Asian Science and Technology Innovation (STI) Forum 2015 Asian Science and Technology Innovation Forum: Asian Innovation Platform Leadership for Global Challenges (Draft Version: 05 May, 2015) June 30th (Tue), 2015 Venue: Paiknam Library, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea Asian Science and Technology Innovation (STI) Forum Invitation It is our great honor to cordially invite you to attend the 2nd Asian Science and Technology Innovation (STI) Forum hosted by the Asian Research Network Korea (ARN Korea). This year’s Forum will be held on 30 June 2015. The inaugural 2014 Forum on “Korea-ASEAN Science and Technology Forum on Sustainable Platform and Cooperative Networking for the Future” was held in Daejeon, 3-5 December 2014. The Forum was organized as a satellite meeting for the 2014 ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit and supported by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) of Korea and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) the same month. The 2015 Forum will center on discussions to establish an Asian innovation platform including knowledge sharing, technology markets, and future strategy to build a sustainable Asian community with leading countries from Asia. The platform, which includes the Forum, provides a mechanism to address global challenges, especially for the requirements and contexts of Asia. We would like to cordially ask invited speakers and participants to share their valuable opinions and expertise. We are looking forward to greeting you at the 2015 Asian Science and Technology Innovation Forum in Seoul. With my best regards, Prof. Haiwon LEE Organizing Chair of 2015 Asian Science and Technology Innovation Forum Background & Objectives Asia is home to more than half the world’s population and faces a greater share of global challenges. Many of these challenges can be met through science and technology innovation (STI), but the resources and STI capabilities that are available in the region vary greatly by country. Yet, by definition, global challenges are common to all countries. This suggests a cooperative response for co-prosperity. The Asian Research Network (ARN) proposed the Asian Science and Technology Innovation Forum as an opportunity to address these global challenges through a cooperative approach in STI from the Asian perspective. The inaugural Forum in 2014 brought participants from East Asia together to discuss a “Sustainable Platform and Cooperative Networking for the Future.” Several issues on how to address STI disparities were discussed including STI strategy, capacity building, joint research and development, job creation, and talent mobility. At the end of the Forum, participants agreed that there was a need for greater leadership within Asia and that a platform was necessary to provide a vehicle for discourse and activities. The 2015 Asian STI Forum will continue the discussion by extending ideas on Asian leadership and partnership with specific details on how strategies and platforms can be developed to address global 1 Asian Science and Technology Innovation (STI) Forum challenges. Models for platform leadership and collaborative networks will be discussed for co-prosperity and job creation in Asian economies. Implementation programs may include STI policies, technology transfer, and platform leadership. Organizing Committee Chair Haiwon Lee (Asian Research Network Korea / Hanyang University) International Advisory Committee Yung Bog Chae (Asian Research Network Korea) Khin Yong Lam (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Kwang Hyung Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Dong-Pil Min (UN Science Advisory Board) Kohei Tamao (RIKEN, Japan) Organizing Committee Jinho Ahn (Hanyang University) Insung S. Choi (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Hyunsook Chung (Korea Educational Broadcasting System) Myung-Ae Chung (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) Masahiko Hara (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) Jaeyong Kim (Hanyang University) Jin Bae Park (Yonsei University) Young Soo Kang (Sogang University) Sang-il Park (Park Systems) Young Joo Ko (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) Jeong Hyop Lee (Science & Technology Policy Institute) Young Cheol Seok (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy) Kyung-Ho Shin (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) Dae Sup So (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) Secretary General Hak Sung Kim (Hanyang University) Organizer Asian Research Network Korea (ARN Korea), Korea 2 Asian Science and Technology Innovation (STI) Forum Host Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (MSIP) Sponsors Presidential Advisory Council for Science and Technology (PeACST) Korea Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) Korea Research Foundation (KRF) LG Electronics Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP) Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT) Hanyang University Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore List of Speakers & Panelists & Moderators with Affiliations Korea: 1. Dr. Hee Gook LEE, President, LG Group (Speaker) 2. Dr. Youngah PARK, President, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP) / Former Member of National Assembly (Speaker) 3. Dr. Kil Choo MOON, Former President, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) (Speaker / Panelist) 4. Dr. Kwang Hyung LEE, Dean, Graduate School of Future Strategy, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Speaker / Panelist) 3 Asian Science and Technology Innovation (STI) Forum 5. Dr. Sungwoo HWANG, Senior Vice President, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology / Former Professor, Korea University (Panelist) 6. Dr. Sang-il PARK, President & CEO, Park Systems (Panelist) 