The Good News - Assumption Catholic Church | West, TX

The Good News
201 5
A publication of
Letter from Our Pastor
St. Mary’s Catholic
Church of the
Dear Parishioners,
When a loved one dies, the world seems at first completely out of kilter. Daily
rhythms are disrupted. Relationships shift. Things that seemed important before take
a back seat, while other urgent concerns come to the fore. A whole reorientation to
life without the physical presence of the loved one is necessary. In the gospel, we
catch a glimpse of how the first disciples of Jesus navigated the difficult days in the
aftermath of his death, how they had to construct their lives and meaning anew. At
the Easter Vigil, we hear the enigmatic ending of Mark’s gospel (MK16:1-7). It captures the bewilderment of the first disciples, in the figures of Mary Magdalene, Mary
the mother of James, and Salome, who go to the tomb early on Easter morning,
bringing spices to anoint Jesus’ body. They are startled to see that the stone has been
rolled away from the tomb and the heavenly messenger announces that Jesus has
been raised; he is not there. They are commissioned to tell this message to the disciples and Peter and that he is going ahead of them to Galilee, where they will see him.
In a Gospel where Jesus repeatedly admonished people not to say who he was, now
free reign is given to proclaim him risen and alive. Throughout his Gospel, Mark
builds suspense, with the command, “don’t tell.” No one can tell the story of Jesus
without knowing the whole story, which includes his passion, death, and resurrection. Only with these concluding pieces can one begin to speak rightly about the
teacher, healer, and exorcist he was. Ironically, while other characters in Mark’s Gospel broke the injunction to silence, now that the women are commanded to tell the
story, they say nothing, out of fear.
Mark is a brilliant storyteller, and invites the reader to finish the story. His is an open
book; one that is never concluded. The hearer is asked to go back to Galilee, back to
the beginning, to contemplate anew the meaning of all Jesus said and did in the light
of his having been raised. As in funeral rites today, they remember all the various
pieces of his life, which now take on new meaning. The original ending of Mark’s Gospel (MK 16:8) ends in awe and mystery, into which the hearers are invited to enter.
The resurrection is not simply a “happy-ever-after” ending or the fulfillment of our
expectations. It turns the world on end, and defies explanation. It is God’s final parable. The Gospel of John, which we hear on Easter morning, drives home the central
question: where is Jesus now? A single character, Mary Magdalene, represents the
voice of the community, as she seeks her beloved, and laments, “We don’t know
Fr. Paul writes of the Resurrection and where is Jesus now
(continues on page 2)
Rev. Paul Hudson;
Rectory 254-826-3705
301 S. Harrison
P.O. Box 276
West, Texas 76691
Inside this issue:
Parent Teacher Club
St. Anne’s Altar Society
Men’s Fellowship
C.D.A News
C.C.E News
Grief Support
Parish Advisory Board
Infant Jesus Garden
50-50 Club
Divine Mercy Sunday
St. Vincent dePaul
SMS News
KJT #31 News
KJZT & KJZT Jr. News
KC’s Spring Fling
Scouting News
Letter from our Pastor continued….
where they have laid him” (JN20:2). Her search echoes that of the lover in the Song of Songs: “I sought him whom
my soul loves; I sought him, but found him not” (Song 3:1). The question, “Where?” permeates the whole of John’s
Gospel. The first followers want to know, “Where do you stay?” (JN1:38). And in his final address to his disciples,
Jesus speaks to them about an eternal dwelling place, which is not a geographical space, but his very self (JN15:410). In John 20 there are two parts to the answer of where Jesus is now. On Easter morning, we hear the first half:
he has returned to the Father (JN20:1-9). Mary, Peter, and the Beloved Disciple all verify that he is not in the tomb.
The latter two return home, not understanding, but Mary refuses to leave and continues her search. On Tuesday in
the octave of Easter we hear the second half of the answer. Jesus himself appears directly to Mary Magdalene and
tells her not to cling to him as the earthly person she knew previously. He directs her to go to the gathered community of the brothers and sisters: it is there that he is to be found alive (JN20:17). In the resurrection appearance
stories, the gospel focuses more on what happens to us than what happened to Jesus. A gospel that began by reflecting on how “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (1:14) concludes with the Word becoming enfleshed
in each individual believer and in the whole body of the faith community. That is where he is to be found, as his
transformation is completed in our own.
