Education Resource Pack Treasure Island is a wonderful book, full of adventures and great descriptions. Our adaptation of 6WHYHQVRQ¶VFODVVLFZLWKLWVH[FLWLQJVWRU\FRORXUIXOFKDUDFWHUVPXVLFDQGDFWLRQLVLGHDOIRU children and can be used a as stimulus for Key Stages 1 and 2 teaching. A quick search for ³7UHDVXUH,VODQG´RU³SLUDWHV´RQWKHLQWHUQHWEULQJVXSORWVRIJUHDWLGHDVIRUZRUN- here are some of ours. This pack is intended as a jumping-off point for activities before you come to see the show and follow-up afterwards. The suggested activities can be linked directly to the national curriculum or can be used as part of a creative curriculum. The New Theatre Royal would like to thank Liz Bradbury of St Swithuns School, Southsea, for her invaluable help in preparing this pack. Send us your poems and pictures and we will try display them in the theatre for everyone to see. If you are coming to see the show ± we will be delighted if you come in pirate costumes (see page 13 for pirate hat and eye-patch pattern). Contact Liz Weston on 023 9277 8993 or email if you want to send us your pictures or ask any questions or want more information. Contents Pirate Poetry, Word Games & Language 2 Drama, Listening & Speaking 4 Alternative Means of Communication 5 Geography 6 Science 7 Pirate Maths 9 History of Piracy 10 About Robert Louis Stevenson 11 Pirate Hat Pattern 12 Milk Carton Pirate Ship 13 Plastic Pop Bottle Pirate Ship 15 Pirate Treasure Chest 16 Pirate Facts 17 Recipe for Hard Tack Biscuits 18 Honour Among Thieves ± The Pirate Code 19 0RUHLGHDV« 20 1 Pirate Poetry, Word Games & Language 3LUDWHVDUH«adjectives beginning with ³D´³E´³F´HWF This can be done in a circle, in small groups or by going round the class. It is also a useful memory game, pupils trying to remember all the adjectives in alphabetical order. Pirates, Pirates, Pirates Here is an easy way to get children to write poetry and think of alliteration and adjectives. Give your pupils this format: Pirates, pirates, pirates ______, _____, _____, Pirates ,pirates, pirates *LYHFKLOGUHQDOHWWHUHJµF¶&KLOGUHQKDYHWRFRPHXSZLWKWKUHHDGMHFWLYHVEHJLQQLQJZLWKµF¶WR describe the pirates ± cunning, cold, cruel. Pirates, pirates, pirates Cunning, cold, cruel Pirates, pirates, pirates You can make as many verses as you want! Lists are a great way of stimulating the imagination List 10 things in a SLUDWH¶V3RFNHW List 10 things in a treasure Chest List 10 things on a tropical Island Gold coins and a cutlass A map and a compass A bottle of rum An eye-patch A big gold watch Pieces of eight A length of rope and a big heavy weight Acrostics ± a few examples Powerful Interesting Red Angry Tropical Exciting Cunning Adventurous Pompous Terrifying Ambitious Impatient Noble Swift Happy Invisible Pretty Pirate Language Pirates are well known for speaking exclusively in the present tense. So your students could have fun trying to talk and write in the present tense for a lesson ± or a whole day! Do you know about International Talk Like a Pirate Day? ,W¶VRQ6XQGD\6HSWHPEHUMXVWW\SH³7DON/LNHD3LUDWH'D\´LQWR\RXULQWHUQHWEURZVHUDQGVHH ZKDWFRPHVXS7KHUHDUHHYHQZHEVLWHVWKDWZLOOWUDQVODWHDQ\WKLQJ\RXW\SHLQWR³SLUDWH´LQVWDQWO\ 2 If you are going to talk like a pirate then you will need some special Pirate words! Ahoy DJUHHWLQJ³+HOOR´ Arr DZRUGWKDWFDQPHDQPDQ\WKLQJVIURP³\HV´³PD\EH´³,¶OOWKLQN DERXWLW´³,GRQ¶WNQRZ´³7KDWZDVJRRG´³7KDWZDVEDG´³7KDW KXUWV´³7KHWURSLFDOVXQVHWZLWKLW¶VFRORXUVRIUHGJROGDQGorange is VREHDXWLIXO´«WKHSRVVLELOLWLHVDUHHQGOHVV Aye Yes or okay. Aye, Aye ,¶OOGRWKDWULJKWDZD\RU\HV,XQGHUVWDQG Booty treasure, spices, jewels, or anything stolen from another ship Jolly Roger a pirate flag usually showing a white skull and crossbones on a black background Landlubber a person who lives on land and does not sail the Seven Seas Matey a friend and/or shipmate Mutiny a revolt against authority, especially naval or military power Plunder the act of robbery or raiding Scallywag a bad person; scoundrel Shiver me timbers to express shock or surprise; The idea of timbers shivering comes from the shaking sent through the ship by either running around or being hit by a cannon ball. The Spanish Man referred to the land and waters around the Caribbean during the 17th century when the area was a major location for pirates Sprogs untrained recruits; children Other ideas for written work and discussion Write a postcard from your treasure island What other stories do you know about islands? What other stories do you know about Pirates? 