1 POA/AOTB: Property Owners Association of Arundel-on-the-Bay MAY 2015 MARK YOUR CALENDARS: General Meetings: Saturday, June 20 11.45 a.m. - 2 p.m. West Street Library Board Meetings: Tuesday, June 2 7 - 8:45 p.m. Hillsmere Library Saturday, Dec. 12 12 Noon - 2 p.m. Hillsmere Library Tuesday, July 14 7 - 8:45 p.m. Delia Residence IN THIS ISSUE: Elections 2015: The Slate Candidate Biographies Constitutional Amendment: Treasurer Congratulations Traffic Safety Committee Kayak/Canoe Racks Wine & Jazz Party on the Beach AOTB Board, Officers, Chairfolk 1 2-4 5 5 6 6 7 8 ELECTIONS 2015: Be There and VOTE In April, your Nominating and Elections Committee proposed a slate of candidates for our June election. All four officer positions and four Board slots await your vote. At present, the slate contains single candidates for president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary; and six candidates for the four vacancies on AOTB’s Board of Directors. Look for your ballots in the mail; return them by mail or at the start of our June 20 meeting at Annapolis’ Main Library on West Street. You’ll find gently edited biographies on pages 2, 3, and 4 of this newsletter. WE ALSO HAVE A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO VOTE ON JUNE 20 (p. 5) The Slate David Delia for reelection as President Donna Watts-Lamont for reelection as Vice President Roxanne Veal for Treasurer Pamela Duncan for reelection as Secretary Michael Adams (reelection), Aris T. Allen, Jr., Pamela Bennett, Ed Conaway, Brian Houst, Richard Peyton to fill four vacancies on the Board of Directors. Those whom you elect on June 20 will begin their terms on July 1, 2015. The community owes fervent thanks to all volunteers who offered their services, including the selfeffacing committee work by Nominations & Elections – VP Donna Watts-Lamont in the chair, with Tim Hamilton, Lori Strum, and Roxanne Veal. 2 HERE ARE YOUR CANDIDATES FOR ELECTION ON June 20: For reelection - PRESIDENT: David J. Delia has lived in AOTB (with Margaret, his wife and best buddy for over 40 years) since his retirement in 2003, after 33 years with CIA as an Imagery Analyst Branch Chief. Now fully retired following an additional five years with DoD, they spend their time traveling to distant parts of the USA, Europe, and other places they haven’t been to yet, as well as simply marveling at the ever-changing wonders of our Chesapeake. David earned his BA in 1969 from Hunter College, CUNY, and an MA from the U.S. Naval War College in 1995. He has served the POA-AOTB in several capacities since 2004, is a frequent contributor to the PIER, and has been a strong advocate of non-confrontational cooperation and consensus-building among our AOTB neighbors to achieve a safer, more congenial, and environmentally exhilarating place to live. For reelection - VICE-PRESIDENT: Donna Watts-Lamont has lived in Arundel on the Bay for the past 11 years. She has served as Vice-President of the POA-AOTB for the past two years and looks forward to continuing to serve. Donna has been employed by the State of Maryland for the past 27 years as a member of the state’s Unemployment Compensation Board, serving over the past 12 years as the Chairperson of that board. Donna is a graduate of Boston University with a degree in Special Education. After teaching for two years she went on to attend the University of Richmond School of Law and obtained her Juris Doctor; she has been a member of the Maryland Bar since 1980. Donna also holds a Masters in Labor Law from Georgetown University Law Center. Considering AOTB a treasure that we should all be proud to live in and care for, she looks forward to continuing to work for the good of our community. For TREASURER: Roxanne Veal resides at 3500 Newport Avenue, having lived in the community for over 15 years. She has served on the AOTB board on numerous occasions, and she also takes care of reservations for community members who would like to have a gathering on the beach. Roxanne has retired from the office of the Comptroller of the Treasury helping taxpayers with taxes and tax law, but is back with the State working part time. Having been deeply involved with the community, Roxanne would like to continue working for its people, this time as Treasurer. For reelection - SECRETARY: Pamela Duncan has lived in Arundel on the Bay since summer 1995 when she and her husband Charlie moved to his parents’ summer home. Moreover, she has loving memories of coming down to Arundel