Pastor ………Reverend William S. Murphy Pastor Emeritus………..Rev. Msgr. John Graf Weekend Celebrant...Rev. Francis Caponi, OSA In Residence ……Rev. Msgr. Frank Depman Deacons ….………..Deacon Thomas Hannan Deacon Michael DeGrasse Deacon Jeffrey Hanna Operations Manager ….……Mary Rose Edmonds Parish Office Staff ……..……Donna Brumbaugh Ann Caruso Ella Havrilak School Principal ….…………….Danielle White Director of Religious Education ....Karen Batdorf Parish Office (Ph) 610-869-2722, (fax) 610-869-3252 School Office (Ph) 610-869-9576, (fax) 610-869-4049 Religious Education Office ……...(Ph) 610-869-8575 Fifth Sunday of Easter - May 3, 2015 Church and Parish Office: 300 State Road • West Grove, PA 19390 Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 am-4 pm Email: Web: Facebook: ABVM Parish Community, West Grove, PA Weekend Mass Times Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8 am, 10 am, 12 pm Masses Daily Mass Schedule 6:30 am - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:15 am - Tuesday, Friday Eucharistic Adoration Monday-Friday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Facilities Request Sacraments and Devotions Baptism: Sundays at 1:30 pm in Church (bimonthly) Matrimony: Engaged couples are asked to meet with parish priest at least six months prior to wedding and enroll in a marriage-prep program. Reconciliation: Saturdays, 11:00 am-12:15 pm (Church) Rosary: Wednesdays, 6:30 pm (Church) Liturgy of the Hours: 7:00 am Monday thru Thursday (Church) Bulletin: Submit articles by 8:00 am on Friday for publication the following week. Submit to the Parish Office or email Page 1 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Dear Friends, In today’s gospel Jesus says that if we remain in him, if we stay connected to the vine, then we will bear much fruit in our lives. Well, in this past week, we here at ABVM have seen much evidence of “bearing much fruit.” Collection for week of April 25/26, 2015 Weekly Collection Weekly Income Needed $16,060 $18,200 ($2,140) Weekly Over/(Under) ($13,298) YTD Over/(Under) Includes $3,222 E-Giving, 20% Participation Total Debt to Archdiocese: $2,298,058 Mortgage and past due assessments The weekly income needed to operate the Parish has been increased to $18,200. This is necessary since operating expenses, including employee expenses, utility expenses and insurance costs have risen. Recent weekly income has been falling below that which is needed to effectively operate the Parish. That deficit has been accumulating against the annual budget. Additionally, several new major, unbudgeted, maintenance projects have been identified which will need to be addressed soon - repairs to the Parish Center Roof and Gutters, as well as continued repairs to the concrete sidewalks in front of the Main Church. These projects are estimated to cost about $40,000. Please be as generous as you can. The Parish Life Center and Parish Office are fully operational. All bills for construction and furnishings are paid. The Case Statement for the Parish Appeal designated $50,000 to ABVM School. However, these funds were deferred because of unanticipated expenses in completing the Parish Life Center. As of April 20, 2015, $20,000 of that commitment was paid. The remaining money will be paid by October 2015. Thus, it is important that you continue your generous support of the Parish Appeal. To date, we have raised more than $379,500 from donations of more than 700 parishioners such as you. To sustain our cash flow we need an additional $18,000 to fulfill our obligations for the total scope of the Appeal. *Just yesterday, about 100 of our school and CYFF children received their First Communion. As they now receive every week, they will remain in Jesus and grow in their relationship with him. They will bear fruit. And the reason they have come this far is because of the dedication of their parents, teachers and catechists. In sharing the faith with them by word and example, they have enabled their children to receive this sacrament. So, parents, teachers and catechists: THANK YOU for remaining in Christ and for sharing your faith with our parish children. You have borne much fruit! *Last Sunday we held our annual Spaghetti Dinner. What an event! Over 1,000 families were served delicious dinners. Even more, so many of our parishioners participated in this terrific social gathering and parish fundraiser: those who have been in on the planning process for the last several months, those who prepared our hall, those who prepared our famous meatballs and delicious pasta sauce; those who greeted our guests, served tables, cooked, prepared takeout meals, and cleaned up afterwards. It was so nice to see people of every age working together! Truly it revealed the family nature of our wonderful parish and the dedication