LARGE EARTHQUAKE RECURRENCE IN THE SPRIGG OROGEN, SOUTH AUSTRALIA AND IMPLICATIONS FOR EARTHQUAKE HAZARD ASSESSMENT Dan Clark Earthquake Hazard Project, Geoscience Australia ABSTRACT The Australian continent is actively deforming at a range of scales in response to far-field stresses associated with plate margins, and buoyancy forces associated with mantle dynamics. On the smallest scale (several 10’s of km), fault-related deformation associated with far-field stress partitioning has modified surface topography at rates of up to approximately 100 m/Myr. This deformation is evidenced in the record of historical earthquakes, and in the pre-historic record in the landscape. Paleoseismological studies indicate that few places in Australia have experienced a maximum magnitude earthquake since European settlement, and that faults in most areas are capable of hosting potentially catastrophic earthquakes with magnitudes in excess of 7.0. South Australia is well represented in terms of its pre-historic earthquake record. Seismogenic faulting in the last 5-10 million years is thought to be responsible for generating more than 30-50% of the contemporary topographic relief separating the highlands of the Flinders and Mt Lofty Ranges from adjacent plains, and perhaps as much as a third of the strain budget of the entire continent is accommodated there. Adelaide itself straddles several faults which are arguably some of Australia's most active. Decisions relating to the siting and construction of the built environment should therefore be informed with knowledge of the local neotectonics. Figure 1: Modelled SHmax vectors (after Sandiford & Quigley, 2009) for the Indo-Australian Plate adapted from solutions in Sandiford et al. (2005). 1 THE AUSTRALIAN CRUSTAL STRESS FIELD Over the last 45 million years the Australian continent has drifted approximately 3000 km to the north at a rate of approximately 6.5 cm/year - further and faster than any other continent (Quigley et al. 2010). In contrast to other fast moving plates, such as the North and South American Plates, the maximum horizontal stress (SHmax) orientation within the Australian Plate is not parallel to the plate motion vectors (Fig. 1) (Coblentz et al. 1995; Hillis & Reynolds 2000; Hillis & Reynolds 2003; Sandiford et al. 2004). This complex pattern has been Australian Geomechanics Vol 45 No 3 September 2010 41 LARGE EARTHQUAKE RECURRENCE IN THE SPRIGG IMPLICATIONS FOR EARTHQUAKE HAZARD ASSESSMENT OROGEN, SOUTH AUSTRALIA AND DAN CLARK satisfactorily modelled in terms of a balance between driving and resistive plate boundary forces (Coblentz et al. 1995; Coblentz et al. 1998; Burbidge 2004; Sandiford et al. 2004; Dyksterhuis & Müller 2008; Hillis et al. 2008). Resistance to plate motion is seen in the mountain ranges of Papua New Guinea, the Himalaya and New Zealand, whereas slab pull along the Indonesian margin, and ridge push to the south along the AustraliaAntarctic Discordance are drivers of plate motion (Coblentz et al. 1995; Coblentz et al. 1998; Hillis et al. 2008). Structural and sedimentary evidence from southeast Australian basins suggests that the current crustal stress regime was established in the interval 10-5 Ma (e.g. Dickinson et al., 2001; Dickinson et al., 2002; Sandiford 2003b, a; Sandiford et al., 2004; Hillis et al., 2008). A major unconformity related to substantial regional-scale tilting, uplift, folding and reverse faulting of late Miocene and older strata occurs in all southeast Australian basins (e.g. Gippsland and Otway Basins). Pliocene and Quaternary strata overlying the unconformity contain neotectonic structures yielding palaeo-stress indicators consistent with the current in situ stress field, as determined from seismicity (Denham et al. 1979; Denham & Windsor 1991; Leonard et al. 2002; Clark & Leonard 2003) and down-hole stress determination techniques (e.g. Hillis & Reynolds 2000; Hillis & Reynolds 2003; Hillis et al., 2008). The time over which the current stress field has pertained is defined as the Neotectonic Era, and a “neotectonic fault” is defined as a fault which has hosted displacement under conditions imposed by the current Australian crustal stress regime, and hence may move again in the future. 