MeV photons and Dark Matter searches Yann Mambrini Laboratoire de Physiaue Théorique, Université Paris Saclay. ERC Higgs@LHC Talk at the second ASTROGAM workshop LPNHE, Paris, 27th of March 2015 time since the signal appeared (years) keV indirect detection γ MeV I N T E G R A L 15 10 indirect detection (other) TeV GeV direct detection PeV DAMA PAMELA FERMI GC 5 COGENT CDMS 1 X M M F E R M I AMS Icecube Energy keV MeV GeV TeV PeV time since the signal appeared (years) keV I N T E G R A L 15 10 indirect detection γ indirect detection (other) TeV MeV GeV ASTROGAM DAMA direct detection PeV 5 1 X M M N oc an di da tes (y et! ) PAMELA FERMI GC COGENT CDMS F E R M I AMS Icecube Energy keV MeV GeV TeV PeV Direct detection summary No hope to reach the MeV scale (F. Ruppin, J. Billard, E. Figueroa-Feliciano, L. Stigari; 1408.3581) SM SM ! A S T R O G A M (Td ) = n(Td ) ⇥ h viTd = H(Td ) Why this 0.1-100 MeV region was absent from theoretical dark matter studies? The Cowsik-Mc Clelland and Lee Weinberg bounds ⇢⌫ 2 n⌫ m⌫ m⌫ ⌦⌫ h = c h = ' 5 3 ⇢0 10 GeV cm 92 eV 2 td ho Ων h = 2 k ar Ων h 2 ∝< σ ann v > −1 91.5 eV COLD HOT ter at does not work m ter 3 – 7 GeV mat 30 eV dark •Σmv<0.66 eV (WMAP+LSS+SN) •LEP: Nν=2.994±0.012 → mν≥45 GeV → Ωνh2 ≤ 10-3 •DM searches exclude: 10 GeV ≤ mν≤ 4.7 TeV (similar constraints for sneutrinos and KK-neutrinos) ∑ mν cold Neutrino ) m⌫ . 9 eV mix with sterile component (both for neutrinos and sneutrinos) h vi = G2F m2 > 10 9 GeV 2 ) m > 2 GeV Why this 0.1-100 MeV region was absent from theoretical dark matter studies? The Cowsik-Mc Clelland and Lee Weinberg bounds ⇢⌫ 2 n⌫ m⌫ m⌫ ⌦⌫ h = c h = ' 5 3 ⇢0 10 GeV cm 92 eV 2 td ho Ων h = 2 k ar Ων h 2 ∝< σ ann v > −1 91.5 eV COLD HOT ter at does not work m 3 – 7 GeV ter ASTROGAM mat 30 eV dark •Σmv<0.66 eV (WMAP+LSS+SN) •LEP: Nν=2.994±0.012 → mν≥45 GeV → Ωνh2 ≤ 10-3 •DM searches exclude: 10 GeV ≤ mν≤ 4.7 TeV (similar constraints for sneutrinos and KK-neutrinos) ∑ mν cold Neutrino ) m⌫ . 9 eV mix with sterile component (both for neutrinos and sneutrinos) h vi = G2F m2 > 10 9 GeV 2 ) m > 2 GeV Why this 0.1-100 MeV region was absent from theoretical dark matter studies? The Cowsik-Mc Clelland and Lee Weinberg bounds ⇢⌫ 2 n⌫ m⌫ m⌫ ⌦⌫ h = c h = ' 5 3 ⇢0 10 GeV cm 92 eV 2 td ho Ων h = 2 k ar 91.5 eV COLD ter does not work Ων h 2 ∝< σ ann v > −1 HOT at 3 – 7 GeV ter ASTROGAM mat 30 eV dark g2 GF / 2 MZ •LEP: 02=2.994±0.012 N g ν 0 ! GF / →2 m ≥45 GeV MZ 0 ν → Ωνh2 ≤ 10-3 •DM searches exclude: 10 GeV ≤ mν≤ 4.7 TeV (similar constraints for sneutrinos and KK-neutrinos) m Solution: not standard model interaction •Σmv<0.66 eV (Z’, H’, A, supersymmetry..) (WMAP+LSS+SN) ∑ mν cold Neutrino ) m⌫ . 9 eV mix with sterile component (both for neutrinos and sneutrinos) h vi = G2F m2 > 10 9 GeV 2 ) m > 2 GeV illustrated in section V. sight In theviable latter results. case, m ˜ is expecte Both cases give at first One can to be at easily most of theitsame of microscopic magnitude than m derstand why is soorder in the appro since it gets from operators the vev of approach a field =ofv Eq. + compared to its thevalue e↵ective e χ2 /d.o.f. Line position Flux ∆χ2 after spontaneous symmetry breaking. Furthermore th 2 [keV] Lucien 10−6 cts/sec/cm Indeed, as recently FIG. 2. Dudas, Microscopic diagram for annihilation Emilian Heurtier and dark Yann matter Mambrini: «Generating X-ray lines from annihilating darkemphasized matter » (2014)by the authors of [40] is what beofmore generally expected if m ˜ is ope gen 97.8/74 3.53 ± 0.025 4.9+1.6 13.0 the LHC would analysis mono jet events, the e↵ective XMM Newton −1.3 erated by whatever mechanism involving on( 107.8/75 3.53 ± 0.03 < 1.8 (2σ) ... tors approach ceasesdynamical to be valid once the ultraviolet and the light field S. The mass scale ⇤ is related t 72.7/68 3.50+0.044 7.0+2.6 9.1 −0.036 −2.6 croscopic) theory contains some light mediators, whic +3.1 the mass of heavy particles integrated in the loop. I 62.6/62 3.46 ± 0.04 9.2−3.1 8.0 exactly our case. This comes from two powers less i +2.2 a perturbative set up with N charged fermions runnin 191.5/142 3.518+0.019 8.6 ( Perseus ) 25.9 −0.022 −2.3 2 in the computation of observables: heavier states beco 4⇡ m+1.4 ( M31 ) (3 dof) in the loop ⇤ ⇠ M , where h is the Yukawa cou m2s 2 4.6 −1.4 2 2 µ⌫ Nh ↵ FIG. 3. (m ,m) ˜ heavy parameter space allowed byresult the flux mea now reasonably compared to the Eq.