and love that so many have for ABVM. THANKS to all who helped in any way. Know that you have borne much fruit! *Also last Sunday, we welcomed Paula McLean and Kate Uhler to our parish to present our plans to participate in Family Promise of Southern Chester County. This is a truly exciting inter-faith project of which we are so happy to be a part. It is an honor to use our convent for so worthy a cause and to offer our church as a Host Church for families in need. Both Paula and Kate mentioned to me that they truly enjoyed and were touched by their visit here. They commented on the beauty and inspiration of our Catholic liturgies and on the warmth of our parishioners. Kate told me that she was so surprised to see so many people come up to her table after Mass, not to ask questions or express concerns and worries, but to sign right up and get on board! I told her I was very happy, but not surprised: that is the spirit of service that I have seen present in so many ways among our people. So many “get” that service to our brothers and sisters— especially those in need—is the heart of our faith. In fact, our worship of the God Who Serves impels us to be his Children Who Serve. So, again, THANK YOU to all who signed up and to all who expressed great enthusiasm for this newest endeavor. I know that through Family Promise, working with our brothers and sisters of different denominations and faiths, we will bear much fruit. Speaking of Family Promise, let me add that as this project moves forward, we will need two or three people who are willing to serve as the Coordination Team. These people would be responsible for organizing all the volunteers and scheduling. If you think you might be interested, please let me know! It’s another way to bear much fruit. So, as we continue our Easter celebration, we rejoice in the fruit being borne in our hearts, our homes and our parish as we remain in Christ, the Risen One, who remains with us always. Happy Easter! Fr. Murphy For details, please contact John Brennan, Secretary of Financial Affairs, at Page 2 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Fifth Sunday of Easter Reflection May 3, 2015 "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you." What a lovely promise! Imagine how satisfying it would be to ask for whatever we wanted and then to see that wish granted. Truly, it would be difficult to think of anyone who would not love to see a promise like this fulfilled. But we know Jesus isn't a genie in a magic lamp sent to indulge every selfish whim. So, what's the catch? Well, as Jesus puts it in today's Gospel, this promise is extended to those who "remain" in him. He uses the beautiful analogy of the vine and the branches to explain what this means. "A branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine ... I am the vine, you are the branches." The idea here is that we are to be connected to Jesus so closely that our very life, our growth, our actions, indeed even our desires come from him as their source. When we are authentically rooted in Christ, and when his words remain in us, then that cannot help but transform us into people who want what Jesus wants. And when we want what he wants, why wouldn't he give it to us? John 15:1-8: In what ways have you been “pruned” by the Lord? Acts 9:26-31: How long do you think it took the apostles to trust Paul? 1 John 3:18-24: How is your heart a guide on your faith journey? Please Pray For Mary Fincher, Clark, Heyburn & Blowe Families, Devon & Brian Bartholf, Philip Miller, Marlene Hylak, Grace Peterson, Msgr. John Graf, Ryan Coyle, Adam, Marcus, Nancy Larkin, Margaret Shillingford, John Hanna, Nicole Vitale, John R. Rusnak, Jr., Marcus Forst, Charlie Nigro, Patrick Gallagher, Holly T., Anna D., Gregory & Ed Painter, Catherine McCreary, Diana Hoy, Lisa Erling Vito, Bob Humkey, Olivia Humkey, Evan Humkey, Mary Twadell, Ramsey Holod, Danielle Albanese, Brian B., Hana Marie Yago, Eleanor & Bill Sauerwine, Brlansky Family, Luke Ramowski, Tippi Carlino, Daniel McCarthy, Marvin Leonard, Patrick Barnes, Jim Boyd, Garo Yepremian, Phyllis Robinson, Phyllis Pastorius, Debbie Robinson, Philip Caruso, Mary Louise Bove, Davis Family, Jacquie McHale, Gert Lincoln, Face of Christ & Visitation Prayer Intentions Military Prayers SrA Michael Kauffman, PFC James T. Mackereth, Petty Officer Daniel Carr, Staff Sgt. John Koss, Jr., LCPL Michelle Smith, R.C. Gosselin, Lt. John Joseph Eife, SrA Ashli McEntee, Ray Nelson, A1C Lyle Laub, USAF, Cpl. Samuel Ellis, Lnc. Cpl. Michael Guerrera, Cpl. Jonathan Russell Lynch, William Ewers, Sgt. Jared Moran, FS3 Cody Liebeskind Public Prayer Request Name: ___________________________________________ Requester/Phone:__________________________________ Requests will be printed in the bulletin for one month and military