Asbury Messenger - Asbury United Methodist Church

May 1, 2015
Volume 20, Issue 5
Asbury Messenger
United Methodist Church
6822 Grand Avenue
Duluth, MN 55807
Seven-Year Plan for Congregational Development
The Reverend
Cindy M. Rasmussen
Minnesota Annual Conference of the
United Methodist Church
Sunday Worship — 10:30 am
9:30 am starting May 24
Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 9:00 am—2:00 pm
I know the plans I have in mind for you, declares the Lord; they are plans . . .
to give you a future filled with hope.”
— Jeremiah 29:11
Table of Contents
Cindy’s Corner
Pastoral Care
Asbury News
May Birthdays
Worship Notes
Thank You!
Confirmation Sunday
The Choir Boys
Ad Council Highlights
Treasurer’s Report
Asbury’s Got Talent
Scholarship Sunday
Mission Trip
King Peggy
Visitation Outreach
Asbury’s Landscape
MN Annual Conference
2015 Love Offering
Perennial Plant Sale
Damiano volunteers
FoodShare Results
CHUM Spring Assembly
Rhubarb Fest
UM Women
Rummage Sale
Meatball Dinner
Canning Jars Wanted
Donuts Are Coming
UMW Awards
Duluth Area UMW
UMW Meetings
“Clothing Only” Sale
he Minnesota Annual Conference’s vision is for all
congregations to live out God’s call to grow in love of God
and neighbors, reach new people and heal a broken world.
The Minnesota Conference’s seven-year plan for congregational
development has two components: starting new churches and growing
existing churches by equipping them to increase vitality. We will
Reach new people with new church starts, Renew existing congregations in becoming more vital and Rejoice as lives are transformed.
The Annual Conference is asking for a five-year commitment from
each local congregation. At our recent Administrative Council meeting
we have decided to support the project in this way: Each year on the
Sunday following Annual Conference (May 31 this year) we will present information and updates about the program and receive a special
offering from the congregation. We will also designate a portion of one
of our annual special offerings towards Reach Renew Rejoice. In anticipation of our support we did designate a portion of our Christmas
offering and sent the Annual Conference a check for $663.60.
Bishop Ough shares these words with us: “Through Reach – Renew –
Rejoice, we will equip ourselves and our congregations to reach our
children, grandchildren, and future generations. We will renew our
spirits, empower passionate leadership, and revive our ministries to
and with God’s people. We will rejoice in the breakthroughs of God’s
Holy Spirit in our lives and churches as we continue increasing the
number of vital congregations.”
Worship time changes to 9:30 am
on May 24, Memorial Day weekend!
Cindy’s Corner
Taking It A Step At A Time
remember hearing a story that Rev.
Gene Robinson told when he was the
Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire.
He was preaching about the parting of the
Red Sea and how we have this movie version in
our heads where Moses lifted his arms and the
waters parted to let the people pass. You could
stand at one side of the sea and actually see a
clear path to the other side.
O Lord, you have searched me and known me.
You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you
discern my thoughts from far away. …
Where can I go from your spirit? Or where
can I flee from your presence? If I ascend to
heaven, you are there; if I make my bed in Sheol,
you are there. If I take the wings of the morning
and settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even
there your hand shall lead me, and your right
hand shall hold me fast.
If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me,
and the light around me become night,”
even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is
as bright as the day, for darkness is as light to
you. …
How weighty to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them! I try to count them
— they are more than the sand; I come to the end
— I am still with you.
Robinson said, perhaps the reality was more like
this: the people put one foot into the water,
tentatively, and the waters rolled back a little.
And then they put another foot down, and the
waters rolled back a little more. It was all
about putting one foot down in front of the
other until they found they had safely reached
the other shore.
I really like that image and know it has often
been that way for me in my life. We can’t
always see to the other shore or the other side of
a situation. Which is probably not all bad.
Perhaps, having the strength and the courage
to just keep putting one foot in front of the
other is enough.
The important thing is to always remember God
is with us in the waters and with each step along
the way.
These words from Psalm 139 seal the promise:
Pastoral Care
Because of the privacy act, hospitals no longer telephone churches to let us know that one of
our members have been admitted. Please notify the church office (218-624-0061) if you or
someone you know is in need of pastoral care for illness, hospitalization or surgeries. In the
case of an emergency and there is no answer at the church, call Pastor Cindy at 218-464-0304.