(10 L33.1/33 S m ˜ S + F F . (11) ef f µ⌫ 3.53 ± 0.03 < 0.7 (2σ) ... pling in of the to the fermions of mass . Usin 2 2 ⇤ ments case of acharged heavy mediator (Case A), forM di↵erent v We thatGeV experimental li the⇤.will constraint M ®ion 500 fromwhere collider an of Thesee redhowever shaded indicates m ˜bounds issearches higheron than his paper. Second column denotes the sum of exposures of individual observascalar particle interactions with electromagnetic perturbativity one finds that thethe minimum natural va f. (position and the flux ofparameter the line) are added. energies for Perseus arescale quoted paWe assume m ˜ The to be a free mass3450-3600-keV uesare forstrongly ⇤ are ⇤ ⇠ 50 500 TeV, whereas ⇤ ⇠ 5 TeV ca tor restrictive. ameter. However such coupling can be explicitely generonly obtained in a strongly coupled hidden sector. ted by symmetry breaking in renormalizable models, as In be order to fix ideas, and anticipating results of sec 0.36 ustrated 0.34 in section V. In the latter case, m ˜ is expected V, weaindicated red in the region Such lagrangianingives forthe thefigure annihilation crosswhere sectiom 0.32 2 2 m o be at most of the same order of magnitude than m m . This shows clearly, that m & 300 keV m (process depicted in Fig.(2) )2 imposing C. Experimental Bounds s 2 0.30 Lef f S m ˜ S 2 + Fµ⌫ F µ⌫ nce it gets =v + an upper limit for approximately 0.28its value from the vev of a field 2 ⇤, giving 2 ⇤ 0.26 ter spontaneous symmetry breaking. Furthermore this 0.24 2 2 As we just mentioned above, interactions of a light sca 4mTeV ˜ . what would be more generally expected if m ˜ is gensm micro⇤ . 1000 0.22 h particle vi = . (12 1⋅10 2 )2visible 2 2 or axion-like (ALP) with the secto ⇡⇤ (4m m ated by 8⋅10 whatever dynamical mechanism involving only s very much constrained by collider data (LEP) and as Furthermore, the lower limit ⇤ & 5 TeV mentione 6⋅10 and the4⋅10light field S. The mass scale ⇤ is related to physics. Indeed bounds on pseudoscalar in section III A – still acceptable if there isparticles some stro he mass 2⋅10 of heavy particles integrated in the loop. In 0⋅10 acting with photons (see [46]) have been studied, coupled hidden sector generating the e↵ective massuss perturbative set up with N charged fermions running keV γγ observation -2⋅10 ure 2. Morphology 4⇡ of 8 plasma emission lines including the 3.5 keV band surrounding theALEPH, LEP data from OPAL, and DELPHI, ⇤ – imposes an upper on line theL3mediator mass, m -4⋅10 B. limit X-ray the loop ⇤ ⇠ M , where h is the Yukawa cou8.0 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 actic center regionNafter h ↵ subtracting o↵ the best-fit (ML) contribution from 5 continuum 6 Energy [keV] shown that the coupling of expect the pseudoscalar with p 50 MeV . One would thus from this model ds. normalizeof maps to the of each template. The band ingFor of illustrative to the purposes, chargedwefermions mass M variance . Using 1 4 the mediator mass lies in the region tons cannot exceed a value of 2.6 ⇥ 10 GeV fo m 3.45-3.6 keV isM shown in the center-right panel. A on black ‘+’ indicates the location of he constraint 500region GeV from collider searches r the MOS spectrum ofalso the & central of M31. Statistical Y-errorbars theand Depending on the hierarchy between the masses of th E. Bulbul, M. Markevitch, A. Foster, R. K. Smith, M. Loewenstein, S. W. mediator of mass m . 