Father Paul
Parents Teachers Club
We want to say a big “Thank You” to
Mr. Steve Soukup who donated several
live oak trees for the playground. They
are a great addition to our playground.
Upcoming Events :
April 10th — Gardening Day
April 8th — PTC meeting 6 pm in teachers’ lounge
May 13th — PTC meeting 6 pm in teachers’ lounge
May 28th — SMS Field Day
By Rita Watson
St. Mary's PTC is selling car decals and the price is
only $5 each. (See Below.)
Please contact school for more information.
Car Decal Sample:
Our PTC Officers for the current school year are:
President-Linda Maddox
Vice President-Michelle Ivy
Secretary-Rita Watson
Treasurer- Lindsey Vanek
Reporters- Melissa Kubitza & Jana Marak
Fundraiser Coordinator-Dana Smotherman
Page 2
April—June Issue 2015
St. Anne’s Altar Society
by Evelyn Petter
St. Anne's Altar Society held its first meeting of
the new year on January 13, 2015. The men and
women of our parish still have time to pay your
membership dues for 2015. Pink envelopes are
located at the bulletin tables and you may place
your dues in the envelope and drop it into the
collection basket. Dues are $10.00 for the year
and enables us to keep our altar looking in tip
top shape.
decorating the church for your wedding. Contact
Evelyn Petter at 826-5675, if you have any questions
or to reserve the date with St. Anne's.
We are well into the Lenten season and will soon
be decorating for Easter. Thank you to all who
remembered a loved one by contributing to the
cost of the Easter lilies. What a beautiful way to
remember your loved ones and to decorate the
altar for Easter!
The next St. Anne's meeting will be held in
April. Information will be in the bulletin for the exact date and time. Please watch for details of the
monthly meetings.
St. Anne's recently purchased a new holy water bucket and sprinkler for the church. It is with your dues
and memorials that we are able to purchase these necessary items for the church. Thank you for your generosity.
For those of you who are planning to be married
this year, St. Anne's will be happy to take care of
Men’s Fellowship Group
by Jim Maguire
The Men’s Group continues to meet on Friday morning. For Lent, we watched a six week program presented
by Cardinal Timothy Dolan entitled, “St. Peter: Icon for Lent.” The program was well received by the men;
many saying it improved their Lenten devotions.
The Third Annual Central Texas Fellowship of Catholic Men Conference in February was well attended by
the men of the diocese - filling St. William’s church in Round Rock. We had over thirty men in attendance
from our parish and ACTS community. The conference committee did a great job of organizing and getting
great keynote speakers. A special thanks to Jim Lockhart who represented our parish on the committee, and
did a yeoman’s recruiting job.
After Lent we will continue our programs: “Signpost” and “What Catholics Really Believe.”
Watch for our weekly e-mail announcements. E-mails announcing the upcoming programs go to all men who
have attended ACTS or have attended one of our Friday morning sessions. If you are not getting the weekly e
-mail and would like one, please e-mail:
The Good News
Page 3
Catholic Daughters News
Where is the time going? Here we are
with one-quarter of the year gone. But
that's how it is when you have so many
activities and have so many wonderful
people doing great things for our parish.
The Taco Soup Fundraiser held on February 17 was a huge
success! We had so many busy bees working to make this
event such a wonderful one. The soup was exceptionally
good and we thank Margaret Webre, Doris Hutyra, and Dorothy Machac for this tasty treat! Thanks to Dianne Friend
for coordinating this event and for all the committee chairpersons for working so hard. Isn't it amazing what we can
accomplish when we all work together as one team. God
bless you all!!
Three of our members were recently recognized by awarding
them with 50-year pins. These ladies are Mary Ann Marak,
Barbara Stanislav, and Betty Pareya. Congratulations to
these ladies for your service to CDA and our parish. May
God continue to bless you in all that you do!
The CDA convention will be held April 9-12, 2015, at the
Austin Renaissance Hotel. Nine ladies from CDA will be
representing our court at that convention. Please keep them
in your prayers that they may have a wonderful experience
and come back rejuvenated and ready to make our court
even better than it already is!