from Washington during her high school years. One of her interests is local history; she has done research on and contributed a chapter to the history of the community, soon to be published by the AOTB Property Owners Association. She is also President of the Ann Arrundell County Historical Society, which manages the Benson Hammond House near the Annapolis airport and the Kuethe Library of Historical and Genealogical Research in Glen Burnie. Pamela has served as secretary for several terms, and would be delighted to continue in that role. 3 FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: For reelection - Michael Adams and wife Gail have lived in Arundel on the Bay since 2004. Prior to moving to AOTB they lived in the Magothy Park Beach Community of Pasadena, Md., for 22 years. They have two sons, Justin and Derek. Michael is a graduate of Baltimore Community College with an Associate of Arts degree in Accounting. He recently retired from Kaydon Ring & Seal, Inc., in Baltimore, as a Senior Buyer. Michael is currently serving his first term as a board member and also holds the position of Security Committee chair. He loves living in the community and looks forward to continuing to serve as a member of the board for AOTB. Aris T. Allen, Jr. heads Allen and Associates, Inc., a design and development firm for residential and commercial projects as well as for the Smithsonian Institution and other major organizations in Washington, New York, and elsewhere. He was appointed by the Governor to the Maryland Commission on African American History and Culture, and as Vice-Chairman of Maryland’s African American Museum Corporation, providing oversight for the Reginald F. Lewis Museum. “Tee” Allen serves on the Board of the Spruill Foundation, which provides grants for youth enrichment programs; the Board of Directors, St. Phillips Family Life Center, which sponsors enrichment programs for youth and families; and the Board of Trustees of the Anne Arundel Medical Center. He has served three terms as vice-chair of the AOTB Board, as well as chair of the Pier and Boat Ramp Committee and the Newport pier rebuilding committee. He has provided oversight for the community’s shore erosion and phragmites control efforts, and currently contributes to the AOTB History project. Tee Allen holds a Masters of Architecture from Columbia University and a B.A. from Wesleyan University. He is married to Karyne Jones; they have five children and five grandchildren. Pamela Bennett works for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services as Program Information Management Analyst. Pam has lived in Maryland since 2011 and in Arundel on the Bay since 2013. Her ancestors go back to the late 1600s, farming near Marlboro, then in the mid 1770s to what is now Hyattsville. Before rejoining Maryland, Pam Bennett was a community leader in Aurora, Colorado, volunteering with the Red Cross and as a state representative’s aide, also serving on the board of Equal Rights Colorado. Her career has evolved from oil and gas production to the defense aerospace industry, to the legal profession, and now information management for the USDA. She served in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam Era; is a member of the National Association of Black Veterans and Disabled American Veterans; was a Commissioner with the City of Aurora Veterans Affairs and Cultural Affairs Commissions. Pam earned her Bachelor of Science at Michigan State University. She has a Paralegal and a Mediation Certificate from the Community College of Aurora, and studied in the MBA program at Mississippi State University. In 2008, Pamela received the Melissa Chapman Award for Social Change from the Gender Identity Center of Colorado. She has been cited by the Red Cross and the USDA for exceptional service. Pam Bennett is a requested speaker for local groups, schools, universities, religious organizations, and government agencies. She has been featured in Newsweek, along with local and national television, radio, magazine, and newspapers, and the online media. She has one of her boats at the community dock and two rescue cats living with her. Ed Conaway moved to Arundel on the Bay in November 2013 with his wife Kathy. He has been a volunteer worker on the 2014 First Annual Fun Run, the Wine & Jazz Festival On-the-Beach, and beach cleanup of storm debris. Additionally, Kathy and Ed have led the kayak rack project, now nearing fruition (see p. 6). In early January he represented