" | B | !" l ""-g M "HcCl'RI'Yft NORW T H E DAYLIGHT STO*.E. ROCBESTJUL, N. Y. 36 Inch AH Wool Navy Blue Storm Serge 50c. Our dre*s goods department begs leave to announce the arrival of another shipment of those «• 36 inch all wool L,T» bluo storm serges, at 60c," They are espeetolty adapted for gymnaetoZsuitir DR. ANNA W. BLOOM£R. Fall Lines of Fine China, Porcelain, Cut Glassware and Lamps Now Complete A I t w Y o r k Mayaletaa W h o H u W o n IkM No Matter What You May Have Seen Here Any Yesterday, the To-Day Display Will Easily Surpass it in Interesting Variety Popularity is not gained by make-believe^ nor does increasing trade come by chance. There's jo sentiment in business. You buy, as we do, where you can buy best. Are we not justified, therefore, in assuming that the gratifying growth of our China and Glassware sales is virtually an indorsement of our efforts to supply the best for the, least ? Our Fall lines in fine china, porcelain, cut glass and lamps are now complete and await ! inspection. Be pleased to accept this as a personal invitation to come at your earliest mt puvenience. \ «MMI W r a i t h . For a woman to climb to the top In the medical profession fa a matter to wonder at, but when she earns 110.000 a year she strikes a hard blow to the almost universal masculine assumption of superiority, Dr. Anna W. Bloomer of New York baa, however, attained this distinction in the arduous profession of medicine. Probably of all walks of life that of the physician seems moat Incompatible with preconceived ideas of feminine gentleness and love of ease. To be at the beck Haviland, French and Austrian Dinner Sets ftrf^nr Haviland and French China sets are open stock pattern. Although we here quote only the prices on'sets, separate pieces may be had at any time at the same ratio." Only space for mention of a few1 leaders, as follows: ^ Haviland China Dinner Sets in natural color corn tawr decorations with coin gold tracing on handles and knobs-1" separate piece* or in Bets of 100 pieces at 188.00. Haviland China Dinner Sets, dainty floral design in delicate shades of pink and green, coin gold stippled handles—separate pieces or sets of 100 pieces at $85.00, Haviland China Dinner Seta in ."Star" shape, green dnk and gold border decorations with tracings of heavy coin gold, considered one of Haviland's masterpieces — jeparate pieces or sets of 100 pieces at $50,00. French China Dinner Sets, "Coronet" pattern, ipple blossom decorations, one of our most admired openstock staples—separate pieces or gets of 100 pieces at 138.00, Haviland China Dinner Seta, " Silver " shape, dainty border in natural colored roses and forget-me-nots with flue tracing of gold on a light green ground, every piece decorated in the same manner, a complete line of fancy piece* such as bouillon cups. A, D. coffees, sugars and creamers, as well as all the staple pieces—in separate pieces or sets of 100 pieces at $-75.00. Breach China Dinner Sets, Lauteruier's famous'White and gold ware iu a variety of open-stock patterns— separate pieces or sets of 100 pieces at 1-15 00. Austrian China Dinner Sets in dainty pink and green spray decorations with gold tracings—separate pieces or sets of 112 pieces at f 18.50. Austrian China Dinner Sets in four designs of natural flower borders with gold tracing—separate pieces or sets of lOQspieees at •21.00. English and American Porcelain Open-Stock Sets. English Poroelaiu Dinner Sets, Cauldon's famous productions withunderglaze decorations, copy of colonial shapes and designs; used chiefly for breakfast, soup, roast beef or chop sets, also in. separate pieces and dinner seta of M)0 pieces for #25.00. EugMi Porcelain Dinner Sets in a new design styled "Malvern," border effect with interwoven brown and gold Japanese decorations, every piece gold traced, separate pieces or sets of 112 pieces at 116.00. Flow Blue English Porcelain Dinner Sets, " Arcadia" putteru, gold illuminat ;d-~-separare pieces or sets of 112 pieces at $15.00. , English Porcelain Dinner Sets, " Clevedon " pattern, dainty Dresden and gold decorations—single pieces or sets of 112 pieces at 115.75. English Porcelain Dinner Sets in green or blue plain prints, various designs and decorations—not open-stock— get of 112 pieoes for $7.50. t English Porcelain Dinner Sets, "Madrid?" pattern, one of Johnson Bros.