SAUK PRAIRIE SCHOOLS SUMMER PROGRAM 2014 Registration dates: April 9 - May 7, 2014 “Oh the “P lac es” we will g o an d the “T hin g s” we will see!! 1 Welcome to Sauk Prairie Schools Summer 2014 Program. In this book you will find a variety of educational and fun classes. We are committed to providing a quality summer school experience filled with academic and enrichment classes, clinics and swim lessons to meet the needs of our student population. Registration for classes is an online process ONLY. Go to skyward Student/Family Access to log in. There are 3 steps in registering your children for summer classes. • Step 1 is a review of your family and student information, health info, bus information, and permission for your child to participate in the Breakfast/Lunch program. • Step 2 is the process of requesting classes for your child. We have 2 sessions; a 4-week session (400’s) and a 2-week session (200’s). The Sport & Health clinics are 500 classes, and the Music & Band classes are 600 classes. Participation in any of these programs requires that you register your child for them between April 9 and May 8th, 2014. • Step 3 - Paying for classes. Fees are due when you register. We allow up to 2 weeks to receive payment. Payment can be made online via e~Funds, by check or cash. Instructions are on the following pages. We offer an open lab the first evening of registration for those of you who may feel more comfortable with a bit of assistance. Our Community Center staff will also be able to assist customers on Fridays between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m at the Community Center. MON 2) Session 1E Swim begins (T1 - M/W Eve) 9) 16) 23) TUE JUNE 2014 WED THU FRI 3) Session 2E Swim begins (T2 - T/TH Eve) 3) 4) 5) 10) 17) 11) 18) 24) Semester 1 (4 wk) begins Session 1 Morn Swim begins 25) 12) 13) 19) Staff Orientation @ HS 20) 1-2 PM Family Orientation 3-5 PM 26) 27) JULY 2014 TUE WED 1) Session 4E Swim 2) Begins (T4-T/TH Eve) 7) Session 3E Swim (T3-M/W Eve) 14) 21) T3 (2 wk) classes begin Session 3 Morn Swim begins 28) 2 2 Week Session July 21 - August 1 CLASS TIMES P1 - 8:15 - 9:15 a.m. P2 - 9:25 - 10:25 a.m. P3 - 10:35 - 11:35 a.m. BUS #: 643-8252 ATTENDANCE: 643-5900 or 643-5500 30) MON 4 Week Session June 24 - July 18 THU 8) 9) 3) End Session 1 Morn Swim 10) 15) 16) 17) 22) 23) 24) End 4E-T/TH 29) 30) End 3E - M/W FRI 4) NO Classes Today! 11) 18) 4 wk ends 25) AUGUST 2014 August 1 - T3 (2 Wk) ends Session 3 Morning Swim ends August 5 - Session 5E Swim begins at the Outdoor Pool! August 27 - Session 5E Swim Ends PLAN AHEAD - WHAT TO KNOW Registering for Summer School classes is an online process ONLY. e-mail: REGISTRATION DATES: Online Family Access will open at 5:30 PM on Wednesday, April 9 and will remain open until 10:00 pm, Wednesday, May 7, 2014. Login & Password: You must have your Family Access Login and Password to complete the online process. If you do not have this information, go online: http://www.saukprairieschools. org, select “Skyward Student/Family Access” in the right hand column; then “Forgot your Login/Password?”. Watch your email for a reply. This will only work if you have a current email listed on your family skyward account. If you do not receive an email within 24-hours, please email Provide a detailed message with contact information. OPEN LAB: Wednesday, April 9 from 5:00 - 8:00 PM at the Sauk Prairie High School lab, room 15. See page 6. ONLINE REGISTRATION: You must complete registering in one sitting. The system will not allow you to leave and return. Go to Skyward Student/Family Access; See instructions on pages 6-8. GRADE LEVELS: Use child’s grade level for the 2014-15 school year when selecting classes. FEES: On the left-hand side of the screen go to Fee Management. If you are registering multiple children, you may need to view the fees for each child and total the fees due. Bills and confirmations are not being mailed. You are responsible for paying the fees due on your family account. Pay within 2 weeks of registering to confirm your child’s spot in classes. If you need a copy emailed to you, please contact us via phone or email. PAYMENTS: Payment may be made online with a debit or credit card through e~Funds, or mail a check made payable to: Sauk Prairie Schools. Fees are due within 2 weeks of registering. If you have questions, you may contact us via the email above. Mail payments to: Summer School, 730 Monroe St, Sauk City, WI 53583. A dropbox is available outside the front door of the Community Center for your convenience. Write SUMMER SCHOOL on the envelope and include your child’s name to be sure we post the payment to the appropriate account. SCHOLARSHIPS: Partial scholarships are available for children with a full morning schedule. If you need a scholarship you may email us. Include name and date of birth of each child. CANCELLATION POLICY: Should you need to cancel or withdraw, please contact us via email: No refunds or removal of fees due will be provided for classes canceled after May 9, except for medical reasons. SCHEDULES AND BILLS: You may request your child’s schedule to be emailed to you by contacting us via email or phone, 643-8386. We are doing our part to be green. Confirmations will not be mailed. MAKING SCHEDULE CHANGES: You must contact us to make any change to your child’s schedule. We prefer that you contact us via email. Be sure to include child’s name and date of birth. PLANEAR PARA EL FUTURO QUE DEBE SABER REGISTRARSE para las clases de la escuela de verano es un proceso electrónico solamente. La línea electrónica abrirá a las 5:30pm el miércoles, 9 de abril, y permanecerá abierta hasta la 10:00 pm, miércoles, 7 de mayo, 2014. Usuario y Contraseña: Debe tener su Entrada al sistema de Acceso de la Familia y Contraseña para completar el proceso en línea. Si no tiene esta información, vaya en línea a esta dirección: y escogido “Skyward Acceso del Estudiante/Familia” en la columna de la mano derecha; entonces seleccione “¿Olvidó su Entrada al sistema/Contraseña? ”. Mire su correo electrónico a una respuesta - estar seguro que su correo electrónico correcto está en su familia Skyward consideran. Si no recibe un correo electrónico dentro de 24 horas, por favor llame a la Sra Wood en 643-5984. Sin falta deje un mensaje detallado con la información de contacto. Laboratorio Abierto: El laboratorio para ayudar a las familias a registrarse por línea electrónica: será el miércoles, 9 de Abril, 2014 de 5:00 PM hasta 8:00 PM; en la Escuela Preparatoria de Sauk Prairie, salon 15. Registro por linea electrónica: Vaya a Skyward Family access; Las instrucciones se muestran en las páginas siguientes. Nivel de Grado: Al seleccionar las clases para su hijo (a) use el nivel de grado para el otoño del 2014. Cuotas: Después que ha seleccionado y registrado las clases de su hijo (a) vaya a Fee Management en el lado izquierdo de la pantalla para ver cuánto debe. Si Ud. está registrando más de un niño, Ud. necesitara ver las cuotas para cada niño y el total de cuota que debe. no recibirá una factura o confirmación a través del correo. Le solicitamos a Ud. que pague por las clases 2 semanas después de su registro. Si Ud. tiene alguna pregunta, favor de contactarnos por correo electrónico al Pago: El pago puede ser realizado por línea electrónica través de efunds, o Ud. puede mandar un cheque dirigido a Sauk Prairie Schools a: Summer School, 730 Monroe St, Sauk City WI 53583. Hay una caja disponible afuera de la puerta del frente del Centro communitario para su conveniencia. Por favor escriba Summer School en el sobre e incluya el nombre de su hijo (a) para estar seguros que ponemos el pago apropiado a su cuenta. Becas: Becas parciales están disponibles para su hijo(a) con un programa de tiempo completo por la mañana. Si Ud. necesita una beca, favor de enviar una nota con su petición a la Escuela de Verano, 730 Monroe St, Sauk City 53583 o envíenos un correo al community. Favor de incluir el nombre de cada hijo (a), su nombre y número de contacto. Política de cancelación: No reembolsos serán entragados por clases canceladas después del 10 de mayo, excepto por razones medicas. Si Ud. necesita cancelar una clase o tiene preguntas, favor de contactarnos por correo electrónico: ccommunity. Confirmaciones: Estamos haciendo lo que podemos para ser ecológicos. Las confirmaciones no serán enviadas por correo. Si Ud. no puede imprimir la agenda de su hijo (a) o tiene preguntas de su factura, por favor contáctenos por correo electrónico y la ayudaremos. Ud. puede solicitar que le mandemos la agenda de su hijo (a) por correo contactándonos al: Cambios en su agenda de clases: Ud. debe contactarnos para hacer cambios en la agenda de su hijo (a). Favor de contactarnos por correo electrónico al, org con su solicitud. 3 Registration OPENS Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at 5:30 PM. Registration CLOSES May 7, 2014 @ 10:00 PM Summer Staff Lead Teachers Robert Marquardt & Becky Weittenhiller, & Chelsea Enger Mary Ann Marx Community Education Coordinator, 643-8386, X2714 Heather Breunig Aquatics Director, 643-8386, X2712 (643-5950 Pool deck) Courtney Hahn, RN School Nurses, 643-5509 Susan O’Neil - Secretary, 643-8386, X2710 High School - 643-5900 while in Session Middle School Secretary 643-5500 while Summer School is in Session Jane Wood, Student Records, 643-5984 Alison Dovin, Food Service Secretary 643-5983 Deb Ambler, Bus Info, 643-8252 730 Monroe St Sauk City, WI 53583 608-643-8386 Community Education Center Business Hours until June 6, 2014: M-F, 7:30 AM - 3:45 PM June 9 - August 22, 2014: M-TH, 7:30 AM-4:00 PM, Friday 7:30-11:30 AM Table of Contents Summer Calendar (Calendario del Verano) 2 “What to Know” to Register (El que Saber - Registro)3 Table of Contents (Indice) 4 Safe Child Procedures 5 Breakfast/Lunch Program 5 Bus Info (Rutas del Camion) 5 Instructions for Registering Online & Requesting Classes 6-8 Fees/Payments8 (How to Pay for classes) Grid of Semester 1 Classes (4 Week) 9-12 Grid of Term 3 Classes (2 Week) 12-13 Semester 1 Classes (4 Week) 14-23 Term 3 Classes (2 Week) 24-28 Above & Beyond 29 Music Programs (Programas de Musica) 30-31 Sports & Health Clinics & Workshops (Clinicas y Talleres de Deportes y Salud) 32-33 Aquatics - Swim Programs 34-38 Pool Schedule (Acuaticos - Programas de Natacion) 38 Swim Pass Fees 38 AfterSchool Club Summer Information 39 Recreation Department Programs 40 Summer Library Programs 41-42 Middle School/High School Maps 43-44 Please Note: We always try to provide accurate, up-to-date information; however, unintentional mistakes occur or information changes after the material goes to print. Please refer to for corrections. 4 SAFE CHILD POLICY & PROCEDURES • Any person entering the High School or Middle School buildings during summer school hours must report to the school’s office, sign in and receive a visitor’s pass. Entry to each school will be through the front doors of the building ONLY. All other doors will be locked during school hours. • Parents must wait for their children in the High School commons once the class start bell rings. No one will be allowed to walk through the hallways during class time. Parents are welcome to escort their children to and from classes, but between class periods they must wait in the commons. • If you need to pick up your child for any reason while classes are in session, report to the office and a staff member will bring your child to meet you in the office. • Any concerns or questions may be directed to Mr. Doug Yost at 643-5988 or Mary Ann Marx at 643-8386, X2714. BREAKFAST/LUNCH PROGRAM • If you would like your child to participate in the Grab & Go Breakfast or Lunch program, give them permission in Step 4 of the online registration process. Have a discussion with your child about whether or not you wish for them to participate in this program. Children will be asked to show the cashier their orange schedule card which should have their lunch ID written on it. You may obtain these orange cards at the Community Center or from your school’s office. Students who ride a rural bus may go to the head of the line so as not to miss their bus home. Please do not eat on the bus, wait until you get to your destination. • Parents/Guardians - Be sure to deposit funds into your family lunch accounts. Accounts with negative or low balances will not be allowed to use the breakfast/ lunch program. If your family is on free or reduced status, it will contintue for the summer program. However, you must give permission in Step 4 of the registration process. BUS INFORMATION Lenz Bus Co. at 643-8252 • Only RURAL students registered for a full morning of classes will be provided busing, if requested. Indicate your pickup point located