prayers for six months. You may renew as often as you wish. Pray the Rosary Pray the Rosary Every Wednesday Evening 6:30 PM ~ Assumption BVM Church For the Intentions of our Families Welcome We would like to welcome the following new members to the Assumption BVM Parish Family: David and Tracy Martini Family Jeffrey and Megan Taylor Family Baptism On Sunday, April 26, 2015, the following child was welcomed into our Parish Family: Samantha Ellie Sciotto Rest in Peace Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Mildred Hooker Frank Lagno Juanita Ortega Page 3 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Assumption B.V.M. Church Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 3, 2015 Ascension of the Lord Holy Day of Obligation Wednesday, May 13, 2015 7:00 pm Vigil Mass Thursday, May 14, 2015 6:30 am Mass 10:00 am Mass n sio ces Pro SAVE THE DATE! LU NC H CORPUS CHRISTI SUNDAY Sunday, June 7, 2015 Eucharistic Procession after the Noon Mass around the school and parish grounds. In addition, come celebrate with Father William Murphy on his 25th Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood Lunch will be served following the procession! Join us for hamburgers, hot dogs, cake, etc... Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament After all Masses on Ascension Thursday and the weekend of May 16/17, everyone can sign-up to join the new prayer group, Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament. As we mentioned earlier, the only requirement needed is to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament even if it is only for a few minutes. Eucharistic Adoration at ABVM Monday– Friday 7:00 am to 7:00 pm O Sacrament most holy O Sacrament divine All praise and all thanksgiving Be every moment Thine. May Procession and Crowning this Sunday morning Honoring Blessed Virgin Mary as the Mother of God Sunday, May 3rd—Our Parish will have a beautiful May Procession and Crowning prior to the 10 am Mass. Please join us after the 10 am Mass for Coffee & Donuts in the Parish Life Center. of Southern Chester County Assumption BVM is joining the network of Churches in the local area supporting Family Promise of SCC. Family Promise is a program that provides support to local families who find themselves suddenly homeless for various reasons. This support includes hospitality stays within the local network churches as well as a resource center that offers employment help, links to other social service organizations and more. This past weekend, Paula McLean and Kate Uhler spoke at all our Masses explaining the program. ABVM Parish is planning to be a Host Church. We are seeking a Coordination Team (2 to 3 people). This team would be responsible for coordinating all the volunteers. If interested, please contact Father Murphy at 610-869-2722. In addition, there will be many ways for parish families to volunteer with this program. Parish Volunteer Surveys handed out last weekend listed several of them. If you picked one up, please return the survey in the collection basket. Additional surveys are located in the back of the Church. Assumption BVM has also committed their support by renting the Old Convent Building at our downtown West Grove property to Family Promise as their local Resource Center. Family Promise will also be looking for volunteers to help out at the resource center. Those seeking further information about Family Promise, can contact Board President Dave Haradon at (484) 883-3110 or email Page 4 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Education News Confirmation News Congratulations to all our First Communion Candidates! Welcome to our parish table! Confirmation Candidates - your sponsor information and registration for Fall classes is now late. Please be sure to turn in asap to be sure there is space. C Y F F Assumption BVM teachers regularly participate in professional development opportunities to keep abreast of current trends in education. Fourth Grade teacher, Mrs. Losito, and Third Grade teacher, Mrs. Looby, are currently taking a “Hands-On Science Class” through the Intermediate Unit in conjunction with Immaculata University. The teachers use lessons learned from this class to provide an enrichment activity for their students. In this lesson, the students learn about the importance of joints in performing daily activities. May 2015 5thSeventh Grade Field Trip 6th7 PM Band Concert; 2nd Grade Field Trip 8th8:15 AM Mass prepared by Grade 4 & PreK; 7th Grade Field Trip 12thAfter school Cantor Club Practice 13thAfter school Student Council Meeting 14thAscension Thursday (School in Session) 10 AM Mass- School Volunteers recognized 15th8:15 AM Mass prepared by Grade 8 & Kindergarten Assumption BVM School offers PreK (4 year olds), Kindergarten and Grades 1 through 8. Registrations