ISLA scholarship funding ALP. Texas.indd

USA Schools Funding Program
for female school leaders
Administered by the InternaƟonal Schools Leadership Alliance [ISLA]
$1.4 million funding announced for Texas Schools
The USA Schools Funding Program for
Female School Leaders is the result of
the Interna onal School Leadership
Alliance’s (ISLA) commitment to
suppor ng the increased representa on
of women in formal school leadership
posi ons.
Over the 2015 year ISLA will allocate
$1.4million in scholarship funding to
schools across Texas to enable high
poten al female staff to par cipate in
the interna onally recognized Advanced
Leadership Program for women in
schools. Scholarship funding will be
awarded across all school sectors.
This remarkable ini a ve has generated
excep onal outcomes for female school
leaders across the world.
Advanced Leadership
Program for Women
Most recently, the program was
implemented throughout the Asia
Pacific and Australia.
All schools across Texas are encouraged
to nominate a high performing staff
member to par cipate in the program.
This ini a ve is ed to the USA Schools
Scholarship Funding Program which
is part of an interna onal ini a ve
designed to increase the exposure of
school teachers to global best prac ces
and trends in school leadership.
The scholarship model emerged out of
ISLA’s research and developmental work
with school leaders across a range of
Designed to support the advancement
of high-poten al female teachers into
formal leadership roles.
USA Schools
By providing financial offsets to
schools, ISLA is able to more effec vely
pursue its goals to make a meaningful
contribu on to the advancement of
school leaders across the world.
Through ISLA’s corporate benefactors,
and with the convic on of a global
network of educa on stakeholders,
scholarship funding drama cally
increases the capacity for schools to
support their staff to par cipate in ISLA’s
acclaimed developmental programs.
ISLA liaises closely with local educa on
districts and networks to ensure op mal
appropria on of any funds employed in
specific regions.
The first round of funding will close at
5pm on June 17th.
Up to $3000
per par cipant
About ISLA
The Interna onal School Leadership Alliance is a global social enterprise which brings together an unprecedented array of educa on
stakeholders spanning academia, government and an ever expanding cohort of school systems. The purpose of ISLA is simple: to
support the development of excep onal school teachers and leaders.
ISLA works in conjunc on with many of America’s most respected educa onal ins tu ons to contextualize global best prac ces for US
schools. In addi on to its North American chapter, ISLA is represented in the Asia Pacific, Australasia, the UK, and Middle East. The
universi es listed below, which are represented across many of ISLA’s commi ees and pathways, are illustra ve of ISLA’s stakeholder
University of Illinois
University of Maryland
University of Miami
University of Florida
University of Southern California
University of Strathclyde
University of Toronto
University of Bri sh Columbia
Nipissing University
The University of No ngham
University of Birmingham
University of Dundee
University of Southampton
University of Sussex
University of Leicester
University College London
University of Bath
Kings College London
The University of Manchester
Queen’s University Belfast
University of Glasgow
University of Reading
University of Canberra
Monash University
Cur n University
La Trobe University
University of Tasmania
USA Admissions Office
One World Trade, Suite 8500
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 220 5754
Deakin University
Australian Catholic University
Charles Darwin University
Southern Cross University
Flinders University
University of the Sunshine Coast
University of Western Australia
University of Queensland
Universi Kebangsaan Malaysia
Universi Malaya
Tsinghua University
Beijing Normal University
Nanyang Technological University
The University of Hong Kong
Canada Admissions Office
60 Atlan c Ave, Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario, M6K 1X9
Phone: (437) 222 2031