* latest productions, green and gold illuminated decorations—single pieces or gets of 113 pieces at $16.00. English Porcelain Dinner Sets, Alfred Meabius' famous " Saxouia " pattern, green and gold decorations and gold illumination, our' leader in an English porcelain open-stock—set of 112 pieces for $10.00. •»• • Wedgwood's famous " Old Blue Willow sets, reproductions of a/ware used by our forefathers, in soup sets, breakfast settlor open-stock dinner sets of 100 pieces at $18 50. American Porcelain open-stock Dinner Sets, white and gold decorations, 100 pieces. $1-0.00—112 pieces, #12.5XF —pink rose decorations, 112 pieces, $10.00—reproductions* of Haviland decorations. 112 pieces, $15.00—light blue border with gold tracings, 112 pieoes, $15 00. Imported Fancy Pieces Salad Bowls.-.«... ...s. Sugar and Cream Sets Bonbons and Nut Bowls Fancy Plates, all sizes Chocolate Pots « ..SS©to$10.00 26c to $10.00 10c to $9.00 10c to $6.00 50c to $6.00 Chop Dishes.. „„...,.„. Sandwich Plates......,.*,,.* Cracker and Biscuit Jars. Cake Plates. Celery Trays. —.*..,, ,..50c to $7.50 . ..VV.to $6.00 ..25c to $5.00 ..25c to $7.50 ..26c to $7.50 German and American Art Wares In Art Wares we are showing the latest productions of German and American potteries. The former includes a choice collection of centerpieces, m*utel ornaments, ash trays, candelabra, etc., in Dutch figures in natural colors, ranging in price from 25c to $8. The domestic productions are known as "loga Ware" and "American Art China" and comprise fancy pieces, chocolate sets, cake plates, sugars and creamers, syrup pitchers, fruit dishes, pudding sets, etc., ranging from 25o to $8.50. Cut Glassware Oil and Gas Lamps In Cut Glass America exoels the world. Our collection comprises newest outtings from the most celebrated factories, such as Libby's, Dorflinger's and others and ives a choioe of an excellent assortment, from a toothpick older at 25c to a centerpiece at $21.00 In Lamps we show by far the largest and finest line we ever gathered. Colonial designs are fancied. Among the metal lamps clouded brass effects-are much in evidenceGas lamps range from $1.50 to $25.00; Fancy Oil Lamps from 75c to $10.00 £ • " , ' • • • • • - - < • • / Jardinieres and Pedestals==One«Third Undervalue *> ^... • Just in the nick of time for those about to bring plants indoors, we've secured from the J. B. Owens Pottery Co. a choiree_line of Jardinieres and Pedestals in their celebrated hand-decorated "Utopian" ware—all to be sold-as bought^-at one-third under real worth. To-wk 6-inch Jardinieres and 12-inch Pedestals for $2.00, worth $8.00. 8-inch Jardinieres and 16-iuch Pedestals for $3.00, worth $4 50. 10-inch Jardinieres and 20-inch Pedestals for $5.00, worth $7.50. McCurdy ®> Norwell Co., ROCHESTER, N. Y. DK. ANNA WELLS BLOOIOEB, and call of all the city or county, to sleep at irregular hours, to bear exposure to all sorts of weather—hitherto this baa been the part of a man. But the world moves rtpldly In this new century, as Dr, Bloomer well exemplifies. In speaking of her calling she herself says: "Unless a woman bus an unusual amount of vitality and endurance, the medical profession Is no life for her. She must also not be too lmpreasioqabhK "else the troubles of otter people will soon wear ber away, although, on the other hand, she must not be adamant. There Is a happy medium, though It is not easily found. "In the beginning it Is not pleasant work. One most accustom herself t o seeing things that have never before been presented to ber; she must take the bitter with the sweet. If^a woman la a conscientious physician she can live a very happy life, for there is an unlimited chance for tloing good to those about her. There are acme men who strenuously object to women entering this profession, for a woman physician appreciates an encouraging word from her men colleagues mote than anything else, for It gives her a certain amount of confidence In herself that she muy have lacked for the simple reason that she knew the eagle eye of the profession w a s bent searchlngly and sarcastically upon her,"— Detroit News-Tribune. t o o k Out F o r B«b? The food and feeding of an lnfaat are beyond all doubt the most important questions with which mothers have to deal, says a writer In Home Notes. You may be sure that If your baby indulge* In screaming tits its food is disagreeing with it. To eat and to sleep are the primary animal instincts which guide and safeguard the infant life. . I say safeguard because a baby's brain at birth la about 14 per cent of Its entire body weight, an adult's being only In the proportion of 2.37 per cent of his weight; therefore, on account of thts phenomenally rapid brain growth In Infancy, a great deal of sleep is absolutely necessary—indeed a baby cannot have too much sleep. For tbls reason the ventilation of a nursery becomes of vital Importance, so that a pure atmosphere and nil conditions which