CDA shirts are still available. You may place your order by
contacting Debby Marak at 749-8605. The shirt is a short
sleeve purple polo shirt with the CDA logo and costs $22.00
for sizes S-XL, $24.00 for XXL, $25.00 for XXXL, and
$26.00 for XXXXL.
We are gearing up for our next fundraiser. Mark your calendars for the Taste of West Luncheon which will be held June
9, 2015, at the Parish Center. Some of the best cooks in
West will bring their specialty foods for your enjoyment. We will also have a silent auction, buchta sale, and
raffle. (See sample ticket ) Evelyn Petter is coordinating
the event. If you would like to donate a silent auction item
or help out in any way, please contact Evelyn.
Just a reminder to pay your CDA dues for 2015 if you haven't done so already. Yellow envelopes are located at the bulletin tables. You may place your dues in the envelope and
drop the envelope into the collection basket. If you are not
a member, join today! Not only are you remembered at
masses throughout the year, but you also have an opportunity to meet some great ladies and form wonderful friendships.
Page 4
by Regent Evelyn Petter
School will soon come to an end and summer vacations will
begin. Isn't it amazing how quickly the year is going
by! Please pray for all of our young people as they move on to
new beginnings or just enjoy the summer. And may all of you
have a wonderful summer as well!
Drawing: Tuesday, June 9, 2015
ST. FRANCIS YARD STATUE – Rose Kubacak, Margaret
Kubala, Jeanie Maguire, Monica May, Wanda Stacha
$100 ACADEMY GIFT CARD – Kristie Bryant, Angela Kennedy, Andrea Clifton
Evelyn Petter, Kathy Podsednik
Debby Marak, Tappy Vanek
Wilma Kostecka, Jean Maler, JoAnn Maynard, Helen
Dianne Friend, Cindy Lair
Kathy Doherty, Debbie Keel, Laurie Morrison
Lucille Uptmore, Barbara Recek
Sandra & Ronnie Sykora
$100 VISA CARD – Uptmore Motors
Archer, Lillian Bohannan, Helen Trlica, Virginia Zatopek
Gerik’s Bakery/Jeanne Anderson
Dianne Mendiola, Ericka Sammon, Rita Wright
Marcella Sinkule
Karen McKenzie, Margie Vrbas
Toni Snapka
Dorothy Machac, Evelyn Stuckly
Linda Bole, Margaret Kennedy
$50 WALMART GIFT CARD – Frances Soukup
DONATION: $2.00 EACH OR 3 FOR $5.00
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Court Sacred Heart #829
170 Windsong, West, TX 76691
April—June Issue 2015
C.C.E. News
The 10th grade CCE class has been busy preparing for Confirmation. 46 students received the
Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday, March
21, 2015. Father Paul and Father David celebrated Mass with Bishop Joe Vasquez.
Drive-Through-Stations of the Cross were held
on Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015 from 6:30 pm8:00 pm. The 10th grade students along with
many other CCE students presented the Stations. Everyone was invited to come walk with
Jesus through the streets of Jerusalem to his crucifixion.
The CCE and St. Mary’s 3rd grade along with the
CCE RCIC classes continue to prepare for their
First Holy Communion which will be held Saturday, May 23, 2015.
Thank you to everyone for your continued prayers and blessings. May God bless you!
Grief Support
by Charlene Cook
Calendar of Events
Wed. Apr. 1 —K-8th/RCIC CCE classes 6:15-7:30 PM
Sun. Apr. 5 — No classes, Happy Easter!