May Birthdays
Asbury News
Thank You!
Dear Asbury Friends:
Many thanks to everyone who remembered my brother, Mike Olson. It was
much appreciated.
— Terry Olson
Dear Asbury Members & Friends:
The Minnesota Food Share — March Food drive at Asbury was a huge success!
We delivered $1551.90 and over 300 pounds of food to the West Duluth Food Shelf
at Our Saviors Lutheran Church. The financial donations came from the following
sources: $314 “Soup”er Bowl Sunday; $653 pasties; $320 donations from members
to Food Shelf made out to Asbury UMC; $100 donations from members made out
directly to Food Shelf; $164.90 March communion offering to go to Food Shelf.
Thank you to everyone who donated food or money to this very worthy cause.
— The Outreach Committee
Dear Pastor Cindy and Asbury Members:
Thank you for your congregational gift for March which will be included in the
amount to be proportionally matched by the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign. All financial gifts to the Food Shelf can be stretched throughout the year to
acquire significantly more food than an individual can purchase. Every $1.50
donated buys about 5 pounds of food and during the Campaign your financial gift
goes even further. In 2014, the CHUM Emergency Food Shelf provided food to
6,295 people — that is 7% of Duluth’s population and 37% of them were children.
— Lee Stuart, CHUM Executive Director
Confirmation Sunday — May 17 at 10:30 am
Join us for cake following the service in celebration!
In the United Methodist Church, confirmation is one of the first significant moments in which
we affirm the faith into which we were baptized. It brings into focus the life of discipleship,
recognizes a new level of maturity in Christian faith and affirms participation in a community
of faith. It is a time when we learn about who we are as God’s people and how that affects
our lives. It is a time to learn how God has worked in the lives and faith of others. It is a time
to learn about who we are as Christians, as United Methodists and as human beings. The
confirmation program here at Asbury is a one-year process.
Those being confirmed are:
Daniel Barry, Alayna McGraw and Kaylee Randa
The Choir Boys — Sunday, May 24
The Choir Boys (the younger members of the North Star Boys’ Choir
ages 7-10) will be participating in our Worship Service on Sunday,
May 24 at 9:30 am. They will be arriving at 5:00 pm on Saturday
night and staying overnight in the church in the Fellowship Hall. If
you are available to help with dinner for them on Saturday or
breakfast on Sunday, please contact Pastor Cindy.
Caroline Carlson
Jan DeGrio
Matt Nylund
Emily Rager
Julie Brackett
Terry Olson
Sharon Parendo
Rod Ridgewell
Matt Schwartz
Terrie Gimpel
Daniel Barry
John Anscomb
Arianna Thieling
Ruby Slennes
Phyllis Wolden
Barb Downs
Carol Lonetto
Georgia Kokotovich
Louise Taraldsen
Candy Kokotovich
Pete Paczynski
Bernice Seehus
Diane Cochran
Ben Nylund
Trevor Robinson
If your and/or a family
member’s birthday is not
listed for May, please
contact the church office.
Offering . . .
February’s offering of $222 went
to One Great Hour of Sharing.
March’s offering of $1551.90
went to the CHUM Food Shelf.
April’s offering of $97 went to the
Second Harvest Food Bank.
May’s offering will go to Habitat
for Humanity
Attendance . . .
April 5
April 12
April 19
April 26
Scripture Readers . . .
May 3
Dale Thorpe
May 10
Jenean Nelson
May 17
Barbara Little
May 24
Ruth Thorpe
May 31
Karen Widmark
May 2015
Office Closed
Worship hours change to 9:30 am starting May 24!
