 9 years boy had 80000 of platelets after 14 hours
platelet count rises upto 1.60 lacs. Case 2: 3 years girl had 1.32 lak
platelets after 30 hours platelet count rises upto 2.40 lak.
Conclusion : There are more than 1000 people using
balaguduchyadi Q as a preventive measure/as an immune
modular / as vaccination and they are free from dengue fever. By
the clinical experience we observed that through Ayurvedic
medication we can treat dengue fever successfully through
balaguduchyadi Q anubhuta yoga without any fail and also advice
as an immune modular / as vaccination. So, every physician must
try to understand the condition of the dengue and prevent the
further complications based on the evidence.
Malaria is one of the dreaded global killer diseases especially in
the poor, forested, hilly, remote regions with little medical
facilities. About 2 million malaria cases are estimated to occur in
India annually as per the National malaria research institute
study, but many more unreported cases also occur. Each leads to
treatment cost of Rs. 1,000/ (one thousand) on average. This
implies Rs. 2 billion drug market. Considering that the proposed
local medicinal plants based drug will cut the treatment cost by at
least 50% , the business potential with 100% replacement would
be Rs. 1 billion at least. The formula is basically clinically found
successful by Bombay Hospital scientists. The pharmaceutical
companies do not invest in the market “at the bottom of the
pyramid” due to thin margins/ loss risk. Thus, of the patented
malaria medicine developed by National Research Development
Council (NRDC) named “Ayush 64”
(, hardly any
companies bought marketing rights or did much sales. There is
huge market in N. E. India/ Africa/ S. America!
Ayurveda has proven medicines to treat malaria viz.
Mahasudarshan Churna, Tribhuvan kirti & Parijat vati, who treat
“Visham jwara” its Ayurvedic indication. However, these are
unknown, unavailable, costly & unused in the tribal areas so not
popularized. Folk medicines reported, but rarely, to treat malaria
include Neem, Kalmegh & Harsingar , where in a clinical study in
Mumbai on 120 Malaria patients, 77% showed complete parasite
eradication within 7 days of treatment with the leaf paste, and is
also found safe. We also found it effective in our work in Balangir
in 2011, besides also by the other NGOs in Orissa viz. Sambandh &
FRLHT (, mainly as a prophylactic. About 30%
of the family expenses today spent on Malaria treatment will be
cut by about 50%, saving about Rs.2,500/ annually to spend on
food, health & education. About 10% productivity will also grow,
taking total benefit to Rs.4,000/ annually, as each person per
family spend lying on bed about 10 15 days in Malaria fever. This
will be at a cost of just Rs. 500/ making the output: input ratio
1.5, than the total loss now! Also, local & common plants sources,
simple technology ensure continued availability & low cost unlike
Artemissin drug.
Infectious Diseases
Medicinal Plants
Traditional medicinal plants used
as hypoglycemic agent in Nagaland
- A case report.
Neimenuo Kiso, Mukamchem Yim, L. Chuba Yim
Pre-storage seed treatments for the
maintenance of vigour & viability of
aswagandha (Withania somnifera
(l.) Dunal)
Purpose : To highlight traditional use of Catharanthus roseus and
Ficus cunia as hypoglycemic agent in Nagaland.
Bijay kumar De, Satadru Palbag, Dheman Saha, Alak kumar
Method : Folksystem: 4 (four) fresh leaves of Catharanthus roseus
are consume once daily before breakfast and 250mg 300mg of
fresh green leaves or 200mg 250mg of dried leaves of Ficus
cunia is boiled in 2 3 liters of water for 15 20 minutes, this
decoction is advice to take twice daily before meal.
1. Institute of medical sciences, Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi-221005, East U.P., 2. Institute of Agricultural Science,
calcutta University, 35, B.C. Road, Kolkata- 700 019, West Ben
Result: Rhakho Janger (Name changed), 52/M/Ch, Degree
Graduated, Government Officer by Designation, Purana Bazar,
Dimapur, Nagaland was asymptomatic 3 years back, after then He
developed some abnormality so he went to Medical specialize in
Private Hospital and through blood examination he was
diagnosed to be suffering from Type II Diabetes Mellitus, so he
took the prescribed medicines for one year and above but his
blood sugar does not come down sufficiently. Finally he came to
NACRC with the same complain, after thorough examination and
investigation he was advice to take this herbal plants. From last
two years his R.B.S came down from 325ml/dl to 150ml/dl.
Conclusion : From this case history it shows a good fall of blood
sugar level which may be due to use of above mentioned herbal
plants. So it is necessary to carry out the good clinical research
work in this and in many traditionally valued plants so that it will
be highly beneficial for the Society as well as the sufferings.
Purpose : Withania somnifera (L) Dunal is a perennial shrub from
the Solanaceae family and well known medicinal plant.
Traditionally it is known as Aswgaandha. The root extract has
been traditionally used as a tonic and as a sedative but recent
research shows that the leaf extract contains Withanolides which
have been found to have regenerative properties on brain cell
synapses in human cell lines in laboratory studies. Withania
somnifera seeds are harvested in the month of March, April. Seed
storage under ambient conditions is a very problematic due to
prevailing high humidity and atmospheric temperature. If seeds
stored under uncontrolled conditions, the viability may go down
below ten percent after monsoon. So to maintain the vigour and
viability of Withania somnifera seed during storage was essential
for ensuring better crop stand.
Method : Withania somnifera seed were dry dressed with finely
powdered pharmaceutical formulations (aspirin, active
ingredient ortho acetylesalicylic acid @ 100 mg / kg of seed; celin,
active ingredient ascorbic acid @ 500 mg / kg of seed), chemicals
(common bleaching powder, active ingredient calcium
hypochlorite @ 2 g / kg of seed) and crude plant materials (finely
powdered dried fruit of Capsicum frutescens (red chilli powder)
and Catharanthus roseous leaf powder @ 2 g / kg of seed). After
treatments germination test were carried out by standards
germination test method and seed vigour also studied by the
measurement of root and shoot length.
Result : Seed deterioration was very fast after monsoon months in
uncontrolled storage. More or less all dry dressing treatments
significantly slowed down seed deterioration in comparison to
untreated control under subsequent storage conditions.
Conclusion : The result indicates that pre storage dry dressing
treatments of Withania somnifera seed with aspirin and red chilli
powder are suggested for the maintenance of seed viability
during storage period and they are inexpensive.
Medicinal Plants
Excellent herb for cancer
management in ayurveda
Madhumita Middha Guglani, Vaidya Rambabu Sharma(1)
1. Patanjali Yogpeetha, Haridwar
Purpose: Now-a-days much is talked about the cancer at all the
levels of society. Cancer is considered to be a group of life style
related diseases. Many types of cancer have strong association
with certain risk factors. Ayurveda can do a lot in this disease
through Ayurveda medicines, herbs, diet correction, lifestyle
management and samprapti vighatan. Cancer is abnormal,
unlimited growth of cell and degeneration caused by change in
the cell program due to Dhatwagni Mandya (suppression of fire at
deep tissues level). This unnecessary cell multiplication is at the
cost of the host. As it is mentioned in Ayurveda text "Vikaro Dhatu
Vaishamyam". It was found that Purified milk of Ayurveda herb
Thuhar (Sehund; latin name Euphorbia nerifolia) has a fabulous
results on cancer. It is found to work as Dhatwagni Vardhak
(Sterilizer) and Dhatwagni Pachak (stroto shodhak, digestion at
tissues level).
Result: Indication of Euphorbia Nerifolia liver cancer, blood
cancer, chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), uterine cancer,
intestinal cancer. Contra indication of Euphorbia nerifolia hyper
acidity, acidity, high blood pressure. DOSES 1 3 ml; OVER DOSE
can cause Nausea, vomiting and ulcer etc. It was found Excessive
intake of acidic diet causes and aggravates cancer whereas
alkaline group of herbs, vegetables and diet like Curcuma longa,
Allium sativam, cabbage, cucumber, carrots, Piper nigrum,
Zingiber officinale, broccoli, Allium cepa etc. helps to cure and
prevent cancer.
Conclusion: Cancer is curable in 70 percent of cases in second
stage through proper Ayurveda treatment. Advocacy of diet
habits, pure and correct life style, behaviours and living in
harmony with nature are the strong points of Ayurveda.
Importance and biodiversity of
medicinal flora with a note on
Baligireddi Venkata Achyuta Ramarao Naidu
Purpose : Plants are benefactors of mankind. 75% of the 120
Pharmaceutical products used by the industry are discovered
from the clues obtained from Traditional Medicine. Wonder
Drugs like Reserpine, Guglipid, Ergotamine, Ergomatrine,
Vincristine, Vinblastine, Diosgenin and Hecogenin have been
discovered in the recent past In nature plants are able to
synthsize complex molecule of Secondary Metabolites like
Alkaloids, Terpenoids, Tannins, Saponins etc.
Method : Varied climatic conditions arising from myriad of
geographical regions. India conceivably provides favourable
locale to rich genetic and cultural biodiversity with about 9500
medicinal Flora and 400 Ethinicgrops. India is one of the 12 Mega
Diverse countries. Medicinal plants are distributed across diverse
habitats and land scapes. World Average of Medicinal plants is
12.5%, whereas of India is 20%. Vedetal (2001) Estimated the
Number of Medicinal Plant species found in Different Bio
geographic regions of India as Transhimalayas 700,
Gangeticplains 1000, Himalayas 2500, N.Eastindia 3000,
Deccanpeninsula 3000, Islands 1000, Westernghats 2000,
Coasts 500.
Result : About 140 species are becoming extinct every day.
Current status of Medicinal Plants is also quite disturbing. Eleven
species were listed under cites. About 150 species fall under IUCN
categories of Threatened, rare or endangered species. Ninety
percent of the botanicals used by industry are collected from wild,
Government of India had to publish a negative list of hundred and
fourteen species regulating wild harvest and trade. Demand for
herbal products is quite encouraging. Global market of
Pharmaceuticals Nutraceuticals and Cosmaceuticals would be of
the order of U.S.$ 5 Trillion, by 2050. The estimated global trade
at present is of the order of U.S $ 60 Billion.
Conclusion : Now it is appropriate to promote large scale
cultivation of medicinal species, in addition to the establishment
of natural reserves like Parks, gene banks and ASBRC & FGB
Medicinal Plants
The review of herbal anti-allergy
and anti-histaminic drugs. Sneha
Kalaskar1 K. Nishteswar.2 1. MD
1st scholar, deptt of Dravyaguna;
I.P.G.T. &
Sneha Kalaskar, K. Nishteswar
Purpose : The symptoms of an allergic reaction communicate
sensitization to certain antigens in the environment. Initiation of
antigen reaction stimulates mast cells to release histamine into
the blood which interacts with the cells to produce most of the
symptoms of the allergy. Drugs that block only the action of
histamine are known as antihistaminic while the drugs
preventing mast cells from releasing histamine are considered as
anti allergic agents. Ayurveda considers Mandagni (Jadharagni in
hypofunctional state) as the root cause of the all diseases which
produces Ama (Antigen/Visha). Drugs possessing Deepan,
Pachan, and Vishaghna properties may prevent histamine release
and allergic reactions. Udardaprashamana, Kandughna,
Swasahara group of drugs may prevent acute histaminic reaction.
Keeping this concept in view a critical review was made about the
herbs mentioned in the classical Ganas and aushadhyogas of
compilatory works of medieval India in addition to reported
activities during 20th century research works. The study aims to
identify herbs with Antihistaminic and Antiallergy activity and to
discuss safety and efficacy of herbal anti histaminics over the
drugs of modern medicine which may produce certain adverse
effects like nausea, drowsiness, nasal burning etc.
Method: Analysis of drugs mentioned in the management of
pratishyaya, shwas, kasa, and skin conditions like Seetpitta,
Udarda, Vicharchika etc. was made. Review of research data
mentioned in various journals and monographs was also analysed.
Result: Vishaghna and Udardaprashamana dashemani may have
profound activity in controlling allergic reactions. Kandughna
Dashemani may be useful to control fungal and allergic skin
diseases. Pippali, Tulsi, Kantakari may be useful in the
management of allergic disease of respiratory tract. Azadirachta
indica (Nimba), Albezzia lebbeck (Shirish), Glycerrhyza glabra
(Yashtimadhu) etc. have provided ample scientific evidence for
antihistaminic activity.
Medicinal plants for health and
Pradeep Kumar
Purpose: To give an idea about the regional plants, so that we can
do proper research and include them in our literature. Try to
remove the doubts among the controversial plant for the benefit
of health. Pharmacognosical and pharmaceutical study of
medicinal plant for the proper identification and to evaluate the
pharmaco therapeutic aspect for the health of human being;
Standardisation of medicinal plants; To explore the new era of
employment; To enhance the economic status of country. To
encourage the farmers for cultivation of medicinal plants having
high economic value as well as well as the plant which are going to
Method : The whole study is divided into four parameters groups
Evaluation of causative factor responsible for controversies
among medicinal plants; Collection of controversial medicinal
plants; Try to remove the controversies on the basis of synonyms,
habitat, pharmacognosical & pharmacotherapeutical aspects;
Parameters for the standardisation of medicinal plant on the basis
of ash value, fibre value, dietary value, chemical constituents and
trace elements to full fill the need of GMP; Valuation of economic
value of medicinal plants; Try to give an idea through a list of
important extinct medicinal plant or rare drugs and their
representatives (Pratinidhi dravya).
Result: Evaluation of regional plants, their study was on the basis
of pharmacognosical, pharmacotherapeutical aspects, and
standardisation parameters. It was found as satisfactory process
to evaluate the drugs which are beneficial for health. Names of the
plants having economic value were also evaluated.
Conclusion: There is further need of research the medicinal plants
which are beneficial for health as well as that can improve our
economic status.
Conclusion: Recent researches confirmed Anti histaminic and Anti
allergic activity of Adhatoda vasica (vaasaa), Aloe vera (kumari),
Azadirachta indica (nimba), Curcurma zedoaria (karchura),
Nigella sativa (upakunchikaa), Inula racemosa (pushkarmoola),
Tinospora cordifolia (guduchi), Benincasa hispida (krushmanda)
etc. which are safer to use.
Medicinal Plants
Farming of herbal and drug
yielding trees under various
tree-herbs combination on fragile
ecosystem in Chhattisgarh India
Sharad Nema
Purpose : The mounting pressure of fast expanding human as well
as animal population and wide spread unabated and rapid
deforestation is causing tremendous loss of forest cover leading to
deterioration of ecological environment and climate change. The
intervention of agroforestry systems are important for fragile
ecosystem, marginal lands and wastelands with adequate
integration of medicinal plants cultivation in herbal garden,
multitier system, Horti medicinal and tree drug based
agroforestry system.
Method : In this perspective, the present study was conducted and
experimented on red lateritic soil (entisols) of Chhattisgarh
(India) categorised as degraded and poorest soil. To realise the
importance of fact, an attempt was made to incorporate drug
yielding trees and herbal plants of the Chhattisgarh state in
various combination under agroforestry farming systems to
assess the performance of systems on entisols.
Result : The combination of tree shrub herb (multitier system),
Horti medicinal system and Tree drug based agroforestry system
were developed at 2m x 2m & 5m x5m and 2m x 2m spacement
respectively and studied their performance and intercrops yield.
The multitier system with combination of Eucalyptus globulus,
Terminalia arjuna, Pongamia pinnata, Sapindus emarginatus,
Adhatoda vasica, Bixa orellana was developed. The drug yielding
tree viz., Terminalia arjuna, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia
bellirica, Emblica officinalis, Sapindus emarginatus, Aegle
marmelos, Adhatoda vasica, Bixa oralleana, Commiphora wightii
were experimented with Safflower (JSI 77) intercrop. The Horti
medicinal plants combination with 16 herbal species as
intercropped were taken and it was observed that all aforesaid
drug yielding farming systems were ensure soil conservation and
improvement and supporting the herbal crop production.
Conclusion : The integration of herbal plants under interspaces of
drug yielding trees in multitier system, Horti medicinal system
and multitier agroforestry system under the interspaces to tree
not only could meet the immediate needs of food grains, fruit, and
medicinal plants but also can ensure the long term production
system and environmental security.
Effect of bio-organics and inorganic
nutrient sources on growth, yield
and productivity attributes of
ashwagandha (Withania
Sartaj Tiyagi
Purpose : A medicinal plant Ashwagandha is used for centuries as
medicines in India. The aim of present investigation is to find out
the alternative nutrient sources which are essential to improve
soil fertility and nutrient supply to an optimum level to sustain
desired crop productivity of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
by optimising the benefits from all sources of plant nutrients in an
integrated manner.
Method : A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive
years (2009-2011) at the Aligarh Muslim University Agricultural
Research Farm to assess the effect of inoculations of biofertilizers
such as Azospirillum and Azotobacter singly and in combination
with different recommended doses of nitrogen and inorganic
fertilizers on the growth, yield and productivity attributes of
ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). Plant growth parameters
were determined after harvesting of the crop.
Result : The results clearly revealed that application of bio
fertilizers individually and concomitantly in different
combinations had a significant influence on growth, yield and
productivity attributes of ashwagandha in the presence of
inorganic nitrogen Significant improvement was also observed in
all the parameters when bio fertilizers were added alomgwith
organic matters like oil cake of sunflower. Azotobacter was found
to be less effective as compared to Azospirillum.
Conclusion : The inference drawn from the present study clearly
explained that organic matter alongwith bio fertilizers were
considered effective alternatives as a source of nutrients and have
potential to increase yield and thus avoid costly and harmful
chemical fertilizers. These biofertilizers not only provide the
continuous supply of nitrients but also suppressed the pathogens.
Thus, organics enhanced agro ecosystem health including
biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity.
Medicinal Plants
Sustainable cultivation of medicinal
plants: A multi dimentional
solution of global problems.
Suitability of medicinal and
aromatic plants on different sodic
Brahmananda Mahapatra
Subash Chand
Purpose: To fulfill the global demand of medicinal plants massive
cultivation of medicinal plants through organic farming in a
sustainable manner is the need of the hour. It can meet the global
demand, supply raw drugs to the pharmaceutical industries,
conserve the threatened medicinal plants and save the
environment from hazards effects.
Purpose : The world demand for medicinal and aromatic plants
products is growing at the rate of 7.5% per annum. On account of
our rich biological wealth, India is recognized as one of the mega
diversity regions of the world and estimated to have 6.9% world
flora. In spite of rich herbal medicinal wealth in our country we
are not capable of raising the full potential of these plants. To
meet the internal consumption and for earning foreign exchange,
the production of these crops is required to be increased. The
main consumption however, lies in sparing arable fertile lands for
cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants due to high presence
to meet the requirement of food, fiber, fodder and agricultural
commodities forever increasing population. A viable alternative
could be the utilization of degraded lands, particularly the salt
affected soils to raise sodicity tolerant medicinal and aromatic
Method: Based on the observation made by the author during the
Study of Medicinal Plants of Orissa in Ayurvedic Therapy (Ph.D.
thesis, Utkal University,2005), a good number of threatened
medicinal plants have been recorded and preserved in the
herbaria. Those species are enumerated according to
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) along with
their family, classical names, medicinal uses, threatened category
(regionally and globally). On priority basis sustainable cultivation
with appropriate agro techniques using bio fertilizer have also
been incorporated.
Result: Cultivation of medicinal plants in traditional methods has
advantages over conservation (Insitu /exsitu) and other modern
propagation technology (Bio technology) to preserve the
secondary metabolites present in the plant for improving
medicinal efficacy. It will also fulfill the global demand of raw
drugs and suitable cash crops for farmers. Procured raw drugs
will be available to the end users as well as to the pharmaceutical
industries efficiently and effectively with more export potential.
Ultimately, the threatened species will be conserved and lead
towards protection of environmental pollution.
Conclusion: Since global demands of medicinal plants exceed
production, the world to day claims sustainable cultivation of
medicinal plants, particularly those are at the verge of extinction.
The core aspects centered on biodiversity conservation based
cultivation. One of the foremost challenges faced by the
conservation biologists all over the world is how quickly and
Method : The experiment treatment, consisted of three groups of
medicinal and aromatic plants viz. Palmarosa (Cymbopogon
martinii), Lemon grass (Cymbopogon flexuous) and Khus
(Veteveria zizaniodes) with three levels of sodic soil viz. strong
sodic soil (>9.5 pH), medium sodic soil (8.5 9.0 pH) and low sodic
soil (<8.5 pH). Thus 9 treatment combinations were tested in
randomized block design with three replications. All the
cultivation practices should be adopted as per needed.
Result : Result showed that Palmarosa have more suitability with
producing 2.00, 2.11 and 2.21 kgm 2 dry matter in various sodic
soils, while Lemon grass (0.51, 0.80 and 1.00) and Khus ( 3.50,
3.75 and 3.95) kgm 2 dry matter. The herb yield of these
medicinal and aromatic grasses reduced due to sodicity but oil
content was not affected.
Conclusion : If managed judiciously, sodic soil can be successfully
utilized for growing Palmarosa, Lemon grass and Khus without
amendments application.
Medicinal Plants
Ayurvedic museum (dravyaguna) as a profession: issues & challenges
Jasmeet Singh
Purpose : In original Ayurvedic classics viz. in Caraka Samhita &
Susruta Samhita , thousands of Medicinal plants and their parts
are prescribed in various diseases. Medicinal Plants are not
available at one place, rather found at different part of our
country i.e. Vatsana bha, Jata ma nsa, Devada ru, in northen
India (Himalaya region); Agara, Paga, in Eastern India;
Samudraphala, Kupalu, in southern India and Guggalu,
Asvagandha , in western India. These are a few examples; many
more can be seen in Ayurvedic texts. It is worthy to mention here
that seed, root, root bark, stem, stem bark, tuber, rhizome, leaf,
flower, exudate, latex, fruit etc. are the various plant parts which
are used to prepare medicine in Ayurveda. Further, those parts
are not available in one season and also at one Geographical
region of our country. To a physician or to a Ayurvedic scholar, it
is not possible to see all plants as they are grown in different
regions. For proper knowledge they are required to be kept at one
place, where one can see and acquire practical knowledge.Thus
Museum is the best place to keep them in best condition. Its also
essential as per CCIM norms. So all about brief study of dravya
guna museums importance, maintenance and related problems &
solution is given.
Method : Method of glycerin preservation is adopted 50% glycerin
+ 50% hot water mixed with 1 tab of aspirin and put the plant
part for 15 days then dry and mount.
Result : this type of preservation has long term stability without
loosing there normal color elasticity and texture.
Conclusion : this is new and better method for making herbarium
preservation with lower cost for long time.
The green gold of ayurveda
Madhavi Nagrare (Dhabre)
Purpose : Ayurveda is the science of life which deals with
promotion and maintenance of positive health of masses besides
providing treatment for different types of ailments in the
society.In ayurveda emphasis is given on 3 main
factors:1.Aushadha (medicine) 2.Anna (food) 3. Vihaara(living
style) Out of these three, Aushadhi is the speciality of Ayurved
Science. Cultivation of medicinal plant by using science and
technology can create a large number of jobs for literates as well
as illiterates. All medicinal plants are not only j a major source
base fo traditional herbal medicinal industry but also provide
livelihood and health security for Indian population. Our aim is to
plan for great socio economic revolution and to balance the eco
system by cultivation of medicinal plants.
Method : 1.Selction of land of poor farmers from Viarbha who
dont have money for farming 2.Special training prgramme for
farmers.3.Selection of the medicinal plants as per agrometric
zones, the plants which need minimum care and investment for
cultivation and gives maximum benifits. 4. Seeking help from
schemes. 5. use of of organic fertilzers,biological pest control
Result: 1.Employment for needy farmers and people from rural
area. 2 quality .raw material for pharmceutical companies. 3.good
quality of medicines will be easily available locally. 4 decrease in
pollution .
Conclusion: By cultivating medicinal plants, we can help farmers,
provide good quality raw material, reduce destruction of natural
forests,etc. finally can provide good, health to the society
supporting the Indian economy and empowering rural India.
Medicinal Plants
Role of Biodiversity Conservation
Through Medicinal and Aromatic
Plant Species
R.K. Samaiya(1) , A.B. Tiwari(1) , S.K. Dwivedi(1)
1. Department of Plant Physiology College of Agriculture, JNKVV.
Jabalpur (M.P.) 482004, India, 1. Department of Plant Physiology
College of Agriculture, JNKVV. Jabalpur (M.P.) 482004, India, 1.
Department of Plant Physiology College of Agriculture, JNKVV.
Jabalpur (M.P.) 482004, India
India’s bio diversity is unmatched with the presence of 16
different agro climatic zones, 10 vegetation zones, 25 biotic
provinces and 426 biomes. The medicinal plants have all the
natural secrets to healing, prevention treat a range of common
health problems & longevity for a healthy life. Aromatic herbs, oils
and aroma chemicals, oils and aroma chemical are extensively
used in perfume, flavouring, cosmetics and drug industries, more
than a hundred aromatic oils are in global trade. Cultivation of
medicinal and aromatic plants for profit has attracted the
attention of many growers. The production of medicinal and
aromatic plants for profit on commercial basis involves a number
of factors. The value of such crops depends on their active
principle content which makes it different from the principle of
production of agricultural crops. It is also a fact that the same
plant grown in different location often differ in their active
principle contents and this in due to several factors viz; soil,
rainfall, altitude, method of cultivation, time of collection storage
etc. and these are to be given full consideration one goes in for
production of these crops on commercial scale. Some species are
used in traditional medicines for different application especially
in many Asia and African countries (Yusuf et. al., 1994). The
leaves and flowering tops of sweet basil are used as carminative,
galactogogue, stomachic and antispasmodic in folk medicines.
(Chief, 1988 and Duke, 1989). The World Health Organization
estimated that plant extract or their active constituents are used
as folk medicine in traditional therapies of 80% of the world
population (World Health Organization, 1993). At JNKVV,
Jabalpur herbal garden has the richest collection of MAP’s having
1100 species belongs to 450 genera and 110 families. The herbal
garden is serving as a centre for education, demonstration and
supply of quality seed planting material to the farmers and
entrepreneurs engaged in the cultivation of medicinal and
aromatic plant species. The herbal garden of JNKVV, Jablapur has
been included in the list of member. Herbal gardens as Aushadiya
Udhyan, Jabalpur and medicine plant garden under the
networking of Herbal Garden in India by NRC MAP’s (ICAR)
Anand, Gujrat and NMPB, New Delhi. More than 60 species of
medicinal and aromatic plants are under IUCN categories viz; rare
endangered and vulnerable which are conserved in the herbal
garden as rich gene pool are discussed in the paper.
Influence of Organic, Chemical and
Integrated Nutrient Management
on biochemical parameters of
Isabgol (Plantago ovata Forsk)
S.K. Dwivedi , Nisha Singh Keer , Anubha Upadhyay , Preeti
Sagar Nayak , R.K.Samaiya
Department of Plant Physiology, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi
Vishwavidalaya, Jabalpur, M.P.- 482004
Introduction: Isabgol (Plantago ovata Forsk) is belonging to the
Plantaginaceae family and commonly known as blonde psyllium.
It is mainly grown for husk and seeds. The mucilage present in its
husk is used against constipation, irritation of digestive tract,
diuretic, alleviates kidney and bladder complaints, gonorrhoea,
arthritis and haemorrhoids.
Methodology: The present investigation was conducted at
Research Farm, Department of Plant Physiology, JNKVV, Jabalpur
(M.P) during the Rabi season 2008 09. The research experiment
was laid out in a RBD design with three replications and twelve
different treatments combinations of fertilizers doses with FYM
and bio fertilizer (Azotobacter and phosphorus solubilizing
bacteria). The different treatment combination showed a
significantly wide variability in biochemical parameters of
Isabgol. Maximum Chlorophyll a, Chlorophyll b, Total chlorophyll,
Carotenoids and Chlorophyll ‘a/b’ ratio content was estimated
with T12 (50% NPK kgha 1 of 50% RDF + 5 tones FYM/ha + 3
kgha 1 PSB + 5 kg ha 1 Zn + 3 kgha 1 Azotobactor) significantly
followed by T7 (10 tonnes FYM/ha + 3 kgha 1 PSB + 3 kgha 1
Azotobactor + 5 kgha 1 Zn) at 90 DAS. Maximum nutrient contents
of N (3.66%), P (0.460%), K (0.93%), Zn (40.26 mg kg 1), Sulphur
(0.85), Protein (22.88%), Carbohydrate (26.57%), Fat (16.49%),
Fiber (33.01%), Ash (3.21%), Moisture (8.65%), Swelling
(18.79%), Husk (37.50%) were estimated in T12 (50% NPK kgha
1 of 50% RDF + 5 tones FYM/ha + 3 kgha 1 PSB + 5 kgha 1 Zn + 3
kgha 1 Azotobactor) significantly which were at par with T1
(50:25:30 NPK kgha 1 of 100%), T2 (50:25:30 NPK kgha 1 of
100% RDF + Zn 5 kgha 1) and T7 (10 tonnes FYM /ha + 3 kgha 1
PSB +3 kgha 1 Azotobactor + 5 kgha 1 Zn).
Conclusion: It can be concluded from this research experiment
that the treatment combinations T12 and T7 were able to cause a
significant progress in various biochemical parameters.
Medicinal Plants
Response of Isabgol (Plantago
ovota Forsk.) genotypes for
biochemical parameters under
different dates of sowing
R.K.Samaiya , Dinesh Nigam , S.K. Dwivedi , Anubha
Upadhyay , Preeti Sagar Nayak
Department of Plant Physiology, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi
Vishwavidalaya, Jabalpur, M.P.-482004.
Introduction: Plantago ovata Forsk., commonly known as Isabgol
or blonde psyllium or Indian Plantago or psyllium in commerce, is
important for its seeds and husks which have been used in
indigenous medicine for many centuries. The seeds and husk are
used to cure inflammation of the mucous membrane of gastro
intestinal and urino genital tracts, doudenal ulcers, gonorrhoea
and piles.
Methodology: The present investigation was conducted at
Research Farm, Department of Plant Physiology, JNKVV, Jabalpur
(M.P) during the Rabi season 2007 08. The research experiment
was laid out in a split plot design with three replication and the
treatments comprised of three dates of sowing (D1) 30th October,
(D2) 15th November and (D3) 30th November taken as main plot
treatment and in sub plot six genotypes of Isabgol viz., (G1)
Niharika, (G2) Jawahar Isabgol 4, (G3) Gujarat Isabgol 1, (G4)
Mandsour Isabgol 1004, (G5) Mandsour Isabgol 1005 and (G6)
Mandsour Isabgol 1006. The different treatment combination
showed a significantly wide variability in biochemical parameters
of Isabgol. The date of sowing and genotypes also affected
photosynthetic pigment content significantly. Maximum
Chlorophyll a, Chlorophyll b, Total chlorophyll and Carotenoids
content was exhibited in D1 and Gujarat Isabgol 1 at all growth
stages, however Chl ‘a/b’ ratio was found to be maximum in D3
and Mandsour Isabgol – 1006 at all the above growth stages. Date
of sowing had a significant effect on Carbohydrate %, Fat %,
Crude fibre %, Husk % and swelling % in seed at maturity and
maximum content was noted in D1 followed by D2. Maximum
seed Carbohydrate, Fat, Swelling percentage and husk were
estimated in G3.
Conclusion: It may be concluded from this research experiment
that the date of sowing D1 and Gujarat Isobgol 1 genotypes more
able to cause a significant improvement in various biochemical
parameters which finally resulted in maximum economic yield
Influence of Soil Moistures stress
on Morpho Physiological
Parameters and Productivity of
Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata
Burm. F.)
The Present investigations were carried out in the Climate
Control Green Houses, in Department of Plant Physiology, JNKVV,
Jabalpur (M.P.), during Kharif season 2009 10. The investigations
revealed that an increase in soil moisture stress there was an
average reduction was found overall, the maximum reduction due
to an increase in moisture stress was found 30.9% in plant height,
38.2% in branches, 78.5% in Leaf Area Index, 6.7% in Leaf Area
Ratio, 78.5% in Leaf Area Duration, 19.6% in Specific Leaf Area,
61.2% in Crop Growth Rate, 47.2% in Relative Growth Rate,
86.1% in Net Assimilation Rate, 23.4% in Root : Shoot Ratio,
53.4% in Photo synthetically Active Radiation, 37.0% in Net
Photosynthesis, 56.3% in Transpiration Rate, 84.0% in Stomata
Conductance, 50.2% in H2O utilization, 249.5% in CO2 Utilization
and 12.9% in Water Use Efficiency, 41.1% in Seed yield , and ,
53.4% in Herbage yield over control. An increase trend was
observed due to moisture stress enhancement over control 45.9%
in Root length, 11.6% in Specific Leaf Weight, 96.0% in
Andrographolide, 54.4% in water saturation deficit and 4.6% in
stress intensity.
Agro Technology and Cultivation
Techniques of Promising Medicinal
Plants of Bihar
Virendra Singh
India with its varied agro climatic conditions is an ideal habitat
for a large number of medicinal and aromatic plants. As a result of
unscientific exploitation and ruthless destruction of habitat of our
plant wealth, particularly from the natural resources, the
available biodiversity is under stress and many of the plants
species are on the verge of extinction. According to recent survey
more than 800 900 plants species, which are currently used in the
Indian system of medical (ISM) for large scale production of
herbal products, only 30 35 species are under commercial
cultivation, and about 80% plants are collected from the
forest/wild sources. The situation is even worse because more
than 70% of the collections involve destructive harvesting
practices. Such continued exploitation of these natural resources
will result in imbalances in the ecosystem, posing a threat to the
genetic stocks and to the biodiversity of medicinal plants. Keeping
the alarming situation, the agro technology of two very important
medicinal plants viz Abroma augusta Linn. (Ulat kamal), root and
stem are used as uterine tonic and emmenagogue, and Embelia
ribes Burm.f. (Vidanga), fruits used as stomachic, tonic, astringent
and anthelmintic against tape worms (especially for children) are
developed in their agro climatic zones of Bihar. The market for
these medicinal plants are increasing day by day but neither
enough plants is available in the market to meet growing
demands of industry. In order to meet these demands the
commercial cultivation is the only answer to fulfil the domestic
and global requirement. In the present paper agro technology of
Abroma augusta and Embelia ribes are discuss in detail. Their
cultivation practices uses, soil, climate, time of harvesting,
processing, yield and economics of their plants are given.
Medicinal Plants
Biochemical evaluation of
Andrographis paniculata Nees
(kalmegh) under palnt spacing and
nitrogen levels
Sathrupa Rao , Abha Tripathi , Preeti Sagar Nayak , Anubha
Department of Plant Physiology, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi
Vishwavidalaya, Jabalpur, M.P.-482004.
Kalmegh (Andographis paniculata Nees) is a precious herb
belonging to the family Acanthaceae having a large number of
species and is distributed mostly in the subtropical and moist
regions. Andrographis paniculata is an important annual
medicinal herb having astringent and anti bacterial properties
and is useful in treatment of diabetes, influenza, common cold and
bronchitis, hepatomegaly, skin disorder, fever, liver diseases,
snake bite and a variety of ailments. The experiment was carried
at the Research Farm, Dusty acre Area under Department of Plant
Physiology JNKVV, Jabalpur during kharif season of 2010 2011.
The research experiment was laid out in Split plot design with
three replications. Five plant spacings viz; 20, 30, 40, 50 & 60 cms
and four levels of nitrogen viz; Control, 30, 45 and 60 kg/ha were
taken as main and sub treatments respectively. 50 cm plant
spacing at nitrogen level 60kg N/ha and their combination
possessed the highest magnitude of biochemical constituents at
various phenophasic stages viz; vegetative, flowering, fruiting and
harvesting stage. Nitrogen, protein, ash, andrographolide, seed
yield and herbage yield content were obtained maximum at plant
spacing 50cm and 60kg N/ha nitrogen level in different plant part
viz leaf, stem, root and seed.
Plants Uses in the Background
Rakesh Kumar(1) , Rohini.D.Bharadhwaj (1) , Rajashekar
1. Dept of PG studies in Dravyaguna.. K.V.G. Ayurveda college and
hospital, Sullia D.K. Karnataka., 1. Dept of PG studies in
Dravyaguna.. K.V.G. Ayurveda college and hospital, Sullia D.K.
Karnataka., 1. Dept of PG studies in Dravyaguna.. K.V.G. Ayurveda
college and hospital, Sullia D.K. Karnataka.
Plants have been used as a part of medicine, food, shelter and
religion since ages. Most common among them are written by
recognized scholars, which are recorded and available for
reference even today and form the base of so many sciences. But
some practices based on common place observation and
intelligence, carried through generations and scattered
throughout the world among different ethnic groups have
remained unpublished. Growing industrialization has lessened
the awareness of present generation regarding these less known
uses of the plants. Recently there has been a trend to bring them
to limelight, like the two Indian boys who have won International
recognition for discovering the pesticide for termite control,
through the leaf extracts of Schleichera oleosa Lour
(koshaamra). The tribal people of Northern part of India were
innovative in using wildly grown Lantana camera Linn.
(Chaturangi) into a commercial crop by making mosquito coils
out of it. This article is an effort to document such uses of plants
collected from different sources. The plants thus used, along with
their traditional technique of usage, reason for their choice and
their implications in different fields such as clothing, dye,
construction works, archaeology, agriculture etc. are compiled
here. These when utilized properly contribute to public health
and prosperity. (These details are given here under the
limitations of provided guidelines). The thinking behind
highlighting these facts is that they may provide clues for further
research and give a different perspective to the society in viewing
and using the nature. This in turn will diminish the irrational
destruction of plants today, giving room for their cultivation and
preservation in future.
Medicinal Plants
Musculoskeletal Diseases
Study of asthi - dhatu pushti with
special reference to dugdhahar
Priya Rohra, Prakash Deshmukh, Mahendra Singh Meena
1. R.A. Podar Medical (Ayu) College, Worli
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of Dugdhahar (Buffalo milk) on
Asthidhatukshaya Purusha for the Asthidhatu Pushti. According
to Ayurveda the basic constituents of living body are Dosha, Dhatu
and Mala. Dhatus are seven in which Asthidhatu is kathinatam.
Nourishment of dhatu depends upon the quality of food.
According to Acharya Charaka milk is Brumhana and Sandhankar.
Mahish dugdha (Buffalo milk) is guru and it has the
predominance of Aap & Parthiva mahabhuta and Asthi has also
the predominance of guru guna & Prithvi mahabhuta.
Method: Randomly selected 60 subjects of Asthidhatukshaya were
diagnosed by Trividha Pariksha Darshana, Sparshana &
Prashana. Subjects were examined symptoms like Kesh prapatan,
Loma prapatan, Nakha prapatan, Shmashru prapatan. Dwijja
prapatan, Shrama, Sandhi saithilya by questionnaire scoring 0, 1,
2, 3. Serum Calcium was also done before & after. Mahish Dugdha
200ml/day was given for 21 days in morning. Subjects are
allowed to be taken as usual diet.
Result: The Effect of Mahish dugdha on aforesaid symptoms was
57.14%, 47.73%, 59.78%, 56.27%, 58.06%, 70.23% and 62.37%
respectively. P value is <0.001 (by Wilson sign rank) for each
symptoms. Over all percentage of relief was 60.57%. Serum
calcium relief was only 0.236% & p value is <0.05.
Conclusion: Bramhana (Dhatupushtikar), Sandhankar the
qualities of milk are helpful for asthidhatu pushti. According to
Samanya Vishesh Siddhanta, the parthiva mahabhuta of dugdha
was nourished the parthiva portion of asthidhatu. The parthiva
parmanu are held together, nourishes asthi. This is done by
Shlishta, guru guna of milk. Milk is snigdha and it increases kapha
due to presence of aap mahabhuta. Guru guna increases the
guruta of asthi. There was significantly improvement in
asthidhatukshaya symptoms.
Clinical evaluation of chitrakadi
churna and kshar basti in the
management of amavata with
special reference to rheumatoid
Dattatrya Nikam, Krisnasingh Napchyal
Purpose: The disease Amavata can be presented as very similar to
Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatoid Arthritis is chronic in nature
and affects mostly middle aged people. For this disease there is no
satisfactory medicine is available till date. But in Ayurveda there
are many drugs described for Amavata which are cost effective
and easily available with no side effects. The present clinical study
evaluated the effect of Chitrakadi Churna and Kshar Basti in the
management of Amavata.
Method: 30 Clinically diagnosed patient of Amavata were
registered and completed the trial. In this 15 patients (Group A)
administered Chitrakadi Churna 4gm twice daily with lukewarm
water after meal. Another 15 patients (Group B) administered
Chitrakadi Churna 4gm twice daily with lukewarm water after
meal and Kshar Basti as per Kalbasti krama i.e 16days followed by
local Snehan Swedan.
Result: Results of this trial were encouraging as there is
improvement in each symptom of patient like pain, stiffness,
swelling, tenderness. Group A in which only Chitrakadi Churna
was administered there was no significant improvement seen
statistically. But Group B in which Chitrakadi Churna as well as
Kshar Basti was administered highly significant improvement
seen statistically. Details of the Statistical test and other
important will be discussed at the time of paper presentation.
Conclusion: From present clinical trial it is concluded that This
therapy is very useful for pain, swelling, tenderness and stiffness
which were chief complaint of the patient. Chronicity more than 3
years did not show marked improvement. And also this drug is
supposed to be very good combination of Vedanashamaka,
Shothaghna, Amapachaka Dravyas. No untoward effects were
seen except mild loss of weight.
Musculoskeletal Diseases
Comparative study on the
effectiveness of
räsnämritharagvada (rma7) and
väsägudªchi chathurangula (vgc3)
decoction in the management of
Shyama Kumari Rasingolla
Purpose : The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy
of RMA7 and VGC3 in leg joints pain, morning stiffness of leg
joints, inflammation of leg joints, and difficulty in moving joints
and to determine the effect of long term administration of RMA7
and VGC3 on RBC, ESR and Rheumatoid factor in Amavatha.
Method : Sixty patients between 30 to 60 years were randomly
divided into 02 groups (A & B) each group consisting of 30
patients. The decoction of RMA7, 120ml with bee honey twice a
day and the decoction of VGC3 120ml with bee honey twice a day
were orally administered for two months to group A and B
respectively. Clinical symptoms and functional status were
recorded: severity of each symptom was rated (0 = normal, 1 =
mild, 2 = moderate 3 = marked, 4 = severe). WBC, ESR and
Rheumatoid factor were tested before the treatment and after the
treatment. Measures of effect were estimated on the difference in
mean changes between the two groups. Clinically significant
improvement in end points for individual patients was defined
before the data analysis.
Result : The reduction in the mean value for pain in joints,
morning stiffness of joints, and difficulty in moving joints in group
A was highly significant. There was significant reduction in the
average swelling score in the group B. Group A had a significant
reduction in ESR, and Rheumatoid factor in blood. No significant
changes were observed of the RBC in blood samples in both
Conclusion : This study indicates that in comparison to WGC3,
RMA7 is a more effective decoction in the management of
Evaluation of tikatadi ksheer basti
and osteocompound in the
management of asthikshaya osteoporosis
Sarvesh Kumar Singh, Naresh Chauhan, Shriniwas Sharma,
Ajay Kumar Sharma
1. District Ayurvedic Hospital
Purpose : To increase the Bone Mineral Density in the patient of
Osteoporosis/ Osteopenia on the basis of ayurvedic management
of Asthikshaya by basti and swayoniwardhak Osteocompound.
Method : 30 patients diagnosed of Asthikshaya (Osteoporosis/
Osteopenia with t score of Bone Mineral Density below 1 with the
help of DEXA Scan) were randomly divided into three groups A, B
and C. In Group A tab. Osteocompound was given for 30 days in
the dose of 1 gram twice daily with milk and ghrit. In Group B
Tikatadi ksheer basti (600ml) was administered for 21 days and
in Group C tab. Osteocompound was given for 30 days along with
Tikatadi ksheer basti (600ml) for 21 days. These patients were
subjectively analysed on the parameters of Asthivedana (feeling
of pain in bones and joints) Sandhishathilyam, Katishool (low
backache) Dourbalya (weakness) and objectively on to score of
BMD parameter.
Result : In group C significant results were seen on all parameters.
In group A significant results were seen on Sandhishathilyam,
Katishool and Dourbalya parameters but in Asthivedana and t
score of BMD, not significant result were found. In group B
significant results were seen on all parameters except t score of
BMD where not significant results were found. On comparing
these groups it was found that the results of t score of BMD
parameter of group C were more significant than groups A and B.
Group B was more significant than groups A and C in the results of
katishool. In Asthivedana and Sandhishathilyam the results of
groups B and C were more significant than groups A .In Dourbalya
all groups had same significant results.
Conclusion : The more percentage and significant results in t
score of BMD were found in group C. This result were due to the
dual effect of vatahar properties of basti and swayoniwardhak
properties of Osteocompound. Also significant results were found
on all other parameters in this group.
Musculoskeletal Diseases
Clinical evaluation of kokilaksh
(Astercantha longifolia) and
guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) in
vata - rakta (Gout).
Raman Ranjan, Vijay Shankar Dubey, Uma Shankar
Purpose : Vata Rakta is a metabolic disorder. Kokilaksh and
Guduchi are easily available plants. There are many references of
Guduchi (Yogaratnakar, Vidyotini Hindi commentary by Shastri
R.P. Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series, Varanasi, 1955) and Kokilaksh
(Vangbhata, Astangahridyam, Vidyotini commentary by Atrideva
Gupta, Ed. Yadunandana Upadhaya, Chaukhambha Sanskrit
Sansthan, Vranasi, 8th ed. 1982) in treatment of Vata Rakta but
yet very few researches on Guduchi and Kokilaksh have been
done so far. Hence, these drugs have been chosen to evaluate their
efficacy on vata rakta .
Method : In an open random clinical trial set up, 10 patients were
selected from 0PD of GACH, Patna for the evaluation.
Simultaneously Kokilaksh churna 5gm BD and Guduchi kwath 40
ml BD administered in oral dosage form. For the assessment of
effects of the therapy, the patients were examined on subjective
and objective parameters. Sign and symptoms were assessed by
adopting standard scoring methods. The results were statistically
analyzed. Adverse effects were noted.
Result : Symptomatically and pathologically relief in Swedo
atyartham [t value3.279 (p<0.01)], Guruta [t 4.99(p<0.001)],
Sandhi saithilta [t4.714(p<0.01)], Daha [t 4.85(p<0.001)], pain in
metatarsal [t 6 (p<0.001)], 0edema [t 4.73(p<0.001)], Serum Uric
Acid [t 5.75(p<0.001)] are highly significant. Relief in Sparsagyta,
Kshate atiruk, Susupta and Vaivarnta are non significant (p>0.01).
Clinico comparative study of
shodhan purvak shaman & shaman
chikitsa in management of aamvata
Swati Nagpal
Purpose : To compare the effect of shodhan purvak shaman &
shaman chikitsa in management of aamvata
Method : Above study was planned in two parts conceptual &
clinical For clinical part 40 patients having disease aamvata were
randomly selected from opd & ipd & were divided in two groups.
In shodhan purvak shaman group shodhan basti & shaman vati
were given. Which was selected from classic text of ayurveda. In
Shaman group only shaman yog vati was administered to the
patients. Total duration of treatment in both groups was of 8
Result : Shodhan purvak shaman therapy has given complete
remission in 6 patients, major improvement was found in 9
patients, 4 patients in minor improvement category and one in un
improved category. In shaman therapy complete relief was found
in 3 patients, major improvement in 12 patients, in minor
improved category there were 5 patients no patient was found in
unimproved category.
Conclusion : The results thus obtained were subjected to
analytical statistical techniques to compare both mode of
treatments. Critical assessment of total effect of therapies on
individual patient reflects that shodhan therapy along with
shaman vati was more effective in pacifying the symptoms of
disease aamvata & bringing down the level of disease activity also
as compared to shaman therapy alone. Mode of action of drug is
discussed. No side effects were seen.
Conclusion : Both the test drugs Kokilaksh and Guduchi have
significant activity in many of the pathologies of the concerned
disorder. This clearly shows that they possess the anti vata rakta
properties and have minimal adverse effects.
Musculoskeletal Diseases
A clinical study on the efficacy of
Jalaukawacharana in the
management of janu sandhigata
vata w.s.r. to osteoarthritis of knee
Ashok Vardhan Shinde
Purpose : The sandhigata vata described in Ayurveda causes the
symptomatology such as shula, sotha, stambhana, sparsha
asahyata, sputana, akunchana prasarana vedana etc. whereas the
osteoarthritis described in modern science can be correlated with
sandhigata vata because it also produces the features such as
inflammation, pain, stiffness, limited movements and deformity in
severe cases. Osteoarthritis is the 2nd most common illness with
22 29% of prevalence in global population. Presently available
modern medication is causing many side and toxic effects which
sometimes may need hospitalization also. Hence it requires the
need to find such a therapy which gives better relief without any
side or toxic effects and also natural, cost effective and easily
available. Hence the non surgical biological therapeutic means
such jalaukawacharana was selected,
Method : Total of 20 patients were selected on the basis of
selection criteria (inclusion and exclusion criteria) and then they
are grouped into two i.e. 10 each in Jalukawacharana and
Yogaraja guggulu group. The jalukawacharana was done with 7
day interval for about 6 sittings in 1st group where as in 2nd
group yogaraja guggulu 125mg thrice a day was given for 6
weeks. For assessment, the koos was taken as subjective and
range of motion was teken as objective parameter for proper
assessment and they are subjected for statistical validity.
Result : After analyzing, the jalukawacharana shown significant
and remarkable result in comparison with Yogaraja guguulu. The
symptomatology were reduced to great extent and range of
motion is also improved a lot by jalukawacharana than with
yogaraja guggulu.
Lashuna rasayana in management
of sarvanga vata - A pilot study
Mohit Pandit
Purpose : Whenever there is degenerative changes due to
avarodha (obstructoin) of Vata dosha, it needs to be treated with
a drug which is having vata pacifying as well as Rasayana
property. The Lashuna is one of the best vata pacifying drugs, its
use as Rasayana was evaluated on a patient having the symptoms
of Sarvanga Vata.
Method : A male patient, 22 years old, in Pad. Dr. D. Y. Patil College
of Ayurveda & Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune; showing the
symptoms as hasta pada daurbalya, aspasta vaka, sandhi
akunchana and gatra sphurana; was diagnosed as a Sarvanga
Vata. Petals of Lashuna with milk were used in that patient for 36
days in Vardhamana matra. Starting with 7 petals on first day,
quantity of petals was increased by 4 and then by 6 with interval
of every 4 days. After reaching to 27 petals of lashun on 20th day
the quantity of petals was reduced in reverse way i.e. 21 petals on
21st day till 7 petals on 36th day.
Result : Patient got improvement in his symptoms within a month
of beginning of Lashuna Rasayana. Muscle tone of patient which
was flaccid earlier became normal after a month.
Patient got his muscle power back grading IV.
Conclusion : Lashuna not only pacifies the Vata but also with its
Rasayana property give nourishment and strength to Dhatu.
Lashuna as Rasayana can be effectively used in long standing Vata
vyadhi were there is obstruction to normal path of Vata dosha
leading to aggravation of it and causing diminution of dhatu. Thus,
Lashuna Rasayana is very effective Rasayana in treatment of
Sarvanga Vata.
Conclusion : the janu sandhi gata vata can correlate or compared
with osteoarthritis of knee joint. The non surgical, biological
therapeutic means i.e. jalukawacharana shown good result in
treating with janu sandhigata vata i.e. osteoarthritis of knee joint
in comparison with standard group i.e. yogaraja guggulu.
Musculoskeletal Diseases
Enriching Public Health
Through:Nidana Parivarjana and
Pathya Apthya w.e.r. to Amavata
Nimisha Mishra, Akhilesh Srivastava
Purpose : Ayurveda is the manual for human body. It tells how to
manage this delicate machine properly. According to Sankhya
theory (karya karana vada) behind every karya (action) there is
karana (cause).The same theory is applied to cropping up of
ailments in human body, where the etiopathology responsible for
disease is known as Nidana or hetu. "Sankchheptakh kriya yog
nidana pariverjanam" (Su.uttartanra. 1) The Nidana
(etiopathological factors) responsible for Amavata like
viruddhahara , viruddhachesta, mandagni etc. vitiates agni and
annavaha srotusa (abhyantar rog marga), thus triggering an
autoimmune response. As the disease and state of aama
progresses the disease afflicts the sandhi (Madhayma rog marga)
with kricchasadhya or yapya prognosis.
Method : Comprehensive and analytical study of Ayurvedic
literature, research papers and various Journals was carried out
to reach the better understanding and cause of disease .
Result : Mandagni is indispensable factor for aama, so the utmost
priority must be to maintain the hemostasis of Agni and clear the
path (Srotus) of body, by avoiding the causative factors and
following dietetic pattern as described . "Ruksha swedo.............
Aamvatmayine hitani" ( bhaisajya Ratnawali 26)
Conclusion : It is well known that the disease Amavata is incurable
and relapsing in nature. So being an Ayuvedician it should be our
responsibility to redeem its normal state with the help of nidana
parivarjan and judicious use of pathya apathya.It will not merely
avert the disease , but also enrich public health through Ayurveda.
Lumbar spine disordersManagement by yoga &
Nandini Jadhav, Swapnil Auti, Anup Thakar, Arpan Bhatt, C.
1. Institute for post graduate teaching & research in Ayurveda,
Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, 2. Maharshi Patanjali
Institute for Yoga Naturopathy Education & Research, Gujarat
Ayurved Universit
Purpose : Lumbar spine disorders are the most common reason
for disability in individuals under the age of 45 years old. At some
point during lifetime, 80% of individual's experiences an episode
of significant low back pain and for 25% the pain recurs within
the year. The management provided by modern medicine for this
condition is either conservative like rest, immobilization, and use
of analgesic and anti inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, and
manipulation etc. If the pain and neurological findings do not
disappear on prolonged conservative treatment, finally surgery is
the only option, which is also not the ultimate solution as there is
a common problem of recurrence or some patients may lose their
working capabilities for ever. Yogic & Naturopathic treatment
modalities are usually patient friendly & safe to a great extent.
Method : In present clinical trial 12 patients were registered of
which 6 patients underwent Yogic treatment & 6 patients taken
Naturopathic treatment for 21 days. In Yogic treatment certain
sets of Asana & Pranayama were performed daily. Similarly in
Naturopathic treatment group certain set of treatments like Mud
pack on lower abdomen, Light massage on back, Steam, Alternate
Hot & Cold pack, Accupressure, Relaxation & Breathing Exercises
were done.
Result : In Yogic treatment highly significant improvement of
about 62.55% was seen in reduction of frequency of pain & pain
intensity. However in Naturopathic treatment group frequency of
pain was reduced by 75 % & Pain intensity by 57.08% which was
highly significant improvement.
Conclusion : On comparing the results obtained in two groups,
though both treatment modalities were found equally effective
statistically but on basis of percentage improvement & overall
improvement naturopathic treatment processes were found to be
Musculoskeletal Diseases
Effect of vataraktahara capsules in
vatarakta (hyperuricemia)
Vikas Chavan
Purpose : Hyperuricemia/gout is a metabolic disorder which is
found in association with other diseases like NIDDM, CAD,
metabolic syndrome etc. The rate of gout has increased in recent
decades and has become a challenge in today's era not only due to
its remittent nature but due to its associated comorbidities. In
ayurveda, various researches have been done on medicinal plants
like guduchi, trifla, guggulu etc for their anti inflammatory,
analgesic and antihyperuricemic action. So the aim of trial was to
assess the effect of formulation containing Guduchi, gugullu etc.
i.e.Vataraktahara Capsules on the patients of Vatarakta.
