School of Physics something & Astronomy FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS OTHER & PHYSICAL SCIENCES Radio Surveys of the Galactic Plane Melvin Hoare, Cormac Purcell, Bill Cotton, Mark Wieringa, Ed Churchwell, James Urquhart, Katharine Johnston, Ivayla Kalcheva, Tonye Sokari, Harry Steggles and the CORNISH Survey teams Outline • The CORNISH-North Survey • Ultra-Compact H II regions • Planetary Nebulae • The CORNISH-South Survey • The MAGPIS Survey • • The THOR Survey • • Evolved H II regions and SNRs RRLs, OH and H I Summary Radio surveys of the Galactic plane • Most previous surveys at either at low frequency (≤ 1.4 GHz) or low spatial resolution (single-dish) • Not useful for the study of compact, thermal sources such as dense photo-ionized gas or stellar wind sources UCHII (Avalos et al. 2009) MYSO (Gibb & Hoare 2007) CORNISH-North • The Co-Ordinated Radio ‘N’ Infrared Survey for Highmass star formation • 5 GHz, 1.5ʺ″ resolution VLA survey of the Galactic Plane • 10o<l<65o, |b|<1o Spitzer northern GLIMPSE I region • 400 hours in total • 0.4 mJy rms noise level • Data reduction and source catalogue complete: • Purcell et al. (2013) • Example Sources • Cometary ultra-compact H II regions • Similar morphology in radio and PAH emission Deeply embedded H II regions • Potentially some UCHII regions hidden behind dense dust clouds that are missed in IR surveys Planetary Nebulae • Similar radio and IR morphology, but isolated and not in molecular cloud New PN • Newly discovered PN UKIDSS 2µm image New Radio Stars Radio Galaxies • Double-lobed sources with no IR counterpart Object Types 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 HII PN Radio Stars Radio Galaxy IR Quiet PN Sample Sokari (PhD, Leeds) UCHII Region Sample Kalcheva (PhD, Leeds) UCHII Region Sample terion for massive star formation determined by Kauffmann et al. (2010b, i.e., where m(r) ! 580 M⊙ (Reff /pc)1.33 ; yellow shaded region).4 The LH threshold was determined from studies of nearby molecular clouds and is therefore not specific to massive star formation. The Kauffmann et al. (2010b) criterion was determined from an investigation of the mass-radius relationship of nearby molecular clouds (<500 pc, i.e., Ophiuchus, Perseus, Taurus and the Pipe Nebula; Kauffmann et al. 2010a,b) and known samples of high-mass star formation such as those of Beuther et al. (2002), Hill et al. (2005), Motte et al. (2007) and Mueller et al. (2002), Kauffmann et al. (2010b). However, as stated in Paper I the lower bound of 0.05 g cm−2 is approximately twice the LH-threshold and provides a better constraint than Kauffmann et al. for the high-mass end of the distribution (i.e., Reff " 0.5 pc or Mclump "500 M⊙ ). So while the LH threshold can be considered a reasonable criterion for “efficient” star formation the value of 0.05 g cm−2 , found to fit the lower envelope of the mass-radius relationship for both methanol maser and H ii region associated clumps, can be considered the threshold required for “efficient” high mass star formation. The area highlighted in green in the upper portion of Fig. 20 shows the region of parameter space where massive proto-cluster (MPC) candidates are expected to be located (Bressert et al. 2012; see Paper I for details). Six of our sources are located in this region. Three are associated with W49A (AGAL043.148+00.014, AGAL043.164−00.029 and AGAL043.166+00.011) and have a combined mass ∼ 4 × 105 M⊙ . One clump is associated with each of the W31 and W51 star-forming regions (AGAL010.472+00.027 and AGAL049.489−00.369, respectively). The remaining source is AGAL019.609−00.234. All six have masses above 104 M⊙ and are therefore possible progenitors of future young massive clusters (YMCs) such as the Arches and Quintuplet clusters (Portegies Zwart et al. 2010). The MPC candidates in W31, W49A and W51 were previously identified by Ginsburg et al. (2012) from an analysis of 1.1 mm continuum data from the BGPS and so