the community at the County Council meeting addressing amendments to the Code governing Special Community Benefit Districts 4 (SCBDs). Prior to AOTB residence, his volunteer activities included 7 1/2 years as President and two years as director of the Holland Point Citizens Association (North Beach Park, Md.), and three years as a director of the Chesapeake Beach, Md., Trolley (not-for-profit) Corp. Ed continues as a volunteer kayak and canoe trip guide on the Patuxent River, for the County Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary’s ecology and environmental outreach programs, and as a National Ski Patrol certified Outdoor Emergency Care Technician and Emergency Responder. Prior to 1992, following his U.S. Army service, he followed a corporate career path in financial and contracts administration, occupying executive positions for government and international business development. From 1992 to 2013 he was Founder and CEO of All American Environmental Services, Inc., and HAZMAT TISI specializing in hazardous waste management and hazardous chemical emergency response training and technical services. Currently semi-retired, he remains active as a principal in The Conaway Group, LLC, providing consulting services in environmental and occupational safety and health regulatory compliance. His professional associations include five years as a member, director, and chairman of the Maryland Environmental Business Alliance, and three years as a member of the Corporate Ethics Committee of MARTEK Biosciences Corp. Brian Houst is a commodity trader who has worked for Dome Chartering & Trading, based in Eastport, since his family moved to Maryland from Long Island in late 2012. They now live on Walnut Avenue, having bought their home in April 2014 after renting it the previous year. Brian is President and founder of the Annapolis Maritime Society, which is focused on growing the maritime community in this area. He has been active in the New York Maritime Admirals Committee for the past ten years as well as serving as an Alumni representative for his college at various events globally. Brian considers that his fresh take on the neighborhood, along with his experience, would be a welcome addition to the board. Richard J. Peyton welcomes this opportunity to re-introduce himself to the community. He and his wife, Peggy, have resided in Arundel on the Bay since 2006, considering themselves most fortunate to live in a neighborhood so rich in beauty and history. Dick has served on the AOTB Board and hopes to do so again. His particular interests involve continuing to work toward greater safety and also to enhance property maintenance in the community. During his tenure on the Board, he joined David Delia in meeting with Anne Arundel County police officers to explore and ensure traffic control and overall safety of our neighborhood. These efforts have evolved into the Board’s current Traffic/Safety Committee, on which he continues to serve (see p. 6). While on the Board and since then, Dick has volunteered at many neighborhood events, including holiday parties, wine and jazz fests, and the AOTB Fun Run. He regards these occasions as most important for our community, bringing many of us together. Dick hopes to have the opportunity to serve the people of this community again. 5 The following is proposed as an amendment to ARTICLE X, Section 4 of the AOTB CONSTITUTION, to be voted on at the June 20 Membership Meeting [Rationale: In order to more efficiently carry out the duties of the POA-AOTB Treasurer, the President of POA-AOTB is hereby authorized to create and appoint to the position of Bookkeeper. The amended duties of Treasurer are set forth below. Items 4a through 4d remain unchanged, as does item 4g; item 4e was approved by the General Membership (GM) in April 2014; the second sentence of item 4f is new and needs GM approval.] ARTICLE X - DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS Sec. 4 Treasurer a. Shall preside in the absence of the President and the Vice-President. b. Shall keep accurate account of all income, expenses, assets and liabilities of the Association, and shall be able to produce records of the same upon reasonable request. c. Shall make a financial report to the Board of Directors and the Association at each scheduled meeting and upon reasonable request. d. Shall deposit to the appropriate AOTB financial account all monies collected by or on behalf of the Association, exclusive of those monies