Wed, Apr 8 — K-8th/RCIC CCE classes 6:15-7:30 PM
Sun. Apr. 12 — 9th CCE grade class 9-10:15 AM
Wed, Apr. 15 — K-8th/RCIC CCE classes 6:15-7:30 PM
Sun. Apr. 19 — 9th CCE grade class 9-10:15 AM
Wed, Apr. 22 — NO CLASSES
Sat. Apr. 25 — 3rd Grade 3:00 PM Confessions;
Meet in church
Sun. Apr. 26 — 9th CCE grade class 9-10:15 AM
Sun. May 3 — 9th CCE grade class 9-10:15 AM
Sun. May 3 — May Crowning at 10:30 AM Mass
Wed. May 6 — K-8th/RCIC CCE classes 6:15-7:30 PM
Sun. May 10 — No 9th CCE Classes - Happy Mother’s Day
Wed. May 13 — K-8th/RCIC CCE classes 6:15-7:30 PM
Sun. May 17 — 9th CCE grade class 9-10:15 AM
Wed. May 20 — K-8th/RCIC CCE classes 6:15-7:30 PM
Sat. May 23 — First Holy Communion at 4:00 PM; Practice
for 3rd graders & RCIC students along with one parent at
9:00 AM in Church
Parish Advisory Board
by Janice Kaluza
by Dorothy Warren
April 23, 2015 - Grief Support Group Meeting 7:00 p.m. Thursday at St. Joseph Hall. The speaker for this evening will be Rev. Terry McElrath,
Pastor of Tokio Baptist Church. There will be
food and fellowship following the meeting.
May 21, 2015 - Grief Support Group Meeting 7:00 p.m. Thursday at St. Joseph Hall. The speaker for this evening will be Deacon Ronnie Sykora
of St. Mary's Catholic Church of the Assumption
in West. There will be food and fellowship following the meeting.
June 18, 2015 - Grief Support Group Meeting –
7:00 p.m. Thursday at St. Joseph Hall. The speaker for this evening will be Dr. Paul Stripling,
Counselor for Hand in Hand Counseling in Waco.
There will be food and fellowship following the
It’s that time of the year when everyone is looking forward to Spring and enjoying the beauty of it. The Parish
Board is in the process of preparing another Parish Directory. More details will be coming in the next few weeks.
We sincerely hope everyone will take part in this endeavor. It has been five years since the last directory was
completed. Anyone that would like to help with this may
contact any member on the Parish Advisory Board. All
help will be welcomed.
Before too long, it will be time to plan our annual Church
Festival. Our new members serving on the Board are:
Dianne Feyerherm, Ryan Janek and James Watson.
Please tell them ‘thank you’ for their service to our
church and its parishioners.
May your families be blessed during this Easter Season.
The Good News
Page 5
Infant Jesus of Prague Ancestral Prayer Garden
By Clarice Snokhous and Mildred Dokupil
In preparation for the glorious feast of Easter, the garden has been made ready.
The rose bushes have been pruned and the garden has been fertilized and mulched.
Donations are still being accepted to place the names of Feryn Schulte and Ginger
Kutcherousky on the monument. Please call Mildred Dokupil at 826-4520 or
Clarice Snokhous at 826-3004, if interested in donating.
The 50-50 Club
To join 50—50
all ages are welcome
50-50 does not have to
do with the age 50 as
some like to think.
There are no dues just
come and join in the
The 50-50 Club meets every Sunday between 7AM and
9AM at the Parish Center. Tickets are three for a dollar.
50-50 is a great way to meet with other parishioners; and,
if you are new to the community, a wonderful way to
meet parishioners and find out what is new in the parish.
Also, enjoy a cup of coffee and a kolache while visiting
with friends.
Divine Mercy Sunday
By Dolores Sykora
Please join our parish family in praying the Divine Mercy Novena beginning on Good
Friday and ending on Divine Mercy Sunday. Also a holy hour of prayer and Eucharistic adoration will be held in our church from 3 to 4 PM on Divine Mercy Sunday,
April 12, 2015.
A multicultural rosary will be prayed in Spanish, English, Latin and Czech languages.
The Divine Mercy Chaplet and Divine Mercy Litany will also be prayed. Benediction
will conclude the service. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available during the Holy Hour. A Plenary
Indulgence can be received 8 days before or 8 days after this Feast Day if the usual requirements are met to
gain this indulgence.
St. John Paul II was canonized a saint last year on Divine Mercy Sunday. He was very instrumental in bringing
this devotion into our faith communities. Great graces and blessings are received through faithful participation
in this devotion. Please avail yourself of this great grace of God’s mercy.