AGAL019.609−00.234 is the only new potential MPC identified by this work.5 In Paper I we identified 7 MPC candidates, six of which were new, and together with those identified by Longmore et al. (2012) and Ginsburg et al. (2012) we estimated the total population of MPC candidates is likely to be # 20 ± 6. However, comparing this estimate with the number of known YMCs we found that ATLASGAL-CORNISH UC H ii regions 21 Urquhart et al. (2013) CORNISH-ATLASGAL cross-matches Figure 21. Galactic distribution of the ATLASGAL-CORNISH associations with known distances and masses above the completeness limit (1,000 M⊙ ). The Galactic positions of our sample derived from the maser 4 R. Cesaroni et al.: The infrared emission of young HII regions: A Herschel/Hi-GAL study Table 1. Steps of the source selection process. UCHII Luminosities HIIs separation with Hi-GAL CORNISH HIIs 281 ′′ → <11. 5 244 → counterparts 230 → Hi-GAL counterparts with ≥3 fluxes 217 → CORNISH-HiGAL <11.′′ 5 204 R. Cesaroni et al.: The infrared emission of young HII regions: A Herschel/Hi-GAL study → with distance estimate 200 5 Fig. 3. Comparison between our and URQ13 estimates of the clump Fig. 2. Distribution of the luminosities of CORNISH HII regions. The masses associated with CORNISH HII regions. The straight line correFig. sponds 5. Lyman continuum solid and dotted histograms are obtained by choosing, respectively, the to M = Mgas .of the selected sample of CORNISH HII reDistribution of the clump mass associated with CORNISH HII gions versus theUrqcorresponding luminosity, obtained from far and near distances for the 11 targetsCesaroni for which the KDA could not be CORNISH-Hi-GALbolometric et al. (2015) cross-matches . solved. The solid and dotted histograms are obtained by choosing, rethe Hi-GAL data. The colour of the symbols indicates the choice of the For the sake of comparison, the distribution of the HII regions Cometary UCHII regions • Preponderance of cometary UCHII regions implies an ordered but non-uniform density environment • Massive stars born off-centre in a density gradient • Implies external triggering of massive star formation • Test UCHII region dynamical and evolutionary models G014.3313-00.6397 8 µm 3' Active Contours • Developed by Duane Carey (School of Computing) as part of the VIALACTEA project Cometary H II Region Simulations Steggles (PhD, Leeds) Low Res/Low Frequency Surveys • MGPS • MOST • 843 MHz • 45 arcsec resolution • 245o<l<365o, |b|<10o • MAGPIS • VLA B+C+D configurations • 1.4 GHz • 6 arcsec resolution • 5o<l<48.5o, |b|<0.8o 843 MHz (blue), 8µm (green), 24µm (red) (Buemi, Bufano, Umana) Evolved H II Regions MAGPIS 1.4 GHz (blue), Herschel 70µm (red) CORNISH-South • 450 hours project on ATCA • Southern Spitzer GLIMPSE area 295o<l<350o, |b|<1o • Resolution ~3" • First Galactic plane survey to use broad band systems and on-the-fly interferometry • 4.5-6.5 GHz and 8-10 GHz • noise level of 0.2 mJy • Simultaneous RRL survey (H98α, H112α) THOR • VLA C+D configurations + GBT • 1-2 GHz continuum • 15-20 arcsec resolution • 15o<l<65o, |b|<1.25o • HI 21cm line • 19 Recombination Lines • 4 OH lines • Conclusions • CORNISH surveys are delivering an unbiased census of UCHII regions to test dynamics and feedback in massive star formation • Large legacy of Galactic plane radio sources including evolved stellar populations and extra-galactic sources • Lower frequency radio surveys enabling studies of evolved H II regions, wind-blown bubbles and SNRs Plane Surveys Relevant for MSF Survey I/VPHAS+ UKIDSS GPS GLIMPSE MSX MIPSGAL Herschel SCUBA2 GRS MMB IGPS CORNISH MAGPIS λ Hα J,H,K 4-8 µm 8-21 µm 24µm 70-500 µm 850 µm 13 CO 1-0 CH3OH H I 21 cm 5 GHz 1.4 GHz Beam 0.7" 0.7" 2" 20" 6" 5-34" 14" 46" 0.1" 60" 1" 5" Sens. Probe Nebulae, Em * 0.02mJy Stars & Nebulae 1 Hot Dust 100 Warm Dust 20 Cool Dust 10 Molecular Gas Masers Atomic Gas 2 Compact Ionized Gas 5 Diffuse Ionized Gas
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