NCGLNAC 2015 Academic Conference The Removal: Loss of Homelands and Consequences presented by National Center for Great Lakes Native American Culture, Inc. hosted by John Jay Center for Learning sponsored by Jay County Visitor and Tourism Bureau NCGLNAC Member Susie Dunham NCGLNAC Member Sue Templin Cover art: Pottawattamie Emigration, 1838 sketch by artist George Winter Courtesy of Tippecanoe County Historical Association, Lafayette, IN National Center for Great Lakes Native American Culture presents The Removal - Loss of Homeland and Consequences NCGLNAC, INC. P O Box 1063 Portland, IN 47371 Next Year’s 2016 NCGLNAC Academic Conference Current Research on Great Lakes Native American Culture April 16, 2016 John Jay Center for Learning 101 South Meridian Street, Portland, Indiana Pottawattamie Emigration - 1838 sketch by artist George Winter Courtesy of Tippecanoe County Historical Association, Lafayette, IN NCGLNAC is a 501(c) not-for-profit educational organization whose mission is to help preserve and pass on the cultural arts, traditions and history of the Great Lakes Native people to Native people and the general public through cultural arts classes and conferences. NCGLNAC has no political agenda. John Jay Center for Learning 101 South Meridian Street Portland, Indiana 2015 Academic Conference April 18, 2015 National Center for Great Lakes Native American Culture (NCGLNAC) 2015 Academic Conference The Removal: Loss of Homelands and Consequences April 18, 2015 John Jay Center for Learning, Room 106 101 South Meridian Street, Portland, Indiana In the NCGLNAC 10th annual Academic Conference, four outstanding educators and tribal representatives have been invited to present the heart-breaking story of the removal of tribes from their homelands to west of the Mississippi. Each hour-long presentation is in Room 106. Registration before April 10 is $35, $25 for students with photo identification. Late registrations are $40. Lunch is included, however, lunch cannot be guaranteed for walk-in registrants on the day of the Conference. Contact: Chair Pat Ruhlander at or 765-714-5279 for more information. Contact Kay Neumayr at 765-426-3022 or kay.neumayr@ncglnac. com for registration information. Please park in the paved lot behind the Post Office, next to the John Jay Center. Street parking on Meridian and Main Streets has 2 hour limits, even on Saturdays. Conference Schedule 8:50 am – Welcome Remarks 9 am - Dr. Vernard Foley - Indiana, Lakota Descent, Purdue University Pipes, Boats and Sails: Coming to America? 10:15 am – Michael J. Pace - Indiana, Citizen, Delaware Tribe, Connor Prairie Interactive History Park Delaware Removal 1821 11:15 to 12:30 – LUNCH ON SITE 12:30 pm – Dr. George Godfrey - Illinois, Citizen Potawatomi, Retired, USDA, Haskell Indian Nations University Potawatomi Removals: Reasons, Trails, Uncertainties and Recovery 1:45 p.m. – John Dunnagan - Indiana, Vice-Chief, Miami Nation of Indiana of the State of Indiana The Miami Story Registration Form Return form with registration fees payable to NCGLNAC, Inc. to: Kay Neumayr, Conference Secretary 4950 North 750 East, Attica, IN 47918 Phone: 765-426-3022 • • Name (s) ___________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ City _______________________ State ______ Zip _________________ Phone _____________________Email ___________________________ Registration Fees: _______________ $35 – Pre-registration before 4/10/15 _______________ $25 – Student with photo ID before 4/10/15 _______________ $40 – Registration after 4/10/15 _______________ Total Registration Fees included. Payment: ___Cash ___Check ___Credit Card ___American Express ___Discover ___Master Card ___Visa Credit Card # _________________________________ Exp________ Signature ___________________________________________________ Lunch is included with the registration fee. Please list any special lunch dietary needs: ______________________ _________________________________________________________ Drop-in Registrations on April 18 are welcome, however, lunch cannot be guaranteed. Lunch must be ordered in advance by April 12.
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