THE AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2015 Developing Today’s Managers for Leadership Excellence PREVIOUS SUMMIT SPEAKERS INCLUDE: David Melville APM Former Commissioner, QLD Ambulance Service David Irvine Former Director General of Security ASIO Lieutenant General David Morrison AO Chief of Army Tony Negus APM Former Commissioner Australian Federal Police The Australian Defence, Police and Emergency Services Leadership Summit 2015 will be held in Melbourne on Thursday 25th and Friday 26th June. In its sixth year, this significant national program drawing together the sectors most respected thought leaders with the aim to equip managers/leaders with the skills to adapt and respond effectively, particularly in highly pressurised or extreme situations where effective leadership saves lives. Rear Admiral D.R. Thomas AO, CSC, RAN Former Deputy Chief of Navy Air Marshal Mark Binskin AO Former Vice Chief of the Defence Force (VCDF) Ken D. Lay APM Warren J. Riley Former Chief Commissioner, Former Superintendent, Victoria Police New Orleans Police Department HOST CITY PARK HYATT, MELBOURNE 25TH & 26TH JUNE PRESENTING ORGANISATIONS FROM THE 2012, 2013 & 2014 SUMMITS INCLUDE: Australian Government Department of Defence THE AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2015 OVERVIEW Including presentations from an esteemed line-up of high ranking officers and officials, as well as frontline and operational people managers, the Summit offers an unparalleled opportunity to observe effective individual and organisational leadership inside of Australia’s Defence, Police and Emergency Services. In addition to providing a platform to explore contemporary leadership practice, the Summit provides a unique opportunity for delegates to develop invaluable professional and personal networks. AUDIENCE PREVIOUS PRESENTERS The majority of attendees will comprise a broad cross section of leaders and managers from the following: • FEDERAL AND STATE POLICE SERVICES • ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY • FIRE SERVICES (RURAL AND URBAN) • ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE • STATE EMERGENCY SERVICES • ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARMY • AMBULANCE & EMERGENCY HEALTH SERVICES • PARKS AND LAND MANAGEMENT • FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT • DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE • WATER MANAGEMENT • PRIVATE SECURITY FIRMS In addition to this, the Summit is open to anyone who has a role within emergency management. Summit content will address key elements of effective leadership theory and practice. Information provided will be most beneficial to employees whose role directly involves the management of other staff. As has been the case with all previous Summits, the focus of this event remains the exploration and development of management capability and communication across Australia’s direct response organisations. To maintain the confidentially of the information discussed the Summit will operate a closed door policy to all media. In accordance with these aims no sponsorship will be sought for this event. Ron McLeod, AM Mary Barry Howard Broad Lee A Johnson Martin Studdert, AM Warren J. Riley Ken D. Lay APM Air Marshal Commissioner, 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission Former Commissioner, New Zealand Police PROGRAM DIRECTOR Former CEO, VICSES Former Commissioner QLD Fire & Rescue Service DATES AND LOCATION The Australian Defence, Police and Emergency Services Leadership Summit 2015 will be held at: Veronica Lake Email: Phone: 1300 138 037 PARK HYATT - MELBOURNE Thursday 25th Friday 26th June 2015 Director General, Emergency Former Superintendent, Management Australia, New Orleans Attorney General’s Dept Police Department THE ORGANISER The Australian Defence, Police & Emergency Services Leadership Summit is organised by the Australian School of Applied Management (ASAM). ASAM is a peak Australian provider of expert services in leadership and management. The Australian Defence, Police & Emergency Services Leadership Summit has evolved from the extensive work done throughout Australia between ASAM and Australian and New Zealand Defence, Police and emergency service organisations spanning all states and territories. Through a range of sector specific programs, the ASAM has established a specific charter to support the development of leadership excellence throughout these industries. Former Chief Commissioner, Geoff Brown AO Victoria Police Chief of Air Force THE AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2015 “Current times need current thoughts on leadership. Your team is your pride and how you inspire them is paramount to them seeing the values that the company wishes to portray in the wider community. All we have is our image and integrity, and that starts at the top. Good leaders get great results.” Richard Jones – General Manager Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service THEMES Summit presentations will be categorised under a number of overarching themes. Themes will be explored in the context of the individual, the organisation and the wider sector ensuring delegates are exposed to both the how and the why in relation to leadership strategy. • BUILDING PUBLIC TRUST: GETTING THE JOB DONE WHILST MAINTAINING PUBLIC SUPPORT • WORKING TOWARDS A COMMON GOAL: BUILDING INTER-AGENCY CONNECTIVITY • A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD: MOVING TOWARDS LEADERSHIP EQUITY