Enhancing Performance in Education through
Continuous Improvement and Innovation
2015 Quality Education Conference & Workshop
November 14-15, 2015 – Houston TX
Join us in
Houston Texas
this November!
Submission deadline extended to June 15, 2015.
The conference committee of the ASQ Quality Education Conference and Workshops (QECW)
invites you to participate in the 23rd ASQ QECW with your submission of proposals. Please help
us make this year’s education conference a valuable learning experience to all attendees.
The purpose of QECW is to provide academic and non-academic personnel in K-12, Higher
Education, Workforce Development and STEM with continuous improvement methodologies
and principles that have been successfully implemented and sustained in various areas of the
education system. One of our goals is to instill upon our audience that the quality of education
is of utmost importance and begins early in life, extending throughout our lives, and impacting
our economic development and stability of our countries. Our purpose is to provide attendees
with training to promote the cultivation of educators, students, employees, and learning
processes to advance continuous improvement and development.
The QECW will provide a friendly, collaborative environment that will allow attendees
(educators and non-educators) to build networks of learning. It will also provide attendees with
an opportunity to learn about and understand other areas in education that might not be
familiar to them through presentation of real results and true solutions. We are developing the
QECW to teach and train attendees on the innovative use of tools and strategies to improve the
administration and learning processes that enhance performance, as well as educating and
engaging our workforces. This year’s theme and focus areas encourage participants to share
their experiences on applying quality tools and the practical application of continuous
improvement to sustain a culture of success and create new ways of broadening and enhancing
our educational networks.
We invite you to share your success stories and proven approaches so that others can learn and
apply your methodologies and principles upon returning to their educational institutions,
industries, businesses, homes, communities, and wherever learning and learning processes are
Conference Focus Areas:
The areas of focus for this conference showcase best practices and successes across the
education spectrum demonstrating how concepts of continuous improvement can be used for
all processes to change and apply new and proven ways of successful learning and
development. We are looking for sessions that provide non-traditional and innovative, tried and
true lessons and success stories. These sessions will demonstrate and illustrate the deployment
of tools, practices and professional development programs for continuous improvement in all
areas of education and learning. Please refer to the Theme and Focus Areas for additional
Areas of Focus for the 2015 QECW
The focus areas for the conference are:
1. K-12: Using Quality principles to enhance the fundamentals of learning and performance
2. Higher Education: Further exploring quality issues and global trends toward
improvements in education
3. Work Force Development: Strengthening the Workforce through Leadership
Development: Creating new leaders for a new age
4. Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM): Intertwined and united with K-12, HE,
Please note that all focus areas will not be equally represented in the final program. The final
program results from rigorous peer review of submissions, and while a broad balance of focus
areas is sought, we do not seek to place a specific number of submission types into the
program. Rather, the goal is overall quality of the presentations and a general sense of balance
in topics.
Submitting a Proposal
If you desire to submit a proposal for consideration, please provide all of the required
information. Complete proposals cover all sections listed in the linked Call for Proposals Review
Process and Proposal Requirements. Complete proposals will be single-blind reviewed by two to
three judges. The first-listed proposal author will be notified personally of the selection process
Concurrent sessions within the conference will be 75 minutes in length and will be offered
Saturday and Sunday, November 15 & 16. Pre-conference workshops are 4 hours in length and
will be offered on Monday, November 16, after the conference concludes.
Benefits of Presenting
• Networking with professionals in your field.
• Exposure and positive promotion of achievements and ideas of your school, district,
college, community or company.
• Recognition as a contributor to the premier conference on quality education.
• One complimentary registration for the primary speaker.
• Co-speaker rate registration (TBD) for up to two co-speakers.
• Best Presentation Recognition - The Conference Committee will review and select a Best
presentation from each of the Focus Areas for recognition at the QECW.
Submitting Your Complete Proposal
1. Proposals must be submitted via e-mail in Word or pdf format to Norma Simons and
Belinda Chavez (see contact information below). The deadline for the Last Call for
Proposals is Monday, June 15, 2015.
2. For your proposal to be considered, please follow the “Call for Proposals Review Process”
and provide all information requested.
We will do our best to notify all submitters whether their papers have been accepted for
presentation or not by the end of July 2015 or sooner.
Speaker Expectations
If your proposal is selected, you must adhere to the following guidelines:
• To provide a high level of value to our QECW attendees, the conference planning
committee requires all selected presenters to provide electronic copies of their
presentations 8 weeks prior to the conference.
• Submit your complete and final PowerPoint presentation to the identified ASQ collection
site by the requested due date. Your presentation must meet published specifications and
guidelines. You will be required to have your presentation reviewed and approved by a
Conference Committee member before you upload your presentation.
• For those providing handouts: provide enough high-quality handouts to meet customer
demand at no cost to ASQ. The expected number attending each session will be
communicated prior to the conference
• Refrain from any direct marketing of products, services, software or other commercial
ventures in the technical sessions.
• The primary speaker will receive one complimentary registration. Up to two copresenters will be responsible for paying a reduced co-speaker registration fee.
• Speaker materials will be collected and posted on the QECW conference web site prior
to the conference and for 4 weeks following the conference for attendee access..
• Sessions may be audio recorded. If scheduled, you will be asked for permission to audio
Further Information:
For additional information or questions, please contact the QECW Conference Chair or CoChair:
Norma Simons, Education Division Chair Elect and Chair 2015 QECW
Belinda Chavez, Education Division Chair and Co-Chair 2015 QECW
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