IN THIS ISSUE WHAT’S THE PL AN FOR 2015? NOTE FROM THE CHAIR PAGE 1 2015 WORLD CONFERENCE ON QUALITY AND IMPROVEMENT PAGE 3 24 TH ANNUAL SERVICE QUALITY CONFERENCE PAGE 4 DO YOU HAVE A QUALITY STORY TO SHARE? PAGE 4 UPDATE YOUR LIBRARY PAGE 5 VOLUME 22 ISSU E 1 SPRING 2015 Each January, the Service Quality Division deploys its business plan for the year. Strategic planning and business planning are important functions of the officers and leadership team in an all-day meeting to evaluate the current year’s performance and strategize/plan for the upcoming year. It enables the officers and leadership team to review the successes, challenges, member value, and develop a vision for the future. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE A SERVICE QUALIT Y DIVISION PUBLICATION What’s the Plan for 2015? Note From the Chair What’s the Plan for 2015? – Note From the Chair continued from page 1 SQD officers and the leadership team begin planning early in August to set the business plan and budget for the upcoming year. Several things go into the yearly direction of the division; among those are: • Voice of the customer feedback, from both the SQD and ASQ surveys • Lessons-learned meetings following the annual business meeting luncheon in May at the World Conference on Quality and Improvement and the annual SQD Conference in September • Objectives from ASQ as a whole, communicated each year • Resources and budget Once the basic plan and budget are established, the details are placed in a scorecard template for tracking performance throughout the year. The scorecard allows for the plan to be responsive to changing factors and yet maintain the strategic focus of the division. Feedback at monthly teleconference meetings from the leadership team and officers, in addition to special sessions by officers, provides detailed discussion of plans, objectives, and budgets. An annual audit of the previous year’s budget is performed and reported to ASQ to ensure not only fiscal responsibility but to ensure that member value is guiding the business plan. In this edition of Competitive Advantage, you will find an overview of our business plan objectives for 2015. We will discuss our progress and updates at the 69th World Conference on Quality and Improvement. Please feel free to join us at our annual business meeting on May 4, 2015, in Nashville, TN. Service Quality Division’s 2015 Strategic Objectives 1. Improve Member Programs a. 24th Annual Service Quality Conference For the past 23 years we have been very fortunate to offer our members a great networking opportunity, where they can gather knowledge and tools to help them in their day-to-day lives. The division is committed to continuing this I SPRING 2015 b. Scholarships Each year the division offers scholarships to our members or those who are sponsored by our members. For 2015, we hope to increase the number of scholarships being awarded. For details about the application process and deadlines, please go to about/scholarships-service.html. c. Awards • Member value 2 tradition, providing a program that will focus on “Showcasing Service Quality.” We hope to see more of our members in attendance, so we encourage you to join us in Orlando, FL, September 28 – 29. For details, visit our website at conferences/service-quality/index.html. I Similar to our scholarships, the division is looking to increase the number of individuals recognized through our awards program. There are a number of awards offered, so if you know someone deserving of recognition, refer to our website for more information ( service/about/awards-service.html). d. Education From an education perspective, there are two key initiatives the team focuses on. The first is webinars, which are available free of charge to our members. The second is the Service Quality Body of Knowledge (SQBoK) framework. For each of these areas, the division is looking at ways to improve the content and relevancy for our members. Both of these will continue in their current state, but if you’re interested in getting involved, or have suggestions for how to improve these, please reach out to us at 2. Strengthen Communication Channels a. Website Refresh As you may be aware, ASQ is making a fairly significant investment in improving its website technologies. While the division relies on this enhancement, we have also recognized an opportunity to update our content while we wait for the new enhanced features. So for 2015, the team will be reviewing all information currently available, and will ASQ.ORG/SERVICE be updating the content accordingly. Again, if you have any suggestions on what you’d like to see, please email us at b. Social Media In case you’re unaware, the division has both a Twitter account (@asqsqd) and LinkedIn group (ASQ Service Quality Division) established. Our goal is to increase awareness and