Method : Thirty patients (of either sex, age between 18 70 yrs.
with serum uric acid >6mg/dl in females and >7mg/dl in males
and without any other chronic illness) were selected after written
informed consent. Drug was given in capsule form (weighing 890
mg) with the dose of 2 capsules TID. All the subjects continued the
regimen for 60 days.
Result : The effect of trial drug in 28 patients (Out of 30, 2
dropped out) on various assessment criteria was obtained after
statistical analysis. Study showed highly significant effect on
criteria Sandhi shoola (joint pain), Sandhi shotha (swelling),
Sparsha asahyata (tenderness), Raga (redness), Vidaha (burning
sensation) and Stabdhata (stiffness) with p<0.001. In Tvak
vaivarnyata (discolouration), 100% relief was noted after the
trial. In Shithilta, significant improvement was recorded (
p<0.01). Insignificant improvement (p>0.05) was seen in
Hritspandan (palpitation). No effect was found in Sandhi vikriti
(joint deformity).18.92% reduction of serum uric acid with highly
significant result was recorded after the trial.
Conclusion : The polyherbal trial formulation, Vataraktahara
Capsules is a good combination of vedanasthapana, rasayana,
shothaghna, mutral, deepan and amapachak dravyas, so it is quite
effective in the management of gout to lower the symptoms and
frequency of gout flares without any side effects.
A conceptual and comparative
clinical study of nasti tailat param
kinchid ausadha marutapaham in
the context of sandhigata vata
Mahesh Chouhan
Purpose : Ayurveda deals the subject concerned here under
vatavyadhi. It treats the patient after concidering all the
important aspect like body constitution, power of digestion,
hebitate mental status etc. So it is found that sandhigatavata can
be effectively treated with ayurvedic medicaments. In such a
situation we have selected Upanah weda for its management. It is
explained in the classical & different medicines for performing it
are also described here along with the Upanaha sweda we also
teied the ghan vati from of medicines which contained the same
drugs as that in the vachadi upanaha sweda.
Method : 20 Patients of sandhigata vata was selected with
inclusion criteria. The mode of study being comparative analysis
the all groups assigned as 1, 2 & 3 by matching the pre test
Result : Lastly with the overall severity of the disease 100%
response to the vchadhi upanaha swedha,were as 90% response
with vachadhi Ghana vati was observed.And it showed higher
response in the vachadhi upanaha swedha /vachadhi Ghana vati.
By seeing all these observation it comes to conclude that vachadhi
upanaha swedha /vachadhighana vati has more effect compared
with vachadgi upanaha swedh and vachadhi Ghana vati with
individual signs and symptoms and over all severity of the
Conclusion : Shroto rikthata cuased by vata vrudhi due to
dhatukshaya and margavarodh seems to be fundamental causes
in the manifestration of SGV.
Musculoskeletal Diseases
Role of mahayogaraj guggulu with
maharasnadi kashaya and kati
basti on lumbar spondylosis
(katigata vata)
Prashant Pimpalkar
Purpose: As the age progresses, various changes occurs in human
body. One of them is osteoporosis which causes Lumbar
spondylosis. Due to which patients develops backache, pain &
tingling sensation during walking. For this, patients are taking
steroid and NSAIDS for years which having many side effect. So,
there is need to search a management which will resolve all the
problems without any ill effects. For this purpose, Mahayograj
Guggulu with Maharasnadi Kwatha as a anupana & Kati Basti with
Tila Taila was used.
Method: 15 patients of Lumbar spondylosis having lower
backache and tingling sensation over the lower limbs were
selected. Theses patients were treated with Mahayograj Guggulu
500 MG vyno udana kala with Maharasnadi Kwatha 20ml as a
anupana and simultaneously Kati Basti of 60 ml Tila Taila given
for 21 days on OPD as well as IPD patients. These patients were
assessed on following criteria.Signs and Symptoms for assessment
of study was Pain and Tingling sensation.
Result: Pain and Tingling sensation were relieved in 80% of
Conclusion: Mahayograj Guggulu with Maharasnadi Kwatha and
Kati Basti caused beneficial effects on reducing the lower
backache and tingling sensation of lower limb. The average
percentage of relief was 80% which was very encouraging.
Moringa oleiferra lam and
Anthocephalus indicus Miq future
hope for rheumatoid arthritis
Brijesh Kumar
Purpose: As a result of adverse effect such as gastric lesion caused
by non steroidal anti inflammatory drug (NSAIDs),Tolerance and
dependence induced by opiates,the use of drug as anti
inflammatory and analgesic agents have not been successful in all
case. Therefore none anti inflammatory and analgesic drug
lacking there side effects are being researched. Attention in being
focused on the investigation of the efficacy of plant based drug
used in traditional system of medicine. The objective of present
paper is to highlight the properties and action of low important
plant drugs i.e. Moringa oleiferra Lam and Anthocephalus indicus
Miq mentioned in Ayurvedic classics as Shigru and Kadamba for
their respectively novel analgesic and anti inflammatory action.
Method: In depth review of all the available Ayurvedic classics
was done regarding properties of Shigru (Moringa oleiferra Lam)
and Kadamba (Anthocephalus indicus Miq) which might be
responsible for the anti inflammatory and analgesic action.special
emphasis was given on the treatment part of Amavata, which has
resemblance with Rheumatoid arthritis, further search about the
chemical constituents and scientific study done on the plants was
compiled and the possible mode of action of the drug to break
pathogenesis of Rheumatoid arthritis and as anti inflammatory
and analgesic was established.
Result: Our study shows that both the drug i.e. Moringa oleiferra
and Anthocephalus indicus are might be responsible for the
action further scientific experimental and clinical studies
supported the facts. So the combination of above two drugs seems
to be beneficial for Rheumatoid arthritis
Conclusion: In this way we can say that these two plants are very
much beneficial in the management of pain in Rheumatoid
Musculoskeletal Diseases
The effect of yoga nidra in the
management of rheumatoid
Brajeshwar Mishra
Purpose : In the yogic system Yoganidra belong to the method of
Rajayoga.It is essentially a method of Pratyahar.Yoganidra
probaly relieves pain by stimulating the pituitary gland to release
its own potent pain. suppressing compound, endorphins and
encephalins. These natural substance appear to be producted by
the pituitary gland on secreted in to the cerebrospinal fluid which
surrounds and supports the entire central nervous system. The
purpose of study To assess anti inflammatory effect of Yoganidra
on Rheumatoid arthritis.
Method : I have selected 20 patients of Rheumatoid arthritis at
Ayurvedic & Yoga Research Institute, Motihari,Bihar for achieve
the purpose. Out of 20 patients 12 patients were male and 8
patient of female. Age varied from 25 to 60 years old. These cases
were subjected to a careful case taking and through physical
examination modern as well as Ayurvedic Clinical Methodology.
After diagnosis, each patients was subjected to the following
allocated practice.
Pawan muktasana Part I (Anti rheumatic group), Nadi Sodhan
Pranayam(Psychic network Purification), Yoganidra. The usual
course of practice was 4 weeks.
Result : The practice of Yoganidra showed significant clinical
relief in pain, tenderness, stiffness and swelling of the joint in all
patients taken under trial.Those patients reported feeling of well
being lightness in the body, improvement in mental tension,
muscular tension & emotional tension. The overall result in our
cases were categorised and in final analysis 40% cases got
relieved, 10% case got improvement (+) 20% case got improve
(++) another 20% got improving (+++) and 10% case remained
incompletely assessed.
Conclusion : The practice of Yoganidra on daily basis may be
analgesics and anti inflammatory affect to control pain.Thus the
practice of Yoganidra can be used successfully in the management
of Rheumatoid arthritis.
A Clinical Evaluation of Ayurvedic
Protocol in Functional
Improvement of Rheumatoid
E. T. Neelakandhan Mooss(1) , V. Anil Kaimal(2) , Sudeesh
1. Trustee, Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda Foundation, Thaikkattussery,
Ollur, Thrissur, Kerala, 2. Senior Physician, Vaidyaratnam
Ayurveda Foundation, Thaikkattussery, Ollur, Thrissur., 3.
Physician, Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College, Ollur, Thrissur,
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is considered to be most serious
among the joint disorders, owing to its chronicity, crippling
nature and pain. The changing life style and dietetic pattern are
also being manifested as the increment in the number of patient
day by day. It is one of the most common inflammatory joint
diseases with symmetrical distribution and Polyarthritis of Small
and large joints associated with extra articular features which are
more prevalent in women and aged. Diagnosis of RA is by
accurate history and physical examination and symptoms like
morning stiffness, arthritis of three or more joints and presence
rheumatoid factors, since it is systemic disease anorexia, weight
loss and fatigue are the most important non- articular symptoms.
Now a day’s Rheumatoid arthritis is prevalent throughout the
world affecting all ages, sex and ethnic group and no doubt
allopathic system of medicine has got an important role to play in
overcoming agony of pain, restricted movement and disability
caused by the articular diseases. Unfortunately prolonged use of
allopathic medicines is giving rise to many side effects, toxic
symptoms and adverse reactions including organic lesions. In
Ayurvedic literature, numbers of herbal preparation are
described for the management of the joint disorders along with
this various Panchakarma procedure is also indicated for this
disease. Thus, the present subject has treated universal interest
and requires meticulous and laborious research work to
understand the disease process and to find out it curative and
preventive treatment, as well as management and prevention of
complications. An observatory study conducted on patients
diagnosed with RA having chronicity as a randomized controlled
trial irrespective of Age and sex was conducted. Patients
undergone for the clinical trial are assessed for improvement
with graded symptom score sheets on the basis of American
Rheumatism Association (modified). The results are tabulated
using appropriate statistical tests. We hope our study will help the
Ayurvedic clinicians in their day to day practice by that the
chronic arthritic management will get international acceptance.
Musculoskeletal Diseases
Role of Nitya Virechana and
Sarvanga Jambeera Pinda Sweda in
Amavata W S R to Rheumatoid
P . Bindu Patil1 , G. Veena Rao2
1MD Scholar, Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma
,JSSAyurveda medical college , Mysore, Karnatak, 2Assisstant
Professor, Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma, JSS
Ayurveda Medical College, Mysore
Amavata , a disease produced by simultaneous vitiation of vata
and ama, circulates throughout the body and takes seat in
different sandhis , including smaller sandhis . Patient presents
with shoola , shotha and sthabdata of multiple joints as cardinal
features. If left untreated , results in joint deformities. It can be
paralleled with Rheumatoid Arthritis , an Auto immune
connective tissue disorder , affecting the joints. The modern
treatment includes anti inflammatory and steroids for the
symptomatic relief and DMARD’S (i.e,disease modifying anti
rheumatoid drugs )to arrest the progression of the pathology.
Even with all these, success with the treatment is a challenge to
the medical field. So , as to achieve the samprapti vighatana , nitya
virechana and sarvanga jambeera pinda sweda were adopted in
patients of Amavata.
Methods: 20 patients with confirmed clinical diagnosis of
Amavata were administered Gandharva hastadi taila 10 – 30 ml
in empty stomach , depending upon koshta with shunti kwatha –
20ml, was given at 7.30 am. Sarvanga jambeera pinda sweda , a
type of ruksha choorna pinda sweda was given for 15 days under
proper pathya apathya.
Results: From the statistical analysis of the recorded data , it was
evident that in 85%of patients got significant relief from shoola,
shotha and stabdata of sandhis were observed.
Conclusion: The disease Amavata can be well managed with this
combination of treatment.
Musculoskeletal Diseases
Hemiplegia - An ayurvedic
Hariharan Subramanian, Gopinath Nagarathinam ,
Prasanna kumar TM
Purpose : Hemiplegia, is a prevalent and disabling neurological
disorder which arises from multiple etiologies like Systemic
Hypertension, Injuries, Tumors, Embolism and other vascular
occlusions of the brain. It is well explained in Ayurveda as
Pakshaghata one of the kevala vata vyadhis, resulting when
Vatakopa affects the Siras (vascular structures) and Snayus
(Tendons and Ligaments ) of any one half of the body
characterized by paralysis of the affected half of the body, face
and impaired movements of joints and extremities. In modern
science, the lesion and clinical symptoms stands classified in
accordance with the site of infarction of the brain. Hemiplegia
Pakshaghata however today, currently challenges the clinicians
warranting a comprehensive and effective medication. Ayurvedic
polyherbal formulations have been found to have therapeutic
efficacy for Hemiplegia. This study aims to determine the clinical
efficacy of Danadanayanadi Kasayam, Ksheerabala Avarthi and
Ekangavir Ras towards restoring the normalcy in Pakshaghata.
Method : 15 patients in the age group of 30 70 with Pakshaghata
were randomly selected and administered Danadanayanadi
Kasayam, Ksheerabala Avarthi and Ekangavir Ras for a period of
6 - 8 weeks. The clinical progress of the patients was observed
daily. The gradual recovery from the clinical symptoms was
observed and documented.
Result : The patients administered with the trial drugs portrayed
a marked recovery from the inability to move the arms and legs,
stiffness, incoherent speech, deviation of mouth, hyperreflexia,
poor concentration, confusions and impaired functions of the
sensory organs.
Applied uses shwadanshtradi tail
matra basti as pain managament in
Sachin Patil
Purpose : The patients of Gridhrasi are very common
manifestation in India especially in Rural area due to heavy
physical work as Agriculture is the main profession. As we come
to the treatment part in modern medicine there is very few
remedies are available like analgesic and nerve tonic etc. Though
it said as a kastasaadhya vyadhi but still has very good modalities
of treatment are available. The focus of this study is to treat
patients of Gridhrasi with Swadanshtradi tail Matra Basti and to
bring awareness in patients about the Ayurvedic treatment and
its results in Gridhrasi.
Method : Swadanshtradi tail as per vatarogadhikar of Vangsen
Samhita was selected for Matra Basti and clinical trial has been
done on 10 randomly selected patient. The Basti was
administered bhijanpaschat pratah at a dose of 72ml for 7 days.
Inclusive criteria: Patient having Vataj Gridhrasi, radiating pain
from hip to great toe. Exclusion criteria: Patient of HIV, IHD,
uncontrolled diabetes Pain factor before and after course of
Matra Basti was assessed .
On the basis of SLR test and Walking Time result was assessed.
Result : In the 7 patient amongst 10 has got 80 % relief from pain.
In 5 patient SLR came negative after 7days course of Matra Basti.
Conclusion : So the Swadanshtradi tail is very much useful in
controlling the pain in Gridhrasi.
Conclusion : It is extrapolated and fortified from the observations
that Ayurvedic polyherbal formulations viz. Danadanayanadi
Kasayam, Ksheerabala Avarthi and Ekangavir Ras undoubtedly
has the efficacy of treating Hemiplegia and helps in the recovery
from ailment.
Effective management of
adharanga vata by shaman and
shodhan chikitsa- A case study
Utkarash Nehra, Raghavendra V. Shettar
Purpose : Adharanga vata has been discussed in Ayurveda under
Vatavyadhi neurological disorder. Adharang vata patients are
disabled form working because of loss of functions of upper or
lower extremities. This dreadful disease make person to inactive
and burden for the family members to carry out his daily
regimens. So the effort was made to show the improvement in a
patient through the shodhan and shaman chikitsa.
Method : Abhyanga with Prabhanjan khuzambo+ Kottamchukadi
tail for 26 days, Sarvang Swedan for 16 days, Parishaka was done
with Dashmoola kwatha for 10 days with Prastha vasti for 26 days
, Kaal vasti , Dashang lepa on prastha for 26 days. Shaman aushadi
Sahacharadi kashaya 3tsf B.D. , Dhanwantri kashaya 3tsf B.D.,
Rasarajeshwar rasa 1 tab B.D. was given for 26 days in the IPD of
DGM Ayu Medical College, Gadag, Karnataka.
Result : The result of this treatment showed that Panchakarma
therapy and Shaman chkitsa is useful in improving the functional
ability of patient the therapy improved the quality of life. It is the
most effective method of treatment for Adharanga vata.
Conclusion : In view of this observation and results obtained in
this study, it is concluded that the above drugs and procedures
are a very effective management of Adharanga vata, providing
speedily and positive effects with a powerful action in controlling
symptoms of Adharanga vata.
Role of parinitha keriksheeradi
taila nasya and dhanvantara 101
taila abhyantara prayoga in the
management of apabahuka - A
clinical study
Vikas Chavan
Purpose : Apabahuka is one among Vata Nanatmaja Vyadhi, in
which the aggravated Vata contracts the Sira at Ansapradesha,
the Kapha of Ansabandhakari get dries up and Ansa shopha
occurs at shoulder joint. The person finds it difficult to lift his arm
and pain occurs at the shoulder joint due to shosha guna of Vata
and it produces Lakshanas like Shula, Sthambha, Ansabandhana
Shosha etc. In the fast developing technological era, due to
modern day life style regimens and competitive world man`s life
has become more strenuous than earlier days. Most of the
diseases may not be life threatening but hamper day to day life
activities. Apabahuka being the Vata vyadhi, affects the normal
functioning of the upper limbs. Radiating pain and stiffness in the
arm usually develops gradually over several months to a year. It
may also progress rapidly in some patients. Pain may also
interfere with sleep of the individuals. So this case study is
undertaken in order to get rid of this disease & a sincere effort is
made to find out an effective & cost friendly treatment modality.
Method : Sthanika Abhyanga with Parinatha Keriksheeradi Taila
is done followed by Sthanika mrudu sweda. Parinatha
Keriksheeradi Taila Nasya is done. Nasya is scheduled for 21 days.
After 7th day, a gap of 3 days is given. So the total duration is 30
days. Dhanvantara 101 aavartita taila 10 drops twice daily
(internally) for 30 days
Result : Good Response is observed in 24 patients. Moderate
Response is observed in 05 patients. Not Responded 01 patient
Conclusion : Management of Apabahuka with Parinatakeeri
Ksheeradi nasya and Abhyantara prayoga of Dhanvantara 101 is
effective in the remission by virtue of its therapeutic effect of
eliminating stambha, gourava, sula, accordingly the symptoms
subside and the functional ability of the patient improves.
Carpal tunnel syndrome: a case
Rahul Gandhi, Manojkumar A K
Purpose : Carpal tunnel syndrome is an entrapment neuropathy of
median nerve causing paraesthesia, pain, numbness and other
symptoms in the distribution of median nerve due to its
compression at wrist in carpal tunnel. Modern medicine
prescribes surgery for its treatment. We report a case that was
treated completely without any recurrence.
Method : Case presentation: A female patient aged 23 years
presented with numbness in the middle finger of left hand
associated with paraesthesia, morning stiffness, loss of delicate
movements of middle finger and dropping of small objects since 4
days. She consulted an allopathic doctor and was diagnosed as
having Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). She was advised surgery.
The patient was reluctant for undergoing surgery and took the
medicines for 1 day, but had no relief. Next day she came to the
OPD. On examination, Tinel™s percussion test and hand diagram
were positive. On assessment, symptom severity scale (SSS) and
functional status scale (FSS) were found to be 1.5 and 3.5
respectively, before treatment. Treatment given was varanadi
kashaya, sahacharadi and supti taila, yogaraja guggulu, cap
chelnar, dhanyamla dhara, shunthibaladi choorna etc, for a period
of 1 month. The medicines were changed as per the condition of
patient and the disease, at every follow up of 1 week, during the 1
month of treatment.
Result : At the end of 1 month patient got complete relief from
her complaints, and the scales SSS and FSS scored 0.
Conclusion : The treatment given here aimed at release of
compression by considering the involvement of doshas. The state
of the disease was acute due to which complete relief was
achieved. Thus if patients come to Ayurveda in early stages of the
disease, prognosis will be better.
NEAD and its management through
ayureda & yoga
Sushant Kumar, Prabha Kumari, Neeraja Sharma, Afsar
1. N.A.M.C.H.,Muzaffarpur, 2. Advanced Neuro Diagnostic Centre,
3. RMO, Advanced Neuro Diagnostic Centre
Purpose: To study NEAD, pseudo seizure, hysterical seizure along
with other psychosomatic disorders of modern system of
medicine vis a vis with different manas or manovahi srotodusti
janya rogas described in various ancient Ayurveda textbooks. To
differentiate the clinical presentation of NEAD (shirorogas vs
yoshapasmar) with true seizure disorder (Apasmar)
Method : a pilot study was carried out on 20 patients who fulfilled
the exclusion and inclusion criteria of NEAD. Metabolic profile,
thyroid profile to rule out the diagnosis. Video EEG and NCCT and
CECT of brain was carried out at Advanced Neuro Diagnostic
Centre, Patna. These patients were divided in two groups of 10
patients each. In Gr A medicines supplied to AYUSH doctors
through NRHM scheme like Mentat and Geriforte (of Himalaya
drugs Pvt company ltd) was given. In Gr. B above medicines along
with Nasya chikitsa and Yoga therapy like Surya Namskar,
pranayams like shitali, shitakari etc and yoganidra was carried
out as taught at Bihar School of Yoga, Munger.
Result: Results were quite satisfying in both the groups but better
improvement is seen in Gr B.
Conclusion: Details of results and final conclusion will be
discussed at the time of paper presentation
A clinical study on Parijata Vati in
the management of Gridhrasi
Manisha Sharma, Bharat Mungara, Alankruta Dave, Nilesh
Bhatt, Vagishdatta Shukla
Purpose : Gridhrasi is such a disease, which carry a little threat to
life and interfere greatly with living also. The person who suffers
from this disease is particularly handicapped, as he cannot walk,
stand or sit properly and the painful limb continuously draws his
attention. The aim of this study to analyze the effect of Abhyanga
and Svedana along with Parijata Vati in Gridhrasi.
Method : The study consisted 17 patients of Gridhrasi (Sciatica)
by the random selection method and 15 patients was completed
the treatment. Criteria for diagnosis were done on the basis of
sign and symptom available in the Ayurvedic texts like Ruk,
Stambha etc. as well as in Modern texts. Parijata Vati given for 30
days and Local Abhyanga and Svedana was applied for 21 days.
Result : In cardinal features therapy shows highly significant
(<0.001) results. After the completion of treatment, Marked
Improvement was not found any patient. 66.66% patients were
moderate improved and remaining 33.33% patients were relied
with mild improvement. None of the patient was unchanged.
Conclusion : Shamana therapy doesn't appear to be solely
responsible for the end result. Therefore Shamana drug and Local
Abhyanga and Nadi Swedana both might be contributing together
simultaneously to different extents in the overall recovery of the
patient. The present study reveals that the selected management
has a potential effect on Gridhrasi with the added advantage of
being free from side effects.
Role of nasya therapy in the
management of ardhavabhedhak
w.s.r. to migraine
A clinical research of siddha drug
GLY CYN NEU ointment for Azhal
vaatham (Neuropathy)
Pooja Mehta
Sebastian Rajamanoharan Pholtan Rajeev
Purpose : ARDHAVABHEDHEK is one of the shool pradhan
shiroroga mentioned in classics. The symptoms of
ardhavabhedhak very much correlate to that of migraine. In
modern lot & lots of research works are been done to find the
right cure of this disease, the success of this researchs are limited
upto a level just because of the drugs used in its management
either develop resistance or result in their dependency.Being an
alarming problem,it needs effective & safe treatement. From the
time immortal, innumerable analgesics have been added to the
ornamentorium of the modern physician only to reveal its
futility.Though, modern therapeutics has a broad spectrum of the
drug for management of this disease, they are having serious side
effects & habit forming nature . Therefore there is a wide scope of
research to find out a safest & alternative therapy for this
debilitating disease.NASYA is one of the procedure in
panchkarma has its unique mode of action in ardhavabhedhak.
Purpose: To relieve the Symptoms of Neuropathy in diabetic
patients with Siddha herbal treatments.
Method : A total of 30 patients has been assigned for nasya
therapy . The study is single blind and comparative with pre &
post test design. The oil took for nasya therapy is SHADBINDU
OIL. The assessment is taken on MIDAS i.e the migraine disability
assessment scale.
Result : Present study is an attempt to elucidate the role of
NASYA in management of ARDHAVABHEDHAK.
Conclusion : Shadbindu oil Nasya has been found to be an
effective therapeutic modality in Ardhavabhedak. The drugs
which are lipid soluble get dissolved in the lipid of the cell
membrane and cross it by diffusion but the absorbtion is slow.
After entering circulation the drugs come into contact with the
blood brain barrier, which are made up of lipid membrane. Lipid
soluble drugs penetrate more rapidly through the barrier than
water soluble substances.
Method: Type of Research-Case Control Clinical Study; Research
area-Bandaranaike Memorial Ayurvedic Research Institute
(BMARI); Research period-02 months; Research Sample-45
patients; Identification of Diabetic Neuropathy patients according
to clinical diagnosis; Parameters Measured; Identify the
treatment in Siddha Pharmacopoeia;
Sample preparation and to
check the quality for Phyto chemicals and standardization;
Making the final product of the Siddha drug; Clinical test for the
drug from 45 patients in OPD (Out Patient Department) and
wards and data collection from a suitable Proforma. Final
Assessment Criteria: I.High Marked (Not cured); II.Marked
improvement; III.Moderate improvement; IV.
Mild improvement;
Very mild. VI.Not improvement; VII.
Aggressive; Analysis of
the data and making the thesis; Qualitative Statistical analysis;
Drug preparation Clinical study: Double blind Clinical trial for
research drug and Placebo to 45 patients in OPD (Out Patient
Department) and wards and data collecting from a suitable
Result : End of the research effect of the Group II, burning
sensation, marked improvement 15.38%, moderate improvement
38.46%;numbness, marke improvement 07.69%, moderate
improvement 15.38% and Burning sensation & Numbness in
marked improvement 07.69%, moderate improvement 15.38%.
In statistical analysis; Group I & Group II 4th Week level of the
samples. The test is significant at 0.0001. Burning Sensation
Group I & Group II End of the research (4th Week level) of the
samples. The test is significant at 0.0012.
Conclusion: GlyCynNeu Ointment significantly (p<0.05) change
symptoms of neuropathy with the group I. Finally, we concluded
effectiveness of research drug gly cyn neu Ointment most
effective than Drug Group III and Hospital Diabetic treatment
(Group I) for Diabetic Neuropathic symptoms. In neuropathic
symptoms, BURNING SENSATION was highly notified changes like
reducing within one month.
Role of Chandrakala Rasa with
Ksheera Bala Taila as Shamana
Yoga and Stanika Shatadouta Gritha
Lepa in Post Herpetic Neuralgia
C R Nayana Kumari1 , G Veena Rao2
1MD Scholar , Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma,
JSSAyurveda Medical College, Mysore , Karnata, 2Assissstant
Professor , Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma, JSS
Ayurveda Medical college , Mys
Introduction: Post herpetic neuralgia is the most common
debilitating complication with burning sensation, hyperalgesia,
lancinating pain at the site of previous Herpes Zoster(Shingles)
lesion ,in a dermatomal distribution because of involvement of
dorsal root ganglia. Post herpetic neuralgia occurs in both normal
and immune compromised hosts. In 10% of patients it persists for
1 6 months or more, following healing of the rashes. It requires
aggressive analgesia and use of transcutaneous nerve
stimulations along with neurotransmitters modification drugs. As
it is a pitta samsarga Vata Vyadhi, pure sheetha therapies for
burning will aggravate the condition because of dominance of
Vata in the pathology. So this combination of treatment was
studied to give absolute relief from symptoms.
Objectives: Effect of Chandrakala rasa with Ksheera bala taila as
shamana yoga and stanika Shatadouta gritha lepa in Post herpetic
Methods: 20 patients with confirmed clinical diagnosis of Post
herpetic neuralgia were administered with Chandrakaa rasa
(500mg/tid) and Ksheera bala taila(10ml/bd) with 10ml of milk
for 4 weeks with proper Pathya and Aathya. Stanika lepa of
Shatadouta gritha twice daily for 4weeks
Mode of action Panchkarma in the
management of Pakshagara
Amrish K. Shah
Pakshaghata as described in Ayurveda closely resembles
Hemiplegia (paralysis) in modern science. It produces a very
miserable, dependent and prolongs crippled life with constant
mental trauma. Pakshaghata is the 3rd leading cause of death,
beside Heart disease and Cancer. Every year about 70,000 people
suffer stoke. Hence an effort has been made hereby to counter
the 3rd largest devil hampering the Humans. Pakshaghata as per
Ayurveda has been classified into three types i.e. Suddha vataja,
AnyaDosha Samhrita and kshayahetuja. The Chikitsa sutra as
described by charak is virechan, while Sushruta suggests mrudu
shodhan to be followed by Anuvasan, Asthapana, Nasya,Abhyang,
Upanaha and Shirobasti all to be Carried out for 3 to 4 months.
Treatment designed to reverse or lessen the amount of tissue
infarction fall within five categories: Medical Support,
Thrombolysis, Anticoagulation, Antiplatelet Agents,
Neuro-protection. Here Neuroprotection drugs are still under
trial and have not yet proven to be very effective and hence only
supportive therapy is given after the acute stage has been
managed. While above Ayurvedic therapy helps the patient to
recover more rapidly as well as helps the patients to restore the
power of the affected limb. Virechan prove to be more effective
on Hemiplegia caused due to haemorrhage than ischemia,
whereas Basti and Abhyang helps in reducing the rigidity, also in
Ause/Disuse Atrophy caused as a result of the above disease.
Mode of action of all above therapies will be discussed in detail
during the clinical session.
Results:From the statistical analysis of recorded data it was
evident that 90% of patients were relieved from symptoms with 4
weeks of treatment. No recurrence of burning, hyperalgesia was
observed in any patients up to the last follow up
Conclusion: This combination of treatment is highly effective in
the management of post herpetic neuralgia.
Clinical success in kampavata
(parkinson disease) oral
Gajendra Singh , Praveen B.S. , Ashvini Kumar
S.D.M. College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Asst.Professor,
Dept. of Panchakarma, S.D.M.C.A. Hassan), Reader, Dept. of
Panchakarma, S.D.M.C.A. Hassan
Though Kampavata has a low prevalence in India, it is rare
disease with grave complications. Mucuna Pruriens seeds are
preferred and proved remedy which is been used since ancient
time. Still the total management of Kampavata require
Panchakarma interventon as it gives an extra mile benefits as in
due course this disease become psycho somatic. Present
management of Parkinsons disease has limitations due to the
complicated nature of the disease. Ayurveda management of
Parkinsonism is not been used widely due to various reasons viz
lack of awarness,limitations of human resources and cost factor.
Different Acharya have opined regarding kampavata in different
manner. According to charaka,pitta decreases and vata & kapha
are increased producing the symptom Kampa,Acc to sushruta,
aggrevated vayu in snayu produces Kampa,Acc to vagbhat, kampa
has been mentioned as one of the symptom of vata prakopa and
one of the symptom of sarvanga vata
Kampavata(parkinson disease)occurs due to the loss of Dopamine
containing cells in Subtania nigra with the typical signs of
presence of Cog wheel rigidity, Bradykinesia & pills rolling
movements which is similar to the symptoms of Kampavata
explaine in ayurveda. A patient aging 60 year reported to the opd
with the classical feature of Kampavata and the patient was
managed with Brumhana line of treatment. So externally
Sarvanga abhyanaga with Mahamasha taila,Shirodhara with
Ksheera bala taila,Basti Karma Anuvasana with Brihat
changalyadi ghrita and Niruha with Mustadi yapana
basti.Internally Shamana Aushadi's were given Vanari Kalpa 3tsf
bd with milk,Tab kumarabharana 1 bd A/F,and Ksheera bala taila
for E/A for 3 months.
After this course there was 60% relief in tremors,Gait of the pt
was improved 40%,and Rigidity was reduced 50% along with
improvement in other symptoms as well. So,we have treated
many pts,here i would like to discuss the clinical success achived
from the treatment we planned for the disease kampavata in one
of our patient.
Non-Communicable Diseases
An experimental evaluation of
Jatiphala kosha (pericarp of
myristica fragrans houtt.) for its
madhumehaghna (anti-diabetic)
effect in animal model.
Renuka Peiris
Purpose: Diabetes epidemic is grappling world according to
International Diabetic Federation. Pericarp of Myristica fragrans
Houtt. is traditionally used as a home remedy in Kerala for
treatment of Madhumeha (Diabetes). Present study was aimed to
evaluate anti diabetic activity of pericarp scientifically by use of
cold infusion (shitakashaya) in a diabetic animal model.
Method: In anti diabetic study (ADS) Albino Wistar rats [150 250
gm] were divided in 6 groups (N = 6) with Group (Gp) 1 Normal
rats and Gp 2 - 6 Diabetic rats. Alloxan (130 mg/Kg.b.wgt) was
used to induce diabetes experimentally. Animals were
administered with Jatiphala kosha Shitakashaya (SJK) at three
different dosage i.e. half dose (HD) 0.9 ml, therapeutic dose (TD)
1.8 ml and double dose (DD) 3.6 ml dose per 200 gm of rat
respectively and standard drug Glibenclamide (0.5 mg/Kg.b.wgt)
for 20 days in Gp 2 - 6 once in a day orally. Similarly, Gp 1 received
distilled water 1.8 ml/200 gm of rat for 20 days. Blood sugar level
(BSL) was analyzed on day 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 and 20 for long term
ADS and at time interval 0, 1, 2, 4 and 6 hour for short term study
by using Glucometer. Hepatic and renal functions, antioxidant
enzymes, glutathione, lipid peroxidation and alpha amylase
levels were screened using commercial kits. Statistical evaluation
was done by one way ANOVA followed by Post hoc Tukey’s test
using Instat 3 software.
Result: TD and DD dose of SJK was significantly effective as
standard drug in reducing BSL. SJK restored the increase hepatic
and renal parameters, lipid peroxidation and alpha amylase levels
to normal levels, supporting anti diabetic effect of the study drug.
Also, levels of antioxidant enzymes were increased as compared
to control diabetic rats.
Comparative clinical study of
plasma lipid levels on
samshodhana karma
Renuka Peiris
Purpose: Samshodhana karma (vamana & virechana) are unique
therapeutic procedures practiced in Ayurveda is for curing
diseases and promoting health of individuals. Shodhana karma
eradicates the root causes of diseases and brings Dosha, Dhatu
and Mala (all biological functions) to its homeostatic state.
Therefore, present clinical trial aimed to study changes of plasma
lipid levels before and after Shodhana karma in healthy
individuals and comparison of changes of plasma lipids level
among three treatment procedures.
Method: It was a single blind clinical study with a pre and post
design, duration of 6 weeks. Forty five individuals who had minor
ailments and healthy persons were selected and randomly
divided into 3 groups with 15 patients in each group. Two groups
subjected for single treatment either vamana or virechana and
third group subjected for both vamana and virechana
sequentially. Therapeutic procedures were assessed before and
after treatment by investigations for plasma Lipid profile, FBS,
PPBS and Hb% and Anthropometric measurements.
Result: All three groups showed insignificant changes in plasma
lipid level i.e. Cholesterol, TGs, LDL, VLDL and HDL before and
after treatment, except group B shows increased in plasma TGs
level and it was moderately significant (p<0.02). On comparisons
of intra group changes of plasma lipids, group C, over group A and
B, showed insignificant change in Cholesterol, TGs, and LDL, VLDL
and HDL levels. Comparison of group A over group B shows
increase in TGs level in group B and it was significant (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Present study concludes, though the procedures of
shodhana karma (vamana and virechana) initiated with
snehapana; properly and completely done vamana and virechana
karma as a single or as a sequence therapy did not increase
plasma lipid levels in healthy individuals.
Conclusion: Jatiphala Kosha possesses anti diabetic activity along
with antioxidant effect.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Clinical evaluation of lekhaniya
basti in sthoulya
Lolashri S J , Mahesh T N , Muralidhar
Purpose: Sthoulya is one among the santarpanottha vyadhis. The
incidence of Sthoulya is increasing at an alarming rate. It is
affecting the routine activities of an individual in various
dimensions. The present study is focused on the clinical study of
Sthoulya to evaluate the effect of Lekhaniya Basti in the patients
of Sthoulya to attain weight loss without altering their routine
dietary and physical activities.
Method: It is a single blind clinical study with pre test and post
test design where in 20 patients diagnosed as Sthoulya of either
sex and BMI>30 and patients devoid of other systemic
complications were selected. All were administered with 3
Lekhaniya Basti interspersed with 2 anuvasana basti spread over
a period of 5 days. The relevant investigations were adopted for
diagnosis and to assess the improvement. The follow up period
was 10 days.
Result: In this present study majority of patients registered were
females of the age group 30 50 years, who were following
sedentary life style. The effects of treatment on symptoms were
recorded, and the basti showed better effect on Vaatakaphaja
lakshanas than on pittaja lakshanas. The reduction in mean score
values of bodyweight was statistically significant i.e.; p=0.012,
when compared to the statistical data of other anthropometric
measurement and lipid profile.
Conclusion: In this present study the patients have responded
with improvement in their symptoms rather than objective
Role of nirgundipatra swarasa and
shunthyadi kashaya in the
management of amavata
Rheumatoid arthritis
Krishna Kadam
Purpose : The introduction of new diseases with the aid of
changing life style and food habits has kept a challenge for human
race. Among these diseases, Amavata, a chronic joint disorder
accompanied by body pain, swelling of some or all of synovial
joints which are typically diagnosed as Rheumatoid Arthritis.
There found difficulty in planning the line of treatment of the
disease since pathogenic factors of these being contradictory in
nature. Patients suffering from the disease continuously look with
a hope towards Ayurveda to overcome the challenge since its
management is merely insufficient in other system of medicine.
The present pilot study was undertaken to evaluate the role of
Nirgundipatra Swarasa and Shunthyadi Kashaya in the
management of Amavata wsr to Rheumatoid arthritis
Method : Ten patients of Amavata fulfilling the criteria of
diagnosis were registered irrespective of their age, religion etc. A
special proforma was prepared incorporating all signs and
symptoms based on ayurvedic and modern description. In
Laboratory investigations RA test, hemogram, ESR is carried out
in all patients as per necessity biochemical tests were performed.
Result : Overall result of Nirgundipatra Swarasa and Shunthyadi
Kashaya in 10 patients of Amavata provided Highly significant
(P<0.001) of relief Sandhishula 77.78%, Shotha 75.00%,
Stabdhata 71.43%, Sparshasahatwa 83.33% in the joints. The
cumulative relief of 84.97% on general symptoms included 100%
relief of Hrillasa, Kandu, Antrakujan, Daha, Anah, and Trishna,
Nidralpata and Alasya and 90.00% Shram, 87.50% Kukshishula,
68.50% Dourbalya, 78.50% Angamarda, Jwara and Vibandha. 3)
Collectively therapy showed complete remission in 20.00%, major
improvement in 50.00%, minor improvement in 20.00%, 10.00%
remained unimproved.
Conclusion : Therapy provided good hope for the patients
suffering from Amavata. Nirgundipatra Swarasa along with
Shunthyadi Kashaya may be recommended for the management
of Amavata.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Efficacy of abhyanga and udvartana
in sthaulya w s r to
Varsharani Patil, Sanjay Patil
Purpose : Ayurveda is being increasingly accepted by the world
for its relevance and adaptability to modern times. Development
in science and technology, leads to more sedentary life styles,
interest in fast food, stress and strain and physically inactivity,
then it results into Obesity (Sthaulya). If it is not managed
properly, he is prone to get complications like prameha,
pakshaghata, Hrudroga and Hyperlipidaemia etc. In the present
clinical study, the emphasis has been made to study and evolve
the simple Bahiparimarjan treatment methods to treat the
hyperlipidaemic Sthaulya patients.
Method : All the 60 patients were selected from OPD and IPD of
Ayurved Rugnalaya and Anusandhan Kendra, Akola, randomly
and divided in to two groups and investigated for Hb %, TLC, DLC,
ESR, URINE (routine and microscopic), lipid profile etc. before
and after treatment . Group A In this group 30 patients were kept
on Triphaladi Taila Abhyanga once daily. Group B in this group 30
patients were kept on Shailaiyadi Udvartana once daily. All the
patients (groupwise) kept on Abhyanga and Udvartana for 5 10
minutes in every posture and sarvanga Swedana for 10 20
minutes, along with placebo orally.
Result : Both treatments procedures found to be equally effective
in hyperlipidaemic Sthaulya patients.
Conclusion : Both the groups have shown significant results in
subjective and objective parameters.
Controlled clinical evaluation of
effect of mamajjaka (enicostemma
littorale) in sthula madhumeha
w.r.t. type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Amit Nampalliwar
Purpose : Now a day changes in the life style and more use of
westernizes lifestyle like fast food, drinks, high calories diets
which have ill effect our body. They also decrease the natural
immunity present in the body resulting in various diseases. In this
disease Madhumeha which has been correlated with Diabetes
Mellitus has become a global problem in spite of advances in
modern science. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of
Mammajaka in Sthula Madhumeha (Type 2 D.M.) and to
experiment and see whether any significant relief can be
provided by this drug.
Method : For the study, 40 patients having signed & symptoms of
Madhumeha were selected from IPD & OPD of GAC Nanded, and
randomly divided into two groups. 1] Trial Group: 20 patients
were treated with Cap. Mamajjaka, Dosage: 500 mg Capsule 2 BD
for 12 weeks. 2] Control Group: 20 patients were treated with
Allopathic treatment Tab. Metformin. Dosage: 500mg BD for 12
weeks. Type of study: Open randomised controlled study.
Result : After study, it was observed that the relief of sign &
symptoms in Trial group was statistically significant. It reduces
BSL level and associated sign and symptoms in Diabetic patients.
Conclusion : The results suggest that Cap. Mamajjaka is efficacious
in Madhumeha (Type 2 D.M.). No side or toxic effects were noted
in any of the patients during the trial period.
Non-Communicable Diseases
A clinical study in the management
of dustavrana with balataila
Tilak Prasantha Kumara, Arawatti Siddaram, Bopparathi
Purpose: Proper care must be taken even for a clean wound in
normal body to heal earlier with a minimum scar. Various
scientific and technological advancement taking place from time
to time the problem wound healing is still under evolution
process, till now there are many research works have been
undertaken on Chronic wounds. As Dustavrana is vitiated by
various doshas so it needs proper care in proper time. Hence in
present concept all efforts are directed to keep the wound clean
and also to enhance the wound healing. To manage the
Dustavrana different type of treatment modalities explained in
the classics, Bala Taila is one among them. Objective of study: To
assess the effectiveness of BalaTaila Application in wound
healing. To assess the healing of wound (Vrana ropana).
Method: 30 patients were selected according to inclusion criteria
and divided into two groups of 15 each. Viz Group I: Trail group,
were treated by Bala Taila local application once daily & Group II:
Control group, were treated by the application of Hydrogen
Peroxyde, sterile dry gauze were used for dressing.
Result: Results were assessed with the help of prefixed
assessment criteria, and favorable results obtained on, Vedana as
85%, Swelling 80%, Varna 84.44%, Srava 82.92% Granulation
86.66% and size of wound 79.41%. The result of Bala Taila is
found to be statically significant in the process of wound healing
Conclusion: The Bala Taila proves a vital role in the healing of
A clinical study of prameha to
establish its sadhyasadhyata.
Manjunatha T , Nagaraj Poojary, Prasanna N Mogasale,
Hetal Dave
National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur (Rj), 1. Prof, Dept. of P. G.
Studies in Roga & Vikruti Vignan, SDM College of Ayurveda &
Hospital, Kuthpa, Asso.Prof, Dept. of P. G. Studies in Roga &
Vikruti Vignan, SDM College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Kuth
Purpose : There is no any permanent cure available for Prameha
(Diabetes Mellitus), and hence this is classified as yapya roga i.e. it
can be kept under control with selective adequate medications
only. Therefore, it is an urgent need to find out an efficacious
remedy to co fight the challenges of diabetes and reduce human
sufferings. The present clinical study was carried out to establish
the Sadhyasadhyata of Prameha through Nidana, Dosha, Dushya,
conceptual study of Santarpanottha and Apatarpanottha Prameha
and to evaluate the efficacy of Kalpita Yoga in both
Santarpanottha and Apatarpanottha Prameha.
Method : The 30 patients selected under the present trial were
closely interviewed according to the Performa of study. Patients
for therapeutic drug trial were selected according to relevant
history, their complaints, signs, symptoms and laboratory
investigations. And divided into 2 groups viz. Group A and Group
B based on Santarpanotta and Apatarpanotta Nidana.
Result : Statistical analysis in Group A reveals that 91.17%,
83.78%, 81.0%,69.04%, 76.47 and 94.11 reduction in Prabhuta
mutrata, Pipasadhikya, Ati sweda, Mukha shosha, Vibandh,
Mukhamadhurya which are statistically highly significant.
Statistical analysis in Group B reveals that symptoms like
Kshudhadhikya (15.15%), Klama (20.68%), Karapada tala daha
(16.66%), which are statistically significant, Kara Pada Supti
(28.57%) which is statistically non significant. Among laboratory
parameters, in group A, after therapy in Fasting Blood Sugar, Post
Prandial Blood Sugar, Urine Sugar, shows statistically highly
significant results.
Conclusion : The study confirms that kalpita yoga is effective in
relieving the sings and symptom in both santharpanotta and
apatarpanotta prameha. In particular the parameters like
Karapada tala daha (Burning sensation in hands and feet) and
Kara Pada Supti shows better result in Group A than Group B.
Statistical result suggests on comparing both the groups, Group A
showed better result than Group B.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Study of the efficacy of Vyayama
and Yoga in the case of diabetes
Sandesh Kumar, Shivakumar , Sandesh Shetty
Purpose: Diabetes Mellitus is a disease related to the impaired
glucose tolerance of the body, where insulin functioning is
affected. Type 2 diabetes which is caused by life style, stress
related disease can be effectively treated with Yoga.
Method: 20 patients of Type 2 diabetes were selected incidentally
from the OPD and from the camp conducted for diabetes mellitus
in S.D.M.C.A.H; the patients were registered and treated as our
patients for the present study with the help of Performa prepared
for the study. The patients of Type 2 diabetes, belonging to the
age group 20 60 years irrespective of the sex, caste, race and socio
economical status, with a BMI 25 and above were selected for the
study. The study was undertaken to compare the efficacy of
Vyayama and Yoga in the management of Sthoola Madhumeha.
The selected patients were assigned randomly into two groups of
10 patients each. The patients were taught to perform the
Vyayama (Group A) and yoga (Group B). Same general rules, and
diet chart were advised in both groups. The study period was 30
Result: The basic concept behind these therapies is to enhance the
insulin sensitivity in the target cells, to attain the ideal BMI by
gradual reduction of the weight at the rate of 0.5 kg per week as
evident from the study, and to maintain the blood glucose level
within normal range. Ideal approach to the disease is by
correcting their sedentary life style by education.
Yava- A boon for medoroga
Hema Sundari Chinnam, K. Venkatshivudu , G.Lavanya
Purpose: A report, prepared by WHO and the World Economic
Forum says that India will incur an accumulated loss of $236.6
billion by 2015 on account of unhealthy lifestyles and faulty diet.
The WHO and International Obesity Task Force have declared the
obesity epidemic on a global scale. Though genetic factors
contribute to human obesity, the nature of diet plays a key role in
Medoroga. Ayurveda has given top priority to food under the
three supporters of life. Among them, Yava (Hordeum vulgare) is
a supplementary diet for which wide references were found in
classics as preventive and curative aspects of medoroga. Keeping
this in view the present study has been taken up to evaluate the
efficacy of yava in medoroga.
Method : 30 clinically diagnosed cases of Medoroga were selected
from O.P.D of S.V. Ayurvedic hospital, Tirupati following specific
exclusion and inclusion criteria. Diagnostic criteria including
laboratory investigations along with subjective and objective
parameters were considered for the study. Dose Yava churna 10
gm BD with hot water. Duration 90 days.
Result : Statistical data revealed highly significant reduction in
serum cholesterol, Body weight, MI ,serum triglycerides, VLDL
and significant improvement in HDL levels.
Conclusion: Administration of yava churna has given better
results. It was evident by the significant changes in the subjective
and objective parameters.
Conclusion: The Yoga or Vyayama therapy is alone sufficient to
manage mild cases of diabetes. The mild to moderate form of
exercise and Yoga therapy reduces the body weight by 0.5 kg per
week, which is recommended by the physicians. Gradually the
tapering of the oral hypoglycemic drug dosage can be achieved.
Non-Communicable Diseases
The effect of specific yogic chikitsa
in obesity w.s.r to sthoulya
Vidya Wasnik
Purpose : Today our life becomes so much fast and full of stress.
Most of the people are having wrong food habits i.e. excessive
eating, eating refined, fried and greasy foods. They are consuming
more calories than they use to because of sedentary life style. This
leads to the accumulation of more fats in the form of adipose
tissues in the body leading to obesity which is the major cause of
many other diseases. The first adverse effects of obesity to
emerge in population are hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, glucose
intolerance and coronary heart disease also. Many researches
support the belief that certain yoga techniques may improve
physical and mental health. That’s why the study was purposed .
1.To evaluate the effect of specific yogasana , pranayama with
dietary schedule in obesity, 2.To observe the effect of changed
lifestyle in obesity, 3.To evaluate the effect of specific yogasana
and prayanama on weight, BMI, circumference of chest, waist,
abdomen, hip and on blood pressure
Method : 20 obese patients were selected randomly from the OPD
of Dhanvantary Ayurved college Udgir, having age group 35 to 55,
irrespective of their sex, caste, religion and socio economic status.
They are divided in two groups. The treated group was advised
stepwise specific yogasana and pranayama with dietary schedule
according to charaka without any medication and control group
was advised only dietary schedule. The study was carried out for
2 month and assessed by weight, BMI, abdominal, chest, waist, hip
circumference and blood pressure.
Result : There is highly significant reduction in weight and BMI in
70% of obese patient, and significant reduction in abdominal,
chest, heap and waist circumference. As well as the effect of
therapy significantly reduces the blood pressure in treated group.
Conclusion : Yoga practice with proper dietary schedule can
control obesity thereby prevent other diseases also
Study of lagerstroemia speciosa as
a hypoglycemic agent in the
management of type 2 diabetes
Bishnu Choudhury, Bishnu Prasad Sarma
Purpose : Diabetes mellitus was known to ancient Indian
physicians as Madhumeha and it is one of the emerging dreadful
lifestyle disorders in the present health scenario. The incidence
and prevalence of this lifestyle epidemic is increasing at alarming
rate. India is declared as Diabetic Capital by International
Diabetes Federation. Now a days it is the fastest growing health
problem around the world. Lagerstroemia speciosa (L) pers also
known as Ajhar in Assamese, Jarul in Hindi, Tinish in Sanskrit is
traditionally used by the people of Assam for curing Diabetic
Mellitus since long time and getting optimum benefit. The active
principles of the active plant which act as insulin like action are
Corosolic Acid and lagerostromin.
Method : A clinical study was done with Lagerstroemia speciosa
leaves powder in Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Guwahati
14, Assam (India) of 30 patients in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
patients, following standardized approach. The Powder is given
orally in the dose of 12 grams daily in two divided dose ½ hour
before breakfast and dinner with warm water for 9 weeks.
Result : Result showed significant hypoglycemic effect (P< 0.001)
and BMI reduction (P< 0.001) by improving insulin sensitivity to
the tissue, insulin like action and may have minor insulinotropic
effect. It Reduces Glycoselated hemoglobin (HbA1C) and urine
sugar and corrects metabolic symptoms also. The trial drugs have
mild purgative action also.
Conclusion : Lagerstroemia speciosa leaves powder has
significant hypoglycemic effect. It is suggested that this drug may
taken daily as preventive dose. Clinically no adverse effect was
reported during this study period except GI upset in one case and
giddiness in one case. Trial drugs need further evaluation on large
number of patients using different study design.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Effect of shilasana compound in stz
induced diabetes mellitus - An
experimental study
Sumit Nathani, Ravindra Sharma
Purpose : Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease, which has
become a Global epidemic especially in developing countries.
Despite the best efforts made by modern medicine the treatment
is fnot satisfactory because of complications that arise due to
medications In Ayurveda, there are number of formulations and
single drugs prescribed in Madhumeha. Of them, Asana (a major
drug of Sa lasa ra di gaá¹a of Susruta Saá¹hita ) and Asila jatu
(A Rasa yana drug) were selected for the present study.
Method : Materials: 1. Trial drug Asila sana yoga Ingredients
Purified Asila jatu Solidified water extract of Pterocarpus
marsupium Roxb. Ratio 1 : 1 2. Chemicals: i. Streptozotocin
(Sigma) ii. Blood glucose diagnostic kit (Ranbaxy) 3. Animals:
Inbred Charles Foster (C.F.) Albino rats (160 200gm) of either sex.
Rats were grouped in 8 groups and stz induced DM produced in 4
groups. Drug was administered and results were observed after
the completion of trial. blood sugar levels were assessed and
results reached using students t test.
Result : After 14 days of treatment, in diabetic control group
mean Fasting blood glucose level was 356.83 gm/dL. Whereas in
groups B, C and D it was 209.51 gm/dL, 171.6 gm/dL, 248.8
gm/dL respectively. Group B and C both showed Significant
improvements but group C, which received the drug in dose of
300mg/ Kg of body weight gave better results as shown by
Unpaired t' test.
Aurvedic aspect towards hormonal
imbalances in women.
Priyadarshini Sharma
Purpose : In present era due to hectic life style & competitive
environment, varity of stresses Viz. physical, mental, emotional,
social, economical, irregular routine & changing dietary habbits
causing hormonal imbalances resulting menstrual irregularities
affecting all the aspects of life of a woman. As Acharya Charaka, is
described etiology of all gynaecological disorder under Yoni
Vyapada. To provide safe, cheaper & effective, prevention &
curative modalities for disorders like Dysmenorrhoea, DUB,
PCOD, Infertility, Oligo & Polymenorrhoea, etc .to achieve healthy
n cheerful life for women.
Method : The hormonal imbalance can be regulated by balanced
Aahara (diet) like green vegetables, fruits avoiding spicy & junk
foods, meat, cold drinks Vihara (life style) like morening walk,
Yogic relaxation therapy for avoiding stresses.
Result : Prevention of hormonal imbalance is crucial for lowering
menstrual disorder incidence and thus minimizing the individual,
familial,public health burden.There is evidence of effectiveness of
diet & life style modification over hormonal imbalances.
Conclusion :Relaxation therapies, healthy environment, Shuddha
Aahara Vihara have significant contribution towards decreasing
hormonal imbalances in women.
