Birds in Schools Volume 2 Number 1, April 2015 School are now busy implementing their Birds in Schools Action Plans , with the support of BIS staff and volunteers. Ryde East students with BIS volunteer Renee Ferster-Levy Get your hands dirty... TIME TO GET THOSE ACTION PLANS IMPLEMENTED! In Term 1 2015, schools got busy turning their Birds in Schools action plans into reality. After teachers worked with their students to draw up action plans at the end of 2014, outlining the actions they could take to improve bird diversity at their schools, nine schools were selected for funding support by the Birds in Schools project. The schools receiving BIS funding to implement their action plans are: Lakemba Ryde East Rydalmere East Melrose Park Riverwood Ryde Lorien Novalis St Ives Bankstown. Birds in Schools Students get busy Students have been busy ticking the first ‘to do’ item off their list of actions to take to support native bird life at their schools: planting bird-friendly habitat. Ryde East Public School students got busy planting with BIS volunteers Mark, Beth and Renee in March. Online resources Rydalmere East PS students hard at work on Planting Day. Some schools have also been busy getting creative, making bird baths as an art project. Remember, there’s plenty of information online if you’d like to find out more about taking action to improve native bird diversity. Planting natives Check out the Birds in Backyards (BIBY) website, where you will find a native plant List for each Sydney local government area: Nest boxes and bird baths You can also find some great tips about nest boxes and bird baths on the BIBY website: Lorien Novalis students get creative making bird baths. Find Out More If you would like more information about the Birds in Schools project, please visit: Or contact: Birds in Schools Project Manager T 02 9647 1875 ...and these Birds in Schools videos can be accessed any time on You Tube: Creating Habitat for Birds Bird Baths & Nest Boxes Helping kids to help birds 2 Volume 2 Number 1 April 2015
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