10:30 am Worship/
Sunday school
Confirmands w/mentors
11:30 am
Coffee & Fellowship, FH
6:00 pm, BS Troop 16, FH
10:30 am, Worship/
Children’s Church
Last day of Sunday school
Teacher Recognition
Ice Cream Social
2015 Love Offering
10:30 am, Worship/Praise
Family Worship
11:30 am
Coffee & Fellowship, FH
1:00 to 5:00
Private Party, FH
6:00 pm, BS Troop 16, FH
The Choir Boys
9:30 am, Worship
10:30 am, Fellowship, FH
6:30 pm
Praise Team
6:30 pm,
Praise Team
9:30 am
Book Club, WR
6:30 pm
Praise Team
9:30 am, Worship
Reach, Renew, Rejoice
10:30 am, Fellowship, FH
Office Closed
12 9:00 am
Kiwanis, FH
9:00 & 10:00 am
Pastor Cindy @ Faith
Haven/ St. Eligius
9:30 am, BB, WR
2:00 pm, KK, WR
6:30 pm
Trustees, WR
9:00 am
Kiwanis, FH
9:30 am
Bone Builders, WR
1:00 pm
Love/Hope Circle, WR
7:00 pm
Ad Council, WR
8:30 am
Men’s Coffee, FH
9:30 am
UMW Board, WR
5:30 pm, Gentle Yoga, FH
6:00 pm, Youth Choir, WR
6:00 pm
Christian Education, YR
6:45 pm, Adult Choir, WR
8:30 am
Men’s Coffee, FH
9:00 am, Pastor Cindy @
West Duluth
5:30 pm, Gentle Yoga, FH
6:00 pm, Youth Choir, WR
6:00 pm
Confirmation Rehearsal
8:30 am
Men’s Coffee, FH
8:30 am
Pastor Cindy @ CHUM
5:30 pm, Gentle Yoga, FH
6:00 pm
Faith Circle meet at
Valentini’s Restaurant
RSVP by May 17
9:30 am, BB, WR
10:00 to 11:00 am,
2nd Harvest Food Dist.
7:00 pm
Worship Team, WR
9:30 am
Bone Builders, WR
9:30 am
Bone Builders, WR
5:30 pm, Outreach, WR
6:30 pm
King Peggy
Book Review with
John Arthur
Office Closed
9:00 am
Kiwanis, FH
9:30 am
Bone Builders, WR
2:00 pm,
Knitting Klub, WR
8:30 am
Men’s Coffee, FH
5:30 pm
Gentle Yoga, FH
9:30 am
Bone Builders, WR
Office Closed
Pick Up
Minnesota Annual Conference — May 27 to 29
Damiano Center
8:30 am
1:30 pm
5:00 pm
Choir Boys arrive
to spend evening
in Fellowship Hall
6:00 pm, Youth Choir, WR
Pick Up
Pick Up
9:00 am
Kiwanis, FH
9:30 am
Bone Builders, WR
4:30 pm
Ruby’s Pantry,
St. M Margaret, FH
6:30 pm
Beginning Cash Balance, 02/28/15
$ 1,330.79
$ 19,737.80
Total to account for
$ 21,068.59
Checks Written
< $ 19,078.41>
Balance on Hand, 03/31/15
$ 1,990.18
Asbury News
AUMC Administrative Council Meeting
Highlights — April 21, 2015 — 7:00 pm
Unpaid Bills through 03/31/15
(includes apportionments)
Net Ending Balance at 03/31/15
Rob Karwath called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Pastor Cindy offered a
prayer, asking God to have His love be known through us.
Secretary’s Report
Minutes of the February 24, 2015, Administrative Council were reviewed.
Patty Bennett made a correction that the year is 2015, not 2014. Steve
Kokotovich made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. The motion was
seconded and unanimously approved.
<$ 3,815.30>
Education Team Report – Pat Anscomb for
Cheryl Parendo and Sandy Winklesky
The children in the Sunday School have made 26 crosses that were given
to the shut-in members of our church.
The Education Team will meet May 6 at 6:00 pm.
The last day of Sunday School is May 10.
The Adult Christian Education and UMW Reading Program are sponsoring
a special program on May 21, at 6:30 pm. John Arthur will be presenting a
program about the book, King Peggy.
Lay Leader Report – Steve Kokotovich
Steve and Pastor Cindy will be attending the Minnesota Annual Conference on
May 27 to 29.
Treasurer’s Report – Pat Anscomb
Balance on Hand, 3/31/15, is $1,990.18.
We have not yet paid into our 2015 conference apportionments, however, profits
received from the meatball dinner and the rummage sale will be going towards
our apportionments.
Quarterly reports will be presented at our next meeting.
Because we have paid our 2014 apportionments in full, we have been forgiven a
quarter of the unpaid amounts from prior years. This amounts to $2,364.97,
leaving us with a current unpaid balance of $4,729.95.
Charlie Bell’s family has given our church a memorial gift of $10,000.
Worship Team Report – Ruth Thorpe
Leo Lambert is the new head usher.