3 Drama, Listening & Speaking Circle discussion: %HIRUH\RX¶YHVHHQWKHVKRZ What would it be like to be stranded on an Island? What would it be like to live on a ship all the time? $IWHU\RX¶YHVHHQWKHVKRZ What can we remember about the story and the characters? What were our favourite bits - and why? Character games: First of all everyone discusses the characters and the actions and the physical positions that best sums up the character (there can be more than one for each character). Pupils move around the room. The teacher calls out the name of the character and the pupils freeze into the action or position for that character. This can be developed to include facial expressions, sounds and noises. Create Your Own Pirate Character Pupils create their own pirate character. What do they look like? How do they stand? How do they talk? What is their outstanding peculiarity? How can you make your pirate different from the others? Group work Capturing a rival Pirate Ship A Mutiny 7HOOLQJWKHVWRU\RIWKHSOD\DVD³VHULDO´URXQGWKHFODVVHDFKSXSLOWDNLQJLWLQWXUQWRWHOOWKHQH[W part of the story And of course there are lots of Pirate jokes... Why are pirates called pirates? Because they Aaaar! What do Pirates like to drink? Cidaaar! 4 Alternative means of communication and non-verbal communication This is a really interesting project to explore. How do ships communicate to each other at sea? Nowadays we have telephones and radios but how do people communicate across distances without that kind of technology? Traffic lights are a simple method of signaling using colour to communicate a meaning. Are there any other examples of non-verbal communication /signaling in every day life? The means of communication are many and very varied and can be used in all kinds of lessons. Morse code can be sent by sound or by lights has the morse code alphabet and there are numerous morse code translator/convertor sites ± MXVWW\SH³PRUVHFRGH´LQWR\RXr browser. Semaphore uses 2 flags held in different positions has the semaphore alphabet Then there is the signalling where the design of the flag itself has a meaning has the international flag alphabet National flags are a signal or symbol for the country ± DQGWKH-ROO\5RJHUDVLJQDOIRU³SLUDWHV´ Did you know that different pirates had different flags? See the following sites for different pirate flags You could invent your own means of signaling using colours or shapes or sounds ± or a combination of all 3. Send your messages to us at More pirate jokes« :K\GRHVDSLUDWHJHWZKHQKH¶VROG" Aaarthritus :KDWLVDSLUDWH¶VIDYRXULWHIRRG" Saaarndwiches 5 Geography Making treasure maps is great fun. You can give the co-ordinates of where the treasure is buried and see how quickly people can find it. Or you can have a treasure hunt with different clues leading to the treasure. Make a map of your classroom and hide the treasure somewhere ± you can then give directions to finding it using the points of the compass ± 3 metres North, 2 metres East etc. (See the science section for details of how to make your own compass) Make a map of your Treasure Island showing the main geographical features; mountains, streams, coves etc. If you make it to scale you can then make a 3-dimensional model of the island using papier mache or cut-out ceiling tiles - they are great for doing contour-lines. You can keep a VKLS¶VORJRIWKHMRXUQH\DFURVVIURP3RUWVPRXWKWRWKH&DULEEHDQ± this can be written by hand or kept on the computer as a spreadsheet. What is it like on the tropical islands of the Caribbean? What plants grow there? What are the animals like? Why did pirates have parrots? Where did they get them? What crops grow in the tropical islands? This can lead into discussing such issues as Slavery and Fair Trade. The Pirate Map You are the captain and crew of a pirate ship. You have captured a large number of pieces of eight but you need to bury them because the Spanish and British Navy are chasing you. If you are caught with the coins you will be imprisoned. You