on your bus route when registering online. Maps of routes can be found at http://www.saukprairieschools. org/commcenter. Summer School busing is not intended to be a door to door service. Kids who live on the route’s path will be picked up at their home. If your child does not live on the route, you will need to make arrangements with the Lenz Bus Co. to have your child ready for pickup along the route. Please be sure to have your children at their pickup point early the first 3 mornings until a routine develops. The driver will communicate all time changes and other information to the children as it becomes available. • Call the bus company at 643-8252 and the school at 643-5900, if your child is not riding as scheduled. School dismisses at 11:35 AM. A Grab & Go lunch is available at the High School commons. Eating is not allowed on the buses. Children should wait until they get to their stop to have their lunch. Their cooperation is appreciated. Any questions regarding summer busing can be directed to Lenz Bus Co. Your online registration is your confirmation. There will be no other notification by mail. APPLE = West Point Area CUPCAKE = Roxbury Area BALLOONS = Merrimac Area HEART = Black Hawk Area STAR = Tower Rock/Bluffview Area TURTLE = AfterSchool Club Kids PIG = Above & Beyond Kids 5 Online Registration Registro Electronico & Requesting Classes DATES OF REGISTRATION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9 AT 5:30 PM UNTIL WEDNESDAY, MAY 7 AT 10:00 PM. Registration for Out of District Families will open on Wednesday, April 30. NOTE: Login to your Family Access account before April 9 to test your login and password. Give yourself plenty of time to obtain your login and password, if you have forgotten yours or have never used the system before. OPEN LAB: Wednesday, April 9 from 5:30PM until 8:00 PM. Location: Sauk Prairie High School, room 15. Phone: 643-8386 Computers will be available for customer use on Fridays between 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM at the Community Center, 730 Monroe Street. Tendremos 2 computadoras en el Community Center los Viernes de las 9 am - 3 pm. Registration for classes is an online process ONLY. Go to skyward Student/Family Access to log in. To begin the online process, go to WService=wsEAplus/fwemnu01.w LOGIN with your Family Access login and password. If you do not know your password, you can select the “Forgot Password” button to get it emailed to you. Entre su clave de usuario y contraseña. There are 3 steps in completing registration for your children for summer classes. • Step 1 is a review of your family and student information, health info, bus information, and permission for your child to participate in the Breakfast/Lunch program. • Step 2 (Arena Scheduling) is the process of requesting classes for your child. We have 2 sessions; a 4-week session (400 classes) and a 2-week session (200 classes). The Sport & Health clinics are 500 classes, and the Music & Band classes are 600 classes. Participation in any of these programs requires that you register your child for them between April 9 and May 8th, 2014. • Step 3 - Paying for classes. Fees are due when you register. We allow up to 2 weeks to receive payment. Payment can be made online via e~Funds, by check or by cash. 6 STEP 1 Click PART 1 to see a description and instructions, along with a link to schedule each child. *Apriete PARTE 1 para ver la descripción e instrucciones, también con un enlace para ver la agenda de su hijo (a). 1) 3) 2) Special Note: Google Translator can be made available by selecting the 1)“My Account” tab at the top, 2) then checking the box. Click save and wait for the Translator box to appear. Select it and find the language needed in the drop down. Complete Part 1 for EACH child participating in the summer program. • Open and complete each section listed on the right side of the page. • To make changes, simply type in the corrected information. This will send a request to update. Be sure to work your way through all the steps and double click on #4 to submit. • Upon completion, you may move on to Part 2 (Arena Scheduling of classes). Complete Parte 1 por CADA hijo (a) que vaya a participar en el programa de verano • Abra y complete cada sección enlistada del lado derecho de la pagina • Escriba en el espacio la información correcta de cualquier información que Ud. necesite actualizar. Esto hará un envío de solicitud de actualización. Asegúrese de seguir todos los pasos. Apriete dos veces en #4 para enviar la información 7 Step 2 - ARENA SCHEDULING of classes Select ARENA SCHEDULING Select the child you would like to register. • Only classes that your child is eligible to enroll in will show for them. • Enrollment is based on their Grade Level in the Fall. • Filter by period to schedule for each individual period. Be sure to use the arrows at the bottom to scroll to additional pages of classes for that period. • If you select a class that meets for more than one period and try to select another class that meets during either of the periods you will get a scheduling conflict message. Do not over ride. Remove one of your choices. Your child will not be permitted to participate in classes that overlap. Step 3 - Paying Fees “Fee Management” If you have multiple children, you may have to check the balance due for each and total the amounts due. 1) Pay online through e~Funds with a debit or credit card. Online Payments: First Time Users - How to Set Up an Account to Make Online Payments: go to Click on For Parents/Students Click on Online Payment Click on New Users Register Here Enter the information to set up an account. Read the Terms of Service and click Sign Up Here. Hint: Use the number listed in skyward as your primary phone and when you are paying with e~Funds, fee management will grab the fees for all the students in your family, giving you the total to be paid just once. OR 2) Paying with cash or check. Write one check for the entire family. Cash or checks can be dropped off at the Community Center, 730 Monroe Street, Sauk City. Include the name of the child with your payment. *If paying by cash or check, please pay within 2 weeks of registering to confirm. Make checks payable to: SAUK PRAIRIE SCHOOLS Mail to: Summer School 730 Monroe St Sauk City WI 53583 8 SM1 = SEMESTER 1 = 4 WEEK SESSION CLASSES Tuesday, June 24 - Friday, July 18, 2014 No classes July 4th CLASS # GD DESCRIPTION TERM PERIOD 1 401 402 403 405 405B 406 408 408B 408C 410 3-5 1-2 5-8 1-3 3-5 3-8 5-8 4-6 1-3 5-7 Acting Fun Act It Out Archery Backyard Games Backyard Games Bag Weaving Basketball Basketball Basketball Book Club 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 411 1 Book Cooks 4W 412 413 414 1-4 1-4 1-4 Breakfast Kids Carol’s Crafts Computer Fun 4W 4W 4W X X X 417 417B 418CE1 418CE2 418CE3 *509 3-5 5-8 3-5 1-3 5-7 5-12 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W X 419 419B 420 421 421C 424 424B 422 422B 422C 423 423B 423C 446 425 425C 1-2 3-5 1-4 1-2 2-3 3-5 5-7 1-3 5-8 4-5 4-5 5-6 6-8 1-3 2-4 4-6 Create Cards Create Cards Dance for Fun Dance for Fun Dance for Fun Distance Training *This is a 6 week class, June 24 - Aug 1 Down On The Farm Down On The Farm Famous Artists Festival of Books Festival of Books Fit Brain, Fit Body Fit Brain, Fit Body Flag Football Flag Football Flag Football FORE! Golf for Beginners FORE! Golf for Beginners FORE! Golf for Beginners French Way Garden Fun Garden Fun 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W PERIOD 2 X PERIOD 3 X X X X X X X X X X 2 Period class 9:25 - 11:35 AM X X X X X X X X X 2 period class (8:15 - 10:25 am) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 9 4 WEEK SESSION CLASSES Tuesday, June 24 - Friday, July 18, 2014 No classes July 4th CLASS # GD DESCRIPTION TERM PERIOD PERIOD PERIOD 1 2 3 X X X 433 433B 433C 1-2 1-2 1-2 Get Ready Math Get Writing Get Reading 4W 437 437BC 426 427 427C 428B 428C 429 430 476C 1-2 3-5 4-12 1-5 3-6 1-3 3-6 1-4 3-7 7 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W *478 8-9 450A 450B 450C 451A 451B 451C 431B *510 1 2 3 4 5-6 6 3-4 6-8 Girls Just Wanna Have FUN Girls Just Wanna Have FUN Guitar - Beginning/Intermediate Gymnastics Gymnastics Hand Building With Clay Hand Building With Clay Kitchen Kids Loom Weaving Math Review - 7th Math Academics - 8/9th *This is a 6 week class, June 24 - Aug 1 Math Academy - 1st Grade Math Academy - 2nd Grade Math Academy - 3rd Grade Math Academy - 4th Grade Math Academy - 5/6th Grade Math Academy - 5/6th Grade Medieval Times MAX PERFORMANCE *This is a 6 week class. June 24 - Aug 1 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W X 432 434 434B 434C 440 440B 440C 435CE 436 441 441C 442 438 438B 10 4-8 3-5 4-6 5-8 3 5 4 5-8 1-3 1-3 3-5 1-3 1-2 2-4 Minecraft Minute to Win It! Minute to Win It! Minute to Win It! Moving Through Math Moving Through Math Moving Through math Newspaper Publisher Oceans, Waves & Shells Paper Crafts Galore Paper Crafts Galore Perler Beads Play Ball! Play Ball! 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W X X 4W X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 4W X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 4 WEEK SESSION CLASSES Tuesday, June 24 - Friday, July 18, 2014 No classes July 4th CLASS # GD DESCRIPTION TERM 438C 439 439B 439C 5-8 5-7 5-7 2-7 Play Ball! Pokemon World Pokemon Advanced Pokemon Beginner 4W 4W 4W 4W 470ALL K Pre-Kindergarten 4W 443MT 4K Preschool in Summer 4W 443WR 4K Preschool in Summer 4W 477 7 Reading & Language - 7th 4W 479 8-9 453A 453B 453C 454A 454B 454C 455A 455B 455C 468 467 467C 456 456B 456C 474 474B 474C 475 475B 473BCE 473CCE 480 480BC 2 2 2 3 4 4 6 5-6 5-6 6-12 2-5 4-8 5-8 1-3 3-5 1-2 3-5 2-4 4-8 1-3 5-8 3-5 5-8 3-5 Reading & Language - 8/9th *This is a 6 week class, June 24 - Aug 1 Reading Academy Reading Academy Reading Academy Reading Academy Reading Academy Reading Academy Reading Academy Reading Academy Reading Academy Rocking With Shakespeare Rubberband Loom Creations Rubberband Loom Creations Soccer Soccer Soccer Technology Adventures Technology Adventures Technology Adventures Tennis Tennis Totally Techie! Totally Techie! Track & Field Track & Field 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W PERIOD 1 PERIOD 2 PERIOD 3 X X X X 3 Period class meets (8:15 - 11:35 am) Monday & Tuesday from 8:30 am until 11:15 am Wed & Thursday from 8:30 am until 11:15 am 2 period class (8:15 - 10:25 am) 2 period class (8:15 - 10:25 am) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 11 4 WEEK SESSION CLASSES Tuesday, June 24 - Friday, July 18, 2014 No classes July 4th CLASS # 482A 482B 482C 485 485B 486 486BC 487 GD 2-5 6-8 8-12 3-5 1-2 1-5 3-6 1-2 DESCRIPTION TERM Wrestling, Advanced Wrestling, Beginners Wrestling, Advanced Write On: Creative Writing Write On: Creative Writing Yoga for Health Yoga for Health Yoga Meditation 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W PERIOD 1 X PERIOD PERIOD 2 3 X X X X X X X X X X 2 WEEK SESSION (T3) Monday, July 21 - Friday, August 1, 2014 CLASS # GD DESCRIPTION 202 200 203 201 201B 201C 204 205 205B 205C 206CE1 206CE2 206CE3 207B 207C 208 211 209 209B 209C 210 210B 210C 12 4-10 2-5 3-8 5-8 1-3 3-5 1-4 5-8 4-5 3-4 3-5 1-2 6-8 3-4 1-2 4-8 1-2 1-2 5-8 3-4 1-2 5-6 3-4 Ahhh, Stuffed Animals American Girl Book Club Bag Weaving Basketball Skills Basketball Skills Basketball Skills Computer Fun! Create Cards Create Cards Create Cards Dance for Fun! Dance for Fun! Dance for Fun! Drawing Favorite Characters Drawing Favorite Characters Draw & Design Dr. Seuss Flag Football Flag Football Flag Football Fun With Numbers Fun With Numbers Fun With Numbers TERM PERIOD 1 T3 T3 X T3 X T3 X T3 T3 T3 X T3 X T3 T3 T3 X T3 T3 T3 T3 T3 X T3 T3 X T3 T3 T3 X T3 T3 PERIOD PERIOD 2 3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 2 WEEK SESSION (T3) Monday, July 21 - Friday, August 1, 2014 CLASS # GD 212 212C 213 213B 215 216 216C 218 218C 220 223 224 225B 226C 227 227B 227C 228B 228C 229 230 230B 230C 231 232 1-5 3-6 1-4 3-6 3-7 4-7 5-9 2-5 1-4 1-3 1-4 2-7 1-5 2-7 4 3 5 2-6 5-10 1-4 1-3 2-4 5-8 1-2 4-9 *536 3-6 572 7-12 233 233B 233C 235 279 280 280B 4-8 3-6 1-4 4-8 4-9 3-5 1-3 DESCRIPTION Gymnastics Gymnastics Legos, K-Nex & More Legos, K-Nex & More Loom Weaving Minecraft Minecraft Paper Crafts Galore Paper Crafts Galore Perler Beads Pizza Magic Pokemon World Pokemon Beginner Pokemon Advanced Read, Bead & Write Read, Bead & Write Read, Bead & Write Rubberband Loom Creations Rubberband Loom Creations Silly Snacks Soccer Soccer Soccer Spanish Animals Spanish Phrases & Numbers Summer Saunters *This is a 2 week clinic see Sport Section for details Summer Saunters *This is a 2 week clinic see Sport Section for details Technology Adventures Technology Adventures Technology Adventures Tennis Upcycle Accessories Write On: Creative Writing Write On: Creative Writing TERM PERIOD PERIOD PERIOD 1 2 3 T3 X X T3 X T3 X X T3 X T3 X T3 X X T3 X T3 X X T3 X T3 X X X T3 X T3 X T3 X T3 X T3 X T3 X T3 X T3 X T3 X T3 X X T3 X T3 X T3 X T3 X T3 X July 21 - 25; 8:15 AM - 4:00 PM T3 & July 28 - Aug 1; 8:15 - 11:35 AM T3 July 21 - 25; 8:15 AM - 4:00 PM & July 28 - Aug 1; 8:15 - 11:35 AM T3 X T3 X T3 X T3 X X X T3 X T3 X X T3 X 13 4 WEEK SESSION (4W) Tuesday, June 24 - Friday, July 18, 2014 No classes July 4th ACTING FUN (AVENTURAS ACTUANDOLO) - We will work on acting skills including characterization, vocalization and stage positions. We will rehearse and perform a series of Folk Tales. Students will gain confidence in public performance. