March 22, 2015 Joining Asbury - If you are interested in joining Asbury or finding out more about us, please plan to attend one of the Joining Asbury luncheons held monthly. At the luncheon, you will meet the pastors, find out more about Asbury’s vision to “develop all generations for significant lives in Christ,” and hear about worship, growth and influence opportunities that are available to you. The next luncheon is April 12 from 12:15–2:15 pm in the Community Life Center (CLC). Lunch is provided, and child care is available for 6 weeks to 6th grade. Call 918.392.1191 or register online at Maundy Thursday Communion Prayer Service - Thursday, April 2, 7:00 pm, Mason Chapel. On the eve of Jesus crucifixion, He shared a final meal with His disciples before going to the Garden to pray. During this significant service, we will share a communion meal, worship and walk with Jesus through the watches of His final night on earth using scripture. Stations of the Cross - The Stations of the Cross is a personal walk-thru experience to allow each participant, to experience moments of Christ’s final journey. Plan for approximately an hour of time, but each person is different. No reservation needed, come at a time that works for you: April 1, 3:30-9:00 pm; April 2, – 11:00 am-9:00 pm (closed during Maundy Thursday service); April 3, 1:30-9:00 pm (closed during Good Friday service). If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to greet participants, contact Kim Renkema at 918.392.1159 or Good Friday Service of Darkness – Friday, April 3, 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Easter Spring Fair – Saturday, April 4, 10:00 am-1:00 pm. The church will be filled with fun, free activities for your whole family to enjoy, including a concession stand with food to purchase. We will have a unique age appropriate egg hunt for your children. Don't forget your Easter baskets for children ages 0-3 and kids 4 to 6th grade will participate in a hunt, but will not need a basket. You do not need to register. For questions, contact Shanon Brown at or 918.392.1170. Easter Services – Please join us to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord! All Easter services will be held in the Sanctuary: traditional services at 8:00 and 9:15 am, and modern service at 11:00 am. Please pray for our Volunteers in Mission Team serving in the Republic of Georgia March 15-23. Tweenagers Program and Luncheon - Thursday, March 26, 10:30 am, Community Life Center (CLC). Tulsa Assistant Fire Marshal Captain Ray Evins and Lilli Land of Life Senior Services will talk about fire and fall prevention. Asbury preschoolers will be providing our music. Lunch $1.00. UMW Luncheon - Thursday, April 2, 11:30 am, Community Life Center (CLC). All Asbury women are invited to a very special luncheon. This is our annual "April Salute" where we honor our most mature and faithful volunteers for their service to UMW. Our former pastor, Darlene Johnson, will return to Asbury to present the program, "Our Rich Reward." Scripture: Ruth 2:12. Lunch $8. Home Improvement Ministry Workday - Saturday, April 18. Volunteers help widows and single women who are Asbury members with minor home repairs and projects. Ladies, to sign up, complete and return application located in the resource area by April 8. To volunteer to help, contact Michiel at 918.640.4382. Habitat for Humanity – Build on the spring 2015 home is scheduled has begun. All skill levels are welcome. To participate, please contact Bill Ricks at 918.894.3133 or, or Bob Miller at 918.798.4006 or Food Handlers Class - Ever use the kitchen or want to? For all people who use the kitchen for any and all events please plan to attend Volunteer Food Handlers Class on March 24 at 6:00 pm in the Community Life Center (CLC). There is no charge for this class. 8 Great Dates - It's date night again. No program – the evening is yours! Thursday, April 9, 6:00 pm–8:45 pm. RSVP to for child care by April 25: $5/child, maximum $20/family. Divorce Rebuilding - For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce. Meets every Thursday, 7:00 pm, room 1335. Contact Jim Small at 918.697.4220 or Mental Health Support for Families - For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness. Usually meets the fourth Thursday of each month, 1:30 pm, Parlor. Contact Linda Lytle at 918.298.2707 or Adult Volleyball - Sundays (except April 5), 6:00-9:00 pm, gym. Join us for a few hours of exercise, fellowship and fun. All levels of play are welcome. Must be 18 or older. Contact Doug at 918.607.0830. Asbury Shuttle Buses on Sundays - Asbury shuttle buses run to and from the Union High School parking lot from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. They will pick you up at your car door and drop you off at the Asbury front doors. There is actually less walking when you park at Union than when you park in a handicap space. Our shuttle drivers would be delighted to see you on Sunday mornings. Volunteers needed to help with Stations of the Cross. People wanted to help with set up/tear down as well as be present to greet participants and help keep stations set up. March 31-April 4. Contact to help.
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