participation in these, so we can really get the service quality discussions flowing. If you haven’t yet done so, we would encourage you to follow us, and feel free to start a discussion, or jump in with your thoughts on an existing thread. This is a great way that we can all advance the voice of service quality. c. Surveys Your feedback to the division is critical to ensure we are continually improving the value we provide. In the past, any feedback you have provided has been reviewed and incorporated into our strategic planning activities. For 2015, we will be continuing these activities, but are looking to improve on our feedback process. Not only will we incorporate your feedback, but we’ll be looking at improving our communications back to you on how we’ve done that. We’ll be looking at how to best manage this by reviewing all of our communication channels, including our newsletter, website, and our conferences. More updates will follow on this later in the year. 3. Increase Member Engagement The division is always looking for fresh, passionate talent to promote the idea of service quality. We will be continuing to recruit new volunteers for both special projects and as part of the leadership team. If you’re at WCQI or at the Service Quality Conference, reach out to a member of the division’s leadership team for more information. Otherwise, feel free to email us at asqservicequality@ to let us know of your interest. Jan Peace, Division Chair 2014-2015 2015 DIVISION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Chair Jan Peace Chair-Elect Leia Patzernuk TRANSFORMING THE WORLD THROUGH INNOVATION, INSPIRATION, AND LEADERSHIP 2015 WORLD CONFERENCE ON QUALITY AND IMPROVEMENT May 4 – 6, 2015 | Nashville, TN Hope to See You There! Let Quality and Innovation INSPIRE You The influence quality has today is broader than in any other time in history. The ability it has to transform organizations and communities continues to be demonstrated in a growing number of ways. It is within this setting that the 2015 World Conference on Quality and Improvement (WCQI) offers a forum of ideas and an international network of thought leaders, experts, and peers who are eager to share their best practices, tested solutions, and proven results. Secretary Robert Houle Treasurer Alan A. Bruno Immediate Past Chair Lori Dellinger Auditing Chair Arvind Tripathi Awards Chair/Scholorship Chair Holly R. Mensen Stop by the SQD booth at WCQI—booth 740—to win some fun prizes and tweet us while you’re there @ASQSQD. Body of Knowledge Project Manager Zubair Anwar Join us for our members luncheon at WCQI to hear updates on what the community is doing: Monday, May 4, 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m., in the Old Hickory Master Room. Please look for your invitation soon to RSVP. Conference Co-Chair Lori Dellinger Don’t miss this workshop sponsored by the Service Quality Division: Conference Co-Chair Keith Joy A Voice of the Customer System to Drive Customer Experience Monday, May 4, 12:15 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Primary Presenter: John Goodman, vice chair, Customer Care Measurement & Consulting, Alexandria, VA Co-Presenter: Russ Fleming Level: Intermediate The voice of the customer (VoC) is often limited to surveys and complaints. Companies actually have much more data describing the customer experience, such as operational data and employee input. This session will help you design a VoC process that draws on many more data sources; quantifies the revenue and wordof-mouth impact of better quality in a way the CFO and CMO will accept; packages the data so it provokes action; and gains you a seat at the executive table as the director of customer experience. You will leave with six steps to allow you to pilot test an enhanced, more impactful VoC. Learning Objectives: • Create a business case for enhanced investment in quality that the CFO and CMO will accept. • Make the company more preventive and proactive using an end-to-end VoC process. • Use eight key factors of an effective VoC process to evaluate the current VoC and identify priorities for improvement and additional data sources. • Move the quality function from tactical quality focused on cost saving to strategic customer experience that measurably enhances revenue and word of mouth. Learn more and register today at Education Chair Maria V. Stoletova Internet Liaison Andy Entrekin Marketing Chair Tania Salarvand Membership Chair Ed Mathews Publications Chair Polly LeBarron Nominating Committee Chair Lori Dellinger Volunteer Coordinator Keith S. Joy WCQI TPC Coordinator Robert Houle SPRING 2015 I 3 24TH ANNUAL SERVICE QUALITY CONFERENCE We Listened ... Now, It’s Up to You! Thank you for taking the member survey last year. In the nature of Service Quality, we take your feedback to heart and want to do whatever we