Conclusion : It was found that Asila sana yoga has no significant
effect to lower the blood sugar in normoglycemic albino rats but
in STZ induced hyperglycemic rats, it has highly significant
hypoglycemic activity. This hypoglycemic activity was more
significant in dose of 300 mg/kg of body weight.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Role of ayurvedic diet and lifestyle
in relation to health w.s.r to
management of madhumeha
(diabetes mellitus)
Gyaneshwarsing Guddoye, Mahesh Kumar Vyas
1. Gujrat Ayuirved University,I.P.G.T&R.A
Purpose : The Ayurvedic perspective in the management of
metabolic disease like Madhumeha (DM) has shifted from holistic
to drug oriented with the advent of time. So the following method
was carried out:
Method : Group 1(Ayurvedic drug/Varadi kwatha + lifestyle &
diet) and Group 2 (only Ayurvedic drug/varadi kwatha). This
method aimed to evaluate the effect of Ayurvedic diet & lifestyle
with Varadi kwatha and Varadi kwatha only in Madhumeha (DM).
The inclusion criteria were the sign & Symptoms of Madhumeha
(DM) as per Ayurvedic text & FBS > 126 mg/dl or PPBS > 200
mg/dl or HbA1C > 6.5.The exclusion criteria were patients
receiving insulin (type 1) and excessive blood glucose (FBS) > 300
Result : Group 1(n=6) has proved a better remedial effect than
Group 2(n=24) in (i)most effect on Cardinal symptoms like
Prabhuta Mutrata 100% ,Avila Mutrata 100%, Galatalushosha
100%, Daurbalya 85.71,Pipasadhikya 100% etc(ii)biochemical
parameters like Fasting Urine sugar 77.27 % (iii)laboratory mean
values like FBS from 217 to 147.3 mg/dl ,PPBS from 291.1 to
197.33 mg/dl & Fasting Urine sugar from 2.75 to 0.87.The total 30
patients, where Group 1 shows a total effect of 66.67% of
moderate improvement while Group 2 shows a 70.83% .Through t
test a highly significant result (P<0.001) was observed in
Prabhuta mutrata & highly significant (P<0.01) in Klaibya of
group1 while in group 2 a highly significant (P<0.001) result was
in Prabhuta mutrata, Avila mutrata, shrama
Swasha,Pipasaadhikya, Pindikovestana, Daurbalya,
Alasya/utsahahani, Klaibya & highly significant (P<0.01) in FBS,
Karapadatala daha, Swedadhikya, Nidradhikya and
" A study on udvartanam with
special reference to its effect on
Rahul Gandhi, Pradeep. S
1. Government Ayurveda College Hospital, Tripunithura
Purpose : Udvarthana is a form of Rookshana Bahirparimarjana
Chikitsa is explained widely as one of the treatment modality to
treat the condition obesity. This therapy is explained to be
Kaphahara which also has the property of doing meda
pravilayana. Thus here a sincere attempt was made to evaluate
the effect of this therapy in patients with obesity. As the incidence
of obesity is increasing worldwide with 2.5% of world population
being affected a specific remedy for its treatment is very much a
necessity as it is underlying cause for many other health
Method : It was an open clinical study with pretest and post test
design. 30 patients diagnosed of obesity of the age group 20 45years were taken. All the patients were subjected to a standard
diet for a period of 21days. After properly assessed patients
underwent udvarthanam by triphalachoornam for 20 minuts for
21 consecutive days along withsame diet. Patients were assessed
immediately after completion of the treatment and twice at
regular intervals of 21 days.
Result : Assessment of obesity after treatment showed highly
significant result. Weight, BMI, WHR, Waist circumference are
reduced significantly.
Conclusion : udvarthanam was found to be effective on obesity.
the procedure should be applied as part of dinacarya as said by
acharyas to avail good health and benefits.
Conclusion : Ahara & Vihara with Ayurvedic medicine is a good
treatment method which the world needs to look upon and the
special made Ayurvedic lifestyle & diet plan need to be fully used
as an adjuvant to the ongoing therapy.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Effect of ahariya dravya
takrapana(buttermilk) in
medodhatuvriddhi (obesity)
Purva Bharde
Purpose : In this modern era man has achieved everything and
has attained tendancy to set everything easily with least physical
efforts.This is mostly contributed by altered dietary habits and
luxorious lifestyle leading to excess storage of Medodhatu(fatty
tissue).This ultimately leads to obesity that is
Medodhatuvriddhi,responsible for many lifestyle hampering
disorders like Hypertention,Cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes
etc.Ayurveda has explored importance and role Takrapana
(buttermilk) in this condition of Medodhatuvriddhi. With this
reference this study was planned and I would like to share its
results at seminar.
Method : 1.60 Medodhatuvriddha persons of age group 25 45 yrs
were selected in two groups(30 each) for study in 30 days,
2.Experimental Group: 30 Medodhatuvriddha persons were
advised their regular diet along with 100 ml fresh Takrapana
Prakbhakta that is before morning meal, 3.Control Group: 30
Medodhatuvriddha persons were advised regular diet only.
Result : 1 To compare both these groups, I had done Mann
Whitney test which shown more or less significant changes in all
subjective criterias, mostly swedadhikya. 2 Unpaired T test had
shown significant changes in BMI(Body mass index), waist hip
ratio and serum cholesterol.
Conclusion : 1.
Medodhatuvriddhi is more in females,
2.Kaphapradhana/kaphanubandhi prakriti persons more prone
to Medodhatuvridhhi, 3.Takrapana shows no specific significant
changes in subjective criterias, 4.Rather Takrapana shows
significant improvement in all objective parameters and in serum
cholesterol of Medodhatuvridha persons, 5.Takrapana is cost
effective,easy to take and easily available treatment on
Medodhatuvriddhi persons.
To evaluate the efficacy of
shamanoushadhis in the
management of diabetic peripheral
& proximal neuropathy.
Shree Vidya P, Gajanana Hegde
Purpose : Diabetic Neuropathy is one of the most common
troublesome complications of diabetes mellitus. It is clinically
present in 30 50% of all diabetes patients. The prevalence of
neuropathy is related to age, duration of diabetes and the quality
of metabolic control. By the time a diabetic patient has severe
Neuropathy, retinopathy and albuminuria are also usually
present. Chronicity of any disease give rise to Vatavruddhi
Lakshanas or Vyaadhikarshana Janya Vatavyadhi similarly
Madhumeha being one of the Maharogas leads to further
Vatavruddhi due to Vyaadhikarshana. So aim of this study to
evaluate the effect of two groups of shamanoushadhis in the
management of Diabetic Peripheral & Proximal Neuropathy
Method : Intervention Total 40 patients were selected incidentally
and assigned into two groups. The Shamanoushadhis are
Gokshuradi guggulu internally & twak lepa externally in group A
& Sahacharadi kashaya internally with moorchita tila taila & ela
lepa externally in group B. Kataka Khadiradi Kashaya being
common to both the groups. Duration is 1 month.
Result : After analyzing the results, the both groups showed the
significant result in the reduction of FBS and PPBS, but
Sahacharadi Kashaya with Moorchita Tila Taila along with Kataka
Khadiradi Kashaya and Ela Lepa Showed statistically significant
results in reducing the symptoms of neuropathy.
Conclusion : It was seen that the Chronicity of diabetes,
uncontrolled diabetes and sedentary lifestyle has the major role
to manifest Diabetic neuropathy. Maximum No. of patients
(95%) presented with the complaints of Burning sensation as
Neuropathic Symptom than other symptoms. The study was
conducted to compare the effect of Prameha chikitsa and the
Prameha chikitsa with Vatavyadhi chikitsa. The neuropathic
symptoms were better cured by Prameha Chikitsa Added with the
Vatavyadhi chikitsa (i.e., Sahacharadi Kashaya with Moorchita tila
taila in GP B) than only Prameha chikitsa.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Management of obesity through
virechana- An open label clinical
Alokanatha D.D., Aravind B S, Vasudev A Chate
Purpose : Obesity is considered as a lifestyle disorder in which a
complex interplay of Genetic, Environmental & Psychological
factors play a major role, especially primary obesity wherein no
obvious cause exists other than an imbalance in energy intake &
expenditure. Several Medical conditions have been linked with
Obesity which includes Type 2 Diabetes, Heart diseases, High
Blood pressure, Stroke. Lots of research works are being done on
Obesity which has reached epidemic proportions globally. Inspite
of newer theories and hypotheses the management of obesity
remains symptomatic with troublesome side effects.
Method : A randomized open trial was undertaken to assess the
efficacy of Virechana (One among the five Purificatory
procedures of Ayurveda) in 30 patients suffering from primary
Obesity. Various parameters like Weight, BMI, Waist to Hip ratio,
Waist circumference, Hip circumference, mid arm circumference
and mid thigh circumference were assessed before, during
treatment and at follow up.
Result : Statistically significant results were observed in BMI with
a mean reduction from 35±3.30 to 33.54 ±3.48 (p 0.000). Mean
reduction in weight from 83.11±9.0 to 79.65±8.84 (p 0.000) was
observed. Waist circumference showed significant reduction from
105.65±12.91 to 102.62±13.22 (p 0.000) and hip circumference
from 112.7±13.76 to 110.66±14.08 (p 0.000). Statistically
significant results were observed in mid arm and mid thigh
circumference also.
Conclusion : The improvements were sustained for a post
treatment observatory period of 15 days. From the study is
evident that Virechana is a safe and effective means of managing
Management of madhumehajanya
upadrava w.s.r. to diabetic
nephropathy - An observational
clinical study
Seema Chawardol
Purpose: Diabetic Nephropathy is a serious & frequent form of
renal disease, manifested as a Micro vascular complication of
Diabetes Mellitus. The word Madhumeha Janya upadrava is
coined in Special reference to the disease Diabetic Nephropathy
where the dushta medas along with kapha, does dooshana of
kleda and gets transformed to Mootra, which causes obstruction
at the Mootravaha srotas and transforms Madhumeha into
incurable form leading to manifestations of upadrava. It is the
3rd leading cause of death among End Stage Renal Disease
(ESRD) patients. The optimal therapy necessitates Dialysis which
is much cumbersome. So, a research work was carried out where
in 15 Diabetic patients with Retinopathy were screened for
Microalbuminurea and other Biochemical assays for Nephropathy
Objective: To evaluate the combined effect of Shilajtvadi vataka,
Punarnavadi mandoora, Triphala guggulu and Pippalimooladi
paaneeya added with Amrita and Bhringaraja in
Madhumehajanya upadrava.
Method : DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA- Patients showing positive
results for Diabetic Retinopathy changes on Fundoscopy. Along
with changes in Lab investigations 24hr Microalbuminurea with
or without changes in Serum Albumin, Serum Creatinine, Blood
Urea. INVESTIGATIONS: Ocular Fundoscopy, Microalbuminurea
by 24 hr Urine Protein analysis, Microalbuminurea Urine for
microscopic examination, Serum Albumin ; Serum Creatinine;
Blood Urea Nitrogen. DESIGN: Single blind observational clinical
study with pre test and post test design. INTERVENTIONS:
Shilajatvadi Vataka 6gms BID with 100ml of milk, before food.
Punarnava Mandoora 2gms TID after food. Pippalimooladi
paaneeya with Amrita & bhringaraja 30ml, BID before food
Triphala Guggulu 3gms BID, after food. Duration: 48days. Data
were statistically analysed using Descriptive Statistics, Paired t
test & Contingency coefficient.
Result: The above yoga showed statistically significant (P =
Conclusion: Improvement in Levels of Microalbuminurea and GFR
of 2.3813 mL/min/1.73m2 after 48days by treating the malady
Diabetic Nephropathy.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Role of ayurvedic ahara and vihara
in relation to health w.s.r to
management of madhumeha
(diabetes mellitus)
Gyaneshwarsing Guddoye, Mahesh Kumar Vyas
1. Gujrat Ayuirved University,I.P.G.T&R.A
Purpose: The Ayurvedic perspective in the management of
metabolic disease like Madhumeha (DM) has shifted from holistic
to drug oriented with the advent of time so this work purpose is
to revive this holistic approach w.s.r. to Ahara. So the following
method was carried out:
Method: Group 1(Ayurvedic drug/Varadi kwatha + Ahara &
Vihara) and Group 2 (only Ayurvedic drug/varadi kwatha). This
method aimed to evaluate the effect of Ayurvedic Ahara &
lifestyle with Varadi kwatha and Varadi kwatha only in
Madhumeha(DM). The inclusion criteria were the sign &
Symptoms of Madhumeha (DM) as per Ayurvedic text & FBS > 126
mg/dl or PPBS > 200 mg/dl or HbA1C > 6.5.The exclusion criteria
were patients receiving insulin (type 1) and excessive blood
glucose (FBS) > 300 mg/dl
Result : Group 1(n=6) has proved a better remedial effect than
Group 2(n=24) in (i) most effect on Cardinal symptoms like
Prabhuta Mutrata 100% ,Avila Mutrata 100%, Galatalushosha
100%, Daurbalya 85.71,Pipasadhikya 100% etc.(ii) biochemical
parameters like Fasting Urine sugar 77.27 % (iii)laboratory mean
values like FBS from 217 to 147.3 mg/dl, PPBS from 291.1 to
197.33 mg/dl & Fasting Urine sugar from 2.75 to 0.87.The total 30
patients, where Group 1 shows a total effect of 66.67% of
moderate improvement while Group 2 shows a 70.83% Through t
test a highly significant result (P<0.001) was observed in
Prabhuta mutrata & highly significant (P<0.01) in Klaibya of
group1 while in group 2 a highly significant (P<0.001)result was
in Prabhuta mutrata, Avila mutrata, shrama Swasha,
Pipasaadhikya, Pindikovestana, Daurbalya, Alasya/utsahahani,
Klaibya & highly significant (P<0.01) in FBS, Karapadatala daha,
Swedadhikya, Nidradhikya and Purishabadhdhata.
Conclusion: Ahara & Vihara with Ayurvedic medicine is a good
treatment method which the world needs to look upon and the
special made Ayurvedic lifestyle & diet plan need to be fully used
as an adjuvant to the on-going therapy.
A clinical study to establish
sadhyata-asadhyata of
Shweta Dewan, Hetal Dave, Baldev Kumar
Purpose: Prameha/Diabetes is one of the global health problems
now a days which has taken a toll on any country’s population,
thus effecting economic growth . India remains as Diabetes
Capital of the world with as many as 50.8 million people suffering
from diabetes. Its poor prognosis makes the base of this study
which aims at: To establish the sadhyata asadhyata of Diabetes
through Ayurvedic principles. To evaluate the effective
Ayurvedic treatment involved in the treatment of
diabetes/Prameha by strict glycaemic control and to treat the
root cause of diabetes. To differentiate Kapha and Vata dominant
Prameha on basis of characters in classical texts. To establish the
prognosis of both types on the basis of mutrabindu pariksha and
Method: 30 patients of age above 25years, fulfilling the clinical
criteria for diagnosis of prameha according to Ayurvedic
principles were randomly selected. Group A(kapha pradhan)
prameha ;Group B (Vata pradhan) prameha; Both the groups
were given a compound medicine mentioned in charak for all
20types of prameha. Laboratory investigations, mutrabindu
pariksha and astrological studies were carried out simultaneously
to establish sadhyata asadhyata of prameha in both the groups.
Trial was carried out for 1month. Follow up was done after 15
Result : Assessment done on the basis of self-scoring symptoms,
subjective and objective parameters of Prameha. The study
clearly showed that there is an improvement in both group with
added effect in group A Patients in many criterias. Further it also
showed relationship between astrological study and mutrabindu
Conclusion : Group A patients significantly improved with the
drug because of their good prognosis while Group B patients also
showed improvement that were less significant due to their weak
prognosis and the astrological study, mutrabindu pariksha
matched with the results of sadhyata and asadhyata of prameha
mentioned in classics.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Hypoglycemic and hypolipedemic
effect of polyherbal in the patients
with diabetes mellitus type 2 Clinicoexperimental study
Mamta Mishra, R.C Bose, Amit Mishra, Anil Kuma
1. Kerala Ayurveda Ltd
Purpose : Prameha when neglected by patients and physician
then Prameha may turn up to Madhumeha,(a type of vatika
Prameha) which can be correlated with chronic diabetes. There
may be avarodhajany (obstruction) or dhatukshayajanya vatika
disorder; leading to derangement in Meda and Medavahasrotas
which is hyperglycemia associated dyslipidemia in modern
terminology. In this study we have formulated a POLYHERBAL for
correcting the pathogenesis according to Ayurveda. The aim of
this research is to determine efficacy and safety of Polyherbal in
subjects with diabetes mellitus type 2 as monotherapy.
Method : A 90 days, open label, single group, prospective pilot
clinical study was carried out at various clinics of Kearala
Ayurveda Ltd (KAL). Subject considered eligible were with age
group of 35 75, FBS 120 200, PPBS > 140, HbA1C > 6%, patient
only on Ayurveda/ herbal anti diabetic therapies and adhere to
the diet instructed. The cases were selected regardless of their
sex, socio economic status, body weight,structure etc., but fully
satisfying the inclusion criteria,There are total of 4 visits
scheduled on day 0 (baseline visit), 30, 60 and 90 (last visit).
Safety assessment is made on first & last visit. Efficacy variables
are tested on all days. Change in efficacy and safety variables from
baseline to that of last visit is evaluated after last patient last visit.
The difference between quantitative data from baseline to that of
last visit were tested using Students t test with p value < 0.05 and
observation is summarized in % mean difference with standard
deviation of difference mean.
Result: The primary variables included fasting plasma glucose
(FPG), 2 h postprandial glucose (PPG), and secondary variables
includes Postprandial Insulin, C Peptide. Baseline characteristics
were similar (n=35). 73.53 % of subject had positive response to
the medication and 26.47 % did not respond to the drug. Mean
HbA1C reduction was 6.54% (standard deviation of difference of
mean is ± 1.1% & p value < 0.05). Out of positive responders FBS
reduced to 21.28 % (±6.1& p value < 0.05), PPBS reduced to
27.76% (±5.4& p value < 0.05), Postprandial Insulin increased to
48.19% (± 14.9& p value < 0.05), C Peptide increased up to
90.01% (± 2.1& p value < 0.05). There were no statistical
significant change in LFT, RFT, THS, Total cholesterol total blood
count and ECG. There were no adverse drug effect were noted
during the study period.
Role of Triphaladi Taila Basti in the
management of Sthaulya
Rajshri Kamble
Purpose : Obesity has been increasing rapidly throughout the
world and incidence of obesity nearly doubled from
1991to1998. It is not With advance technology, lifestyle and
dietary habits are quite changed in the modern era. This gives
positive effect on betterment of life facility but as well as
negative impact on the health. This produces many diseases like
HTN, Obesity DM etc. It is not a just a cosmetic consideration, but
it gives a no. of complications. In Ayurveda, Sthaulya can be
compared with Obesity.The goal of treatment should be to
achieve and maintain a healthier weight. Not necessarily an
ideal weight. To study the effect of Triphaladi Tail Basti in
Sthaulya chikitsa based on information given in Ayurvedic texts.
Method : Randomly selected 20 patients with presenting signs
and symptoms of obesity with BMI >25 from OPD and IPD of
GAC Nanded divided into two groups. Group A (Trial group):10
patients were given Triphaladi Tail Basti with diet control
therapy for 10 days. Triphaladi taila was prepared as per given in
Ayurvedic texts. GroupB (Control group): Randomly selected 10
patients were given diet control therapy. Total assessment of
therapy was done on the basis of relief in the sign and symptoms
as well as objective criteria including Body weight, BMI, skin fold
Result: Subjective and objective criteria were statistically
analysed before and after treatment by applied standard
statistical method and all subjective and objective parameters
shows highly substantional significant results. After completion of
trial it was found that significant result was observed in group A
than group B.
Conclusion: In Ayurveda, treatment for Sthaulya is mainly
Aptarpan chikitsa in which ushna tikshna basti is advised by
acharya Charak.Trifala is mainly sthaulyanashak, kapha
medonashak dravya and through basti it acts very effectively on
body without any harm to health.So Trifaladi tail basti is very
effective and cheap remedy for Sthaulya chikitsa.
Conclusion: Polyherbal(Glymin) provides significant
improvements in glycemic control in patient with borderline
Diabetes mellitus Type 2 and were well tolerated as
monotherapy. Limitations of this study are that subjects with
chronic diabetes were not able normalize and since sample size is
small it cannot be generalized, hence may needed more study.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Impact of globalisation on health
w.s.r. metabolic syndrome and its
ayurvedic management
Shaizi Layeeq, Alok Srivastava
1. Rishikul State PG Ayurvedic College
Purpose : According to WHO report 2002,Cardiovacular
diseases(CVD) will be the largest cause of death and disability in
India by 2012 . Metabolic Syndrome(MetS), a constellation of
dyslipidemia, elevated blood glucose, hypertension and obesity is
emerging as the most common risk factor for CVD. The rising
prevalence of individual components of Metabolic Syndrome is
mainly attributed to globalisation which has made available
cheap,unhealthy food on the main menu & also brought with it
sedentary lifestyle.It is a need of time to pay due consideration on
the problem and search for alternative medicine.So the aim of the
study is:
1.To study the impact of globalisation on health w.s.r Metabolic
Syndrome. 2.To assess the clinical efficacy of Panchakarma in its
Method : For the study large scale survey,other documented data
and published articles were studied. For clinical contrieve 20
patients were registered and were given Virechana Karma
followed by administration of Shuddha Guggulu as palliative
Result : The results show that globalisation has a great impact on
all the components of Metabolic Syndrome. However on
management with Panchakarma (Virechana Karma) followed by
Shuddha Guggulu encouraging results were found. The overall
effect of therapy was found to be 82.5%.
Conclusion : There is a high prevalence of metabolic syndrome in
India and it is a need of time to consider alternative treatment for
its management alongwith change in lifestyle to reduce the risk of
cardiovascular disease.
Role of laghu malini vasanta rasa in
management of madhumeha, type
2 diabetes mellitus
Manisha Walunj, B J Patgiri, Pradeepkumar Prajapati
Purpose: Laghu Malini Vasanta Rasa is a Vasanta Malati Kalpa
with Rasaka and Maricha as main ingredients, chiefly acting on
Dhatvagni with Brimhana effect. It had been quoted by 30 texts
and mentioned under Jeerna Jwaradhikara. None of text had
mentioned it for Madhumeha. Madhumeha is chronic disorder
where Dhatvagnimandya leads to diminution of Prasada Dhatu
resulting in Vataprakopa .Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is more
prevalent among other types 62.4 million in 2011.Long termed
hyperglycemia in Type 2 DM results in decreased quality of life
2.263 million disability adjusted life years in India during 2004.
Through present study attempt was made to evaluate efficacy of
formulation (AFI part I 20:36) in Madhumeha as
anti-hyperglycaemic activity of ingredients of Laghu Malini
Vasanta Rasa has been recognized.
Method: Open trial (CTRI registration no. CTRI/2011/11/00211)
Inclusion criteria- Age group 30 60 yrs, Patients with cardinal
symptoms of Madhumeha Exclusion criteria-Age group < 30
>60yrs, Accelerated HTN, Pregnant, Lactating mother, CNS
complication Diagnostic criteria- Subjective criteria: Classical
signs & symptoms of Madhumeha, Objective criteria: FBS(fasting
blood sugar)> 126 mg/dl OR PPBSL(postprandial blood sugar
level)> 200 mg/dl, Total Reg.patient- 33; completed-30; Dropped
out-3, Posology with duration of treatment: 250mg tablet BD 30
min. before meal with lukewarm water for 8 weeks. Criteria for
Relief in symptoms by Wilcoxson signed rank method. Unpaired t
test for statistical analysis of objective parameters.
Result: highly significant relief p < 0.001in symptoms Klama,
Daurbalya and significant relief P<0.05in reducing urine sugar
and PPBSL (postprandial blood sugar level).
Conclusion: Laghu Malini Vasanta helped to improve quality of life
in patient of Madhumeha .
Non-Communicable Diseases
Blood glucose lowering effect of
aqueous extract of graptophyllum
pictum (Linn) griff. on alloxan –
induced diabetic rats and its acute
toxicity in mice
Bhavin(1) Kathiriya, S. O. Olagbende(2) Dada, S. O.
Ogbonnia(2) , G. E. Ukpo(2)
SDM Ayurveda college Udupi
Purpose: This study was aimed at evaluating the claimed anti
diabetic property of the aqueous extract of Graptophyllum pictum
leaf and to establish an effective dose for the extract.
Method: Fresh leaves of G. pictum were collected from a
residential area of Lagos metropolis in Nigeria. The yellowish
green liquid extract was obtained and concentrated under vacuo
at 40°C and then freeze dried. A 20% weight in volume solution of
the aqueous extract in water termed GPAE was made and used for
oral administration. pH was estimated. Forty mature healthy male
Wistar rats (120 to 160 g), University of Lagos were used.
Diabetes was induced in the morning after fasting the animals
overnight by a single intraperitoneal injection of 100 mg/kg of
10% w/v alloxan monohydrate (Sigma) dissolved in distilled
water. Twenty five of the diabetic rats were randomly divided
into 5 equal groups: Group 1 orally received 100 ml/kg distilled
water (vehicle of administration) and served as the control.
Groups 2, 3 and 4 received 100, 150 and 200 mg/kg of the
aqueous extract (GPAE), respectively, group 5 received 10 mg/kg
metformin. These doses were given daily for 4 weeks while the
fasting blood glucose level (FBGL) of the animals were
determined at the end of each week
Result: The result shows the glucose lowering effect of the
aqueous extract of G. pictum at the doses used in comparison with
metformin. All the doses administered produced more than 50%
reduction in glucose level within 2 weeks of administration. The
effective dose is established at 100 mg/kg.
Flax seed oil role in
Deepa Sharma
Purpose: To study the role of flax seed oil in
hypercholesterolemia. Abnormal lipid metabolism is a main cause
of dyslipidaemia, which is a major risk factor for cardiovascular
disease, obesity, cholesthiasis and overall mortality. The
concentration of plasma cholesterol can be regulated by
cholesterol biosynthesis, removal of cholesterol from the
circulation, absorption of dietary cholesterol and excretion of
cholesterol via bile and faeces. In liver, such lipid accumulation
initially results in fatty liver that develops fatty infiltration and in
chronic stages results in damage of hepatocytes, that causes gross
fatty infiltration in parenchyma cells of liver. It is well known that
diet plays an important role in the control of cholesterol
homeostasis. In this context, it has been reported that herbs have
been used as food and for medicinal purpose for hyperlipidaemia
that may be useful in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease
and alterations in liver metabolism.
Method: This Study was carried out on 30 Patients of
Hypercholesterolemia, of which 18 were Female and 12 were
male patients. All the Patients were selected for the study after
Blood Test for Complete Lipid Profile. The study was carried out
at OPD level of D2S Ayurveda Clinic Jaipur an Urban Clinic, For the
period of 6 Months. 2 capsules of flaxseed oil were given twice
Result: Result assessment according to overall response to the
period and in the level of Blood reports of HDL, LDL, triglycerides.
Results were analysed in form of Nil, Poor, Moderate, Good
response to the treatment. It was seen that among 30 Patients 13
got Good response, 12 got Moderate response, 5 got Poor
response among these LDL cholesterol levels were moderately
reduced, Triglycerides mildly reduced, whereas HDL cholesterol
levels increased significantly.
Conclusion: The current study proved the efficiency of flax seed
oil on hypercholesterolemia.
Conclusion: The present study has justified the safe use of the
aqueous extract of the fresh leaf of G. pictum within a short period
of oral administration in diabetic condition.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Efficacy and safety of an ayurvedic
formulation (JUAF 9) in treatment
of subjects with uncontrolled type
II Diabetes mellitus
Harimohan Goswamy
Purpose : Ancient ayurvedic scholars had an in depth knowledge
and understanding of diabetes(Prameha), and had indepth skills
in management and treatment of diabetes. Excellent remedies are
available in ayurveda but a poor scientific appraisal of ayurvedic
principles resulted in lack of appreciation of this highly potential
system of medicine by global scientific community. The present
study scientifically validated the efficacy and toxicity of an
ayurvedic formulation viz., JUAF 9 on subjects with uncontrolled
type II diabetes mellitus.
Method : About 120 subjects with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
were recruited for the study. The subjects were divided into
three groups and were administered either with decoction of
JUAF 9 or other coded ayurvedic formulations daily for about 90
days. Biochemical parameters monitored before and at the end of
the therapy included glycosylated hemoglobin, c peptide, lipid
profile, biomarkers of oxidative stress, kidney and liver function
biomarkers. Fasting and post prandial blood glucose levels were
monitored at monthly intervals. The subjects were kept away
from any other anti diabetic medications during the course of the
Result : A significant reduction up to 30% in blood glucose levels
with concomitant decrease in glycosylated hemoglobin was
recorded following 90 days therapy. The hyperlipidemia i.e.,
triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol which is often
associated with type II diabetes is also normalized following 3
months therapy. The ayurvedic formulation also reduced the
oxidative stress associated with diabetes mellitus as evident from
the changes in biomarkers viz., superoxide dismutase, catalase,
TBARS etc. No toxicity either on liver or kidney was observed as
none of the functional markers of these organs have been left
undisturbed following therapy.
Conclusion : The study scientifically validated an anti diabetic
ayurvedic formulation JUAF 9 in subjects with uncontrolled type
II diabetes mellitus which demonstrated excellent safety as well
efficacy of the ayurvedic formulations studied. The JUAF 9 has
thus proved to be a frontline anti diabetic formulation.
Antidiabetic potential of Triphala
on human type II diabetes mellitus
Nita Singh(1), A S B Bhashkar(2), Senthil Kumar, H.M
1. Jiwaji University , 2. DRDE
Purpose: Diabetes is characterised by hyperglycemia and
oxidative stress. Chronic diabetes mellitus leads to glaciation of
proteins, peroxidation of lipids and activation of secondary
pathways. Triphala, combination of three medicinal dried plant
fruits amla harad and bahera in equal proportions is well known
as traditional Indian medicine, while the underlying molecular
mechanism as an antidiabetic drug is still a matter of debate
Method: Present work evaluated the anti diabetic, anti hyper
lipidemic and antioxidant potentials of two formulations of
Triphala [viz., Amalaki:Bibhitaki:Hariaki ::1:4:1 and 4:1:1] in
subjects with Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Type II diabetes
mellitus. The therapeutic effect of Triphala administration (5 gm
BD) was assessed by monitoring blood glucose at 30 days
intervals and HbA1c, lipid profile, oxidative stress markers, Liver
& kidney function markers at 90 days intervals during course of
Triphala therapies. Cellular markers assessed in the beginning
and at the end of therapy
Result: Daily administration of Triphala (1:4:1 and 4:1:1)
exclusively for one year resulted in significant reduction in fasting
and postprandial blood glucose levels of IGT as well as Type II DM
subjects. Triphala resulted in increased resistance to oxidative
stress and oxidative stress induced DNA damage generated
during the course of diabetes. This is evident from the significant
improvement in activity of antioxidant enzymes and up regulation
of respective genes. The oxidative damage to DNA as assessed by
Comet assay and cell cycle analysis also reversed significantly
following Triphala therapy. Lipid profile of all subjects was
markedly decreased with a significant increase in HDL cholesterol
levels. Increase in protein expression of AMPK and Adiponectin
supported the antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipedimic
potential of Triphala. Decrease in CRP expression and SGPT, SGOT
levels with therapy proved its hepatoprotective potential
Conclusion: The study proved that Triphala serves as an effective
adjunct therapy with potential to prevent development of
secondary complications in diabetes mellitus
Non-Communicable Diseases
Evaluation of antihyperglycemic
potential of novel polyherbal
formulation JUAF 10 in
streptozotocin induced diabetic
Prabhash Jha, Pankaj Paliwal, Amaresh Kumar Nayak, Hari
Mohan Goswami, GBKS Prasad
Purpose: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized
by hyperglycaemia, abnormal lipid and protein metabolism along
with specific long term complication affecting the retina, kidney
and nervous system. A variety of plant preparations have been
mentioned in Ayurvedic and other indigenous systems of
medicine used in India which are claimed to be useful in diabetes
mellitus. The present study evaluated the anti hyperglycemic, anti
hyperlipidemic and antioxidant functions of polyherbal
formulation JUAF 10 in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats.
Method: Type I Diabetes mellitus was induced in male wistar rats
by the administration of streptozotocin (55mg/kg body weight).
JUAF 10 was administered orally (1gm/kg body weight) for 21
days. The therapeutic effect of JUAF 10 was assessed by
monitoring blood glucose at alternate days and lipid profile,
oxidative stress markers, liver & kidney function markers after 21
days therapy. Plasma insulin was estimated at the end of therapy.
JUAF 10 is polyherbal formulation contains plant extracts of
Swertia chirata, Gymnema sylvestre, Eugena jambolana,
Terminalia chebula, Emblica officinalis, Pterocarpus marsupium,
Picrorhiza Kurroa and Cassia Fistula.
Result: Daily administration of JUAF 10 for 21 days resulted in
significant reduction of 44% in fasting blood glucose levels. Oral
administration of JUAF 10 for 21 days reduced triglyceride levels
by 32% but also increased HDL cholesterol levels significantly by
50%. A significant increase in the activities of superoxide
dismutase and reduced glutathione was observed, as well as the
treated group showed significant decrease in TBARS level. The
oxidative damage to DNA as assessed by Comet assay was also
reversed significantly following JUAF 10 therapy. Significant
decrease is also observed in the levels of urea and uric acid.
Hepatoprotective potential of therapy is established by significant
decrease in SGPT and SGOT levels.
Evaluation of the analgesic effect of
matrabasti with mahanarayana
taila in post operative pain
management of inguinal hernia.
Sharmila Tiwari, Subrahmanya Bhat, Shivji Gupta
Purpose: In surgical practice the post-operative management
begins from the day the surgery is performed till the time the
patient is mentally as well as physically fit to resume his normal
day to day activities. A complete and effective ayurvedic
post-operative pain management is the need of every ayurvedic
surgeon. Triphala guggulu, Gandhak Rasayana and Asanaadi
Kwatha are well studied drugs in post-operative wound and pain
management. At times the analgesic effect seems to be not
enough. Also, Oral administration has a limitation in immediate
post-operative period. Previous works have been done on bala
taila matrabasti. The present study of Mahanarayanataila
matrabasti along with the established oral regime is an attempt to
search for better alternative.
Method: Fifteen patients who underwent elective surgery for
Inguinal hernia in SDM Ayurveda Hospital, Udupi were selected
for the study. Patients were randomly selected. During the study
Mahanarayana taila Matra Basti was given on previous night of
surgery. The same Mahanarayana Tail Matra Basti was
administrated once daily along with Triphala guggulu, Gandhak
rasayana and Asnaadi kwatha every day after surgery till the
removal of sutures.
Result: The results observed showed that administration of
Mahanarayana matrabasti along with Triphala guggulu, Gandhak
Rasayana, Asanaadi kwatha reduces pain and tenderness in postoperative cases of inguinal hernia and results obtained are
significant. It can be concluded that if the above said
comprehensive post-operative management is an acceptable, safe
and cost effective regime.
Conclusion: Mahanarayana taila matrabasti can act as Ayurvedic
analgesic along with Triphala guggulu, Gandhak Rasayana, and
asanadi kwatha.
Conclusion: This study proves that JUAF 10 exhibits significant
antihyperglycaemic, antihyperlipidemic and antioxidant
properties and can be used as effective adjunct therapy in
diabetes mellitus.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Wound bed preparation by Kshara
Pichu (Medicated Gauze) and
Leech Therapy in chronic non
healing wound
Anil Tripathi, Shivji Gupta, S. C. Varshney, V.K. Shukla
Purpose: Wound is a very common problem since early
civilization. Whole surgical practice encountered with term
wound every day. Nature provides all the capability to human
being for wound healing. There are certain conditions where the
normal wound converted in to non-healing wound which needs
immense care. Infected slough and compromised blood supply are
big task to tackle before wound healing. There are many methods
to encountered slough i.e. chemical debridement and surgical
debridement. In Ayurveda debridement procedure is elaborated
under heading of Vrana Shodhana. Kshara is a chemical extracted
from different plant's ash. According to Ayurveda Kshara has
great power of Vrana Shodhana. Kshara Pichu is a medicated
gauze piece soaked with Kshara. Jalauka (leech) is a bio medical
device for bloodletting. Bloodletting by leeches certainly
improves blood supply to affected area. Present paper is an
experience of combined therapy by Kshara pichu and leech
therapy in wound management.
Method: Patients and method Chronic wounds (>1 month) which
are heavily infected taken for study. Initially wound debrided by
Kshara pichu, then leech therapy applied after first follow up.
Linear measurement (Length, Width, Depth, Area), Slough
material, Wound margin, Granulation tissue, Unit healing time
(UHT) are the criteria of assessment for wound healing.
Result: We found positive result regarding wound debridment
and healing both. Slough debrided fastly and red granulation
tissue covered all over wound with minimal discharge. UHt was
Conclusion: Kshara pichu and leech application combindly act as
very good wound bed preparing agent.
Effect of herbal medicine( external
application ) in management of
Ashish Soni, S.J. Gupta, S.C. Varshney
Purpose: Inflammatory swellings like cellulitis, erysipelas, boil,
abscess, carbuncle etc. are major issues in health science. Among
these Cellulitis is one of the dangerous and notorious diseases. It
is non suppurative spreading inflammation along subcutaneous
tissue and connective tissue plane. Due to lack of their local
availability on the swollen area, these can be cause of local tissue
damage, which further leads to slough formation. This causes
local gangrene which is very dangerous. Acharya Sushruta has
mentioned a detail description of inflammatory swelling under
the heading of Vrana shopha. Sushruta also defined the treatment
of Vranasopha and Vrana as shashti upakram [sixty procedure of
treatment] in chikitsa sthan in which he clearly mentioned alepa
as a primary stage of management. There are so many external
and internal applicable drugs that are to be used to treat cellulitis
but we find the less effective drugs as local application. So
prevention of spreading cellulitis is also much important with the
help of local application of drugs.
Method: Dashang lepa is common, simple, effective, cheap remedy
for the management of inflammation (shopha).we made the
mixture (powder) of 10 indigenous drugs as. 1) Shirish (Albezzia
lebbacce), 2) Yashtimadhu (Glycirhyaza glabra), 3) Tagara
(Valeriana wallichia), 4) Rakt chandana (Pterocarpus santalanus),
5) Ela (Elettaira cardamomum), 6) Jatamansi (Nordostochys
jatamansi), 7) Haridra (Curcuma longa), 8) Daruharidra (Berberis
aristata), 9) Kushta (Sausserea leppa), 10) Hrivera. We used this
mixture with cow ghee on inflamed area.
Result: On the basis of clinical experience in last 10 years in the
department of Shalya Tantra Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU,
Varanasi, Dashang Lepa has shown very good results. A local
symptom like redness, hotness and tenderness are significantly
reduced after its local application.
Conclusion: We worked on 12 patients of vranashopha in our
department and found tremendous effect of Dashang Lepa.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Applied aspect of vishesha in the
context of sthaulya
Ritesh Gujarathi
Purpose: In present era, Basic Principles described in the texts of
Ayurveda needs to be supported by data. It is described in
Ayurveda that Vishesha is the factor responsible for diminution. A
clinical study was planned to assess the role of Vishesha in the
patients of Sthaulya (Obesity).
Method: Randomized open clinical trial was conducted on 21
patients of Sthaulya. The patients were screened on the basis of
clinical findings and allocated in two groups. The criterion for
selection was the sign and symptoms of Sthaulya irrespective of
sex, religion etc. Group M (Management Group) consisting of 13
cases received the trial drug Gomutra Haritaki (Drug prepared
from Cow’s Urine and Terminalia Chebula) (6gms/ day in three
divided doses); 8 cases in Group C (Control Group) received
capsules filled with fried Rawa (Semolina) in the same dose as a
placebo for 8 weeks. Both the groups were given a special diet
plan and exercise schedule to be followed during the course of
treatment. Special scoring pattern was adopted for the
assessment. The information collected on the basis of
observations made about various parameters, was subjected to
statistical analysis in terms of Mean, Standard Deviation (SD) &
Standard Error (SE). Paired’t’ test was applied at P 0.05, P 0.01
and P 0.001 for the assessment of significance.
Result: In Group M, 4.37% relief was found in Weight reduction( P
< 0.001) & 4.45 % relief was found in BMI which are statistically
highly significant ( P < 0.01) . in Group C, 4.69% & 4.55% reliefs
were recorded in Weight reduction & BMI respectively which are
statistically highly significant (P < 0.01) .
Conclusion: It shows Group C has shown almost equal results to
that of Group M. These results prove the role of Vishesha in the
management of Sthaulya.
The impact of chronic stress in the
onset of type 2 diabetes
Metiwala Walawwe Saumya Janakanthi Kumari, Baldev
Purpose : Diabetes is a metabolic disease precipitate due to multi
factorial reasons. Some studies have shown that its etiology is
provoked by the psychic impairment. Ayurveda Classics also
illustrate the psychosomatic relation of Diabetes under the
chapters of Prameha. This study was mainly aimed to survey the
impact due to chronic stress on the manifestation of type 2
Method: One hundred patients of type 2 Diabetes who were
attended to Out Patients Win of National Institute of Ayurveda
Hospital Jaipur were randomly selected. The Patients data were
gathered by using Interviewer administered questionnaire
method. Homes and Rahee Stress scale was used to evaluate the
chronic stress.
Result: The result discovered that all the patients were subjected
to the chronic stress before developing the Diabetes. Males were
more affected due to chronic stress. Moderate to severe exposure
of stress was found in the majority. The main causes of the stress
were identified as major changes in financial states, work place
pressure, major change in living condition, death of close family
member and major change in health of family member in males.
Ill treatment of in laws, marital problems, and disagreement with
spouse, extended families and family disputes were mainly
recorded in females.
Conclusion: The study has ensured the chronic stress as a risk and
prevailing factor of Type 2 Diabetes and need of addressing
coping strategies to overcome the stress. Methods explained to
manage stress in the science of Ayurveda can adopted for this
purpose. Proper counselling and mental health promotion may
prevent or delay the onset of stress related Diabetes.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Correlates of Overweight and
Obesity among School going
Children of Himachal Pradesh
A Comparative study of efficacy of
Virechana and Yogabasti in
essential Hypertension
Minakshi Chaudhary1 , Abhimanyu Kumar2
Vijay R.Potdar , Brahmankar , Sachin Rohani
, P.G. Deptt. Of Kaumarbharitya, Paprola.
Distt. Kangra H.P.(India) , 2.Prof. and HOD P.G. Deptt. Of
Kaumarbharitya, NIA Jaipur, Rajasthan. (India)
Asst.Professor,Dept.of Rognidan, R.A.PodarMedical College
Worli,Mumbai Maharashtra, India., Dept.of Rognidan,
R.A.PodarMedical College Worli,Mumbai Maharashtra, India.,
Dept.of Rognidan, R.A.PodarMedical College Worli,Mumbai
Maharashtra, India.
Introduction and Objectives: Paediatric obesity is a public health
problem of increasing concern in the developed world and in
populations undergoing cultural transition Overweight and
obesity during childhood are a matter of growing concern in
India. The magnitude of overweight ranges from 9% to 27.5% and
obesity ranges from 1% to 12.9% among Indian children Most
individuals develop their eating and activity patterns during
childhood. Obesity in children and adolescents is gradually
becoming a major public health problem in many developing
countries, including India. The objective of the present study is to
estimate the prevalence of overweight and obesity among school
children and to identify the factors which influenced childhood
overweight and obesity.
Materials and Methods: A population of 1200 children studying in
different schools of rural and semi urban areas were selected by
Simple Random Sampling. Students of 5 years to 12 years ages
available at the time of study were included as study unit.
Predesigned and pretested questionnaire was used to elicit the
information on family characteristics and individual
characteristics. Anthropometric measurements of height, weight
and waist circumference were measured by utilizing standard
methodology. BMI was calculated as weight in kilograms/ (height
in meters)2. Overweight and obesity was assessed by BMI for age.
Children who had BMI for age >85th and <95 percentile of
reference population were classified as overweight. Students who
had BMI >95 percentile of reference population were classified as
Results: In the present study overweight and obesity was found to
be 10.33% and 3.33%, respectively; The study revealed that the
important correlates of overweight/obesity were parent's
education, parents occupation, age, children playing outdoor
games for less than 30 min, and those consuming fast foods.
Conclusions: This survey study clearly suggests that most of the
predictors of childhood obesity are amendable to dietary and life
style modifications. Since, family characteristics have been found
to be important for predisposition of an individual to overweight/
obesity, preventive and promotive efforts need to be directed
towards family for the health of future generation. So, timely
counselling and life style modifications in this vulnerable segment
can help in preventing impending obesity.
The study is carried out on patients suffering from Essential
hypertension attending outdoor patients dept. in Poddar Hospital,
Mumbai .
Ojective: evaluating the effect of Virechan and Yoga Basti in
Essential hypertension.
Methodology: 60 patients comprising both sexes between 20 60
yrs were included in this study. The patients were divided in 3
groups as follows: Patients receiving Virechana, Yoga Basti and
Anti-hypertensive lifestyle and diet. The blood pressure of the
patients was recorded by using standard mercury
sphygmomanometer daily at 10, 12 and 19 hrs. of the day during
the Virechana and Basti therapy. Thereafter follow up was taken
at the end of every month up to 6 months. Data was recorded
before and after the Virechana and Yoga Basti.
Results: The statistical analysis reveals that the reduction in blood
pressure was statistically significant in patients receiving
Virechan as compared to reduction of blood pressure in patients
receiving Yoga Basti.
Non-Communicable Diseases
In Vivo Evaluation of
Hydroglycemic activity of an
Ayurvedic Polyherbal Formulation
Efficacy of bilva patra swarasa in
the management of sthoulya
(obesity) a clinical study
Nakanekar A1 , Waghmare P2 , Tatke P2 , Kohli K1
Asha , Kuber Sankh
R A Podar Ayurvedic Medical College, Mumbai – 400 049, India, C
U Shah College of Pharmacy, S N D T Women’s University,
Mumbai – 400 049, India, C U Shah College of Pharmacy, S N D T
Women’s University, Mumbai – 400 049, India, R A Podar
Ayurvedic Medical College, Mumbai – 400 049, India
PG Scholar, PG studies in Dravyaguna Dept. Mysore, Asst.
Professor, PG Studies in Dravyaguna Dept. JSSAMC & H, Mysore.
Introduction: In ancient rituals of Ayurveda, use of many
medicinal plants have been reported fro treatment of ‘Prameha’
or diabetes mellitus. The present paper discusses in vivo
evaluation of Polyherbal capsules containing extracts of five
medicinal plants for antidiabetic activity. Aims and Objectives: To
evaluate hypoglycemic effects of an Ayurvedic Polyherbal capsule
formulation in alloxan induced diabetic rats.
Methodology: Diabetes was induced by standardized dose of
alloxan (120 mg/kg) in rats. Rats were divided into 4 groups
Control, Diabetic control, and Standard and Test formulation.
After 14 days, reduction in serum levels of fasting glucose, liver
and renal biomarkers were estimated in the control and
formulation – treated rats.
Results: Formulation – treated rats and standard (Glibenclamide)
treated rats showed reduction in fasting blood glucose levels by
49.46% and 60.33% on day 14, respectively. Statistically
significant decrease in serum liver and renal biomarkers was
observed in the formulation treated group as compared to
diabetic control. The results were confirmed by histopathological
examination of the pancreas, liver and kidney.
Conclusion: The Ayurvedic polyherbal formulation under study
exhibited promising hypoglycemic activity comparable to
standard, indicating its potential use as a safe and effective agent
in the treatment of diabetes.
Sthoulya (Obesity) is a global problem and it is common among
those who consume excessive medokara ahara and vihara. We
find no satisfactory remedies for Sthoulya in contemporary
medical science. The major health consequences associated with
obesity are NIDDM, raised cholesterol, hypertension, coronary
heart disease, gall bladder disease, psychological disturbances
and certain types of cancer. These diseases are definitely
associated with an increased risk of mortality. In this study Bilva
patra swarasa was taken up as remedy for disease Sthoulya in
department of dravyaguna, JSSAMC&H, Mysore.
Objectives: To find the efficacy of the Bilva patra swarasa in
management of sthoulya and to compare effect of Bilva patra
swarasa and madhudaka.
Materials and method: In test group, patients were administered
Bilvapatra swarasa 30 ml with 12 ml madhu early morning on
empty stomach daily for 12 weeks and in control group patients
were administered madhudaka(12ml of madhu with 48ml of luke
warm water) early morning for 12 weeks. Both groups were kept
under same diet and exercise.
Observation & Result: During the present clinical study it was
observed that change in weight under the test group is significant
from 15th day itself, but it is highly significant from 30th day
onwards. Even though reduction of weight is observed in control
group when compared to test group it was very meagre.
Conclusion: Bilva patra swarasa has a significant role to play in
the management of Sthoulya without any untoward effect and
results were statistically significant.
Non-Communicable Diseases
A clinical study of vamana &
udvartana karma in the
management of sthoulya
Clinical Evaluation of the Effect of a
selected external application in the
management of Chronic Wound
Yogesh Dachawar , Channabasvanna Mashalkar M.D. (P.K.)
Priyadarshani Wga
P.G. Scholar of Panchakarma Department, N.K. Jabshetty
Ayurvedic Medical College & PG Centre Bidar.
Temporary Lecturer, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda
Institute, University of kelaniya, Yakkala.Sri, Senior Lecturer &
H.O.D Shalya Shalakya, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda
Institute, University of k
Introduction: Sthoulya is kapha pradhana & medo pradoshaja
vyadhi. Acharya Charaka quoted Sthaulya under the eight
varieties of personalities which are designated as Nindita
Purusha. Ati sthaulya comprises one of them, since sthoulya is
kaphapadhana vyadhi, the vamana karma is prime therapy and
does kaphahara and Udvartana induces kapha meda vilayana
hence the present study is entitled as “Clinical study on effect of
Vamana and Udvartana karma in the management of Sthoulya”
was planed. Aims & objectives: To analyze the efficacy of the
Vamana karma on Sthoulya. To analyze the efficacy of Udvartana
on Sthoulya.
Materials and Methods: All 30 patients fulfilling inclusive criteria
were selected, distributed in 2 equal groups (15 pt in each) such
as GroupA Vamana karma with madanaphala pippali yoga &
GroupB Udvartana with Churna of Yava, Mudga and Haritaki for
10days. Patients of both the groups were advised follow the
specific diet chart during the therapy and till follow up completes.
Source of the data – Patients were selected from OPD and IPD of
PG Department of Panchakarma, N.K.J.A.M.College & P. G.
Research Center, Bidar.
Observations & results: The progress will be noted on the basis of
assessment parameters (both subjective and objective) before
treatment & after treatment in a specially prepared case sheet.
Clinical signs and symptoms were given suitable self formulated
scores based on severity. Statistical analysis: The observation
were analyzed critically & scientifically by employing stastical t
test, results were considered on the basis of value of “p & t”
Discussion & Conclusion: All the patients were responded to the to
the given treatment without any Complications, The present
study Vamana group shows highly significant results in
symptoms like atikshudha, atipipasa, nidradhikya, srama. The
present study Udvartana group shows highly significant results in
symptoms like nidradhikya, swedadhikya, Daurgandya, srama &
, Kumara Aajp
In spite of the advances that have been made, the management of
chronic wounds is still a challenge for the physician. In the
present study, an attempt was made to develop simple and
effective treatment for the management of chronic wounds that
are not responding to conventional treatment modalities by using
Thila lepa as an external wound application. Present study was
conducted to evaluate the effect of selected herbal place Thila
lepa in the management of chronic wound. Randomly selected 60
cases of chronic wound were assigned in to two groups. The test
group was treated with the selected herbal paste. While the
control group being treated with Rogane Kaash Cream. The
effects of the treatment were evaluated on the basis of wound
area, amount of discharge, oedema, itching, pain and tensile
strength of wound. In this study among 30 cases 24 (80%) cases
have got the wound completely healed. The result of the present
study reveals that the application of Thila lepa successful external
application consisting of wound healing properties in the
management of chronic wound.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Role of manasabhava in the
etiopathogenesis of essential
hypertension and its management
by medhya rasayana & shirodhara.
Ayurvedic management of
svarabheda w. s. r. to hoarseness of
voice a clinical study
Shipra Bahri
Dhananjay V. Patel1 , H.M. chandola2 , M.C. Parmar3
Lecturer in Kayachikitsa (P. G.) Govt. Akhandanand Ayuved
Collge, Amadavad, Prof. & Head of Kayachikitsa, Dept., I.P.G. T. &
R. A., G A U., Jamnagar, Ex. H. O. D. Pathology, M. P. Shah, Medical
College & G G Hospital, Jamnagar
As man has entered in 21st century, he has started to live in
stressful psychological conditions. The response to the
psychological conditions is varies person to person because each
has different bodily and psychic constitution. However, these
stressors play certain role in the development, progression,
prognosis as well as management of the disease. This stressful life
style affects one’s mind and homeostasis of body by several
psychosomatic mechanisms and causes many psychosomatic
disorders. The Essential Hypertension (Uccharaktachapa) is one
of such diseases. Hypertension is the most prevalent cause for
cardiovascular disorders, causing high rate of mortality and
morbidity. Hence, it is gaining more and more attention globally.
Moreover India is having maximum patients of hypertension.
Therefore it is need of time to think for the disease from
Ayurvedic point of view. In Ayurvedic literature, there isn’t any
specific term found for Essential Hypertension however it can be
correlated with Dushti of Sharirika Dosha Vata (Vyana & Prana),
Pitta (Sadhaka), Kapha (Avalambaka), Manasika dosha – Rajasa &
Tamasa and Manovaha Srotas involving Hridaya and of Rasa rakta
Vikshepana process. It is due to disturbed psychological factors
like Chinta (Worry), Krodha (Anger) etc., and causing
hypertensive state. Medhya Rasayana known as molecular
nutrient for brain, used to relieve anxiety, stress and mental
fatigue. So in Group I, 10 hypertensive patients were
administered Medhya Rasayana (Brahmi, Shankhpuspi,
Aswagandha, Jatamansi, Parsik Yavani) in the dose of 9 gm/day in
three divided doses for the duration of 8 weeks. Shirodhara is one
of allied Panchakarma procedures to calm & relax the mind and
helps to alleviate stress, strain, anxiety etc. Therefore in Group II
10 hypertensive patients were treated by Shirodhara with milk
for 21 days, whereas in Group III 10 patients were given
combined therapy. The results of study were highly encouraging
with significant relief in disturbed psychological conditions like
worry, anger and Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale along with
significant lowering of elevated systolic & diastolic blood
pressure. Details will be presented in full paper.
Introduction: Svarabheda is explained in Brihtrayi as well as
Laghutrayi as a separate chapter showing its importance. It is
commonly encountered now a days due to false dietary habits,
abuse or misuse of voice, trauma etc. It simulates Hoarseness of
voice which is mainly caused by vocal cord abnormality.
Hoarseness of Voice is defined as roughness of voice resulting
from variation of regularity, periodicity or intensity of
consecutive sound waves.
Purpose: To study the efficacy of Chavyadi vati in context of
Material and methods: In the present study 30 patients from
OPD/IPD of Govt. Hospital were selected in a single group
irrespective of sex, caste, religion and drug was given to them for
15 days. Nidan parivarjan and pathya apathya of Svarabheda
were also told to the patient.