are currently being accepted. Space is limited so please contact Kristen Sullivan for further information at (610) 8699576 or Catechists Needed: As Catholics, part of our vocational call is to pass our faith onto the children. While the prime responsibility falls to the parents, each parish offers families assistance through a formal religious education program. Our CYFF program strives to assist families with this. It takes a large team of volunteers, aides and catechists. Please prayerfully consider whether God may be calling you to help with this ministry. Catechists will receive training and support, teacher manuals and have opportunities for personal faith education. Catechists are needed for the following classes for the 2015-2016 school year: Tuesday: Wednesday: Level 2, 5 (two classes), 6 Level 6 Registration for 2015-2016 School Year. Registration packets for the 2015-2016 CYFF school year have gone home. Extra forms are available on the parish website. Registration is open from now until June 15th. After June 15th, a late fee goes into effect. Please be sure to check a second choice of day and time. Class size is limited to 12-14 children and will be filled on a first come-first serve basis where we have Catechists. Once class is filled, children will be placed on a waiting list. Sacramental Preparation Reminders: It is the policy of the parish that students demonstrate readiness to participate in Sacramental preparations by showing consistent attendance for two years in CYFF or other religious studies prior to reception of each Sacrament. First Communion is administered typically at the end of 2nd grade requiring attendance in religious studies (CYFF) for 1st and 2nd grade. Confirmation is administered in the Fall of 7th grade. Preparation for the Sacrament starts in the Winter (February) of 6th grade requiring consistent attendance in CYFF or religious studies for grades 4 and 5. In order to receive all sacraments, it is recommended that families have consistent attendance in a religious education program from grades 1-6. Page 5 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. 10 Regular Games 2 Special Games Last Special Game Winner receives $30 Winner receives $75 Winner receives 70% Dinner includes a variety of pastas and sauces, garlic bread, dessert, and refreshments for $6. BYOB $5 for 10 games with 3 cards per game $5 for each Special with 4 cards per game Proceeds from this bingo will fund the Knights of Columbus Scholarships. For information, please contact John Brennan 610-869-4100 or Page 6 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Follow us on Facebook ABVM Parish Community, West Grove, PA This and That Sale ARCHDIOCESAN MARIAN PROCESSION: On May 3, 2015 at 2pm, all families are invited to the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter &d Paul to entrust themselves to the maternal care and intercession of Mary under the title "Mother of Families." The special event in preparation for the World Meeting of Families begins with a Liturgy of the Word followed by an outdoor procession, Rosary and crowning of the Blessed Virgin. A Plenary Indulgence is available on this occasion to those who recite the prayer of the Rosary during this Marian Procession at the Cathedral under the usual conditions. MOTHERS OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES RETREAT will be held on Monday, May 4, 2015 at Malvern Retreat House. Director: Bishop Timothy Senior. To register, call 610-644-0400 or MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LECTURE: Dr. Hilary Towers, Catholic author and psychologist, will be presenting “Reviving Marriage: The Commitment Factor” at St. Charles Seminary Vianney Hall on Tuesday, May 5, 2015, 7 pm. Lecture is free and open to the public. Visit lectures. Saturday, May 9, 2015 8:00 am – 11:30 am Sacred Heart Church, Oxford Hosted by The Ladies Auxiliary of Knights of Columbus, Sacred Heart Church, Oxford Time to clean out that basement or garage? Rent an outdoor space for $15 and bring your own table and carload of garage sale items you would like to clean out. Easy set up as your car is in the space next to your table. This could be a great way for youth groups, scout troops and sports clubs to fund raise. Just rent a spot and have members donate items to be sold! Crafters welcome too! To reserve your spot, contact or call Joan at 610-932-7803. The event will be held in Sacred Heart Church parking lot - Rain or Shine. SPRING CONCERT: Come out and enjoy the beautiful sights and sounds of Spring as the Bishop Shanahan High School Fine Arts Department presents its annual Spring Concert and Art Exhibit on Friday, May 8th at 7:30pm. The public is invited and a free will offering would be much appreciated. NOVENA TO ST. GIANNA BERETTA MOLLA: St. Gianna