50 MeV, which means, in te A* while the outer shell of the supernova remnant Sgr A East is approximately bounded bythe V is not added, hence the group of positive residuals. Right: zoom onto the line erturbativity one finds that the minimum natural valmediator and dark.matter particle S, the conditio Randall; 300 keV m . 50 MeV . ellipse shown, from Ref. [26]. of(7) our mass scale leads to two kinds of constraints : es for ⇤ are ⇤ ⇠ 50 500 TeV, whereas ⇤ ⇠ 5 TeV can nly be obtained in a strongly coupled hidden sector. ⇤ & 3 TeV [m . 50 MeV] . ( The case of XMM Newton signal (2014) 3 M31 ON-center No line at 3.5 keV [cts/sec/keV] Normalized count rate M31 (02/14) -2 [cts/sec/keV] Data - model -3 No line at 3.5 keV Line at 3.5 keV -3 -3 -3 0 -3 -3 obs 5 2 1 5.2 ⇥ 10 photons cm sDM at should 3.55 keVprouch gives forofthe annihilation cross s de- a lagrangian The' observed brightness a decaying line ! besection dification of Eq. (2.2) above for the case of annihilation is trivial. In our primary arXiv:1404.1927 Furthermore, the & most restrictive constraints e-like portional to the matter )column density SDM = ρDM dℓ – Caseone A of : m ms (Heavy Mediator), process depicted indark Fig.(2) 6 The case of decaying dark matter Farinaldo Queiroz, Yann Mambrini and Stefano Profumo: «Dark matter and global symmetries » (2015) MPl 2 ( ! )= 2 4⇡MPl MS3 FIG. 1. Constraints on the lifetime of the The case of decaying dark matter Farinaldo Queiroz, Yann Mambrini and Stefano Profumo: «Dark matter and global symmetries » (2015) ASTROGAM MPl 2 ( ! )= 2 4⇡MPl MS3 FIG. 1. Constraints on the lifetime of the Combined ALP limits Testing Ultra High Energies with ASTROGAM Giorgio Arcadi and Yann Mambrini: «Axion like particle and UHE neutrinos» (2015) p 10 MeV = 10 Z 0 /H 10 p GeV ⇥ 106 GeV = m⌫ ⇥ E⌫cosmic γ of ~10 MeV mν = 0.1 eV ν f f˜ γ of ~10 MeV ¯ f ν Eν = 106 GeV ⇤ Testing Ultra High Energies with ASTROGAM Giorgio Arcadi and Yann Mambrini: «Axion like particle and UHE neutrinos» (2015) p 10 MeV = 10 Z 0 /H 10 p GeV ⇥ 106 GeV = m⌫ ⇥ E⌫cosmic γ of ~10 MeV mν = 0.1 eV ν f f˜ CMB excluded γ of ~10 MeV ¯ f ν Eν = 106 GeV 10 MeV ⇤ 1 GeV ~ Eγ Mean free path of a UHE neutrino of 1 PeV (106 GeV) hitting a neutrino from the CνB, resulting in a MeV γ spectrum Giorgio Arcadi and Yann Mambrini, in preparation Conclusion MeV scale largely unexplored from the Dark Matter point of view MeV is natural in numerous minimal extensions of the standard model Can motivate theoreticians to concentrate on this new scale for model building Conclusion indirect detection γ time since the signal appeared (years) keV MeV I N T E G R A L 15 10 ASTROGAM indirect detection (other) TeV GeV direct detection PeV DAMA 5 1 X M M N oc an di da tes (y et! ) PAMELA FERMI GC COGENT CDMS F E R M I Icecube Energy keV MeV GeV TeV PeV time since the signal appeared (years) keV MeV I N T E G R A 15 10 indirect ASTROGA indirect TeV GeV direct detection PeV DAM PAMELA FERMI 1 N oc an di da tes 5 COGEN CDM X M F E R M Icecube Energy keV MeV GeV TeV PeV 3.53 ± 0.025 4.9+1.6 13.0 −1.3 3.53 ± 0.03 < 1.8 (2σ) ... 3.50+0.044 7.0+2.6 9.1 −0.036 −2.6 3.46 ± 0.04 9.2+3.1 8.0 −3.1 3.518+0.019 8.6+2.2 25.9 −0.022 −2.3 (Perseus) 4.6+1.4 (3 dof) −1.4 (M31) 33.1/33 3.53 ± 0.03 < 0.7 (2σ) ... 97.8/74 107.8/75 72.7/68 62.6/62 191.5/142 Signal: XMM NEWTON and 3.5 keV line? XMM Newton his paper. Second column denotes the sum of exposures of individual observaf. (position and flux of the line) are added. The energies for Perseus are quoted Clusters of galaxies (02/14) 0.32 [cts/sec/keV] [cts/sec/keV] No line at 3.5 keV 0.30 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22 2⋅10 -2 0 -2 0⋅101⋅10 -1⋅10 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 Energy [keV] 0.90 0.80 -2 1.0⋅10 0.0⋅10 -1.0⋅10 A. Boyarsky, O. Ruchayskiy, D. Iakubovskyi, J. Franse; 