Results: In this study 40.74% patients were completely cured and
37.03% were markedly improved and 22.22% were moderately
Conclusion: We can overcome this common problem to a much
extent by adopting basic principles of Ayurveda like Nidan
parivarjan, Dincharya, Sadvritta and Swasthavritta. On the basis
of above results it may be concluded that overall clinical
improvement was 90%.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Study on "Jalauka Awacharan" in
the management of Dushta Vrana
(Non Healing Ulcers).
D.P. mishra , M. Sahu
Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Shalya Tantra, HAMC, Dehradun, Prof.
Dept. of Shalya Tantra, I.M.S., B.H.U.
Wounds are a major clinical challenge very frequently
encountered by us in our clinical practice. The normal pattern of
healing is not uniformly present as a rule under different
conditions of wounds. Certain general and local factors influence
the sequence of normal process of healing. Oxygen is critical for
wound healing. Consistent delivery of oxygen is required to meet
high metabolic demands of the tissues, oxidative killing of
infective organism, collagen synthesis, fibroblast proliferation,
neovascularisation & epithelisation. Blood flow is the mechanism
of oxygen transport to the tissues. Now it is revealed that in all
kinds of non-healing wounds micro vascular angiopathy is one of
the major factor for hypoxic condition, leading to non healing.
Treatment interventions that increase blood flow consequently
will enhance oxygen delivery to the tissues, improves healing &
possibly prevent tissue damage from tissue load. Many new
devices & techniques are evolved for this purpose like whirlpool,
pulsatile lavage with suction, HVPC & Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy.
But the efficacy in rectifying tiny micro vascular thrombus is still
a matter of discussion. So, keeping these points in mind an
elaborate review of Ayurvedic & Modern literature was done and
it was found that leech application was advised for the
management of dushta vrana along with proper wound cleaning.
A clinical trial was conducted on 24 patients from both I.P.D and
O.P.D of Dept. of Shalya Tantra, S.S Hospital, BHU, and Varanasi, to
evaluate the outcome of Leech Therapy in the management of
Dushta Vrana. A well-defined, meticulously designed proforma
was made and the clinical assessment was done on the basis of
sequential changes in wound characteristics and "SWHT" score.
Histobiochemical studies was done and assessed on modified
numerical scale of "Ehrlach and Hunt". The observations & results
obtained were evaluated using Chi squre statistical calculations.
It was found that leech application not only improves the hypoxic
condition but also provides a moist environment for wound
Evaluation of medhohara
(Antihyperlipidemic) effect of Bilva
Patra Swarasa an experimental
Sonia V. Gummadi , Kuber Sankh
Dept. of PG Studies in Dravya Guna, JSSAMC & H, Mysore , Dept. of
PG Studies in Dravya Guna, JSSAMC & H, Mysore
In this era of modernization we observe changes in lifestyle
leading to discrepancy between the external environment and
man's internal mechanism causing multitudes of disease referred
as 'lifestyle diseases'. Factors like high calorie food, stress etc. act
by impairing the metabolism of an individual making susceptible
to series of disorders. Hyperlipidemia is one such disorder which
is a potential risk factor for diseases like cardiovascular diseases,
metabolic syndrome and hypertension. Hyperlipidemia is a
condition in which the levels of lipoproteins i.e. cholesterol
(TC>200 mg/dl), triglycerides (TG>151mg/dl) or both are raised
in plasma. Many scholars have considered hyperlipidemia under
the heading of Medoroga. Bilva is one of the brihatpanchamula,
having tikta rasa and kaphavata shamaka properties. Many
properties of tikta rasa have been mentioned in Charaka samhita
which are suitable for the management of Medoroga. Hence the
present study intends to find the effect of 'Bilva patra swarasa'
(Aegle marmelos) in comparison with standard and control
groups with respective parameters.
Methods: In this experimental study 36 albino rats were selected
and divided into 6 groups. Bilva patra swarasa was given orally
with 3 different doses i.e. 0.27ml, 0.54ml and 0.81ml for 45 days.
Aterovastatin was used as a standard. In the present study
Glucocorticoid induced hyperlipidemic experimental model is
used to measure the lipid levels. Hydrocortisone sodium
succinate (10mg/kg ip) is administered for the induction of
hyperlipidemia. Effect is assessed with the parameters lipid levels
(mg/ dl), serum glucose and the body weight on 0, 30th and 45th
Results: The present study revealed statistically significant results
in medium and higher dose levels of Bilva patra swarasa after 45
days of treatment without any untoward effects.
Conclusion: Bilva patra swarasa is proved as an effective remedy
in hyperlipidemia through this experimental study.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Clinical study on effect of Tila Taila
Pana on Karshya wsr to Vata
Dominating Prakriti
Amrita Singh , Prerana Tiwari
, E.E.Mojes
Clinical observation of Dietary
Influence in patients of
Umesh Choudhary1 , Ajai K.R. Pandey
P.G. Scholar Dept. of Kriya-Sharir, Govt. Ayur. Coll. Nagpur, (MH),
P.G. Scholar (1st) Dept. of Kayachikitsa, N.P.A.Govt. Ayur. Coll.
Raipur, (CG)2 , Guide, Asso.Prof. Dept.of Kriya-Sharir, Govt. Ayur.
Coll. Nagpur, (MH)3
MD - Panchakarma, Department of Kayachikitsa, Faculty of
Ayurveda, IMS, BHU, Varanasi-221005, UP. , Assistant Professor,
Department of Kayachikitsa, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU,
Varanasi-221005, UP
The diseases related to nutrition constitute the most important
health problem of the world. It may be due to over nutrition in the
form of obesity (Sthula) as in developed countries and due to
under nutrition in the form of underweight (Karshya) as in the
developing countries. It has been estimated that as many as two
third of the world population suffer by under nutrition. According
to Ayurvedic classics Vataja Prakriti person has lean body
constitution and there is continuous degradation and
aggradations in the body (Chakrapani Tika). So in person of
Vataja Prakriti this phenomenon of degradation will lead to
undernourishment thus resulting in difficulty for the person to
cope with requirements of his life and falling prey to many
disease even death.
Aims and objectives: To study the effect of oral administration of
“Tila Taila” in Karshya person. To include “Tila Taila” in the food
for well-being of the person.
Introduction: Pre-diabetes is also known as early stage of Type 2
DM and it occupying greater significant importance in recent
years by scientific community. Pre-diabetics are more prone to
develop Type 2 Diabetes mellitus and its related macro & micro
vascular complications. Its progression to Type 2 DM is
approximately 25% over 3 to 5 years. Apathyanimittaja Prameha
of Ayurveda is very near to contemporary concepts of
Pre-diabetes/Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. The management of
Pre-diabetes is still evolving in conventional system of medicine.
In Ayurveda dietary factors are considered as an important
component of genesis and management of diseases. It is quite
true in case of Pre-diabetes. Based on the above hypothesis, it is
decided to evaluate the efficacy of avoidance of certain dietary
measures in a series of patients of Pre-diabetes.
Aims and objectives: To study the hypoglycemic effect of
avoidance of certain dietary measures on subjective & objectives
parameters of Pre-diabetes.
Materials and Methods: After thorough interrogation and
laboratory investigation 40 cases of Pre-diabetics were selected
from OPD and IPD of Kayachikitsa, S. S. H, IMS, BHU, on a well set
proforma. The selected patients were recruited randomly into
two group viz. (A) control group and (B) Avoidance of dietary
measures for a period of 1 ½ years with three months of follow
ups at 6 months interval.
Discussion: This study reveals that patients of Group B not only
have encouraging results in terms of metabolic correction but
also seems to cut off its progression to Type 2 DM. The Group B
patients have showed better percentage of fall in FBS level
(19.58%), in comparison to PPBS (15.12%). The overall response
was better in group B, while Group A patients were more prone to
develop Type 2 DM in near future.
Conclusion: The leads available from this work open new
Ayurveda inspired holistic approach to the management of
Pre-diabetes & prevention of Diabetes Mellitus. Besides, it also
has potential to improve immune status & metabolic correction in
Young Pre-diabetics.
Materials and methods: The study was carried out in 80
individuals of Karshya which were divided into 2 Groups. Group A
having 35 persons were treated with Tila taila and Group B
having 37 persons were treated with Mahish ghrita.
Result & Observations: It was found that Group A i.e. treatment
with Tila taila showed highly significant results in BMI followed
by Group B showing significant results in serum cholesterol.
Percentage of relief in symptoms was better in Group A but
statistically both group shows significant result separately.
Conclusion: Maximum individuals i.e. 25% are with weight gain
between 0.6 1kg. Mean change in serum cholesterol in Group A
was 8.45 and in Group B was 18.27 and p value was 0.0001. Mean
change in BMI in Group A was 0.43 and in Group B was 0.29 and p
value was <0.05.
Non-Communicable Diseases
Role of ayurvedic dietetics in
prevention and management of
Assessment of ahar rasayan in
domain of physical, mental & social
health in ayurveda students
Shubhashree M.N., Venkateshwarlu Gaddam
Priti Desai, Anita Wanjari
Purpose : Ayurvedic cuisine includes a wide variety of dishes
easy to digest. Food is considered to affect the mind as well as
body, nutrition is utilized as deeper source of healing. The study
aims to disseminate the knowledge about the fundamental
Ayurvedic principle like Dietetics to convey the merits of this
holistic approach. This paper intends to explore the richness of
Ayurvedic dietetics to prevent and control nutritional deficiency
disorders and utilize this repository of knowledge as a major
modifiable determinant of chronic diseases and to improve the
nutritional status of women, to formulate comprehensive
strategies to address the problems of lifestyle disorders (Non
communicable diseases) through dietetics.
Purpose : Aacharya Charaka has mentioned the Aachara rasayana
for perfect mental, physical, social, spiritual health of human
being. Aachar means behavioural discipline which guides and
motivates the persons to have social happiness and mental
stability. In this competitive era with hectic schedules , it s the
need of hour to follow Achar rasayan for leading healthy,
mentally peaceful life. Today's youth are deviating themselves by
improper or unethical conduct. The purpose of this study is to
reveal whether the students of ayurveda , who are aware of achar
rasayan are practising it & upto what extent; & secondly to
establish an interrelation of achar rasayan on their physical
mental health & effect on academic performance as well as social
Method : An in depth literary study of the ancient treatises to
rediscover the intricacies of dietetics was conducted. Attempt was
made to explore the truth behind the concept of viruddhahara
and samskara with respect to dietetics.
Result : The concept of Agni is a unique feature of Ayurveda upon
which the dietetics is focused. Contrary to the modern science, it
does not advocate uniformity but emphasizes on agni and
prakruti of an individual rather than calories. Much importance
has been given to the cleanliness, hygiene, taste, nutrition, timing,
processing, quality, quantity (dosage with respect to agni) and so
on. The dietetics is specially designed with special reference to
prakruti, roga (diseases), rutu (seasonal dietetics) , also for
pregnant women for the well-being and growth of foetus . Various
recipes have been described under the heading of Krutanna varga
which are self-explanatory.
Conclusion : Ayurveda deals with the pathya vyavastha in a very
scientific, rational and holistic way. A glimpse into few chapters of
the Ayurvedic classical texts like Charaka Samhita, Sushrutha
samhitha, Bhavaprakasha and books like kshema kutuhala,
arogya kutuhala which are dedicated to the Ayurvedic cuisines
conveys the depth of knowledge.
Method : 66 students of final BAMS of Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved
college, Wardha were selected for the survey by an objective
questionnaire by single blind method. On the basis of answered
questionnaire, the students were categorized into three groups
viz; poorly following, moderately following & strongly following
Achar rasayan. Also students were assessed on various
observations like health status, Academic performance,
Attendance, participation in co curricular & extra curricular
activities, Behaviour with teachers & peers.
Result : Out of 66 students, 17 who strongly followed Achar
rasayan, were good at academics, enjoying good physical &
mental health & friendly reputation among peers. Moderately
following 36 students. had variability of students enjoying
satisfactory to good physical & mental health, minor health
problems, intermittent stress & few didn't have healthy peer
relation. 13 students poorly followed Acharrasayan were
comparatively slow learners & significant low attendance was
found in 7 students due to various reasons .
Conclusion : The study concludes that following Achar rasayan
leads to a good physical, mental & social health.
Nutritional status of some organics
on the growth, yield and
productivity parameters of rosa
Irshad Mahmood, Sartaj Tiyagi, Rose Rizvi
Purpose : Rose is loved and cultivated by Indian people since time
immemorial for its great medicinal value. But its cultivation and
production is gradually decreased in the recent times. The
purpose of this study is to increase the production of Rosa
damascena and create awareness about its utilization in
pharmaceutical industries in an organic manner. Various organic
methods were used to supply nutrients in rose production and
subsequently meet the demand of people.
Method : A field experiment was conducted during three winter
seasons of 2008 11 to study the nutritional potentiality of
different oil seed cakes such as neem, castor, mustard, duan,
groundnut, linseed, mahua and soybean on height of the plant,
number of branches, per cent pollen fertility, fresh as well as dry
weight of flowers, chlorophyll content, number of flowers per
plant and essential oil content of rose. This experiment was
established at Aligarh Muslim University Agricultural Resource
Farm after proper decomposition of these various organics.
Harvesting was done and parameters were measured after
completion of one growing season.
Result : The results clearly explained that application of these oil
seed cakes in the soil greatly improved the growth parameters
and oil content of rose. Soil application of these organics
significantly improved the plant nitrogen, phosphate and potash,
and residual available nitrogen, phosphorous and potash. Among
the oil seed cakes, neem cake was found most effective,
containing organically rich nutrient contents responsible for
improving growth characteristics.
Critical appraisal of Indian culinary
science w.s.r. to kshemakutuhala
Rutuja Khedekar, Smita Pawar, Pritam Rathi, Vidyanath R
Purpose: To explore the lore of Indian culinary science to the
modern world
Method: A thorough study of Kshemakutuhala in the light of
ancient Ayurvedic literature and elucidate the beauty of this
Result: The entire compendium is divided into 12 chapters and
artistically named
Utsavas for the chapters. In the first six
Utsavas the author elucidated the principles of dietetics, kitchen
plan, and best qualities of a chef, vessels useful for cooking,
features of poisonous food and the methods employed for its
detection etc. in a lucid manner. The remaining six Utsavas are
devoted for the description of different vegetarian and non
vegetarian food items including fish. Primary processing of
washing and dipping in oil is suggested to reduce the odor of meat
and fish. Specific food substances useful for the preservation of
health according to seasons are also described in this
Conclusion: Kshemakutuhala is one of the excellent works related
to diet and dietetics. It was written by Kshemasharma, the Royal
physician of King Vikrama during 16th century A.D. The author
describes different types of food articles, their preparatory
techniques along with properties elaborately in 12 utsavas. By
thorough study of this work it is observed that Kshemakutuhala is
the unique compendium on Indian culinary science.
Conclusion : It is concluded that soil application of organics in the
field of rose are considered most effective and good alternatives
for the supplement of nutrients. This clearly established that
organically produced farm roses are valuable and free from any
kind of harmful and hazardous chemicals including the fertilizers.
Richness of ahara shastra in
ayurveda dietetics w.s. r. To
yuktiyukta ahara sevana pathya
apathya palan and jayharagni
Shraddha Namdeo
Purpose : Importance and usefullness of Ahara Shastra in intake
of yuktiyukta ahara and keeping jatharagni in samawastha for
living a healthy ( jeevatyaanamayaah) life.
Method : Critical study from Ayurvedic literature , various
journals available in institutional library and from internet.
Result : There is a quote: The best six doctors are anywhere "no
one can deny it are sunshine, water, rest and air exercise and
diet........." showing the importance of diet (ahara) for living
healthy life. Description of ahara dravya vargikaran (classification
of diet), since acharyas have quoted ahara as "praninam
punarmoolam aharo bala varnaojasam ch". with the
classification, acharyas have provided us innumerable variety and
choice of diet for e.g. mams varga, shaka varga and phalavarga
etc. Description of kritanna varga comprising of peya,vilepi,
manda, yavagu krishara etc. that helps in rekindle of jatharagni in
Diseased person and as well as after panchakarma as samsarjana
krama. Description of anupana ( after drinks) which are usefull in
ingestion , digestion, absorption and assimilation of food and
medicine . Criteria of ahara vidhi vidhan for the maintenance of
general health. Criteria of nitya sevaniya ahara dravya and nitya
asevaniya dravya. Importance of pathya apathya ahara vihara as
quoted by Lolimbraj " pathyam sati gadartasya...........................".
Conclusion : Following the dietetic regimen given in ayurvedic
literature, keeping in view the rasa, guna,veerya, vipaka of food,
prakriti and Ahara satmya of concerned person, Use of
kritannavarga in rekindling of jatharagni, Following the criteria
of anupana according to the need of the person, Following the
criteria of ahara vidhi vidhan and pathya apathya ahara vihara.
Helps to fulfill the foremost aim of Ayurveda " Swasthasya
Swasthya rakshanam"( i.e. maintaining the health of an
Nutraceuticals and Functional
Foods in Health Promotion and
Disease Risk Management
Patil C. S , Mahantesh S. P
Department of Biotechnology, B. V. Bhoomaraddi College of UG &
PG Bidar-585 403, Karnataka, India, Department of
Biotechnology, B. V. Bhoomaraddi College of UG & PG Bidar-585
403, Karnataka, India
Plants play an important role in the daily life, which are essential
not only for food, shelter and clothing but also for recreation
world is colourful because of diversified flora of dye yielding
plants. Plants are one of the most important resources of human
foods and medicines. Rapidly increasing knowledge on nutrition,
medicine, and plant biotechnology has dramatically changed the
concepts about food, health and agriculture, and brought in a
revolution on them. Nutritional therapy and phytotherapy have
emerged as new concepts and healing systems have quickly and
widely spread in recent years. Strong recommendations for
consumption of nutraceuticals, natural plant foods, and the use of
nutritional therapy and phytotherapy have become progressively
popular to improve health, and to prevent and treat diseases.
With these trends, improving the dietary nutritional values of
fruits, vegetables and other crops or even bioactive components
in folk herbals has become targets of the blooming plant
biotechnology industry. This review attempted to display and
remark on these aspects. It summarizes the progress made on
nutraceuticals, nutritional therapy, phytonutrients, phytotherapy,
and their related epidemiological investigations and clinical
studies. It also covers markets of these health promoting products
and disease preventing or healing systems, as well as regulations
behind them that direct the development of biotechnology study
and application. Finally, related patents are listed and briefly
analyzed, regarding of plant biotechnological research and
progress on transgenic crops to improve nutritional value,
phytotherapy efficiency, or to produce pharmaceutically
important secondary metabolites or high valued protein
medicines such as vaccines and antibodies. In the case of plant
foods, phenolics and polyphenolics constitute a main group of
compounds that render beneficial effects, in part, due to their
antioxidant potential, among other mechanisms of action.
An Integrative approach towards
Ayurvedic dietics A Review
Purpose: India’s rich heritage “Sudashastra” i.e. Dietics comprises
many Pathya Kalpana regarding prevention and alleviation of the
diseases. Among several Pathya Kalpana, Yusha is extensively
advised in majority of diseased conditions. This is a review paper
based on study of therapeutic uses of Yusha and its ingredients as
mentioned in Ayurvedic treatise and update research papers.
Method: Description of different Yusha in Ayurved; Review of
update research on Yusha and its major contents; Integrative
approach towards Research regarding Yusha
Discussion: Yusha is a liquid form of diet prepared from pulses.
Among all pulses, Mudga (Vignate Radiate) is superior for Yusha.
(Sushrut Su.46/23) Mudga has a rich source of Lysine. Lysine is
necessary for collagen formation that forms base for bones, skin,
cartilage and tendon. It is excellent for healing and building the
tissues in wounds (“Vrani”), Post surgical procedures and
depleted tissue circumstances.( Sushrut Su.46/366). Dadima
(Punica granatum): is another important ingredient in Mudga
Yusha. (Sushrut Su.46/373). Fruits of Punica granatum exhibit
anti oxidant property due to Elagic acid and Punicalgin. These
phytochemicals mitigate inflammation of cells that controls
further proliferation of disease. The similar phenomenon of
control of inflammation is mentioned as “Samshaman” and
“Tridosha Shaman” .Punica granatum is an excellent anti oxidant
and vital nutrient that improves vitality of a person which is
stated as “Prana Janan” in Ayurved. Buttermilk It is another
essential ingredient of Yusha called as “Virasika” by Kashyapa
(Ka.Khi.4). Buttermilk is a Probiotic food which contains healthy
micro organisms that provide digestive benefits (Dipana).
Probiotics help the body by improving digestion of nutrients like
Conclusion: Yusha is foremost liquid formulation which helps in
improving and restoring body tissues. Thus “Dadimadi Mudga
yush” is recommended for Prana Janan, Samshaman , Vrana
Ropana, Dipana.
In-vitro cyto chemical &
flow-cytometry studies with las02a coded herbo-mineral compound
Aditi Asthana, R.C. Saxena, Vandana Singh, Ashok
Srivastava, V.P. Trivedi
Purpose: The drug optimization and understanding the
mechanisms of action of drugs on the deregulation of cell cycle
which is frequently considered as the cause of progression in
cancer can provide important insights for new cancer treatment
strategies. The drug LAS02 is a herbo mineral drug prepared as
per ancient Ayurvedic literature.
Method: In this study the effect of LAS02 was studied by analyzing
the effect on cell cycle by flow cytometery on cancer cell lines
breast cancer (MCF7), cervical cancer (HELA), colon cancer
(COLO 205) and prostate cancer (DU 145), procured from NCCS,
Pune. The cells were treated by different doses of LAS02, and
assay for proliferation was performed by MTT assay test,
subsequently, these were analyzed by flow cytometer for cell
cycle analysis.
Result: The results showed inhibition of proliferation in MCF7 by
77% and HELA cells by 78% at dose of 500µg/ml in MTT assay. In
cell cycle analysis for COLO 205 treated with LAS02, the
percentage retention of the cells in G0/ G1 phase was 73.07% at
300µg/ml as compared to 52.16% in the control after 24hrs. In
DU 145, treated with LAS02, cells that retained at G0/G1 phase
were 79.28% at a dose of 400µg/ml after 48hrs; as compared to
control of 62.41%. The apoptosis observed at 400µg/ml drug
concentration was 43.51%.
Conclusion: The study shows that LAS02 acts as a potent anti
cancerous compound by inhibiting proliferation as well as by
inducing retention of cells in G0/G1 phase along with apoptosis
significantly at in vitro level. Therefore, LAS02 arrests the
cancerous cells in G0/G1 phase and prevented the entry of pre
cancerous stem cells from G0/G1 phase into G2, the subsequent
proliferative stage and inhibits cancer cells from completing the
cell cycle. Such a finding is unique with this new drug which holds
a great promise as one of the most effective and safest
cancerostatic drug.
In vitro cytotoxicity activity of
madiyastyadi choorna
Hema Wakkumbura, Jayantha Rajapakse(1), Janitha
1.Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University
of Peradeniya
Purpose: This study was designed to assess the cytotoxic activity
of water dissolved Maduyastyadi Choorna
Method : Water dissolved Maduyastyadi Choorna was prepared
from roots and stems of Maduyastyadi Choorna and were tested
for cytotoxic activity on Human Fibro Sarcoma (HT 1080) cell
line. The cell line was maintained in Dulbeccos Modified Eagle
Medium (DMEM). It was sealed in flat bottom ELISA plates
supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) and incubated at
appropriate conditions for 24 hrs. After formation of confluent
monolayer, the supernant was discarded and washed by 2ml PBS
and Trypsinized. After counting cells, the required number of cells
per well for an assay was obtained. Confluent monolayer of
Human Fibro Sarcoma was treated with Serial dilutions of test
dissolved Maduyastyadi Choorna (1.56 50 µg/ml) for 24 hrs. The
adhered cells were stained with a drop crystal violet in phosphate
buffered solution and observed for cytotoxic effect under inverted
microscope. Cells were compared to negative and positive normal
cells in control wells. In vitro cytotoxic effects such as distortion,
swelling, sloughing and death of cells from the bottom of affected
cells were observed
Result: It was recorded that the Dissolved Maduyastyadi Choorna
was not cytotoxic to Human Fibro Sarcoma at concentrations of
3.13 “ 1.56 µg/ml.
Conclusion: The Dissolved Myduyastyadi Choorna is not in vitro
cytotoxic at concentrations of 3.13 “ 1.56 µg/ml.
Safety profile of las01- a
carcino-static herbomineral
Rajesh Kumar Tripathi, Sujeet Jaiswal, V.P. Trivedi, Ashok
Srivastava, R.C. Saxena
Purpose : Despite the fact that Ayurvedic drugs mentioned in
ancient literature have been used for thousands of years but the
population of the present day is likely to be different as is clearly
evident from the history of debrisoquine and spartein obtained
from herbs where fatalities have occurred due to alterations in
the hydroxylase enzymic activity over a period of time. There are
several other examples like alterations penicilline sensitivity from
1928 and in 2012. Thus evaluation of safety profile even of
Ayurvedic drug is of vital importance.
Method : The present study is designed to evaluate drug safety
profile of a herbo mineral preparation LAS01, an anticancer drug
prepared at Lavanya Ayurvedic Hospital & Research Centre for
Cancer & AIDS. This drug contains various herbs, metallic and
mineral bhasmas. This is prepared as per the instructions given in
ancient Ayurvedic literature. Such a study is also essential from
ethical point of view as safety evaluation is more important than
efficacy in human subjects, during clinical evaluation of a drug. In
the present retrospective study, after getting clearance from
Institutional Ethical Committee (IEC) and obtaining Informed
Consent from patients, 36 cases of different types of cancer were
randomly selected during Feb. 2010 to Dec. 2011 who received
cancerostatic LAS01 in a dose of 1 gm twice a day. Various
hematological, biochemical and hepato renal parameters were
assessed before and after 3 months treatment with LAS01.
Result : LAS01 was found to be a safe compound as none of the
parameters studied were found to be adversely altered after
treatment with trial drug as compared to control (p>0.05).
Conclusion : Efficacy of Las01 as a potent anti cancer drug is found
in the human cancer cell lines (MCF 07 and Hela cancer cell lines)
as well as clinically in cancer patients.
A comparative
pharmaceutico-analytical study of
hiraka bhasma w.s.r. to it's
anti-carcinogenic effect.
Anjali Prasad, Upendra U. Zala(1), K. Shankar Rao
1. Dept. Ras Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, J.S.Mahavidhyalaya,
Nadiad, Gujarat.
Purpose: Gem stones for their medicinal purposes were prevalent
even in prehistoric period. The Vedas have the greatest wealth of
information on the physical of the gem. Hiraka bhasma is popular
one known for its action on arbuda. Chemotherapy and
radiotherapy are two great weapons for cancer with lot of health
hazards. Ayurveda can offer a lot of support to comfort patients
through natural treatment. The main aim of the study was: To see
the effect of different samples of Hiraka Bhasma on various
symptoms of Cancer. To compare the effect of two samples of
Hiraka Bhasma on cancer. To improve the quality of life of cancer
patients as per integrative oncology.
Method: A scrutiny of the literature for the relevant information
on Hiraka, Hiraka Bhasma and Cancer and literature of modern
counter parts. Two samples of the Hiraka Bhasma were prepared
on the basis of Rastantrasaar siddha prayog sangrah and
Rastarangini. Bhasmas were analysed for its standard
parameters. Clinically Hiraka Bhasma samples were given to two
groups of 16 patients, in a dose 20 mg with 480 mg of Amalaki
churna b.d. for 1 month. The effect of the drugs were analysed on
subjective and objective parameters. Effect of therapy on the
basis of improvement in the symptoms of observed patients were
analysed statistically.
Result: Effect of both the samples were statistically highly
significant at the level of P<0.001 in Nausea, Vomiting, Weakness,
Xerostoma, Fatigue, Hoarseness of voice and Dysphagia. Total
effect showed marked improvement i.e. 25% and 43.75%,
whereas improvement was found in 75% and 56.25% of the
patients of group A and B respectively.
Conclusion: Symptomatically both the Hiraka Bhasmas were
found effective on Cancer patient, certainly it will improve the
quality of life and enhance the life expectancy. Hiraka Bhasma II
showed better results in internal therapy.
Efficacy of las01 in a comprative
randomized clinical trials in cases
of multiple cancer
Rahul Singh Chauhan, V.P. Trivedi, Rajesh Kumar Tripathi,
Ashok Srivastava, R.C. Saxena
Purpose: Cancer is the second commonest cause of death world
over. Obviously there is a need to find out suitable effective and
safe drug from biodiversity for such malignancies especially in
view of this fact that majority of synthetic drugs have got most
unpleasant and undesirable effects like alopecia, infertility, bone
marrow depression and mucosal denudation.
Method: LAS01, an Ayurvedic herbo mineral preparation is a
composition of a large number of drugs of herbals, mineral and
metallic origins and are in use since thousands of years. In the
present retrospective study 100 patients of III stage of various
types of Cancers were included who received modern
chemotherapy before being admitted to Lavanya Ayurvedic
Hospital. These patients were subsequently put on LAS01. Total
(n=100) Subjects of multiple cancer were screened after getting
Informed Consent of patients and clearance of Institutional
Ethical Committee (IEC). Group A subjects were taken
chemotherapy before being admitted to Lavanya Ayurvedic
Hospital and group B subjects were given LAS01.
Result: 20 Subjects were screened failure (n=80) subjects were
included. (n=10) subjects were withdrawn from study. (n=10)
Subjects were lost to follow up. CT scan, Hematology,
Biochemistry was done on their visits. Post CT scan, Hematology
and Biochemistry were done.
Conclusion: Both group of primary and post all clinical
parameters which were done result shown that treatment of
LAS01 is carcinostastic, efficacious than chemotherapy. No
adverse event occurred during this study.
Anticancer activity of medicinal
plants on human ovarian cancer
cell line
Mohini Saxena Saxena
Purpose: The aim of study is to search medicinal plants which are
more effective treatment of ovarian cancer. The in vitro anti
proliferation activities of several important medicinal plant
extracts, of Central India are investigated.
Method: Ethanolic extracts of ten medicinal plants were analysed
for human ovarian OVCAR 5 cancer cell lines were procured from
National Cancer Institute, Frederick, USA. Cells were grown in
tissue culture flasks in complete growth medium (RPMI 1640
medium with 2mM glutamine, pH 7.4, supplemented with 10%
fetal calf serum, 100 µg/ml streptomycin and 100 units/ml
penicillin in a carbon dioxide incubator (37 °C, 5% CO2, 90% RH).
The cells at subconfluent stage were harvested from the flask by
treatment with trypsin [0.05% in PBS (pH 7.4) containing 0.02%
EDTA]. Cells with viability of more than 98% as determined by
trypan blue exclusion were used for determination of cytotoxicity
Result: Anticancer activity of 50% ethanolic extacts of Madhya
Pradesh medicinal plants on OVCAR 5 cell line. Tested material,
Part used, Growth inhibition (%), Ficus religiosa, Leaves, 10,
Nerium indicum, Aerial part, 78, Ailanthus excels, Stem bark, 68,
Trichosanthes dioica, Leaves, 57, Sphaeranthus indicus, Whole
plant, 90, Catharanthus roseus, Whole plant, 80, Lawsonia
inermis, Aerial part, 80, Tribulus terrestris, Whole plant, 27,
Gardenia gummifera, Aerial part, 95, Lens culinaris, Aerial part, 5,
Lawsonia inermis, Aerial part,
Conclusion: The findings of this study reveal that some of the
medicinal plants are promising sources for cancer therapy. The
present data may just enrich the existing comprehensive data of
anticancer activity of plant materials. Also, it is of significance to
exploit novel anticancer drugs from these medicinal plants. More
detailed studies on chemical composition of the plant extracts, as
well as other in vivo assays are essential to characterize them as
biological anti cancers which are beyond the scope of this study.
Annona muricata a potential drug
source plant for effective curing of
cancerous disease: Need for
conservation and commercial
A.B. Tiwari , S.K. Dwivedi , R.K. Samaiya , Sathrupa Rao
Department of Plant Physiology,Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi
Vishwavidalaya, Jabalpur, M.P.- 482004.
Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases which affect people of
all ages and known for three thousands and five hundred years. It
is causing about 12% of death throughout the world and ranked
second leading disease accounting 21% of mortality in the
developing countries. There are several therapies available for
the treatment viz. chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy
but still cancer is increasing day by day. Herbal and traditional
compounds are being screened worldwide to validate their use as
anti-cancerous drug among several medicinal plants. Annona
muricata is gaining importance in cancer research as many
pharmaceutical companies, universities and research institutes
continue to research, test, patent and attempt to synthesize these
chemicals into new chemotherapeutic drugs. Annona muricata L.
soursap or Hanuman phal is a member of family Annonaceae
found throughout the world including India. The medicinally
important plant parts include leaves, fruits, seeds, stem bark and
root. The leaves bark and roots are considered as sedative,
antispasmodic, hypotensive and nervine and produced a natural
product annonaceous acetogenins which have antitumorus,
anti-parasitic, insecticidal, microbial and selective toxicity against
various types of cancer cells without harming healthy cells. The
cancer patients and health practitioners are adding the natural
leaf and stem as a complimentary therapy to their cancer
protocols with the therapeutic doses of leaves @ 2 3 g. 3 to 4 time
per day. The herb resists the further growth of cancerous cells by
inhibiting the enzymes needed for the growth of these cells with
no side effects. Since the herbs and medicinal plants have been
traditionally obtained from the forest and no systematic efforts
has been made to develop packages of practices for cultivation of
these plants. Developing and standardization of agro technology
of Annona muricata is obviously essential for optimally obtaining
raw drug material for marking drugs.
Key words: Annona muricata, Cancer
Role of a herbal formulation in
management of pterygium [Aarm
Pankaj Kundal, Kartar Singh Dhiman
1. Gujarat Ayurved University
Purpose : To stop the progression and recurrence of Pterygium
after its excision in order to correct the visual problems and
cosmetic disfigurement.
Method : Patient were selected from OPD of Shalakya Tantra
RGGPGAC Paprola [H.P] irrespective of caste, creed, race and
religion. The patients were diagnosed on the basis of clinical
features mentioned in Ayurvedic & Modern texts. Those patient
were included in trial who had no major local or systemic illness &
the arma has crossed Shweta krishan sandhi [Limbus area]&
encroached cornea. The patient suffering from anterior segment
ocular diseases like conjunctivitis, keratitis etc. & major systemic
illness like hypertension, diabetes were excluded from the trial.
To rule out major diseases FBS,CT,BT investigations were done.
All patients were explained about the nature of trial & written
consent was obtained. The 20 patients were selected for trial who
fulfilled the criterion of inclusion and diagnosis. These patient
were randomly divided in two groups. The Standard Group was
treated with anti biotics, anti inflammatory drugs and steroid
drops, whereas in Treated Group Batankur ksheer and karpoor
was used after excision of Pterygium tissue. The duration of trial
was for one month with follow up after 3 month to see the
recurrence of arma.
Result : The 20% recurrence was seen in Treated group as
compared to 40% recurrence in Standard group. The result also
coincide with textual reference that more fleshy the pterygium
more the chances of recurrence.
Conclusion : The lekhniya Batankur ksheer advised by ancient
acharya is very effective in checking the recurrence of arma. No
adverse & toxic effect was observed after the treatment.
Role of pushpakasisa anjana in
pakshmashata w.s.r. to madarosis An ayurvedic review
Reshma Yaranal
Purpose : Eye lashes are integral to the beauty and mystique of
eyes. They are very important from the cosmetic point of view,
particularly for women as they set off and help to accentuate the
eyes and add substance to the lids. Shedding of old eye lashes and
replaced by new is the part of body’s natural way. But when there
is falling of many eye lashes, becomes obvious and unsightly
which is termed as Madarosis. One of the main causes for
Madarosis is Bacterial infection. Pakshmashata is one of the
cosmetic issues resulting in symptoms such as falling of eye
lashes, kandu (itching) and daha (burning sensation in lid margin)
with varying causative factors. In conventional system of
medicine, identifying and treating the cause accordingly, but
many a times it results in reversal of Madarosis in most of the
cases. Eyelashes transplantation is one of the choices of
treatment, but it is a delicate procedure, expensive, requires
highly skilled micro surgical techniques, low success rate and
growth of new eyelashes is restricted or lost. This presentation
attempts to highlight the Ayurvedic approach to treat
Pakshmashata with Pushpakasisa anjana which is cost effective,
safe and easy to perform.
Method : As it is a review we are relying on Ayurvedic classic,
published articles, online data etc.
Result : As it is review results are not applicable. Hence we rely on
Conclusion : Pushpa kasisa (green vitriol), chemically Ferrous
Sulphate possesses the qualities like Netrya, Kandughna, Balya,
Romasanjanan (regrowth of hair) and it is also proved as an
antibacterial drug. It is indicated in eye diseases, grey hair, hair
fall etc. With this, Pushpakasisa anjana acts effectively in the
Pakshmashata as a contribution from Ayurveda in field of
To study the effect of triphala
ghrita tarpana over dry eye
syndrome [netrashushkata]
Yadao Gawale
Purpose : 1. To study whether Triphala Ghrita Tarpana is
beneficial in Dry Eye Syndrome or not in co relation with artificial
tears substitute. 2. Our object is to solve todays growing problem
i.e. Dry Eye Syndrome as well as allied symptoms which occurs
due to computers, TV, cinema, air pollution, malnutrition, Vat
Pittawardhak aahar vihar,etc. with Ayurvedic line of treatment
i.e. triphala ghrita tarpana.
Method : *SELECTION CRITERIA Cases were selected having
following complaints Foreign body sensation, Burning sensation,
Stringy mucus discharge, Blurred vision, Itching, Photophobia,
Tired and Heavy feeling, Redness, Pain, Dryness, Uneasiness
Blinking, Discomfort and Sometimes excessive tearing.
REJECTION CRITERIA Patients having complicated eye diseases
and who were taken or under treatment for Dry Eye Syndrome
were rejected because of forecoming false results. EXAMINATION
AND INSPECTION Routine eye examination. Pathological
investigations. Ayurved Rogi Parikshana. ENT examination. And
special investigation Shirmer's Tear Test. GROUP MANAGEMENT
Group A (Trial Group) treated with Triphala Ghrita Tarpana for 5
to 7 days alternatively. Group B (Control Group) treated with
Polyvin Eye Drops for 7 days. CRITERIA OF ASSESSMENT was
adopted as decrease in the complaints as mentioned in selection
criteria. As well as improvement in Shirmer's Tear Test was
A clinical study of akshi tarpana
with and without nasya on timira
w.s.r to myopia
Durgesh Prasad Gupta , Manjusha Rajagopala
Lecturer, Govt, Ayurved College & Hospital Jabalpur M.P, .
Associate Professor, Dept. of Shalakya Tantra I.P.G.T. & R.A.,
G.A.U. Jamnagar.
Myopia, commonly referred to as shortsightedness is the most
common eye disease in the world with substantial social,
educational and economic impact. Some of the clinical features of
Timira can be correlated with myopia. An open randomized
clinical trial was done to evaluate the role of Tarpana with &
without Nasya in the patients suffering from Myopia. In total 41
patients were registered in two groups, out of which 30 patients
completed the treatment. In Group A, Tarpana with
Mahatriphladya Ghrita & in Group B, Nasya with Abhijita Taila
followed by Tarpana with Mahatriphladya Ghrita was
administered. After enrollment of the patients in the study,
cardinal symptoms of Timira – Myopia i.e. visual acuity & clinical
refraction etc. were evaluated before and after the treatment.
Comparatively more relief, in signs and symptoms, was found in
Nasya followed by Tarpana group. Details of the present study
will be discussed in the full paper.
Result : There is no significant difference in result of Group
A(Trial Group) and Group B (Control Group). And thus we can say
that both groups are effective in Dry Eye Syndrome.
Conclusion : *Patients cured 65%, improved 25% and unchanged
2% with Triphala Ghrita Tarpana. And with Polyvin Eye Drops
25% cured, 65% improved and 2% remain unchanged. *
Statistically comparison between two groups with reference to
Shirmer's Tear Test suggests that Triphala Ghrita Tarpana is
more effective in Dry Eye Syndrome than Polyvin Eye Drops.
A clinical study on the efficacy of
sigruadi tailam nasyam in the
management of dust pratisyaya
Clinical management of menieres
disease through nasya and
Mukesh Kumar
Sridhar Badgal
Purpose: Dushta pratisysys is one among the nasarogas occurring
as a complication of pratisyaya. in due course, the disease affects
all the sense organs. Recurrent attack of headache, cough,
dyspnoea ,sneezing, nasal obstruction, foul smell from the nose,
anosmia, purulent nasal discharge etc. are the main clinical
features of the disease. Among these foul smell from the nose
makes the patient a social outcast. Dust pratisyaya is considered
as a yapya vyadhi. Nasya karma is the most important treatment
in the management of dusta pratisayaya. Many researches have
been done to evaluate the efficacy of different nasya in dusta
pratisyaya. Practically sigruadi tailam is found to be effective in
dust pratisyaya also.
Purpose : Menieres disease in characterized by Vertigo, Sensori
neural hearing loss, Tinnitus, Aural fullness, Headache etc. There
is no curative treatment available in modern science. This illness
occurs at irregular and unpredictable intervals. Tinnitus and
deafness may be absent during the initial phase of attack of
vertigo but invariably these symptoms appear as the disease
progresses. The annual incidence of Menieres disease is 5 7 /
10,000 and onset is most frequent in the 5th decade of life it may
also occur in young adults rarely. The exact cause of Menieres
disease is unknown. Hence a clinical trail is made to understand
Menieres disease in light of Ayurveda and its management
through the same.
Method : An open clinical trial was conducted at Govt. Ayurveda
College Hospital, Tripunithura. 30 patients of dushta pratisyaya
fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected. The
patients were advised to avoid head bath, day sleep, usage of cold
water etc. Patients were advised to take vaishwanara choorna
10gm bd along with hot water for 3 days. The next day onwards
nasya with sigruadi taila was started strictly following the
poorvakarma and paschat karma. This procedure was repeated
once every morning (8 am) for seven days. Patients were assessed
with objective and subjective parameters before and after the
treatment. Follow up was done after 4weeks, 8weeks and
Method : Minimum of 20 patients diagnosed with Menieres
disease were selected. Patients of either sex between 20 65 years
of age group were selected. Materials - Shaddharana Churna for
Amapachana. Kalyanaka Ghruta for Snehapana. Gandharva
Haritaki for Mrudu Virechana. Laxmivilas Taila for Nasya. Bruhat
Soota Shekhara and Bhramahara kashaya as Shamanaushadhi.
Duration: 3 months, Follow up: 1 month
Result : As a result of therapy it was found that all the signs and
symptoms of dushta pratisyaya were reduced with good
percentage of relief. Significant effects of the drug was noted on
the symptoms headache, ozaena, heaviness of head and cough.
Result : In subjective and objective parameters, Vertigo, Tinnitus,
Headache, Aural fullness, Hearing loss were showing statistically
highly significant, where as Nystagmus was not significant.
Conclusion : This treatment schedule was effective in the
management of Menieres disease. Vata pradhana tridosha and
Rajo guna are the prime factors in the causation of Menieres
disease. The Manas is also provoked by these factors. Nasya and
Shamanoushadhi provided highly significant relief on both the
Objective and Subjective parameters of Menieres disease.
Conclusion : Most of the Nidana explained in Ayurvedic classics
are acting as precipitating or triggering factor for dushta
pratisyaya. Persons of Vatakaphaja Prakrithi are seen to be more
affected in dushta pratisyaya. Significant reduction was seen in
symptoms of chronic headache, heaviness of head, ozaena, etc
A clinical study of Vacha in cases of
Chronic Rhinitis in Children
Renu Bharat Rathi
Associate prof. Dept. of Kaumarbhritya, MGACHRC, Salod,
Wardha, Maharashtra
Ayurveda, the great indigenous system of medicine of India is a
complete health science. Rhinitis is the most frequent medical
problems in childhood, usually due to infections of the upper
respiratory tract. It is associated with nasal discharge, sneezing,
etc. Ayurveda contributes several modalities of treatment. The
reason for the therapeutic efficacy of herbal drug & nasya is due
to instant relief in suffering, without any drowsiness or other side
effects as compare to modern science. This is an open ended
randomized placebo controlled clinical trial approved by IEC. The
goal of the treatment was to explore the role of Vacha vati &
Vacha siddha tail nasya in 30 children of chronic rhinitis.
Dose, anupan & duration : Vacha & wheat tablets of 250mg have
prepared & given twice a day in 6 10 yrs age group & three times
in 10 to 15 yrs age group for 1 month with lukewarm water for
both groups. The study has conducted in OPD of Balrog dept. of
MGACHRC, Salod, Wardha, MH. All 60 pts were evaluated by
assessment criteria. The study is statistically significant,
Indicates that trial drug is very effective in treating chronic
Paediatrics to geriatrics
Rasayana:Paediatrics to geriatrics
Surya S.Raj , Sudhakar Reddy
Purpose : Ayurveda is a science which guides a person to live
longer.Primary aim of ayurveda is Svasthasya swasthyarakshnam
that is to maintain the health of a healthy and to achieve the goal
of ayurveda has laid principle like dinacharya, rithucharya,
sadvritta, rasayana etc, among these rasayana plays an important
role,as it aims specially at the promotion of strength & vitality in
the body purpose of rasayana is to maintain the health of an
individual from his paediatrics level to geriatrics.
Method : In this presentation,regarding the details of rasayana
from paediatrics to geriatrics, gathering of relevant reference
from samhitha mainly from susruthasamhitha, charakasamhitha.
kasyapasamitha etc. There had been two types of rasayana
therepy as refered by sages, the first is kutipraveshika &
vatathapika. In charakasamhitha the rasayana has been
described in four different padas, out of these brahma rasayana,
chavanaprasha etc are more important. In kasyapa samhitha
acharya has mentioned about swarnaprashana at the time of birth
of a child. In this a trial has given to explain method of
administration of rasayana fron paediatrics to geriatrics.
Result : The word meaning of rasa and ayana,where first signifies
either Rasa Raktha dhatus of the body or Rasa, veerya, vipaka of
the drugs or an excellence of the same for the preservation and
maintanence of healthy life etc. The second one conveys the sense
of apyana which suggesta measure or methodology to enrich or to
conduce a special benifits to the body. Based on the principle it
has been said that one which has capacity to enrich the seven
body tissues, benefits secured by this treatment are promotion of
youth, lustre maintenance of optimum strength of the body
Conclusion : The disease preventive and haelth promotive aspect
of ayurveda which takes in the consideration with whole body,
mind, spirit, while dealing with maintanence of life & promotion
of health ancient ayurvedic physician has developed certain
dietary measures to rejuvinate whole metabolism of the body
which is known as Rasayana Therapy.
Paediatrics to geriatrics
Standardization of shwaskuthar
rasa prepared with different
concentrations of contents
especially of marich [Piper nigrum]
Madhuri Pawar, Sheeba Vargesse
Purpose: Shwaskuthar Rasa [SKR] is a herbomineral formulation
reported in Ayurvedic texts as well as in Ayurvedic formulary of
India, part 1, 20:49. It contains Maricha [Piper nigrum] as a main
ingredient, along with detoxified Parada [Mercury], detoxified
Gandhaka [Sulphur], detoxified Vatsanabha [Aconitum ferox],
purified Tankan [Borax], detoxified Manashila (Realgar), Shunthi
(Zingiber officinale) and Pippali (Piper longum). SKR is advocated
to treat respiratory disorders especially for Tamakshwas
[Bronchial Asthma]. Variant in the ratio of the contents of the
formulation is stated in literature. Routine clinical use of
formulation has been observed but the standard quality
parameters for this medicine are not in existence. An attempt was
made to develop a suitable analytical method for the qualitative
and quantitative estimation of active constituents of SKR. High
performance thin layer chromatography, SEMEDAS, XRD
techniques were used to standardize the formulation.
Method: In present study three samples [S1,S2,S3] of
Shwaskuthar rasa were prepared with different proportions of
the ingredients mainly of Marich [Piper nigrum] and fourth
sample was procured from market. Along with organoleptic tests,
High performance thin layer chromatography, SEMEDAS, XRD
techniques were used to standardize the formulation.
Result: The organoleptic characterestics and Percentage of
Piperine, Shagoal and Arsenic in four samples of SKR were
established and compared.
Conclusion: It is proved that sample prepared by dry trituration
with addition of Marich seed one by one to other ingredients
showed significant quantitative increase in the Piperine and
Shaogal content in comparison with other three samples.
Potential of plant medicine in the
management of Type II diabetes
Suman Bharali
Purpose : Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder resulting from
a defect in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Insulin
deficiency in turn leads to chronic hyperglycemia with
disturbances of carbohydrates, fats and protein metabolism. WHO
estimates that more than 346 million people worldwide have
diabetes. There are many medicinal plants mentioned in
Ayurvedic texts having antidiabetic properties. Different studies
are carried out at different platform to observe the antidiabetic
effect of these plants. The purpose of this paper is to review
different studies, to assess the potential of Withania coagulants
(Rishyagandha) as antidiabetic agent.
Method : Different studies done on Withania coagulants are
reviewed to find out the active compounds of the shrub and to
assess its antidiabetic effect. Different clinical studies and
experimental studies done on rats are reviewed.
Result : A group of steroidal lactones called withanolides are
detected as the active compounds. Withanolides are of following
groups, Withanolide glycoside, Withaphysalins, Physalins,
Nicandrenones or ring D Aromatic Withanolides, Jaborols or
aromatic ring Withanolides, Acnistins, Perculactones, and
Withajardines. The aqueous extract of Withania coagulants fruits
reduced the blood glucose level in normal and streptozotocin
induced diabetic rats. The identified hypoglycemic and
antidiabetic potential of fruits of Withania coagulans may to be
due to the significant presence of Magnesium and Calcium in the
extract. It has been already reported that the higher
concentration of Mg and lower concentration of K plays a vital
role in diabetes management. Ca2+ ion activates insulin gene
expression via CREB (Calcium Responsive Element Binding
protein) responsible for exocytosis of stored insulin. Clinical
studies revealed that there was a significant improvement in the
symptoms which may be due to good glycemic control. There was
significant (P < 0.05) reduction in blood sugar in test groups as
compared to control group.
Conclusion : It can be concluded that Withania coagulans
(Rishyagandha) fruit powder can be used effectively for a long
term in the treatment of Type II diabetes mellitus without any
side effect.
An experimental study on
infertility effect of guggulu
Anjana Dwivedi
Purpose : Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) is a well-known and
prestigious drug in the field of Ayurveda, used in management of
a variety of diseases. In Ashtanga Sangraha Acharya Vagbhatta
has described some untoward effects of Guggulu if it is used in
high dose for longer duration. Among these untoward effects,
impotency effect was considered to evaluate through an
experimental study on albino rats.
Method : To evaluate the infertility effect, Guggulu was
administered orally in different groups of albino rats in different
doses (25 mg & 250 mg/100gms body weight of albino rat) for
different periods like 1,2,3,4,5& 6 months respectively. Results
were observed on the basis of birth rate of albino rats. In support
of this study some more experiments like Neuropharmacological
tests for screening of behavioural profile and neurological profile
of albino rats, were also carried out and the results were observed
on the basis of scores attained by the albino rats after test.
Result : Guggulu was having highly significant infertility effect in
albino rats when administered in high dose for a longer time
without any adverse effects on CNS.
Conclusion : Guggulu is safe and very effective as an infertility
drug if it is used in high dose for longer period.
Efficacy and safety of a
herbomineral ayurvedic
formulation afrodet plus in male
Rohit Dhumal, Vikas Dighe, Mukesh Chawda, Mahesh
Vahlia, Geeta Vanage
1. Shree Dhooptapeshwar Ayurvedic Research Foundation
Purpose : Reverse Pharmacology for drug development has been
highly productive and cost effective in resent past as it is based on
the documented therapeutic effects of plants in ancient texts.
Afrodet Plus® is formulated to treat male infertility which
contents ancient herbo minerals. It’s efficacy and safety is
validated through the present animal study in reverse
pharmacology mode. Present study was undertaken to evaluate
efficacy and safety of an Ayurvedic formulation Afrodet Plus® in
adult male rats.
Method : Twelve male rats (Holtzman) between 8 10 weeks of age
were randomly selected and animals were assigned to a control
and two treatment groups. Dosing was performed daily. Various
parameters like weekly body weight, haematology, serum
testosterone levels, epididymal sperm count and efficiency of
Daily Sperm Production (DSP) were evaluated.
Result : It was found that epididymal sperm count had
significantly increased in both low dose (+ 27.39 %) and high dose
(+ 40.5%) groups as compared to control group. The daily sperm
production also showed an increase of 43.7% at high dose of
180mg/kg body weight as compared to the control group. An
increase in sperm motility and especially progressive motility was
observed when evaluated by Computer Assisted Semen Analyzer
(CASA). Histological evaluation of testicular tissue for
spermatogenic index revealed that the index had increased in
treatment group as compared to control group.
Conclusion : Present study revealed that oral administration of
Afrodet Plus® resulted in significant increase in daily sperm
production in the testis along with increase in epididymal sperm
count and progressive motility as compared control group
without producing any treatment related adverse effects. These
findings provide the documentary evidence that the use of
Afrodet plus at 90 and 180 mg/kg bw is effective and safe for the
treatment of male infertility especially to improve sperm count
and progressive motility.
Pharmaceutico-analytical study of
mayur puccha bhasma prepared
by two methods.
Vijaykumar. S(1) Kotrannavar, Revanasiddappa S.(2)
Sarashetty, Veena Kanthi(3)
1. K.L.E.Universityas Shri.B.M.K. Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya,
Shahapur, Belgaum-590003, KARNATAKA, Ind, 2. A. V. S.
Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, 3. L.K.R Ayurveda Medical College
Purpose : Mayur Puccha bhasma (Calx of peacock feather), an
Ayurvedic animal product prepared from peacock feather with
different methods mentioned in Siddhayogasangraha, Bhaishajya
Samhita. It is mainly indicated in Chardhi, Hikka, Swasa. Till today
no research work has been done on Mayur Puccha bhasma
prepared by two different methods and exact pharmacopeial
standards are also not available. The present study was aimed to
assess the Physico chemical components of Mayur Puccha bhasma
prepared by Ghee flame and Gajaputa method & to lay down the
Pharmacopeial standards for the assessment of its standard
Method : Mayur Puccha bhasma was prepared by two classical
procedures, one by burning on ghee flame (Sample A) second by
giving four Gajaputas (Sample B) and finished products were
subjected to various Physico chemical studies to find out Ash
value, PH value, Sp gravity, Moisture content, Preliminary organic
analysis and Gravimetric analysis.
Result : Both the bhasmas exhibited marked difference in colour,
moisture content and % of inorganic compounds. The bhasma
prepared by Gajaputa method contains essential and beneficial
inorganic elements, electrolytes in more quantity with less
moisture content, neutral pH.
Conclusion : Sample B is having less moisture (1%) content which
may contribute for increasing its stability and having high ash
value as it consists of inorganic elements in more quantity and
indicates that bhasma prepared properly. The neutral pH of
Sample A and B indicates no significance difference in their pH
value. Sample B contains Copper, Iron, Zinc, Sodium, Potassium,
Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Aluminium, in more quantity
than Sample A but in a permissible amount. As Mayur Puccha
bhasma prepared by Gajaputa method contains essential and
beneficial elements, having natural pH and free from steroids may
contribute as one of the usefully and safe alternative medicine in
Chardhi, Hikka, Swasa.