Beretta Molla, wife, mother and pediatrician, is the patroness of the 2015 World Meeting of Families, along with Pope St. John Paul II. Join Catholics throughout the Archdiocese in a novena invoking the intercession of St. Gianna beginning May 8 and ending May 16, the anniversary of her canonization. At the end of the novena, the relics of St. Gianna will be available for veneration at St. Maria Goretti Parish in Hatfield during all Masses (May 16 5pm Mass; May 17 - 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am Masses). To download the free novena prayer booklet, visit SEMINARY GOLF CLASSIC: St. Charles Borromeo Classic will be held on May 19, 2015 at Applebrook Golf Club in Malvern, PA featuring the golf tournament, upscale dinner and live auction. Visit NATIONAL CATHOLIC BIBLE CONFERENCE: (June 19/20, 2015, Shrine of our Lady of Czestochowa, Doylestown, PA) To register, visit or call 1-888-842-2853. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: Make this summer one to remember! Take a weekend away for just the two of you! Give yourselves the gift of no distractions, no interruptions but just time for each other. You deserve it! Worldwide Marriage Encounter is hosting a weekend, in this area, June 26-28, 2015. For reservations, call 610-449-1859 or World Meeting of Families is coming to Philadelphia in September 2015! Learn about the World Meeting of Families, how to prepare your family, get involved, or get your copy of the official Catechesis on our new website You can text “World” to 51555 for updates or text “Pray” to 80888 with your prayer intentions and to make a $10 donation. Like us on Facebook at “World Meeting of Families 2015” Follow us on Twitter @WMF2015 Coming verrrry soon! Official launch of Volunteer Registration and roll-out of the WMOF Youth Congress plan! Stay tuned to the WMOF website... Page 7 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Assumption B.V.M. Church Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 3, 2015 Ministry of Consolation The next Ministry of Consolation meeting will be held on the third Thursday of May (May 21st) at 7:00 pm in the Assumption BVM Church Children’s Chapel. This support program is for the bereaved searching for hope and healing. If anyone wishes to contact one of the members of this ministry for individual grief support, call: Ginny Bryson Betsy Hanna Noreen Kennard 610-869-7880 610-345-0337 610-869-8326 Manna Food bags will be distributed this weekend, May 2/3. Kindly return your filled MANNA bag to Church on Saturday or Sunday, May 16/17. Canned food items in greatest need are beef stew, tuna fish, canned fruit & vegetables, pasta and soup. Thank you for reaching out to people in crisis situations. The food items will help stock our local food pantry at St. Rocco’s in Avondale for the summer months when donations are low, but the need for food continues. Fearless Caregiver Conference Thursday, May 7, 2015 ~ 8:30 am to 2:30 pm (Lunch included) Embassy Suites, 654 S. College Ave., Newark, DE ABVM Respect Life Group The ABVM Respect Life Committee will be selling roses after all Masses on Mother’s Day weekend (May 9/10) to support the Pro Life Union. Roses are $1 each. The next Respect Life Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 12th at 7:00 pm in the Parish Life Center. All are welcome! Human Service Announcements Pray the Rosary for Life (5/3-5/9/15) Sun. D. Brumbaugh Thu. E. Havrilak Mon. H. Dowd Fri. M. Pepe Tue. T. Leszczynski Sat. J. Wolfe / D. DiStefano Wed. L. Holmes (Sign-up calendar is in the Church lobby.) Post Abortion Healing: Call 215-587-5640. Pregnant? Need Help? Call 1-800-CARE-002. Birthright: 610-436-0773 Aid for Friends Cooks: Filled, frozen meal trays can be taken to the freezer in the ABVM Parish Life Center, weekdays from 8 am-7 pm. To help prepare meals or be an AFF driver, contact Ann Barr at 610-869-8559. Annulment Proceeding: Contact the Metropolitan Tribunal, Archdiocese of Philadelphia (215) 587-3750. Al-Anon meeting will be held every Monday night from 89pm in the ABVM Church. Call 484-571-4778. Overwhelmed by Caregiving Challenges? Bring your questions to the experts. Presented in partnership with Easter Seals Delaware & Maryland’s Eastern Shore and Delaware ADRC. Limited FREE tickets. Please register at www. For questions, call 877-829-2734. JOSEPH’S PEOPLE WEST GROVE The next monthly JP West Grove meeting for the unemployed/underemployed will be on Wednesday, May 27 at 6:45 p.m. in the lower level of ABVM's Church. Our guest speaker will be Jean Kirkaldie. Jean is a member of ABVM and has been a seven year volunteer at Wings for Success. Wings for Success is a non-profit organization that provides FREE, quality, work appropriate clothing and scrubs for women who are seeking employment, have recently