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 spectrum of the central region of M31. Statistical Y-errorbars on the the MOS Energy [keV] E. Bulbul, Foster, R. K. Smith, M. Loewenstein, S. W. the line V is not added, henceM. theMarkevitch, group ofA. positive residuals. Right: zoom onto s de-like ound ected stent 1.00 3.0⋅10 -2⋅10-3 8.0 1.10 -2 A. Boyarsky, O. Ruchayskiy, 2.0⋅10 D. Iakubovskyi, J. Franse; -2 -2 2⋅10-3 0 -4⋅10-3 0⋅10 3.0 -2 1.20 0.70 MOS1 MOS2 [cts/sec/keV] 4⋅10-3 No line at 3.5 keV Line at 3.5 keV Data - model 6⋅10-33⋅10 [cts/sec/keV] [cts/sec/keV] 8⋅10-3 Data - model Data - model 1⋅10-2 GC ON, MOS1 GC ON, MOS2 1.30 [cts/sec/keV] M31 ON-center 0.34 1.00 1.40 GC ON, MOS1 GC ON, MOS2 Normalized count rate Normalized count rate Normalized count rate 0.36 Galactic center (08/14)2 6.0 0 -2 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 Energy [keV] Randall; A. Boyarsky, O. Ruchayskiy, Iakubovskyi, J. Franse FIG. 1: Left: Folded count rate for MOS1 (lower curve, red) and MOS2 (upper curve, blue) and residualsD.(bottom) when thearXiv:1408.2503 line at 3.54 keV is not added. Right: Zoom at the range 3.0–4.0 keV. obs ' 5.2 ⇥ 10 5 photons cm The observed brightness of a decaying DM line should ! be proportional to the dark matter column density SDM = ρDM dℓ – However, significance of this not sufficient to conintegral along the line of sight of results the DM is density distribution: firm theLhypothesis, ⇢P e they can be considered (RP eonly )3 as a success= ⇥ (DM ! are")clearly ⇥ 2checks. 2 # to preform ful=sanity needed 4⇡Dpe mdmMore results 3(D P e) cts Ω fov a convincing program described above. × (1) FDM ≈ checking 2.0 × 10−6 cm2 · sec 500 arcmin2 " # " # 2 s 1 at 3.55 keV (Perseus, 78 Mpc) find that the spectrum has a ∼ 5.7σ line-like excess at expected energy. The simultaneous fitting of GC, Perseus and ⇣m ⌘ M31 provides a ∼ 6.7σ significant at the same position, dm 23signal (DM ! ) ' 10 cm 2 s 1 with the detected fluxes being consistent keVwith the DM interpretation. The fluxes are also consistent with non-observation of the signal in the blank-sky and M31 off-center datasets, arXiv:1408.1699v1 [astro-ph.HE] 7 Aug 2014 arXiv:1409.4143v1 [astro-ph.HE] 15 Sep 201 lines can explain the unidentified emission line found by Bulbul et al. (2014) and also by Boyarsky et al. (2014a,b). We show that their analysis relies upon incorrect atomic data and inconsistent spectroscopic modeling. We address these points and summarize in the appendix the correct values matter searches going bananas: the relevant atomic dataline from AtomDB. ontribution of Potassium (andfor Chlorine) to the 3.5 keV Alternative explanation for the 3.5 keV line eltema1⋆ and Stefano Profumo1† Jeltema, Profumo [1408.1699] INTRODUCTION Printed 11 August 2014 1. (MN L T X style file v2.2) Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000, 000–000 (0000) A E nt of Physics and Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA 014 In a recent preprint “Dark matter searches going baChlorine) to the 3.5 keV line,” Jeltema & Profumo (2014, hereafter 1⋆ 1 Tesla Jeltema and Stefano that Profumothe † JP) claim unidentified E ⇡ 3.55 3.57 keV emisABSTRACT weemission detected galaxy cluster We examine thesion claimedline excessthat X-ray line near 3.5in keVthe with stacked a new analysis of XMM-Newton observations the Milky Wayet center with a re-analysis of theB14) data on Mand 31 Boyarsky spectraof (Bulbul al.and 2014, hereafter and clusters. In no case do we find conclusive evidence for an excess. We show that known et al. (2014a) detected in Perseus andsatisfactory M31 (as well as plasma lines, including in particular XVIII at 3.48 and 3.52 We examineKthe claimed lines excess X-ray line emission near keV, 3.5 keVprovide with a newaanalysis of XMM-Newton observations of the Milky Way center and with a re-analysis of the data on M 31 fit to the XMM data