Price includes camp t-shirt, daily snacks, and cost of weekly outings. Full Day Camp - $300/week 9am – 4:00pm with extended morning and afternoon care hours available at no additional cost. • Sign up for 6 weeks and save $100 • $25 per week discount for each additional sibling Half Day Camp - $150/week 12:30 – 4:00pm with extended afternoon care hours available at no additional cost K - 8 Cam p F ull D a y 9 a m - 4 : 0 0 pm at Assets School Full Day and Half Day Programs Available KE KULA PA‘A NI SUMMER CAMP 2015 Our mission is to foster your child’s life skills and abilities in an environment designed to build and enhance your child’s self-esteem. Ph: H a lf D a y 1 2 : 3 0 - 4 : 0 0 pm 6 Weeks o f Fu n June 8 - 1 2 June 1 5 - 1 9 June 2 2 - 2 6 June 2 9 - July 2 July 6 - 1 0 July 1 3 - 1 7 440-8448 One Ohana Nui Way, Honolulu, HI 96818 Email: CAMP COORDINATORS Camp Director Branden Kawazoe, from Hilo, received his Bachelor’s degree from Pacific University in Oregon and his Master’s degree from Chaminade University of Honolulu. He is currently a 9th grade counselor and Head Men’s Varsity Basketball Coach at Kaiser High School. He has been the Assets Summer Camp Director for the past 3 years. Activity Coordinators Norine Ishii, from Mililani, received her Master’s in Counseling Psychology from Chaminade University and currently works at Kaiser High School. This is her 4th year working for the camp. Elliot Buccat, from Kaneohe, received his Bachelor’s degree at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and is currently a biology teacher at Castle High School. He is also an assistant coach for the Castle Men’s Varsity Soccer team. This is his 4th year working for the camp. Tyler Kamita, from Honolulu, is currently finishing his Aeronautical Mechanics program at Honolulu Community College. He has been working with the Assets After School Care Program for two years and this is his 3rd year working for the camp. CAMP OVERVIEW A variety of different activities will be offered such as traditional sports, game room, art classes and projects, guest entertainment, weekly outings plus much more. Campers will be given the opportunity to experience a positive environment and develop friendships that will increase their self-esteem, boost their confidence and develop their independence. Our mission is to foster your child’s life skills and abilities; our ways and structure to attain them are unlimited! Camper to professional adult staff ratio: 8 to 1 Snack/Lunch Snack will be provided. All campers are responsible for bringing their own lunch every day. Extended Care Hours Early drop-off is available at 7:30am and late pick up is also available until 5:30pm at no additional cost. Payment/Due Date Registration form and full payment are due by May 15, 2015. Forms received after due date will be placed on a wait list. CAMP REGISTRATION Typical Daily Schedule 7:30-9:00 9:00-10:00 10:00-10:40 10:40-11:00 11:00-11:30 Early Care Activity #1 Outdoor Play Lunch Quiet Time/Read Aloud 11:30-12:30 Activity #2 12:30-12:45 Check-in 12:45-1:00 1:00-1:45 1:45-2:30 2:30-3:00 3:00-3:45 3:45-4:00 4:00-5:30 Announcements Activity #3 Activity #4 Snack and Rest Activity #5 Clean Up/Organize Dismissal Extended care Name Address City Zip code Home Phone Camper’s Birth Date School Field Trip Schedule Field trips will typically be scheduled on Wednesday afternoons unless otherwise noted and subject to change. 12:30-12:45 12:45 1:00 1:30 4:45 5:15-5:30 Email Phone Photo Release Authorization: Examples of Activities Week 3 Dodgeball Capture the Flag Bubbles Gardening Puppet Making Soccer Kickball Play Dough Oobleck Flubber Basketball Volleyball Origami Scratchboard Painting Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Myachi Field Games Candles Mosaic Tiles Rock Band in 2015-16 Father’s Name Email Parents will be allowed to pick their camper up directly from each outing by following sign out procedures at the site. Wiffleball Quiddich Kids Drama Photography Cartooning Grade Mother’s Name Week 1 - TBA Week 2 - TBA Week 3 - TBA Week 4 - TBA Week 5 - TBA Week 6 - TBA Week 2 Girl Phone Check-in Announcements Board Bus/Depart Arrive at Destination, Snack Time Board Bus/Depart Arrive at Assets Week 1 Boy Frisbee Golf Wii Sports Clay Craft Cooking Water Play Each week consists of 1 cultural, 2 sport and 2 craft activities. Classes are subject to change and not limited to the above due to enrollment and camper satisfaction. Yes No Week Full Day Half Day Amount Week 1 (June 8-12) $300.00 $150 $ Week 2 (June 15-19) $300.00 $150 $ Week 3 (June 22-26) $300.00 $150 $ Week 4 $300.00 (June 29-July 2) $150 $ Week 5 (July 6-10) $300.00 $150 $ Week 6 (July 13-17) $300.00 $150 $ Tuition Subtotal $ Check Discounts that Apply Full Day Camp - 6 weeks $100 $ Full Day Camp - Sibling $25/week $ Discount Subtotal $ DUE: May 15, 2015 Checks payable to Assets School at: Assets School One Ohana Nui Way Honolulu, HI 96818 Total $ Enrollment package will be mailed upon receipt of registration form and payment.
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