AVENUE HOME CARE – OFFICE: (760) 978-6060, EMAIL: INFO@AVENUEHC.COM, WWW.AVENUEHC.COM SAFETY CHECK LIST General home safety 1. Extension, lamp and telephone cords are out of the traffic areas? 2. Cords are not under the carpeting or furniture? 3. Cords are attached to the wall with tape, not staples or nails? 4. Electrical cords are in good condition, not frayed or cracked? 5. Extension cords are not carrying a greater load than recommended? 6. Small rugs and runners are slip resistant? 7. Emergency telephone numbers are posted on or near the phone? 8. Smoke detectors are properly placed? 9. Smoke detectors are in good working order? 10. Outlets and switches are cool to the touch? 11. Outlets and switches have cover plates? 12. Light bulbs are the right size and type for the lamps and fixtures? 13. Heaters that require a three prong plug are in a three prong plug or have an approved adapter? 14. Small stoves and heaters are out of pathways and away from flammable materials? 15. There is an emergency exit plan? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Kitchen 1. Towels, curtains and other things that could catch on fire are away from the stove? 2. The ventilation system or exhaust is in good working order? 3. All extension and appliance cords are away from the sink or stove area? 4. Even lighting exists over the stove, sink and countertop areas? 5. If a step stool is used, it is stable and in good repair? Living room 1. The chimney is clear of leaves and other debris? 2. The chimney has been cleaned in the last year? 3. The hallways are well lit? 4. The exits and hallways are clear of clutter or furniture? Bathroom 1. The tub and shower has non-skid mats or adhesive strips/ 2. Grab bars are present and in appropriate places? 3. The water temperature is 120 degrees or less? 4. A light switch is located near the entrance? 5. Small appliances are unplugged when not in use 6. All medicines are stored in their original containers? AVENUE HOME CARE – 3142 TIGER RUN COURT, SUITE 117 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92010 AVENUE HOME CARE – OFFICE: (760) 978-6060, EMAIL: INFO@AVENUEHC.COM, WWW.AVENUEHC.COM Bedroom 1. Lamps or light switches are within reach of the bed? 2. Ash trays, smoking materials and other appliances areaway from the bedding and curtains? 3. The electric blanket is not tucked in nor has any covers over it while in use? 4. A telephone is near the bed? Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No Yea Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Stairways 1. The stairways are well lit? 2. Light switches are located at both the top and the bottom of the steps? 3. The steps are solid and in good repair? 4. The steps are even and the same size and height? 5. The rubber tread or carpeting is in good condition, not worn or torn? 6. The edges of the steps can be clearly seen? 7. The steps are clear of articles or items? Basement, garage, Workshop and Storage areas 1. All work areas are well lit? 2. Lights are located so that no one has to walk through a dark area? 3. If fuses are used, they are the right size for the current? 4. Power tools are equipped with three prong plugs? 5. Power tool guards are in place? 6. The grounding feature on the 3-prong is intact? 7. Flammable liquids are properly capped and stored away from heat or fire? Yes No Food Handling 1. Perishable foods are properly stored in the refrigerator? 2. Foods are thawed in the refrigerator, warm water or microwave? 3. Hands are washed before preparing food and after handling raw meat and poultry? 4. Cutting surfaces are properly cleaned after contact with raw meats? Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Crime Safety 1. Doors and windows have sturdy locks in good repair? 2. Social Security and pension checks are direct deposit? 3. Valuables are stored in a safe place? 4. Bank account and social security numbers are never given out? AVENUE HOME CARE – 3142 TIGER RUN COURT, SUITE 117 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92010 AVENUE HOME CARE – OFFICE: (760) 978-6060, EMAIL: INFO@AVENUEHC.COM, WWW.AVENUEHC.COM EVACUATION PLAN MAIN FLOOR North East West South SECOND FLOOR North East West South AVENUE HOME CARE – 3142 TIGER RUN COURT, SUITE 117 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92010
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