The committee plans to integrate both traditional hymns and praise music
into our worship services.
The choir will be done singing in May. Phyllis and Ruby are in the process
of finding summer music.
Nurture/Congregational Care Team Report – Sandy Winklesky
May 3 is Scholarship Sunday. We have selected the scholarship recipient.
SPRC Report – no report
Pastor’s Report – Cindy Rasmussen
Confirmation Sunday will be on May 17. We will have 3 confirmands.
The Choir Boys, a small group from the North Star Boy’s Choir, will be
singing at our church on Memorial Day weekend. Our church will be
serving them dinner on May 23, and breakfast on May 24.
The District Superintendent is coming to our Asbury’s Got Talent, this
coming April 26.
The Administrative Council has decided that it is not the right time for us to
participate in the Healthy Church Initiative program.
Asbury is making a plan for our participation in Reach, Renew, Rejoice. On
May 31, a presentation will be given in church. Also, a portion of a special
offering will be designated for this project.
Trustees’ Report – Donna Mickelson
We have purchased a new church sign through Todd Signs. The sign should
arrive around May 5.
A zone valve for the church heating system is not working properly. The issue is
being addressed.
The church rooms upstairs are in need of organization. The UMW is currently
working on the Yellow Room.
UMW Report – Jan Akervik
The Area UMW recently met at Norton Park UMC. At the meeting, $708 was
collected to go to the Encounter Program.
The recent meatball dinner had a profit of $3,585.54. This money will go
towards our apportionments.
The April 25 rummage sale profits will also go to apportionments.
The church basement carpeting has been cleaned and we are in the process of
obtaining an estimate for the upstairs carpet cleaning.
Old Business
The website committee will be meeting to solidify plans for the website.
We need to take more pictures of the activities of our church to include in
the website.
The Finance Committee has been working to update our finance process.
On May 1, our checks will be printed on the computer.
We also have a new system to keep track of membership.
Outreach and Mission – Steve Kokotovich
The next meal to serve at the Damiano Center is on Saturday, May 16. There is
a sign-up sheet at the back of the church if you are able to help with this project.
Our total contribution for the March Food Drive was $1,551, and over 300
pounds of food.
Our church will be participating in a Jamaica mission project on January 29
through February 7, 2016. A maximum of 15 people will be able to take part in
this project.
Our church will participate in a Habitat for Humanity, A Brush with Kindness
project in June.
Judy Pearson is organizing a National Night Out event at our church this summer. She is looking for more people to help her.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 19, at 7:00 pm.
Jan Akervik made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was
seconded and unanimously approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Patty Bennett, Secretary
Asbury News
Asbury’s Got Talent — AND HOW!
f you weren’t at Asbury’s Got Talent 6th Annual
show on April 26 at 6:30 pm you missed something
Mistress and Master of
Ceremonies Clark and Patty
Bennett’s imaginative
repertoire and wonderful sense
of humor provided the perfect
backdrop for the many talented
individuals entertaining the
large audience in attendance.
Clark & Patty B.
We even had our Big Waters
District Superintendent Susan Nienaber in attendance. And, there was a special note of remembrance
for Carol Mack who in past years eagerly shared her
poems and stories with Talent Show attendees.
Starting the show was Jordan
Owens playing “I’d Like to Teach the
World to Sing” on piano. She continued
to entertain audience members in the
second half of the show with “The Good
Ship Lollipop.”
The second act was Nolan Randa
Jordan O.
who put a smile on everyone’s face
singing and whistling “Don’t Worry,
Be Happy.”
Pastor Cindy read three of her
favorite poems/readings, explaining
that the first reading, “The Journey” by
Mary Oliver, was what hooked her on
Nolan R.
poetry. And, everyone found out that
God is “she” and calls
Pastor Cindy, “Honey”
and “Sweetcakes”!
The Asbury Sestet
consisting of Leo Lambert, Clark Bennett,
Asbury Sestet
Rob Karwath, Alan
Johnson, Debbie Merrick, Kim Herrig, Andrea VanDell
and Arianna Thieling raised their voices in
“To Everything, There Is A Season”
Next Renee Randa provided the crowd with a
beautiful flute solo of “Say Something,” followed by a
wonderful rendition of
“Ocean’s Where His Feet
Might Fall” sung by daughter
Kaylee Randa.
Closing out the first half
of the show were John Arthur
and Julie Brackett joining
voices on “El Shaddai.”