retained by Anne Arundel County. e. Shall release funds only upon receipt of a voucher, or pursuant to a check signed by the Treasurer. with records audited monthly by the President. [Approved April 2014 http://www.arundelonthebay.org/pdf/meeting-minutes/Minutes-General-Meeting-2014-Apr-19.pdf] f. Shall have the authority, with approval of the President, to engage the services of a certified public accountant. With Board approval, may enlist the services of a bookkeeper appointed by the President to assist with administrative tasks for a period determined by the President. g. Shall be responsible for all bank transactions and such other duties as specified by Robert's Rules of Order. ************************************************* Congratulations to neighbor Lorraine “Lolly” THOMAS on the appearance of her new adventure story featuring two notable dogs, Ted E. Bear and Miss Velvet Too. Published by Outskirts Press, Lolly’s Having Our Say, Our Way is available at amazon.com. - And to the venerable William Snowden “Billy” KEYES on the second printing of his autobiographical memoir, Keyes to a Long Life, compiled by Fern Underdue. If you haven’t already bought enough copies, you can procure them chez Keyes, 3459 Rockway Avenue. - To neighbor Sheri RENO and her crew for the publication and distribution of our new Community Directory. - And to neighbor Alison BUCKLER on the success of AOTB’s recent near-Marathon and Fun Fest. - Canines ever on his mind, Hugo sends a Get Well Soon bark to neighbor SHREK Konka. 6 Mike Lord reports on Traffic Safety: AOTB President David Delia recently appointed a Traffic Safety Committee to look into the growing problem of cars speeding in the neighborhood, and to identify possible solutions for consideration by the AOTB Board. The Committee is chaired by Mike Lord and consists of Phil Colbert, Paul Lehman, Dick Peyton, Trey Powers, Lori Strum, Lolly Thomas, Donna Watts-Lamont, and Dave Zeman. The committee started its work by scheduling the first of two meetings with Nestor Flores from the Anne Arundel County Traffic Safety Division. Mr. Flores explained that any steps the County might take to address traffic issues in AOTB must be supported by data (i.e., traffic volume and speeds that exceed certain thresholds). The County agreed to conduct a study, which took place over a one-week period in early April. You may have seen the hoses stretched across Cohasset Avenue not far from the community entrance, at Newport Avenue near the playground, and about halfway down Narragansett Avenue. The hoses were attached to traffic counters that recorded the volume of traffic and speeds of the vehicles at the various locations. A follow-up meeting with Mr. Flores took place on May 11 for the purpose of reviewing the data. The membership will hear results and recommendations at its June 20 meeting. There is one point, though, that does not need to wait. It’s undeniable that most vehicles driving in and out of the community belong to residents or their guests. After all, vehicles only enter AOTB if they are lost (not too likely) or because this is their destination. We all have a duty to drive with care, whether or not we’re running a bit late, whether or not there are other cars on the road at the time, and whether or not there are any pedestrians in sight. There is a growing number of children who live in the neighborhood, and a number of residents who enjoy walking the streets of our wonderful community. Don’t put them, or yourself, at risk because you’re in a hurry. Slow down and, to adapt our Oyster Harbor neighbors’ sign, “Drive because your kids do live here”! And don’t be afraid to call someone out whom you observe driving too fast. Your neighbors will support you! ************************************************* APRIL SHOWERS BRING MAY KAYAK/CANOE RACKS Very soon, AOTB will have two kayak/canoe racks for the use and enjoyment of residents. Both will be at the beach – one at Magnolia & Cohasset Avenue, the other at Magnolia & Newport Avenue. Each rack will hold eight kayaks/canoes. The annual fee for one space is $40. A second space rents for $20. To RESERVE a space go to Documents on the AOTB website for an application and for policies and procedures. Space assignments will be made on a first come-first served basis. Once the racks are full a waiting list will be created. Hearty thanks to neighbors Kathy and Ed Conaway for doing the research, planning, paddling, and reporting on this notable