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 401 $0 Out of District Fee: $31 15/22 Leahy Theater D. Sullivan 3-5 P2 ACT IT OUT (ACTUANDOLO) - Acting skills for the very young. We will do a version of Aesop’s Fables for a performance the last day of school, July 18. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 402 1-2 P1 $0 Out of District Fee: $31 15/22 D. Sullivan Leahy Theater ARCHERY (ARQUERIA) - Archery for all levels! Come learn the ‘11 Steps to Archery Success’ and be a part of the National Archery in Schools Program. Compound bows, arrows, and targets provided! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 403 5-8 P3 $0 Out of District Fee: $31 15/16 MS S. GYM E. Rennicke BACKYARD GAMES (JUEGOS DE JARDIN) - Are you bored? Looking for something fun to do? Learn a variety of new and FUN games that you can enjoy all year long. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 405 405B 1-3 3-5 P1 P2 $0 15/22 15/22 E. Rennicke Out of District Fee: $31 MS N. GYM BAG WEAVING (TEJIENDO BOLSOS) - We will use cardboard and yarn to make some fantastic looking bags and accessories!! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 406 3-8 P1 $25 Out of District Fee: $56 15/20 MS 117 A. Thorpe BASKETBALL (LO BASICO DE BASQUETBOL) - Students will work on their basketball skills throughout the four weeks. Games played each day to practice the skills covered. Skills taught include dribbling, shooting, passing, rebounding, and defense. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION 408 408B 408C 5-8 4-6 1-3 15/22 15/22 15/22 HS N. GYM A. Thrune P1 P2 P3 $12 Out of District $43 INSTRUCTOR BOOK CLUB (CLUB DE LECTURA) - Students will be able to choose from a variety of books to form book club groups. A different book each week. Discussions and projects pertaining to the book. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 410 5-7 $6 Out of District Fee: $37 15/20 HS 23 14 P1 or P2 P. Schwarz 4 WEEK SESSION (4W) Tuesday, June 24 - Friday, July 18, 2014 No classes July 4th BOOK COOKS (COCINO CON LOS LIBROS) - This class is open to students who have received a “Special Invitation to Attend”. This class will explore art, math, science, and cooking through children’s books! Together, we will read stories, make crafts, and build fun, creative snacks...with no heat source! Read, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and create a butterfly treat! Not for children with food allergies. CLASS # GRADE PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION 411 1 P2 * $20 15/22 *This is a 2 hour Out of District Fee: class 9:25 - 11:35 AM $51 HS 17 INSTRUCTOR J. Van de Hey BREAKFAST KIDS (DESAYUNO PARA NIÑOS) - Start the day with a breakfast you create in the kitchen. Learn basic kitchen skills, nutrition basics and create a cookbook of yummy recipes! Not for children with food allergies. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION 412 1-4 P1 $20 15/22 Out of District Fee: $51 HS RM 47 INSTRUCTOR C. Rothmann CAROL’S CRAFTS (ARTESANIAS DE CAROL) - Come join Carol for some fantastic crafts! We will use paint, paper, clay, and much more. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD 413 P1, P2 or P3 $25 15/20 Out of District Fee: $56 1-4 FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR MS RM 108 C. Gagnon COMPUTER FUN (¡DIVERSION POR COMPUTADORA) - Computers + Kids = Creativity X 2! Would you like to explore the computer? Learn some tips and tricks on the computer? CLASS # GRADES PERIOD 414 1-4 FEE P1, P2, or P3 $7 Out of District Fee: $38 MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 15/22 HS LAB 15 P. Sheard CREATE CARDS (CREANDO TARJETAS PARA NINOS) - Be inspired to create and share with style and color life through projects that look amazing, but are easy to do. This class will provide you with ideas for card making, scrapbooking, and projects that will be useful and simple to make. Examples will be provided and combined with your creativity will showcase your artistic talents. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 417 417B 3-5 5-8 P1 or P3 P2 $30 15/22 15/22 MS 107 L. Netzinger Out of District Fee: $61 DANCE FOR FUN! (BAILAR PARA DIVERTIRSE) - Come ready to Dance 4 Fun! Each day we will do a simple warm up and learn new dance routines each week! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 418CE1 418CE2 481CE3 3-5 1-3 5-7 P1 P2 P3 $20 15/22 MS CAFE E. Edmondson DOWN ON THE FARM (ALLA EN LA GRANJA) - Come and explore all that agriculture has to offer...from machines, animals, and plants on the farm to how food is processed. There will be many hands-on activities including making homemade ice cream. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 419 419B 1-2 3-5 P1 P2 or P3 $4 Out of District Fee: $35 15/22 15/22 HS 46 T. Anderson 15 4 WEEK SESSION (4W) Tuesday, June 24 - Friday, July 18, 2014 No classes July 4th FAMOUS ARTISTS (ARTISTAS FAMOSOS) - Famous Artists-Monet, Van Gogh, Degas. Learn about these great artists and more! We will explore their styles and methods and create our own works of art! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 420 1-4 P3 $5 Out of District Fee: $36 15/22 HS 46 K. Kerska FESTIVAL OF BOOKS - This class offers your child an opportunity to have some summer reading fun and learn more about the authors of the books they like to read. While reading “Frog and Toad Are Friends” we will learn about frogs and toads. This course will focus on reading comprehension strategies. Each week will have a theme surrounding the story we are reading. We will make a healthy snack to go along with our book’s theme. Children will create their own cookbook from these recipes to take with them. The snacks will be easy enough for them to make at home. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 421 421C 1-2 2-3 P1, P2 P3 $6 15/25 15/25 HS 37 V. Webster K. Greimel Out of District Fee: $37 FIT BRAIN, FIT BODY - Keep your brain and your body fit and have fun doing it! Each day will be filled with fun exercises, yoga, aerobics, dance moves, board games and card games. This class will be a great way for you to keep your body and your brain fit and have fun! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION 424 3-5 P1 or P3 $3 15/22 424B 5-7 P2 HS 70/ HS S. Gym INSTRUCTOR A. Good Out of District Fee: $34 FLAG FOOTBALL (FúTBOL AMERICANO DE BANDERA) - This class will teach students the basics of flag football while learning the game through good sportsmanship and how to play as a team. Practicing the fundamentals of football will be a high priority. In addition, a variety of fun and interactive games will be played throughout each class. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 422 422B 422C 1-3 5-8 4-5 $3 15/20 HS FIELD J. Peters P1 P2 P3 Out of District Fee: $34 FORE! GOLF FOR BEGINNERS (¡ALLI VAI GOLF PARA PRINCIPIANTES) - Learn the fundamentals of a lifelong sport. We will work on your golf swing as well as proper club selection. We will also learn the rules of the game and discuss golf etiquette. We will go to Lake Wisconsin Country Club each Friday to test our skills on a real golf course. Equipment for the class is provided. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 423 423B 423C 4-5 5-6 6-8 P1 P2 P3 $20 15/18 HS 32 S. Frey Out of District Fee: $51 FRENCH WAY (LA MANERA FRANCESA) - Explore French culture through art, music and famous monuments. Learn simple phrases and greetings, colors, numbers and foods. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 446 1-3 P1 $0 Out of District Fee: $31 15/22 HS 46 K. Kerska 16 4 WEEK SESSION (4W) Tuesday, June 24 - Friday, July 18, 2014 No classes July 4th GARDEN FUN (JARDIN DIVERTIDO) - This class will teach students how to garden start to finish. They will learn tillage, planting, pest and weed control, and harvest. Included will be fun projects related to gardening. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX 425 425C 2-4 4-6 P1 or P2 $25 15/20 P3 Out of District Fee: $56 LOCATION INSTRUCTOR MS 115 R. Sheard GET READY MATH! (ESTAS LISTO PARA MATEMATICAS) - How are your math skills? We’ll take on counting, adding, skip counting, number problems and more to strengthen your math skills. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 433 1-2 P1 $1 Out of District Fee: $32 15/22 HS 33 N. Toberman GET WRITING! (ESTAS LISTO PARA EXCRITURA) - Become a young author by sharpening your writing skills. We’ll work on punctuation, spacing and sentence structure while writing an “All About It” book, as well as keeping a daily journal. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 433B 1-2 P2 $1 Out of District Fee: $32 15/22 N. Toberman HS 33 GET READING! (ESTAS LISTO PARA LEER) - Review and work on sight words, word families, Bossy R words, etc. to strengthen the skills learned. Don’t lose the skills learned at school. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 433C 1-2 P3 $1 Out of District Fee: $32 15/22 HS 33 N. Toberman GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN! (¡LAS NINAS SOLO QUIEREN DIVERTIRSE!) - This class is for girls that love to do crafts, be creative and have tons of fun. We will do projects to make you and your bedroom look fabulous! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX 437 437BC 1-2 3-5 P1 $15 15/20 P2 or P3 Out of District Fee: $46 LOCATION INSTRUCTOR MS 111 T. Kraemer GUITAR, BEGINNING TO INTERMEDIATE (GUITARRA-PRINCIPIANTE/INTERMEDIO) - You CAN learn guitar without reading music! Students will learn and enjoy, at their own pace, as much guitar as they can! Chord shapes,strumming, major and minor scales (soloing), songwriting and singing (optional). First week learn “Wild Thing”, then write your own or learn your favorites. Must bring guitar! (Se habla español). CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE 426 P1, P2 or P3 $0 12/12 Out of District Fee: $31 4-12 MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR HS 40 J. Gerenscer GYMNASTICS (GYMNASIA) - This class offers the basics of gymnastics in a safe, positive environment. Students will be exposed to lessons using the balance beam, uneven bars, vault, and floor exercise. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 427 427C 1-5 3-6 15/24 MS S. GYM C. Peterson P1, P2 P3 $4 Out of District Fee: $35 HAND BUILDING WITH CLAY (CONSTRUYENDO CON ARCILLA) - Explore hand building techniques with clay including pinch, coil and slab techniques. Each child will make and bring home at least three completed pieces. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 428B 428C 1-3 3-6 P2 P3 15/22 15/22 MS ART 143 M. Yarnell $12 Out of District Fee: $43 17 4 WEEK SESSION (4W) Tuesday, June 24 - Friday, July 18, 2014 No classes July 4th KITCHEN KIDS (NINOS EN LA COCINA) - You can be a kitchen kid this summer! Learn basic cooking skills, kitchen safety and how to follow a recipe to create delicious foods to eat and enjoy. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 429 1-4 P2 or P3 $20 Out of District Fee: $51 15/22 HS 47 C. Rothmann LOOM WEAVING (DESCUBRIENDO EL TEJIDO) - Learn the basics of loom weaving from start to finish. A variety of weaving styles will be taught including the basic tabby weave, raya knot, basket weave and tapestry weave. Each child will leave class with a completed weaving. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION 430 P1 $6 Out of District Fee: $37 15/22 MS ART RM M. Yarnell 3-7 INSTRUCTOR MATH REVIEW - 7 (MATEMATICAS) - Students will review and extend knowledge of 6th grade math skills. The focus will be on numeration and computation, measurement skills, data analysis and probability, pre-algebraic functions and expressions, and geometric skills. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 476C 7 P3 15/22 MS 103 M. Sprecher $6 MATH ACADEMICS - 8/9 (MATEMATICAS) - Students will receive instruction at their individual mathematical levels to increase their skills and background knowledge for 8th and 9th grade curriculums. Integration of fractions, decimals, percents, 1 and 2 step equations and other basic skills will be the focus depending on student need. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 478 8-9 P3 $6 15/22 HS Rm 20 C. QUAM This is a 6 week class. It runs from June 24 until August 1. MATH ACADEMY (MATEMATICAS) - This class is open to students who have received a “Special Invitation” to attend. Your child will be provided support to help them maintain the growth they have made during the school year. Your child will enjoy math games and working with math resources. The activities will help your child increase their math skills and understanding. Space is limited. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD 450A 450B 450C 1 2 3 P1 P2 P3 451A 451B 451C 4 5 6 P1 P2 P3 FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR $6 15/20 15/20 12/20 HS Rm 9 HS Rm 9 HS Rm 9 T. Frey T. Frey T. Frey $6 12/20 12/20 12/20 HS Rm 10 HS Rm 10 HS Rm 10 J. Coughlin J. Coughlin J. Coughlin MEDIEVAL TIMES (TIEMPOS MEDIEVALES) - Explore life of medieval times, castles and the lives of knights. We will read the book, “The Knight at Dawn” and build a model of a castle. Travel back in time and see how different life was in the Middle Ages! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 431B P2 $5 Out of District Fee: $36 15/22 K. Kerska 18 3-4 HS 46 4 WEEK SESSION (4W) Tuesday, June 24 - Friday, July 18, 2014 No classes July 4th MAX PERFORMANCE - This program is geared toward the young athlete who wants to improve their athleticism, fitness education, strength and agility performance. Students will become stronger, improve their athletice speed and reduce their risk of injury in athletics. *This is a 6 week program. 15/75 FEE 6-8 MIN/ MAX 3 GRADES PERIOD TERM CLASS # 510 4W MEET LOCATION $0 In District SPHS Weight Rm DATES TIME INSTRUCTOR June 24 - July 18 10:35 - 11:35 AM J. Chrisler MINECRAFT - This class will use the computer game Minecraft. In this sandbox game students will work in a team to create, survive, and design a livable world that is proportional to real life. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 432 4-8 P1, P2, or P3 $11 Out of District Fee: $42 15/20 MS 112 J. Schave MINUTE TO WIN IT! (¡UN MINUTO PARA GANAR!) - Just like the hit tv show, “Minute to Win It” will test your ability to complete tasks using household items. Activities will be individual, partner, and team play. Throughout the week we will practice the games and then have a friendly competition each Friday. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 434 434B 434C 3-5 4-6 5-8 P1 P2 P3 $6 Out of District Fee: $37 15/22 15/22 15/22 MS 104 M. Schmitt MOVING THROUGH MATH - Learn math through brain-based learning and critical thinking. Children of all abilities can benefit as lessons will spark kids brains and get their dendrites firing through numeration, fractions, measurement, and geometry. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 440 440B 440C 3 5 4 P1 P2 P3 $4 15/22 15/22 15/22 Out of District Fee: $35 MS 106 S. Anderson NEWSPAPER PUBLISHER (PUBLICANDO PERIODICOS) - Join the staff of Sauk Prairie’s Summer School Newspaper! In this class, your newspaper “beat” will be summer school. You will use your creativity and inspiration to build the newspaper from the ground up – planning the layout, developing the content and brainstorming story ideas. You will write and edit articles, take photos, and use the computer to layout a newspaper for publication. We will find a job for everyone! We will do some fun team-building activities and use computer technology to enhance your “newspaper” experience. Budding writers and photojournalists will also have the opportunity to work on projects for other publications. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 435CE 5-8 P1 $22 15/22 MS 225 M. Rauls OCEANS, WAVES & SHELLS (oceanos, olas, conchas) - Come join us on an exciting ocean adventure. We will learn about the many magnificent sea creatures in our amazing oceans. We will have many real treasures from the sea to see, feel and learn about. Come along with us on this fun learning experience. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 436 1-3 $5 Out of District Fee: $36 15/22 HS 25 D. Rasque P1, P2, or P3 19 4 WEEK SESSION (4W) Tuesday, June 24 - Friday, July 18, 2014 No classes July 4th PAPER CRAFTS GALORE (MUCHAS ARTESANIAS DE PAPEL) - A variety of art projects will be completed using only paper, glue, scissors and drawing supplies. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 441 441C 1-3 3-5 P1 or P2 P3 $5 Out of District Fee: $36 15/22 15/22 HS 30 A. McMillion PERLER BEADS - Perler Bead Creations is a great class for fine motor skills and creativity. It encourages imaginative thinking while having fun. Each child will create one project per class such as room decorations, colorful magnets, sun catchers, picture frames, and more! This class will be full of endless creations and fun! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX 442 1-3 P1, P2 or P3 $1 15/20 Out of District Fee: $32 LOCATION INSTRUCTOR HS 35 S. Skog PLAY BALL! (¡JUEGO BEISBOL!) - Practice baseball fundamentals such as throwing, catching, fielding, hitting, base running, pitching, and bunting. We will play games on the diamond and in the gym. We play wiffle ball indoors, and even have a home run derby. Sportsmanship will be stressed. Students should bring a glove, and must wear tennis shoes (no sandals). CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 438 438B 438C 1-2 2-4 5-8 P1 P2 P3 $0 15/18 15/18 15/18 MS East Softball diamond D. Pape Out of District Fee: $31 POKEMON WORLD (EL MUNDO DE POKEMON) - Pokemon World explores the entire world of Pokemon through the cards, books, video games and more! Also, students will learn much about the culture of Japan, where Pokemon originated. Students will receive supplies to protect their card collections and booster packs by earning Trainer points in class. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 439 5-7 P1 $6 Out of District Fee: $37 15/22 HS 31 K. Ziegler POKEMON ADVANCED (POKEMON AVANCADO) - Pokemon Advanced is a class best for players that have played the Pokemon card game before. Students will learn about the finer points and strategies of the Pokemon Trading Card game and will receive supplies designed to protect their card collections. Students will receive booster packs in class as they earn Trainer points for playing and learning the game. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 439B 2-7 P2 $6 Out of District Fee: $37 15/22 HS 31 K. Ziegler POKEMON BEGINNER (POKEMON PARA PRINCIPIANTES) - For beginning Pokemon players! New players will receive a pre-constructed deck to play with along with supplies that will keep Pokemon cards in the best condition. Players will learn how to play the Pokemon trading card game, how to evaluate the value of their cards, and how to take care of their collection. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 439C 1-5 P3 $10 Out of District Fee: $41 15/22 HS 31 K. Ziegler 20 4 WEEK SESSION (4W) Tuesday, June 24 - Friday, July 18, 2014 No classes July 4th PRE-KINDERGARTEN (PREPARACION PARA KINDER) - Students will be introduced to a modified Kindergarten day. Growth and confidence will be encouraged through structured activities, storytimes, social play and singing. “1, 2, 3” and “A, B, C” activities will be presented to reinforce and strengthen each child’s skills. Must be 5 by September 1, 2014. Classroom assignments will be determined when enrollment is complete. You will receive a letter from your child’s assigned teacher introducing themselves and sharing what the classroom experience will include. You will also be asked to share your child’s pick up and drop off plans. Please watch your mail for a letter from your child’s teacher. If you do not receive your letter by June 5, please call our office at 643-8386, x2710 or email community. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 470ALL K select P1* (8:15 - 11-35 AM) $20 15/20 per section HS 41 HS 42 HS 43 HS 44 L. Tank C. Frey J. Handschke J. Henn *Please keep in mind Out of District that this class meets for Fee: $51 3 hours. PRESCHOOL IN SUMMER (PRESCOLAR 4 ANOS) - Must be 4 by Sept 1, 2014. Spend your mornings in Preschool fun! We’ll explore colors, art, stories, play and learn games. Registration is limited to either the M/T or W/TH class. There is NO busing available for this program. Children must be dropped off and picked up at the Community Center at 730 Monroe St, Sauk City. CLASS # CLASS DAYS CLASS TIME 443MT MONDAY & TUESDAY 8:30 - 11:15 AM 444WR WEDNESDAY 8:30 - 11:15 AM & THURSDAY MEET DATES FEE JUNE 24, 30, $15 JULY 1, 7, 8, 14, & 15 JUNE 25, 26, $15 JULY 2, 3, 9, 10, 16 & 17 LOCATION TEACHER COMMUNITY CENTER Mrs. Brickl PRESCHOOL ROOM Out of District Fee: $46 READING & LANGUAGE, 7TH - Students will focus on concepts relating to reading comprehension and analyzing skills, paragraph writing, creative writing, and summarizing techniques both fiction and non-fiction. Grammar and spelling concepts will also be reviewed. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD 477 Select P1* $6 15/30 MS 103 *2 hour class Meets 8:15 - 10:25 AM - Must be present for entire 2 hours 7 FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION TEACHER M. Sprecher READING & LANGUAGE, 8/9TH - Students will receive instruction at their individual reading levels to increase their skills and background knowledge for 8th and 9th grade curriculums. Computer software programs such as Mindplay will be used to develop individual skills. Integration of reading and writing within science and social studies concepts will be utilized. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION TEACHER 479 8-9 Select P1* $6 15/30 HS Rm 19 K. Marquardt *2 hour class Meets 8:15 - 10:25 AM - Must be present for entire 2 hours This is a 6 week class. It runs from June 24 until August 1. 21 4 WEEK SESSION (4W) Tuesday, June 24 - Friday, July 18, 2014 No classes July 4th READING ACADEMY - ELEMENTARY (ACADEMIA DE LECTURA) - This class is open to students who have received a “Special Invitation to Attend”. The class will provide your child with support and help them to maintain the growth they have made during the school year. Your child will enjoy reading adventures. The fun activities will help your child increase their reading skills and understand what they are reading all while enjoying to read. Please register early - SPACE IS LIMITED. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD 453A 453B 453C 2 2-3 3 P1 P2 P3 454A 454B 454C 3 3-4 4 P1 P2 P3 455A 455B 455C 5 5-6 6 P1 P2 P3 FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION TEACHER $6 12/20 12/20 12/20 HS 13 HS 13 HS 13 E. Eslinger E. Eslinger E. Eslinger $6 12/20 12/20 12/20 HS 12 HS 12 HS 12 K. Trachsler K. Trachsler K. Trachsler $6 12/20 12/20 12/20 HS 14 HS 14 HS 14 N. Backeberg N. Backeberg N. Backeberg ROCKING WITH SHAKESPEARE (ROQUEANDO CON SHAKESPERE) - We will rehearse and perform either “”A Midsummer Night’s Dream” or “12th Night” by Lois Burdett, depending on the number of students enrolled. Learn about Shakespeare’s language, stage sense, vocalization, physicalization, memorization. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION TEACHER 468 P3 15/24 HS LEAHY TH D. Sullivan 6-12 $15 Out of District Fee: $46 RUBBERBAND LOOM CREATIONS - Get in on all the fun of the great rubber band loom craze!! Come join us as we learn how to make all sorts of creations!! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 467 467C 2-5 4-8 P2 P3 15/22 15/22 A. Thorpe $40 Out of District Fee: $77 MS 117 SOCCER (EL FúTBOL) - Learn the basic fundamentals of soccer. We will work on dribbling, passing, shooting, defensive positioning, and offensive possession of the ball, as well as small-sided and large-sided games. All skill levels are welcomed! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION 456 456B 456C 5-8 1-3 3-5 P1 P2 P3 $0 15/20 15/20 15/20 MS West T. Fuchs Softball Field Out of District Fee: $31 INSTRUCTOR TECHNOLOGY ADVENTURES (AVENTURAS DE TECNOLOGIA) - Make your very own webpage, email friends and family, make slideshows and stories, and learn how to use the internet safely. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 474 474B 474C 1-2 3-5 2-4 P1 P2 P3 $0 15/20 15/20 15/20 HS 16 M. Wirtz 22 Out of District Fee: $31 4 WEEK SESSION (4W) Tuesday, June 24 - Friday, July 18, 2014 No classes July 4th TENNIS (TENIS) - Develop skills to play the game of Tennis. Skills covered will include: forehand, backhand, serving, volleying and rule application. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 475 475B 4-8 1-3 P1 or P3 P2 15/22 15/22 HS TENNIS CT T. Moss $2 Out of District Fee: $33 TOTALLY TECHIE! ( TOTALMENTE TECHIE) - Get more tech savvy! Have fun learning technology. Design documents using google docs and create individual websites. Your creativity will flow as you write, illustrate and narrate your own digital books. We will also introduce some interesting and fun tech tools that will make you totally techie! The focus will be on having fun, but we will play it safe by practicing internet safety. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 473BCE 473CCE P2 P3 15/22 15/22 MS 225 (LAB) M. Rauls 5-8 3-5 $24 Out of District Fee: $55 TRACK & FIELD (CARRERAS DE PISTA) - Learn the fundamentals of high jump and long jump and learn proper warm-up and running technique. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 480 480BC 5-8 3-5 P1 P2 or P3 $0 Out of District Fee: $31 15/22 15/22 HS FIELD J. Logterman WRESTLING FOR BEGINNERS - Designed to introduce the basics of wrestling and tumbling. We will teach the rules and movements of wrestling and incorporate games and plenty of exercise into each class. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 482B P2 15/20 HS WRESTLING RM S. Smith 2-5 $0 Out of District Fee: $31 WRESTLING, ADVANCED (LUCHA AVANZADA) - This class will focus on the advanced techniques and strategies of wrestling. Includes drilling, games, and live wrestling. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 482 482C 15/20 15/20 HS WRESTLING RM S. Smith 6-8 8-12 P1 P3 $0 Out of District Fee: $31 WRITE ON: CREATIVE WRITING ( escritura creativa) - Are you a budding author? This is the opportunity to spend time flexing your writing muscles. This class focuses on artistic expression where individuals will be engaged in creative writing exercises, activities and games that will stretch their creativity and help them become stronger writers. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 485 485B 3-5 1-2 $1 Out of District Fee: $32 15/22 15/20 MS 105 P1 or P3 P2 H. Osborne YOGA FOR HEALTH - We’ll begin with an introduction to yoga. Students will create a yoga notebook, learn basic poses, and play games to help understand the health benefits of yoga. Enjoy learning poses and yoga routines as well as creating your own routine. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 486 486BC P1 P2 or P3 $4 Out of District Fee: $35 15/20 15/20 HS 69/70 R. Scheunemann 1-5 3-6 YOGA MEDITATION - Learn how to relax your body and clear your mind. Learn yoga poses and ways to handle stress. Create a healthy mind and body. Dress comfortably and bring a large towel. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 487 1-2 P2 or P3 $3 Out of District Fee: $34 15/20 HS 29 B. Wundram 23 2 WEEK SESSION (T3) Monday, July 21 - Friday, August 1, 2014 AHHHH, STUFFED ANIMALS (AHHH, ANIMALES DE PELUCHE) - Make your very own stuffed monster! Learn to make simple patterns, sew basic stitches and sew on buttons. No sewing experience necessary. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MNI/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 202 4-10 15/20 E. McCabe P3 $6 Out of District Fee: $23 MS ART RM 145 Left Side Entrance AMERICAN GIRL BOOK CLUB - “Do you love to read? Have you heard of the American Girl book series? Spend your summer mornings leisurely reading about and listening to the historical tales of characters like Molly, Kit, and Addy...just to name a few. An American Girl picnic will be held at the end of the 2 weeks! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE 200 P1 2-5 MIN/MAX $1 15/20 Out of District Fee: $18 LOCATION INSTRUCTOR MS ART RM 145 Left Side Entrance E. McCabe BAG WEAVING (TEJIENDO BOLSOS) - We will use cardboard and yarn to make some fantastic looking bags and accessories!! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 203 3-8 P1 $25 Out of District Fee: $42 15/20 MS 117 A. Thorpe BASKETBALL SKILLS (LO BASICO DE BASQUETBOL) - Students will work on basic fundamentals, skill development and games associated with basketball. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 201 201B 201C 5-8 1-3 3-5 P1 P2 P3 $12 15/24 15/24 15/24 HS N. GYM T. MOSS Out of District Fee: $29 COMPUTER FUN (DIVERSION POR COMPUTADORA) - Computers + Kids = Creativity X 2! Would you like to explore the computer? Learn some tips and tricks on the computer? CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 204 1-4 P1, P2, or P3 $7 Out of District Fee: $24 15/22 HS LAB 15 P. Sheard CREATE CARDS (CREANDO TARJETAS PARA NINOS) - Be inspired to create and share with style and color life through projects that look amazing, but are easy to do. This class will provide you with ideas for card making, scrapbooking, and projects that will be useful and simple to make. Examples will be provided and, combined with your creativity, will showcase your artistic talents. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE 205 205B 205C 5-8 4-5 3-4 P1 P2 P3 $30 MIN/MAX 15/20 15/20 Out of District Fee: $47 15/20 LOCATION INSTRUCTOR MS 107 L. Netzinger DANCE FOR FUN! (BAILAR PARA DIVERTIRSE) - Come ready to Dance 4 Fun! Each day we will do a simple warm up and learn new dance routines each week! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 206CE1 206CE2 206CE3 3-5 1-2 6-8 P1 P2 P3 $12 15/22 MS CAFE E. Edmondson 24 2 WEEK SESSION (T3) Monday, July 21 - Friday, August 1, 2014 DRAWING FAVORITE CHARACTERS (DIBUJA TUS CARACTERES FAVORITOS DE LOS LIBROS) - Children will learn observation skills to help them draw storybook characters.The “Cat in the Hat”, the “Big Green Monster”, and “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” are a sampling of what will be drawn. Bring some ideas of your favorites so we can draw them too! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 207B 207C 3-4 1-2 P2 P3 $7 Out of District Fee: $24 15/22 15/20 MS ART RM M. Yarnell DRAW & DESIGN (DIBUJAR y DISENO) - Learn about drawing strategies and explore design concepts such as color, pattern, repetition, and texture. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE 208 4-8 $5 15/20 Out of District Fee: $22 P1, P2 or P3 MIN/MAX LOCATION HS 46 INSTRUCTOR A. Fiene DR. SEUSS - Students will be absorbed in Dr. Seuss! We will read books, play games, do crafts and even make Oobleck! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 211 1-2 P3 15/22 HS 41 J. Witthoft $3 Out of District Fee: $20 FLAG FOOTBALL (FUTBOL AMERICANO DE BANDERA) - This class will teach students the basics of flag football while learning the game through good sportsmanship and how to play as a team. Practicing the fundamentals of football will be a high priority. In addition, a variety of fun and interactive games will be played throughout each class. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 209 209B 209C 1-2 5-8 3-4 P1 P2 P3 $3 15/20 15/20 HS FIELD J. Peters Out of District Fee: $20 FUN WITH NUMBERS (DIVERSION CON NUMBEROS) - Students will play games that are related to Math. They will grow as a student and have fun learning about math. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 210 210B 210C 1-2 5-6 3-4 P1 P2 P3 $1 15/20 15/20 HS 45 A. Thrune Out of District Fee: $11 GYMNASTICS (GYMNASIA) - This class offers the basics of gymnastics in a safe, positive environment. Students will be exposed to lessons using the balance beam, uneven bars, vault, and floor exercise. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX 212 212C 1-5 3-6 P1 or P2 P3 $4 15/22 Out of District Fee: $21 15/24 LOCATION INSTRUCTOR MS S. GYM C. Peterson LEGOS, K-NEX & MORE (CONSTRUYENDO CON BLOQUES) - Hey! Hey! Do you like to build with Legos, K-Nex, and other toys? In this class we have centers, challenges, and other fun projects. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 213 213B 1-4 3-6 P1 or P3 P2 $15 Out of District Fee: $32 15/22 15/20 MS 108 C. Gagnon 25 2 WEEK SESSION (T3) Monday, July 21 - Friday, August 1, 2014 LOOM WEAVING - (DESCUBRIENDO EL TEJIDO) - Learn the basics of loom weaving from start to finish. A variety of weaving styles will be taught including the basic tabby weave, raya knot, basket weave and tapestry weave. Each child will leave class with a completed weaving. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 215 3-7 P1 $6 Out of District Fee: $23 15/22 MS ART RM M. Yarnell MINECRAFT - This class will use the computer game Minecraft. In this sandbox game students will work in a team to create, survive, and design a livable world that is proportional to real life. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 216 216C 4-7 5-9 P1 or P2 P3 $11 Out of District Fee: $28 15/20 15/20 MS 112 J. Schave PAPER CRAFTS GALORE (MUCHAS ARTESANIAS DE PAPEL) - A variety of Art Projects will be completed using only paper, glue, scissors and drawing supplies. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 218 218C 2-5 1-4 P1 or P2 P3 $5 Out of District Fee: $22 15/20 15/22 HS 30 A. McMillion PERLER BEADS - Perler Bead Creations is a great class for fine motor skills and creativity. It encourages imaginative thinking while having fun. Each child will create one project per class such as room decorations, colorful magnets, sun catchers, picture frames, and more! This class will be full of endless creations and fun! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 220 1-3 P1, P2 or P3 $1 Out of District Fee: $18 15/20 HS 42 S. Skog PIZZA MAGIC - Hocus Pocus....Alakazam!! In this class we will learn how to use basic cooking and kitchen skills to create pizza every day and then watch it DISAPPEAR as we eat and enjoy 10 different kinds of pizza. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 223 1-4 P3 15/22 HS 47 $20 Out of District Fee: $37 C. Rothmann POKEMON WORLD (EL MUNDO DE POKEMON) - Pokemon World explores the entire world of Pokemon through the cards, books, video games and more! Also, students will learn much about the culture of Japan, where Pokemon originated. Students will receive supplies to protect their card collections and booster packs by earning Trainer points in class. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 224 2-7 $6 Out of District Fee: $24 15/20 HS 31 K. Ziegler P1 POKEMON BEGINNER (POKEMON PARA PRINCIPIANTES) - For beginning Pokemon players! New players will receive a pre-constructed deck to play with along with supplies that will keep Pokemon cards in the best condition. Players will learn how to play the Pokemon trading card game, how to evaluate the value of their cards, and how to take care of their collection. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE 225B 1-5 P2 26 MIN/MAX $10 15/22 Out of District Fee: $27 LOCATION INSTRUCTOR HS 31 K. Ziegler 2 WEEK SESSION (T3) Monday, July 21 - Friday, August 1, 2014 POKEMON ADVANCED (POKEMON AVANCADO) - Pokemon Advanced is a class best for players that have played the Pokemon card game before. Students will learn about the finer points and strategies of the Pokemon Trading Card game and will receive supplies designed to protect their card collections. Students will receive booster packs in class as they earn Trainer points for playing and learning the game. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 226C 2-7 P3 $6 Out of District Fee: $23 15/20 HS 31 K. Ziegler READ, BEAD & WRITE (LEER, ESCRIBIR Y CORDON) - We’ll read lots of stories, write letters to our American soldiers, and make beaded bracelets and necklaces to send to the soldiers. Soldiers will keep one for themselves and give the second one to a child. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 227 227B 227C 4 3 5 P1 P2 P3 15/20 15/20 15/20 S. Anderson $5 MS 106 Out of District Fee: $22 RUBBERBAND LOOM CREATIONS - Get in on all the fun of the great rubber band loom craze!! Come join us as we learn how to make all sorts of creations!! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 228B 228C 2-6 5-10 P2 P3 $20 15/22 15/22 MS 117 A. Thorpe Out of District Fee: $37 SILLY SNACKS (APERTIVOS INFANTILES) - It’s okay to be SILLY with your food in this class! You will learn basic cooking skills, kitchen safety and how to prepare fun & silly food to eat each day. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 229 1-4 $17 Out of District Fee: $34 15/22 HS 47 C. Rothmann P1 or P2 SOCCER (EL FúTBOL) - Learn the basic fundamentals of soccer. We will work on dribbling, passing, shooting, defensive positioning, and offensive possession of the ball, as well as small-sided and large-sided games. All skill levels are welcomed! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 230 230B 230C 1-3 2-4 5-8 P1 P2 P3 15/20 15/20 15/20 MS FIELD T. Fuchs $0 Out of District Fee: $17 SPANISH ANIMALS (ANIMALES EN ESPANOL) - Learn the names and sounds that Spanish animals make! That’s right, Spanish animals make different sounds than English animals! We will read books, sing songs, play games, make crafts and play games. We’ll have tons of fun! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE 231 P1 $3 15/20 Out of District Fee: $20 1-2 MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR HS 41 J. Witthoft 27 2 WEEK SESSION (T3) Monday, July 21 - Friday, August 1, 2014 SPANISH PHRASES AND FUN! (FRASES EN ESPANOL Y DIVERSION) - This will be a great class to learn and practice speaking Spanish using many popular topics such as colors, the alphabet, numbers, and phrases such as: “How are you?”, “Good morning”, and “May I use the bathroom, please?”. There will be singing, dancing and laughing while we play games and do crafts. Who knows...We may even eat tacos!!! CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 232 4-9 P2 $3 Out of District Fee: $20 15/20 HS 41 J. Witthoft TECHNOLOGY ADVENTURES (AVENTURAS DE TECNOLOGIA) - Make your very own webpage, email friends and family, make slideshows and stories, and learn how to use the internet safely. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 233 233B 233C 4-8 3-6 1-4 P1 P2 P3 $0 15/20 15/20 15/20 HS 16 M. Wirtz Out of District Fee: $17 TENNIS - Focus will be on developing some basic skills of Tennis, such as forehand, backhand, serving, volleying and rule application. Please bring a racquet, water bottle and a small towel for sweat. Wear tennis shoes. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 235 P1, P2 or P3 $2 Out of District Fee: $20 15/22 M. Hruby 4-8 HS TENNIS CT UPCYCLE ACCESSORIES - Learn to make old things new again by UpCycling! This class will focus on using recycled materials to make new and improved accessories. Projects will include but are not limited to T-Shirt bag, T-Shirt scrap headband, and paper bead jewelry. Donations of clean, gently worn T-shirts appreciated but not mandatory. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 279B 4-9 P2 15/20 MS Art Rm 145 E. McCabe $6 Out of District Fee: $23 WRITE ON: CREATIVE WRITING (escritura creativa)- Are you a budding author? This is the opportunity to spend time flexing your writing muscles. This class focuses on artistic expression where individuals will be engaged in creative writing exercises, activities and games that will stretch their creativity and help them become stronger writers. CLASS # GRADES PERIOD FEE MIN/MAX LOCATION INSTRUCTOR 280 280B 3-5 1-3 $1 Out of District Fee: $18 15/22 15/20 HS 43 28 P1 or P3 P2 H. Osborne ABOVE & BEYOND SUMMER EXPLORATION PROGRAM FOR GRADES 1-7 Activity Directors: Jamie Henn & Katie Trachsler Above & Beyond is designed to give children new opportunities, new friendships, and have some summer fun! The programs will run from Noon until 3:00 PM at the Community Center Gymnasium. Students who participate in the morning Summer School program will be bused from the High School to the Community Center at the 11:35 AM dismissal time. The Turtle bus is designated for this program. One of the instructors will be at this bus at this time. Students will be allowed to purchase a grab and go lunch from the High School cafeteria or students should bring a lunch from home. Time will be given to eat sack lunches when they arrive at the Community Center before the program begins. Students will need to be picked up by 3:00 PM at the Community Center. A minimum of 10 children is required to run each class. OUT OF DISTRICT FEES FOR THESE CLASSES ARE $16 & $20 RESPECTIVELY. CLASS # PERIOD DATE FEE ACTIVITY Microwavable TREATS - Yummy 701 P5 Tuesday, June 24 $4 apple dip, crispy treats, etc. CARNIVAL FUN - games, food and 702 P7 Wednesday, June 25 $4 fun! BOWLING FUN - 2 games and shoe 703 P9 Thursday, June 26 $8 rental included 704 P5 Tuesday, July 1 $8 712 P7 Wednesday, July 2 $4 708 P9 Thursday, July 3 $4 705 P5 Tuesday, July 8 $8 707 P7 Wednesday, July 9 $4 706 P9 Thursday, July 10 $8 710 P5 Tuesday, July 15 $4 713 P7 Wednesday, July 16 $8 714 P9 Thursday, July 17 $8 SNORKELING & SWIMMING at the indoor pool. SALSA - Make and take your own homemade salsa CELEBRATE THE FOURTH OF JULY with tye dye and washable tattoos! FLEECE BLANKETS - soft, cuddly, and homeade INDOOR GAMES - board games and active games. Lots of fun! miniature golfing - 18 holes, transportation MOVIE MADNESS - “drive-in movie” and homemade pizza CRAFT DAY - decorate vases, make jewelry, and a hodgepodge of other crafts DEVIL’S LAKE - swimming and hiking fun 29 U M R E M M SU IC PROGRAMS Registration is required to participate in all summer music programs. Online registration dates are April 9 until 10:00 pm on May 7, 2014. Go to skyward Student/Family Access to log in. FIRST YEAR INSTRUMENTAL LESSONS (formerly called 5th grade band) - Individual summer lessons are available and required of all incoming 5th grade students wishing to play an instrument in 5th grade band in the fall. This class would also be for students who would like to begin learning a new instrument and join band in the fall. Lessons are 45 minutes in length and will be scheduled by the band teacher between June 16th and July 25th. CLASS # 601A PERIOD GRADES 10 5, 6, 7, 8 *First year students only FEE $15 LOCATION DATES INSTRUCTOR SPMS Band Room 155 To be scheduled weekly between June 16 and July 25 by the instructor. Mr. Williams INSTRUMENTAL LESSONS FOR RETURNING STUDENTS - 6th, 7th & 8th GRADE - Weekly individual & small group lessons that are 30 minutes in length and will be scheduled by the band teacher between June 16th and July 25th. Students will continue in their method book and learn a variety of intermediate or advanced techniques for reading and playing music. CLASS # PERIOD GRADES 601B 10 6, 7, 8 FEE $15 LOCATION DATES INSTRUCTOR SPMS Band Room 155 To be scheduled weekly between Mr. Williams June 16 and July 25 by the instructor. VOICE LESSONS - (LECCIONES DE CANTAR) - Individual or small groups of no more than four students to meet weekly for 30 minute lessons from June 16th until July 25th. Lessons to be scheduled by the Music Teacher. CLASS # PERIOD GRADES 602 11 5, 6, 7, 8 FEE LOCATION DATES INSTRUCTOR $0 SPMS Music Room 150 To be scheduled weekly between June 16 and July 25 by the instructor. Mr. Sweeney Shortly after registration has completed on May 7th, Mr. Williams and Mr. Sweeney will be contacting you and your child to acquire more detailed information regarding instruments and class meet schedules. 30 If you do not receive information from them by May 30th, please email Mr. Williams at or Mr. Sweeney at HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER MUSIC Registration is required to participate in all summer music programs. Online registration dates are April 9 until 10:00 pm on May 7, 2014. Registration LINK: VOCAL LESSONS - Students will further their vocal education as a solo singer and ensemble member. Individual voice lessons or small group lessons will be offered. Weekly lessons to be scheduled by Mr. Brennan between June 16-July 25. CLASS # PERIOD GRADES FEE LOCATION DATES INSTRUCTOR 603 P10 9-12 $0 SPHS TBS June 16 - July 25 M. Brennan Men’s a capella is an offering that allows an all male ensemble to work on difficult repertoire in preparation for concerts and performances throughout the school year. Men’s a capella would meet twice a week for a total of three hours. Scheduling would be done based on student availability. CLASS # PERIOD GRADES FEE LOCATION DATES INSTRUCTOR 605 P11 9-12 $0 SPHS TBS M. Brennan WOMEN’S a capella is an offering that allows a group of women to sing and work on popular repertoire for performances and concerts throughout the year. Scheduling would be done based on student availability. CLASS # PERIOD GRADES FEE LOCATION DATES INSTRUCTOR 606 P11 9-12 $0 SPHS TBS M. Brennan BAND LESSONS - Individual & small group lessons weekly from June 16-July 25. CLASS # PERIOD GRADES FEE LOCATION DATES INSTRUCTOR 607 P13 9-12 SPHS TBS June 16 - July 25 M. Koscinski $0 JAZZ COMBO - Introduction to jazz combo playing and improvisation techniques. CLASS # PERIOD GRADES FEE LOCATION DATES INSTRUCTOR 609 P14 9-12 $0 SPHS TBS June 16 - July 25 M. Koscinski MARCHING BAND - These are the rehearsals that we will have throughout the summer to work on basics of movement and memorization of music. CLASS # PERIOD GRADES FEE LOCATION DATES TIMES 611 9-12 $0 6:00 - 8:30 PM M. Koscinski P6 SPHS TBS on Mon/Wed, June 16 - Aug 4 INSTRUCTOR COLOR GUARD - This is for all interested people for our fall color guard that works in tandem with our marching band. Students will learn basic and advanced body and equipment work as it relates to the marching idiom. CLASS # PERIOD GRADES FEE LOCATION DATES TIMES 612 9-12 $0 TBS on Mon/Wed, June 16 - Aug 4 6:00 - 8:30 PM M. Koscinski P7 SPHS INSTRUCTOR BAND CAMP - This is the band camp component to our marching season. All students involved in Marching Band need to be here to learn all of the drill for our fall presentation. CLASS # PERIOD GRADES FEE LOCATION DATES 613 9-12 SPHS July 31-Aug 4 8:30 AM-8:30 PM P8 $0 TIMES INSTRUCTOR M. Koscinski 31 SPORT & HEA LTH CLINICS American Red Cross Babysitting (clinica de cuidar a los ninos) - Gain the skills and confidence you need to be a great babysitter! In this 6-hour course you will learn how to care for babies and kids up to age 10, keep the kids and yourself safe, make playtime fun with age-appropriate activities, handle a wide variety of emergencies and manage your babysitting business. Must be 11 years old by date of class to participate. 501 1 P1 502 1 P1 6 - 12 10 FEE P1 MIN/ MAX 1 GRADES PERIOD TERM CLASS # 500 MEET LOCATION $28 Community Center DATES TIME June 16 & 17 8:30 - 11:30 AM June 16 & 17 12:30 - 3:30 PM June 18 & 19 8:30 - 11:30 AM INSTRUCTOR C. Rothmann Attendance is required on both days to qualify for certification. Out of District Fee: $59 BIKING - SHARING THE ROAD WITH OTHERS! Students will learn the Wisconsin Bicycle Laws, including lane positioning, use of sidewalks, hand signals, passing, one way streets and dangers that are encountered while riding a bike on public streets. Students will be exposed to agility courses, emergency braking and safe bicycle handling in close quarters. Class participants will be biking on public streets. Bicycle and helmet are required to participate. 10 FEE 3-4 MIN/ MAX P1 GRADES 1 PERIOD TERM CLASS# 525 $40 In District MEET LOCATION DATES TIME INSTRUCTOR Sauk Prairie Police Station June 17, 18, 19 Noon - 2:00 PM Officer Travis Hilliard Use the lower entrance along the river. Turn East on Jackson Street and staying left on the one way street. DISTANCE TRAINING - This class will help those who are interested in running cross country in the fall or distance running in track and field. Runners will learn how to train, race strategy and running techniques of successful athletes. Build your distance base to allow you to run to your potential. PERIOD GRADES MIN/ MAX P1 5-12 15/75 FEE TERM CLASS # 509 4W MEET LOCATION $0 In SPHS Track District DATES TIME INSTRUCTOR June 24-August 1 8:15 - 10:25 AM A. Sherman No class July 4 MAX PERFORMANCE - This program is geared toward the young athlete who wants to improve their athleticism, fitness education, strength and agility performance. Students will become stronger, improve their athletice speed and reduce their risk of injury in athletics. 15/75 FEE 608 MIN/ MAX P3 GRADES 32 PERIOD TERM CLASS # 510 4W $0 In District MEET LOCATION DATES TIME SPHS Weight Rm June 24 - July 18 10:35 - 11:35 AM INSTRUCTOR J. Chrisler P. Leigh M. Chrisler S C I N I L C H T L A E SPORT & H PER4MANCE PROGRAM - This program is endorsed by the Sauk Prairie High School Athletice Department and geared toward the individual who wants to improve their athleticism, strength and agility performance. Students will become stronger, improve their athletic speed and reduce their risk of injury in athletics. 