found employment, or are working but seeking a higher level of employment. The main office is located in Frazer, PA and in January 2015, a satellite office was opened in Kennett Square. She will give a short presentation on the "Wings Experience". By creating a professional outward image, Jean hopes to empower clients with confidence! If anyone is presently looking for employment, there's no need to wait until May 27. Please call 610-444-1446 to make an appointment. You can also check the website at In addition, we will provide prayerful support, encouraging member interaction, introducing community resources, discussing job opportunities, etc. Please pass along to anyone in need. John Colgan - JP West Grove Chapter Leader; Page 8 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Celebration Weekend CYO Dance Friday, May 15th, 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm, ABVM Parish Center. All CYO athletes and ABVM students grades 5-8 are invited to attend. Tickets will be sold at the door ($5) and during lunchtime at ABVM School. We are looking for chaperones. Please contact Bill Gallagher at CYO Mass Saturday, May 16th, 4:30 pm Mass. All athletes who participated in CYO athletics are invited to attend Mass to worship together. Sports Banquet Saturday, May 16th, 6 pm, ABVM Parish Center. Dinner will be served. All children who participated in CYO athletics during the 2014-2015 school year will be recognized and receive an award. All athletes and their parents are invited to attend. Any questions, please contact Bill Gallagher at Flame of Love Prayer Group Thursday Evenings, 6-7 pm Assumption BVM Church Join us as we pray during this Holy Hour! For information, visit “Roses in Winter” Social Club for those 55+ Welcome to “Roses in Winter.” Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 27th at 1:00 pm at the Penn Township Building, Lewis Road, in Jennersville. Our activity for this meeting will be an Ice Cream Social/Strawberry Festival and "Sing Along." For information, call Betty Anne @ 610-869-8274. Young Adults of Chester County Young Adults: Reflection on C.S. Lewis' "The Four Loves" Join CYACC Wednesday, May 13th at 7:30 pm at SS. Peter and Paul, West Chester, for an inspiring talk and reflection on Christian author C.S. Lewis' work "The Four Loves." A Theology professor, Father Caponi, will be our speaker. Check us out on Facebook or email Youth Group News rd Sunday, May 3 : Regular meeting located in the lower level of the church (PLC). Doors open at 6:30 pm for youth to come and socialize with friends. The meeting starts at 7:00 pm and will end by 8:30 pm. Sunday, May 10th: No meeting tonight – honor your Mom’s. Sunday, May 17th: Service opportunity: We will be hosting a “High Tea” at the Brandywine Assisted Living Community (Kennett Square). This type of party was started long ago in Britain during the 1840’s to assist as a mini-meal to ward off the hunger in anticipation of dinner. We will be serving finger sandwiches, scones, pastries and quite a bit of tea!! We will be leaving from the church parking lot at 1:15 pm and arrive back by 3:30 pm. For those in need of community service hours, this is one event not to miss and is open for all youth in grades 6-12. Consider joining us, for an afternoon of service, stories, laughter and fun with our senior group of brothers and sisters. Please contact by May 13th. May 24th: No meeting – Honor our service men & women. Page 9 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Fifth Sunday of Easter Assumption BVM Blood Drive Sunday, May 31st: 8AM-1PM Please visit: and search by sponsor code assumptionbvm to schedule an appointment. You can also sign-up after Masses: May 9/10 and May 16/17 Please contact if you experience issues scheduling donor appointments. Donor Eligibility Guidelines: call 1 800 RED CROSS Knights News St. Pius X Council #3858 Serving Parish and People! Coffee and Donut Social Sunday, May 3rd after the 10:00 am Mass in the Parish Life Center Atlantic City Casino Bus Trip May 17, 2015 Snacks on Board; Bingo with Prizes on Board For Reservations contact: RAY BUNJO 610-869-9336 $33 per person; you get back $30 slot dollars Knights of Columbus Meeting Thursday, May 21st @ 6 pm - ABVM Parish Life Center For questions or membership information, please contact Kris Kelleher at 610-345-9245 or Page 10 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Assumption B.V.M. Church Spaghetti Dinner Raffle Ticket Winners! Thank you!!!!! Thank you!!!!! Thank you!!!!! On behalf of the Parish, I’d like to thank all the people who helped to plan, coordinate and work on the Spaghetti Dinner. This is the parish’s biggest fundraiser of the year, and it has turned out to be our largest social event, too! Congratulations to the three lucky winners of this year’s Spaghetti Dinner Raffle drawing. Thank you to all who participated! A total of 1,197 dinners were served. This year’s net profit is $12,421.18. 