Asbury United Methodist Church Loving...Serving...Transforming Lives May 24, 2015 ~ 8:30 am and 10:30 am Services MISSION STATEMENT Love God and one another, serve our community, and transform lives. VISION A radically inclusive community, empowered to spread God’s love throughout the world. BELIEFS We believe we are created in the image of God. We believe God loves everyone and through Christ saves‐revives‐renews the world. We believe God through the Holy Spirit changes lives. We believe the church is the body of Christ with a mission. We believe the Bible is the word of God. We believe that God has gifted everyone and the church for the purposes of God. We believe discipleship is a continuing journey. ASBURY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Pentecost Sunday 8:30 am and 10:30 am Worship †† = Those who are able may stand AAHH = African American Heritage Hymnal ‐ Yellow Hymnal UMH = United Methodist Hymnal ‐ Red Hymnal Please use this time for prayer and meditation as we prepare for Worship. PRELUDE INTROIT 10:30 am—Spirit of the Living God...Iverson 8:30 am—Trumpet Tune...Purcell 10:30 am—I Need Thee Every Hour...Lowry THE CHURCH GATHERS ††CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: In rushing wind, in cleansing fire. . . People: Come, Holy Spirit, come. Leader: In courage found, in strength renewed. . . People: Come, Holy Spirit, come. Leader: In visions born, in dreams restored. . . People: Come, Holy Spirit, come. Leader: In hopes rekindled, in fears released. . . People: Come, Holy Spirit, come. Leader: In the church’s sudden birth, in possibilities untold. . . People: Come, Holy Spirit, come. Leader: In rushing wind, in cleansing fire. . . People: Come, Holy Spirit, come. PROCESSIONAL HYMN 10:30 am—Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart (160 UMH) WELCOME AND WORDS OF HOSPITALITY PASSING OF THE PEACE Koinonia (579 AAHH) ►►►►►►(Congregants may now enter the Sanctuary) ††HYMN OF PRAISE Every Time I Feel the Spirit(404 UMH) PRAYER OF CONFESSION Loving God, you breathe life into our bodies and open your hand to fill us with good things, yet we act as if the world is against us. Caring God, you dance with us upon the mountaintop and call us to sing and rejoice in your presence, yet we act as if we are little more than dust. Spirit of gentleness, you come to us in our weakness, and intercede on PRAYER OF CONFESSION (continue) our behalf with sighs too deep for words, yet we act as if we bear our burdens alone. Come once more in rushing wind and cleansing fire, that we may open our eyes to the glory of your world. Through your Spirit, who shows us the way, open our ears to the needs of your people. Amen WORDS OF ASSURANCE God searches the heart, and the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For the Spirit intercedes for us according to the will of God. Rejoice, sisters and brothers, for God’s steadfast love endures forever. ►►►►►►(Congregants may now enter the Sanctuary) 10:30 am—Rev. Adam Briddell, Associate Pastor CHILDREN’S MESSAGE 8:30 am—Francese Brooks, Soprano MINISTRY OF MUSIC 10:30 am—Creation Praise...Martin CALL TO PRAYER MORNING PRAYER 10:30 am—Just A Little Talk with Jesus...Derricks Rev. Adam Briddell 8:30 am—Amazing Grace...American Folk Hymn PRAYER RESPONSE 10:30 am—Spirit of God, Descend Upon my Heart...Atkinson WE HEAR THE WORD SCRIPTURE LESSON Acts 2:1‐11 (NT—page 119) Liturgist: This is the word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. ††HYMN OF PREPARATION SERMON Sweet, Sweet Spirit (334 UMH) “Finding Your Fire” Rev. Dr. Ianther M. Mills, Senior Pastor WE RESPOND IN FAITH ††HYMN OF INVITATION Freely, Freely (389 UMH) Worshipers are invited to pray at the altar in private or signal to an Intercessory Prayer member to pray with you. Also at this time, you may come down to join Asbury in Christian Fellowship. WE RESPOND IN FAITH PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERING OFFERTORY 8:30 am—Francese Brooks, Soprano 10:30 am—I’ll Be All Right...Fryson ††OFFERTORY RESPONSE Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. OFFERTORY PRAYER WE SCATTER TO BE THE CHURCH IN THE WORLD ††HYMN OF RECESSION Open My Eyes, That I May See (454 UMH) BENEDICTION 8:30 am—No, Not One!...Fettke POSTLUDE 10:30 am—Let It Breathe On Me...M. Lewis‐Butts The congregation is asked to remain seated for the closing voluntary. WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS Minister of Music & Liturgical Arts and Wesleyan Choir Director: Everett P. Williams, Jr. Organist: Earl Hargrove (8:30 am) Music: Francese Brooks, Soprano (8:30 am) Wesleyan Choir (10:30 am) Children’s Message: Rev. Adam Briddell (10:30 am) Liturgists: Monica Mzezewa (8:30 am) Kelvin Childs (10:30 am) Ushers: Men Greeters: Judith Hightower, Mary Roberts & Catherine Waters (8:30 am) Albert Dickson, Judith Roberts & Frankye Warren (10:30 am) Acolytes: Brett Johnson & Danielle McEaddy (10:30 am) Trustees on Duty: Darryl Wyles (8:30 am) James Nero (10:30 am) Welcome to Asbury United Methodist Church. We are so glad you joined us today for worship! We hope that through word, music, fellowship and prayer you will experience the presence of God today. Please make sure you sign the attendance register as it is passed so that we can share with you about what is happening in the life of this church. NURSERY SUNDAYSCHOOL All are welcome Our nursery is available for infants through four-year-olds on Sundays from 10:30 am–12:15 pm. The nursery is located on the third floor of the Education Building in room 2-5. 