A Pharmaceutico-Analytical study
of swayamagni lauha bhasma as
described in rasamritam
Sachidanand Vangapati, Dattatri T R , Shobha G Hiremath
Purpose : The preparation of Lauha choorna is first mentioned in
the samhitas under the heading of Ayaskruti. In Rasashastra texts
the preparation of Bhasma has been mentioned in 2 ways i.e. by
puta method and Niragni method. Most of them have
concentrated on and given importance to Bhasmeekarana by puta
method. Here the number of putas required is 5 40. But, the other
method i.e. the preparation of Swayamagni Lauha Bhasma,
Though not explained in all Rasa texts it is less expensive and
requires less time. More over, no studies have been carried out to
evaluate the significance and importance of method of
preparation of Swayamagni Lauha Bhasma with respect to its
quality by giving emphasis to Pharmaceutical and Analytical
Method : Swayamagni Lauha Bhasma is preparation of Lauha
Bhasma without subjecting to puta. The procedure includes
Samanya Shodhana of Lauha followed by Vishesha Shodhana,
Bhanupaka, mixing with Kajjali, Preparing Lauha Golas and finally
Sthapana in Dhanyarashi. The dravyas which are mentioned in
classical procedure for Lauha shodhan and Marana definitely
convert Lauha into Lauha bhasma but the practical procedures
are laborious. Where as swayamagni Lauha Bhasma is a less
laborious, cost effective procedure
Result : This Lauha bhasma when subjected for Bhasma
pareeksha and Analytical tests, the results were in accordance
with pharmacopeal standards . At the same time Bhasma is in
more oxidised form (as per XRD results) as well as shows the
presence of organic functional groups (as per FTIR reports), and
plenty of nanop particle (as per SEM results).
Conclusion : Bhasmeekarana of Lauha by this method is more cost
effective, less laborious, and can be prepared in bulk in industries.
X RAY Fluorescence analysis of Iron
Pyrite (Vimala)
Basavaraj Naik, Srinivas Patil, Vijaykumar Kotrannavar
Purpose: To evaluate different samples of Iron pyrite collected
direct from pyrite mines with the help of X Ray Fluroscence
Method: All three samples collected (two sample from Andra
Pradesh, one from Uttar Pradesh) were subjected to fine
powdering (250 mesh sizes) and then subjected to X ray
fluorescence spectroscopy. The obtained graphs were interpreted
for qualitative and quantitative estimation for elements iron and
Result: Results obtained was, Sample A (VSM R = Vijayawada slate
mines) consists 28.334% of Iron, 19.764% of Sulphur. Sample B
(KCM D = Khetri copper mines) consists 32.528% of Iron,
11.009% of Sulphur. Sample C (BGM R = Bachupalli granite
mines) consists 29.036% of Iron, 22.895% of Sulphur.
Conclusion: X Ray Fluorescence is a very good tool to estimate
raw materials of mineral origin which provide qualitative as well
as quantitative data.
Preparation and standardization of
samaguna and shadguna
Kishor Bodhakar
Purpose : Birth of Acharya Nagarjuna was miracle for Ayuveda.
By different Murcchana Samskara of Parada different
preparations made by Acharya Nagarjuna. Kupipakva Rasayana is
one of them. From 20 century modern chemistry understands
that, from Parada (Mercury) & Gandhaka (Sulphur) Kajjali (black
mercuric sulphide) prepared by Niragni Murcchana & with
Sagandha & Sagni Murcchana Rasasindur (red mercuric sulphide)
prepared which was described in Rasashastra text before 500
years. Rasasindur mainly acts as Rasayana & on pranavaha
strotasa. Shadguna Rasasindur is more powerful than Samaguna
Rasasindur, because it gives instant relief & cures acute
conditions also. So I thought that the Preparation &
Standardization of Samaguna & Shadguna Rasasindur is very
Method : Methods of Samaguna & Shadguna Rasasindur
preparation includes - 1)
Parada Shodhana, 2) Gandhaka
Ghodhana, 3) Kajjali nirmana, 4) Rasasindur Kajjali nirmana, 5)
Samaguna Rasasindur nirmana, 6) Shadguna Rasasindur
naimana. In preparation of above compounds, observation of
nirmana prakriya, temperature record, time management &
analytical study was done
Result : From 310 gm of Samaguna Kajjali 155 gm of Samaguna
Rasasindur & 88 gms Shadguna Rasasindur obtained.
Physiochemical analysis of Rasasindur samples was as follows
Test, Samaguna Rasasindur, Shadguna Rasasindur, Hg%, 83.68,
81.93, S%, 13.38, 13.09, Ash %, 0.49, 1.45, Water soluble ash %
0.24, 0.15, Acid insoluble ash % 0.03, 0.96.
Conclusion : Total time required for Panchaguna Gandhaka jarana
from Samaguna Gandhaka jarana was 67 hours which was less
than Samaguna Gandhaka jarana. During Shadguna Rasasindur
preparation after 2 hours mild yellowish fumes observed &
temperature was 160 degree cel. at that time. After near about
14.30 hours corking was done after passing all pariksha of
Rasasindur. Then 6 hours of Tivragni was given & leave it for
Evaluations of role of vishesha
shodhana of metals with specific
reference to tamra shodhana
Vedvati Bhapkar, Shriram Savarikar, Mangala Jadhav
1. R. A. Podar Medical College (Ayu), Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli
Purpose : In this research work, an effort was made to observe
effects of Samanya Shodhanottara Vishesha Shodhana and only
Vishesha Shodhana upon Tamra
Method : Methods described in Rasatangini were followed to
perform Samanya as well as Vishesha Shodhana. The study was
carried out in two parts. In first part, actual process of Shodhana
by various methods was performed and six samples were
prepared. In second part, analysis of Ashodhita and Shodhita
Taamra (Samanya Shodhanottara Vishesha Shodhit as well as
only Vishesh Shodhita) was carried out. For this purpose,
following parameters of analysis were considered- Change in
physical characteristics of copper foils pre and post Shodhana,
Change in weight of copper foils pre and post Shodhana, Pattern
of XRPD for each sample, Percentage of copper in each sample by
ICP AES, Change in electrical conductivity of each sample.
Result : After Samanya Shodhana, the previous shine of copper
was totally lost and it had crumpled appearance. Overall, Changes
in tenacity of metal were also observed. The hardness went on
decreasing and brittleness went on increasing. Steady fall in
weight of Tamra was observed after each Shodhana. The XRPD
samples of all the samples of Shodhita Tamra showed presence of
copper and copper oxides in them. However, the peak positions
and intensities of them were varying. There was marked decline
in electrical conductivity post Shodhana
Conclusion : It appeared from this study that Vishesha Shodhana
of metals if preceded by their Samanya Shodhana produces better
results. This time tested exercise certainly brings about
significant changes in metallic properties of metals. Performing
only Vishesha Shodhana or only Samanya Shodhana is not
A comparative anticancer activity
of roots of plumbago zeylanica
(invitro) collected from himalaya's
and western ghats
Rajesh Sharma, Shradha Nayak, Ajit Saxena(1)
1. Indian institute of Integrative Medicine
Purpose: Cancer is marked by the uncontrolled growth of cells,
often with invasion of healthy tissues locally or throughout the
body. It is the second cause of death worldwide after the
cardiovascular diseases. Cancer prevalence in India is estimated
to be around 2.5 million, with over eight lakh new cases and
5,50,000 deaths occurring each year. In Ayurveda the properties
of word Arbuda are mostly similar with the word cancer so it can
be correlated with it. In Ayurveda there are so many herbal drugs
which are said to be in the treatment of arbuda, etc. Among all
drugs chitraka is also told in the treatment modality , and also
reported for its anticancer activity. in Ayurveda it is mentioned
that the drugs grown in Himalayas are more potent than the
others. The study has been under taken for accessing the potency
of the drug by performing its anticancer activity on 5 different
cancer cell lines.
Method: The roots of Chitraka were collected from the Belgaum
region and Jammu region and authentication was done at ICMR
belgaum and IIIM Jammu. Extraction of the drug was done at
C.R.F (AYUSH) KLEU'S B.M.K Ayurveda college Belgaum. Six
extracts were made from the two samples (hydrolic, alcoholic,
hydro alcoholic). Anticancer activity was done IIIM Jammu by
using S.R.B Assay against 5 different cancer cell lines in 5
Result: Among the six samples, the hydro alcoholic extract
(Jammu) shows the highest growth inhibition on HCT colon
cancer cell lines.
Conclusion: After conducting the anticancer activity of both the
samples we come to know that the sample of Jammu region is
more potent than the sample of Belgaum region, which also fits
under the Ayurvedic principle that the Himalayan drugs are more
potent than the others.
Simple spectrophotometric
methods for standardizing
ayurvedic formulations.
Nimish Vador, Bhavesh Vador, Rupali Hole
Purpose : There are more than 6000 herbal manufacturers in
India. More than 4000 units are producing Ayurvedic medicines,
out of which 95% are small scale industries which lacks expertise
in standardization and quality control methods mainly due to
insufficient funds. There should be simple methods available for
the small scale industries which can maintain batch to batch
consistency. HPTLC/ HPLC involve lot of cost and high level of
skilled expertise is required. Spectrophotmetric methods
developed in our laboratory involves simple and cost effective
method for quality control and to maintain batch to batch
consistency of ashavas arishta being manufactured. The
procedure is versatile and can be used for standardization of
other dosage forms.
Method : Samples of Ashokarishta, Dashmularishta and Balarishta
were selected because they are most selling product in market.
Samples of different manufacturer and in house were collected,
care was taken to match the manufacture date of the product. As
per the preliminary experiments all the asav arishta were diluted
with water and following parameters were estimated using
double beam spectrophotometer, Total Phenolics, Total Alkaloids,
Total Flavonoids and Total Saponins. Apart from the above
parameter, pH, Sugar percentage, Test for Methanol and specific
gravity were also estimated.
Result : The spectrophotometric methods developed at our end
showed good linearity with the standards. Various
phytoconstituents (total phenolics, total flavonoids, total saponins
and total alkloids) estimated in different samples of different asav
aristha. There was not much variation in the pH, Specific gravity,
Sugar % but there was variation the various phyto constituents
Conclusion : The spectrophotometric methods for the
quantification of various phytoconstituents developed in the
laboratory of Ayurchem Products are simple and can be
implemented as quality control methods in conjunction with
other analytical methods. These quantitative analytical methods
can not only be applied to asav aristha but also to various other
Standard manufacturing procedure
of hridayarnava rasa - a
herbo-mineral formulation
Chandrashekhar Jagtap
Purpose : Along with herbal drug industry, popularity and
demand of herbo mineral formulations are increasing day by day.
Many Ayurvedic pharmacies are preparing these formulations on
large scale. Therefore the need of the hour is to standardize their
manufacturing procedure on laboratory scale so that these
observations can be reproducible on large scale production also.
With this aim, this study was carried out to set the standard
manufacturing procedure (SMP) for the famous herbo mineral
compound formulation, Hridayarnava Rasa (HR), which is widely
used in the treatment of cardiac disorders.
Method : It was prepared by the reference of AFI I 20:55.
Samaguna Kajjali was prepared from Shuddha Parada and
Gandhaka. Tamra Bhasma [TB] (calcined ash of copper) was
prepared by the reference of Rasaratnasamuuchaya 5/53. Five
batches of HR were prepared for the standardization purpose.
100g Kajjali and 100g TB were taken and triturated. One Bhavana
(wet trituration) of Triphala Kwatha [TK] (decoction of three
myrobalans) was given followed by one Bhavana of Kakamachi
Swarasa [KS] (expressed juice of Solanum nigrum Linn.
Physicochemical parameters like loss on drying (LOD), ash value,
acid insoluble ash etc were carried for three batches as per
pharmacopoeial standards.
Result : Average 18g (9%) and 27.6 g (13.8%) increase in weight
was observed after one Bhavana of TK and KS respectively. On an
average, weight of HR obtained was 227.6 g. Average values of
LOD, ash value, acid insoluble ash, water soluble extractive,
alcohol soluble extractive and pH were 0.93%, 39.53%, 99.09%,
9.24%, 4.56%, and 6 respectively.
Conclusion : Data obtained from the present study is
reproducible. Thus SMP of HR has been developed. To avoid the
batch to batch variation, this SMP may be applied to large scale
production of HR. The values of physicochemical parameters can
be taken for quality assurance.
Comparative antioxidant activity of
enzymatic and non-enzymatic
extracts of curcuma angustifolia
Yogamaya Dhal(1), Rajani Kanta Sahu, Bandita Deo
1. Regional plant resource centre
Purpose : Antioxidants have been reported to prevent oxidative
damage caused by free radicals.To keep the levels of active
oxygen species under control, plants have non enzymatic and
enzymatic antioxidant systems to protect cells from oxidative
damage.The genus Curcuma under the Family Zingiberaceae
comprises of over 80 species of rhizomatous herbs. Among them,
Curcuma angustifolia Roxb. is commonly known as East Indian
arrowroot. It belongs to family Zingiberaceae which shows active
antioxidant enzymes like catalase, guaicol peroxidase, glutathione
peroxidase and superoxide dismutase which have various
biological activities.
Method : Both the enzymatic and crude extracts of the rhizome
and leaves of this plant have been analyzed for their free radical
scavenging activity in different in vitro systems, e.g. DPPH radical
scavenging activity, hydroxyl radical scavenging activity and total
antioxidant activity. The free radical scavenging activities were
compared with a standard antioxidant, ascorbic acid.
Result : The DPPH radical scavenging activity was found to be
53.1± 0.4 with 200µg/ml of the crude extracts and 40.2± 0.03
with 220µg/ml of the enzymatic extracts respectively. The
maximum antioxidant activity were found in catalase, superoxide
dismutase and glutathione peroxidase enzyme respectively where
as the guaiacol peroxidase shows poor antioxidant activity. The
hydroxyl radical scavenging activity was found to be 47.23±0.02
with 50 µg/ml in the crude extract while the enzymatic extact is
not effective in the scavenging of OH radical.The total antioxidant
activity was found to be 110± 0.4(mg AE /g) and 85.2 ± 0.3 (mg
TE/g) with 100 ¼l of the crude extracts.
Conclusion : Therefore, it is suggested that C. angustifolia Roxb.
could be a potential source of natural antioxidant that could have
great importance in therapeutic agent in preventing or slowing
down the progressive ageing and age associated oxidative stress
related degenerative diseases.
Comparative physico-chemical
analysis of vyoshadi vati w.s.r to
market samples
Arun Havinal, Rajendraswami Hiremath
Purpose: Quality assurance is prime factor for the Ayurvedic
formulations. Vyoshadi vati is a unique polyherbal formulation
being used frequently for the management of Pratischaya, Pinasa,
Kasa, Shwasa, Swarabheda etc. This formulation consists of 13
herbal drugs i.e. Vyosha, Jeerak, Amlavetas, Tintidaka, Chavya,
Chitraka, Talispatra, Twak, Ela, Tamalapatra and Guda. In relation
to quality assurance, two market samples of a poly herbal
formulation Vyoshadi Vati are selected from GMP certified
pharmaceutical companies and comparative Physico chemical
analysis been carried out.
Method: To carryout Physico chemical analysis of Vyoshadi vati,
standard parameters has been applied as per Pharmacopeial
Standards for Ayurvedic Formulations like Organoleptic
characters, Loss on drying, Total Ash, Acid insoluble ash, Alcohol
soluble extractive, Water soluble extractives, TLC and for Vati
analysis, Uniformity of weight, Hardness test, Tablet
Result: In Physico Chemical analysis, percentage of Aqueous
Extract of Sample A is 69.6% w/w which is higher than Sample B
i.e. 49.6%w/w and Alcoholic Extract of Sample B is 36.8%w/w
higher than Sample A i.e. 23.2%w/w. In TLC study, Sample A
shown less bands compared to Sample B. In tablet analysis,
Sample A hardness is 7.75 kg/gm but disintegration time 22 min
whereas Sample B hardness is 3.7 kg/gm but disintegration time
is 47 min. All other analytical data's are nearly similar to each
Conclusion: Comparative physico chemical analysis of market
samples of Vyoshadi vati have shown differences in alcohol and
aqueous extracts and TLC profile. The time of disintegration of
Sample B is more than Sample A. Hence there is need to analyze
such formulations which are prepared under single heading and
need to standardize and to check their quality with respect to
their active ingredients for the benefit of consumers.
Development of moon shine cream
wsr to shalmali (Bombax cieba)
Suresh Kalappanavar, Mahadev, Udaykumar Bolmal
1. Gundakalle
Purpose : So many herbal and herbomineral preparations are
mentioned for cosmetology in the form of Kalka, Lepa, Pradeha,
Taila etc. Which are both cost effective and time effective, only
the problem with their lesser shelf life and stability. In this
present era there is a need to develop and change the dosage form
of such formulations as per the consumers demand by adopting
newer pharmaceutical technology. Shalmali (Bombax cieba) is
one of the potent herbal drug included under Priyangwadi Gana
therapeutically indicated for mukhakaantikara in the form of
lepa. Lepas are having only 24 hrs self life so that the present
study intended to develop the Moonshine cream formulation by
using the Alcoholic extract of Shalmali(Bombax cieba) Kantaka.
Cream can be successfully use to deliver and holds nutrients and
medication on skin surface.
Method : Collection: Shalmali kantakas are collected from natural
habitat. Identification and quality assessment made by the
experts in the field. Physico chemical analysis : Ash value, Acid
insoluble ash,Loss on drying ,Inorganic elements detection by
titration method. For Preliminary Phytochemical analysis
Ayurvedic Pharmacopiea standards are adopted. Method of
extraction: By Solvent extraction method . Development:
Development of Moonshine cream by Ethanol extract of shalmali
thorn, adopting cream base method containing stearic acid, white
petroleum, stearyl alcohol, propyl paraben, methyl paraben,
glycerin, SLS, Di sod EDTA, water. Test for the Assessment of
Cream: viscosity, stability, spreadability are adopted .
Result : Physico chemical analysis of Shalmali kantaka(Bombax
cieba throns) reveals that Ash value (1.66% w/w), Acid insoluble
ash (0.01% w/w), Loss on drying (6.8% w/w). Inorganic elements
like Iron, Chloride, carbonates were positive. Moon shine cream
assessed with standard parameters are within the normal limits
as according to standards.
Conclusion : We can successfully developed Moonshine cream by
Shalmali kantaka and it shows better results.
Development of Keshya lotion with
ethanolic extract of Japa kusum
(Hibiscus rosa sinensis L.,flower )
Comparative physico - chemical
analysis of Talisadichurna w.s.r to
market samples
Baby Ghaneriwala, Udayakumar Bolmal, Mahadev
Gundakalle, Kadappa Gudaganatti
Prabhavati Kichadi, Mahadev Gundakalle, Kirankumar
Purpose : Hair loss is a dermatologic disorder and the surge for
discovering natural products with hair growth promoting
potential. Hair loss or alopecia, is a common patient complaint.
Natural products in the form of herbal formulations are available
on the market and are used as hair tonic, hair growth promoter,
hair conditioner, hair cleansing agent, antidandruff agents. A
number of herbal products have been acclaimed with hair growth
promoting activity. Even though there is a need to develop still
more such preparations by increasing their shelf life with
increasing potency. The present study intended to develop
Keshya lotion by ethanolic extract of Japa kusum (Hibiscus rosa
sinensis L.,flower )
Purpose: The World Health Organization has recognized the
contribution and value of the herbal medicines used by a large
segment of the world’s population. A growing interest in usage
has created the need for greater precision in preparation and
evaluation and has stimulated research into herbal medicines'
various uses and applications. There is a need to assure the safety
of widely used herbal medicines while also facilitating the search
for new pharmaceutical products. The application of evaluation
principles by modern science to a tradition of herbal medicine
that is still extremely vibrant and of growing interest throughout
the world. The attempt has been made to check the comparative
physico chemical properties of Talisadi churna ( Prepared in
House) w.s.r to market samples.
Method : Japa flower collected from natural habitat and are dried
in shadows Ethanolic extract of Hibiscus rosa was extracted and
its preliminary phytochemical study was carried out. As per the
standard preparation of Keshya lotion was prepared in different
steps Step 1: 1% of extract of flower of H. rosa added to 0 .01 of
methyl paraben sodium is mixed as preservative. Step 2: Boiling
water is to be added to Glyceryl mono stearate and stirred well
till a homogenous solution is formed and it cool down to 400 C.
Step 3: Mixture of 1% of extract of flower of H. rosa and 0.01 of
methyl paraben sodium (Step I) is added to warm homogenous
solution (Step 2) and to be stirred continuously. Physico chemical
parameters was done as per standard
Result : In Preliminary phytochemical study carbonates, sodium,
potassium, iron, sulphate and chloride were present. The
evaluation of Keshya lotion is done on different parameters of
lotion like PH, viscosity, stability, and sedimentation the lotion
shows good consistency and good appearance.
Conclusion : Ayurvedic formulations can be modified like Keshya
lotion with proper acceptability by increasing stability period
than the classical formulations.
Method: Qualitative and quantitative estimation of Talisadi
churna carried as per the specification of CCRAS. Test for total
ash, acid insoluble ash, loss on drying, alcohol & water soluble
extractives, TLC & fluorescence analysis are carried out.
Result: In the Analysis of total ash, acid insoluble ash, loss on
drying, alcohol & water soluble extractives all the sample shows
similar properties. In TLC study Maximum spots are found in the
Inhouse sample WSR to Market samples. Fluorescence analysis
reveals that all the samples shows different colours. In TLC study
Inhouse sample shows more spots than the maket samples .
Conclusion: All the samples of Talisadi churna (in house and
market) matches with each other in the qualitative analysis.
Shows differences in the quantitative analysis. TLC study reveals
that remarkable changes are seen in inhouse sample compared
with market samples which may be due to collection, cultivation
and processing techniques applied. Their is a need to develop
standards in the view of quality assurance of Ayurvedic
formulation to show better therapeutic efficacy with lesser
adverse drug reaction i.e safety point of view.
Standardization of ayurvedic
formulation ‘eladi vati’
Ashish Singhai, Sarang Jain, Umesh K. Patil , Anupam K.
1. Rajeev Gandhi Prodyogiki Mahavidyalaya, College of Pharmacy,
2. Peoples Institute of Pharmacy and Research, 3. Barkatullah
University, Department of Pharmacy
Purpose: Contamination, deterioration and variation in
composition problem of herbal medicines can be resolved by
developing physico chemical fingerprints for the standardization
of the drugs and comparing them with the reference authentic
drugs, variation between preparations from different companies
and by evaluating batch to batch changes during long term
Method: In present context we had standardized the ayurvedic
preparation Eladi vati by using chemical markers. This vati and
individual herbs had been evaluated for various physicochemical
parameters, in process evaluation parameters, TLC (as
identification of active principles), quantitative determination of
marker compounds by HPLC method, determination of microbial
contamination and toxic heavy metals by Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer. The piperine, gallic acid and glycyrrhizic acid
were quantitatively determined.
Result: The results obtained with individual herbs had been
compared with standards and results obtained with formulation
had been compared with the other similar vati formulations
available in the market. The results are almost alike in the
Piperine, Glycyrrhizic acid and Gallic acid content. The
concentration of heavy metals and microbial contamination were
found under limit in ppm and colony forming units per gm
Conclusion: The method can be suggested for effective quality
control of herbal products and will establish standardization
parameters for identification, quantification and purity
A review on role of samskara in
alteration of properties of dravyas
Devang Vala
Purpose: Samskara has been enumerated as one of the ahara
vidhi vishesha ayatana by maharshi Caraka. It is one among
paradi gunas which plays an important role in pharmaceutics &
therapeutics. In preparation of formulations of desired quality
samskaras have a pivotal role to play. It is said that samskara
brings about alteration in properties (guna) of dravya.
Mechanism of alteration of properties has not been clearly
described anywhere in classical texts. Hence to evaluate
mechanism of samskara in alteration of properties, this review is
being carried out.
Method: Two postgraduate level works on samskara have been
carried out in Department of Basic principles IPGT&RA, Jamnagar
in year 2004. Both of these works have been studied, analysed
and evaluated to fulfil purpose of the study. Both these works
adopted method of open clinical trials on different pathological
conditions. Haritaka with different samskaras was selected as a
trial drug in one and in another samskarita and asamskarita
yavaga was administered. Both of the works adopted random
sampling method for grouping of patients.
Result: Both the scholars used unpaired‘t’ test for evaluating
statistical significance. In first work, it was observed that different
samskaras altered properties of haritaka. Peshita haritaka shows
statistically highly significant effect (P<0.001) on normalizing
consistency of stools and frequency of defecation in comparison
to asamskarita haritaka. Same way svinna haritaka also shows
statistically highly significant results on satisfaction in process of
defecation and stool consistency in comparison to asamskarita
haritakas. In second work no significant difference was observed
between samskarita and asamskarita yavagu for anulomana
Conclusion: By reviewing the works and results of the clinical
study it was concluded that samskara has definite effect in
alteration of properties.
A Comparative study of
preparation of Traditional Rice
Beer in Assam W. R. T. Ayurveda
Recent Advances in
Pharmacoclinical Aspect of
Punarnava Mandoora
Priyasha Lahon , Tripti Das
Shripathi Acharya.G
Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital Guwahati-14, Assam
Dean, Dept of PG Studies,MIAMS, Manipal.
Introduction: Assam is a land of largest no of ethnic tribes which
had an intricate life totally dependent on forest plants. It is a land
of hills and mountains with hardworking people, who maintain
their health though many health traditions. One of them is the
preparation and consumption of rice beer which is concluding
part of the daily diet.
Ayurvedic formulations are popularly used by physicians all over
India. Most of them are herbomineral and having least side effects
even after prolonged use. They can be easily prepared and can be
preserved for many years. These medications are not only curing
the diseases but also improving the general condition and health
status of the individual. They are usually prescribed after
evaluating Dooshya, Desha, Bala, Kala, Anala, Prakriti, vayas,
Satva, Satmya, Ahara and Avastha in a patient. Hence they are
usually helpful in eradicating the diseases permanently
(Apunarbhava Chikiitsa). Punarnava Mandoora is one such
preparation which is used mainly in Pandu, Kamala,
Pleehavriddhi, Udararoga, Shotha, Dourbalya, Shoulya,
Sandhigata Vata, CRF, NS, etc. It mainly contains Mandoora
bhasma, Punarnava, Trivrit, Triphala, Dantimula, Katuki and
Gomootra. Most of the drugs here are antianaemic, diuretic,
Purgative, Malavatanulomana, anti-inflammatory, rasayana, etc.
This paper includes the pharmacoclinical aspect of Punarnava
Mandoora in detail. Punarnava Mandoora is described in
Panduroga dhikara of Bhaishajya Ratnavali. Main ingredients of
this formulation are Mandoora bhasma, Gomutra, and Triphala. It
is mainly used in Panduroga, Kamala, Udararoga and Shotha.
Ayurvedic formulation is developed by vast experience by the
sages of India. They are given in patients and developed after
keen observation by the effects of the drugs. These formulations
are not having any side effects but show side benifits when
prescribed ideally. The formulation contains mainly Mandoora
Bhasma, Gomutra, Triphala and Vidanga. These drugs are having
the actions like Diuretic, Anti-anaemia, Iron supplement,
Antistress, Adaptogen, Laxative, Balya, Rasayana, Krimighna,
Raktaprasadhaka, Anticancer, Antitoxic and Immuno modulator,
etc. Punarnava Mandoora is effective in Pandu, Kamala,
Haleemaka, Shotha, Udararoga, CRF, NS, DM, Cirrhosis of Liver,
OA, IHD, CCF, Pulmonar Edema, LVF, etc.
Methodology:It is prepared with rice as the main ingredient. Rice
is soaked in water for several days to let it ferment, where a few
herbs (local) are added. Each tribe has their own method of
distillation process. However, the raw materials are more or less
the same. The liquors made in Assam by different ethnic
communities are Zou (bodo), Aapong (Mishing), Xaaj (Axom and
Tiwa), Hor (Karbi), Photika (Kachari) etc.
Discussion:According to the procedure of preparation – “Rice
beer” can be compared with “Prassanna”, the clear supernatant
fluid of “Sura” as described in Sharangadhar Samhita, Uttara
Khanda. The quality (Guna) of Prassanna is observed to be similar
with rice beer. But still a thorough research work on this pearl of
ancient wisdom of Assam should be done for the benefit of
mankind towards disease free future.
Dalbergia lanceorea (gaurakh) in
the treatment of rheumatoid
arthritis (amavata)
Himanshu Bhushan Varma
Purpose: A study on posology and drug toxicity with ref. to
Dalbergia lanceoria (gaurakh) in treatment of rheumatoid
Method: The anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritis effect of the
total alcoholic extract of the drug was verified on three
experimental model, carragheeinen induces hind paw enema,
formalin arthritis and granulosa pouch. The model is the
representative of acute and sub-acute inflammation. Preliminary
pharmacological studies of the drug have been done and known
significant effect has been observed on respiration and blood
pressure. However it showed relaxant effect over smooth muscle
but no effect on skeletal muscle. Experimental studies where
followed by clinical trial. The drug has been tried both in the
traditional form of avaleh and as tablet. Satisfactory response was
observed. These result has been compared with those of other
indigenous medicine of repute. No toxic symptom or side reaction
could be detected during the study.
Result : Through the present work two fold aim has been
achieved, firstly the ancient approach toward standardisation of
doses and toxicity of drug has been critically studied in the light
scientific development , secondly further work has been done on
Dalbergia lanceoria and interesting drug for treatment
rheumatoid arthritis.
Conclusion: Till now the work especially clinical has been done
only on crude form. Here an attempt has been made with success
to try its total extract both experimentally and clinically sugar
coated tablet prepared form the total alcoholic extract. This form
of the drug may be used in clinical practice for treating cases
Rheumatoid arthritis.
An experimental study to evaluate
the effect of viruddha-ahar with
special reference to ghee & honey
Trupti Jain, Sangeeta Gehlot(1)
Purpose : Viruddha Ahar has been mentioned as one of the
important and basic etiological factor in causation of diseases.
There are various combination mentioned in Ayurvedic texts
which are said to have an antagonistic effect on dhatus. Ayurvedic
literature as well as Puranas have revealed that Sarpi (Ghi) &
Madhu (Honey) if given in combination of equal quantity
produces harmful effects just like poison. Thus above said
combination was selected for experimental study to explore the
rationalities, justifying both by the weight & combination.
Method : An experimental study was conducted on mice to
evaluate the effect of combination of Ghee & Honey. Thirty two
mice were taken and randomly allocated into four groups. Group I
was served as control whereas Group II (trial) were given Ghee
and Honey in equal quantity daily. Group III mice were given
Sarpi (Ghee) and Madhu (Honey) in 3:1 proportion while in Group
IV mice, Sarpi & Madhu were given in 1:3 proportion. Total
duration of study was three months. Assessment was done on the
basis of different parameters like observation of general signs,
weight certain haematological & histopathological examination.
Result : Intake of Ghee and Honey in different proportion showed
harmful effects on mice like irritability, dullness, lethargy, weight
loss and skin manifestations with hair loss.
In haematological examination SGOT & SGPT were found
increased as compared to control group. On histopathological
examination liver tissue showed congestion, focal necrosis, fatty
infiltration, ballooning and degeneration in all trial groups. And in
skin markedly decreased pilosebaceous unit was observed.
Conclusion : Administration of Ghee and Honey (Viruddha ahara)
in different proportion produces adverse effects on mice. This
proves the textual contraindiction of combination of Ghee and
Honey (Viruddha ahara).
Sub-chronic safety evaluation of
ayurvedic immunostimulant
formulation immuforte in rats in
reverse pharmacology
Rohit Dhumal, Mukesh Chawda, Mahesh Vahlia, Geeta
Vanage, Nilakash Selkar
1. Shree Dhooptapeshwar Ayurvedic Research Foundation
Purpose : The present study was undertaken to assess proper
detoxification of metals constituents of Immuforte and to
determine target organ safety, establish relationship between
dose or exposure and response and also identify potential
parameters for monitoring adverse effects in clinical studies, if
any.Immuforte is a herbo mineral ayurvedic product to be used as
an immunostimulant in human patients suffering from diseases
causing immunosuppression. A 90 day repeated dose preclinical
safety study of the same has been carried out in rats.
Method : Ten males and ten females, were assigned to the
following five groups consisting of a control, three treatment
groups and a satellite/recovery group namely Group I (vehicle
control; gum acacia), Group II (120 mg/kg BW of Immuforte in
gum acacia), Group III (360 mg/kg BW of Immuforte in gum
acacia) and Group IV (600 mg/kg BW of Immuforte in gum
acacia). A satellite group or recovery group (600 mg/kg BW of
Immuforte in gum acacia) containing 5 males and 5 females were
also included which was sacrificed 15 days after the termination
of study.
Result : The results showed significant decrease in percent
lymphocyte count of high and mid dose groups as compared to
control group. The percent neutrophil counts in all the three
treated groups of male and female rats were found to be
significantly higher than that of control group (P< 0.05). In
females MCV values in low dose and mid dose were significantly
higher as compare to control (P< 0.05). The males from low dose
group showed significant decrease in total serum protein,
globulin, electrolytes, direct bilirubin, creatinine levels whereas in
mid dose group along with albumin, globulin. A significant
decrease in AST (and cholesterol was observed. In females,
significant decrease was observed in total protein and globulin of
low dose and mid dose of Immuforte treated rats (P< 0.05).
Though few hematological and biochemical parameters were
different from control group no does related response was
observed and further, all these values were comparable with
historical control data of the colony. Terminal body weight, organ
weight, gross and histopathology did not reveal any toxicity
related any adverse effects. Heavy metal analysis of the blood
samples collected from terminally sacrificed animals did not show
presence of heavy metals viz Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Cadmium
(Cd) and Arsenic (As).
Reconfirmatory evaluation of loha
bhasma vis-a-vis Fe2O3 and
allopathic iron supplements
Ramacharya Gudi, Mahesh Vahalia, Mukesh Chawda, KS
Thakur, Sampath Vemula
Purpose : Bhasmikaran process, an unique latest manufacturing
technology, requiring expertise and experience, is one of the
important processes described in Ayurvedic scriptures to make
the metallic ingredients more effective and safe. To document the
importance of Bhasmikaran process, this study was designed. The
aim of this study was to assess 3 different samples of Loha
bhasma (Ayurvedic iron containing preparation of SDL) for their
physicochemical properties, XRD spectrum and importantly to
assess their comparative hematinic activity vis a vis Abhraloha
(Ayurvedic hematinic containing Loha bhasma of SDL), Fe2O3
and 2 other standard allopathic iron supplements.
Method : Three different samples of Loha bhasma (I, II & III),
having different method of preparation were evaluated for their
physicochemical properties, XRD spectrum and a
pharmacological study was conducted in iron deficient diet
induced anemia in Wistar rats.
Result : All three Loha bhasma samples complied with Ayurvedic
standards (SDS) for Loha bhasma and had different proportion of
elemental iron. XRD study revealed all 3 batches contain same
chemical moiety i.e. Fe2O3. The three Loha bhasma samples and
Abhraloha showed statistically significant (p<0.01) hematinic
acitvity based on Hemoglobin, Serum Iron, TIBC & Serum ferritin
levels in iron deficiency anemia in Wistar rats as compared to the
anemic control, Fe2O3 and 2 other allopathic iron supplement
treated groups. Among three Loha bhasma samples, Loha bhasma
II sample exhibited highest hematinic activity and the rats treated
with Loha bhasma samples & Abhraloha did not show any side
effects i.e., constipation or diarrhea, which were observed in
Fe2O3 and other 2 standard allopathic iron supplements.
Conclusion : The results of the present study indicate that
Ayurvedic "Bhasmikaran" process has a definite role in improving
the bioavailability of iron from three different samples of Loha
bhasma and Abhraloha vis a vis Fe2O3 and 2 other standard
allopathic iron supplements.
Conclusion : The results of the present study demonstrated that
Immuforte does not cause any observable toxicity at doses used in
the study when administered for the period of 90 days and is safe
for the human use.
Preclinical studies of
hepatoprotective and
anti-hyperlipidemic potential of
ayurvedic drug achyranthus aspera
husk and its crude saponins in
Ajay Sharma, Jyoti Sharma, Rajesh Joshi(1), Ashutosh(2) ,
Vinod Dixit(3)
1. Department of Phytochemistry, Regional Medical Research
Centre (ICMR), Belgaum, Karnataka 590 010, 2. Department of
Pharmacy, M. L. N., Medical College, Allahabad, 3. Department of
Pharmacy, Dr. H.S. Gour University, Sagar (M.P.)
Purpose: To evaluate herbal potential of achyranthus aspera in
treatment of hyperlipidemic condition and check their effects on
liver tissues and aorta.
Method: Study was performed in experimental albino rats by
using established model of screening on anti hyperlipidemic
drugs for acute and chronic studies as Triton induced model for
acute studies and diet induced model for chronic studies.
Result: Ethanolic extract of husk (100 and 200 mg/kg body
weight) of Achyranthus aspera as well as saponins (10 mg/kg
body weight) isolated from its husk were investigated for lipid
lowering activity on Triton induced and high fat diet induced
model. Serum lipids were found to be lowered in both models and
data were analysed statistically significant. In acute studies of
Triton induced model ethanolic husk extract (100 and 200 mg/kg
body weight) decrease serum total cholesterol, triglyceride and
LDL cholesterol levels by 21.95% and 44.00%, 25.13% and
28.15%, 50.33% and 36.93% respectively. While isolated
saponins (10 mg/kg body weight) decreases serum total
cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels by 20.96%,
47.62% and 23.17%, while HDL level increased in ethanolic
extract with above dose was 2.67% and 6.56% and in case of
saponins it was found to be 5.96%. In chronic studies of high fat
diet induced model Ethanolic extract of husks (100 and 200
mg/kg body weight) decrease serum total cholesterol,
triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels by 40.71% and 46.77%,
23.95% and 37.27%, 56.49% and 65.50%. In case of saponins (10
mg/kg body weight) decrease was in serum total cholesterol,
triglyceride and LDL cholesterol level by 48.21%, 29.47% and
72.26%. Increase in the level of HDL cholesterol in ethanolic
extract (100 and 200 mg/kg body weight) and saponins (10
mg/kg body weight) was found to be 50.40%, 64.38% and
85.40% respectively.
Formulation & Evaluation of
herbomineral natural hair colorant
Anita Wanjari
Purpose : Irrespective of age, Graying of hairs (pallitya) has
become a crucial problem in the present era. The varied reasons
like genetic factor, environmental factor, life style, faulty food
habits etc. are causative factors. To overcome the problem of
Pallitya many synthetic dyes are used by the community. But
these dyes are having chief disadvantage of producing
hypersensitivity in some individuals. The efficacy of different
formulations was assessed ,on the white hairs procured from
Barber's Shop. After that sensitivity was tested on human being.
To formulate the herbomineral natural hair Colorant, To find out
the efficacy of the different groups as a natural hair colorant, To
asses the sensitivity .
Method : In the present study the combination of herbomineral
colorant was formulated. For that Madayantika / Heena &
Mandur bhasma were common drugs in the formulation &
addition of kashtaushadhi from Keshranjana Gana i.e.
Aamrashthi Phala Majja, Bibhitak Phala Twak, Bhrungaraj &
Neelika in different proportions was done. Group 1 Heena +
Mandur bhasma + Aamrasthi Phala Majjja, Group 2 Heena +
Mandur bhasma + Bibhitak phala Twaka, Group 3 Heena +
Mandur bhasma + Bhrungaraj, Group 4 Heena + Mandur bhasma
+ Neelika. The efficacy of different formulations was assessed
,on the white hairs procured from Barber's Shop. After that
sensitivity was tested on human being by applying the guase piece
applied with the above formulations at under arm region .
Result : Out of 4 groups, combination of Madayntika, Mandura
bhasma & Neelika is found suitable hair colorant & non sensitive
to human being.
Conclusion : Out of 4 groups, combination of Madayntika,
Mandura bhasma & Neelika is found suitable hair colorant & non
sensitive to human being.
Conclusion: The results were found significant for lowering the
total cholesterl, triglyceride, ldl level and also increasing the hdl
level which is most common abnormality in Indians
Phytochemical screening and
anti-histaminic activity of soymida
febrifuga roxb. (meliaceae) root
Ananta Krushna Palei, Karra Nishteswar
Evaluation of Analgesic Activity of
Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) W. & A.
bark a tribal claim
Anurag Gupta
Method: Anti histaminic activity: (Effect of test drug on the guinea
pig ileum in vitro). A Guinea Pig was sacrificed by cervical
dislocation and a piece of ileum was excised out. It was set up in
an isolated organ bath assembly following the standard
procedure. The physico chemical parameters like LOD, ash value
and extractive value including HPTLC fingerprint shows that all
the values are within the quality range.
Purpose: The aim of the present work was to evaluate the
analgesic activity about tribal claim of Arjuna bark. Although
numerous studies have shown the medicinal values of this plant,
there still remains ample scope for further in depth research. So
far, there is no published report of the analgesic activity of
aqueous extract of T. arjuna bark. Tribal people evolve cures for
most of their ailments by utilizing flora & fauna of their
surroundings. Tribal people's knowledge in medicinal flora of
their surroundings is sound and secure. The major advantage
identified with this tribal medicine is its absolute safety without
side effects which also can be used even in its crude form.
Currently scientists are evincing keen interest in the ethno
medical scientific evaluation of claims. There is a recent trend to
evaluate plant or plant products in experimental animals as a
means of providing experimental or pharmacological basis to the
drugs used in traditional systems of medicine based on their
clinical application.
Result: Phyto chemical screening shows presence of alkaloid,
tannins, glycosides etc. chemical constituents and HPTLC
fingerprint shows the separation of maximum number of
chemical moieties. The results of pharmacology study showed
that (at the dose of 400 mg/ml bath fluid) Soymida febrifuga
Roxb. Root bark is highly effective in inhibiting histamine induced
contractions against 15 mg/ml of histamine.
Method: Charles Foster strain albino rats of either sex; weighing
160 260 Gms and Swiss albino mice of either sex, weighing 26 50
Gms were used for the study. Human dose of the Bark powder of
T. arjuna is 3 gms per day as mentioned in classical texts. The
suitable dose for animal was calculated by extrapolating the
therapeutic dose to rat/mice on the basis of body surface area
ratio by referring to the table of Paget and Barnes.
Conclusion: Hence, it can be concluded that the phytochemical
test parameters can be used as identification tool for this plant
and the root bark of Soymida febrifuga Roxb. having an antihistaminic activity.
Result: Decrease in number of paw licking was observed, An
increase in response time for tail flick in all time slots was
observed, A decrease in latency of onset and number of writhing
syndrome was observed in caparison to control.
Purpose: Many of the indigenous herbal drugs used by the tribes
are little known to the public due to lack of scientific evaluation.
Soymida febrifuga Roxb. Commonly known as Mamsarhohini of
family Meliaceae is a reputed folk medicinal plant. Its root bark
extensively used in treating leucorrhoea, menorrhagia. Present
trial was intended to evaluate phyto chemical and anti histaminic
activity of root bark of Soymida febrifuga Roxb. by the inhibition
of histamine induced contractions on the guinea pig ileum .
Conclusion: It can be inferred that Arjuna bark is potential
analgesic agent in experimental models as shown.
Antimicrobial activity of
tabernaemontana alternifolia
(roxb) leaves and stems on
Hemant Tawale, Vaibhav Shinde , Kakasaheb Mahadik ,
Deepak Wasule , Madhukar Tajne
1. LAD and Smt R P College for Women Cosmetic Technology
Seminary Hills Nagpur
, 2. Department of
Pharmaceutical Sciences R T M Nagpur University Campus
Amravati Road Nagpur
Purpose : The present study was undertaken with an objective to
find out the antimicrobial activity of Tabernaemontana
alternifolia (Roxb). The leaf and stem extracts of plant
Tabernaemontana alternifolia (Roxb.) were investigated for
antibacterial as well as antifungal activity against two bacteria
and one fungi; Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and
Candida albicans.
Method : Antimicrobial activities of plant extracts were
investigated using the Cup plate diffusion method. After this the
Petri plates were observed for the antibacterial as well as
antifungal activity and the zones of growth inhibition around the
disks were measured after incubation.
Result : The leaf extracts showed activity against bacteria
Staphylococcus aureus (Zone of inhibition 20 mm), Escherichia
coli (20 mm) and fungi Candida albicans (12 mm) showed an
increased activity compared to stem extracts. The stem extracts
of the plant Tabernaemontana alternifolia (Roxb) against the test
bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (15 mm), Escherichia coli (18
mm) and the fungi Candida albicans (10 mm) showed an lower
activity than leaf extracts. . The results obtained from this study
support the World Health Organization recommendation as it
provides scientific evidence that the leaf and stem extracts of
Tabernaemontana alternifolia have antimicrobial properties. The
leaf extracts showed a better antimicrobial activity as compared
to stem extracts.
Conclusion : These antimicrobial studies suggest that
Tabernaemontana alternifolia could be a rich source of
antimicrobial agents. The present results further show that there
is some merit in the use of this plant in traditional medicine.
However, further studies with multiple strains of test bacteria and
fungi are recommended to confirm the utility of this plant
extracts as alternative medicine in the war against bacterial as
well as fungal infections. The fact that current dermatophytosis
therapy is associated with considerable adverse effects in some
patients, make these plant derived compounds the subject of
future research.
Anti – secretory and anti –ulcer
activity of yashtimadhu ghrita and
pittantak yoga – An experimental
Sachin Agrawal, Jagadeesh Mitti, K. Shankar Rao
Purpose : The science of Ayurveda, directs towards the different
secretions from gastrum and liver as pitta. Abnormal secretions of
which may leads to acid peptic disorders (APD) which can be
correlated with diseases like amlapitta, annadrava shool and
parinaam shool. If not treated timely it may lead to hematemesis,
melena, perforation etc. 1) To evaluate the gastric anti secretory
and anti ulcer activity of Yastimadhu Ghrita &Pittantak Yoga. 2)
Preparation of Yastimadhu Ghrita & Pittantak Yoga. 3) Physico
chemical analysis of Yastimadhu Ghrita & Pittantak Yoga.
Method : In Ayurvedic pharmaceutics (Bhaishajya kalpana), the
oil preparation (sneha kalpana) provides itself with palatability,
shelf life and higher efficacy. The Ghrita is having the quality of
enhancing the active principles from the drug into the Ghrita
without leaving its own qualities i.e. Antioxidant and lipophilic
action etc. Churna kalpana also proves to be more beneficial due
to better shelf life, quick absorption (due to reduction in size) etc.
On these two principles, two formulations Yastimadhu Ghrita
(anubhoot yoga) and Pittantak yoga from NIA pharmacopeia are
taken for study. Yastimadhu Ghrita and Pittantak yoga are
compared experimentally for its pharmacology with ranitidine
(standard drug) for anti secretory and anti ulcer activity on albino
rats weighing 150 200 gm., in four groups (six rats Evaluation of
anti secretory and anti ulcer activity was done with pylorus
ligated ulcer model and volume of gastric juices, free acidity, total
acidity and pH value was observed by this method and ANOVA
test was applied to analyse the result.
Result : All the three groups had equipotent effect on pH.
Decrease in vol., Free acidity, Total acidity, Ranitidine, 62.98%,
55.4%, 50%, Pittantak yoga, 45.17%, 62.6%, 48.51%, Yastimadhu
Ghrita, 51.22%, 20%, 46.4%
Conclusion : Pittantak yoga and yastimadhughrita have almost
equipotent effect as gastric antiulcer and anti secretory activity.
Effect of cuminum cyminum on
diabetes induced gastric ulceration
in rats: an experimental and
biochemical study.
Nimish Vador, A Jagtap
Purpose : Recent studies indicate that peptic ulcers related to the
diabetic state are more severe and often associated with
complications such as gastrointestinal bleeding. Hence the aim of
study is to evaluate the vulnerability of gastric mucosa to
ulceration in streptozocin induced diabetes in rats and protective
effects of the methanolic extract of Cuminum cyminum (MCC).
Method : Diabetes was produced in adult rat by administering
streptozotocin (60 mg/kg, i.p). The animals showing blood
glucose level > 300 mg/dl after 14 days of STZ administration
were considered as diabetic positive rats. Following studies were
carried out in diabetic positive rats. 1.Effect of duration of
diabetes on gastric ulceration. 2. Effect of duration of MCC
treatment (7 & 14 days after 14 days of STZ administration) on
diabetes induced gastric ulceration. 3.Parameters assessed: Ulcer
score, Blood glucose levels (BGL). 4. Mechanism of action was
studied by evaluating biochemical parameters gastric mucus
production, Mucin ratio and reduced glutathione levels (GSH).
Antioxidant activity was evaluated by measuring lipid
peroxidation levels & catalase activity, pro inflammatory cytokine
TNF ± level.
Result : 1. In normal control rats, 16 hrs fasting neither caused
any macroscopic damage nor affected the amount of total gastric
mucus glycoprotein. In the STZ diabetic rats, however, even 16
hrs fasting caused severe gastric damage and heavy loss of mucus
glycoprotein in all the animals. Severity of damage was
proportional to the duration of diabetes. 2. 14 days treatment of
MCC showed significant decrease in BGL and gastric ulcerations
than 7 days treatment. 3. MCC significantly increased in gastric
mucus production and Mucin ratio, proportional to the duration
of treatment. 4. Significant increase in GSH levels, catalase activity
and decreased TNF ±, lipid peroxidation levels were observed in
MCC treatment (7 & 14 days).
Antimicrobial study of
Shrikanth A. S Sherikar
Purpose : Gandhaka Rasayana was prepared in accordance with
the reference from yogartnakar. Gandhaka as mentioned in our
classics it is one the best drug to treat the skin disease . so to carry
out the antimicrobial property of Gandhakarasayana with
scientifically .
Method : Initially preparation of Gandhaka Rasayana was carried
out followed its physicochemical analysis and invitro evaluation
of its antibacterial activity on two common strains of gram +ve
and gram ve organisms in skin infection.
Result : The antibacterial activity of bactarostatic and bactericidal
effect ascertained by micro broth dilution method, was found
significant against the strains of staph aureus and Staph
epidermidis at concentration of 62.5µg and 125µg respectively
and so also with E coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa at
concentration of 125 µg and 250 µg respectively.
Conclusion : The preparation of Gandhaka Rasayana when
subjected to antimicrobial activity showed significant effect
against the resistant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E
coli. Generally it could have been with the physicians to prescribe
the strong antibiotics against the infections caused by these
organisms. This is an scientific evidence in support of ayurvedic
medicines that they can equal allopathic medicines in combating
bacterial afections.
Conclusion : Diabetes caused deleterious effects on gastric
mucosa. MCC significantly prevented the deleterious effects.
Evaluation of rasayana effect of
vayasthapana drugs
Vijay Ganeshwar Reddy Dinne, Nishteswar Karra
1. IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurved University
Purpose : The present study is designed on the hypothesis that
stress, life style and dietary habits may have an impact on ageing.
It aims to explain how the Vayasthapana drugs effect premature
ageing by promoting mental and physical health, longevity and
also by improving immunity. The study is intended to focus on
how the Vayasthapana drugs clinically help in achieving a sense of
general well being.
Method : The clinical study was carried out on 50 male volunteers
in the age group of 45 55yrs. Vayasthapana (Amrutha, Ahbaya,
Dhatri, Mukta, Jivanti, Atirasa, Mandukaparni and Punarnava)
compound consisting of 8 out of 10 herbs suggested by Acharya
Charaka, in the form of aqueous extract put into capsule form
each of 500 mg and administered with a dosage of 2 caps thrice in
a day for a period of 90 days. The bio chemical investigations,
Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale and other physical and mental
health parameters were assessed before the commencement of
the trial as well as at the end of 90 days. Invitro studies have been
carried out to assess the antioxidant property of vayasthapana
Result : Invitro studies carried out have shown significant anti
oxidant activity. Amongst the biological factors, an improvement
in the lusture of the body, moderate relief from joint pains,
muscular cramps, loss of appetite and constipation are observed.
Mild relief has been observed in anxiety, stress and loss of
concentration. It is observed that there is a significant increase in
Hb%, RBC and Total proteins.
Conclusion : Undoubtedly Rasayana chikitsa is the strength of
Ayurveda to meet the upcoming challenges of age related
degenerative problems. The present study has also confirmed it
and the volunteers who have participated in the study have
reported the feeling of well being with the improvement of bio
chemical indices.
Evaluation of antihyperlipidaemic
activity of arogyavardhini vati in
albino rats fed with high fat diet.
Mahesh Agalave
Purpose: At present, the changes of life style, diet, environment,
work related stress etc. have negatively affected physical &
mental health leading to Hyperlipidaemia. All the medical systems
have drugs & treatment modalities for dyslipidaemia.
Predominant hyper cholesterolemia is treated with one or more
of the cholesterol lowering drugs. But it may cause side effects
like myalgia, asymptomatic increase in creatinine kinase, myositis
etc, Hence medical world is searching for better & new medicines.
Arogyavardhini vati is indicated for the management for
medovridhi vikara (Hyperlipidaemia), this study was undertaken
to assess the hypolipidaemic activity.
Method: Wister strain albino rats, Vanaspati ghee, coconut oil,
Arogyavardhini vati and Atrovastatin formed the materials for
study. 24 Albino rats were divided into four groups, Control Group
I High fat diet (2:3 10 ml/kg/day + 0.18 mg/200gm), Group II
(Test drug with 27mg/200gm bw + HFD), Group III (Test drug
with 108mg/200gm of bw + HFD) and Group IV (Atrovastatin
0.18mg/200gm of bw + HFD). Study period was 60 days. Body
weight and lipid profile were recorded before and after drug
Result: Significant increase in net body weight was observed in G I
and G IV than G II and G III. Decrease in Sr. TC, Sr. TG, Sr. LDL, Sr.
VLDL and increase in Sr. HDL noted in GII, GIII and GIV.
Antihyperlipidaemic Activity with high dose (GIII) was significant
than low dose (GII) and standard (GIV). As a curative GI rats
(Hyperlipidaemia) were included in GV in which high dose of AVV
was administered. In G V significant hypolipidaemic activities i.e.
decrease in Sr. TC, Sr. TG, Sr. LDL, and Sr. VLDL and increase in Sr.
HDL were noted.
Conclusion: Arogyavardhini vati has demonstrated significant
Antihyperlipidaemic Activity than standard drug.