2 MANIFESTATION OF STRESS AS DEFORMATION Australia preserves a unique geomorphic record of intraplate tectonic activity. Three distinct modes of surface deformation are recognised (Sandiford et al. 2009; Sandiford & Quigley 2009). At long wavelengths (several 1000’s of km) systematic variations in the extent of Neogene marine inundation imply the continent has tilted north-down, southwest-up. This is most convincingly seen along the southern Australian margin, where Miocene limestone of the Nullarbor Plain has been uplifted and subjected to marine erosion to form iconic cliffs. At intermediate wavelengths (several 100’s of km) several undulations of approximately 100-200 m amplitude have developed on the 1-10 Myr timescale, consistent with the buckling amplitude of the lithosphere. In two of the more notable cases, the Lake Mackay palaeo-drainage is now internally draining in its northern reaches, and palaeo-lake Billa Kalina now sits high on a watershed (Sandiford et al. 2009). At still shorter wavelengths (several 10’s of km), fault related motion has produced local relief at rates of up to approximately 100 m/Myr over a period several million years (Sandiford & Quigley 2009), as in the Flinders Ranges (Quigley et al. 2006) and the Otway Ranges (Sandiford 2003a). While it has been proposed that the buckling mode of deformation is associated with contemporary seismicity in India (Vita-Finzi 2004), this link has not been proven in Australia. Hence it is the third mode that is of most interest in terms of assessing seismic hazard. Figure 2: Earthquake epicentres (Geoscience Australia database), seismogenic neotectonic features (Clark et al. 2010), maximum horizontal stress vectors (Hillis & Reynolds 2003) and zones of elevated seismicity (Hillis et al. 2008). 42 Australian Geomechanics Vol 45 No 3 September 2010 LARGE EARTHQUAKE RECURRENCE IN THE SPRIGG IMPLICATIONS FOR EARTHQUAKE HAZARD ASSESSMENT 3 OROGEN, SOUTH AUSTRALIA AND DAN CLARK AUSTRALIA’S SEISMOGENIC NEOTECTONIC RECORD Australia’s rich neotectonic record provides an opportunity to understand the characteristics of seismogenic intraplate deformation, both at the scale of a single neotectonic fault and at the scale of the entire continent (Fig. 2). Over the last decade our knowledge of Australian intraplate faults has advanced significantly, with the recognition that faults in different parts of the Australian continent respond in different ways to the imposed stress. Six source zones (domains) spanning onshore continental Australia have been proposed (Clark 2006; Clark et al. 2010) based upon geological and neotectonic data (Fig. 3a). A seventh offshore source zone is defined based upon analogy with the eastern United States (Johnston et al. 1994; Wheeler 1996; Wheeler & Frankel 2000). In principle, each source zone contains neotectonic faults that share common recurrence and behavioural characteristics, in a similar way that source zones are defined using the historic record of seismicity. The power of this domain approach lies in the ability to extrapolate characteristic behaviours from wellcharacterised faults (few) to faults about which little is known (many). These data, and conceptual and numerical models describing the nature of the seismicity in each source zone, has the potential to significantly enhance our understanding of seismic hazard in Australia at a time scale more representative than the snapshot provided by the historic record of seismicity. This includes providing a means by which to estimate key parameters underpinning the next generation seismic hazard maps for Australia, such as maximum magnitude earthquake (Mmax) (Fig. 3b) and seismic source zone b values. (a) (b) Figure 3: (a) Preliminary neotectonic domains with fault scarps from the Australian neotectonics database overlain (Clark et al. 2010), (b) statistics for fault length, which is a proxy for Mmax. The median value of 40 km for the Flinders domain (D2) might be associated with an Mmax of ~7.1 (Leonard 2010). Australian Geomechanics Vol 45 No 3 September 2010 47 LARGE EARTHQUAKE RECURRENCE IN THE SPRIGG IMPLICATIONS FOR EARTHQUAKE HAZARD ASSESSMENT 4 OROGEN, SOUTH AUSTRALIA AND DAN CLARK THE SEISMOGENIC NEOTECTONIC RECORD OF THE SPRIGG OROGEN (DOMAIN 2) Domain 