John A. & Julie B.
After a short 10 minute
intermission, mother and
daughter Renee and Kaylee
Randa provided the audience
with a flute and sax duet.
beautiful voice
flowed over the
crowd with
“How Can I
Keep From
Renee R. & Kaylee R.
Debbie M.
Sharon Picconatto and
Alice Brenny gave everyone
comic relief with their version
of “There’s a Hole in My
Bucket” (with props) and
“I Know an Old Lady Who
Sharon P. & Alice B.
Swallowed a Fly” (sans props,
thank goodness!).
Brothers Nick and Jack White
awed the crowd while performing
their magic tricks. Audience
members were entranced with their
slight of hand and card tricks and
they even made an audience
volunteer disappear and reappear!
Joining the Talent Show this
year were performers from Elim
Nick and Jack W.
Lutheran Church.
Elim’s Duet sang
“I Am 16 Going on
17” from the
Sound of Music
and the Elim
Quintet sang
Elim Lutheran Quintet
“Duluth,” a song
that was penned in 1911.
Last but not least,
closing out the show were
Asbury’s own Original Spice
Girls, Pepper and Ginger
(aka, Phyllis Kruell and
Pastor Cindy) discussing
“Aging Body Parts.”
Kudos to this year’s
wonderful entertainers!
(Photos courtesy of Pat Anscomb)
The Original Spice Girls
Asbury News
Scholarship Sunday
May 3
Front row L to R:
Cale Hanson,
he Asbury United Methodist Church Scholarship
Committee will be awarding both the Robert and
Aileen VanKleek and the Carol B Maida Scholarships
to Nickolas Kirkman. The committee found that Nick’s
commitment to Asbury UMC and his compassion for
the community made him a deserving recipient. Nick
will be attending Lake Superior College.
Back row L to R:
CJ DeSantell,
Colton Burns,
Emily Rager
Mission Trip to Jamaica 2016
sbury’s Outreach/Mission Team has decided to
offer an international mission trip to Browns
Town, Jamaica starting Friday, January 29 to Sunday
February 7, 2016.
Reverend Gary Walpole and
Reverend Cindy Rasmussen will be
co-leading the group. The cost will be
between $1,500-$1,600 with $300
going to fund the project we will be
working on.
If you would like learn more about this mission
trip, pick up an information sheet at the back of the
sanctuary. We are able to take a maximum of 13 people so if you are interested or have questions, please
talk to Pastor Cindy as soon as possible. The OC Ministries website is
Visitation Outreach
sbury’s Sunday school children made an Easter
cross for Asbury’s shut-ins or other members who
are unable to get to church. A label was put on each
cross saying “Made for you with love by the Asbury
United Methodist Church Sunday School children.”
Keeping Asbury’s Landscape Beautiful
he Gardening Team will meet Monday mornings
at 9:00 am throughout the growing season to
maintain Asbury’s beautiful landscaping. We usually
work until 11:00 am or so and encourage you to join us
to help us maintain our Memorial Garden and other
gardens on Asbury’s grounds. We would appreciate
more help with trimming, weeding and general upkeep. No experience is necessary, just willingness to
“get a little dirty” perhaps. Plus, it’s great exercise!
We’ll begin this season as soon as it warms up
enough to work outside (which should be soon). The
fact that we have no snow will enable us to get a little
head start.
Please contact Judy Pearson at 722-5818 if you are
willing to help or just show up Mondays at 9:00 am. If
the weather is questionable (raining buckets for
instance) please call to confirm the team is meeting
that Monday.
Thanks to all who have helped us in the past. Let’s
keep up the good work!
King Peggy Book Review Sign-Up Sheet
sign-up sheet for the May 21 book review of
“King Peggy,” presented by our own John Arthur
is on the table in the Narthex. John’s
home country is Ghana, the same
region as Peggielene Bartels, the coauthor of the book. It is the story of a
Ghanian woman, who became a U.S.
citizen, worked in the Ghanian Embassy in Washington D.C. as a secretary and through royal blood lines
went back to Otuam, Ghana to help
her struggling village as their King.
This special event starts at 6:30
pm. Books are available at the
Duluth Public Library, Barnes and
Noble and the Asbury UMW Library. This event is
sponsored by Asbury’s Adult Christian Education and
the UMW Reading Program.