marriage of the Community and The Bay, and to neighbor Joe Phillips for the technical work. 7 Adult AOTB Party: Sip, Swirl, & Savor Wine Tasting and Live Jazz on the Beach Saturday, June 13th from 4 to 7 p.m. AOTB’s Property Owners Association is throwing another great party on the community beach. Wine tasting will be offered by Bay Ridge Wine & Spirits at no charge to adult community members. They will select Summer Wines to savor, and their experts will guide party-goers through some of the best vintages for summer sipping. Wine will also be available to purchase by the full glass and by the bottle. We are also adding some Reserve Wines and great beers for purchase. The Wine and Jazz Party is an adults only event. The Jim Ballard Jazz Quartet will again perform all afternoon for listening and dancing. Ballard has performed with the Ink Spots, locally at Middleton’s Tavern, and as a featured group during the first Obama Inaugural. Jim Ballard will offer vocals, backed by saxophone, bass, piano, and drums. Contact Marc Apter below with song requests. Every family is asked to bring a dish to be shared based on the first letter of their last name. Last names starting with A through F should bring dessert; G through M: hors d’oeuvres. N through S: a main course. Folks whose last names start with T through Z should bring bottled water, soda or other non-alcoholic drinks. Each family will be charged $10 to defray the costs, including tents, ice, glasses, plates, and utensils at the event. We will provide tents, a porta potty, tables, and some chairs but do bring your own folding chairs. There is no rain day planned; the party goes on rain or shine. Please RSVP to marca1030@gmail.com by June 8 so we may plan accurately for the size crowd to expect. We would appreciate folks volunteering for one hour to either 1. Set up, 2. Take Money, 3. Pour Wine, 4. Supervise the food table, or 5. Run dance contests. Contact Marc Apter, Social Committee Chair, 301-904-3690 or marca1030@gmail.com. 8 BOARD MEMBERS, OFFICERS, COMMITTEE CHAIRS Board of Directors Board Members Officers Committees & Chairpersons (cont’d) Michael Adams* 1328 Magnolia Avenue H: 410-280-3003; C: 443-610-9952 wmadams1328@verizon.net PRESIDENT David J. Delia* 1375 Walnut Avenue H: 410-268-8622; C: 443-534-7229 ddelia@comcast.net Planning, Dev’t & Community Services, Capital Improvements, Alan E. Hinman 3531 Cohasset Ave. H: 410-990-0258 Alan_e_hinman@fanniemae.com Marc L. Apter* 1292 Magnolia Avenue C: 301-904-3690 marca1030@gmail.com VICE PRESIDENT Donna Watts-Lamont* 3510 Cohasset Avenue H: 410-268-4130; C: 410-971-9306 wattslamont@verizon.net Pier & Boat Ramp Mike Morrison, 3523 Rockway Ave 443-253-0596 tugmik@aol.com Rosalynne Atterbeary* 3551 Narragansett Avenue 301-412-2511 ratterbeary@gmail.com TREASURER Roxanne Veal * 3500 Newport Avenue 410-268-7220. jvsweetpea@aol.com Security Mike Adams, 1328 Magnolia Avenue H: 410-280-3003; C: 443-610-9952 wmadams1328@verizon.net Alison Buckler** 3527 Rockway Avenue C: 703-980-5234 alisonmbuckler@gmail.com SECRETARY Pamela Duncan* 1362 Myrtle Avenue H: 410-267-6611; C: 410-533-8106 pjtduncan@verizon.net Beach and Security-Related Support Roxanne Veal, 3500 Newport Ave 410-268-7220. jvsweetpea@aol.com ----------------------------------------Special Fundraising Committee Margaret Delia, H: 410-268-8622; C: 443-534-7230. omdelia@comcast.net Mike Lord* 3510 Rockway Avenue H: 410-280-5641; C: 410-991-9144 mikelord75@yahoo.com COMMITTEES & CHAIRPERSONS Membership Directory Sheri Reno, 1349 Sycamore Avenue H: 410-224-5518; C: 443-994-5386 sherireno@verizon.net Hospitality/Recreation; History Project Marc L. Apter, 1292 Magnolia Avenue C: 301-904-3690 marca1030@gmail.com Lori W. Strum, Chair ** 3515 Newport Avenue C: 410-804-4188 baystrum@aol.com Landscape Services Roy Karten, 3530 Narragansett Ave H: 410-295-3530 photodc@verizon.net Website; TrafficSafety; Constitution Mike Lord, 3510 Rockway Avenue H: 410-280-5641; C: 410-991-9144 mikelord75@yahoo.com David Zeman** 1332 Walnut Avenue H: 410-263-4170; C: 410-353-7777 david1332@comcast.net Special Committee on Environment Julie Winters, 1343 Hollywood Ave. H: 202-997-4240 winterstime@aol.com PIER Editor & Parliamentarian Philip Allen, 3463 Rockway Avenue 410-626-2068. pallen@frostburg.edu *Term Expires 2015 **Term Expires 2016 Property Owners Association of Arundel on the Bay P.O. Box 4665 Annapolis, MD 21403 www.arundelonthebay.org
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