2 is dominated by the Sprigg Orogen (Sandiford 2003b) (Fig. 3a). The Flinders and Mount Lofty Ranges form the main topographic axis of the orogen, and are bound by N-S to NE-SW trending linear scarps. These scarps provide dramatic testimony to the role of neotectonic faulting in shaping the landscape (Fig. 4). Rare exposures of the range-bounding faults show evidence for moderate to steep reverse motion which has juxtaposed ancient (> 500 million year old) basement rock above alluvial and colluvial sediments shed from the developing upland systems in the last one-two million years (Fig. 4b,c) (e.g. Williams 1973; Bourman & Lindsay 1989; Sandiford 2003b; Quigley et al. 2006). Fault-slip kinematics are consistent with the structures having formed in response to the current stress regime, with SHmax trending between N080°E and N125°E (Quigley et al. 2006). This motion is consistent with a subset of earthquake mechanisms, which show both reverse and strike slip failure for this region (Clark and Leonard, 2003). Figure 4: (a) Highly simplified geological map of the Flinders and Mount Lofty ranges region. Basement rocks are shaded whereas recent sediments are white. Insets show sketches of exposures of range bounding thrust faults from (b) Paralana, (c) Wilkatana, and (d) Burra. Note all faults are reverse and dip beneath the ranges (after Celerier et al., 2005). The cumulative vertical displacement on the fault network that forms the western front of the Mount Lofty Ranges is estimated to be approximately 240 m, with approximately 80 m offset of early Quaternary ca. 1.6 million year old strata (Sandiford 2003b; Sandiford & Quigley 2009). Stratigraphic relations suggest that the total displacement has accumulated in the last 5-6 million years (Sandiford et al., 2004), giving time averaged displacement on bounding faults of approximately 40-50 m/Myr, in line with that inferred from historical seismicity rates (Sandiford & Quigley 2009). Palaeoseismic studies show maximum magnitude earthquake events of Mw 7.3 – 7.5 with recurrence intervals in the order of 104 years, averaged over several seismic cycles (Quigley et al. 2006; Somerville et al. 2008). The Flinders Ranges form part of a zone of anomalous surface heat flow (Neumann et al. 2000) reflecting unusually elevated heat production in the Proterozoic basement rocks. Celerier et al. (2005) showed that variations in both the absolute abundance and depth of heat producing elements provides a plausible thermal control on lithospheric strength that helps to localise deformation in the Flinders Ranges. This characteristic may explain repeated tectonic activity in this area, from the Late Proterozoic Adelaidian rift system (<850 Ma) into which the dominant sedimentary rocks exposed in the ranges were deposited, to the Delamerian Orogeny and associated granites and fold belt (520-480 Ma), to the currently building Sprigg Orogen (<10 Ma). 44 Australian Geomechanics Vol 45 No 3 September 2010 LARGE EARTHQUAKE RECURRENCE IN THE SPRIGG IMPLICATIONS FOR EARTHQUAKE HAZARD ASSESSMENT 5 OROGEN, SOUTH AUSTRALIA AND DAN CLARK QUATERNARY FAULTING PROXIMAL TO ADELAIDE Several major neotectonic faults are located within 50 km of the Adelaide urbanised area (e.g. Para, EdenBurnside, Ochre Cove/Clarendon, Willunga, Millendella; Fig. 5)(Sandiford 2003b). Several more occur to the north, proximal to the industrial corridor between Adelaide and Port Augusta (e.g. Alma, Redbanks, Williamstown-Meadows, Wilkatana, Crystal Brook, Nectar Brook)(e.g. Somerville et al. 2008). Exposures of the range bounding faults are rare near to Adelaide (Fig. 5, points 1-5). However, these exposures invariably indicate that the range bounding faults are reverse faults and dip beneath the ranges (Fig. 5, cross section; Fig. 6). A recent palaeoseismological investigation of the Williamstown-Meadows Fault near Tarlee (Fig. 5, point 4; Fig. 6) revealed evidence for a 1.8 m single event displacement which vertically offsets a young alluvial fan by 1.5 m (Geoscience Australia, unpublished data). This data is consistent with an MW 6.9 earthquake, a recurrence of which would be catastrophic given its location approximately 15 km from the northern end of the Adelaide urbanised area. Trenches across the Alma Fault revealed a similar single event slip, and hence earthquake magnitude (Fig. 5, point 5). Figure 5: Major neotectonic faults proximal to the Adelaide urbanised area (shown stippled) and schematic cross section derived from 90 m SRTM DEM data. Fault exposures marked (1-3) show that the range bounding faults are reverse in nature and dip beneath the range. 