from the Galactic center. We assess the expected flux for the K XVIII their more recent detection of the same linelines in the Galacand clusters. In no case do we find conclusive evidence for an excess. We show that known plasmaflux lines, including in particular Kwithin XVIII lines at 3.48 and 3.52 keV,range provide abased satisfactory and find that the measured line falls squarely the predicted on the tic Center, (Boyarsky etWeal. can fit to the XMM data from the Galactic center. assess2014b)) the expected flux for the K XVIIIbe lines accounted for brightness of other well-measured lines in the line energy interest. Werange then re-evaluate and find that the measured flux fallsrange squarelyof within the predicted based on the brightness of other well-measured lines in theincluding energyLy range of interest. We then re-evaluateby broadening the evidence for excess emission from clusters ofCl galaxies, a previously unaccounted by an additional XVII line and the evidence for excess emission from clusters of galaxies, including a previously unaccounted for Cl XVII line at 3.51 keV, and forkeV,systematic uncertainty in the expected for Cl allowing XVII line at 3.51 and allowing for systematic uncertainty in the expected fluxflux from from the model uncertainty for the flux of the K XVIII He-like known plasma lines and for additional uncertainty due to potential variation inthe the abundances known plasma lines and for additional uncertainty due to potential variation in abundances of different elements. We find that no conclusive excess line emission is present within the triplet. These transitions occur atre-analyze ⇡ 3.51 keV, close to of different elements. We find that no conclusive emission is E present systematic uncertainties in Perseusexcess or in otherline clusters. Finally, we XMM within data for the M 31 and find no statistically significant line emission near 3.5 keV to a level greater than one systematic uncertainties in Perseus or in other clusters. Finally, we re-analyze XMM data for sigma. our unidentified line. In B14, we considered the K line M 31 and find no statisticallyKey significant line emission near 3.5 keV to a level greater than one words: dark matter – line: identification – Galaxy: centre – X-rays: galaxies – X-rays: among galaxies: other clusters possibilities and concluded that it cannot sigma. explain the new line. Here respond JP’s concerns, Key words: dark matter – line: identification – Galaxy: centrewe – X-rays: galaxies to – X-rays: galaxies: clustersfocusing on our galaxy cluster analysis. JP3.48 raise key Underestimating points about the Two lines of potassium Specifically, KXVIII are at andthree 3.51 keV. theiranalysis in B14: Dark matter searches going bananas: nanas: the contribution of Potassium (and the contribution of Potassium (and Chlorine) to the 3.5 keV line 1 Department of Physics and Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA 11 August 2014 ABSTRACT gle θ and of the sterile neutrino mass ms of the form ! "2 ! "5 The particle nature of the dark matter, comprising most of the 10−4 1 keV τ ≃ 7.2 × 1029 sec . (1) gravitationally bound structures in the universe, is unknown. A sin(2θ) ms far-ranging experimental and observational program is in place Such a decay mode produces an almost monochromatic photon sigto search for non-gravitational signals that could point to a given nal at an energy approximately equal to half the sterile neutrino class of particle dark matter candidates. While weakly interactmass. Cosmological production and constraints from ing massive particles have attracted much attention, other particle gle θ and of the sterile neutrino mass mmechanisms ODUCTION s of the form phase-space density restrict the relevant range for the sterile neucandidates remain theoretically robust and observationally viable. trino mass to, roughly, 0.5 – 100 keV (Boyarsky