can to make improvements and meet your needs. The results of our member surveys indicate that you want SQD to offer more learning and networking opportunities. Along with webinars, the SQBoK, and events at WCQI, the Annual SQD Conference is intended to do just that—provide learning and networking. We are building the program to include opportunities for tutorials and workshops along with networking events throughout. The theme of our conference this year is Showcasing Service Quality: Your Brand, Your Project, Your Success! The key takeaway … it’s all about you. We are confident that you will find the topics both interesting and inspiring. We are also confident that you will meet others, from all over the world, to network with and discuss similar challenges and experiences. And just imagine you … in beautiful, sunny Orlando, FL, in September. So SQD family members, we have listened to what you want from your membership involvement and we hope to deliver. You have SQD LISTENS TO THE VOICE OF THE CUSTOMER Thank you to everyone who participated in either the Service Quality Division member survey or the global ASQ Voice of the Customer Survey. The division leadership team heard our members very clearly when you said that we have work to do in providing meetings and publications that are valuable to you. A small team is already at work, but we need more input from you to ensure we hit the mark. A brief survey designed to help us better understand your areas of focus will be sent soon. We also encourage you to submit any specific ideas or comments to Expect to hear much more on enhancing member value throughout 2015! time for the early-bird rate so: Save the date, confirm attendance, and make travel plans. Detailed program information is coming soon, but if you need additional information from the conference team for internal approvals, please reach out to Keith Joy ( or Lori Dellinger ( Showcasing Service Quality: Your Brand, Your Project, Your Success! September 28 – 29, 2015 Orlando, FL | Rosen Plaza Hotel See you in Orlando! DO YOU HAVE A QUALITY STORY TO SHARE? SQD IS SEEKING ARTICLES FOR FUTURE ISSUES OF THIS NEWSLETTER! We are looking for articles that explore the key concepts of quality and service and target the interests of specific sectors and varying experience levels. We are particularly interested in the following types of content: • Case studies: Step-by-step descriptions and results of specific projects that you or your organization completed. • Perspectives pieces: Your own assessment, based on experience and/or research, of trends and developments in quality. • Tutorials: How-to discussions or illustrations for quality practitioners at any level of experience. • Human-interest features: Less technical discussions of your own role, experiences, or insights about working in the quality profession. Visit for more information. Get Involved With the Service Quality Division! Follow the Service Quality Division on Twitter (@ASQSQD) and join the conversation on LinkedIn. 4 I SPRING 2015 I ASQ.ORG/SERVICE UPDATE YOUR LIBRARY by Arvind Tripathi IT’S ALL ABOUT THE PEOPLE: TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT THAT OVERCOMES DISAFFECTED PEOPLE, STUPID PROCESSES, AND DERANGED CORPORATE CULTURES, by Stephen J. Andriole Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group List Price: US$57.55; $52.46 in Kindle edition Format: Hardcover; 209 pages Publication Date: 2012 ISBN: 978-1-4398-7658-9 Introduction According to the author, “costeffective technology management is much more about people, personal relationships, and corporate culture than it is about the technology itself or management best practices.” Overview of Book’s Structure Chapter 1 looks at all of the people in our professional lives. Insights in this chapter are usually negative. Chapter 2 is about organizational politics, among other reporting, governance, and power realities. This chapter also does not paint a rosy picture of the future of organizations, but emphasizes the need to change. Chapter 3 looks at new management best practices, given constraints of people, process, and cultures. Chapter 4 explores outsourcing and cloud computing. According to the author, the new technology delivery models represent the greatest opportunity to save and make money with technology in a long time. The final chapter suggests what to do tomorrow. It is a summary of all previous chapters and the strong views the author has about almost everything. In addition, the book also has an epilogue that once again repeats its same message. Highlights: What I liked! This book does show the knowledge and experience the author seems to have in this field. It offers a dry sense of humor that some readers may enjoy; while others may find this author too cynical. The book has a few graphics and templates demonstrating some