Page 6
April—June Issue 2015
Society of St. Vincent dePaul
By Cheryl Hoelscher, President
On April 11th and 12th, our Conference will
have a visiting Vincentian, Roz Gutierrez, speaking at each Mass about an ‘Invitation to Serve’
and offering our parishioners an opportunity to
join the Society.
We will be giving an impact card to the members
of our congregation along with a tear-off St. Vincent DePaul Prayer Card. The card shows the
‘impact’ our West Conference has had on the
community during the fiscal year, which only includes the first 3 months of activity since our
Conference is new.
In the first 6 months of service to the community
(Jul-Dec), our Conference has provided:
 $3,779 in housing assistance
 $5,807 in utility payments
 $1,855 in medical, food & other assistance
 For a 6-month total of $11,442 and
 Served 145 people.
Thanks to our parish’s generosity, we have
made a big impact on the West community!
We are in need of more members that are able to
assist with family visits and answering the SVdP
cell phone. The more helping hands we have,
the lighter the load. If you are interested in becoming a Vincentian, please contact any member
or come visit and pray with us at one of our bimonthly meetings.
We meet in the SMS Library on the first and
third Wednesday of every month at 7:15 PM.
If you would like to schedule a Home Visit to
investigate resources and assistance available,
please call 254-297-9190 on Tuesday or Thursday
between 10 AM and 6 PM. Or you may leave a
voice-mail message anytime and a Vincentian will
call you back during hours of operation.
The Good News
Page 7
By Erica Lopez, Director of Development
This Spring is a busy time for
our school with summer being
just around the corner!
Here are the upcoming dates of
importance for this quarter:
4/2 Holy Thursday: Please join us for our Divine
Mercy Chaplet at 8:15 a.m. in the church, followed by
an Easter egg hunt at 10:30 a.m. for Pre-K and Kindergarten. We will have an early release on this day.
4/3 Good Friday: There will be no school.
4/6 Monday: No school due to the Easter holiday.
4/10 Friday: There is an early release due to the end
of the 5th 6-weeks.
4/11 Saturday: The Science Fair will take place in
The week of 4/13 will be ITBS testing.
4/17 Friday: A special Memorial Mass will be held in
remembrance of the West explosion victims.
4/24 Friday: There will be a Spanish Mass by the 7th
grade and a school-wide rosary.
5/1: May Crowning Mass
5/19: Kindergarten graduation, 6:30 p.m.
5/21: 8th grade retreat
5/22: Last day of school/early release for 8th grade
5/25: No school due to Memorial Day holiday
5/26: 8th grade graduation Mass and 8th grade Awards
Ceremony in the church at 6:30 p.m.
5/28 Field day (all grades)
5/29: End of year Mass and Awards Ceremony for
grades Pre-K through 7th, early release (last
day of school before summer break begins)
On Saturday, June 20th we will have our annual
‘Going West for the Gold’ super raffle and dinner
which is a St. Mary’s School Board fundraiser event.
Please contact the school office for more information
or to purchase tickets. It will be held at the West Columbus Club, with registration beginning at 5:30 p.m.
and dinner served at 6:30 p.m. Drawings will start at
7:00 p.m. and end when the last ticket is drawn. This
is a worthwhile event supporting a great cause. Plus
the steaks, drinks and desserts are always great!
KJT Society #31
by Cathy Kraemer
At our January meeting, members voted to keep the current slate of officers for 2015. Therefore, the 2015 officers are:
President - Michael Kraemer
Treasurer—Robert Nors
1st Vice President - Sherry Pavlas
Secretary—Cathy Kraemer
2nd Vice President - George Meurer
Reporter—Georgie Nors
Youth Leader - Sandy Kidwell
On February 20th, our Society hosted the first Fish Fry of Lent with proceeds benefiting the Priest and Religious Retirement
Fund. We want to thank all the help we had from Society #31 members, KJZT Members, the Boy Scouts and others who came out
to help. We also appreciate everyone who came and ate fish!
In March, KJT Society #31 once again participated in the West V.F.D. Bar-B-Q Cook-off.
April will be a busy month for our Society, with Corporate Communion scheduled for Sunday, April 12th at the 7:30 a.m. Mass
followed by coffee and kolaches before our monthly meeting.