WITHIN DEFENCE, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES • THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN THE MODERN ERA OF POLICING AND CRISIS MANAGEMENT • CRISIS MANAGEMENT AND THE IMPORTANCE OF STRONG LEADERSHIP • PASSING THE BATTON: TRAINING AND MENTORING THE NEXT GENERATION OF LEADERS • LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT: UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENCE AND STRIKING THE RIGHT BALANCE • UNDERSTANDING AND MANAGING THE PHYSICAL AND MENTAL EFFECTS OF EXTREME WORKPLACES • BUILDING RESILIENCE AND LOOKING OUT FOR YOUR TEAM • LEADERSHIP: UNIFYING A NATIONAL CAPABILITY • COMMANDING RESPECT: CRITICAL ATTRIBUTES FOR EFFECTIVE LEADERS CONFERENCE FACILITATOR & PANEL MODERATOR Simon Brown-Greaves Director and Organisational Psychologist, FBG Group Simon Brown-Greaves is an experienced senior executive manager and organisational psychologist with more than 20 years’ involvement in helping businesses and public sector organisations align people and performance. He has extensive experience in managing multi-disciplinary teams and delivering human capital projects and services in the Australian market. Simon is the co-owner and Director of FBG Group, an organisation that provides high quality, customised leadership and organisational consulting services. PRESENTING ORGANISATIONS Australian Government Department of Defence THE AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2015 2015 GUEST SPEAKERS AND PRESENTERS Every year the Australian Defence, Police and Emergency Services Leadership Summit attracts an esteemed line up of the sectors most respected leaders and highest ranking officers. The 2015 Summit will be no exception and will feature keynote addresses from leadership luminaries including Rear Admiral Robyn Walker, Commander Joint Health and Surgeon General Australian Defence Force, Major General Rick Burr DSC, AM, MVO Deputy Chief of Army Australian Army and Chief Thomas P. Galati Chief of Intelligence, New York City Police Department. Chief Thomas P. Galati Rear Admiral Robyn Walker Chief of Intelligence, New York City Police Department Commander Joint Health and Surgeon General Australian Defence Force Ray Creen Glenn Keys Commissioner Ambulance Service of NSW Co-founder & Executive Director, Aspen Medical ACT Australian of the Year 2015 Stephen Griffin Neil Gaughan APM Chief Executive Officer Victorian State Emergency Service Authority Assistant Commissioner National Manager Counter Terrorism Donna Adams Major General Paul McLachlan, AM, CSC Assistant Commissioner Tasmania Police Head Land Systems Defence Materiel Organisation Katarina Carroll APM Iain MacKenzie AFSM Acting Commissioner Queensland Fire and Emergency Service Inspector-General Emergency Management, Queensland Government Adam Dent Mike Brown Commissioner NSW State Emergency Service Chief Executive Officer Tasmanian Fire Service REGISTRATION FORM RETURN VIA EMAIL OR FAX: 1300 451 031 THIS DOCUMENT IS A TAX INVOICE AN INITIATIVE OF THE WORKPLACE TRAINING ADVISORY AUSTRALIA (ABN 39 127 679 010) THE AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE, POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2015 Thursday 25th & Friday 26th June, Melbourne Today’s date: Phone: Organisation name: Fax: Email: Contact name: Postal address: Title/position: Names of participants Title/position Email (required for confirmation details) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. FEES (GST included) FOR LARGE GROUP BOOKINGS PLEASE CONTACT ASAM ON 1300 138 037 Standard Rate Super Early Bird Rate Ends 15th May Super Early Bird Group of 3 or more Ends 15th May Super Early Bird 8 or more Ends 15th May $2,395 pp $1,295 pp $1,095 pp $995 pp TOTALS TOTAL DELEGATES: TOTAL REGISTRATION FEES DUE: $ HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US? PAYMENT METHODS VISA, MASTERCARD ONLY CREDIT/DEBIT CARD Please Invoice Me Name Amount $ Signature: Card Number Expiry Date 3 digit number on card signature strip Verification No. EFT Ac Name: Workplace Training Advisory Australia P/L Bank Name: Westpac, Melbourne BSB: 033-002 A/c No. 380159 *Please email remittance advice to: FURTHER DETAILS Telephone: 1300 138 037 / Email: / Post: PO Box 4079, Melbourne University, VIC 3052 Payment in full must be made prior to event. Submission of this registration form indicates your intent to make full payment. Cancellation Policy – A substitution delegate is always welcome with written notification. Cancellations received up to 6 weeks prior to the event will incur a 50% withdrawal fee. For cancellations received within 6 weeks of the event no refund will be issued. Every effort will be made to contact each attendee should an event be rescheduled or cancelled by WTAA for any reason. If an event is rescheduled or not held for any reason, WTAA’s liability is limited to the event fee only. Indemnity - WTAA reserves the right to change the venue and/or speakers of any event due to circumstances beyond its control. In the event of changes to venue or speakers, or cancellation of the event, WTAA is indemnified against any or all costs, damages, expenses, including legal fees, which are incurred by the attendee/s. In the case of venue change, all reasonable efforts will be made to inform attendees. I understand that by registering myself and/or others as attendees at this event, photos or video may be taken by WTAA of this event, which may be used for marketing purposes. 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