Asbury News
MN Annual Conference — May 27-29
he 161st session of the
Minnesota Annual Conference is
scheduled for May 27-29 at the
River’s Edge Convention Center in
St. Cloud, MN.
The three days of this year’s
conference will be structured around
three key actions: Celebrate, Learn, Act. On
Wednesday, attendees will hear stories of what God
has been doing and celebrate Holy Spirit breakthrough throughout Minnesota. On Thursday,
attendee will learn from conference speakers and
explore the new ways God is calling them forth with an
invitation to engage within our changing culture. On
Friday, attendees will act by making key decision on
critical next steps in their journey.
There will also be a “50 Way to Love Your
Neighbor” mission fair full of ideas and inspiration.
For more info visit:
FoodShare March Campaign Results!
he Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign was a
roaring success. Thanks to outstanding support
from the community, CHUM’s food drive raised more
than $128,000 and 26,600 pounds of food. This number
is up from the original report as promised pledges
continue to come in. Please see page 3 of this
newsletter for Asbury’s results.
All proceeds go toward feeding people experiencing
hunger in Duluth and will be a huge help in CHUM’s
fight against hunger. In addition to the already large
results, we are still waiting to hear how much our incentive match will be from the Minnesota Food Share
March Campaign. So even more food is on its way!
CHUM would like to thank all the congregations,
schools, business, employee groups, civic clubs and
individuals for their support! Cash and food donations
are encouraged all year round since most of the food
donated in March will be distributed by the CHUM
Food Shelf in one month’s time.
2015 Love Offering for Mission — May 10
he Love Offering for Missions is collected within
Minnesota United Methodist churches and delivered to the annual conference session. We will be collecting the Love Offering on May 10. Please put
your donation marked “2015 Love Offering” (checks
should be made out to Asbury UMC) in the offering
plate. A check with the total collected will be brought
to the Annual Conference scheduled for May 27-29.
CHUM Spring Assembly — May 21
he CHUM Spring Assembly will be held at Temple
Israel, 6102 Highway 2 in Duluth on May 21.
Fellowship and treats are from 6:30 to 7:00 pm with
the meeting at 7:00 to 8:00 pm. Speaker is Rabbi Alan
Shavit-Lonstein. His topic “Planting Beyond Ourselves: Aan Ancient System of Growing a Caring Community,” discusses how this Jewish text relates to the
Sabbatical Year and how its lessons can inform many
faith communities in their pursuit of social justice.
Perennial Plant Sale — May 17
he perennial plant sale will be held on Sunday,
May 17 in the Fellowship Hall after the church
service. If you have plants to share,
you may bring them to the church
that day. It is beneficial for plants to
be thinned occasionally.
If you would like to help, please
call Judy P., 722-5818. This is an
important fundraiser for the garden
committee and we appreciate and
welcome your help and thank you for your support.
oin us for the 11th Annual CHUM Rhubarb Fest
June 27, 2015, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at
11th Avenue East and London Road.
Enjoy a delicious array of rhubarb delicacies,
including hundreds of pies, muffins, and crisps as well
as rhubarb brats and burritos that will have your taste
buds wanting more. A variety of games and crafts, live
musical performances, Children’s Tent, and silent
auctions are also part of the day. Admission is free!
Please see next month’s Messenger and upcoming
announcements for more information.
Center Volunteers
he date for Asbury members to
volunteer at the Damiano
Center is Saturday, May 16 from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm.
We are looking for two more volunteers to sign up.
Sign-up sheets on the back table in the Narthex.
— Barbara Little, Outreach Team
United Methodist Women
Another Successful Spring Rummage Sale!
E DID IT! We have had another successful Spring Rummage Sale
ALL THANKS TO YOU! Thank you very much everyone for all of
the donations, help and purchases. Our proceeds of $2,772 will go toward
paying our Minnesota Annual Conference apportionments.
UMW Meetings
Meatball Dinner Thank You and Results
hank you to all for your wonderful support of Asbury’s Spring
Meatball Dinner. We earned $3,585.54 which will go toward paying
our Minnesota Annual Conference apportionments.
UMW board members will meet
in the Wesley Room on
Wednesday, May 6 at 9:30 am.
Love/Hope Circle will meet at
1:00 pm on May 19 in the
Wesley Room.
Faith Circle will meet on
Wednesday, May 20 at 6:00 pm
at Valentini’s restaurant for the
en-of-the-year gathering. Call
Jan Akervik at 626-1539 with
the RSVP by Sunday, May 17.
