CHAIR’S REPORT AUCKLEY PC It has been a busy year for members and we were sorry to learn that Jason Fletcher – due to his many other commitments – felt he could not give the time he wished to his duties as a parish council. We thank Jason for his valued contribution during the time he held office and wish him well in the future. However, we were pleased to co-opt Dawn Fiddler to fill the vacancy and hope she is enjoying her role. There have been many issues which are discussed at most of our meetings: Parking outside the shops on Ellers Lane – this is no longer a matter for the Police but DMBC parking wardens and we have requested their presence on numerous occasions. Some penalty tickets have been issued but it is appreciated that wardens have a large area to cover within the borough and cannot be on hand for much of the time. Vehicles were seen parking immediately outside the take -away so we requested bollards in an effort to prevent this happening – a serious safety issue. We did initially request railings but DMBC advised this would be detrimental due to effect on visibility for motorists emerging from the car park and The Green cul-de-sac, residents may cross the road at junctions rather than on the straight section, ie those coming from The Paddocks, there would not be enough footway width to put anything in the area between the post box and lamp column. Speed Limit outside Schools – 20 mph zone now implemented along School Lane through to the junction with Main Street. Unfortunately however this does not prevent some irresponsible motorists from driving at a higher speed. At Hayfield Lane Primary School the Lollipop Lady assists pupils crossing the road. Traffic on B1396 – We continue to press DMBC to take action regarding the increased volume of traffic now using the B1396, congestion at Lidgett Crossroads and children at risk when crossing the road on their way to and from school. Ideally a crossing should be provided but, to date, DMBC have not agreed with this provision. We were unhappy with this response and some members of the parish council will be on site next week to record the number of vehicle movements from 8am until 9 am. Passengers smoking in bus shelter – we had requests from residents on this issue and, after we contacted SYPTE, they supplied us with a ‘No Smoking’ sign which Gary Warrender kindly affixed to the rear wall of our bus shelter at Main Street – the latter funded by the parish council. Hanson Quarry, Hurst Lane - Members and the Clerk met Mr. Laws, Unit Manager for a very interesting and informative tour of the site and were shown the area where it is proposed to construct a hard surface which will hopefully reduce sand deposits being carried onto the highway. Proposed extraction of sand and gravel at Barnby Moor and transportation of aggregate to Hanson Quarry. We have been informed that the new Minerals Local Plan being prepared by Nottinghamshire County Council includes a new site at Barnby Moor where, following the extraction of sand and gravel, this material will be transported to the Hanson Plant at Hurst Lane for treatment although the operation will not begin until 2018. DMBC Presentation on 'Fracking' - Attendees were informed that licences have been issued to carry out explorations, but no permission has yet been given for fracking operations to go ahead. Fracking extracts methane, which is the same gas as that already being extracted from existing sites by traditional methods.. More information is required on these proposed operations, including size of the ground sites and amount of traffic being generated. Policing issues Vehicles Partly Parked on Footways – This is acceptable if enough room is left to give access for a double buggy on the footway. If the footway is obstructed the Police can be notified and the vehicle towed away if no driver is available. Cold Callers – Concerns were raised regarding an increasing number of cold callers, and whether some might be checking on properties with a view to subsequently committing burglary. SY Police strongly advise all residents to install security measures to reduce crimes perpetrated in the home. Precept for 2015/2016 The funding requirement for the 2014/2015 financial year was £29,100, comprising a precept in the sum of £27,024, plus a Council grant of £2,076, making an overall increased sum of £540 from the previous year. The Council grant for 2015/2016 has been reduced to £1,868, and it was decided that a higher precept would be required, within limits, due to several projects that will need to be funded during the forthcoming financial year. Planting of Wild Flowers Following requests from some residents it was agreed to plant wild flowers on our sports field parallel to the river bank. I think most will agree that the areas in Doncaster do look very pleasing and we hope that ours will flourish. Cost is c£650 to allow for extra seed due to bird predation and any loss due to weather conditions. Work will begin in the spring. Christmas Carol Service – Held outside at the E&C and grateful thanks to Jason Fletcher who provided light refreshments to those attending. Plaque to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of WW1 We commissioned a A4 brass plaque with black lettering to commemorate the start of WW1 on 4 August 1914. Cllr Warrender kindly offered to install the plaque on the wall of the Pinfold, Main Street. Wreath and Donation to British Legion We ordered a wreath to mark Remembrance Sunday and also made a donation to the Royal British Legion. Thanks to Cllr Warrender for attending the war memorial at Blaxton on our behalf. Village Sign at Hurst Lane Thanks are expressed to David Wilson Homes Yorkshire East for kindly providing and erecting an ‘Auckley’ sign at Hurst Lane. We already have one near the River on the main road entering Auckley from Branton and hope to have a third in due course at Mosham Rd. Recording local council meetings New regulations are now in force 'Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014' which permits members of the public to record a local Council meeting, subject to certain rules being applied. The parish council can also do the same. Boundary Commission’s electoral review of Doncaster MBC The ward boundaries are to be subject to alterations and also the number of ward members serving on DMBC is to be reduced from 63 to 54. Finningley Ward will continue to have 3 ward members. Thanks go to our ward members for attending meetings and providing feedback, in particular Patricia Schofield and Yvonne Woodcock. They will not be seeking re-election at Doncaster Council in May so we thank them for all they have done and wish them well in the future. Thanks also to the Auckley Show Committee for organising the show each year, the Garden & Allotments Society, residents who attend our meetings and who report issues to us, also to Maurice & Marion White for tending the tubs at Eastfield Lane. Thanks also to our handyman Chris who does a very good job with the litter in the village. Also to Stephen Racjan and his team at DMBC. I would like to thank Marjorie our Clerk for the work she does, for keeping us updated on the various legislation, for handling our accounting system in an efficient way and dealing with matters expeditiously. Finally a big thank you to members for their motivation, commitment and dedication and for giving their valuable time so freely. They have full and part time jobs but are dedicated to the work of the parish council and this is really appreciated. We strive to play our part in making Auckley a better place to live. I hope they will all consider standing again for election in May to carry on the work currently in progress and to continue to bring their levels of expertise to the p.c.. That is the end of my report Jennifer Worthington Chair of Auckley Parish Council
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