conduce to healthful slumber may be assured. Any excitement to the little, bralu growing so rapidly should be positively avoided, and may be regarded as dangerous. For this reason tossing n baby high In the air is a risky amusement. These are beauty rules that are highly recommended i OTATK OF NEW YORK, SUPREME Never wash your face iu very hot O Court, County of Orleans— Etnel H Entry vs. William A. Erary. To the above named de- water unless you are going to steam it fendant: You are hereby summoned to answer | the complaint in this action and to serve a and cream It. Hot water takes the All our thoughts and energies are de- jcopy of your answer on the plaintiff's attorney natural oils out of the skin and makes within twenty days after the service of this voted to the production of fashionable i summons, exclusive of the day of service; and It flabby . in case of your failure to appear, or answer, Don't wash your face at all If you and serviceable garments. lodgment will be taken against you by default want It fat. Keep rubbing in oils, but Our facilities make it possible -for us |for the relief demanded In the complaint, do not wash them out.. Water baths to be hel i in the county of Orleans. to offer uneqnaled price-advantages to : Trial Dated August 14,1JM6. will take the oils out of the face wonthose who favor us with their patronage, j JOHN C. KN1CKKRBOCKER, derfully. Perspire If you can. This FlainttKs Attorney, No such collection of rich furs of all! office and P. 0 Address. ,\ lblofl! Orleans Co., makes the sklu fine and aoft. The New York. kinds was ever before at the command flesh of the chest Is sji^t ljernua* one Action for divorce. pi the ladies of Rochester and vicinity. To William A Frary. defendant: The fore- perspires there, and s o w l t h the palms summons is served upon you by publicaWe know how to make these up in the ; going tion, pursuant to an order of Hon. Isaac 8. Slg- of the band. They perspire freely and nor, County Judge of Orleans County, dated the stay soft. The jfcrow la soft nnd are expert Furriers, Manufacturers, I most stylish and durable manner, and 28th day of August, 1905, and entered and filed Importers and Exporters of Furs. ] guarantee our styles absolutely correct, i with the complaint and affidavits upon which plump, but "IBS eHee** anr often holsame was in-anted in the office of the Clerk low and tbln. hard and full of pore*. _. We solicit the favor of your inspection. I the of the county of Orleans, at Albion, N. Y , Try to sweat the face. AUgUSt S8th, 1905. Opposite the Lyceum. JOHN C. KNICKERBOCKER, If you want a plump face drink plenAttorney for I'laintIff. W M . V. GRAESER, ty of water, but don't cat greasy foods. Office and P. O. Address. Albion, Orleans Co., Greasy foods, will make the nose red New York. isrw7 31 C l i n t o n A v e . , S ^ R O C H E S T E R , IN. V . •-. • and the face break out. Try to let waI I _ I M l H * l M * E * 0llanK '' >r ' —Keep your money in circulation. ter he your main beverage, with cream Do not salt it away. Fay your debts and chocolate, cocoa and milk. These as fast as yo^eatt. Have patience with will plump out the cheek* like the one another. Buy your goods of your cheeks of a baby. Don't let your f«ce Capital StocK paid « »800,OO0.00. home merchant, who advertises. En- fall In for lack of teeth. There are too courage home industries and give home many good dentists In the irfnd. RESOURCES #19.063,451-05. mechanics all the work you hare to let The Oldest and Largest Trust Company in Western New York. .out. M a k l a c the B*«< ml T h i n e Interest paid on deposits at the rate of —The postofflee department has neat The gift that makes it possible to , out the following: "Don't mail your successfully cover up dcflclen-les is a F O U R P E R CEINT. , S O J V m o U r V D B D M S M l - A N P r t J A L J L Y A I H B • U B J H B C T T O C H E C K . letter or package without having your rare one to posse**. Every ; now and own address written or printed upon the left hand corner. This will insure then yon light upon a woman with no D O Y O U R B A N K H V O B Y MAIL, , its return to von if not delivered, and apparent talents, and yet with a verMoney received by Draft, Poet or Express Honey Orders.. * will prevent Its being sent to and opened itable streak of genius In the way s $S.OO W I L L O P E N A N A C C O U N T . i at the dead letter omce." . EXCLUSIVELY FURS. Inter tat and Safe o p t Co., u r n n. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com palm hi deftly arranged to cover this ugly cornel* or re is hung at just the right angle to draw attention away from a water stain os the paper. It is possible to acquire that Quality, difficult as l! uiatlcaliy finding the remedy. The back of a %laao, Cor Instance, if the only place iu the room where you can pot It hasn't enough wall apace to bide the back, can be covered with tapestry or other hangings, and a low, wide stool moved up against It and piled high with cushions makes an attractive cosy seat oat of a very unattractlv*. place. There'lTijo pret«ns# called into play, nothing" but a brave gift of uuikiug the best of things, and the effect upon every one who comes in contact with that sort of spirit is marked in the bes* sort of way. T«« rABMKK BEJUFS what he has previously sowed uiBtiii body reaps likewise the natural voakness, pain and death if the seeds of disease nave been sown by bad habits of carelessness in eating, sleeping and exercising* KKKP WELL I F you CAN and when you need a little help In keeping well u*e Natwre'B remedies, that do not roughly stimulate but gently quicken the action of Nature's functions in a natural way. Nature's laboratory furnishes the followin#plant» which < iiiU' ufac* jluett AiOutcal Illsture of I)r. Pierc< covery: (loWwi s Stone root, Black rrybark, Bloodroot and Mandrake r> •• If lu doubt M i ur trouble Of needlug advice, yon free of charge. Dr. E. V. '(insulting „ T h * Meat o l C h a n c i n g Clothe*. physician to the In ' Hotel and Y. AH livery woniau should learn bow to Surgical Institute. M iidetitial and 'Shauge ber clothing. Take off the letters are « bearing ci medical advice (shoes you have been wearing all day answers returned iu securely sealed envelopes, and put on other shoes. The pinch will " I suffered for nearly eight rear*." w A. Fateu. Eso., of Mobile, Ala., D*tmt j come in u different place. Take off VblMp Sheriff, "with malaria, which puiMoiital nij' the blouse you have worn all day and entire system and deprived me of my vitality. I was eared in three month* by using the collar Wnlch has been round your Or. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I throat since morning and put on a dif- know It was largely due to neglert and I little attention to my trouble until i ferent blpuse and a different collar. paid became so run-down and weak that i knew You have no Idea bow a fresh blouse I had to do something at once to regain any I began to feel better within four rests one, and especially a fresh piece health. days after I used the 'Golden M«dk*al IMsof neekgear. The pinch goes on a dliP lovery.' tad after using nine bottle* I was to my usual health, feeling better fercuta^e'of muscles. Changing the restored than tor years." undeSjjMttr Is a good plan, and best of The most valuable book for both men all Is ch#lg4ug tbe corsets. The bones and women is Dr. Pierce's will rub, no matter how carefully you Common Sense Medical Adviser, A splendid 10G8-page plan things, and a new corset makes volume, with engravings* you feel as though you were just beand colored plates. A copy, ginning a day instead of just finishing paper-covered, will be sent to anyone sending 2J cents one. in one-cent stamps, to pay the cost of mailing tmly, to A W r i n k l e d Throat. Dr, R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. The following course of treatment will work wonders, It Is said, with a wrinkled throat And flabby chin ir persisted in faithfully: First wash the chin and throat in hot water. Moisten the finger tips with good cold cream and, starting with the left hand under the right ear, draw it briskly, but firmly, from ear to chin. Then take the right baud ami repeat the movement from fte left side. .The pressure from chin to ear should be light, but under the chin the pressure should be firm. Ten minutes of this exercise should be followed by a douche -ef cold water, to tJtATl) which has been added a little ^stringent HUHJJ- either a toilet water or tincture of benzoin. • Sick-Headache. f a c t «u C«u* erantluu. Up to one year ago I bad a severe sick-headache every Sunday, Just a» nigrdarty as thf Tact Is necessary for the good con- da v came, At ttu cb tin ics I could uot eat una oouid not raise my head front the pillow with* versationalist. The woman who men- out being vipleotiy nauseated, ustsry King tions ,the w-roug thing at the wrong nas cm-cd me, and now 1 never have h«aaWin. Elliott, mt West Ave., Botime arid MyV^hings that were better ache-Mrs. t-haster, N. V. left unsaid has no place In polite socieBy enrich! ag the blood, toning up the hSTVSS ty. She lacks tact. Sbe should study aud strengthening the stomach, Celery King makes Biok-beaduohe Impossible. bow to-be tactful, how to be kind hearted, how to avoid