Determination of anti-diabetic
potential of DB 14201 in
streptozotocin induced type I
diabetes mellitus in rats
Evaluation of DB14201 on
prevention of development of
streptozotocin induced diabetes
mellitus in wistar rats
Ankit Gupta, K.V. Pallavi, Rupesh S. Kanhare, G Geetha
Sumit Nagar, Kamaraj M , Rupesh S. Kanhare, Shubham
Dayal, G Geetha Krishnan
1. Dabur Research Foundation
1. Dabur Research Foundation, 22, Site IV, Sahibabad, 2. Innoveda
Biological Solutions (P) Ltd, M-64, Commercial Complex, Greater
Kailash II,
Purpose: Study is part of an ongoing reverse pharmacology
approach in new drug develpement for diabetes. It was designed
to determine anti diabetic potential of DB 14201 in
streptozotocininduced Type I Diabetic rats in a GLP compliant
Method: Male wistar rats of 8 10 weeks and weighing 180 230 gm
were used. After acclimatization, streptozotocin was
administered by intravenous bolus injection. Stabilization period
of 14 days followed screening with Glucose Tolerance Test. 24
rats with fasting glucose > 130mg/dl during the GTT profile were
considered as diabetic and randomized into 3 groups. 8 untreated
wistar rats were considered as non diabetic controls. Group I, the
Non diabetic control group received sterile deionized water in
equivalent volumes to the treatment. Group II, Hyperglycemic
vehicle control group, received Streptozotocin and sterile
deionized water in equivalent volumes to the treatment dose.
Group III, the Hyperglycemic rats receiving DB14201
250mg/kg/day, and Group IV, the Hyperglycemic rats receiving
DB14201 500mg/kg/day, also received Streptozotocin.
Observations comprised of mortality, general cage side and
clinical observations, and weekly blood glucose estimation.
Biochemical parameters estimated on day 1 and day 15 were
Serum Insulin Levels, Serum Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol
Levels, Serum Urea, Serum Creatinine, SGPT levels, SGOT levels,
Hepatic glycogen content, Polyuria, Polydipsia, Polyphagia,
Diarrhea and , Body weight.
Result : After 14 days of continuous treatment with DB 14201 in
500mg/kg treatment group, the blood glucose levels decreased by
85.24% showing a significant (P<0.01) anti hyperglycemic
potential of the test item with reference to the hyperglycemic
control animals. While a decline in blood glucose levels of animals
treated with 250mg/kg of the test item was observed, this was
not found to be statistically significant.
Conclusion: The study clearly demonstrates that DB14201 is able
to effectively bring down blood sugar levels in hyperglycemic rats
after 14 days continuous oral administration and this activity is
seen best at a dose of 500mg/kg/day.
Purpose : Study is part of an ongoing reverse pharmacology
approach in new drug development for diabetes. It was designed
to determine the potential of DB14201 to prevent the
development of Streptozotocin induced Diabetes Mellitus in
Wistar rats.
Method : 35 female Wistar rats were randomized and allocated to
different groups on the basis of body weight. G1 served as non
diabetic control (Negative Control) and G2 served as Diabetic
control (Vehicle Control) and received 10 ml/kg of Milli Q water.
G3 and G4 were treated with 500mg/kg and 250mg/kg of
DB14201 respectively. All the groups were treated orally for 21
days using disposable syringes tipped with an oral gavage needle.
At the end of dosing period, hyperglycemia was induced in G2,G3
and G4 rats by intra peritoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ)
55 mg/kg in citrate buffer (pH 4.5). Fasting blood glucose level
was estimated before induction of diabetes and on 2nd & 7th days
post induction. All animals were observed daily for mortality and
clinical signs of toxicity throughout the experimental period. Body
weight of each animal was recorded daily throughout the
experimental period. On the 8th day post STZ injection, animals
were killed by cervical dislocation. Their pancreatic tissues were
quickly removed. Tissues were washed in normal saline and
visible clots were removed to minimize blood contamination. Part
of the pancreatic tissue was sent for histological evaluation. With
second part of tissue, homogenates was prepared and stored at 70
A°C until the determination of biochemical parameters and
enzyme activity.
Result : Findings of this study strongly demonstrate that DB14201
treatment have prominent role in the prevention of STZ induced
diabetes mellitus.
Conclusion : Result clearly indicates the prophylactic as well as
therapeutic potential of DB14201 in this experimental model.
DB14201 at the dose of 500mg/kg was found to be more
Evaluation of anti hyperglycemic
potential of piper longum
root(linn.) On alloxan induced
diabetic mice
Anand Chaurasia, Debashree Das
Purpose : Since the vedic ages ayurvedic system of medicine has
been known for its exemplary value in the treatment of various
ailments. Diabetes is a chronic medical condition, characterized
by elevated levels of blood glucose (hyperglycemia) leading to
spillage of glucose into the urine. Owing to the increasing
incidence of side effects associated with synthetic oral
hypoglycemic agents, ayurvedic medicines have started to gain
importance in antidiabetic therapy. Present study was aimed to
isolate and evaluate the antidiabetic activity of phytoconstituents
from Piper longum (popularly known as pipali in the ayurvedic
literature) dried roots in alloxan induced diabetic mice.
Method : Diabetes mellitus was induced in overnight fasted (12h)
Albino mice by single intraperitonial injection of freshly prepared
solution of alloxain monohydrate (150mg/kg BW) in physiological
saline followed by administration of 5% glucose in their drinking
water for the first 24 h to counter any initial hypoglycemia.
Treatment with appropriate dose of ethanol extract of Piper
longum started 7days after alloxan injection. At the end of the
selected period of study the blood glucose level, body weight and
lipid profile was evaluated and the data obtained was compared
with those obtained for normal control and diabetic control. All
the data were subjected to ANOVA test.
Result : Bioactive Piper longum extract, on evaluation
demonstrated significant decline in blood glucose content
(P<0.05), along with significantly improved lipid profile in alloxan
induced diabetic mice. Also an improvement was observed in
glycogen content and serum insulin content in the mice fed on the
bioactive extract compared to the control mice. The extract also
was found to counteract weightloss associated with diabetes.
Conclusion : The study thus concludes that Piper longum extract
has a potential hypoglycemic efficacy therefore justifying its use
as antidiabetic agent
Effect of DB14201 on
experimentally induced
uncontrolled diabetes in wistar rats
Archana Vardhan, Kamaraj M, Rupesh S. Kanhare,
Shubham Dayal, G Geetha Krishnan
2. Dabur Research Foundation, 22, Site IV, Sahibabad,, 1. Innoveda
Biological Solutions (P) Ltd, M-64, Commercial Complex, Greater
Kailash II,
Purpose: Study is part of an ongoing reverse pharmacology
approach in new drug development for diabetes. It was designed
to determine the effect of DB14201 on experimentally induced
uncontrolled diabetes in male Wistar rats.
Method: The rats were divided in eight groups namely, (G1) Non
diabetic control, (G2) diabetic control, (G3) test item 250mg/kg,
(G4) test item 500 mg/kg, (G5) Metformin 500 mg/kg, (G6)
Metformin 250 mg/kg, (G7) combination of T.I (250 mg/kg) and
Metformin (250mg/kg) and (G8) combination of T.I (500 mg/kg)
and Metformin (250mg/kg). All groups had 10 animals each
except G1, the non diabetic vehicle control group, which had 5
animals. Hyperglycemia was induced in the all the animals
(except G1) by intraperitoneal injection of STZ at the dose of
65mg/kg. Seven days post STZ induction; all the groups were
treated orally with respective study materials for 21 days using
disposable syringes tipped with an oral gavage needle. Blood
glucose level, body weight, toxic signs and survival rate of animal
was recorded throughout the dosing period.
Result: Amongst all the DB14201 treated groups, G& i.e,
combination of Metformin 250mg/kg and DB14201 250mg/kg
showed maximum efficacy in lowering blood glucose level.
However in the same group mortality rate was high. The body
weight change throughout the study was not significant (<20%)
in all the groups, which nullifies any drug related toxicity.
Remarkable elevation of triglyceride levels in the diabetes
induced groups give the evidence of uncontrolled diabetes. G3 i.e.
DB14201 250mg/kg showed maximum survival rate at the end of
the study. The relative survival percentage in this group was 150,
which is the highest among the treatment groups.
Conclusion: The finding of this study indicates that the test item
DB14201 (250 mg/kg) is could be highly effective in terminal
stage diabetes in increasing the survival rate.
Phytopharmacological screening
and evaluation of phytochemicals
isolated from phyllanthus amarus
and its potential as an effective
Karuna S. Verma(1) , Aparna Awasthi(1)
1. Aeroallergens Immunology & Angiosperms Diversity
laboratory, Department of Post Graduate Studies , 1.
Aeroallergens Immunology & Angiosperms Diversity laboratory,
Department of Post Graduate Studies
Traditional knowledge of medicinal plants has always been traced
to the occurrence of natural products with medicinal properties
and has guided the search for new cures. Phyllanthus amarus is an
important plant of Indian Ayurvedic systems of medicine. The
antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity of various parts
Phyllanthus amarus were assessed in an effort to validate
medicinal potential of this herb. The antioxidant activity of
various parts was determined using DPPH method and was
compared with standard antioxidant. Present study revealed that
the selected plant would exert several beneficial effects by virtue
of its antioxidant potential and could be harnessed in various drug
formulations. In spite of advent of modern drug discovery and
screening technique, traditional knowledge systems have given
class to the discovery of valuable drugs. Medicinal plant parts of
Phyllanthus amarus such as (Roots, leaves, stems and fruits) are
commonly rich in phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids,
phenolic acids, tannins, coumarins and lignins. These constituents
exhibit biological effect such as antioxidant activity. The
antioxidant activity of the plant is mainly due to their redox
properties, which allow them to act as reducing agent, hydrogen
donators, singlet oxygen quencher and metal chelaters.
Phytochemical investigation of
charak parpata "mahonia
Yogendra Pal Kohli
Purpose: Charak parpata, a shrub found in the jungle
surroundings of Ziro valley(6000' altitude) is known as Ta aming
in Apatani tribe of Arunachal Pradesh (NEFA) , N.E. Bharat. Its
roots were used as a yellow dye for cotton fiber and berries,
popular for its pleasant taste, are considered as diuretic and
demulcent in dysentery. One of the authors, in order to screen this
folk medicine, took up its chemical investigation as a Minor
research project under UGC , New Delhi in 1989.
Method: The stems of charak parpata were collected from SIRO
area of Ziro valley and voucher specimen has been deposited in
the VANYA VIGYAN Kendra, Botanical garden of Forest
department, CHESSA (Arunachal Pradesh) under the supervision
of Dr.K.Haridasan. 260 grams of Mahonia napaulensis's stems
were powered and this powder was extracted with methanol for
12 hours. The alcoholic extract was distilled and
chromatographed over silica column, followed by tlc, preparative
tlc, mp determination and spectral studies, it was found to possess
alkaloids, berberine and jatrorrhizine.
Result: After phytochemical investigation of Charak Parpata the
major Reported constituents are Berberine, Jatrorrhizine and
shobakunine.Berberine 0.48% and Jatrorrhizine 0.02% .
Conclusion: All of us have, at one time or another heard of the
ancient system of medicine, the AYURVEDA. But we do not know
much about another type of medicine, which is more ancient,
more widely practiced and equally efficacious at least in the eyes
of adherents; Folk medicine was practiced during the Antharvedic
period; it is still practiced in the twentieth century. The tribals all
over India believe only in folk medicine. Berberine is reported to
be antidiarrheal, antiflamatory , anticonvulsant and berberine
sulphate as antitumor. Jatrorrhizine as CNS stimulant and
hypotensive The authors are of the humble opinion that the
thorough research this folk medicine may lead our search for'
novel compounds’, enhancing our pharmaceutical products export
and medical tourism
Analytical Study of Insulin Plant
Meena Deogade
Purpose: Utilization of herbal remedies for prevention &
management of various risk factors for diabetes: Use of Plant
medicine due to minimum side effect & low cost. Aim: To analyse
powder of Insulin Plant leaves according to modern analytical
method; To apply suitable standards for Insulin Plant by using
modern control techniques; To standardize herbal drug Insulin
Plant for acceptance & globalization of Ayurveda at international
level; To prevent adulteration with the help of accurate
physicochemical values of herb.
Methods: Authentication of drug: Morphology; T.S of leaf.
Analysis of drug: pH value, Loss on drying, total ash, Acid
insoluble ash, Water soluble extract, hin layer chromatography.
Results: Photographs of T.S. of leaf will be present in poster. pH 8,
Total ash 15.5%,Loss on drying 0.48 gm%, Acid insoluble ash
0.1%, Water insoluble ash 0.17%, Water soluble extract 38%,
Alcohol soluble extract 8%, report of TLC is awaited. So it will be
present in poster.
Conclusion: With the help of standardized Physicochemical values
herbal drug Insulin Plant will be accepted & globalized
international level & will be prevent adulteration with the help of
accurate physicochemical values of herb.
Management of anukta vata vyadhi
w.s.r to repititive stress injury- An
observational study
Suma Subramanya
Purpose : Vikaran nama akushalo na jihreeyaat kadachana......
(A.H 12/64). This statement of Acharya Vagbhata gives enough
independence from the point of diagnosis for a physician. In this
view the concept of Anukta Vata vyadhi where in different disease
entities involving pain and those affecting movement can be
considered. Even though these do not have direct textual
reference, an intelligent Vaidya can use his Yukti in establishing
pathogenesis considering Nidana, Dosha, Dushya, Bala, Kala etc.
Gramyadharma which enforces compromised lifestyles has
obviously affected the urban population. The occupational
compulsions where in an individual is forced to engage in Atiyoga
of Indriya leading to gross disturbance in the Anatomy as well as
physiology. Keeping the above points in view a study was chosen
to establish and estimate the effect of occupational typing leading
to repeated stress injury on the structures involved and to come
with effective management of pain, tingling sensation, numbness,
burning sensation and weakness in such injuries.
Method : This is an observational study with pre and post test
design. 20 patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were subjected
to a course of Sthanika Abhyanga with Ksheera Bala Taila
followed by Nadi Sweda with Nirgundi Patra Kashaya for one
week. This was repeated after one week for 7 days. The patients
were taught yogasanas during the second week along with
internal administration of Ashwagandha rasayana at the dose of
10 gms twice daily for 3 weeks.
Result : Statistically significant results were obtained in reducing
the signs and symptoms.
Conclusion : Sthanika Abhyanga and Nadi sweda helped in
reducing the pain by stimulating the release of endorphins the
natural pain killers of the body. Ashwagandha rasayana helped in
improving the bulk of muscles ultimately increasing the
endurance of the muscles.
New alternative therapies in mild
cognitive impairment
Delia Marina Podea
Purpose : Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a frequent clinical
entity, considered today to be a prodromal stage of Alzheimer's
dementia, but not having until now a standardized
pharmacological treatment. The aim of this study is to follow the
outcome of the patients diagnosed with MCI non treated and
treated with nootropics, alternative herbal agents, and
cholinesterase inhibitors.
Method : The study comprises a number of 200 patients (over 60
years) diagnosed with MCI. The patients were evaluated using
MMSE (Mini Mental State Evaluation) at the inclusion into the
study and after 1 year of treatment. The patients were divided in
four different groups: Group A - 50 patients diagnosed with MCI
treated with Piracetamum 1600mg/day, Group B - 50 patients
diagnosed with MCI treated with Rhodiola rosea, 2 capsules/day,
Group C - 50 patients diagnosed with MCI treated with
Galantamine (16mg/day), Group D - 50 patients diagnosed with
MCI non treated
Result : The average of MMSE scores at screening was 23.96
points for group A, 24.16 points for group B, 23.96 for group C and
24.5 points for group D. After 1 year of treatment, cognitive
performance improves with 2.12 points for group A, 1.97 points
for group B, 2.04 points for group C and without any improvement
for group D.
Conclusion : Comparing the outcome of treated and non treated
groups, we observed that the early treatment of mild cognitive
impairment delay the transition to dementia. The outcome of the
treated groups after 1 year of pharmacological treatment was
approximately the same. This study proves the necessity of early
treatment and of the enlargement of therapies in mild cognitive
impairment. The acceptance of nonconventional therapies can
change the relationships between physicians and well educated
patients who more frequently advocate for a broad range of
treatment choices.
Clinical efficacy of mastudhara in
the management of manoavasada
w.r.t depression
Ayurveda for mental health : a
promotive, preventive and curative
Shailendra Shukla
Anjali Goyal, Baldev Kumar Dhiman
Purpose: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of mastudhara in the
management of manoavasada
Purpose : Mental health is a broad spectrum term and it also
includes sensorial and spiritual health because Mana, Indriya and
Atma are interlinked in the process of attainment of knowledge.
Charaka has stated the moola pravarti of an individual is sukha.
Charaka gave definition of sukha in and Sattvasara in Ayurveda does not concern with physical health
only but spiritual and mental health also. The fundamental
definition of health in Ayurveda ( is complete
concomitance with that of W.H.O. both emphasise on physical,
mental, social as well as spiritual health. In Ayurveda a mental
healthy person is said to have Prasanna Atma, Indriya and Manah
( Apart from that Ayurveda elaborates Yama, Niyama,
Pranayama and Yoga. It is necessary to maintain equilibrium
position between Mana and its Vishayas (Arthas) and it is possible
when the Mana is healthy. Role of Ayurveda in the field of mental
health is to be need for exploring in new way, review of literature
related to mental health, treating mental disorders with
Sattvavajaya Chikitsa, pathya, apathya, ahar, vihar etc.
Method: Mastudhara contains Sarpagandha (Rakshoghna,
Nidrajanan, Hridaya Avasada), Ashwagandha (Balya,
Rasayanshukrala, Nidrajanan), Vacha (Medhya, Budhivardhaka,
Bhutaghna), Jatamansi (Medhya, Kanti Balaprada, Bhutaghna),
Dhatura (Madakari), Manasyadi Kwatha along with Ksheerapaka.
The subjective parameters like dysphoric mood, loss of interest,
cognitive impairment, loss of appetite, loss of weight were used to
score clinical outcome. The average clinical improvement was
calculated by proper statistical treatment
Result : Mastudhara proves extremely beneficial as it can be
performed on the OPD & IPD basis, gives significant relief in the
symptoms like dysphoric mood, insomnia, loss of interest etc in
considerably short duration of treatment. Our experience with
this modality has been encouraging as the response is good in
considerably short duration of treatment. The patient improves
gradually after 3 weeks of treatment.
Conclusion : Mastudhara gives significant relief in the symptoms
like dysphoric mood, loss of interest, insomnia etc. the patient
improves gradually after 3 weeks of treatment.
Method : Occult practices methods (Daivavyapashrya Chikitsa),
physiological methods (Yuktivyapashrya Chikitsa) and
pharmacological methods (Sattvavajaya Chikitsa) described in
Ayurvedic classics form the basis of our study for the analytical
review of concept of mental health in Ayurveda.
Result : Excellent results without side effects in treating mental
disorders. Disease related to body and mind are interchangeable.
If we want to recover properly by physique, first of all we would
be promote our mental health and it can be done by ayurvedic
science as Achar Rasayana, Sadvritta palan, proper shodhan and
Panchakarma etc.
Conclusion : Hence it is proved that with the help of Ayurveda, we
can answer the increasing mental ailments in the world.
Mode of action of medhya drugs: a
Bhawana Mehra, Kamal Nayan Dwivedi
1. Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciance, Bhu
Purpose : Memory is combination of power of acquisition
(Grahan), retention (Dharan) and recollection ( Smaran). Vata,
pitta, and kapha are the three psychobiological dimensions
(energy) or biological rhythms regulating the entire functioning
of the human body. Pitta is responsible for understanding and
attaining knowledge due to its Satva, Aashukari and Tikshna
property. Vata is responsible for association of ideas. Kapha
provides stability which is necessary for retention of memory.
Several Central Nervous System disorders (CNS) are often
associated with impairment in cognitive functions. Disorders of
memory can range from mild to severe. It is major health problem
of 21st century. Main objective of this work is to understand the
ayurvedic aspect of learning and memory mode of action of some
medhya drugs W.S.R. Vacha,Shankhpushpi, Endri, Jyotishmati and
Method : A review on available scientific information in terms of
references in classical texts, and Nighantus, chemical constitute,
pharmacological activity is prepared with a view to understand
mode of action of these Medhya dravya.
Result : Pitta is responsible for understanding and attaining
knowledge due to its Satva, Aashukari and Tikshna property. Vata
is responsible for association of ideas. Kapha provides stability
which is necessary for retention of memory. Sheetvirya and
improves retention power and ushna virya drugs enhance power
of acquiring new information and data interpretation.
Conclusion : Ushna virya and sheet virya drugs acts through
different mechanism and enhance cognition. It may provide
parameters for selection of medhya drug in different memory
Preventive and promotive role of
herbs in mental health care.
Swagata Tavhare, K.Nishteswar
Purpose: Ayurveda is an integrated body mind spirit system of life
defines health as a four dimensional state of balance i.e.
Samandoshakatva, Sama agniavastha, Samadhatuavastha and
aatma indriya manaprassanata. The modern pharmaceutical
industry has succeeded in developing many effective anxiolytic,
anti-psychotic, antidepressants drugs which have minimum cure
potential and hazardous side effects. In view of such limitations,
scientists are evincing great interest for evaluating safe and
effective phytomedicine for psychiatric disorders from natural
drugs of alternative medical systems. The incidence of psychiatric
and psychosomatic diseases and stress induced disorders like
ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcer, sexual deviation, alcoholism,
Diabetes mellitus, dermatological reactions etc. has been
increasing world over in recent years. In Ayurvedic classics,
Unmada (Psychosis) and Apasmara (Epilepsy), Atatvabhinivesha,
Gadodwega, Smaronmada are considered as varieties of
manasarogas (Psychiatric illness). Sattvavajaya (Mind control
therapy or Psychotherapy) is included in the management
protocol of mental disorders. Sadvrutta (Moral behavioural
codes) helps to prevent psychiatric diseases and promotes mental
Method: Analysis of drug mentioned in ayurvedic classics and
compilatory works, for prevention and promotion of mental
health is followed by review of classical text and research data
reported in various journals and monographs.
Results: Brahmi, Shankhapushpi, Yashtimadhu, Mandukparni,
Guduchi etc. are mentioned as Medhya herbs in Ayurvedic
classics. In Apasmara treatment, Charaka has mentioned the use
of Rasona, Shatavari, Brahmi, Kushtha. He also suggested
rasayana for increasing Medha (Intelligence) and Agni
(metabolism). Research studies have reported sedative action of
Aegle marmelous (Bilva), Crocus sativus (Kukum), Santalum
album (Chandan), Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha), Curcuma
longa (Haridra), Nordostachys jatamansi (Jatamansi), Acorus
calamus (Vacha), Celastrus panniculatus (Jyotishmati), Rauvolfia
serpentine (Sarpagandha). Herbs such as Asparagus racemosa
(Shatavari), Embelica officinalis (Amalaki), Ocimum sanctum
(Tulsi) are proven as Antistress and adaptogenic drugs. Butea
monosperma (Palasha) is reported to have anticonvulsant
activity. The research compound formulations like Ashtang
ghruta, Ayush 56, Smritisagar rasa, Panchagavya ghruta are also
proven to be clinically effective in mental conditions. The
implementation of principles delineated in Sadvritta and Aachar
rasayana helps in developing positive mental attitude.
Conclusion : For prevention of deterioration of mental health
Medhya Rasayana drugs namely Yashtimadhu, Mandukparni,
Guduchi, Shankhapushpi, Vacha, Brahmi and combination of
Ashwagandha, Amalaki, Gokshur can be prescribed along with
execution of Sadvrutta principles.
Role of panchakarma therapies in
depressive disorder
Ayurvedic management for
adolescent health problems
Mridul Ranjan
Deepak Londhe, Nisha Kumari Ojha, Abhimanyu Kumar
Purpose: Mood disorder is more common than any psychiatric
illness except the organic syndromes. General population is
susceptible to an 8 25% or more incidences of major depression
as a life time risk. The highest rate of suicide occurs in depression,
making this form of psychiatric illness particularly dangerous.
Purpose : Adolescence is the period from the onset of puberty to
the attainment of adult characteristics. The swiftly changing
global conditions are placing great strain on young people,
modifying their behavior and relationship and exacerbating their
health problems. Most of adolescent health problems are result of
their behavioural disorder. The problems of adolescent are multi
dimensional in nature and require holistic approach. Modern
medical science lacks this approach. These adolescent health
problems can be managed very well through Ayurvedic principles
putting due emphases to Prakriti, diet modification, life style
modification and different ayurvedic drugs.
Method: Various researches involving Panchakarma therapy as
the mainstay of the treatment have been conducted throughout
the country in different institutes. In this work, researches
conducted on Manoavsada with Panchakarma as the line of
treatment in the past few years were taken. These works were
conducted at National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur and
I.P.G.T.R.A, Jamnagar. The results were derived from these
research works involving various assessment parameters.
Result: Panchakarma therapy has played a major role in providing
cure to such patients in any stage of mood disorder.
Conclusion: Panchakarma has provided an efficient answer to the
depressive disorders in an effective and long lasting manner as
compared to the other modes of treatments practiced worldwide.
The critical study of dehaprakriti
with specific relation to
intelligency .
Shrikant Ramteke
Purpose : Prakriti is the physico mental mapping of a person.
Present study is an effort to re establish the relation between
deha prakriti and intelligence in individuals and how it varies in
different prakriti using modern and practical methods. The
prakriti of a man is determined by the preponderance or
permutation and combination of Vata, Pitta and kapha at the time
of samyog of shukra and shonit. Vatik prakriti persons have
incoherent habits, their mind is not steady and are sensitive in
nature. They are fast in activities, have hasty initiation. They have
quick acquisition power but with a poor memory. Paittik prakriti
persons are strong, have irritable nature but cool down easily, are
acutely intelligent, possess a good retentive memory. Shleshmik
prakriti persons are predominantly calm, quiet, steady, serious,
self controlled. They take time to understand but when it sinks in
they do not forget easily.
Method : A hypothetical model is formed for adolescent
physiology according to Ayurvedic principle of dosha. Causes for
change in physiology of adolescents are studied & their effect on
dosha is evaluated. Effect of vitiated dosha on physical & mental
health with possible remedies to treat the vitiated dosha by using
ayurvedic principles is described.
Result : According to ayurveda adolescence is sandhi kala
between children and adults. In this phase of life dominance of
kapha dosha starts declining with slow rise in pitta dosha.
Imbalance in dosha results in many psychological & behavioural
problems. Ayurveda provides mounting evidences regarding
drugs having effect on C.N.S. & pitta dosha. Principles of diet, life
style according to dincharya & drugs in combination can be used
to treat various problems of adolescent.
Conclusion : Ayurveda will be very helpful in managing various
health problems of adolescent.
Method :A set of 30 healthy students of age group 18 to 25 years
were selected randomly and their prakriti was determined
according to ayurvedic standerds. Standard intelligence tests viz.
Raven's Progressive Matrices a non verbal test for finding the
intelligence quotient (IQ) and Digit span and Digit learning for
memory was administered to the same students. The result gave
variation in the intelligence of students having different
Result : The result gave variation in the intelligence of students
having different dehaprakriti.
Conclusion : As per result the all three prakriti persons have
different intelligency but as per the modern study methods the
persons having pittaj prakriti are the more intelligent than other
prakriti persons.
Psychological practices in ayurveda
Nidhi Sharma
Critical appraisal of ayurvedic
lifestyle for mental health
Purpose : Ayurveda, the science of life, is the world's most ancient
health care system. Mental health has been immensely accounted
in ayurveda along with physical and spiritual health. In this
increasingly insecure and chaotic world psychological anomalies
have become quite common. All psychological imbalances sooner
or later have some physical manifestations and all physical illness
have some psychological problems. Ayurveda has deep insight in
the field of psychiatry. It has specific examination methods and
parameters for the same. It also offers various safe and effective
means for combating psychological disorders and for prevention.
This study has explored various conducts scripted in ayurveda for
attainment and maintenance of sound mental health.
Sachin Gaikwad, Yogeshwar Choudhari
Method : Related portions of all classical texts have been
collected, documented and related articles have also been
reviewed. Conclusions have been drawn after prudent analysis of
available aforesaid material.
Method: Lifestyle disorders related to mental health 1)
Depression, 2) Dementia, 3) Anxiety, 4) Mood disorder, 5)
Personality disorder, 6) Stress. And if these diseases remain
untreated they may result in dangerous somatic diseases. This is
most dreadful fact as it alters psyche of person which ultimately
results in bodily disorders.
Result : From this study, it is evident that psychological practices
given in ayurveda have been proved highly substantial in
treatment of psychological disorders and coping with routine
mental stress.
Conclusion : In accordance with ayurveda mental state of a
person is deciphered in terms of triguna satva rajas and tamas .
Satva is responsible for sound mental state whereas mental health
is disturbed when there is any vitiation in rajas and tamas guna.
So,basically, these practices aim at enhancing the satva guna
which further strengthens manas of people so that they may
endure the challenges which may breech their mental health.
Purpose: Modern medicine through improved sanitation ,
vaccination , antibiotics and medical attention has eliminated the
threat of death from infectious diseases. But non infectious
diseases like mental illness due to sedentary lifestyle are a big
problem of our society in today's date. Already considered the
diabetes capital of the world, India now appears headed towards
gaining another dubious distinction of becoming lifestyle related
diseases capital as well. Being a part of Ayurved fraternity,
sincere attempt is made in this paper to analyse mental illness
due to lifestyle disorder and preventive steps for it in the form of
implementation of Ayurvedic lifestyle.
Result : Ayurveda principles to be implemented as lifestyle 1)
Dincharya Paalan, 2) Dharan of dharaniya vegas, 3) Udiran of
adharaniya vegas at right time, 4) Ritucharya Paalan, 5) Rasayan
sevan, 6) Meditation, 7) To live with less Sound and air pollution.
Conclusion: This is a shortened list of mental diseases caused by
sedentary lifestyle; the whole list is infinite as all the diseases
known till date have the input from the lifestyle and diet always.
So by planning your daily routine and seasonal routine one can
maintain mental health without paying a single penny!
AYURVEDA being science of life deals with deepest thought of
lifestyle according to all seasons and every aspect of universe. So
to follow the Ayurvedic Lifestyle is the only way to protect
yourself from mental illness, the most dangerous non-infectious
disease of the 3rd millennium.
Study of sleep and dream in context
of manasa rogas
The effect of medhya rasayana in
school going children
Shantanu Deb, O.P. Gupta
Tarangini Chandakavathe, Raghavendra. M Peshve
Purpose : People many times say that they are not feeling fresh
even after getting up in the morning. Two types of manas rogas
based on sleep has been described in Ayurveda nidrakar &
anidrakar. Most of the people taking sleep induced medicines are
antipsychotic and the effect of their medicines is the above one
i.e. they sleep of course but don’t have feeling of freshness after
getting up. The presentation of the paper will deal with the
natural sleep with the help of lifestyle moderation.
Purpose : Health is equilibrium state of dosha, dhatu, mala, and
agni. Pleasant status of atma, mana and indriya. This definition
necessitates pleasant state of manas for normal health. Buddhi is
one of the most important faculty of manas which may gets
altered when sharira doesn't receive proper nourishment. This
lead to poor IQ poor memory, poor performance, lack of
confidence. These developments are more commonly seen in
children between the age of 10 14 years. In principle all the
rasayana agents are supposed to promote the health of body and
mind and as such promotion of medha is an important attribute of
rasayana. Acharya Charaka describes 4 Medhya Rasayana.
Besides, a number of other drugs have been scientifically studied
in recent years and they have been reported to possess a varying
degree of Anxiolytic activity besides restoration of intelligence
and memory and other noortropic effects. The procedures
followed here are efficient, easily available which help in toning
up of mind and achieving the required goal by improving I.Q,
memory and performance.
Method: Nidra (sleep) has been given special emphasis in
Ayurveda and has been regarded as one of the three
upastambhas. According to Charak when the mana including the
indriyas is exhausted and they dissociate themselves from their
objects, then the individual sleeps.
Result: The research on sleep is going from several decades and
in 1913 a French scientist Henry Pierson first examined sleep
from a physiological perspective. All of us dream, several times a
night. It is during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep that we do
most of our dreaming. If we are deprived of sleep, REM sleep
increases on subsequent nights. The act of dream is physiological
whereas the content of the dream is psychological.
Conclusion: The images, emotions and activities of the dream are
a product of the individuals. Unconscious mind, having to do with
the total make up of one human condition (conscious &
unconscious). There are seven types of dreams according to
Charak:drishta, shruta, anubhuta, parthita, kalpita, bhawik &
dosaja. Dreams experienced in the first part of night are less
meaningful. If one does not get sleep after experiencing dreams,
then that dream is highly meaningful. Even if one experiences an
in auspicious dream but thereafter again if he experiences an
auspicious one, this is indicative of auspicious results. Charaka
has also described the prognosis based on dreams.
Method : The children of only 6th standard were taken for study.
Children were conveniently divided into 3 groups with each group
consist of 40. Group A : 1)Krimihara vati with Ushna jala 2)
Guduchyadi Rasayana with Godugdha, Group B: 1) Krimihara
vati with Ushna jala 2)Jyotishmatyadi softules with Godugdha,
Group C: 1) Krimihara vati with Ushna jala 2) Placebo (Starch)
Result : Group B i.e. Jyotishmatyadi Rasayana was found to be
more effective than other two groups. Group C showed minimum
Conclusion : Jyotishmati showed good response and found to be
more effective and statistically highly significant than Guduchi
Rasayana. Guduchi showed better results and was found
statistically more significant than Placebo. Placebo showed
minimal results and statistically not significant.
Evaluation of Bajikarana drug in
depressive features of old age
Kamlesh Kumar Dwivedi, Bhavana Dwivedi
1. L.B.S. Government Ayurvedic College, Handia,
Purpose : In India more than 60 years of age, constitute 6.5
percent of country's population, which is predicted to be more
than 100 million in 2025 AD. The psychiatric symptoms such as
anxiety, depression, drug abuse, alcoholism, dementia etc. are
increasing due to several reasons in old age patients. Such
patients leading to disability & burden to society. The Ayurvedic
therapy are comparatively safe in the management of
geropsychiatric patients. The Ayurvedic texts and recent
researches have advocated the use of Bajikarana drugs in
treatment and rehabilitation of psychologically ill aged patients.
The present research aims to study the psychiatric symptoms and
their Ayurvedic management by most popular Bajikarana drug
Kapikachhu (Mucuna Pruriens DC).
Method : A Series of 100 psychogeriatric patients were registered
randomly for clinical studies. A group of 30 re randomized cases
were taken who had predominantly depressive features. Different
data viz demographic, constitutional, psychological, clinical,
laboratory and therapeutic profile were recorded on preplanned
proforma. After adoption of exclusion & inclusion criteria final
selection of cases was made. The patients were provided
Kapikachhu Churna in the dose of 3 5 gm/day according to weight
twice in a day for three months. Parameters adopted for
therapeutic efficacy includes symptomatic, physiological,
psychological & biological age assessment scale.
Result : The constitutional profile showed an increased number of
aged persons with Vata & Rajas predominant Prakriti. The clinical
and biological profile indicated that various vital functions
progressively deteriorated with advancing age. The findings on
different parameters showed statistically significant changes on
most of the items used for therapeutic response. The present
study provide important lead information's for further study.
Conclusion : The Bajikarana drug Kapikachhu was found effective
in the management of depressive features of old age patients. It is
safe and without side effect. It provides better rehabilitation in
such patients.
A retrospective analysis of efficacy
of various ayurvedic formulations
in psychiatric diseases
Kundan Chaudhuri , Yogesh Deole , H.M. Chandola
Purpose: Mental disorders are high on rise in India.
Epidemiological studies conducted in India on mental and
behavioural disorders report varying prevalence rates, ranging
from 9.5 to 370 per 1000 population. The overall DALYs burden
for mental disorders is projected to increase to 15 per cent by the
year 2020 and this increase is proportionately larger than that for
cardiovascular diseases. Ayurveda bears great responsibility in
preventing and treating the mental disorders. Medhya Rasayana
is the treatment perspective to prevent and manage psychiatric
disorders. In Ayurveda, Rasayana therapy has been stated as a
unique therapy in curing mental diseases. It can promote memory
and intelligence and can increase immunity against disease and
promote strength and vitality as well as it can control ageing
process by serving as anti oxidant agent. A review of various
studies carried out in Ayurveda is made to enlist the best effective
treatment measures in promoting and preventing mental
Method: Available research works carried out at Institute for Post
Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar from the
year 2001 to 2012 are screened and referred with relation to
mental disorders. The treatments are reviewed and enlisted for
assessing the efficacy.
Result: On reviewing the researches, it was found that nearly 15
works found suitable are carried out in relation to mental
disorders. The data shows that Ayurvedic formulations like
Aamalakyadi and Medhya Rasayana Ghrita( in Alzheimer's
disease), Rasayana Ghana tablets (in stress), Rasona tablets,
Brahmi ghrita, flax seed capsules and Ashwagandharishta(in
depression),Shirodhara (in insomnia), Saraswatarishta (in
perimenopausal syndrome) are effective in psychiatric diseases.
Conclusion: Researches show that Ayurvedic formulations are
effective in moderate manner in treating the psychiatric diseases.
Ayurvedic Medhya Rasayana formulations can be used for
preventing and managing psychiatric disorders.
Public Health
Rural health and snake bite
Arun Dutta
Purpose :
To collect, discuss and elaborate the problem of
snake bite in rural India. To give first aid measures and
prevention of snakebite in rural health centre.
Method : These review article is based on my personal experience
and textual review collected the material about first aid measures
and prevention of snake bite from brihatri, lagutri and original
commentary of those. I also reviewed various modern text and
websites for currant update of relevant topic. About 25,000 to
40,000 people reportedly die of snakebite in India every year, but
range is likely an under estimate because of incomplete reporting.
Severe flooding, by concentration of human and snake population
has given rise to epidemic of snakebite in India. Mostly in rural
India; snake bite is common medical emergency and an
occupational hazard where farming is a major source of
employment. There are at least 3000 species of snake, but only
400 species are poisonous, which means most of them is non
poisonous. So most of people died due to anxiety and fear. Since
rural people have to rush to nearby town and cities to get medical
support, precious time is lost in traveling and in organizing
Result : Recommended first aid measure in Snake Bite, Reassure
the victim, Immobilization, Avoid manipulation of bitten area,
Tourniquet. Preventions - There is various methods of
preventions of snake bite which are described in full text.
Conclusion : Snake bite is one of major cause of death in India.
First aid measure and preventions of snake bite are essential for
rural and tribal peoples due to prolonged distance of hospital
from their native. Ayurveda has mentioned various first aid
measure and prevention of snake bite
Evaluation of ayurvedic method of
teaching in context to modern era
Arvind Kumar Gupta, Asit Kumar Panja, Kedar Lal Meena
Purpose : To revalidate the importance of traditional Ayurvedic
method of teaching in modern technological era.Education is the
seed of knowledge tree. A stout and firm tree must have deep,
thick and branchy roots. This is also related to the Ayurveda
education. The roots of Ayurveda are fundamental principles.
These should be clear to each and every student of Ayurveda. In
this era of globalization, teaching methodology of Ayurveda is the
subject of profound thinking. In ancient times, the teaching is
done by Shruti (Verbal Knowledge), Gyan and Vigyan Parampara.
but the modern teaching is related to perception of Gyanendriyas
through Audio visual aids only. The ancient Ayurvedic teaching
has not only emphasized on the intellectual improvement but also
stressed on the moral and spiritual improvement of the student.
As a result, the consequences and propagation of grasped
knowledge were lasted for a long time.
Method : Literature, from Vedic period to till date, has been
searched out and consequently analysis and evaluation has been
made in the purview of teaching methods.
Result : Ancient educational system emphasized on total
upliftment of the student along with technical proficiency. It will
also give light on various untouched angles of modern science.
Conclusion : Moral and spiritual enhancements of the scholars
along with the specific improvement is necessary build to a good,
effective and healthy society. This is high time to re evaluate the
Ayurvedic methods of teaching in the purview of modern
technological system of education and should be adopted for
benefit of the mankind.
Public Health
Rural health and ayurveda :
Practical difficulties in practicing
ayurveda in India-A survey
Ramakant Dwivedi
Purpose : India is an gricultural country and about 2/3 of its
population live in rural area. These people are unaware of
modern facilities and drugs. Though everyone has right to live a
health life, yet these poor fellows suffer a lot due to some reasons.
As Ayurveda is devoted to provide health to all, but in practical
there is a lot of problems in ayurvedic practice. That is why this
study was carried out in different rural area of Maharashtra
through various Medical Camps.
Method : Peoples of all age group from children to old age those
who willing to take ayurvedic treatment were included. People
were divided in various groups and some questions were asked to
them in their own language, in the form of paper YES or NO type.
Then data was collected on the basis of that survey
Result : A number of exiting facts came to know that what are the
problem actually faced by an Ayurved practitioners and people.
These are unavailability of medicine, adulteration, dependency on
untrained people, the cost of drug, negligence by Government,
lack of proper knowledge, etc.
Conclusion : Understanding these facts properly, we can know the
problem being faced by people in ayurvedic practice and plan a
better future for Ayurveda in rural area so that the future of
various ayurvedic doctors and many peoples living in rural area
bright and there suffering could be minimize for limit and it will
suggest the ruling authorities to do something better for
Ayurvedic word.
Alcoholism - A natural cure
Kiran Shah
Purpose : Alcohol starts within limits and can go off limits within
no time. Also it leads to many diseases. There are no specific tests
GUNECHCHHA CHA A.H.SU.12/22. Excess doshas or anything in
excess in our body creates spite against vriddhi hetu. (Similar
type of Dravya). So it increases craving of opposite Gunas (things).
On this hypothesis, a study was conducted giving alcoholics
medicinal herbs having same properties as that of alcohol; which
would cause spite to alcohol. Treatment of emotional imbalance
due to alcohol abuse through collection of herbs that provide
soothing effect to mind, improves thinking and behavior of
alcoholics and cure the liver after alcohol abuse and hence
improve quality of life for alcoholics was the sole objective of the
Method : 50 alcoholic male patients of age group of 21 to 60 years
were taken for the study and were divided randomly in to 2
groups namely Group A and group B having 25 patients each.
Group A was given drugs having emetic properties whereas
Group B was given drugs having more of sour dravyas.5 grams
choorna twice daily along with water or vegetable soup or curry
was given. In Group A main herbs were Vacha, Madanphala,
Pugphala, Jatiphala, Jivaka, Dhanyak etc. In Group B main herbs
were Yavani, Musta, Amlavetas, Amalaki, Trikatu, Chincha, Jiraka
Result : 56%patients showed aruchi towards madya in group A
whereas in Group B it was 16% only.In group A 36%patients had
dwesh for madya and 36% patients had anichcha for madya.
Whereas in group B 16%patients had dwesh and 12% had
anichcha. 56% of group A patients had withdrawal of alcohol
whereas in Group B it was 16%.
Conclusion : Group A was better than group B in abandoning
alcohol from patients life without any withdrawal side effects.
Public Health
Role of yoga & ayurveda in healthy
Ayurism - An ayurvedic rural living
health care scientific concept.
Babu Swami
Gyaneshwarsing Guddoye
Purpose : The objective of the present monograph is to present a
critical study on the alliedness of Ayurveda &Yoga on their
possible scope as positive health sciences. Yoga & Ayurveda are
allied sciences. Ayurveda envisages the total welfare of man while
Yoga specifically ensures his psychospiritual development. The
changing concept of life and modernity, urbinization and
industrial development in modern world have entirely changed.
The concept of medicine and its approaches in recent years also
has changed. The medical profession is faced with the rapid
growth of newer disorders whose causes lies in the society and
modern way of life itself.
Purpose: Ayurveda has been the first system of holistic living
medicine for rural since time immemorial in Bharat with clear cut
holistic parameters and health maintenance. Lifestyle disorders
like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, heart diseases and
world threatening diseases like acute respiratory infections,
diarrhoea etc. are nicely, cheaply and with no side effect
holistically managed through Ayurvedic drugs and lifestyle. This
special and unique approach of this Ayurvedic lifestyle living
programme with holistic drugs has a great potential which need
to be scientifically exposed to the world population as a great
potential in propagation of cheap rural holistic medicine through
environmental understanding.
Method : As pointed out above Yoga & Ayurveda are not only
allied disciplines but are complimentary to each other. It is most
appropriate to consider Yoga as a branch of Ayurveda. Ayurveda
is the complete science of life and is supposed to safeguard
Arogya i.e. health in all its dimensions. Yoga is a discipline of more
limited objectives and is specifically concerned with achievement
of Moksha. Application of the science of Yoga & Ayurveda in the
social and personal life of a common man. Above both sciences
are explained in following four heads.1] Achara, 2] Vichara, 3]
Ahara, 4] Vihara
Result : Basic concept of Yoga are incorporated in Ayurveda. The
art and science of both these to obtain health and longevity of life
to acquire mental poise and peace. To integrate human
personality to realise the bliss of the supreme.
Conclusion : The revival of interest in traditional indigenous
system of medicine yoga and nature care is the biproduct of the
failure of modern medicine on these frontiers. From the contents
of the present monograph one can perceive that there is sufficient
potential in Ayurveda and yoga to enrich the health care &
medical management in the present time.
Method : A clear cut plan through a 4 level modules in a living
camp and assessing its improvement through (1) a quality life
scale (2) an Ayurvedic scoring chart for Swasthya, which can be
used to evaluate its holistic effect on our health.
Result : The result obtained from 1000 participants can be
assessed, evaluated and used as one of the platform for
generating policies in country of the world where holistic
medicine programme for rural health has not been recognized or
implemented for enhancing quality of life.
Conclusion : This Ayurvedic scientific evaluated module needs to
get implemented through a World Holistic Medicine committee
with WHO and in collaboration with respective NGO in local
countries.Then there will be a great potential for visualizing
global holistic rural health care, if persistently working together.
A critical study of diet and dietetics
in ayurveda
Smita Pawar , Rutuja Khedekar, Vidyanath R
Purpose : The present study has been taken up to establish the
role of diet and dietetics for the prevention, manifestation and
cure of lifestyle disorders.
Method : The scattered material related to diet and dietetics
mentioned in Ayurvedic classics has been compiled and make it
use of the health care needs of suffering humanity.
Result : In Ayurveda, various types of food stuffs by dividing them
into different groups according to their consistency, origin,
purpose of consumption, taste, way of cooking etc. are classified
in detail. Food not only keep the body alive but also helps in
resolving the vicious cycle of pathogenesis start with
langhan (fasting) by gradual shifting on ghrita, paya (milk) in
further stages of Jwara it can be helpful for successful
management of fever. Similarly absolute milk diet for about 6
months provides complete cure of Jalodara. Regular use of
buttermilk gives marvellous results in Grahani and Arshas.
Ayurveda suggests specific diet for the management of different
disease conditions.
Conclusion : Those who knows about their body constitution, and
cautious in taking wholesome, quantitative, and timely food by
controlling mind does seldom afflicts with diseases. The
knowledge about the diet and dietetics of Ayurvedic science will
be certainly helpful in preventing the lifestyle disorders.
Public health
Unique implementation of
ayurveda in rural health care-A
step towards healthy living
Sasi Rekha Dabala, Surya Prakash Kuppam, Murali Babu
Singam, Ramana K V
Purpose : AYURVEDA, the ancient doctrine deals with an objective
of healthy life style. The rural population suffer from disorders of
health mainly due to lack of health information, lack of hygiene
and malnutrition. AYURVEDA addresses these aspects by way of
Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Hitahara, Hitavihara and
pharmaceuticals preparations. Dinacharya addresses from
Vyayama, Medicated baths, oral hygiene to maintenance of
personal hygiene. Ritucharya advocates prevention of various
communicable diseases, epidemics and seasonal disorders like
sunstroke, dehydration, frostbite etc. AYURVEDA elaborates
various lifestyle disorders and there prevention and care which
are practically applicable to even present day.
Method : MATA SISU AYUSH: Propagation of need of breast
feeding and distribution of Satavari preparations in the rural
mothers at primary health centre level. GRAMEENA AYUSH:
Collection of health information of rural folk by visiting door to
door in the village.
AYUSH MAHILA: Educating women folk regarding disorders of
women prevention and cure by door to door campaigning.
GIRIJANA AYUSH: Serving the tribal population by conducting
health awareness and medical camps. FOCAL DISORDERS:
Instead of emphasizing on all the disorders, few have been
selected basing on the success rate, and where the contemporary
system of medicine is completely not successful. The merits of the
system in these disorders is propagated, by unique programmes
AYUSH(Creating awareness in academic institutions from higher
secondary school to University level) in addition to regular
methods of information. HERBAL GARDEN: Encouraging the
rural folk in plantation of herbs like THULASI, NIRGUNDI,
KUMARI etc in their backyards.
Rural life [in ref to rural areas of
krishna district] and how
ayurveda is best in improving
quality of health.
Amrin Anjum, Divya Bendi
Purpose: India is a sub continent with diversity in its geographical
distribution. Rural India contains 68% of Indian population with
half of it living below the poverty line. Social factors, economical
factors, physical, psychological, occupational, marital, dietary
factors influence their healthy existence. A low doctor to patient
ratio in rural areas of underdeveloped regions results in an
inefficient and expensive delivery of healthcare. Here the main
aim is to improve the quality of health in rural areas so that they
lead a healthy life.
Method: A study has been conducted in 14 villages of Krishna
district and noted that skin diseases, respiratory problems, vata
vyadhis, etc are very high in these regions. All these are due to
unsafe water, poor hygienic, diet habits etc. Ayurveda is the only
science which has given importance to preventive measures than
any other science. Mainly educating rural population and making
them to follow daily regimen according to seasons will decrease
the chances of being ill.
Result: All most all these diseases are responding well with
ayurvedic medicines and main point is that these diseases can be
eradicated by following simple preventive measures described in
Conclusion: Even though sanitation is poor , rural areas are
blessed with good plantation. We can train them in using their
green heritage in proper way. Easily understandable, cost
effective and simple measures should be taught to them.This
paper discusses about the rural health in Krishna district and how
through simple measures we can improve the quality of health.
Result : The results were highly encouraging and successful. It is
planned to implement the same methods in other districts of the
Conclusion : The strengths of Ayurveda and the dark areas in
contemporary system of medicine were focused and the methods
have been planned and implemented for better healthcare in
rural population.
Public Health
Kuposhan nirmulan aoushadhi kit
Rohini Shaha
Purpose: To provide food and ayurvedic medicinal suppliment to
malnourished children in solapur district,Maharastra, INDIA. An
Ayurvedic aoushadhi sanch (kit) was prepared of four products
and supplied to grade 1 4 malnourished children under kuposhan
nirmulan abhiyan of solapur zhilla parishad by Ekatmik balvikas
kendra mahila and bal kalyan samiti. This project ran for one
year from2005 2006.
Method: Taking in to consideration the age group and physical
debility of the children, care was taken first to make it palatable
as these medicinal food was supposed to be administered for
three consecutive months. No metals or minerals were used to
avoid toxic effect if any. All drugs or raw material selected to
prepare the product were of herbal and milk sources- Poushtik
laddu with medicines, yet very palative; Balpushtikar kalp A
herbo milk sugar ready mix for drinking; Medicated ghee
fortified calorie rich ,but easily digestible to increase weight of
the child; Krumihar churna to help to eradicate worm
infestation. This kit contained the medicinal quantity to suffice
one child for one month.
Result: Almost all the malnourished children included in this
abhiyan were benefitted. Weight increase was noted in grade 1&2
malnourished children up to 1 2 kgs. Positive results were
reported from the centres as anganwadies where from this
project was executed. No untoward incidence was reported. All
the products in the kit were well accepted.
Conclusion: As the products in the kit were of herbal origin and
were in the form of laddus and delicious drink, the ingredients
were easily assimilated and could give desired effect.
Ashwagandha was the drug of choice which is specially
recommended for BAL SHOSH or malnourishment. Avoidence of
unnessesary products and no commercialisation helped us to
supply the kit at affordable rate.
Making ayurveda affordable and
acceptable to all
Ghanshyam Vatsa
Purpose: Ayurveda is eternal science of life because of its
evolution is prior to human being itself. Ayurveda is part of our
day to day life as a food & day routine. The study was performed
as a survey in Delhi NCR (India) among the common men who use
ayurveda or want ayurveda to be their system of medicine. The
Aim of this study was to know their opinion that what are the
ground realities and how ayurveda can be made more affordable
and acceptable to them.
Method: Sixty individuals were selected randomly comprising
equally males and females. Age group was 18 to 70 yrs. All of them
have undergone Ayurvedic treatment or have taken ayurvedic
medicines as a part of their treatment. They were asked 31
questions about ayurveda under four categories as general
questions, questions related to ayurvedic physicians, questions
related to ayurvedic retailers and questions related to ayurvedic
manufacturers. Their answers were taken on a printed
questionnaire as a tick Yes, No and can’t say. Some questions were
subjective to get suggestions of patients.
Result: Result of the survey indicated some valuable points like
90% under study doesn’t know that BAMS are Ayurvedic
Physicians. Pure Ayurvedic Retailers are rare; condition of
ayurvedic medicines were not good at mixed ones. There was
absolute majority for the expiry date on ayurvedic medicines &
more research work on Ayurvedic preparations to make them
tastier, easily differentiable & patient friendly.
Conclusion: The results of the study should be addressed by the
Ayurvedic Physicians, Ayurvedic manufacturers and retailers
community on priority basis. The study also revealed the need of
a broad based survey to get further insight of the present
ayurvedic scenario in India & abroad and suggestions to make
ayurveda more patients friendly and acceptable to all.
Public Health
Role of clinical trials and
pharmacovigilance in ayurveda
Rupesh Vernekar
Purpose: Public health and safety records of Ayurvedic medicines;
Assessment of benefit, harm, effectiveness, and risk of medicines;
Encouragement of safe, rational, and more effective (including
cost effective) use, and promotion of understanding, education,
and clinical training in pharmacovigilance for Ayurvedic
medicines and its effective communication to the public. Many
cases have been reported in the recent past regarding ADRs and
drug drug interactions at various national and international
forums. As a first step towards credibility and providing a
scientific basis to the therapeutic claims of the alternate
traditional medicines, particularly in the international market,
India is in the process of standardising protocols for conducting
clinical trials of the ayurvedic formulations
Method: A) Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, WHO monographs
B) Other available literature C) Published Research studies D)
Observational Research
Result: As a first step towards credibility and providing a
scientific basis to the therapeutic claims of the alternate
traditional medicines, particularly in the international market,
India is in the process of standardizing protocols for conducting
clinical trials of the ayurvedic formulations
Conclusion: A) Clinical trial for Ayurvedic drug must be carried
out under conditions which ensure adequate safety for the
subjects B) The institution selected must have adequate facilities
including laboratories and equipment
A Study of effectiveness of
rehabilitation programs for the
orphans in war affected area in Sri
Kaneshalingam M
Previous Studies in other countries found rehabilitation of war
affected orphans are more willing programs. The purpose of this
study is building a better Sri Lanka with good people through
building a better society. The objective of finding out
rehabilitation of orphans including four main objectives has been
linked with the problem statement of “What are the factors
affecting to the development of effective rehabilitation programs
for the orphans in war affected areas & how Ayurvedic
counselling impotent to them do?” With significance of regard to
orphans, people and Sri Lankan government, which are briefly
discussed in chapter one. The study analyses the effects, based on
different variable of Basic needs, psychosocial, orphan care,
education, Economical & Social risk, Self dependency. These
variables have been supported by strong authors like Job
McNamara kiltie, Robert Chase, Kenneth Bush and many more
authors of other countries who investigated similar findings in
relation to rehabilitation of war affected orphans. The literature
is vastly explained in Chapter two. The designed methodology
intends survey rehabilitation of Sri Lanka with attaining to the
objectives of the study in order to investigate the appropriate
findings. In regard to the findings, the primary data collection
would be the survey, and other secondary sources of magazines
and newspaper articles.