1st Prize: $1,000 Dee DiStefano We appreciate the support from our parish and many people from our surrounding communities. The faithful volunteers did a terrific job preparing the dinner, serving in the dining room & take-out and clean up. I know that with the amount of time, talent and treasure that has been so forthcoming from our parishioners, this dinner will be going on long after many of us are no longer here. 2nd Prize $500 Steve D’Angelo I would like to have a follow-up meeting to discuss the dinner while it is still fresh in our minds this Monday, May 4th at 6:30 pm in the Parish Life Center. Please contact me if you can make it at or call 610-869-4100. Mark your calendar for next year’s dinner, April 24, 2016!!! John J. Brennan Secretary of Financial Affairs 3rd Prize: $250 Mary Twadell Registration Form for New Parish Families Please fill out the information indicated below for our Parish records. Please return the form through the mail or in the collection basket. You will receive a formal Census Form in the mail. Family Name __________________________ Head of Family ________________________ Catholic Home Missions Second Collection This Weekend, May 2/3 We need your support to continue to strengthen the Church at home and help mission dioceses right here in the United States. The Catholic Home Missions Appeal supports dioceses in the U.S. and its territories that lack the resources to provide basic pastoral ministry to their populations. Through annual grants, Catholic Home Missions funds catechesis, seminarian education, lay ministry training, Hispanic Ministry and other necessary pastoral programs. Please be generous and help strengthen the Church at home. Spouse ______________________________ Street _______________________________ City ________________________________ Phone________________________________ Email: _______________________________ Page 11 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. MONDAY, MAY 4, 2015 SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2015 6:30 am Mass Kenneth Wallace, requested by His Wife 8:00 am Mass Elizabeth Brennan, requested by Chris and Tina Torello Family TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2015 Reader 1/Reader 2: George Gianforcaro, Neil Coyne Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Jeff, Steve Toolan (A), Joan Patrick (B), Cheryl Harding (C), Frank Puoci (LH), John Eller, Teresa Leszczynski Altar Servers: Thomas Dennis, Michael Gianforcaro, Nicholas & Ryan Toolan Music: Anne Liebeskind, Phil Pierangeli Sacristan: Ray Bunjo 8:15 am Mass Leona Knox, requested by The Zuk Family WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 2015 6:30 am Mass Rose Bunting, requested by Joe Bunting THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2015 6:30 am Mass Kevin Bove, requested by His Sister FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2015 8:15 am Mass Elizabeth Brennan, requested by The Moran Family SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2015 10:00 am Mass Mary and Betty Shannon and Harriet Zeller, requested by Dennis Shannon Reader 1/Reader 2: Mary Ann Schill, John Colgan Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Mike, Christy Cunningham (D), Dennis Shannon (E), Bruce Michalski (TP), James Kirwin (JPP), Stephanie Tobin (JPR), Ruder Schill (PENN), James Heller Altar Servers: Maddie & Ryan Cunningham, Maggie Heller, Jonathan Michalski Music: Adult Choir Sacristan: Mary Rose Heller 4:30 pm Vigil Mass Betty Shannon, requested by Anthony, Ann and Abby Caruso 12:00 pm Mass Monsignor Thomas Herron, requested by His Sister, Joan Reader 1/Reader 2: Michelle Wu, Tom Harrison Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Tom, Patricia Giesecke Lisa Goldstein, Sharon Hannan, Meghan Hughes, Bernadette Muto, Tom Powell Altar Servers: Emily Branca, Ryan Powell, Benjamin & Shaun Thornton Music: Folk Group Sacristan: Lore Phoebe Reader 1/Reader 2: Erin & Tom Finley Eucharistic Ministers: Iris Ayala, Kathy Gebhart, Sandra Gosline, Virginia Kujala, Donna Filipone, Nancy Paproth Altar Servers: Luca Bracalenti, Emily Thompson, Keegan & Ethan Walpole Music: Rich O’Neill, Peggy Masterton Sacristan: Brian Bruecks Adoration Candles are now available for your special intentions. You can pick up a beautiful Candle Intention Card at the Parish Office weekdays, 8 am to 4 pm. Four Adoration Candles (in red globes) are burned on the Main Church altar each week (Monday-Friday). The cost is $10. Consider giving this special gift to a loved one in need of prayer or for those who have passed away. Page 12 - 229 Assumption B.V.M.
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