April 19 is District V Family Day at the Dulock/Snapka Farm in Tokio. Registration begins at 11:00 a.m. with contests from 12:00
- 3:00 p.m. and hamburgers served as well. We hope everyone can come out.
Continued 
Page 8
April—June Issue 2015
KJZT Society #11
Thank you to all who helped with our Easter bake sale.
Also, thank you to all who supported it to make it a success.
I would also like to thank all who continue to donate so
generously to the food pantry. As many as eight boxes
are given out each week. Kudos to Delois Earl, Dolores
Sykora and George Meuer for all their time.
The District 10 meeting will be held May 3 in Abbott.
We will be awarding 50 and 75 year pins.
KJZT Juniors #11
By President Mary Kallus
Our monthly meetings are held the second Sunday of the
month after the 7:30 a.m. Mass at the Parish Center. Our
next meeting will be April 12, 2015. We will not meet in
You may want to mark your calendars now for the “The KJZT
Family Fun Day” which is set for July 19. Watch the bulletin
for more information.
God bless you all and hope to see you at our next meeting.
by Theresa Plsek
The Juniors helped the adult members at the bake sale on Saturday, March 28th. Proceeds went towards the fund for
the youth who will be going to World Youth Day in 2016.
There will be a meeting on Sunday, April 12, 2015 at St. Mary’s Parish Center at 4:00 p.m. with pizza for all the Juniors. After the meeting, Juniors will make corsages and boutonnieres for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day for the
women and men who were residents of West Rest Haven at the time of the explosion. We are hoping the residents
will be back in the new West Rest Haven by Father’s Day.
The next District meeting will be on Sunday, May 3, 2015 in Abbott and Junior members will participate at the District meeting. Also, Juniors will participate in ‘Join Hands Day’ in June.
Camp Guardian Angel will be held June 25th through the 29th at the Cooper Farm in Ledbetter, Texas and Juniors
are selling State raffle tickets to help with the cost of the camp. Please contact Sherri Zacharias (822-1240) or Theresa
Plsek (867-1973) or any active Junior member. They are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00.
KJT Society #31
Saturday, April 25th is the State Family Day in LaGrange. Check your KJT News for details.
In May and June, we will be having hamburger fundraisers to raise funds for our Society. At the convention last year, delegates
voted to do away with State dues and our local society followed suit; therefore, we are no longer collecting or receiving proceeds
from dues. We ask that members help support our fundraisers to keep us financially sound. Watch the bulletins for dates of
these fundraisers.
On June 13th and 14th, KJT will be celebrating Flag Day at all of the Masses. On Sunday, June 14th, we will also have our
regular meeting, and that afternoon will be the Youth Swim Party.
Scholarship applications will be available soon for Society #31 members who are high school Seniors this year. Sherry Pavlas
will be in charge of the Scholarship Committee this year.
Looking ahead, State KJT Youth Camp will be available for two age groups this year, July 26th - 29th for ages 9 - 12, and July
29th - August 1st for ages 13 - 15. You can visit the KJT website at for more details and the camp
application. Application deadline is July 1st.
The Good News
Page 9
Spring Fling
Chuckle Time…..
A kindergarten teacher was walking
around observing her classroom of
children while they were drawing
April 26, 2015
pictures. As she got to one girl who
was working diligently, she asked
what the drawing was.
The girl replied, “I’m drawing God.”
1 PM to 6 PM $8 per person
West KC Hall
The teacher paused and said, “But no
one knows what God looks like.”
Czech & Then Some and
Dujka Brothers
Enjoy 2 Bands & Support the Knights!
Kitchen Open
Come Hungry!
D. C. C. W. News
Without looking up from her drawing,
the girl replied, “They will in a
By Evelyn Petter
The Northern Council of Catholic Women held its regular quarterly meeting on February 11, 2015, which
was hosted by our parish. We had wonderful attendance at the meeting. Christina Morris from the West
Rest Haven and others from their staff presented an informative program regarding the progress of the rebuild of the West nursing home. Watch for notices of our next meeting. Plan on attending and see what
DCCW is about!