Public Health
Clinical evaluation of shirisha
panchanga ghana & dushivshari
virechaka yoga in allergic bronchial
asthma w.s.r. to dushivisha.
Efficacy of ayurvedic formulations
in allergic asthma patients with
special reference to elevation of
Amol Kadu, Anita Sharma
Hariharan Subramanian, Dhanvanthri Premvel
Purpose: Allergic bronchial asthma is due to altered immune
response of body to various allergens. The references regarding
dushivisha point out that it can generate similar harmful effects
as that of hypersensitivity reactions. Acharya Chakrapani in his
commentary says that, Kalantaraprakopi visham dushivisham
which indicates the latent or subclinical allergy. The peculiarity of
dushivisha is that it remains latent in dhatus (tissues) and on
vitiation it produces hazardous consequences on the body. Nija
gara visha which are produced by viruddhahara (unwholesome
sub) and agnimandyakara nidana acts as antigens. The toxic
effects of these antigens are not completely neutralized by the
antibody due to avyadhisahatva, instead get sensitized and bind
to the mast cells. This improperly neutralized visha (toxins) when
comes in contact with antigen produces injurious consequences in
the sensitized host. The antigen antibody mediated abnormal
immune response can be correlated with pathological and clinical
features of dhatugata visha or dushivisha in Ayurveda.
Purpose : Allergic Asthma Tamaka swasa is one of the most
distressing common diseases, that affect a sizable number of
world populations. Internal and external allergens such as
environmental change, pollutants and unsuitable foods are
believed to be the predisposing factors which sensitize the
immune system of the body and trigger production of the
antibody Immunoglobulin E. These result in sneezing, running
nose, irritation of eyes, inflammation of bronchial mucosa and
wheezing. Ayurvedic formulations such as
Dasamoolakatuthrayam kwatha, Vyoshadi vatakam,
Swasanandam gutika and Swasa kalpa are widely used by
Ayurvedic physicians and clinically proven to have anti allergic
effect. They relieve bronco spasm, airway block, sneezing and
running nose. Current study was aimed at proving the efficacy of
these formulations in Allergic Asthma.
Method: Assuming the role of dushivisha in allergic bronchial
asthma, the clinical trial was carried out on 29 registered patients
with allergic bronchial asthma and randomly divided into A, B, C
groups respectively. 10 patients of Group A were given shirisha
panchanga ghana 1 gm B.D. with warm water , 9 patients of Group
B were given dushivishari virechaka yoga 5gm at bed time with
warm water and 10 patients of Group C were given both shirisha
panchanga ghana with dushivishari virechaka yoga .
Result: On statistical analysis, the data showed significant
improvement in clinical manifestation and laboratory
investigations after therapy in group C. There is significant
decrease in IgE level in group c. which confirms the role of
dushivisha in Allergic bronchial asthma.
Conclusion: Treatment regimen containing the dravyas having
Vishghna as well as shwasaghna property gave better results in
Bronchial asthma.
Method : Patients diagnosed with Allergic Asthma were chosen
for clinical study. A total of 38 patients of either sex ranging from
the age of 4 to 48 were selected for the study. All the patients
were tested for their blood level TIgE. Most of them were found to
have elevated blood level TIgE. Every patient was given
Dasamoolakatuthrayam kwatha, Vyoshadi vatakam,
Swasanandam gutika and Swasa kalpa orally for 6 8 weeks and
the progress was observed. The observations were recorded
based on subjective and objective methods.
Result : It was construed from the results that the trial medicines
had significant anti allergic, expectorant, bronco dilatation and
overall reduction in the symptoms of Allergic Asthma in the
analyzed patients. By the end of 8 weeks 16 out of 38 patients had
significant recovery from the symptoms, 18 had good control of
the ailment while the rest 4 displayed poor progress.
Conclusion : The study vividly fortified the therapeutic efficacy of
the trial drugs in the management of Allergic Asthma. Besides
relieving the symptoms, the drugs significantly reduced the
elevated TIgE in the blood.
Yogic karma (dhauti &ujjai
pranayama) & vasavleha in Tamak
Rekha Jain, Aparna Sharma
Purpose : In a list of chronic non communicable diseases, the
Bronchial Asthama is one psychosomatic disease, influenced by
many factors. According to W.H.O. 400 millions of global
populations are suffering from Bronchial Asthma, out of which
1/6th are Indians and the prevalence of asthma increasing
everywhere. Major responsible factors are Atmospheric pollution,
rapid environmental changes, adaptation of newer dietetics
preparations and tremendous psychological stress. The clinical
manifestations show high recurrence pattern. Therefore the
management criteria should be addressed to improve the Q.O.L.
The purification therapy mentioned in the yogic classical text
followed by drugs which have Rasayana effects can improve
Q.O.L. by decreasing the recurrence of episodes and avoiding the
drug dependence and adverse effects. The study was designed to
compare the effect of Yaugic karma (Dhauti and Ujjayi
Pranayama) and Vasavleha, observe effect of these therapies on
haematocrit value and other parameters and to collect data of
overall effects and used it for the comparative assessment.
Method : In present study total 30 patient of Tamak Shwasa , age
between 16 to 70 year, registered from I.P.D and O.P.D of N.IA , in
3 groups. A GROUP 10 patients treated with Dhauti karma and
Ujjayi Pranayama. B GROUP 10 patients treated with vasavleha.
C GROUP 10 patients treated with medicine of above the both
groups .
Result : In the group C - 30% attained marked improvement 50%
moderate and 2% mild improvement. In the B group 58.33%
attained moderate, 25%mild and 8.33% marked improvement.
8.3% remained unchanged. In the group A 50% attained
moderate, 40% mild and 10% remained unchanged
Management of childhood kasa
with kasahara dashemani vati
Nayan Kumar S, Kalpana Patel, Rajagopala S, Virendra Kori,
Shailaja U
Purpose: Kasa [Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infections (RRTI)] is
the most commonly encountered problem in pediatric office
practice. Even after repeated antibiotic therapies the condition is
addressed unsatisfactorily by contemporary medical system.
Ayurveda with its holistic approach (tackle the infection and
enhance the immunity) maintains ample potential in managing
the condition. The present study was carried out with the prime
aim of assessing the effect of Kasahara Dashemani Vati on Kasa
and Vyadhikshamatva in children suffering from Kasa (RRTI)
against the active control Indukanta Vati.
Method: The present Randomized Control Trial included 40
patients belonging to age group of three to twelve years, tablets
were administered in a daily dose fixed as per Clark’s Rule along
with honey for duration of 60 days. Effect of the therapy on the
individual signs and symptoms of Kasa, laboratory parameters,
and immunoglobulin biomarkers, status of Atura Bala and
prevention of recurrence during follow up period were the
parameters used to assess the overall effect of therapy.
Result: Kasahara Dashemani vati provided relief in symptoms of
all doshic variety of Kasa. With improving Vyadhikshamatva it
also helped in preventing the recurrence. Improvements were
statistically highly significant. The active control group also
showed similar results but trial group found to have an additional
influence on serum immunoglobulin status.
Conclusion: Kasahara Dashemani Vati can be effectively used to
treat childhood Kasa because of its duel action on Kasa and
Conclusion : Dhauti and Pranayama combined with vasavleha in
chronic Tamak Shwasa is the better option in relieving the
symptoms as well as prolonging the recurrence by augmenting
the Balam. How it act on various clinical symptoms of Tamak
Shwasa will be explained at the time of paper presentation
Ligand binding studies of identified
target protein responsible for
tamaka swasa (bronchial asthma)
with compounds of shirish an in
silico approach.
Mukamchem Yim, Surabhi Johari(1), Subrata Sinha(1) ,
Hemchandra Deka(1) , Jogesh Sarma(2)
Govt. Ayurvedic College and Hospital, 1. Center for
Bioinformation Studies, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam,
2. HOD & Prof. Department of Medicine (T.B. &Chest). Guwahati
Medical Collega.
Purpose: To identify target proteins responsible for Tamaka
Swasa (Bronchial Asthma) as well as to identify compounds of
Shirish (Albizzia lebbeck) Bark in order to treat Tamaka Swasa.
Method: KEGG Pathway Study on Bronchial Asthma for
Identification of Target Protein Virtual Screening of Ligand from
the bark of Shirish. Optimization of Protein and Ligand. Analysis
of Molecular Descriptors. Molecular Docking Studies.
Visualization of Docked Compound.
Result: The KEGG Pathway study shows that Tumour Necrosis
Factor alpha (TNF alpha) to be the target protein for Asthma and
Catechin of Albizzia lebbeck shows positive result as potent drug
for Asthma.
Conclusion: The interactions between proteins and the ligands
studied by using various computational methods. Based on
binding energy, and hydrogen bond formed, docking results was
analysed. The result was compare to find out the best ligand
which can dock with the target protein. Based on that observation
the ligands were identified using the commercial software and
online tools for the treatment of Tamaka Swasa (Bronchial
Asthma). This method reduces the time and the cost in designing
a drug as well as in analysing the drug likeness before it enters the
clinical trial.
Role of vardhaman pippali
rasayana in tamakashwas
(bronchal asthma)
Swati Bhosale, Renu Agarwal
Purpose: Shwas is a condition present from birth till death. But it
is a vyadhi when it occurs in form of purvarupa , upadrava or
nidanarthakar vyadhi. Tamakshwas is a kaphavataj vyadhi and
caused by pranavaha strotas vikruti. Today's sedentary lifestyle
and faulty eating habits favours kapha and vata vikruti.
Pathogenesis of tamakshwas involves: Aam Nirmiti, Dhatvagni
Mandya , Pranavaha Strotas Vikruti , Vitiation of Kapha and Vata.
Rasayana therapy is Apunarbhava chikitsa for tamakshwas.
Pippali has been proved to be antiasthmatic. It's deepan, pachana,
kaphavata shamak and rasayana property helps in samprapti
bhedana. When given in the form of Kshirpak in vardhaman
matra as described in texts it strengthens the pranavaha strotas
and acts as Immunomodulator. It improves the overall health of
shwas patients and gives a better standard of social, physical and
mental well being. This study is a vivechan to find the possible
mode of action of Vardhaman pippali rasayana in tamakshwas.
Method & Materials: Pippali, Milk-Kshirpak was given in
vardhaman matra to ten patients on OPD basis. Initially the dose
was increased from 2 to 10 and then reduced to 2 again.
Result: Positive results were found in one month.
Conclusion: There was significant improvement in signs and
symptoms and the frequency of acute exacerbation. The details of
this will be discussed in the Poster.
Evaluation of therapeutic efficacy of
Niruha Basti in Pakvashaya
Sammutha Shvasa
Vijay R.Potdar , Brahmankar , Sachin Rohani
Asst.Professor,Dept.of Rognidan, R.A.PodarMedical College
Worli,Mumbai Maharashtra, India. , Dept.of Rognidan,
R.A.PodarMedical College Worli,Mumbai Maharashtra, India.,
Dept.of Rognidan, R.A.PodarMedical College Worli,Mumbai
Maharashtra, India.
Introduction: Bronchial Asthma is reported as a global problem
today. It has been observed that patients suffering from
Pakvashaya Samuttha Shvasa do not get relief even after
undergoing long term treatment with modern medicine.
Methodology: 60 patients suffering from Pakvashaya Samuttha
Shvasa above the age of 20 yrs. were evaluated for the effect of
Niruha Basti in this study. These patients were divided into three
groups as follows: Group A patients treated during the asthmatic
attack, Group B Patients treated in non seizure period of
Bronchial Asthma Group C patients dependent on inhaler
/nebulizer. All the groups were treated with Niruha Basti.
Observations were recorded before and after the Niruha Basti on
8th,15th and 30th day. Follow up was taken at the end of every
month up to 6 months. Conclusion:At the end of the study it was
concluded that effect of Niruha basti was statistically significant
in reducing Pakvashaya Samuttha Shvasa. Niruha basti was also
found potentially useful in reducing associated signs and
symptoms of Pakvashaya Samuttha Shvasa.
Role of hinguladarasasindurain
tamakshwasa a clinical study
Shivakumar B.N , G.N. Danappagoudar , M.C. Patil
P.G Scholar (Rasashastra), D.G.M., Ayurvedic Medical College,
Gadag, Asst Prof.D.G.M., Ayurvedic Medical College, Gadag
Karnataka, India., D.G.M., Ayurvedic Medical College, Gadag
Tamaka Shwasa is remained to be a challenging and unremitting
disease. In both sexes it may occur at any time of the age. It is
chronic respiratory disease which is increasing day by day due to
change in mode of life,dietetic changes,
pollution,environmentalchanges & various stimuli like dust,cold
air, smoke, pollens, house dust mite, viral respiratory tract
infections. It is highly variable disease & may differ from person
to person, so needs much attention & more care. Although
modern medicines are effective in managing acute attacks of
Bronchial Asthma but in long term they have their own
limitations & side effects. There is a scarcity of drugs which can
prevent the further attacks for which various Rasoushadhies are
in practice. According to Rasataranginikara,Rasasindura has been
indicated in Tamakashwasaamong various indications.Analytical
study of Hinguladarasasindura shows total ash 0.97%, L.O.D at
1100c.21%, pH7.58%. Qualitative analysis shows S 14.49% and
Hg 85.47%. Clinical trial on 20 patients was carried out in our
college hospital by Dr Basavaraj Y.Ganti & Dr M.C.Patil
&Dr.G.N.Danappagoudar.Results show 60 % of the patient well
responded &15 % moderately responded. Details of the clinical
study will be discussed in full paper.
Quantum Physics
Clinical application of quantum
physics in ayurveda
Manaan Gandhi, Vishnu Bawane
Purpose : Alternative treatment through direct intervention at the
frequency level using principles of ayurved and technological
understanding of ayurveda with quantum physics
Method : Each and every particle in the universe is in a state of
constant movement in the form of vibrations occurring at a
particular frequency. Similarly in the body, these vibrations occur.
Each and every tissue in the body has its own set of frequencies
which helps it differentiate itself from the other tissues in the
body structurally and functionally. Any imbalance in this results
in the change of state of the 3 major categories of reactions found
in the cell anabolism, catabolism and transformation which
ultimately results in formation of diseases.
Result : Treating these imbalances of frequency in the correct way
by increasing or decreasing any of the 3 processes and tapping
into the body by various routes to make this happen is the basic
principle of ayurveda. To avoid these routes and mediums like
herbs, metals, mantras, etc, direct supply of the corrected
frequencies in the channels or the meridian field of the body can
correct any such abnormalities instead, whilst serving purposes of
widening channels and breaking open blockages of such channels,
the aim of healing is to get rid of this imbalance.
Conclusion : Hence, we see that when treatment is given on the
most fundamental level of existence, it affects us much more
directly, effectively, affordably and repeatedly with theoretically
no side effect. This must be taken up and spread for the
betterment of humanity.
Quantum Physics
Assessment of antidiabetic effects
of Shilajit
Suman Bharali
Purpose : In many Ayurvedic texts like Susruta Samhita shilajit is
mentioned as antidiabetic drug. The purpose of this paper is to
assess the antidiabetic effects of shilajit.
Method : Different research papers will be reviewed in this study
to find out the chemical constituents of the herbo mineral
compound, to see the effect of its extracts on euglycemic and
alloxan induced diabetic rats and to find its hypoglycemic effects
on the basis of different clinical studies.
Result : Chemical analysis shows that it contains besides gums,
albuminoids, traces of resin and fatty acid, a large quantity of
benzoic and hippuric acids and their salts. From the medicinal
point of view, the chief active substances in it are benzoic acid and
benzoates. A significant (P<0.001) reduction in the blood glucose
level was observed at the end of 2nd week of treatment with
shilajit (100 mg/kg) in the euglycemic rats and alloxan induced
diabetic rats , which remained persistent up to 4 weeks of the
treatment period. Moreover, a significant reduction in the level of
Total Cholesterol (P<0.001) and Triglyceride (P<0.01) with
significant increase (P<0.05) in the level of HDL was noted at the
end of the 4th week of treatment as compared to the Day 0 value.
Clinical studies revealed, symptomatic improvement in all the
cases. Frequency and quantity of urine was reduced general
feeling of well-being was reported in all the patients. The tingling
and numbness, burning of hands and feet was reduced
considerably and generalized itching almost vanished. Similarly
the improvement in other symptoms was also observed
Conclusion : Diabetes mellitus is a major public health problem in
the developed as well as developing countries. Therefore a
research to find out better oral hypoglycemic agent is continued
where blood sugar level was observed low. Shilajit appeared to be
a good oral hypoglycemic drug without any untoward action.
Geological aspect related to rasa
dravya with special reference to
Sachin Verma, Vikas Saroch
Purpose : Rasa dravyas are abroad classification namely
Maharasa, Uprasa, Sadharanrasa, Rattana, Uprattana, Dhatu, etc.
intended to increase the therapeutic efficacy. Kasis is a secondary
mineral resulting from decomposition of Pyrite in the zone of
oxidation and is found in the small quantities where the Pyrites
are found. Geological aspect of Rasa dravyas are essential to
evaluate their internal structure to highlight the mechanism of
changes that are occuring such special reference given to kasis.
Method : Considering the Geological aspect of metals and minerals
the following parameters are to be evaluated. Nature/Form,
Colour, Streak, Cleavage, Fracture, Lustre, Tenacity,
Transparency, Magnetism, Crystal, Habit, Hardness, Specific
Gravity, Taste, Peterological investigation.
Result : A proper understanding and evaluation of the above
parameters could reveal the originality of the Rasa dravyas
intended to be used for medicinal purpose. Petrological results of
Raw Kasis given ahead. Form : lumpy and crystalline, Crystal
Habit: Prismatic, blocky to tabular, Colour : transparent to semi
transparent; pale to dark bluish green in thick blocks and nearly
colourless to dirty grey in thinner chips, Lustre : waxy in lump
and vitreous to silky at cleavage surface, Streak: white, Cleavage :
1 set basal cleavage, perfect, Fracture : rare, conchoidal, Tenacity :
brittle, Transparency : transparent to translucent in lump,
Hardness : 2>H<3 (Moh’s Scale), Thin Section (under petrological
microscope shows following characters: Under Plane polarized
Light, Colour and Pleochroism: colourless, non pleochroic
Alteration/Inclusion: dusty black opaques (ferruginous),
Interference: First order, Extinction: parallel, Optic Sign: Biaxial,
positive, Solubility: High (>90%);
Conclusion : The proper depth in scientific knowledge of Rasa
dravyas reveals that in Geological aspects are essential criteria
that are to be included in the standardization to obtain the
desired effect in the formulation.
In vitro safety studies of
rasakarpura in charles foster
albino rats
B. J. Patgiri, N . J. Mehta, B Ravishankar, P. K. Prajapati
Purpose : Rasakarpura is a formulation prepared by using Parada
(Mercury), Gandhakamla (Sulphuric Acid) and Saindhava Lavana
(Rock Salt). It is used to treat diseases like Phiranga (Syphilis),
Atisara (Diarrhoea) and various Twak Vikaras (skin diseases) etc
and is used both internally and externally. As the chemical
composition of Rasakarpura being Mercuric Chloride, there can
be apprehensions about its safety. Evaluation of safety of
Rasakarpur in animal models was intended in this study.
Method : In the present study, Rasakarpura was prepared as per
the reference available in Rasatarangini and sub-acute toxicity of
Rasakarpura was carried out in 3 different doses levels viz., TED,
TED X 02 and TED X 05 by using Charles Foster strain albino rats
of either sex. Chemical mercuric chloride was used as a standard
control drug. The study was evaluated by assessing ponderal
changes, biochemical parameters, haematological parameters
and histopathological studies. The difference between the groups
was statistically determined by student’s t test (unpaired).
Result : Mild to severe toxic changes in all vital organs, especially
in spermatogenesis in the testis in all three level doses of both test
drugs were observed. At the TED dose level in Rasakarpura
treated group no serious degenerative changes were observed in
histopathology of the organs studied. In 2X TED, mild fatty
changes in the liver in some sections, cell infiltration in the kidney
of some sections were the other changes observed. At 5X TED
dose treated groups all the animals died in both the groups.
Pharmaceutico-Analytical study of
Akika bhasma (agate ash)
Pramod Kumar , Pramodini.R Chougale(1)
1. J J Magdum Ayurvedic medical college
Purpose: To evaluate Physico chemical constituents in the Akika
Method: Raw Akika samples were collected and authenticated by
Rasashastra and Geology experts. Herbal drugs i.e. Triphala,
Kumari, Taruni were collected and authenticated by experts of
Dravya Guna and Botany. Physico Chemical analysis of Akik
Bhasma has been done.
Result: Identification of genuine Raw Akika, Akika shodhana,
Akika marana, Analysis of Marita Akika shows Ca 0.93 p.c, SiO2
58.8 p.c, Mn 0.0032 p.c, Al 0.0232 p.c, Fe 0.34 p.c, Total Ash 97.26
p.c, Loss on drying 0.72 p.c, Acid Insoluble Ash 96.45 p.c, pH 4.43
Conclusion: Akika Bhasma was prepared with 4 Gajaputas
successfully Silicon dioxide, Iron oxide, Manganese dioxide,
Calcium and Aluminum are the constituents that are present in
the Akika Bhasma. After bhavana there was increase in
percentage of calcium from 0.69% to 0.93%. This may be
attributed to the addition of Kumari swarasa. There was decrease
in the percentage of Iron and Manganese. This may be due to the
oxidation process.
Conclusion : Rasakarpura and mercuric chloride both have
serious toxic potential, but Rasakarpura at therapeutic dose has
comparatively less tendency to produce toxicity.
Mukta-sukti bhasma; nectar for
acid peptic disorders, w.s.r to it's
anti-ulcer activity - an
experimental study
Perception of ayurvedic mineral
raw drugs in the eye mineralogy
Madhulika priya1, Govinda Sharma
2,Basavaraj Ganti 3
Sreejith R
Madhulika Priya, Govinda Sharma, Basavaraj Ganti
Purpose : Mukta Shukti (Pearl oyster shell); a sudha varga dravya,
attains better therapeutic properties with proper sodhana and
marana processes. It is indicated in Amlapitta, Parinamashoola
and Annadravashoola. Acharya Susruta mentioned; Amla is the
property of Vidagdha Pitta. The term Amlapitta may be correlated
with Acid reflux syndrome which comprises of various types of
Gastro esophageal reflux diseases like Gastritis, Peptic ulcer etc. A
peptic ulcer is a sore on the lining of the stomach or duodenum,
the beginning of the small intestine. A bacterium called
Helicobacter pylori is a major cause of peptic ulcers. An attempt
was made in this regard to establish standards to assure quality
and to assess antiulcer activity of Mukta Sukti Bhasma.
Purpose : Each mineral is unique in this universe in its perception.
Minerals are defined as naturally occurring, inorganic substances
with a definite chemical composition and a regular internal
crystalline structure (Gribble 1988). The identity of these
depends on their physical, chemical or optical properties.
Mineralogy a branch of science has its existence since 17th
century. Being a part of Ayurvedic pharmaceutics, Rasashastra
deals with a number of minerals categorized under Maharasa,
Uparasa etc. These are identified on the basis of grahya lakshana
mentioned in the books of Rasashastra documented from 8th
century itself. Thus, it is evident that the science of mineralogy as
it is practiced presently has its origin almost 1300 years back.
1.To find the features of minerals in the books of Rasashastra and
to compare them with the properties of minerals as per
Mineralogy. 2.To prove that the knowledge of identifying a
mineral based on certain feature existed in India before
development of mineralogy.
Method : Mukta sukti Bhasma prepared as per Rasatarangini and
subjected to Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and X ray
diffraction (XRD). Anti ulcer activity of Mukta sukti Bhasma in
Albino rats by Aspirin induced gastric ulcer. Sucralfate as
standard group and normal food water as control group used for
the comparison.
Result : Mukta sukti Bhasma showed highly significant Anti ulcer
activity than control group. The alkaline pH and chemical
components might have contributed by inhibiting secretions,
neutralizing the acidity and reducing size of the ulcerative lesions.
Presence of Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Manganese (Mn), Iron
(Fe), Potassium (K), Aluminum (Al), Copper (Cu), Sodium (Na)
and Zinc (Zn) were detected in raw Mukta sukti and Mukta sukti
Bhasma. X ray diffraction shown face centered Cubic, hexagonal,
tetragonal and monoclinic crystal structures.
Conclusion : In aspirin induced model, the Mukta sukti Bhasma
and standard group (Sucralfate) showed highly significant Anti
ulcer activity than control group (food water). The Mukta sukti
Bhasma showed highly significant Anti ulcer activity than
standard group (Sucralfate) when compared. This experimental
study has given scientific evidence for the claim in the ancient
text regarding the Anti ulcer property of Mukta sukti Bhasma
which gives scope for conducting clinical study.
Method : A literary research was undertaken to list out the grahya
lakshanas of Rasadravyas mentioned in the literatures of
Rasasashtra. An attempt was made to compare them with the
equivalent properties of minerals. Only such literatures of
Rasashastra which had their existence before 17th century were
preferred for present study.
Result : The grahya lakshanas mentioned in classical books of
Rasasashtra were found to be very much comparable with the
physical properties of minerals.
Conclusion : This literary research justifies that the ancient
scholars of Rasasashtra were able to identify the minerals based
on their physical properties many centuries before the
mineralogy had its existence.
Administration of bhasmas as
capsules - The miscued facts
Divya P
Purpose : Calcined mineral and metal preparations are called
bhasmas. The bhasmas are recommended to be administered
with suitable anupanas as per Acharyas. So the role of anupana is
likely to be equally important as that of the drug. Now a days
bhasmas are being marketed in the form of capsules. A great
controversy is there regarding the efficacy of bhasma capsules.
Method : A survey was conducted among the clinicians and
among commercial manufacturers. Most of the clinicians were of
the opinion that capsulation of bhasmas can only be regarded as a
good method of equal dose dispensing. For internal
administration the capsule should be opened and the bhasma
must be mixed with suitable anupana. But most of the
manufacturers were of the opinion that there is no significant
difference in the clinical efficacy when bhasma is administered as
Result : In case of such relatively water insoluble bhasmas, the
reduction of particle size must increase the bioavailability of the
drug. The reverse of this may occur when the powder bed with
small particle size are less permeable to liquids. Decreasing the
particle size of a drug, does not necessarily increase the
dissolution rate, because there may be reduction in the contact
between the liquid and the solid. The contact angle between the
edge of the liquid meniscus and the solid substance is high which
indicates non wetting. The possible pharmaceutical modifications
by incorporating anupana are honey based syrups since honey is a
universal anupana, soft gelatin capsules if the anupanas are lipids
and Liquisolids for non volatile vehicles.
Conclusion : Most of the anupanas used are having a hydrophilic
nature. A microfined colloidal state of bhasma is attained by
mixing with suitable anupana and this facilitates easy dissolution
and absorption. This property can't be attained when
administered as capsules without considering the concept of
The preparation, physico chemical
analysis of vanga bhasma and its
clinical evaluation in
Ashish Mahajan
Purpose : Ksheenashukra is the cause of infertility characterized
by low sperm configuration. research on incidence of
ksheenashukra i.e. oligospermia conducted between 1938 and
1990 revealed that sperm count has 130 million/ml to 66
million/ml and now decreased further. this is the resultant of
nutritional deficiency, smoking, alcohol consumption, stress,
strains, in judicious use of drugs & environmental pollution which
leads to psychological problems in couples.
Method : In modern science there are number of drugs for
ksheenashukra (oligospermia), but they leads to various
complications. ayurveda too has many herbal, mineral & herbo
mineral preparation which are claiming to be very effective in
ksheenashukra, some of them are very easy to prepare, some are
very difficult to prepare & even costly also. rasataranginikara
considered vanga bhasma as a ideal preparation in
ksheenashukra. this is to be prepared after classical method. It is
expected to improve the quality & quantity of the ksheenashukra.
Result : Analytical study of Ksheenashukra shows total ash, L.O.D
at 110c, pH. Qualitative analysis. Clinical trial on 26 patients was
carried out in our college hospital by Dr Kalakappa S. Santoji and
Dr M.C.Patil &. Dr. G. N. Dannapagoudar. Results shows significant
reduction in chief complaints like sexual desire, erection,
ejaculation, rigidity & orgasm. .
Conclusion : the dravyas which are mentioned in the classical
procedure of vanga shodhana & marana definitely convert the
vanga into pure vanga bhasma & induces the disease curing
property.the statistical result evidence proved that, the vanga
bhasma is highly significant for all the subjective and the
objective parameters and is very good remedy for ksheenashukra.
Comparative physico chemical
analysis of rasamanikya w.s.r to
method of preparation
Characterization of Swarna Vanga
through "Namburi Phased Spot
Rajendraswami Hiremath, Shankar Rao(1)
Jagadish Nayaka , Shreeshananda Sharma
1. HOD Dept of Rasashastra and Bhaishajyakalpana National
Institute of Ayurveda
PG. Scholar in Rasashastra, J S S Ayurveda Medical College,
Mysore. , Assistant professor dept. of rasashastra, J S S
Ayurveda Medical College, Mysore.
Purpose: In JAMA article Heavy metals have been detected in
substantial proportion of Indian manufactured traditional
Ayurvedic medicine and are found to be toxic. But in Ayurveda
these metals are in practice since antiquity. Ayurveda is not
claiming that all these drugs are safe, but while processing
standard operative procedures are to be followed as per the
classics by which we can prepare non-toxic, safety;
therapeutically highly potent medicines can be prepared.
Rasamanikya is one of such commonly used, highly potent
rasaushadhi being prepared by adopting various methods. The
present study intended to analyse and to compare Rasamanikya
prepared by two different methods.
Method: Rasamanikya prepared by adopting two different
methods Abhraka patra (Sample 1) and Kupipakva method
(Sample 2) by using same raw material. Qualitative and
Quantitative analytical methods are adopted. Detection metals by
titration method and AAS method. For chemical characterization
and particle size XRD method.
Result: Rasamanikya prepared by (Kushmanda swarasa shodhita
Haratala) Abhraka patra method (Sample 1) and Kupipakva
method (Sample 2) Arsenic, Sulphur, Iron, Magnesium, Silica,
Calcium are present qualitative test by titration method.
Percentage of As as in Sample 1, 2 are 49.5 % and 54.5%
respectively. Also in the % of Sulphur Sample 1,2 are 32.3% and
27.14 respectively by AAS method. XRD study 'd' value of Sample
1 and 2 are 4.7 & Unknown.
Rasashastra is blend of pharmaceutical science and modern
chemistry. It aims at designing novel drugs with better
therapeutic attributes at minimum dosage. Due to lack of
standardization, quality control and chemical characterization,
the herbo mineral or metallo mineral formulations are
overlooked during the pharmaceutical preparation and its
therapeutical usage. Swarnavanga, an ayurvedic preparation
(kupipakwa rasa) widely prepared and clinically practiced,
mainly indicated in the treatment of prameha, shukravaha
shrotho vikaras, Medodhovaha shrotho Vikaras, sweta pradara,
kasa–swasa, rasayana, netrya etc. To study the pharmaceutical
aspect swarna vanga was prepared according to classics and
subjected to NPST ( NAMBURI PHASED SPOT TEST ) the test
depends upon the pattern of the spot due to chemical reaction,
which is one of the qualitative tests for rasayogas which helps to
identify and ascertain genuinity of swarna vanga. Hence the
present study was conducted in order to assess genuinity of the
yoga. The NPST was conducted in three different market samples
of swarna vanga and results were compared. The market sample
showed marked difference in the spot pattern and colour. The
swarna vanga prepared in this department showed standard
colour pattern.
Conclusion: When two different samples of Rasamanikya are
prepared by two different methods are compared each other the
study reveals that Rasamanikya shown difference in physico
chemical properties with respect to their method of preparation.
So that the therapeutic properties of formulations are directly
related with the method of preparation. There is a need to
concentrate regarding why different methods are adopted for the
same formulations.
Reproductive Medicine
Role of kapikachhu churna in
oligozoospermia w.s.r. kshinshukra
Efficacy of 'Ashwa' capsule in male
sexual dysfunction
Suresh Jadhao
Dnyaneswar Padavi, Amarsing Rathod
Purpose : In present scenario worldwide male infertility has
increased with the major cause being Oligozoospermia. According
to physiology described by the Acharyas, Shukra formed in the
shukravaha srotas which is responsible for the conception
denotes spermatozoa. When insufficiency of shukra occurs then it
called as Kshinshukra. As per modern, sperm count less than 15
million/ml is called Oligozoospermia. The aim of study was to
access the efficacy of kapikachhu (Mucuna pruriens) churna in
Purpose : 1. Now a day’s erectile dysfunction is very common
Problem among The people and available measures or
managament are not up to the mark & hence this disease still
having ray of hope & Ayurveda could be the solution. 2. To put
forth effect of Cap. Ashwa in such way to accept the medicine in
the modern era.
Method : The study was carried out at NIA, Jaipur. 30 Patients
were selected from NIA OPD and IPD with inclusion criteria of
adult male in the age group of 20 60 years having sperm count
<20 million/ml. Excluded patient < 20 years and > 60 years,
azoospermia, chronic diseases and psychological problems. In
clinical trial Kapikachhu churna was given in the dose of 5gms
twice a day with milk for 45 days. The effect therapy on
spermatogenesis was observed by the semen analysis before and
after treatment. Charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtang
Hridaya, and Bhavprakash were used for references...
Result : At the end of the therapy total 75% patients got moderate
improvement; 16.67% and 8.33% patients were reported mild
improvement and no change respectively.
Method : Open Uncontrolled study with 30 Sample size of age
group 24 70 years treated with Cap. Ashwa 1 gm BD with milk
(Shatavari, Aswagandha, gokshur, Kronchbeej 250 mg each)
Parameters assessed were subjective and haematological and
tolerability and International Index of erectile function (IIEF)
Result : Cap. Ashwa helps to significantly increase sexual desire,
increase quality and sustainability of erection, increase
intravaginal ejaculatory latency time & correct the premature
ejaculation. No severe adverse effect was observed and the
treatment was very well tolerated and safe.
Conclusion : Cap. Ashwa is Very good for erectile dysfunction
(66.70%) and very safe drug. It significantly increase intravaginal
ejaculatory latency time. This clinical trial must be tested on more
sample size, with Controlled and multicenteric level trial.
Conclusion : The results showed that significant increase in sperm
count as it increases the spermatogenesis.
Practical application of uttrabasti
in klaibya w.s.r. to erectile
Prakash Meti
Purpose: Though both, nonsurgical and surgical treatments are in
practice for the management of Erectile dysfunction in allopathic
system, but each of them is having its own limitations and
demerits. The nonsurgical treatment are having poor efficacy
with systemic and local side effects. The surgical treatments are
associated with complications, change in the shape of the penis
and they are unaffordable by the common people.
Method: Patient is selected as per the classical signs and
symptoms of Klaibya. Phala Ghrita is used for the Uttarabasti in
the dose of 30 ml for each episode. Uttarabasti is given in two
divided courses as: 4 consecutive days in the 1st course followed
by 4 days of rest; And again 4 consecutive days of Uttarabasti. The
criteria for assessment of results is based on the scoring of
International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF).
Result: Uttarabasti with Phala Ghrita has shown encouraging
results on Erectile Dysfunction as well as Seminal parameters.
Photos & videos of the procedures carried out by me will be
discussed and shown during my full paper presentation.
Conclusion: Hence Uttarabasti is an effective, safe and affordable
therapy to manage this troublesome problem
Reproductive Medicine
To evaluate the efficacy of
Shatarvariyadi churna and
Ashwagandgadi tail in erectile
Effectiveness of VRP choorna in the
management of asthenospermia
W.A.R.P. Weerasinghe, H.P. Wakkumbura, S.H.K. Deepthika,
H.D.R. Sandyani(1)
Buddhi Prashad Paudel, Girjesh Kumar Gautam, R.K. Joshi,
Jai Prakash Singh
1. Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Teaching Hospital,
Yakkala, Sri Lanka.
Purpose: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common disorder of male
sexual dysfunction that affects all age groups but most commonly
affecting more than half of all men above the age of 50 years,
including both married and single. Worldwide, ED is estimated to
affect more than 150 million men, and that number is expected to
exceed 300 million men by the year 2025. The severity,
prevalence and incidence of ED increase with age. So it is great
worldwide problem in social and personal life. Many drugs are
now available for treating ED.
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of Shatarvariyadi churna and
Ashwagandgadi tail in case of erectile dysfunction
Purpose : Sub fertility is a common problem among in one in six
couples worldwide. The infertility level measured by total fertility
rate (TFR) is estimated at 2.6 for the period between 1993 and
2010. An abnormality is present in the male partner among 30%
of sub fertile couples. Semen quality is a measure of the ability of
semen to accomplish fertilization. Decreased semen mortility is
asthenospermia. There are compounds of Ayurvedic preparations
and have been widely used in the management of
asthenospermia. In this study it is established that VRP Choorna a
herbal treatment, is effective in the management of
Method : Total 30 numbers of patients will be selected from the
OPD & IPD in the P.G. Department of kayachikitsa at National
Institute of Ayurveda and hospital, Jaipur Rajasthan. This study
was a non-blinded, randomized clinical trial using pre-test and
post-test design. After inclusion the patients it was randomly
divide into three groups and named as Group A, Group B and
Group C. Each group contained 10 numbers of patients.
Administered Drugs with duration: Before starting the oral
medication Panchaskara churna, 5 gm once daily with lukewarm
water in night was administered 3 consecutive days for Kostha
Method : VRP Choorna was administered to 35 healthy patients
with asthenospermia who were selected by full clinical
examination from infertility clinic at Gampaha Wickramarachchi
Ayurveda Teaching Hospital. All patients (25 - 45 years) had been
treated with water dissolved VRP Choorna 5 g twice a day for a
period of 4 months and examined for physical changes with one
month interval. Seminal Fluid Analyze reports of all patients were
taken before and after the treatment and the data were analyzed
by using SPSS16 software.
Result : Clinical study has revealed that patients treated in both
group A& group C shows statistically highly significant
improvement in all symptoms and statistically significant
improvement inIIEF 5 Score.
Conclusion : Thus it can be concluded that orally Shatavariyadi
churna with the Anupana milk added with sugar and
Ashwagndhadi tail for local application can be used as safe and
main Therapeutic Agent in the management of Klaibya, (Erectile
Result : After 4 months, the percentage of rapid linear progressive
sperm has increased significantly to the 70.3 7.8 (p<0.001).
Patients have shown significant improvements of reducing
immortality sperm percentage after the treatment. Any adverse
effect had not been reported during the period of treatment and
follow up period.
Conclusion : Therefore this study has shown that VRP Choorna is
effective in the management of asthenospermia.
Reproductive Medicine
A clinical study on the effect of
amalakyadi yoga in the
management of kshinashukra with
special reference to
Radhakrishnan R, Girish KJ
1. SDM College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Thaneeruhalla, Hassan
Purpose : Achievement of scientific integrity and credibility of the
concepts can only be
with well designed and conducted research studies. To create a
healthy progeny is one of the foremost Dharma of an individual.
So fertility is an existential necessity since the time immemorial.
Method : Established cases of Oligoasthenozoospermia from
Vajikarana unit of Kayachikitsa department, SDM College of
Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan as well as cases referred by other
physicians of other departments will be included in this study.
The sperm count < 20 mill/ml and motility < 50% SLP + RLP18
will be considered as Oligoasthenozoospermia. Semen sample will
be obtained preferably by masturbation. Amalakyadi yoga in the
form of tablet administered in the dose of 4 tablets of 500 mg
thrice daily, with a glass of lukewarm water, half an hour after
food for 45 days and semen analysis will be repeated. Follow up
will be done again after 45 days and semen analysis will be done.
Amalakyadi yoga constitutes of Amalaki, Guduchi, Gokshura in
equal quantity in Choorna form given Bavana with same Kwatha
for 7 times and tablets are prepared each of 500mg.
Result : The medicine has shown significant improvement in the
sperm count and motility after the treatment and during the
follow up the improvement sustained with slight more
improvement in the sperm motility.
Conclusion : The medicine is having good effect in
"Clinical management of ksheena
shukra (oligospermia) w.s.r. to
ashwagandhadi and shatavaryadi
choorna - A comparative study"
Abhinav Rathore, Suhail Jandial
Purpose :Ksheena Shukra is kshaya of Shukra Dhatu in the body
due to change in diet, life style, stress, and disorders like
hormonal imbalance, orchitis, mumps, varicocele etc. In Indians
10 - 12% of couples are unable to conceive or bear a child. Male is
directly responsible in 30 - 40% case. Commonly available
treatment in modern medicine is hormonal therapy which has got
its own side effects also. In Ayurveda, Ksheena Shukra is Dosha
Bala Pravrutta, Kruchra Sadhya Roga of Shukra vaha Srotas. It is
understood that Vata and Pitta Dosha are responsible for this
condition. So, Vrishaya Padartha enriched with Madhura Rasa,
Sheeta Virya and Guru Snigdha guna and Rasayana properties
should be used for the management.
Method : Total of 30 patients were taken for the study under two
groups consisting of 15 patients each Group A received:
Haritakyadi choorna for malashodhana, Ashwagandhadi choorna
with ksheer. Group B received: Haritakyadi choorna for
malashodhana, Shatavaryadi choorna with ksheer.
Result : Though both Ashwagandhadi and Shatavaryadi Choorna
provided significant results in subjects of Ksheena Shukra, the
relief provided by Ashwagandhadi Choorna was comparatively
better than other group.
Conclusion : As Ksheena Shukra is Kruchra Sadhya Vyadhi, where
vitiated Vata and Pitta due to Nidana Sevana vitiate & causes
decrease in the concentration of Shukra either quantitatively or
qualitatively, long term follow up of subjects with intensive
observations with regards to proper dosage of the medicine,
anupana, nidana parivarjana, Pathya sevana are necessary to
establish the optimum effect of the treatment. The treatment
comprising of Ashwagandhadi and Shatavaryadi Choorna was
found effective and worthy of trial on the patients of Ksheena
Shukra. This study is a humble effort to prove the value of
Ayurvedic measures on the scientific lines and thus to highlight its
Reproductive Medicine
Clinical study on role of
Guduchyadi pippali yoga in sukra
kshaya w.s.r.Oligospermia
R Prabhakar
Purpose: An estimated 15% couples are infertile. In this male
factor is 30%, female factor is 30%, both factors are 30% and
idiopathic causes are 10%. Among them shukra kshaya
[oligospermia] is the major cause. Infertility severely affects the
couple in their Psychological harmony, Sexual life and social
activity. So the qualitative and quantitative increase in sukra is
the main purpose of this study.
Method: The study was conducted with an open trial with
randomised selection. Guduchyadi pippali yoga consists of
Guduchi satva, pippali churna, Ela churna, Abraka bhasma, Loha
bhasma and sita and it was given in 500mg tab form mixed with
honey and ksheera as anupana. This drug has been given for 45
days and patient was asked to review in every 15 days with the
help of subjective parameters from the patient and objective
parameters from a laboratory the results were assessed.
Result: The results are encouraging in both subjective and
objective parameters. Among 30 patients 5 patients reported that
their partner got conceived.
Conclusion: The sperm count and sperm motility are markedly
improved. No side effects have been reported. Thus it finally
noticed that Ayurveda has proper answer to male infertility which
is caused by oligospermia. So the purpose of this study is fulfilled.
A comparative clinical study to
evaluate the efficiency of shatavari
churna and shatavari ghrita in
ksheena shukrata wsr to
Sowmyashree U P, Gajanana Hegde
Purpose: Research on incidence of Ksheenashukra i.e.
Oligospermia conducted between 1938 and 1990, revealed that
sperm count has come down from 130 million/ml to 66
million/ml and now decreased further. Inspite of giant strides
achieved by basic science and modern science, still this problem
lacks permanent solution. Therefore, exploring herbal fertility
agents is of top priority in the field of research of andrology.
Medicated ghrita is considered as most ideal in the treatment of
shukradosha. But its preparation is tedious and is costly. So if
same drug used in ghrita formulation is given in the churna form,
has same or better action would be an interesting point of
research, since, preparation of churna is easy and economical.
Further, Shatavari is said to be shukrala and Shatavarighrita is
told as vrishyauttamam, hence, they were selected. The objective
of the study was to evaluate the effect of Shatavarighrita and
shatavarichurna in ksheenashukra, invidually and also to
compare their effects.
Method: Study was conducted on 30 patients of ksheenashukra,
and assigned into 2 groups as group A and group B. All 30 patients
were initially subjected to deepenapaachana with
panchalokachurna and later haritakyadi yoga was given for
vataanulomana. 15 patients of Group A received Shatavarighrita
12 Gms BD, with ushnodaka for 30 days. 15 patients of Group B
received Shatavari churna 6 Gms BD, with ushnodaka for 30 days.
Result: In both the groups, improvement was seen in all the
seminal parameters after treatment.
Conclusion: Shatavarichurna is more beneficial in improving
sperm count Shatavarighrita improves sperm motility, sperm
morphology and seminal volume.
Yoga for sexual health
Sudhakar Petkar
Purpose : Sex is vert Important of life. Disturbed sex life destroys
the whole life.To save this Yoga plays a very important role by
bringing physical fitness & mental stability which is very essential
sexual health & pleasure
Method : Daily certain Yogic Poses & yogic Breathing exercises for
30 minutes to 1 hour on empty stomac with cleared bowl early in
the morning. This yogic practises carried out in Dr.Petkar's Yoga
Center for atleast 6 months on 51 participants
Result : It increases Sexual Health & Sexual Pleasure along with it
increases Libido, Premature Ejaculation, Retarded Ejaculation
Conclusion : Yoga is very useful for sexual Health & pleasure. But
Yoga should be one's Life style for that determination of mind
very essential.Yogic exercises should be perform regularly
Reproductive Medicine
Vrishya dravya- tool in shaping the
corner stones of healthy society.
Ankush Gunjal
Purpose : The principle aim of Ayurvedic aphrodisiac therapy
Vrishya chikitsa is the birth of mentally and physically healthy
children as they are the corner stones of a healthy future society.
Modern life style is full of stress and competition thus interferes
with physical mechanism of body creating psychosomatic impact
leading to sexual inefficiency. Ayurvedic aphrodisiacs that
enhance the vitality and give sexual power to couples which
enable them to give birth to healthy children. Western medicine
relies on aggressive prescription of drugs and surgery to deal with
many problems related to sexual dysfunction which in turn have
unwanted and even dangerous side effects. In regards to this
Scientists are searching for a safe and effective phytomedicine
from Ayurveda.
Method : Review of classical text and research data reported in
various journals and monographs
Result : Vrishya chikitsa described in Ashtang Ayurveda mentions
the reasons for sexual inefficiency and directs the use of several
aphrodisiac herbs and minerals to enhance the vitality. Charaka,
has prescribed the use of aphrodisiacs that enhance the potency
of a person. Ex. Ashwagandha, Mushali, Shatavari, Kapikacchu etc.
Researches proves that, they enhance the reproductive
capabilities and vigor of men while strengthening the body and
overall well being. In Ashwagandha main contain is withanolides,
which are steroid lactones and have a quick and pronounced
hormonal effect which stimulate the development of testicular
cells. Kapikacchu has been shown to increase sperm count. L
dopa, a precursor of the neurotransmitter dopamine, isolated
from Kapikacchu, has been shown to increase sperm production.
The Vrishya chikitsa resorts to herb preparations and minerals,
including nonpharmacological measures mentioned by Charaka
like Sadvrutta palana and Aacharrasayana, also attain to enhance
reproductive capabilities and vigor of men.
Conclusion : The herbs mentioned above and Sadavrutta,
Achararasayana stands as an answer to solve problem of sexual
inefficiency and enhance the potency of a person
To evaluate the clinical efficacy of
Phalaghritha orally and pumsavana
with Vatashrungaadi nasya in
Tejaswini S
Purpose: Human reproduction is intricate process, normal
implantation and placentation is required for successful
pregnancy. Pregnancy complications like abortions due to
placenta previa or IUD/preterm labour/IUGR due to
preeclampsia and other hypertensive disorders occur due to
defective placentation and implantation. Changing trends of
modern lifestyle, hectic life schedule, stress and strain, on
working pregnant woman imparts extra strain apart from normal
physiological changes thus there is increased incidence of
abortion, preterm labour etc. now a days. Concept of
garbhasthapana is important in present era which is prevents
foetus from effects of garbhopaghatakarabhavas. An ensuring non
hormonal treatment to prevent further obstetric tragedies is
needed. Thus a study was conducted for the cases with previous
history of abortions, IUD, preterm labour with contemporary
treatment of phalaghrita orally and vatashrungaadi nasya. A
detail study of this will be discussed in full paper presentation.
Method: A single blind clinical study with pre-test and post design
where 30 pregnant women fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion
criteria was taken for the study. Special proforma was prepared
pertaining to history taking, physical signs and symptoms,
previous obstetric history etc. the parameters was assessed with
number method. The patients were randomised into 3 groups of
10 patients each. Control group progesterone hormone. Trial
group A progesterone with oral use of phalaghritha. Trial group B
progesterone with vatashrungaadi nasya.
Result: Positive result was found in trial groups when compared
to control group. Thus in case of sadahaprustaparshwashoola,
asampoornadivase prasava, anunnatakukshi, pushpadarshana
trial group showed better results than control group but in weight
of the baby no significant difference between both groups.
Conclusion: From above results it can be concluded that
vatashrungaadi nasya and phalaghritha is effective in
Reproductive Medicine
Effect of ethanolic extract of
Anacyclus pyrethrum on age
associated sexual dysfunction in
male rats
Vikas Sharma, V.K. Dixit
Purpose: Scientific investigation has supported the long held
notion that sexual function in men declines with age. A variety of
studies indicate that as men reach late middle and old age, the
frequency of sexual activity becomes lower, libido is diminished.
These findings suggest that decreasing sexual and reproductive
capacity in aging men may be related to androgen deficiency in
old age. The availability of the large number of sex improving
drugs in the traditional Ayurvedic System is a unique and
distinctive feature of this system. A special class of Rasayana
drugs is known as Vrishya or Vajikarana. The Vajikaran drugs are
specially recommended to people suffering from sexual
insufficiency and people in advanced age losing interest in sexual
act or failing in sexual performance.
Method: For assessment of sexual behaviour, old age male rats
were divided into five groups. The extracts (50, 100 and 150
mg/kg body weight/day) and sildenafil citrate (5mg/kg body
weight/day) were administered orally for 28 days. The
behavioural and sexual parameters were observed at day 0, 15,
28 and after a lapse of 7 and 14 days of discontinuance of drug
Result: The extract had a dose dependent positive effect on
mounting frequency, intromission frequency and ejaculation
frequency, even after a lapse of 7 and 14 days of discontinuance of
drug treatment. A dose dependent effect was also observed on the
FSH, LH and testosterone serum levels.
Conclusion: Study lends support to the traditional utilization of
Anacyclus pyrethrum as a sexual stimulating agent in old age
sexual dysfunction.
Reproductive Medicine
Siddha & Ayurveda
A comparative study of Siddha &
Ayurveda medication system of
R. Achal, Kirti Anamika, Dushyant Kumar Shah
1. Faculty of Archiology BHU
Purpose : As it is well served with the same Aryan and Dravidian
primarily in India has developed two cultures to protect human
health and resources to suit your needs individually developed
treatment methods. Who stated in Ayurveda and Siddha.
Ayurveda is expanding, but Siddha could not get into the main
stream. Received medical science has Siddha valuable sources
resulting from human community is deprived vast majority of
today. Received medical science has Siddha purpose of this study
contain the main stream in is.
Method : History of Aryan and Dravidian cultures, History of
Indian Sciences , Rigvedas, Atharvavedas, Sangamsahitya,
Charaksaamhita, Shaiva Shakta Tantra etc and public mythics
present study were used as the sources.
Result : The study found that the difficulty of language of
obtaining siddha was not included in the main stream of Indian
medication., Then the formulas of Siddha therapeutics, the global
medical science not only the rich are able to.
Conclusion : The study also The conclusion of this study is that
Indian society during the long evolutionary journey Aryan and
Dravidian cultures as Siddha and Ayurveda are also mixed in their
experiences and medical sources interchange wealthy have been
themselves but its originality is maintained. Which consists in the
fact that the botanical world where Ayurveda Himalayas While
the original basis Siddha medicinal seaside minerals, suit their
environment, chemicals, herbs the original base. Siddha medicine
even today in the poisons, minerals, and ease of purification
methods are available, whose use in the current upgrade medical
sscience and is helpful in advancement and enrichment revealed
that development and use of drugs in the locality, culture and the
environment is essential to keep in mind.
Siddha & Ayurveda
Skin and Hair Care
Kesharanjana yogas - A classical
Bhuvaneshwari Hulyal
Critical analysis of Varnya
Dashemani - An ayurvedic
approach to cosmetology"
Purpose : Premature greying of hair is becoming one of the major
problems in worldwide where in even the young appear old due
to colour of the hair. This is much concerned to men and women
alike. In present era, it is becoming common in children also. This
is due to nutrition deficiency, stress, excessive work etc. For this,
nowadays many chemical hair colours and hair dyes are available
in market which are harmful or may cause some allergic reaction.
In Ayurveda, our acharyas have explained many yogas for palitya
and kesharanjana for beauty purpose. So in this regard a
systematic review of palitya nashaka and keshranjana yogas is
done which may be safe and effective for use.
Pushkar Ketkar
Method : A systematic classical review of palitya nashaka and
kesharanjana yogas is done.
Method: Amongst the Fifty Dashemanis told in Charak samhita,
Varnya Dashemani is one. Chakrapani in his commentary says
Varnaaya hitam Varnyam, meaning that the one which enhances
the colour complexion of the body is varnya. According to
Ayurveda the health of the skin is dependent on Rakta dhatu, Ojas,
and Pitta dosha. Any derangement in these factors leads to a
cosmetic ill health. References regarding the drugs of' varnya
dashemani' are been found in many of the Nighantus where the
authors have clearly mentioned about the detail pharmacology
and pharmacothereupetics. Taking these factors into
consideration critical analysis of these drugs has been done.
Result : As it is review results are not applicable. Hence we rely on
Conclusion : By looking into the list of yogas mentioned for palitya
and kesharanjana in our classics, it can be concluded that
thousands of years back also, prime importance was given to
beauty and especially for hair. Hence effort is done here to
compile all the formulations indicated for palitya and greying of
hair which may be more safe and effective.
Purpose: Cosmetology is the branch which deals with the Beauty
treatment, and Skin care is a part of it. Due to the social cosmetic
awareness in the society, there is increase in the demand and
utilization of the cosmetic products. Most of these products
contain chemicals such as dibutyl phthalate, formaldehyde, lye
(sodium hydroxide), ammonia, and coal tar which are known to
cause hazardous side effects to the skin like Allergies,
photosensitivity and also Malignancies. This is a matter of
concern in the society and alternatives have to be thought off in
the form of safe and effective cosmetic agents.
Result : After screening the pharmacology of the drugs told in this
dashemani we find all these drugs are rakta prasadakara, Ojo
vardhak and pitta shamak. Also recent researches have proven
them to be possessing Anti Glycation, Anti oxidant, Anti
microbial properties which are essential in cosmetic health and
skin care.