et al." 2009). ! " ! Among such candidates, “sterile” neutrinos offer the appealing pos2 5 As a −4 le nature of the dark matter, comprising most of the result, the from sterile neutrino1two-body keV decays falls sibility of tying the dark matter problem to the issue of generating 29expected line10 τ inter≃ 7.2 × 10X-raysec . (1) in the range. a mass foristheunknown. Standard Model A “active” neutrinos, provide an ally bound structures in the universe, ms the existence of Earlier this year,sin(2θ) Bulbul et al. (2014) claimed esting warm dark matter candidate, and can be potentially associexperimental and observational ated program is in place an unidentified emission line at E = (3.55 − 3.57) ± 0.03 keV with a mechanism to explain the baryon-antibaryon asymmestacked XMM-Newton observations of 73 galaxy clusters with siga decay produces an almost monochromatic photon try in thepoint universeto (seea Boyarsky for a recent review).modefrom or non-gravitational signals that could given et al. 2009,Such redshift ranging between 0.01 and 0.35. The line is observed with Sterile neutrinos can mix with active neutrinos, and decay, nal at an energy approximately equal to half the sterile neutrino statistical significance greater than 3σ in three separate subsamarticle dark matter candidates. While weakly on timescales muchinteractlonger than the age of the Universe, to the ples:production (i) the individualmechanisms Perseus cluster; (ii)and combined data for the from two-body final state given by an active neutrino and a photon. mass. Cosmological constraints e particles have attracted much attention, other particle Coma, Centaurus and Ophiuchus clusters; (iii) all stacked 73 clusThe details of such process depend on the particular extension to phase-space density theChandra relevant range for the sterile tersrestrict in the sample. observations of Perseus indicate a line neuremain theoretically robust and observationally viable. the Standard Model that accommodates the sterile neutrino(s) (see feature compatible with the XMM results; The line was not, howe.g. Pal & Wolfenstein 1982), but the lifetime is setmass by a modeltrino to, roughly, 0.5 – 100 keV (Boyarsky et al. 2009). As a h candidates, “sterile” neutrinos offer the appealing posever, observed in the Virgo cluster with Chandra data. Bulbul et al. independent combination of the sterile-active neutrino mixing anresult, the expected line from sterile neutrino two-body decays falls (2014) explored possible contaminations from metal lines, notably ying the dark matter problem to the issue of generating from K and Ar, which would require however typical fluxes factors in the X-ray range. the Standard Model “active” neutrinos, provide an interof 10-30 larger than predicted. ⋆ afterettheal. analysis of Bulbul et al. (2014), 3.5 keV Earlier this year, Shortly Bulbul (2014) claimed the aexistence of m dark matter candidate, and can be potentially associ† line was reported from XMM-Newton observations of both the 1 INTRODUCTION amplitude (the density of such elements in a galactic environment) could mimic a 1. A possible Cl XVII Ly line at E = 3.51 keV was dark matter signal. The authors showed in that within the reasonable abundance not included our model; (comparing with other more known concentrations like Argon) the « signal » can 2. The plasma temperatures derived from the ratios easily be below 1σ and mainly to atomic Potassium of due fluxes of S rays XVI,ofCa XIX and Ca XX lines in the cluster spectra are inconsistent, thus a much larger range of temperatures must be allowed in modeling; S where ✏ is the emissivity, T is the requested temperature, Tpeak is the temperature for which the transition’s emissivity is its maximum, and N is the abundance of the ion. This approximation is intended for quick identification of possible strong lines, as it disregards the change in