The annual ADCCW convention will be held April 20st - 21st at the Shiloh Hotel in Killeen. Details regarding the convention will be released soon. If you would like to attend the convention, please contact Evelyn
Petter at 826-5675 for registration forms and information.
Our own Dianne Friend will be the next president of the entire diocese of ADCCW. Her term will begin in
April. We look forward to accomplishing many wonderful things under her leadership.
Reminder: If you missed having your group or organizations latest information in this Newsletter,
please mark your calendar now so your events can be included in the Summer 2015 Newsletter.
Please send articles or calendar dates to by June 15, 2015
or you may call Cheryl Hoelscher at 254-826-3481
Page 10
April—June Issue 2015
Submitted by Troop Committee Chair Don Urbanovsky
We would like to invite you to “Like” our Official Facebook Page, West Boy Scout Troop 494. This is an excellent way
to keep up to date with current events and troop activities. We continue adding photos of our events to our page so that
the community can follow our scouting adventures.
Congratulations to our Scout Advancements
EAGLE – Kyle Sinkule
TENDERFOOT – Ryson Maddox, Jake Woosley, Nicholas Allnutt, Orlando Lara
Elections for the Youth leaders were conducted this Winter. These are the results:
SILENT KNIGHT Patrol Leader - Ryson Maddox
PEDROS Patrol Leader - Taylor Marer
HISTORIAN - Clayton Fleck
WOLVERINES Patrol Leader - Jeremiah Gunter
QUARTERMASTER - Jeremiah Gunter
SCORPIONS Patrol Leader - Nickolai Galuppo
SCRIBE - Nathan Galuppo
SHARKS Patrol Leader - Braxson Warren
TROOP GUIDE - Chris Moyer
Advancement--MERIT BADGES
ARCHEOLOGY - Dalton Ferguson
ART – Dalton Ferguson
CAMPING – Taylor Marek, Bailey Warren
CHESS - Jake Woosley
CHEMISTRY - Dalton Ferguson
CITIZENSHIP in the NATION – Dalton Ferguson
CITIZENSHIP in the WORLD – Chris Moyer
COMPUTER - Chris Moyer
FIRE SAFETY – Chris Moyer
Aluminum Can Recycle
@ South lawn of City
From 9 am—Noon on
Apr 4th, May 2nd, &
Jun 6th
PUBLIC SPEAKING - Dalton Ferguson
Troop meetings every Tuesday night from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Scout Hut.
Apr 4 – Hamburger Sack Lunch Fundraiser at Scout Hut from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Apr 6 – Boy Scouts Adult leader’s meeting at 6:30 p.m. @ Scout Hut
Apr 11 – TSTC Merit Badge College and Week End Camp
Apr 19 - History of West Museum Fundraiser Service Project at KC Grounds 10:30 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Apr 25 - BBQ Chicken Fundraiser Saturday and Sunday. Pre-Sales will be encouraged.
May 2 – Hamburger Sack Lunch Fundraiser at Scout Hut from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Date with Mom at St. Joseph Hall at 6:30 p.m.
May 4 – Boy Scouts Adult leader’s meeting at 6:30 p.m. @ Scout Hut
May 15 – Weekend Camp at Camp Schular at Lake Whitney
May 25 – Memorial Day - Boy Scouts post “Old Glory”
Jun 6 – Hamburger Sack Lunch Fundraiser at Scout Hut from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Jun 8 – Boy Scouts Adult leader’s meeting at 6:30 p.m. @ Scout Hut
Jun 14 – KJT Service Project US Flag Presentation during Masses
Flag Day, Boy Scouts post "Old Glory"
Jun 21-27 Summer Camp at Worth Ranch
The Good News
Page 11
The Good News”
Church of the Assumption
P. O. Box 276
West, Texas 76691
Non Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
West, Texas 76691
Permit No. 24
Remember to check out our Parish Website
Various organizations have contributed data about their groups, so you can find out what time your group
will be meeting, read the latest bulletin, Parish newsletter, CDA newsletter, Lector/Server Schedule, find
Mass times and much more—including links to other organizations webpages.
If your parish organization would like to have information added to our website, please contact the Rectory.
We’re on the Web
Remember to pull-out the Calendar page in the center and post on your frig
so you don’t miss any of our Church events!