1 – Concordia/Gawler fault (Quigley et al. 2009), 2 – Willunga Fault (Sandiford 2003b), 3 – Millendella fault (Bourman & Lindsay 1989). Points 4 and 5 mark the Williamstown-Meadows and Alma Faults, which were recently trenched at locations to the north of this image (Geoscience Australia, unpublished data). Australian Geomechanics Vol 45 No 3 September 2010 47 LARGE EARTHQUAKE RECURRENCE IN THE SPRIGG OROGEN, SOUTH AUSTRALIA AND IMPLICATIONS FOR EARTHQUAKE HAZARD ASSESSMENT DAN CLARK Figure 6: Selected neotectonic fault exposures near Adelaide (see Fig. 5 for fault locations). (1) the Concordia Fault at Gawler displacing Rowland Flat Sand (links into the LARGE EARTHQUAKE RECURRENCE IN THE SPRIGG IMPLICATIONS FOR EARTHQUAKE HAZARD ASSESSMENT OROGEN, SOUTH AUSTRALIA AND DAN CLARK An interesting implication of this reverse geometry is that the 1954 M5.4 Adelaide earthquake may have occurred at depth on the Para Fault, rather than on the Eden-Burnside Fault, as is the common wisdom (Fig. 7). The Para Fault is of particular significance for seismic hazard assessment as it is situated almost entirely beneath the Adelaide urbanised area and is associated with a prominent scarp developed in Quaternary sediments (Fig. 7). Borehole data (Sheard & Bowman 1996) suggests 27 m of offset of the Pleistocene Pooraka Formation across the Para Fault, equating to a slip rate in the order of 0.2-0.8 mm/yr over the last 35-125 ka. The top of underlying Hindmarsh Clay (>500 ka) is displaced by a similar amount, suggesting that the displacement relates to a recent pulse of activity, similar to that seen in the last ca. 67 ka on the Wilkatana Fault (Quigley et al. 2006). The borehole records further indicate that the underlying Pliocene Hallett Cove Sandstone has been displaced across the fault by less than 200 m, implying longer term slip rates at least 2-5 times smaller than since the mid Quaternary. If the borehole data is validated, and the Para Fault remains in an active period commensurate with the last 35-125 ka, recurrences for earthquakes much larger than the 1954 event could be <10 ka, and perhaps as little as a few thousand years. Figure 7. Trace and schematic section through the Para fault, which underlies Adelaide. Easterly fault trace is the Eden-Burnside Fault. Note that the Para fault displaces the Quaternary (Mid-Pleistocene) Hindmarsh Clay (yellow unit), by tens of metres (inset from Belperio 1995). Red star marks the estimated epicentre of the 1954 M5.4 Adelaide earthquake (McCue 1996). Australian Geomechanics Vol 45 No 3 September 2010 47 LARGE EARTHQUAKE RECURRENCE IN THE SPRIGG IMPLICATIONS FOR EARTHQUAKE HAZARD ASSESSMENT 6 OROGEN, SOUTH AUSTRALIA AND DAN CLARK SEISMIC HAZARD IMPLICATIONS As implied in the previous section, there are several sources of seismic hazard to Adelaide that should be considered alongside a relatively infrequent maximum magnitude rupture on the Para Fault. That this is so is intuitively clear when it is considered that the damage radius of a relatively modest magnitude 6.5 earthquake is approximately 50 km. Somerville et al. (2008) demonstrate that the contribution from several nearby neotectonic fault sources in the central Flinders Ranges are greater than distributed seismicity (ie. the historic earthquake record) in hazard calculations for return periods of 475 years and longer. For critical infrastructure (return periods of 10,000 years and greater) the hazard from neotectonic fault sources dominates. A similar scenario might be expected for the Adelaide area given the great density of neotectonic faults (Figs. 5 & 7). The Para, Eden-Burnside, Ochre Cove/Clarendon, Willunga, Alma, Williamstown-Meadows and Milendella faults all have Mmax exceeding MW 7.0. A large rupture on any of these faults has the potential to seriously impact Adelaide. 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