line emissivity with temperature, instead accounting only for the relative change in ion abundance.1 Using these approximate data, we were able to recreate the values in JP’s Table 3 exactly from the data in Table 2, to identify exactly which lines JP included in their flux ratio calculations, and to explain line ratios Bulbul answers that the approximation made bythe Profumo et al. ondisthe cussed in their §3.1. The error due to the use of this emissivity ascan function of thelarge temperature is not valid. away approximation be very for temperatures from the line peak emissivity temperature, as illustrated in Fig. 1 for our four relevant lines. 1.2. Line Ratios as Temperature Diagnostics Incorrect atomic data easily lead to incorrect conclusions about the gas temperature structure based on the observed line ratios. In particular, JP find that the observed ratios of the S XVI, Ca XIX, Ca XX lines (the used: in B14 toanalysis estimate the K XVIII flux) indithe lines answer careful cate very di↵erent plasma temperatures. (Of course, in feature compatible with the XMM results; The line was not, howof the morphology of the is not compatible ever, observed in the Virgo cluster with Chandra data. Bulbul et al. a signal single-component plasma in ionization equilibrium, all They conclude that, accounting formetal these points, no ad(2014) explored possible contaminations from lines, notably line ratios correspond to the same temperature.) with classical DM profiles in must the case of from Kis and required Ar, which would by requirethe however typicaldata. fluxes factors ditional line B14 We address of 10-30 larger than predicted. they conclude that the plasma has to have these items below. annihilating DM or Therefore, axion-like transition Shortly after the analysis of Bulbul et al. (2014), a 3.5 keV a very complex temperature structure, and so B14 were line was reported from XMM-Newton observations of both the not justified to restrict the temperature range for our es1.1. Atomic Data 3450-3600-keV timates of the K XVIII flux. We will address the K line In a study of this nature, using accurate atomic data [1411.1758] an Jeltema, unidentified line at E = (3.55 3.57) ± 0.03temperatures, keV 3. Carlson, When usingProfumo aemission wider range of −possible from stacked XMM-Newton observations of 73 galaxy clusters with and redshift scaling fluxes S with XVI, Ca XIX, rangingfrom between the 0.01 and 0.35. Thefor line isthe observed statistical significance greater than 3σ B14 in three for separate subsamCa XX lines reported by the Perseus clusples: (i) the individual Perseus cluster; (ii) combined data for the ter, Coma, the Centaurus total flux in the K (iii) XVIII and Cl XVII lines and Ophiuchus clusters; all stacked 73 clusProfumo’s in the sample. Chandra observations of Perseus indicate a lineanswer to can ters match that of the unidentified line. mechanism to explain the baryon-antibaryon asymmec 0000 RAS ⃝ niverse (see Boyarsky et al. 2009, for a recent review). e neutrinos can mix with active neutrinos, and decay, les much longer than the age of the Universe, to the final state given by an active neutrino and a photon. of such process depend on the particular extension to d Model that accommodates the sterile neutrino(s) (see Wolfenstein 1982), but the lifetime is set by a modelnt combination of the sterile-active neutrino mixing an- (Bulbul, Markevitch, Foster, Smith, Loewenstein, Randallbe [1409.4143] AtomDB v2.0.2. In theory, these should the fluxes from their Table 2, multiplied by the ratio of predicted K XVIII emissivities to that of the line in question. We can, however, recreate their Table 3 if we use the approximate values available in the “strong lines” option at As described on that page, this option uses an approximation ✏(T ) = ✏(Tpeak )N (T )/N (Tpeak ) (1)
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