hurting other people's feelings and when to stop talking. The good tactful conversationalist will know by a word or a sign when to stop. She will be observant and wHl Specifics ears by acting directly on tbe never, even accidentally, tread upon tick pari* without disturbing the re** eg the other woman's corus:—Brooklyn lbs system. No. 1 for Fever*. Eagle. Worms. No. S Teething So. s T h e Woe« of t i l * UtrU. Diarrhea. No. 4 Whatever ft girl does it seems InevCoughs* No. 7 itable that sbe should be laughed at, Neuralgia. No. 8 and sbe must learn to expect this. A No, 9 few years ago she was called a "blueDyspepais. No. 10 stocking" for her devotlou to learning, Suppressed No. U next an "empty beaded, overdressed Whites. No. 19 doll," and now she is "a creature of Croup. No. 13 iron muscles, of waistless symmetry, No. 14 " The Skin. of biceps and ungainliness." Should Mo. 15 " Rheumatism. she turn ber energies to cooking and No. 10 " Malaria. domesticity sbe becomes a "mere No. 19 " Catarrh. household drudge," — Cassell** MagaMo. '20**^ Whooping Cough zine. No. IT rt The Kidney*. No. 80 " The Bladder. I- ry Ina F l l l j . No. 77 •• La Grippe. The difficulty in frying fish can be In small bottles of pellets thatfitthe quickly overcome If you use plenty of pocket. At Druggists or mailed, 36o. perfect boiling fnt. Dry .the fish thormtf Medical Guide mailed free. oughly and have sufficient fat for It to Humphrey!' USA. 0o.,0or. WUttSBi* John swim in. Let tbejfat throw off a blue New York. smoke before using Drop In only one piece at a time and cook till a light DR. M O T T O brown. Drain on thick paper before the Are for a few moments before serving. HUMPHREYS' *»u.-ii NERVERINE PIUS Milk. Salted milk as a benutlfier is to be used externally nnd Is a wash that makes the skin fine grained and clear. It is an English remedy as old as the hills and so simple and harmless that It cannot lie popular because there Is a perverseuess about feminine nature that Incline* to costly and risky beautlflers, Mad* This Chang* a-wlOUSMNTt-r B t«fw« you or m refuml nones, Q and w» auuxl By TVO TOD ratter ** from Nerv. ooa Prostrath n, Falling or Lo*t Manhood, f-•Eft* our ga*Mu.t*o. giu* £*£'£& Mom 8bnmken —.— -u or Undeveloped Organ*, Youthful Error*. Exeewive Uie of Tobacco or Opium'/ Hent by mall on receipt of pvU o. D h . WO*IT»i CklKMfCAI* CO., Clevein»:./,*, t t t i t e . For sale by F. A. 8HELIJ3Y. Hn.lliiK Hril.li. If a brush" sTich as painters use i* —Three first class newspaper for $2.00 used for «lusting books the work will be much more satisfactorily done than ~^THE MEDINA TmrmrNB, the New York with a cloth or a feather duster, neither Tribune Farmer and the Rochester and Chronicle of wtitch can dislodge the fine particle* Weekly Democrat ef dust from the corner* and crevice*. It is also very useful for dusting pic- For AD Kinds of Piles. ture frame*, bric-a-brac and moldings. To draw the fire out of a barn, heal a out without leaving a scar, or to core boils, sores, tetter, eczema and all skin InHlvt.Inalltr l a *«llrr. f It Is ask! to be one secret of I ho and scalp diseases, use DeWitt's Witch Frenchwoman'* success In matters of Hazel Halve. A specific for blind, bleeding, itching and protruding pUe«. dress that ber attire Is individual, and Stops the pain instantly and cures even when simple ami plain has gencr ermaneutly. Get the genuine H>ld ally a touch, a line, a'something that y F. L. Zimmerman. pleases the eye by ft* variety while not detracting from the gown by unPre* identUl Election*Ul make no change due prominence. No matter wliioh'candidnie in elected, Foley's Honey and Tar will remain the Varnished paint can be kept looking , people's fsvorite remedy for coughs, as bright as though freshly done by foolds and incipient consumption. It soaking in water some time a bag Idled ! cures cold* quickly and prevents pneuA. J. Nusbaiun, Batesville, with flnx»«Hfl and theff using it a* | monia. I Ind., writes: "I sofiererUfor three a cloth to clean the paint. month* witb a severe cold. A druggist prepared me some medicine, and a phy-> Washing *oda dissolved In boiling sician prescribed for me, yet I did not water cleanse* mid disinfect* drains improve. 1, tbc.i tried Foley'* Honey and *!nks, It should bo ue«i| dally for and Tar and eight doses cured me." bedroom utensil*. Sold by F. L. Zimmerman and Wright E St RO*H Drag Company. Dor/t wear bracelets NO tight that they (iffect the clr-ulfltion or so loose that they rub on the wrist joints. Hera wood floors and rugs tre than carpet on sleeping rooms. HAIR BALSA* 5V*e
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