9:30 am‐10:30 am Nursery and Kindergarten—Room 2‐5 Adult School—Rooms 1‐9 & 1‐12 Parent Class—Room 2‐3 Young Adults—Room 1‐11 Youth—Rooms 2‐8 & 2‐9 Asbury’s Week At‐A‐Glance Sunday, May 24, 2015 7:30 am—Valet Parking 8:30 & 10:30 am—Worship, Sanctuary 8:30 am—Neighbor Bible Study, Library 9:30 am —Neighbor‐to‐Neighbor Breakfast 9:30 am—Sunday School, 1‐9/1‐11/1‐12/2‐3/2‐5/2‐8/ 2‐9 9:45 am—Undergarment Distribution, OSH 12:00 pm—Higher Ed & Campus Ministries, 1‐11/1‐12 12:30 pm—Task Fore on Human Trafficking, 2‐8/2‐9 12:30 pm—Trustees with SPRC, 1‐8 Monday, May 25, 2015 BUILDING CLOSED — MEMORIAL DAY 3:00 pm—Deadline: Asburyan Bulletin & Ads Tuesday, May 26, 2015 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G‐1/1‐11/ 1‐12/OSH 10:00 am—Covenant Bible Study III (First UMC, 6201 Belcrest Rd, Hyattsville, MD) 7:00 pm—Covenant Bible Study III, 1‐11/1‐12 Wednesday, May 27, 2015 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., 1‐11/ 1‐12/OSH 12:00 pm—Neighbor‐to‐Neighbor Debriefing, Chapel 6:30 pm—Joint Meeting: Finance Committee & Church Council, 1‐11/1‐12 Thursday, May 28, 2015 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G‐1/ 1‐11/1‐12/OSH 6:45 pm—Pre‐Construction Meeting, 1‐8 Friday, May 29, 2015 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G‐1/1‐11/ 1‐12/OSH Saturday, May 30, 2015 10:00 am—Asbury Handbell Choir Rehearsal, G‐13 10:30 am—Food Pantry, Food Pantry Area 11:00 am—Wesleyan Choir Rehearsal, OSH 12:15 pm—2015 VBS Planning Meeting, 1‐11/1‐12 12:30 pm—Male Chorus Rehearsal, OSH 1:00 pm—UMW Rizpah Group Meeting, 2‐8/2‐9 2:00 pm—Higher Praise Choir Rehearsal, OSH Old Social Hall = OSH From the Senior Pastor’s Desk May 2015 Word for the Month: “YOU, DO YOU!” Scripture of the Month: 1 Corinthians 12‐14; 2 Corinthians 4 Thought for the Month: “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7, KJV Emphasis for the Month: Discipleship Pastor’s Book of the Month: The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You Are Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brene Brown DRIVERSWANTED JOIN THE TRANSPORTATION MINISTRY TODAY! • Help transport members and others to Sunday service. • Drivers receive a $20 incen ve each Sunday. • This vital ministry needs you now! SAVE THE DATE UNITED METHODIST WOMEN ANNUAL FRIENDSHIP LUNCEHON SAT., JUNE 27 Everyone is invited. Tickets on sale today through June 21 in G-1. Questions? Contact Joyce Hill at 202-413-4598. CONTACT Patricia Clark, Transporta on Ministry Team Leader ~ 301‐925‐4735 Jesse James, Missions and Outreach Chair ~ 202‐583‐2007 Need a ride? Call Mrs. Clark to arrange a pick‐up. Starting at 7:30 am for both services. Go to Nation’s garage on 11th Street and look for valets wearing the Asbury Welcoming Ministry vests. DAILYWORD Sunday, May 24 2 Kings 18:1-16 Thursday, May 28 Deuteronomy 29:2-6, 29 Monday, May 25 Galatians 3:26-29 Friday, May 29 Psalm 19:7-11 Tuesday, May 26 Psalm 23:1-3 Saturday, May 30 Ephesians 4:11-16 Wednesday, May 27 2 Kings 22:11-23:3 HOUSEKEEPING There is an elevator in the Education Building that accesses all levels of the church—the sanctuary, the fellowship hall, and all the Sunday School rooms. Free parking is available Sundays in the garage adjacent to our 11th Street entrance. You may pick up a parking pass from the 11th Street reception desk. Restrooms are on the lower level on either side of the narthex. There is also a family restroom on the main level in the Education Building. Asbury United Methodist Church Rev. Dr. Ianther M. Mills, Senior Pastor Rev. Adam Briddell, Associate Pastor Bishop Forrest Stith, Retired Bishop in Residence Mr. Robert Mallett and Ms. Rene Carter, Lay Leaders Rev. Dr. Joseph Daniels, Jr., District Superintendent Bishop Marcus Matthews, Baltimore‐Washington Annual Conference Visit for information about our ministries. Find us on Facebook and Twitter. 926 11th St., NW, Washington, DC 20001 202‐628‐0009 (office) and 202‐783‐0519 (fax) Monday‐Friday ~ 9:30 am‐5:00 pm YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN ASBURY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 926 11th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 202-628-0009 2015 MEN’S DAY CELEBRATION “ENSURING ASBURY’S FUTURE THROUGH YOUTH EMPOWERMENT” PRAYER BREAKFAST SATURDAY, JUNE 13th, 8:30 A.M. FEATURED SPEAKER: REV. HERBERT W. WATSON JR. DONATION $20.00 SERMON SUNDAY, JUNE 14th, 10:30 A.M. FEATURED SPEAKER: REV. DR. JOSEPH W. DANIELS JR. RECEPTION IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING SERVICE REV. DR. IANTHER M. MILLS SENIOR PASTOR DR. JOSEPH N. YEARWOOD III, PRESIDENT ASBURY UNITED METHODIST MEN
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