4W P9 514EVE 4W P9 $0 In District 513AM Coed FEE P9 DATES TIME INSTRUCTOR 6:30 - 8:00 AM 15/150 512FEM 4W Females only MIN/MAX P9 9-12 4W GRADES PERIOD TERM CLASS # 511AM Coed MEET LOCATION SPHS Weight Rm June 16 - July 31 (Monday Thursday) 8:00 - 9:00 AM 9:00 - 10:30 AM J. Chrisler P. Leigh M. Chrisler 6:00 - 7:30 PM SUMMER SAUNTERS - Come saunter with us along some of Wisconsin’s beautiful hiking trails. This course involves hiking unique sections of the Ice Age Trail to expose students a healthy lifestyle. Daily trips may be up to an hour away by bus. HS Rm 29 3-6 T3 P1 $28 15/75 572 FEE MIN/ MAX P1 GRADES T3 PERIOD TERM CLASS # 536 **MEET LOCATION 7-12 DATES **July 21 - 25 & TIME 8:15 AM - 4:00 PM & End of Day ** Week 1 Grand Ave & Week 2 HS Rm 29 INSTRUCTOR E. Scheunemann July 28 - August 1 8:15 AM - 11:35 AM **PLEASE NOTE: The first week of this course will end at 4pm and the second week will follow normal summer school hours and end at 11:35 am. Drop off for this group the first week will be at Grand Avenue School. Please make arrangements to pick your child up at Grand Ave. The second week, the bus will return to the HS and children will be dismissed at the normal dismissal time of 11:35. Out of District Fee: $59 LADY EAGLES YOUTH VOLLEYBALL - For incoming 8th grade girls, focus will be on consistency with basic skills, learning an offense, reading the ball, and defense positioning. For incoming Freshmen, this course will offer skill workouts to prepare you for August team tryouts. Focus will be on consistency in skills, reading the ball, and offense & defense positioning. PERIOD GRADES P9 8 517 T1 P9 9 FEE TERM T1 MIN/MAX CLASS # 516 MEET LOCATION 12/30 $30 SPHS N. GYM DATES June 24 - 27 TIME 12:30 - 2:00 PM 2:00 - 3:30 PM INSTRUCTOR E. Engelby 33 Aquatics AMERICAN RED CROSS SWIM LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS Please use the following level descriptions to determine your child’s swim level. PARENT & TOT SWIM - 6 MONTHS - 4 YEARS →Classes 30 minutes in length →A parent or caregiver must accompany each child into the water. PARENT TOT - Level 1: - Must be 6 mos. to 2 PARENT TOT - Level 2 - Children ages 2-4 years. years of age. Provides experiences & activities Builds upon the skills learned in Level 1 & for children to.... provides experiences & activities for children to ... • Learn to ask for permission before entering water • Establish expectations for adult supervision • Learn how to enter & exit water in a safe manner • Learn ways to enter & exit the water in a safe manner • Feel comfortable in water • Explore submerging in a rhythmic pattern • Explore submerging the mouth, nose, eyes & completely submerging • Glide on the front & back with assistance • Explore buoyancy on the front & back position • Change body position in the water • Change body position in the water • Experience wearing US Coast Guard approved life jacket • Learn how to play safely • Experience opening eyes under water to retrieve objects • Experience wearing a US Coast Guard approved life jacket • Bobbing under water PRESCHOOL LEVELS - 4 - 6 YEARS → Classes are 30 minutes in length PRESCHOOL Level 1: - Ages 4-6 Have not yet had independent swim lessons. Orients children to the aquatic environment and helps them gain basic aquatic skills. PRESCHOOL Level 2: - Ages 4-6 years Must have skill comprehension of PS Level 1. Helps children gain greater independence in their skills and develop more comfort in and around water. PRESCHOOL Level 3: - Ages 4-6 Must have skill comprehension of PS Level 2. Children may gain basic swimming propulsive skills to be comfortable in and around water. • Enter & exit water using ladder, steps or side • Enter water by stepping in • Enter water by jumping in • Blow bubbles through mouth & nose • Exit water using ladder, steps or side • Fully submerge & hold breathe • Submerge mouth, nose & eyes • Bobbing • Bobbing • Open eyes under water & retrieve submerged objects • Open eyes under water & retrieve submerged objects • Front jellyfish & tuck floats • Front & back glides & recover to a vertical position • Front & back floats and glides • Recover from a front or back float or glide to a vertical position • Roll from front to back & back to front • Recover from a front or back • float or glide to a vertical position Back float & glide • Tread with arm & hand actions • Roll from front to back & back to front • Change direction of travel while swimming on front to back • Alternating & simultaneous leg actions on front and back • Tread water using arm & leg actions • Tread water using arm & leg actions on front & back • Alternating & simultaneous arm actions on front and back • Combined arm & leg actions on front & back • Finning arm action on back 34 Aquatics ARC guidelines require children to be 6 years or older to participate in the youth level swim lessons. CANCELLATION POLICY Should you need to cancel or withdraw, contact us via email - No refunds or removal of fees due will be provided for classes canceled after May 15, except for medical reasons or if a class is canceled by the Aquatics Director. If you decide to make changes to your child’s schedule, a $5 processing fee will be charged. LEVEL 1 - Introduction to Water Skills: Helps participants feel comfortable in the water • 45 MINUTES IN LENGTH LEVEL 2 - Fundamental Aquatic Skills: Gives participants success with fundamental skills. LEVEL 3 - Stroke Development: Builds on the skills in Level 2 through additional guided practice in deeper water. • Enter & exit using ladder, steps or side • Enter & exit water by stepping or jumping from the side • Enter water by jumping from the side • Blow bubbles through mouth & nose • Fully submerge & hold breath • Headfirst entries from the side in sitting & kneeling positions • Bobbing • Bobbing • Bobbing while moving toward safety • Open eyes under water & retrieve submerged objects • Open eyes under water & retrieve submerged objects • Rotary breathing • Front & back glides & floats • Front, jellyfish & tuck floats • Survival float • Recover to vertical position • Front & back glides & floats • Back float • Roll from front to back & back to front • Recover to vertical position • Change from vertical to horizontal position on front & back • Tread water using arm & hand actions • Roll from front to back & back to front • Tread water • Alternating & simultaneous leg actions on front & back • Change direction of travel while swimming on front or back • Flutter, scissor, dolphin & breastroke kicks on front • Alternating & simultaneous arm actions on front & back • Finning arm action • Front crawl & elementary backstroke LEVEL 4 - Stroke Improvement: LEVEL 5 - Stroke Refinement: Develops confidence in the Provides further coordination skills learned & improves & refinement of strokes. other aquatic skills. LEVEL 6 - Swimming & Skill Proficiency: Refines the strokes so participants swim them with ease, efficiency, • Head first entries from the side in • Shallow-angle dive from the side power & smoothness over compact & stride positions then glide & begin a front stroke greater distances. • Swim underwater • Tuck & pike surface dives, submerge completely • Fee first surface dive • Front flip turn & backstroke flip turn while swimming • Survival swimming • Front & back crawl, elementary backstroke, breastroke & butterfly • Front crawl & backstroke open turns • Sculling • Front & back crawl, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, sidestroke & butterfly • Safety topics including first aid & CPR • Flutter & dolphin kicks on back Level 6 is designed with “Menu” options that focus on preparing participants for more advanced courses, including Water Safety Instructor, or other aquatic activities, such as competitive swimming or diving. Options Include: • Fitness Swimmer • Personal Water Safety 35 Aquatics PRESCHOOL/YOUTH FEES In District: $8 Out of District: $50 1. We realize that your child may progress faster or slower than anticipated and we will make schedule changes, if space is available. If changes cannot be made because classes are full, no refund will be given or charge removed. 2. Class size, student age, and skill requirements are set for the safety of the children. Please do not request to have your child put in a class with a higher age or skill requirements. Periods 1, 2 or 3 will fit into your child’s 4 week or 2 week class schedules nicely. If you want to include swim in their 4 week class schedule, you must select a class from Term 1 & 2 swim. LOCATION: High School Indoor Pool SESSION 1 (Term 1=T1) Tuesday, June 24 - Thursday, July 3; 8 days (8 dias) Registration Deadline = Wednesday, May 7 PERIOD TIME CLASS NUMBER CLASS NUMBER CLASS NUMBER CLASS NUMBER P1 8:15-9:00 AM 4101 LEVEL 1 4102 LEVEL 2 4103 LEVEL 3 P6 9:00-9:30 AM 4105 PRESCHOOL LVL 1 4106 PRESCHOOL LVL 2 4107 4108 PRESCHOOL LVL 2 PRESCHOOL LVL3 P2 9:30-10:15 AM 4109 LEVEL 2 4110 LEVEL 3 4111 LEVEL 4 4112 LEVEL 5 P3 10:35-11:20 AM 4113 LEVEL 1 4114 LEVEL 2 4115 LEVEL 3 4116 LEVEL 4 P4 11:45-12:30 PM 4117 4118 LEVEL 3 4119 LEVEL 5 FITNESS SWIMMER LEVEL 1 SESSION 2 (Term 2 = T2) Monday, July 7 - Friday, July 18; 10 days (10 dias) PERIOD TIME 4104 LEVEL 4 4120 - LEVEL 6 Registration Deadline = Wednesday, May 7 CLASS NUMBER CLASS NUMBER CLASS NUMBER CLASS NUMBER 4202 LEVEL 2 4203 LEVEL 3 4204 LEVEL 4 P1 8:15-9:00 AM 4201 LEVEL 1 P6 9:00-9:30 AM 4205 4206 4207 PRESCHOOL LVL 1 PRESCHOOL LVL 2 PRESCHOOL LVL 3 4208 PRESCHOOL LVL 3 P2 9:30-10:15 AM 4209 LEVEL 2 4210 LEVEL 3 4211 LEVEL 4 4212 LEVEL 5 P3 10:35-11:20 AM 4213 LEVEL 1 4214 LEVEL 2 4215 LEVEL 3 4216 LEVEL 4 P4 11:45-12:30 PM 4217 LEVEL 2 4218 LEVEL 3 4219 LEVEL 5 4220 - LEVEL 6 PW SAFETY SESSION 3 (Term 3=T3) Monday, July 21 - Friday, August 1; 10 days (10 dias)Registration Deadline = Wednesday, May 7 PERIOD 36 TIME CLASS NUMBER CLASS NUMBER CLASS NUMBER CLASS NUMBER P1 8:15-9:00 AM 2001 LEVEL 2 2002 LEVEL 3 2003 LEVEL 4 P6 9:00-9:30 AM 2005 PRESCHOOL LVL 1 2006 PRESCHOOL LVL 1 2007 2008 PRESCHOOL LVL 2 PRESCHOOL LVL3 P2 9:30-10:15 AM 2009 LEVEL 1 2010 LEVEL 2 2011 LEVEL 3 2012 LEVEL 4 P3 10:35-11:20 AM 2013 LEVEL 1 2014 LEVEL 2 2015 LEVEL 3 2016 LEVEL 4 P4 11:45-12:30 PM 2017 2018 LEVEL 3 2019 LEVEL 5 FITNESS SWIMMER LEVEL 1 2004 LEVEL 5 2020 - LEVEL 6 No session 4 morning swim is being offered this summer. We have added an August evening swim session at the Outdoor Pool! See the following pages for evening swim lesson opportunities. Aquatics REGISTRATION FOR ALL EVENING SWIM LESSONS WILL BE THROUGH ACTIVENET. Here is the link: Evening Swim Lessons 1. We realize that your child may progress faster or slower than anticipated and we will make schedule changes, if space is available. If changes cannot be made because classes are full, no refund will be given. 2. Class size, student age, and skill requirements are set for the safety of the children. Please do not request to have your child put in a class with a higher age or skill requirements. PARENT TOT PRESCHOOL FEES OR YOUTH LESSON FEES $40 In District: $8 Out of District: $50 SESSION 1E Mon/Wed, June 2 - June 25 8 lessons (8 la lección) PERIOD CANCELLATION POLICY: Should you need to cancel or withdraw, please contact us via email: No refunds or removal of fees due will be provided for classes canceled after May 15, except for medical reasons or if a class should be canceled by the Aquatics Director. Please notify us if you have a situation. If you decide to make changes to your child’s schedule, there will be a $5 processing fee charged. TIME CLASS NUMBER POOL DECK PHONE: 643-5950 Registration Deadline = Wednesday, May 21 LOCATION: HIGH SCHOOL INDOOR POOL CLASS NUMBER CLASS NUMBER P8 5:30 - 6:00 PM (1548) Preschool LVL 1 (1554) Preschool LVL 2 (1569) PARENT TOT 1 P8 6:00 - 6:30 PM (1555) Preschool LVL 2 (1564) Preschool LVL 3 (1578) PARENT TOT 2 P8 6:30 - 7:15 PM (1504) LEVEL 1 (1513) LEVEL 2 (1526) LEVEL 3 P8 7:15 - 8:00 PM (1532) LEVEL 4 ( 1517) LEVEL 2 (1540) LEVEL 5 SESSION 2E Tues/Thr, June 3 - June 26 8 lessons (8 la lección) PERIOD TIME CLASS NUMBER Registration Deadline = Wednesday, May 21 LOCATION: HIGH SCHOOL INDOOR POOL CLASS NUMBER CLASS NUMBER P8 5:30 - 6:00 PM (1549) Preschool LVL 1 (1557) Preschool LVL 2 (1570) PARENT TOT 1 P8 6:00 - 6:30 PM (1556) Preschool LVL 2 (1565) Preschool LVL 3 (1577) PARENT TOT 2 P8 6:30 - 7:15 PM (1505) LEVEL 1 (1514) LEVEL 2 (1528) LEVEL 3 P8 7:15 - 8:00 PM (1533) LEVEL 4 (1541) LEVEL 5 (1545) LVL 6 FIT SWIMMER SESSION 3E MON/WED, July 7 - July 30 8 lessons (8 la lacción) PERIOD TIME CLASS NUMBER Registration Deadline - Friday, June 27 LOCATION: HIGH SCHOOL INDOOR POOL CLASS NUMBER CLASS NUMBER P8 5:30 - 6:00 PM (1550) Preschool LVL 1 (1561) Preschool LVL 2 (1571) PARENT TOT 1 P8 6:00 - 6:30 PM (1560) Preschool LVL 2 (1566) Preschool LVL 3 (1576) PARENT TOT 2 P8 6:30 - 7:15 PM (1507) LEVEL 1 (1515) LEVEL 2 (1529) LEVEL 3 P8 7:15 - 8:00 PM (1534) LEVEL 4 (1542) LEVEL 5 (1546) LVL 6 PERSONAL WATER SAFETY 37 Aquatics SESSION 4E TUES/THR, July 2 - July 31 8 lessons (8 la lección) PERIOD TIME CLASS NUMBER Registration Deadline - Friday, June 27 LOCATION: HIGH SCHOOL INDOOR POOL CLASS NUMBER CLASS NUMBER P8 5:30 - 6:00 PM (1551) Preschool LVL 1 (1558) Preschool LVL 2 (1572) Parent Tot 1 P8 6:00 - 6:30 PM (1567) Preschool LVL 3 (1559) Preschool LVL 2 (1575) Parent Tot 2 P8 6:30 - 7:15 PM 1511) LEVEL 1 (1516) LEVEL 2 (1530) Level 3 P8 7:15 - 8:00 PM (1538) LEVEL 3 (1535) LEVEL 4 (1543) Level 5 SESSION 5E MON/WED, August 4 - August 27 Registration Deadline = Wednesday, August 23 10 lessons (10 la lección) LOCATION: OUTDOOR POOL located on the corner of Grand Ave & 5th St, Prairie du Sac PERIOD TIME CLASS NUMBER CLASS NUMBER P8 5:00 - 5:30 PM (1552) Preschool LVL1 (1573) PARENT TOT 1 P8 5:30 - 6:00 PM (1562) Preschool LVL 2 (1574) PARENT TOT 2 P8 6:00 - 6:45 PM (1518) LEVEL 1 (1519) LEVEL 2 P8 6:45 - 7:30 PM (1531) LEVEL 3 (1536) LEVEL 4 Pool Passes may be purchased online via ActiveNet after April 1st. OUTDOOR POOL SCHEDULE Pool Phone: 643-6827 TIME 6:30 10:00 AM 9:30 12:30 PM 1:00 5:00 pm MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY OPEN SWIM PASS FEES EFFECTIVE APRIL 1ST SINGLE - $65 Non Resident - $85 DOUBLE PASS (2) - $120 Non Resident - $160 FAMILY OF 3 - $140 Non Resident - $180 *each additional immediate family member is an additional $20. Family members 18 & over must have their own individual adult pass. 10 Visit Punch Cards available for $36. FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Pool sharks swim team practice (june & July) preschool open swim (mon - friday) drop in rate = $3 open swim all week !! drop in rate = $4 5:00 6:15 pm pool sharks swim team practice (june & July) 6:15 7:00 pm adult lap swim 7:00 9:00 pm evening open swim drop in rate = $3 swim meets open swim 1:00 pm 9:00 pm A lap lane will be available during open swim 38 open swim 1:00 - 7:00 pm AVAILABLE FOR RENTALS Summer AfterSchool Club Admission is open to Sauk Prairie School District students who are currently enrolled in 4K-5 (2013-14 school year). Enrolllment is limited to provide a safe environment and a quality program. Registration is online ONLY. Contact Alison Quinn, ASC Coordinator, at 608-643-8386 X2717 or with any questions. What We Offer: • Safe, dependable, quality care for children along with enrichment activities that compliment the Summer School program. • Activities: • Visits to the outdoor pool, local libraries and parks, daily group reading time, planned activities, craft projects and free play. What Children will Need: • Sack Lunch with drink • Swim suit, towel, sandals & swim pass or money for visits to the pool. • Bottle of sunscreen labeled with name (siblings may share) Fees: • $20 non-refundable registration fee • Full Day Program: $18 per child daily • Half Day Program: $16 per child daily • Financial assistance is not available for the summer program. Site Location: Grand Avenue School Dates: Please check carefully as 4K is different than K-5! • 4K Full Day Program: June 16-23 & July 21—August 15 • 4K Half Day Program: June 24—July 18 • K-5 Full Day Program: June 16—23 & August 4-15 • K-5 Half Day Program: June 24—August 1 • CLOSED—Friday, July 4 Hours: • Full Day: 7:15AM-5:45PM • Half Day: 11:45AM-5:45PM • Children participating in the morning Summer School program will ride the bus (with staff) from the High School to Grand Ave following summer school dismissal. • If your child does not participate in the morning Summer School program, you may drop them off at Grand Ave after 11:45 AM. How to Register: • Registration for this program is online only. • Find the link to register at http://www. • Select the red “Register Online” button. • Or go directly to com/saukprairie/ If you do not have an account, create one and then go to the Activities tab and find Summer ASC to register. You must select the registration class first to be allowed to enroll for days to attend. To complete enrollment online you will be required to pay with a credit card (debit cards are not accepted). If you do not wish to pay pay via credit card, checks can be dropped off prior to enrollment at the Community Center, 730 Monroe St., Sauk City. A dropbox is available outside the main door for your convenience. Accounts with an outstanding balance will not be allowed to register for the summer program. 39 The programs that follow are not part of the Sauk Prairie Schools Summer School Program. Please contact the organization listed to register or to ask questions. Sauk Prairie Community Recreation Department 2014 Summer Programs Special Events • Eagle Tennis Tournament • Amazing Race • Madison Mallards Community Night Preschool Programs • Sports Sampler • Intro to Golf • Dance programs • Coed T-ball Clinics & Camps • Tennis Clinic • Mad Science Camps • Young Rembrandts Drawing Camps Teen Programs • Tennis League • Golf League One Day Programs • Water Rocket Launch • Princess Ball • Rockstar Day • Mini Olympics Adult Programs • Disc Golf League • Tennis League • Couch to 5K Follow us @SPRecreation “Like” us on Facebook 40 John Lehan - Recreation Director Kara Katers - Recreation Supervisor Phone: 608-643-0520 E-mail: REGISTRATION INFO Online Sign-up Register online 24/7 with a credit card. A small convenience fee is charged for use of this service and is non refundable. With online registration, you can view how many spots are available in a particular class all from the comfort of your home or office. ______________________________________ Mail-In Mail in Registration is available for all classes. Please mail in completed registration form with your payment to: SPCRD 730 Monroe St Sauk City, WI 53583 Checks should be made payable to SPCRD. ______________________________________ After Hours Drop Box Simply fill out registration form and drop off inside box outside the Community Center front door. ______________________________________ Walk In You may register for any program by stopping by the Community Center, 730 Monroe St, Sauk City. Office hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30—3:45pm. For mail-in, drop box and walk-ins we accept cash or check payment only. Registrations & payment are required Summer Library Programs Sauk City Public Library 515 Water St 643-8346 Hours Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM “Fizz, Boom, Read!” this summer at the library! Reading incentive programs available for children, teens, and adults beginning when school is out. New this year is the opportunity for school-age children to raise money for two local non-profits just by reading! Benefiting from their efforts will be the Sauk Prairie Area Food Pantry and Soaring Eagle Wildlife Rehabilitation of Prairie du Sac. Thanks to our sponsor The Ballweg Family of Dealerships! Programs: Free Entertainment for 5K thru 6th Graders 1:00 PM in library’s lower level June 17- “Wonders of Physics” from UW Madison June 24- “One World, One Sound Drum Circle” with Elmore Lawson June 26-“Lego Day” July 1- “The Beautiful Lake: Yoga through Songs and Stories” with Clare Norelle July 8- “Magical Fizzes and Booms” with Tim Glander July 15-“Artful Science” July 22-“Bingo for Books” August 7-“Lego Day” Merrimac Days for 5K thru 6th Grade - Wednesdays 1:00 PM at the Merrimac Village Hall, June 18-July 23. Call the library for detailed program information. Family Programs June 18 @ 6:00 PM - “Fireworks!” a talk with Krueger Pyrotechnics (special storytime for younger ones to run simultaneously with older kid/adult program) July 30 @ 6:30 PM - Pajama Storytime with Jamie Swenson, author of Boom, Boom, Boom! (Wear pajamas and bring your special stuffed friend.) Free Friday Flicks: 1:00 PM August 1, 8, and 15: Call or stop by the library for movie titles. Storytime for 4K and younger Free fun with books, activities, and crafts Dates: June 16 - July 23 When: Mondays 9:00 & 10:00 AM & Wednesdays 9:00 AM Open Play for Preschoolers & their caregivers - Year-round A chance for young ones to run around in a wide-open space and have fun playing with toys, including a train table, while caregivers socialize. When: Wednesdays, 10:00 - 11:00 AM 41 Ruth Culver Community Library 540 Water Street/Prairie du Sac/WI 53578 643-8318 / SUMMER READING PROGRAM FOR ALL AGES Anyone and everyone is invited to participate in the summer reading program. Read whatever you like for a designated time each week. Prizes are awarded weekly with a new “give back to the community” prize option this year for school-age children. Sign up begins when school lets out. Contact Beth or Meagan for more information. HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Mind Sparkling Mondays! Children of all ages are invited to our Monday programs. There will be performers and other special events. Caregivers welcome! Contact Beth for more information or if there is a large group so that we may accommodate. FREE Date/Event June 16 June 23 June 30 July 7 July 14 July 21 July 28 Drop-in and tinker, create, experiment and taste! The Soda Pups - Live dog show - Two shows - 1:00 & 3:00 PM Pint Size Polkas with Mike Schneider Comedy, Juggling and Theatrix with Jacob Mills Crash, Bang, Sing Science of Sound with the Stagedoor Singers Getting Excited about Science with comedian/magician Steve Belliveau Worm Races (with live worms) and Worm Dirt Cake! Family Movie and Dessert Nights! The last Thursday of the month, join us for a different movie on the big screen and a delectable dessert! Movies and desserts to be announced. FREE Time: 6:00 PM Dates:Thursdays, June 26, July 31, & August 28 Storytime! Toddlers and Preschoolers are welcome to join us for stories, songs, fingerplays, puppets, snack and occasional crafts. Caregovers welcome! This summer we will be focusing on S.T.E.M. ideas so the last week of each month stay for experiments, crafts and playtime. FREE Time: 10:00 AM Dates, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday, June 3 - August 29 No storytime July 4th. Winning Wednesdays The Ruth Culver Library welcomes all 3rd - 5th graders for our summer Winning Wednesday programs! Each week will be a new fun event. FREE Time: 1:00 PM Dates:Wednesdays, August 6, 13, 20 & 27 Teen Tuesdays The Ruth Culver Library welcomes all 6th - 12th graders for our summer Teen Tuesday programs. Each week will be new & fun! FREE Time: Dates: 42 6:30 - 7:30 PM Tuesday, June 24 July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 August 5 & 12 SAUK PRAIRIE MIDDLE SCHOOL SOCCER EMPLOYEE PARKING 111 112 113 115 115 107 CAVE 108 COURT YARD STAFF LOUNGE 104 1ST Floor 167 Elev CAFETERIA South GYM 117 106 105 169 STAIRS North GYM BASEBALL STAGE LAB GUIDANCE ATTENDANCE NURSE'S OFFICE ASST PRINCIPAL OFFICE 103 102 101 CONFERENCE RM PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE 145 MAIN OFFICE 150 155 140 MAIN ENTRANCE 219 220 217 223 STAIRS 225 232 2ND Floor 234 E LIBRARY 236 S COURT YARD 215 224 W 222 218 216 221 237 228 214 E 213 212 211 208 ## 206 205 204 201 2260 nondiscrimination and access to equal educational opportunity The Sauk Prairie School district does not discriminate against pupils on the basis of any race, color, sex, religion, creed, pregnancy, national origin or ancestry, age, disability, political affiliation or belief, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability and/or any other legally protected characteristic. No person may be denied admission to any school in this district, or be denied participation in, or be denied the benefits of, or be discriminated against in any curricular, co-curricular, pupil service, recreational or other programs. 43 Sauk Prairie Middle School High HS Track/Football Field Jump Tennis Courts 29 30 31 32 33 35 28 34 off 36 27 26 Sci 37 44 45 43 46 56 57 SHIPPING/RECEIVING 42 47 41 BR 38 48 off 39 40 AV 59 60 50 AG 61 Maint 52 53 55 BR 51 54 56 Kitchen Wrestling Off 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 BR 17 9 Scene Shop Court yard Library Courtyard Stage Gallery 10 River Arts Center Auditorium Guidance 11 16 15 RESOURCE CENTER 14 12 13 Attendance & Reception AD 64 Office 62 63 65 ice Locker Rooms Commons Leahy Theater South Gym Girls Locker Rm Str 68 67 - Music Indoor Pool off off 69 70 66 - Band OFFICE North Gym Boys Locker Rm PARKING OAK STREET PICK UP AREA RECOMMENDED Walkway for Children to pass for outdoor classes - NO VEHICLE TRAFFIC ALLOWED Coaches Office automated external defibrillator FRONT ENTRANCE Buses will unload and load in front of the High School! The GRAB & GO breakfast & lunch will be offered in the High School café. Breakfast begins at 7:45 a.m. and lunch will begin at 11:30 a.m. SUMMER SCHOOL ATTENDANCE LINE - 643-5500 This number is checked between 7:30 AM & 11:00 AM ONLY on school days between June 24 and August 1, 2014 You may also call the Community Center at 643-8386 to report ALL VISITORS MUST CHECK IN FOR A VISITORS PASS AT EITHER SCHOOL OFFICE. It is recommended that your children lock their bikes SAUK PRAIRIE SCHOOL DISTRICT REGISTRATION 2014-15 Distrito Escolar Sauk Prairie Registracion Early Childhood - grade 12 Registration will be available to complete online from July 5-20, 2014. Details on Photos, School Information, and much more will be announced in June. Esta año las inscripciones serán por internet, 5 de Julio - 20 de Julio. Detalles de Fotos, Información Escolar, y mucho más serán anunciados en Junio 44
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