Advancing Technology in Ontario Schools Invitation to display and demonstrate products Thursday, April 9 and Friday April, 10th, 2015 SHERATON ON THE FALLS 5875 Falls Ave., Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6W7 Reservations: 1-888-229-9961 –request ASET conference You are invited to display and demonstrate your products at our annual spring confrence of the Association for Special Education Technology. The membership of this group is growing and most boards in Ontario are represented. Our conference provides opportunities to network and hear speakers addressing topics of interest to those who work with technology and education. Active participants include Anglophone, Francophone school boards and Post-Secondary institutions with an emphasis on Special Education. The Vendors Showcase is Thursday, April 9 from 6pm to 8pm and all day Friday April, 10th, 2015. Our evening social starts with a vendors showcase on Thursday with food and beverages in the vendor exhibit area that will provide attendees and vendors with an additional opportunity to network and share ideas. The fee for a table includes refreshments and lunch for 2 staff members. A $50.00 additional cost for additional staff members. This year we will be continuing the “VENDOR BINGO” for participants to visit tables, where you may demonstrate the newest products that you would like to bring to the attention of those interested in advancing special education technology in Ontario. You will be provided with a unique stamp for participants to complete their VENDOR BINGO sheet; “two lines” will be eligible for final prize draws at the end of the conference. If you wish to display at the conference, please complete and return this form along with a cheque to the address below ASAP. Cheques payable to: “ASET Ontario”. Cheques must be attached to the form to guarantee a spot. I will contact you when it has been received to confirm your spot. The cost for a 6 ft. table is $650.00. As well we ask for a minimum $50 door prize. Email confirmation will be sent and a receipt will be available at the meeting. Company Name: ________________________________________________________ Contact Person: __________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________ Fax: ________________________ Email ______________________________ Total amount enclosed: ________ ASET ONTARIO ASET-Ontario- PO Box 10018 RPO Watline Mississauga, ON L4Z 4G5 If you have any questions please call Frank Napoli (905) 735-0240 ext. 168 or Terry Poirier (905) 735-2211 ext. 7709
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