major points the author makes in the book. This breaks the monotony of just reading the text. Who might benefit from the book? This book may be helpful to any leader that may have a role in IT transition and management for any industry. Conclusion Andriole wants us not to worry about PCs, servers, networks, or digital rights management. The author emphasizes the importance of people, processes, culture, and organizations at multiple points in the book, and the book does provide some of the specifics of how to make a successful technology transformation for an organization. About the Reviewer Arvind Tripathi is a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt and continuous improvement coach at Flowserve in Dallas, TX. He is a Project Management Professional (PMP), Lean and Six Sigma Master Black Belt (MBB), and an ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE) with more than 20 years of professional experience in project and program management. He is an ASQ Fellow. Tripathi has delivered impressive business results in aerospace, automotive, chemicals, management consulting, oil and gas, technology, and service industries. He has an MBA in finance from Wichita State University, an MS in engineering management from the University of Oklahoma, and a BS in mechanical engineering from India. He has been active in ASQ, PMI, IIE, and is a past Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award examiner. His email is: VOLUNTEER There are many opportunities to volunteer for the Service Quality Division. Please contact Keith Joy at for more information. SPRING 2015 I 5 PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT Competitive Advantage is a newsletter published by the Service Quality Division (SQD) of ASQ. The Service Quality Division of ASQ does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in Competitive Advantage by the managing editor, features editor, or contributors. Items and letters are chosen for their general interest to division and Society members, but conclusions are those of the individual writers. Submission of Articles Considered for Publication in Competitive Advantage and All Other Communications Regarding Competitive Advantage VISION The ASQ Service Quality Division will be the leading worldwide provider of knowledge resulting in the improvement of service quality operational performance excellence. Excluding CHANGE OF ADDRESS Contact: Polly LeBarron, Communications Regarding the Service Quality Division Contact: Jan Peace, Communications Regarding Change of Address and ASQ Membership Contact: ASQ 600 North Plankinton Ave. P.O. Box 3005 Milwaukee, WI 53201-3005, USA Phone: 414-272-8575 or 800-248-1946 (USA only) Fax: 414-272-1734 For additional information visit the ASQ website, Competitive Advantage is published quarterly with targeted publication dates at the beginning of January, April, July, and October. The actual dates may vary to coincide with division and Society events. The cut-off date for article submission is 35 calendar days prior to above targeted publication dates. Vision of Competitive Advantage: To be the highest value newsletter in the world on issues pertaining to service quality. Division website: You can advertise in COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE The following are the advertising rates for Competitive Advantage. Single Issue $425 $225 $125 $ 65 $275 + Four Issues $1,500 $ 800 $ 450 $ 200 Call Checks for payment should be made payable to ASQ, Service Quality Division, and full payment is due on receipt of ad copy. The deadline for inclusion in the next issue of Competitive Advantage is 35 calendar days prior to the listed targeted publication months. Editor: Polly LeBarron, 6 I SPRING 2015 I ASQ.ORG/SERVICE MISSION The ASQ Service Quality Division addresses service quality globally by providing a body of knowledge to individuals, organizations, and communities through the creation, gathering, and exchange of information. GUIDING PRINCIPLES Targeted Publication Dates Size of Ad Full Page Half Page Quarter Page Business Card (1/8 Page) Insert (Full Page) VISION, MISSION, AND GUIDING PRINCIPLES – SERVICE QUALITY DIVISION • We exist to serve our customers, and value their geographic and occupational diversity. • We strive for operational excellence and continuous improvement in our endeavors. • We support ASQ and follow the ASQ Code of Ethics. SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE SQD is looking for volunteers to record webinars on topics interesting for the division members. If you have written a paper, delivered a presentation, or know about some innovative, “best-in-class” service industry practice, share your knowledge with your fellow quality professionals. Please contact Maria Stoletova at to discuss webinar opportunities.
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