Conclusion: Hence this study has been intended to critically
analyse the drugs of 'Varnya dasheman', with an aim to provide
an alternative to the harmful synthetic cosmetic products.
Effect of kasesadi churnam in
childhood alopecia
Nagalakshmi Bhavanasi, Krishnaiah Namani
Purpose: Beauty is the essence of life in present era. Hair is one
such which adds more beauty to a person. There is utmost care
and concern for hair among everyone. Hair loss or baldness
causes depression and a sort of inferiority complex. It is more
worrying if such a problem develops from childhood. Now a days
due to stress, immune deficiencies, improper diet, infections,
children are prone to alopecia. It is beautifully described by
ancient acharyas centuries ago through some formulations. One
among them is kaseesadi lepam
Method: Shodita kasesadi lepam is applied over hailess patches
every day until hair sprouts are visualized
Result: Results are encouraging based on trial over 5 patients.
Detailed statistical results will be presented in the seminar
Conclusion: Indraluptam though a very minor problem, there is no
proper treatment in modern science. With the help of ayurvedic
formulations indraluptam can be treated successfully.
Skin and Hair Care
Hidden beauty concepts in
ayurveda w.r.t agada tantra.
Gurusiddeshwar. Kalyanimath., Sharanesh. T,
Ashwinikumar. Bharati, Anita M.G
Purpose: Beauty is not in the face ,Beauty is a light in the heart.In
our Ayurveda it is stated that Physical, Mental and Spiritual
beauty as a combined unit projects the cosmetic sense of
Ayurveda ( Ch.Su 1/41). According to Ayurveda healthy skin is the
result of overall condition of individuals and prescribes numerous
skin care treatments that need to be pursued at every stage of life.
Ayurveda determines beauty by Prakruti (body constitution),
Sara (structural predominance), Samhanana (compactness of
body), Twak (skin complexion), Pramana (measurement) and
Dirghayu lakshana (symptom of long life). Ayurveda cosmetology
started with garbhini paricharya, Dinacharya, Ratricharya and
Ritucharya with practice of medicinal herbs and minerals. In day
to day life, knowingly or unknowingly we exposing lots of
chemicals /toxins to our body, those spoiling our natural beauty
silently, this same concept is explained in Agada tantra under
concept of Dhooshivisha (Su.Ka 2/33) and Garaviasha.
Method : 1.Literature review of concept related to cosmetology in
relation to Agada Tantra. 2. Analysis and Interpretation of mode
of action of Agada yoga's in relieving the symptoms of Twak
Result : 1. Specific Agada yogas like Bilwadi Agada ,
Dhooshivishari Agada, Moorvadi choorna, Paarantyadi Keram
shows best preventive and curative action in twak vikaras. 2.
Some of the Agadas like Moorvadi choona (A.hrudaya) lepas have
enhansess the internal and external beauty.
Conclusion : Agada tantra is not only a branch of Ayurveda it deals
with management of acute and chronic diseases but also a added
benefit of being used for cosmetology.
Efficacy of "romasanjanana lepa" in
regeneration of hair in
Deodatta Bhadlikar
Dr.D.Y.Patil College of Ayurved &Research Institute, Nerul Navi
Mumbai. Maharashtra India
Purpose : To study Efficacy of "Romasanjanana Lepa" in
Regeneration of Hair in "Indralupta"(Alopecia) Hair contributes
one's personality and has always remained the centre of
attraction.So each one is conscious about it and is in search of
better remedy for their crowning glory.Since the adverse effects
of modern medicine are evident, there is an utmost need of herbal
treatment. The aim of surgical cosmeticology is to
eliminate,minimize or normalize the post surgical
scar,discoloration,loss of hair. "Sushruta" has avoided hair
transplantation surgery and advised "Upakrama" like application
of paste in the treatment of Alopecia
Method : 20 patients upto the age of 60yrs were selected for
trial.Every 14th day was selected for followup Equal quantity of
"Pongmia Glabra", "Ferrous Sulphate","Ferronia elephuntum"
mixed with coconut oil/water,1/4 thick Angul lepa applied on
scalp two times. Period till it dries off.
Result : Maximun average rate of growth found in 2nd inspection
i.e 15th to 28th day which was 0.7mm/day. Average rate of
growth of hair at the end of 42nd day was 0.59mm/day. Maximum
number of patients were of middle age.Equal history of gradual
and sudden onset of disease,occipital region was common site of
disease,68 number of patches were found.( Including one patch of
psoriasis) Itching, whitishness, unctousness, roughness,
cleanliness, dryness were found on local examination in majority
of cases. .Significant results marked improvement in screening
examination. Length of regenerated hair and totally covered area
of patches proved that patients got totally cured. Also effective in
hair loss by psoriasis,post typhoid, without any side effects is best
in Alopecia,where regeneration of hair is desired. The efficacy of
drug 49.73*100/50=99.46%
Conclusion : The "ROMASANJANANA LEPA" was found very
effective in Indralupta. It changed the site of patch where there
was hair loss by regeneration of hair. The hair which grew latter
were of good quality. This medicine been non toxic and a Herbal
Ayurved product proved its efficacy.
Skin and hair care
Hair Care for working women
Ayurvedic point of view
Amrish K.Shah
Hair and the skin are most important parts of the human body
which play very important role in building oneself image, prestige
and confidence level. Hair stands for supreme importance so fair
beauty of women is concerned. But to maintain texture of hair
requires sufficient care. The problem with the working women is
time factor. To keep healthy hair within short time is the need of
working women. Ayurveda is the science of life come for the
major help of working women which is prescribed by Ayurveda
scientist for hair care is the right answer. Siroabhyang and nasya
should be performed daily as described by Vagbhatt. The
nutrition diet will be of great help as there is upadhatu of asthi.
Milk, Ghee, patol, Dadim Amla, Godhum, Draksha can be taken as
diet nutrition dry fruit like Cashew nuts, Almond are useful.
Modern science confirms this view of Ayurveda by advising diet
containing rich vitamins & calcium for hair growth. To protect
hair from sunlight it should be covered with cap. Avoid using
synthetic shampoo etc. Herbal medicines Arishtak, Amalaki,
kumara, Bhringraj are useful as they are having considered
keshya and rasayan. Thus Ahara Vihar prescribed by Ayurveda
Samhinta help Working woman to help hair care to have great
looking hair.
Therapeutic effect of Karani Oil in
Management of Indralupt
Asso prof and skin & Hair expert Y.M.T Ayurvedcollege, Kharghar,
Navi Mumbai.
Modern society attaches great importance to the looks, for which
scalp hair plays great role. Patchy alopecia i.e alopecia areata
seems to be synonyms with ‘indralupta’. The condition is
considered as tridoshaj with vitiation of rakta. Genetics plays an
important role, use of local injectable corticosteroids though
advocated the results are far from satisfactory. Hence there is a
need for Ayurveda management. 30 patients of either sex
irrespective of their age having patchy loss of scalp & face hair
were treated by application of ‘Karanj Tail’ on the cleaned surface
for 7 days. The change in the affected area was mentioned by
measuring with various calliper, the observations were masked
results were analysed and conclusion were drawn which suggest
that this modality significantly reduces the area affected and
there is reappearance of hair on the area affected.
Skin and Hair Care
Sports Medicine
An Ayurvedic approach to diagnose
overtraining syndrome in athletes
Amruta V Deshpande
Introduction: The field of sports is growing enormously from
recreational activity to career activity in last two decades. For
glorious sports career, elite level of physical fitness & its
maintenance is needed for excellence in performance & its
perseverance to have a longer period of sports career in life.
Athletes strive through regular strenuous training sessions to
attain it. These causes excessive wear & tear of body which may
lead to overtraining syndrome (OTS) including decrements in
performance. Diagnosis of overtraining has always been a great
challenge for coaches & athletes. From critical review of past
literature it is observed that, a gold standard for diagnosis of OTS
is still lacking. Hence researcher is curious to develop assessment
protocol on the basis of Ayurvedic principles of Vyayam, including
easy clinical assessments that would enable coaches & athletes to
diagnose their overtraining at every stage of training.
Aim: To develop the assessment protocol for diagnosis of
overtraining syndrome in athletes on Ayurvedic principles of
vyayam. Design: Quasi experimental one group pre-test, post-test
Method: 34 athletes from track & field athletes were randomly
selected for assessment during competitive season. Using
self-designed protocol to diagnose OTS, pre & post competitive
season off field assessments & 3 sessions of on field assessments
of 34 athletes were conducted.
Results: Increasing percentage of athletes in every progressive
grade of OTS (0 to III) is suggestive of increasing intensity of
training as competitive period reaches. Comparatively high
percentage of OTS in track events was observed than jumping &
throwing events.
Conclusion: Assessment protocol developed on the basis of
Ayurvedic principles of Vyayama is useful to diagnose OTS in
athletes. This also specifies the grade of over training in athletes
which is helpful to diagnose OTS before performance decrements.
Sports Medicine
Textual Study
Gradation method - A new
approach for prakruti assesment
Contribution of ayurveda for
human wellbeing - A review
Sarita Bhutada
Wasantha Janaki Wickramarachchi
Purpose: A new approach for Prakruti Assessment By Gradation
Purpose : The main aim of this review is to identify certain
principles mentioned in Ayurvedic texts to preserve the health
and prevention of the diseases.
Method : From the time immemorial, Ayurveda system of
medicine is serving for the welfare of human being by keeping
them healthy. Ayurveda not only cures the diseases, but also gives
views regarding promotion, prolongation and maintenance of a
happy and healthy life. In this connection Ayurveda has
prescribed certain daily routine principles namely; Dinacharya
(daily routine), Ratricharya (night routine) Sadvrita (ethical
routine) etc. Daily routine is followed with regulated diet, sleep
and brahmacharya. The present society, modified life styles and
food patterns create various types of disorders such as obesity,
diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis etc. Ayurveda has clearly
mentioned the methods of maintaining a healthy life. So it is
essential to conscious the present society with needful guidelines
to maintain their health.
Research work on analyzing
scientific elucidations for the
properties of akasa mahabhuta &
its methodologica impact on the
subsistance of ahankar
Rahul Soor
Purpose : The aim of this research work is to ascertain the theory
of Akasa mahabhuta, with hard-core scientific evidences. The
most crucial problem with the concepts of Akasa mahabhuta is
that the modern Gnostics of Ayurveda misconstrue the properties
of Akasa mahabhuta avowed in the primordial texts and
parchments of Ayurveda. We still do not know the scientific
reason behind the operational phenomena of Akasa mahabhuta
and thus fails to predict the reason for existence of other
Mahabhutas. This research work resolves the fundamental
concepts of Ayurveda scientifically.
Method : The physical properties of Akasa mahabhuta and Quanta
have huge similitude with each other. Both Akasa Mahabhuta and
Quanta allocate with indistinguishable characteristics, as none of
them is perceived by any of our sense faculty. One should not
perplexed it with energy contained within Quanta. Veracitically,
Akasa Mahabhuta is that essence which bounds energy to liberate
or to get absorbed into a whole number multiple. Furthermore,
Equation of Cosmos and Quantum wave equation crafts us to
realize the science of Rajas and Tamas Ahankara. Likewise, the
Quantum Entanglement scientifically educed the trilogy of Sattva
Ahankara, Akasa Mahabhuta and Shabd Guna, which in turn
establish the ubiquitous mechanism of Sattva Ahankara as
mention by our Ancient Theologians.
Result : Ayurveda has equated human body with a building. Pillars
are required to make the building stable. Similarly the need of
three pillars (Sthambha) and three supporting pillars
(Upastambha) have been emphasized for human body. The three
pillars are the three doshas; vata, pitta and kapha. The three
supporting pillars are ahar (diet) nidra (sleep) and brahmacharya
(celibacy). According to Charaka Samhitha a person who
observed these upasthabhas properly, well endowed with
strength, complexion, and longevity and maintaining the health in
his full lifespan.
Conclusion : In the present scenario fast and stressful life,
observation of these three will definitely maintain the status of
equilibrium. Thus applying this unique health care approach of
Ayurveda, one may enjoy healthy and happy life which is the main
objective of Ayurveda.
Result : This research paper revealed that how the phenomenal
interaction between Akasa Mahabhuta and Shabd Guna confer to
heave the most innovative theory of Ayurveda along with
scientific elucidation counting Samvay Sambandh between Akasa
Mahabhuta and Shabd Guna and methodological reasons behind
properties of Akasa Mahabhuta.
Conclusion : Akasa Mahabhuta offers us the scientific rationale
behind existence of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas Ahankara. The
phenomenon of Akasa Mahabhuta concretes the science of other
four Mahabhuta. This research on Akasa Mahabhuta should be
considered as a tool, which amends an unempirical perception of
fundamental concepts of Ayurveda into a precise theory.
Textual Study
Vajikarana - Infertility treament,
erotology or health booster ?
Literary veiw of ojas in various
ayurvedic compendia
Athri S . S, J.R. Joshi
Kiran Tawalare
Purpose : Ayurveda, the science of health and its ethos opines
aahara, nidra and maithuna as the three pillars of life. Moreover
they are the fulfilling factors for the natural urges like kshut, nidra
and rethas, among the 13 natural urges whose regulation is of
importance in maintaining the healthy status of a person. There
have been extensive studies on food and sleep in Ayurveda as well
as in modern science. India is a country where lot of work has
been done on sex in its recreational aspect as in Kama sutra. In
ayurveda , the branch of vajikarana deals with sex in its
procreational and relational aspects but study on sex as an urge or
as a health regulating factor has not been done yet. This study
mainly deals with the practical utility and health regulating effect
of sex.
Purpose : Ayurveda the science of life defines man as
conglomeration of panch mahabhutas and atmaarising various.
These are present in body in the form of doshas, dhatus and
malas, comparising various organs and systems. Oja has great
value in the Ayurveda, as it plays vital roll in the
pranavalambanam karma. The essence of saptdhatu is called ojas.
Ojas is also called bala. According to sushrut ojas is the tej of all
dhatus. There are two types of oja depends on its sites, colour,
quantity and functions. The detail description is available in
various Ayurvedic samhitas and commentaries, but the
description of oja is not found collectively. It is scattered
everywhere. So doing comparative study of oja is being difficult
task. Insufficient knowledge of Sanskrit language, is one of the
major hurdle to perceive the proper knowledge of Ayurvedic
compendia. Therefore all literature about oja needs to collect and
arrange properly according to samhit s and their commentaries.
Method : It is a literary study along with interventions of
experienced Ayurvedic practitioners to assess the practical utility
of sex, its rules and regulations, maintenance by vajikarana and a
comparative study on the approach of ancient Indian erotology
and Ayurveda on sex
Result : Sex is a divine entity which regulates the health and
procreation in living beings. Vajikarana is not an infertility
treatment but an additional supplement for human to fully live
the genetically determined lifespan and acquiring the
Conclusion : Ayurveda considers sex as divine, as a natural urge
and one among the three pillars of life. It has got its broad impact
over the physical, psychological and social relations of human and
also in procreation which is the reason for the human race to
exist. Sex has to be regulated by the rules and regulations and
supplemented by Vajikarana for fulfilling the pursuits of life.
Method : The literary view collect from Vedas, Charak Samhia,
Sushrut Samhita, Ashtang Sangrah, Ashtang Hridya, Madhav
Nidan Samhita, Sharangdhar Samhita, Bhavprakash, yogratnakar,
kashyap, bhel, harit ect.Samhitas and their available
commentaries. All references are collected fromabove samhita
and commentries which are available in market.
Result : This study gives comprehensive overview of oja. It helps
to give distilled knowledge about oja. Sometimes it gives rare but
important references.
Conclusion : This literature will be quite useful for first year to
ph.D student of B.A.M.S., teachers, practioners and researchers.
Textual Study
Catagorical interpretation in
microsoft excel of jangam dravya
database from Bruhat-Trayi &
Abhijeet Saraf
Purpose : Not a single drug in Ayurveda has been termed as non
medicinal. This means every Dravya has medicinal value in this
world. Jangam dravya is an animal sourced medicine. In samhita
Jangam Dravya are described first. So as per Krama Varnan
Vichar, Jangam Dravyas are significant in this type. In Ayurvedic
literature there is more literature on Audbhid & Parthiva
Dravyas. I Total available nighantu : more than 25. Total
available Rasa Grantha : about 145. There is no one Grantha on
Jangam Dravya which describes their whole information. Jangam
Dravyas are described in Ayurvedic literature in different views
and in different branches. Gross description is available in
Samhitas. But they aren't in format. They are not compiled
according to their Guna Karma, Upayogitwa, Vyadhiharatwa,
Kalpa etc. Their use in Chikitsa is minimal as their ready
references are not available, though very much effective. So due
to sheer need of compilation of these references this topic was
selected for study. The basic need for study of Jangam Dravya is to
prepare its whole DATABASE. So through this study Database of
Jangam Dravya can be available like Jangam Dravya.
Method : Selection of topic this is a fundamental & literary study,
Selection of material, Selection of Database software & font,
Collection of data & preparation of Master Chart, Preparation of
Database, Interpretation & summarization of data.
Result : So in this paper, we are going to focus on literature
availability of jangam dravya with the help of modern technique
like Microsoft Excel. And also how we can prepare and use the
categorical interpretation of jangam dravya with help of database
Importance of upayogasamstha in
relation to digestion of the food
Anil Avhad
Purpose: According to Ayurveda food is the cause for both health
and diseases i.e. wholesome and unwholesome food is responsible
for happiness and misery respectively. Also it is one among the
three tripods of life. Beside the quality and quantity of the food it
is also very much important that how it is taken because food
taken in improper way can lead to various diseases. Keeping this
thing in mind there are 8 factors (Aharavidhivisheshayatana)
mentioned in Vimana sthana of Charak Samhita which determines
the utility of the food. Upayogasamstha is the eighth factor among
these which deals with the dietetic rules. Further at another place
six factors which are necessary for the transformation/digestion
of the food (Aharaparinamakara Bhava) are mentioned. So, the
study was planned to evaluate the relation between
Upayogasamstha and digestion of the food.
Method: The data from various texts along with brihatrayi has
been collected, compiled and analysed to get some fruitful
Result: Each factor mentioned in Upayogasamstha has some
scientific reason behind it and has got direct impact on digestion
of the food as well as on the health status of the person. It was
found that improper taking of food has been directly mentioned
as causative factor for certain diseases.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that in the field of dietetics
especially digestion along with factors affecting it, has been
mentioned scientifically and at very minute level in Ayurveda by
following this many kind of diseases arising in today’s era can be
Conclusion : Jangam Dravyas are described in Ayurvedic
literature in different views and in different branches. importance
of these dravyas are the main key point of this study.
Textual Study
Pranvaha srotasa and snehana
Monica Mulay
Purpose: Snehana is a unique treatment modality. It has a special
role in maintaining health as well as treating diseases. The
guiding treatment principal in Pranavaha Srotasa vyadhi is
Snehana. To make an exhaustive study of classical Ayurvedic
literature regarding Snehana or Snehapana and its specific role in
management of Pranavaha Srotasa vyadhi like Shwasa, Kasa is
important purpose. To study the usage of snehan kalpas in
swatantra and paratantra pranavaha srotodrushti by Atidesha
and Anagatavekshana tantrayukti is the objective.
Method: Edited scholarly publications of classical triad of Brihat
trayi Charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtanga Hridaya;
All references of Snehana Snehapana available through classical
literature were collected;
All diseases classified under
Pranavaha Srotodushti by eminent scholar in the book
Vyadhivinishchaya (Vaidya Athavale) were searched; Specific
references of Snehana and Snehana kalpas were searched with
references to above mentioned Pranavaha Srotodushtijanya
vyadhis; Available data was analysed with specific vyadhi Shwasa
because Swasa is standardized vyadhi for treatment principal of
Pranavaha Srotasa in Charak Samhita; Role of Snehana in
Prnavaha Srotasa vyadhi was critically analysed and efforts were
made to identify specific Avastha for administering Snehana; This
was further analysed in clinical context with reference to specific
kalpas, dose, time, method of administration as well as use of
Snehana with reference to specific Panchakarma procedures
Results and conclusion: Scope and limitations of role of Snehana.
Snehapana is put forth in a user friendly manner to help clinical
decision making in indoor and outdoor patients.
Tantrayukti Canons of Textual
Composition in Ayurveda
Varsha Sadhale
M.D.(Rachana Sharir) Lecturer Pad.Dr.D.Y.Patil college of
Ayurved and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune
Purpose : Ayurveda treatises are available in Sanskrit and hence
are difficult to understand universally. Tantrayukti’s provide
assistance in understanding treatises, it is said in Charak Siddhi
sthana 12th chapter that, as a person fails to acquire wealth when
fortune deserts him , similarly one who is not conversant with
tantrayukti’s does not understand the real implications of
treatises even if he has studied many of them. Hence the objective
is, to study the accurate method of learning the classical treatises
of Ayurveda.
Methods: Each tantrayukti, as mentioned in Brihattrayi was
studied. The knowledge of tantrayukti’s was applied to
comprehend the meaning of various issues in Ayurveda treatises.
Here only two examples are given. Arthapatti: (implied meaning)
in this type of tantrayukti , a component is categorically out
spoken, the other parts of it are to be understood being associated
with it . A categoric advice that one should not consume curd at
night, it may be presumed that there is permission to consume
curd at day time. Uddesha : (enunciation) compact style of initial
expression. e.g. the reader is acquainted with whole of the
Ayurveda when he learns the term trisutra as the term comprises,
the hetu (etiology) , linga (symptomatology) and aushadh
(management aspect) for health and disease. Likewise all the
tantrayukti’s were studied.
Discussion: Tantrayukti’s provide the controlling guidelines for
treatises. Ayurveda have some technical terms, the clear
conception of these terms helps to understand the matter clearly .
in poetic literature , the author has to arrange the words
according to the rules of prosody. Even some of the words , are
kept out of writing to maintain the system .some words have got
many meanings .In all these conditions, tantrayukti’s present a
frame work which clear the appropriate meaning and references
to various texts.
Conclusion: Tantrayukti is the best tool to study the Ayurveda.
Textual Study
Concept of Signs of Death / Near
Death in Ayurvedic Classics
Dilip KR. Goswami , Biswajit Das
Govt. Ayurvedic College, Jalukbari, Guwahati-14, Assam, Lecturer,
Agada Tantra & Vidhi Ayurveda
Introduction: Ayurveda, which is considered as the
Panchamaveda, can be counted as the science of life existing since
time immemorial. The wise and experienced authors of the
Ayurvedic classics have expressed in some references that, they
have only given the guidelines on the subjects to the readers. The
readers are to expand the same according to their need and
intelligence. There are much confusion of the Ayurvedic students
and also of the practitioners and Teachers on the availability of
the answers of a number of questions. Among many of such
questions in the minds the authors raised a question i.e. is there
any description of the signs of death/near death in the Ayurvedic
classics as in the Modern texts?
Methodology:To solve the question the Ayurvedic Samhitas
especially Charaka Samhita and Susruta Samhita were searched
thoroughly. After the thorough search of the two Samhitas it was
observed that, the signs and symptoms mentioned under the
heading “Maranalingani” in Charak Samhita Chikitsasthana 23rd
chapter and “Asadhya Bisapidita Lakshanani” in Susruta Samhita
Kalpasthana 3rd chapter resembles closely with the signs of
death/near death mentioned in the modern classics, specially
perikh’s Textbook of Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology.
Conclusion:From the comparative study of the above mentioned
descriptions it was observed that, the signs and symptoms
described by Charaka and Susruta are not insufficient for a
physician to give death declaration. The mentioned signs and
symptoms can be used as a tool to confirm death/near death of an
Single drug therapy in childhood
Musale Shweta Vijay , M.L.Jaiswal , Naresh Khemani
P.G (Scholar), Assistant Professor, HoD & Professor
The non availability of reliable and standardized drugs, their high
cost, and ambiguity in the identity of the ingredients used are a
few of the major problems encountered today in the utilization of
compound drugs in Ayurveda. There is thus an urgent need to re
emphasize the use of single plant drug formulations recorded in
the classical texts. The present study is an attempt to list out
various single plant drugs mentioned in the treatment of
Apasmara (Epilepsy) from the classical texts of Ayurveda. They
have been correlated with their botanical identities based on
nomenclature correlation studies published over the last century.
The drugs are arranged alphabetically with their botanical names,
habit, indications, parts used, method of preparation, mode of
administration and the reference. A primary analysis has also
been made on the nomenclature, qualities and applications of the
Textual Study
Acute and sub-acute toxicological
study of rasa manikya prepared
with classical-modified and
adopted method
Sushant Sud, Khyati S Sud
Purpose : Rasamanikya a very famous preparation with different
pharmaceutical methods used in various diseases since long, but
in todays modern era it requires toxicological updating to
understand the drug by carrying out animal experimentation so
as to provide scientific data and statistical validation for its safe
and efficacious action. The main intention of conducting this
study was to find out and understand various toxic effects
produced by the drug Rasamanikya in the present era when it is
prepared with three different procedures though with the same
drug Haratala (Orpiment).
Method : Toxicological study of Rasamanikya prepared by three
methods was subjected on Wistar stain albino rats for acute
toxicity study by taking up and down/staircase method and sub
acute toxicity study by giving ten times that of the therapeutic
dose. After 21 days duration of drug schedule albino rats from
each group were anesthetized and sacrificed. Liver function test
was assessed and the tissues of Kidney, Liver and Brain were
subjected for Histopathological study.
Result : The LFT report revealed in all the three groups there was
mild increase in the SGOT, ALP and Tot. Bilirubin values
respectively with statistical significant result indicative of mild
liver dysfunction and bile duct injury which may be correlated
with the mild fatty changes of liver cells. Histopathological reports
showed minor toxic effects but with no any remarkable damage to
Brain, Liver & Kidney and overall findings were suggestive of
normal appearance.
Conclusion : Acute and Sub Acute study showed no immediate
and evident toxic signs and mortality. Rasamanikya prepared
with adopted method showed mild toxicity but with an attempt of
healing and repair. Histopathological and LFT study showed mild
to moderate fatty changes which were statistically significant.
Overall these toxic effects of mild to moderate changes in rat cells
with correspondence to human cells may be considered as non
specific and reversible.
in dushivishjanya vikaar with
special reference to allergic
eruptive disorders of the skin
Anita Gautam, Yogesh Gautam, VK Gothecha
1. IASRI, 2. NIA
Purpose: To elaborate the concept of dushivisha regarding
allergic eruptive disorders of the skin and to provide relief from
these skin disorders by using ayurvedic preparations well
mentioned in classical texts.
Method: The drug Sidharthakadi Agad has been taken from
Charak Samhita Chikitsa Sthan 9/69, 70. It was prepared in the
pharmacy of the National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur by
maintaining all classical aspect of drug preparation for its
external and internal use. To assess the Rakta dushti all the signs
and symptoms were assigned a score depending upon their
severity to assess the effect of the drugs objectively.Clinical trials
conducted to test its efficacy by taking it orally, in lepa form and
in combination of both. The criteria for assessment of the patients
were comparison between presence of ten symptoms (Itching,
Redness, Burning, Shoth/Inflammation, and Acne due to allergy,
Photosensitivity, Hyperpigmentation, Elevated skin lesion, Shonit
Dusti Lakshan and Tod) before and after treatment.
Investigations were also done to assess the Raktadushti, which
are Hb%, TLC, D.L.C, E.S.R, T.E.C. and IgE.
Result: The tests showed significant imprvements in patients
selected for the study. The overall results were best when both
external and internal medication was administered and the
results were statistically highly significant.
Conclusion: Dushivisha is a unique concept of Ayurveda which
can be one of the causative factors for diseases or vikaras.
Tridosha Prakopa, Mandagni and Rasa dushti are the main
culprits in the formation of eruptive disorders of the skin.Patients
with dominancy of Pitta kapha prakriti are more likely to be
affected by skin disorders.
Results of Acute dose toxicity study
(LD50) in rodents and Chronic dose
toxicity (90 days) study in Wister
rats by oral route for DB14201
Suman Yadav, Manu Jaggi, Anu T Singh, Vinod Kumar
Sanna, G Geetha Krishnan
2. Dabur Research Foundation, 22, Site IV, Sahibabad,, 1. Innoveda
Biological Solutions (P) Ltd, M-64, Commercial Complex, Greater
Kailash II,
Purpose : The studies were conducted to determine an LD50 for
the test compound DB14201 and to assess its chronic
toxicological profile to determine the NOAEL in rodent models.
Method : To determine LD50, both the sexes of Wistar rats and
Swiss albino mice were treated orally with DB14201 at
2000mg/kg, single dose. The control animals were administered
5% dextrose. Animals were observed for 14 days post treatment.
To assess No Observed Adverse Effects Level (NOAEL), male and
female Wistar rats were used. There were 15 animals / sex /
group except the reversal group which comprised of 10 animals /
sex. DB14201 was administered at dose levels of 1000 mg/kg, 500
mg/kg and 250 mg/kg body weight. Reversal group was dosed at
1000 mg/kg. Control animals were administered 5% dextrose.
Administration was once daily for 90 days, orally. Observations
comprised of mortality, clinical signs, body weight and food
consumption, gross observations and organ weights for each
animal. Histopathology was done for representative animals of
high dose and control. Prior to termination blood and urine were
collected from all animals.
Result : In Acute Toxicity Study, DB14201 did not cause toxicity
and all animals survived the study period of 14days. In the 90day
study, all animals survived the dosing period and reversal period
except few incidental mortality. Both sexes exhibited comparable
body weight gain & food consumption throughout.
Histopathology, Hematology, biochemistry and urine analysis
parameters on day 90 and reversal did not show any treatment
related changes. Gross pathological examination did not reveal
any abnormality and the relative organ weights were comparable
to control.
Conclusion : LD50 of DB 14201 in both sexes of rats and mice was
found to be greater than 2000 mg/kg of b.w. DB14201 in dose of
1000 mg/kg b.w. has no adverse effect in Wistar rats and 90 day
oral NOAEL of DB 14201 may be considered as 1000 mg/kg b.w.
A comparative study on the diuretic
activity of Desmodium genjeticum
DC. (Shaliparni) and Desmodium
lexifloram DC in albino rats.
Bhavesh Vaghela
Purpose: Find utmost appropriate substitute of Shaliparni
(Desmodium gangeticum DC)
Method: Wister strain albino rats of either sex were used for
experiments with the following conditions: The animals were
obtained from the animal house attached to the pharmacology
laboratory I.P.G.T. & R.A., G.A.U., and Jamnagar. They were
exposed to natural day and night cycles, with ideal laboratory
conditions in terms of ambient temperature and humidity.
Temperature during the time of carrying out the experiment was
between (22 ± 2ºC) and humidity (50 - 60%). They were fed ad
libitum with Amrut brand rat pellet feed supplied by Pranav Agro
Industries and tap water. All the experiments were carried out
after obtaining permission from Institutional Animal ethics
committee (IAEC 09 10/05MD 10).
Result: The effect of D. gangeticum and D. lexiflorum root powder
on urine volume and pH are shown in table 1. The First test drug
D. gangeticum produced non significant increase in urine volume
and pH while the second test drug D. lexiflorum also produced
non significant increase in urine volume and pH. The effect of D.
gangeticum and D. lexiflorum root powder on Na, K and Cl are
shown in table 2. The First test drug D. gangeticum produced non
significant increase in Na and K but non significant decrease in Cl
while the second test drug D. lexiflorum also produced non
significant increase in Na, K and Cl.
Conclusion: In absence of Desmodium gangeticum we can use
Desmodium lexiflorua as a diuretic agent.
Effect of sheetaprabha tablets on
ethylene glycol induced urolithiasis
in rats
Sampath Vemula, Nilakash Selkar, Mukesh Chawada, Kapil
Thakur, Mahesh Vahalia
Purpose : Sheetaprabha tablets, Ayurvedic proprietary medicine,
contains Sweta Parpati & Hajrul hahood bhasma as active
ingredients. Sweta parpati is mainly indicated in mootravaha
srotovikara & hajrul hahood bhasma is having mootrala and
ashmari bhedana actions. A survey of the literature showed that
no pharmacology study was made on the sweta parpati and
sheetaprabha tablets. In the present study we investigated the
effect of Sheetaprabha tablets in ethylene glycol induced
urolithiasis in rats.
Method : Urolithiasis was induced in male wistar rats by adding
ethylene glycol (0.75%) in drinking water. Protective (130mg/kg
& 260mg/kg) and curative effect (130mg/kg & 260mg/kg) of
Sheetaprabha was studied in experimental animal models.
Result : Ethylene glycol induced urolithiatic rats showed
significant increase in blood urea nitrogen (P<0.001), creatinine
& phosphorus (P<0.05) and also significant increase in SGOT,
SGPT & ALP levels in serum, which were prevented by
Sheetaprabha treated rats in protective groups and decreased in
curative groups. Histopathology of kidneys were prevented
calcium oxalate formation and tubular degeneration, and increase
in tubular regeneration was observed in protective (130mg/kg,
260mg/kg) group.
Conclusion : The present study findings indicate that treatment
with Sheetaprabha tablets, which decreases and also prevents the
growth of the calcium oxalate crystals in urinary tract. It also
seems that the preventive effect is more effective than its curative
effect. Hence, this study confirms the traditional use of
Sheetaprabha tablets in urolithiasis.
A clinical study on the effect of
paneeya kshara in the management
of asmari w.s.r. to urinary calculi
Chakradhar KV
Purpose : In Ayurveda, the diseases asmari was described under
asta maha gada by Susrutha. This shows how difficult this disease
to treat medically or surgically. According to modern science,
various deposits of urological salts precipitate and form the
calculi. The prevalence of this disease urinary calculi is about 3%
of population with 1% of highly exploitable with severe agony and
complications. The management in contemporary modern science
is toughest approach because it may solve the problem
temporarily but cannot render preventing or recurrence. Hence
there is need to evaluate a better remedy. Here the kshara
described by susrutha is selected and the yava kshara is chosen
for study.
Method : Total of 10 patients were selected from the SV ayurvedic
college, Tirupati after subjecting to selection criteria based on
inclusion and exclusion criteria.. These 10 patients are given with
yava kshara as paneeya kshara with the dose of 250 mg once in
week for 4 weeks. The observations are noted and results were
assessed on the basis of subjective (scoring prepared for
symptomatology for pain, burning micturition, dysuria,
tenderness in renal angle, haematuria, microscopic analysis of
urine) and objective (kub usg) parameters. And then they are
subjected for statistical validity.
Result : It is found to be the yava kshara (paneeya kshara) is
effective reducing the symptoms and producing remarkable
benefit to patient.
Conclusion : Even though it is difficult to treat the disease asmari,
the yava kshara shown significant result and definitely be simple
to use and cost effective management.
Safety and efficacy of UNEX
capsules in management of ureteric
calculi: A prospective, randomised
placebo-controlled study
Vipin Upadhyay, Sarang Deshpande, Shailesh Malekar
1. Unijules Life Science Ltd.
Purpose : Urinary stones have occupied a major place in the
urological practices. It is one of the most common and painful
urologic disorder of the urinary tract. Generally, the age between
20 to 40 years is more prone to it. As it has a high rate of
recurrence, it is affecting economy and general health of the
Method : This study was a prospective, placebo controlled, double
blind study. The study incorporated a matched pairs design. Each
patient has received a single treatment of either the control or
investigational product (UNEX). The goal was to enrol
approximately 80 patients in order of having 60 patients (30 in
each group) to complete the trial and provide data for analysis.
Result : Total 72 patients were enrolled in the study, out of which
64 patients completed There was extremely significant results
obtained in case of urine analysis of patients for infection,
bacteriuria and haematuria, at the end of 6 months, value as
compared to before treatment value the study, With the
treatment with UNEX capsule, significant relief was observed in
case of X ray KUB shows that renal calculi disappeared in 18
patients at the end of 6 months out of 32 patients, whereas USG of
renal pelvis shows disappearance in 16 patients out of 32, which
is extremely significant as compared to before treatment value
where 32 patients showed presence of renal calculi. However, in
placebo, only three patients out of 32 showed absence of renal
calculi at the end of 6 months of treatment.
Conclusion : Considering the excellent results of the clinical trial,
it can be concluded that UNEX is effective in the treatment of
Ureteric calculi, without producing any undesirable side effects.
No clinically significant adverse reactions were reported or
observed, The clinical trial of UNEX, an Ayurvedic preparation,
has proved its efficacy and safety in upper ureteric calculi.
A retrospective case study of
ayurvedic treatment of ashmaräª
(renal calculi)
Chhagan Jangid
A study of mutravaha srotas w.s.r to
mutrashmari & clinical evaluation
of cap. Stonil (kalpit) & vrihad
varunadi kwatha.
Purpose : Now a day’s occurrence & recurrence of Ashmara
(Renal Calculus) are very common & its rate of incidence is
alarmingly increasing. Some acute cases require immediate
attention to relieve from severe pain. Even surgery is
recommended if a calculus is larger in size because it can cause
many complications. Conservative line of treatment is
recommended if calculi are small in size, non obstructive, post
operative and in the cases of recurrence. For the conservative
treatment of Renal Calculi, Ayurvedic medicines are being used
successfully since centuries for removing the calculi in addition to
protecting its formation.
Aparna Singh, Om Prakash Dadhich
Method : This study was conducted in the Department of
Ayurveda, Indira Gandhi E.S.I. Hospital, Delhi. The patients were
selected irrespective of their age, sex, occupation etc. in the
Ayurvedic OPD and treated with classical as well as some patent &
proprietary Ayurvedic medicines for the minimum period of two
months according to type of calculus along with associated signs &
Method : A total no. of 30 pts. With sign & symptoms of
Murashmari were registered & randomly divided into three gps:
Gp I : Cap. Stonil ( kalpit) 10 pts; Dose= 2 cap. B.D ; Duration = 1
month; Gp II : Vrihad Varunadi Kwath 10 pts; Dose = 10 gm B.D;
Duration = 1 month; Gp III : Both 10 pts; Duration= 1 month. The
data was analyzed by applying unpaired t test.
Result : Since December 2009 to September 2011, total 500
patients were registered. Out of them only 400 cases were
selected for this retrospective study that completed minimum
course of two months. In most of the cases severity & episodes of
pain markedly reduced, number and size of calculi,
hydronephrosis (mild to mod), burning micturition, nausea &
vomiting etc. also shown decreasing pattern and 90 cases were
completely cured.
Purpose : To evaluate the effect of cap.Stonil (kalpit) & vrihad
varunadikwath kwath on Mutrashmari. Mutrashmari is
considered as one of the Mahagadas in ayurveda & is one of the
most common & distressing disease among the group of urinary
disorders. Formation of Mutrashmari according to Shushruta is
due to Srotovaigunya resulting from Dushita Kapha localized in
Basti in conjunction with pradushita Vata & Pitta. In following
Clinical Trial drugs having Ashmarihara, Mutrala, Shulahara,
Vedana Sthapana etc. properties are used for disintegration &
expulsion of stone.
Result : The data obtained by applying unpaired t test indicate
highly significant result in Gp III ( t= 14.97 , p<.001) & Gp I
Cap.Stonil is found to be more effective (t=9.80,p<.001 ) in
comparison to Gp II (t=7, p<.01).
Conclusion : Overall 50% pts got cured & 20 % pts showed
marked improvement in cap. Stonil ( Gp I ) whereas 40% pts got
cured & 20 % showed marked improvement in Gp II. In Gp III 60
% were cured & 20% showed marked improvement.
Conclusion : Ayurvedic medicines are highly effective in the
treatment of Ashmara, which shows their Lithotripsic action.
Effect of ethanol extract of
Graptophyllum pictum (L) Griff. on
cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity in
albino rats.
Teena Nargotra, Keloth Kaitheri Srinivasan, Jessy Elizabeth
Mathew, Malini Shivanna, Seekarajpuram Dinakaran
1. Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal
University, 2. Magna Health Group Company,
Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to investigate
whether the alcoholic extract of Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff.
could decrease the intensity of nephrotoxicity due to use of
Method: Plants were collected from Udupi district, Karnataka,
India, in the months of August September, 2004. The plant
material was confirmed by Dr. Gopalkrishna Bhat, Professor of
Botany, Poorna Prajna College, Udupi, India. Healthy adult male
albino rats (100 200 g) of Wistar strain aged 60 90 days were
used for the study. Preparation of ethanol extract: The shade
dried powdered plant was exhaustively extracted with 95%
ethanol,using Soxhlet apparatus. Then total ethanol extract was
concentrated in vacuo to a syrupy consistency. Animals were
divided into five groups each of six rats. Group I: Normal control
rats administered gum acacia daily for 15 days. Group II: normal
rats were treated with ethanol extract of G pictum 300 mg/kg for
15 days. Group III: Rats were treated with a single i.p.dose of
cisplatin 12 mg/kg was kept as nephrotoxic control. On 6th and
15 day blood was withdrawn and checked for nephrotoxicity.
Group IV & Group V: Rats were treated with a single i.p. dose of
cisplatin 12 mg/kg on first day followed by G pictum ethanol
extract 150 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg from 6th day to 15th day for
10 days.
Management of Mutrakrichra w.s.r.
to Dysuria through Ayurveda
Shipra Bahri
Introduction: Mutrakrichra has been described in almost every
authentic text of Ayurveda as a separate chapter. The disease in
which mutra is voided with much discomfort (dukha) is
Mutrakrichra which is somewhat similar to Dysuria meaning
‘difficulty in passing urine’.
Purpose: To study the efficacy of Gokshura Kwatha & Yava Kshara
capsules in context of Mutrakrichra. To see the effect of the
formulation on the bacterial growth if dysura is due to infectious
Material and Methods: In the present study 30 patients from
OPD/IPD of Govt. Hospital were selected in a single group
irrespective of sex, caste, religion and drug was given to them for
15 days. Urine routine examination and urine culture were done
before and after the trial.
Results: In this study 48.14% patients were completely cured and
29.62% were moderately cured.
Conclusion: On the basis of above results it may be concluded that
overall clinical improvement was 83%. We can also overcome this
common problem by adopting basic principles of Ayurveda like
Dincharya, Sadvritta and Swasthavritta.
Result: Effect of G pictum on serum creatinine and serum urea
level, group, treatment, urea, Creatinine, (mg/kg), (mg/dl),
normal, 36.06±3.53, 0.32±0.016, normal + GPE, 300, 35.09±1.65,
0.53±0.049, cisplatin, 12, 32.8±32.8, 4.90±0.68, cisplatin + GPE,
150, 58.31±6.48, 1.13±0.057, cisplatin + GPE, 300, 39.44±1.92,
Conclusion: The experiment reveal that the ethanol extracts of G
pictum could help prevent nephrotoxicity manifested
consequently to cisplatin chemotherapy. The effect is due to the
capacity of the extract to restore renal antioxidant defense
Veterinary Science
Veterinary science in ayurveda and
its importance
Thelitis in buffaloes and its
therapeutic measures
Jaydeep Khant
C N Santhosh Kumar, N B Shridhar
Purpose : Ayurveda is the ancient health science of Indians. It is
mainly for human health. But other branches that deal with the
treatment of animals (mrug ayurveda), birds (pakshi ayurveda),
and trees (vriksha ayurveda) are also considered as part of
ayurveda. Among them Mrug ayurved is specially recognized and
still practicing in many places. It includes treatment for cattle,
horses, elephants etc. The earliest reference on ayurveda for
animals is found in Charaka samhita about the enema based
treatments for goats, cows, horses, camel and elephant. In
Koutilya Arthasastra, there are various mentions of free hospitals
and treatments for animals and birds. Such an ancient branch of
Ayurveda has its own importance for discussing.
Purpose : Thelitis in she buffaloes is an ulcerative dermatitis of
the teats characterized by sudden inflammation, enlargement of
teat, difficulty in milking, difficult for the calf to suckle, formation
of black necrotic patches followed by circumscribed necrotic
areas on the base of the teat and finally sloughing of the affected
teat in early lactation especially in primiparous buffaloes which is
suspected to be caused by bovine herpesvirus 2. Various
antibiotics, anti inflammatory agents along with glucocorticoids
have been tried to cure the cause without much success. Thelitis
was also reported in buffaloes and was moderately cured by
external application of herbal formulation to affected teat. In the
view of above premise, herbal formulation of Croton oblongifolius
and Curcuma longa was tried in lactating buffaloes showing
clinical signs of thelitis.
Method : There are many ancient texts that explain treatments for
animals. Some of the oldest texts are Shalihotra Samhita also
known as Aswa Ayurveda was written by Salihotra (2350BC),
Hasti Ayurveda and Gaja Ayurveda written by sage
Palakapya(2000 4000 BC), GajaLakshana by Brihaspathi, Gaja
Darpan by Hemadri etc. Matangaleela by Neelakantha for
elephants, Jaswant salihotra by Thakur Jaswanth singhji(1948),
Karikalpalata by Gangavishnu Shri Krishnadasji(1940), Pasu
chikitsa by Radhaprasad Varma (1938), Vrushkalpadrum by
Khemraj Srikrishnadas (1946), Shalihotra Shastra Kinva
Asvapriksha by Kavinarayandas Bhaijibhai Baliya (1954) are
some of the texts now widely in use. All these explain details of
selection of good quality animals, different diseases of them and
their treatments in detail. Critical study of the texts by collecting
and compiling them is the method of study here.
Result : The information gathered and analysed contribute to the
existing knowledge of veterinary science and open a new area of
research in this field.
Conclusion : There still exist a few scattered traditional
practitioners of Pashu Ayurveda who use simple but effective
herbal remedies to treat common diseases of cattle, an evaluation
of which is worthwhile.
Method : In the present study, fourteen affected buffaloes where
applied with paste of Croton oblongifolious bark in lemon juice
along with Curcuma longa paste for a period of ten days. The milk
samples obtained from affected quarter were subjected to culture
and sensitivity test. The animals were kept under observation for
a period of 15 days starting from the start of treatment and
recovery signs if any were recorded.
Result : Bacteriological examination of the milk revealed absence
of pathogenic bacteria in milk samples drawn from affected
quarters. The inflammation gradually reduced, vesicles on teats
noticed before treatment gets dried off and teats returned to
normal after 15 days in 11 buffaloes. In 3 buffaloes since the
necrosis process already set in a structure was form on the teat,
there was no improvement in the condition
Conclusion : This indicated that Croton oblolgifolious and
Curcuma longa are more effective in the early stages of necrotit
thelitis in buffaloes. This therapeutic efficacy of Croton
oblolgifolious and Curcuma longa might be attributed to
antifibrosis, anti proliferative and anti microbial activity.
Veterinary Science
Ayurvedic perspective of
cultivation and conservation of
vegetation vrikshayurveda
Ravikumar Gupta, , Pritam J Rathi , Vidyanath R
Purpose : The indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and
pesticides results in serious environmental and health hazards.
Abuse of inorganic material in agriculture has led to problems like
soil erosion, salination, desertification etc. Ultimately the risks
with the chemical fertilizers and pesticides draw attention of
people towards organic farming or gardening as essential for
healthy life.
Method : Ancient Plant Science is available in various texts such
as Vrikshayurveda, Brihatsamhita, Sarngadharapaddhati,
Ardhasastra, Krishisutra, Krishi Parasara etc. contain information
about various parameters of plant life, to make it healthy and
useful to human being.
Result : Vrikshayurveda gives us valuable information associated
with cultivation and conservation of plants. For example:
Suitable land for plantation: Bluish like sapphire, soft like a
parrot's feather, white like conch, jasmine, lotuses, or the moon,
and yellow like heated gold or blooming Champaka is the land
recommended for planting. Propagation: by means of Seed, Stalk,
or Bulb Large seeds should be sown singly but smaller ones
should be sown in multiples. The seed of naranga should be sown
in a slanting position with hand. Treatment: Worms are treated
by the paste of milk, Kunapa Jala, and cow dung mixed with water
and also by smearing the roots with the mixture of white mustard,
Vaca, Kusta, and Ativisa. Similarly it is mentioned that plant
diseases should be treated according to the dominancy of Dosha.
Conclusion : Solution for health hazards of chemical fertilizers and
pesticides is nothing
but the use of composts and manures only.
In the recent past scientists are looking towards antique
cultivation techniques to combat health threats. Surapala's
Vrikshayurveda can be considered as a comprehensive
compendium on plant life as it provides holistic information
on technical knowledge about all aspects of cultivation,
caring and protecting plants and in turn human beings.
Yoga and ayurveda
Avinash Khare, Shweta Dewan
MD scholar, Dept. of Basic principles, NIA
Purpose: Ayurveda and yoga are sister sciences that have been
united for thousands of years for the sake of healing body, mind,
and consciousness. Generally speaking, Ayurveda deals more with
the health of the body, while yoga deals with purifying the mind
and consciousness, but in reality they complement and embrace
each other. Both yoga and Ayurveda are mutually supportive and
offer many ways to prevent and heal various disorders as well as
to cleanse and rejuvenate the body. Both systems have many
similarities in relation to attitude, nutrition, diet and lifestyle,
hygiene, exercise, cleansing practices, as well as spiritual
Method: Ayurveda and Yoga both emphasize cleansing of the body
for health and support of spiritual practices. Their methods are
similar and work by expelling excess dosha and ama, or toxins,
using the body's natural routes of elimination. The yogic method
is known in the Ashtanga tradition as Shat Karma, or six cleansing
measures. These are: Neti, Dhauti, Basti, Trataka, Nauli and
Kapala Bhati.
Result: The Ayurvedic method for cleansing and rejuvenation is
known as Pancha karma, or five cleansing actions. The five actions
of this method are: Basti, Nasya, Vamana, Virechana and Rakta
Conclusion: It is obvious that Ayurveda and yoga not only
complement each other. Both sciences actually embrace each
other as they share similarities and fundamental principles on
many levels. Ayurveda and yoga should go hand in hand if you
want to achieve optimal health, peace and longevity.
An Inventive study on nourishment
of human body during Yogic
Samadhi stage based on scietific
facts and evidences
Chandra Bhan Singh
Purpose: To encourage the human beings for practicing the Yogic
and meditational pathways and enhancement of their
multidimensional integrity and ability to prove supremacy
throughout universe.
Method: Advance studies of Human and Plant physiology, Physics,
Metaphysics, Astronomy, Cosmology, Yogic and Spiritual sciences
strongly support close analogue between Loka (Universe) and
Purush (Human beings) regarding dense physical and subtle body
composition, magenetospheres, energy flowing pattern etc. Both
have originated and are being nourished by same energy and
atoms which have come into existence after Big Bang. Human
beings are supreme creation of the Universe since they can
achieve worldly and spiritual supreme goal by adaptation the
yogic and meditational pathways like Astang Yoga ultimately
achieving Samadhi stage.
Result: During Yogic Samadhi stage human body becomes
polarized emitting magnetic line of force (MLF). Those MLF
merge with earth magnetosphere which extends to various earth
atmospheric layers and beyond these up to space also. Space is
also known as Universe Energy Field (UEF). All parts of space are
enriched with tremendous quantities of elementary energy
particles and atoms. 90% of energy games are played by these
particles and atoms, both in Universe and Human body also
during carbohydrate metabolism in cellular mitochondria.
Samadhistha human body gets his nourishment from UEF. The
finest, lightest and highest levelled energy particles as well as
heavier particles and atoms are flowing through MLF from space
and earth atmospheric aerosol plasma respectively. These energy
particles and atoms are being received by kundalini chakras and
dispensed to body cells.
Conclusion: Samadhistha human body does not get nourishment
from worldly resources, yet he is being alive for longer and longer
duration even by months or years. Human beings are only able to
achieve such energy particles and atoms from UEF during
Samadhi stage. He only can realize his supreme integrity and
multidimensional strength and ability in the Universe.
Effect of pranayam on pranvaha
Ajit Pal Singh Chauhan
Purpose : The aim and objectives of this study is to evaluate effect
of nadishodhan pranayama on pranvaha srotasa.
Method : for this study 51 healthy persons of 19 48 age group
were selected. 30 were of pitta dominant prakriti,19 were of
vataj dominant prakriti and 03 were of kaph dominant prakriti.
each of them were allowed to practice nadishodhan pranayama
five minute twice a day for 15 days. their lung function test and
PR, BP, were observed before and after 15 days.
Result : significant results were found. vital capacity in84% , tidal
volume in 76%, erv in 54% were increased after 15 days. pulse
rate decreased wnl of 78%and BP decreased wnl of 58% persons.
Conclusion : prctice of nadishodhan pranayama improves the
physiological functions of pranvaha srotas.
Applied aspect of pranayama in
maintaining health.
Vishvender Singh, Prasanna N Rao, Shailaja U, Reena
Purpose : Pranayama is the science of breathing and essence of
being alive. It is the axis around which the entire life cycle
resolves. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social
well being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity.
Pranayama is compound word consisting Prana and Ayam, Prana
means vital energy, breath, air etc. Prana is the vital life force that
acts as a catalyst in all Physiological function and Ayama the
expansion or control of this force.
Method : Pranayama is a relatively simple, rhythmic, low cost
intervention that can be incorporated into people's daily routine
and have a positive impact on health. Maharishi Patanjali places
Pranayama as the fourth limb of Ashtanga yoga. Prana is the
fundamental basis of whatever is, was and will be . It consists
three phase Purak, Kumbhak, Rechak.
Treatment through yogic
techniques and ayurvedic
Sehdev Singh
Purpose : Thanks to modern lifestyle of indiscipline, man has
become a pale shadow of his former self. His dependence on
expensive medical diagnostics and care has put him into a state of
mental depression. Our ancient masters have discovered many
scientific principles and yogic techniques for healing man of his
physical disease, mental inharmonies and spiritual ignorance. The
aim of this study was to identify such simple techniques as man
could use himself, thus reducing his dependence on costly medical
Method : An extensive study and practice of scientific principles
and yogic techniques as taught by many Indian masters, coupled
with a similar research on diet and its principles from a variety of
sources formed the basis for a practical research in Tarakeshwara
Yoga and Research Centre in Visakhapatnam. All the techniques
and methods were first applied on the self and then on a number
of yoga students. Ancient principles of diet and basic Ayurvedic
approaches were applied for first cleansing the body of its
harmful toxins and for creating a body mind balance. This helped
in stabilizing body metabolism and leading body parameters. It
was then followed by targeting the specific body part that
required healing through the direct application of designated
yogic techniques.
Result : The results have been simply astounding and immediate.
A yogic technique applied just for a few minutes a day for a
duration of not more than 3 - 5 days, eliminated dental pain and
the need for any root canal treatment of of the exposed nerve. In
another case, an excruciating pain in the ear was healed through a
slightly different technique that was, however, based on a similar
principle. The ear opened up releasing the watery discharge and
eliminating the pain altogether with a soothing aftereffect.
Conclusion : Heal thee thyself, O man ! by Nature given scientific
principles and techniques !
Result : Many research shows that breathing exercisesimprove
respiratory physiology by increasing vital capacity and maintains
homeostasis in blood. Researches show that pranayama is also
helpful in improving the digestive activity by boosting enzymes
action and promotes clearance of subtle metabolic wastes from
the body.
Conclusion : The process of breathing, vertical breathing is the
more efficient way to inhale air than horizontal way. The present
paper is high light the importance of pranayama in maintaining
health, through previous research and contemporary concept.