Knitting Klub members meet at
2:00 pm on the 2nd and 4th
Tuesdays of the month in the
Wesley Room. Come join us!
Book Club members meet at
9:30 am on the 3rd Monday of
each month in the Wesley Room.
Looking For Canning Jars/Ice Cream Buckets
ecycle your pint jars and small jam jars to use for Asbury’s Fall
Pantry. And, if you have gallon ice cream buckets with lids, please
also bring those to the church kitchen.
Delicious Donuts On the Horizon! — June 5
ur summer donut sale ($4.00 per dozen) will be the morning of
Friday, June 5 from 7:00 to 11:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Order
sheets will be in the Narthex on May 3.
Workers are needed to mix batter on Thursday, June 4 at 8:30 am.
On Friday, June 5, we need help for donut rolling/cutting out, frying and
bagging the donuts. We start at 6:00 am, but please come when you can.
Most of all we are looking for LOTS of customers! Please put your name
on the sign-up sheet in the Narthex, or call Bev LeClair at 628-2680.
Asbury UMW Receive Several Awards
sbury UMW has been notified that they have once again received the
Big Waters District Five Star Unit Award in recognition for Five Star
giving in 2014 of Asbury UMW’s pledge to mission,
special mission recognition, gift to mission, gift in
memory and World Thank Offering. Additionally
the Asbury UMW were recognized for being a 2014
Mission Today Unit. Special certificates of recognition were presented to participants in UMW’s
Reading Program — Jan Akervik who completed
plan #4 ; Judy Pearson and Patty Bennett who
completed plan #2; and Karen Widmark and
Linda Warner who complete plan #1. Congratulations to all!
Area UMW Meeting Held
en women from Asbury joined 46 women from our area United
Methodist churches to hear Eric Hermanson, Dir. of the Head of
the Lakes Youth for Christ at the Encounter Youth Center give an
informative presentation. An offering was take for the Encounter Youth
Center and a check for $708.00 was sent to further their programs.
ark the date for Asbury’s 6th
Annual “Clothing Only” sale on
August 27-28. The sale will be from
4:00 to 8:00 pm on the 27th and from
8:00 am to 1:00 pm on the 28th.
You may bring clothing, purses,
shoes in on Sundays starting May 10
and store in the downstairs Sunday
school room. Or you can bring clothes
in during church hours which are
Monday through Thursday from 9:00
am to 2:00 pm.
Any questions, please call Pat,
624-4554 or Sandy, 624-9433.
Asbury United Methodist
PO Box 7135
Duluth MN 55807
Return service requested
This newsletter is e-mailed/mailed monthly by Asbury UMC, Duluth MN.
EDITORS: The Rev. Cindy M. Rasmussen; Shirley Brandt, Admin. Asst.
218-624-0061 ~ ~
Pastor: ····················· Cindy M. Rasmussen
Administrative Asst.: ············ Shirley Brandt
Choir Director: ····················· Ruby Slennes
Organist ·······························Phyllis Kruell
Praise Team Leader·················· Kim Herrig
Nursery Attendant················· Sue Opferkew
Custodian: ····························Dan Mokros
Admin. Council Chair: ············ Rob Karwath
Treasurer: ···························· Pat Anscomb
Lay Leader: ·····················Steve Kokotovich
Trustees: ······· Terry Olson/Donna Mickelson
UMW President ······················· Jan Akervik
SPRC Chair ·························· Phyllis Faue
Worship Chair ························ Ruth Thorpe
Christian Education: ············ Cheryl Parendo
Christian Education: ·········· Sandy Winklesky
NEXT MESSENGER DEADLINE: May 21 for June 2015 Messenger.
Please submit all articles of interest to Shirley in the church office by the deadline listed above.
Items may be dropped off, e-mailed or mailed. Thank you.
Worship With Us
Every Sunday at 9:30 am.
1st Sunday of each month
is Holy Communion,
2nd Sunday is Birthday Sunday,
3rd Sunday is a Praise Service,
4th & 5th Sundays are traditional
worship unless otherwise noted.
Asbury’s Mission Statement
Asbury United Methodist is a caring, Christian community which welcomes all persons as God’s children.
We will strive to grow in spirit and seek God’s vision of hope, love and peace in the community and world.