320 South Pleasant St. Amherst, MA (413)253-3436 SKU Description 43 River St. Bernardston, MA (413)648-9311 Order Price Cost SKU Description Layer (2 Day Old) Order Price Meat Birds WR (Brown Egg Layers) White Plymouth Rocks $2.99 CRXP BPR Barred Plymouth Rocks $2.99 CRXC RIR Rhode Island Reds $2.99 PRED Production Reds $2.99 SLX Black Sex Link $2.99 NH New Hampshire Reds $2.99 GC Golden Comet $2.99 BA Black Australorp $2.99 BO Buff Orphinton $2.99 GLW $3.29 SKU $3.29 CMC Cuckoo Marans $3.99 LBR Golden Laced Wyandotte Silver Laced Wyandotte Light Brahma $3.29 W Welsummer $3.99 BBR Buff Brahma $3.29 SF Salmon Faverolle $3.79 BG Black Jersey Giants $3.29 SPS Speckled Sussex SW WL (White Egg Layers) White Leghorn $2.99 BL Brown Leghorn $2.99 Layer (2 Day Old) AR Cornish Rock (Pullets) Cornish Rock (Cockerels) $2.15 $2.15 Available at Bernardston Only * Note: Specialty Breeds may Arrive a day ahead or a day after the May 21st Delivery Date. Please pick up birds on the day of arrival. Description Order Price Cost Order by: April 17, 2015 Pick Up: May 21, 2015 Layer (2 Day Old) (Tinted Egg Layer) Araucana Cost $3.29 Pick up date may vary due to postal delivery. Please pick up all birds before 4:30 on the day of arrival. Important Information: Minimum Order: Chicks – 6 Total (2 per Breed) Name____________________________________________ Sexing: Sexing is guaranteed to be 90% accurate. If more than 10% of birds received are cockerels we will credit half cost of the bird Address__________________________________________ Disclaimer: Customer Information: _________________________________________________ Phone___________________________________________ Alt Phone_________________________________________ I understand that day old chicks, poults & ducklings are very fragile and susceptible to pneumonia & other disease. I therefore release AFS & BFS from any liability for the health of the birds after they leave the store. I understand that the Hatchery guarantees live delivery only. Signature Date
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