7. Dr. Kyung-Ho SHIN, General Director, Technology Policy Research Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (Moderator) 8. Dr. Eui Joon YOON, Professor, Seoul National University / Managing Director, Office of Strategic R&D Planning, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (Moderator) 9. Dr. Jinho AHN, Vice-President (University Research), Hanyang University (Moderator) 10. Dr. Jeong Hyop LEE, Research Fellow, Science & Technology Policy Institute (Rapporteur) Japan: 1. Dr. Masuo AIZAWA, Advisor, Japan Science and Technology Agency / Former President, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Speaker) 2. Dr. Tomoji KAWAI, Director General, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) / Professor, Osaka University (Speaker) 3. Dr. Masahiko HARA, Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology / RIKEN (Panelist) China: 1. Dr. Chunli BAI, President, Chinese Academy of Sciences/ President, The World Academy of Science (TWAS) (Speaker) Taiwan: 1. Dr. Jet P. H. SHU, Advisor, Department of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs/ Professor, National Taipei University of Technology (Speaker / Panelist) Singapore: 1. Dr. Khin Yong LAM, Chief of Staff and Vice President (Research), Nanyang Technological University (Speaker / Panelist) 4 Asian Science and Technology Innovation (STI) Forum Program Time 08:00~09:00 Schedule Registration [Paiknam Library] Opening Ceremony and Lectures Moderator: Jinho Ahn (Hanyang University) 09:00~09:20 09:20~09:35 Welcoming and Congratulatory Remarks Photo session 09:35~10:20 Plenary Lecture 1 (Masuo AIZAWA) 10:20~11:05 Plenary Lecture 2 (Hee Gook LEE) 11:05~11:35 Invited Lecture 1 (Youngah PARK) 11:35~13:00 Luncheon Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan LG Group, Korea Korea Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning, Korea [Club H, HIT] 13:00~13:30 Poster Session Session I Partnership and Platform Strategy Moderator: Kyung-Ho SHIN (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) NEDO/Osaka University, 13:30~14:00 Invited Lecture 2 (Tomoji KAWAI) Japan Nanyang Technological 14:00~14:30 Invited Lecture 3 (Khin Young LAM) University, Singapore Chinese Academy of Science, 14:30~15:10 Plenary Lecture 3 (Chunli BAI) China Panel Discussion (Panel Chair: Kyung-Ho SHIN) KIST, NEDO, NTU, Samsung 15:10~15:40 Tomoji KAWAI, Khin Yong LAM, Electronics, Park Systems Sungwoo HWANG, Sang-il PARK Coffee/Tea Break 15:40~16:00 Session II Asian Leadership for Global Challenges Moderator: Eui Joon YOON (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, MOTIE) 16:00~16:30 Invited Lecture 4 (Kil Choo MOON) 16:30~17:00 Invited Lecture 5 (Jet P. H. SHU) 17:00~17:30 Invited Lecture 6 (Kwang Hyung LEE) 17:30~18:00 18:00~18:10 18:10~20:00 Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea Panel Discussion (Panel Chair: Eui Joon YOON) MOTIE, KIST, KAIST, TIT, Kil Choo MOON, Kwang Hyung LEE, MOEA Masahiko HARA, Jet P. H. SHU Wrap up Rapporteur: Jeong Hyop LEE (Science & Technology Policy Institute) Banquet [Club H, HIT] 5 Asian Science and Technology Innovation (STI) Forum Session I The session on “Asian Partnership and Platform Strategy” provides a discourse on how cooperation can be leveraged in relation to the issues outlined in the first session. As consensus on the global challenges is formed, Asian leadership will benefit from a cooperative response to the challenges. Partnership strategies will be discussed, especially in regards to the necessary platforms that are needed to best manage common challenges and responses. Session II The session on “Asian Leadership for Global Challenges” covers the emergence of Asian leadership on the global stage and in science and technology innovation. With more than half the world’s population expecting to face greater impacts from global challenges, Asian countries should focus on ways to address these challenges head on. Fortunately, as Asia develops economically and technologically, leadership will naturally emerge within the region to manage these challenges. The session will highlight leadership opportunities and resources that exist within the region. Venue and Map 6 Asian Science and Technology Innovation (STI) Forum Information for Contact Persons Korea 1) Dr. Haiwon LEE President, Asian Research Network Korea Professor, Department of Chemistry Hanyang University, 2) Dr. Jeong Hyop LEE Research Fellow Science and Technology Policy Institute, Secretariat 1) Dr. Hak Sung KIM (Secretary General) Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. Hanyang University 2) Ms. BunHwa JUNG Asian Research Network Korea, Office: +82-2-2220-4806(T), +82-2-2296-0287(F) 3) Mr. Keungoui KIM Asian Research Network Korea, Office: +82-2-2220-4806(T), +82-2-2296-0287(F) Web Site http://www.asianrn.or 7 2015 Asian S&T Innovation Forum Asian Innovation Platform Leadership for Global Challenge 초 청 장 안녕하십니까? 2014 년 에 12 월 개 최 되 었 던 Korea-ASEAN Science and Technology Innovation Forum 과 2015 Asian S&T Innovation Forum은 아시아의 과학기술혁신분야 사례를 공유하고 새로운 차원의 협 력관계를 격상시키기 위해 마련된 장입니다. 금년 6월 30일 국내외 최고의 과학기술 전문가 분들을 모시고 과학기술혁신에 대한 공동이슈를 논의하고 해결방향을 제시하고자 합니다. 바 쁘신 중에도 참석하시어 부디 자리를 빛내주시기 바랍니다. 일시 2015년 6월 30일 장소 한양대학교 백남학술정보관 (서울캠퍼스) 주관 미래창조과학부 주최 Asian Research Network Korea 행사내용 (09:00-11:35) 개막 행사 및 기조 강연 (11:35-13:30) 오찬 & 포스터 세션 (13:30-15:10) 세션 I (Partnership and Platform Strategy) (15:10-16:00) 패널 토의 & 티 타임 (16:00-17:30) 세션 II (Asian Leadership for Global Challenges) (17:30-18:10) 패널 토의 & 폐회 (18:10-20:00) 만찬 참석을 희망하시는 분들께서는 Asian STI 포럼 홈페이지(에서 온라인 예비등록을 요청드립니다. 대단히 감사합니다. 한양대학교 이해원 교수 드림 2015 Asian S&T Innovation Forum Secretariat 5F Fusion Technology Center, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea Tel: +82-2-2220-4806 Fax: +80-2-2220-1935 Email: -1- 2015 Asian S&T Innovation Forum 행사 일정 -2-
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