have sighted an island and decided to hide your treasure. Only one very old pirate has ever been on this island but he is too old to leave the ship to act as a guide. He has given you a description of the island written on a scroll (see below). You have to decide the best location to bury the treasure and accurately mark this hiding place on the map with an X. The Captain will use the map to retrieve the treasure at a later date. Use the compass to plot the directions and draw out a map based on the description. Mark all the geographic landmarks on the map. Mark the direction of North on the map. The island is about 500m wide and 1000m long. In the middle there is a large volcano. On the Western coast there are steep cliffs with a large number of caves. You cannot sail near the beaches at the bottom of the coastline in the west because the current is strong and there are many hidden rocks. You can land on the Eastern coast where the water is shallow and there are golden beaches. Behind the beaches on the East coast is dense rain forest which covers the whole of the Eastern side of the island. There is a path across the island which runs East to North and then North to West in order to avoid the volcano. 6 Science Make your own compass You will need: Water, a large needle or nail, a magnet, a plastic dish, a cork or polystyrene cup for a float. The teacher will need to have checked where North is first Step 1 Magnetise the needle by stroking a magnet down the needle 20 times in one direction. You can check it has been magnetised by trying to pick up a pin. Sometimes it may need 30 strokes. Step 2 Put about 2.5cm of water in a plastic dish. Step 3 Place a float in the water in the dish. A float can be made by slicing a piece of cork, cutting out the bottom of a polystrene cup, or using the plastic cap from ajuice bottle or similar. Step 4 Lay the magnatised needle on the centre of the float. It is okay if the needle or nail extends past the edges of the float. Step 5 Wait for the needle to slowly turn and stop. It will point toward magnetic North. You can then mark the other points of the compass on the side of the dish and start using it. The Cup Compass (even eaiser) Tie one end of a piece of thread to the centre of your magnatised needle. Tie the other end of the thread to a pencil. Place the pencil across the top of a plastic cup with the needle hanging down into the centre of the cup. <RXGRQ¶WHYHQQHHGZDWHUIRUWKLVYHUVLRQ How do we know which way to go? Look at the magnet and it will show North, South, east or west, For finding directions it is the best. How does it work? ,W¶VDVVLPSOHDVFDQEH 7KHSODQHW¶VELJJHVWPDJQHWLVLWVHOI\RXVHH The biggest and strongest magnet of all, Compared to it, all the others are quite small. Because of its size, its pull is so strong that all other magnets are pulled along. Try as WKH\PLJKWIRUDOOWKDWWKH\¶UHZRUWK 0DJQHWVFDQ¶WKHOSEXWSRLQWWRZDUGQRUWK 6RWKHQH[WWLPH\RX¶UHORVWZLWKRXWDFOXH Let a magnet find your way to rescue you. 7 One Eye or Two? You will need: 10cm x 10cm piece of cardboard with holes punched around the edges A shoelace or a piece of string (a shoelace is best) An eye patch or a strip of material to cover one eye Step 1 Put the eye patch or strip of material over one of your eyes. If you have one eye that is weaker than the other, you could take turns with which eye to cover up. Step 2 Ask someone to time you while you thread the shoelace through the holes around the cardboard. How long did it take? Once you are finished, you may unthread the shoelace. Step 3 Take the eye patch off. Ask someone to time you while you thread the shoelace through the holes in the cardboard again, without the patch. How long did it take this time? Take turns covering each eye, which eye were you fastest with? How fast could you do it with both eyes? Outcome What happens? It takes more time to thread the shoelace through the holes when you only use one eye. Why? Each eye sees things a little bit differently than the other. Each eye then sends its own information to the brain. Our brain then takes the information each eye sends it, puts it together, and forms a correct picture. This is called binocular vision. $QRWKHUSLUDWHMRNH« Where does a pirate keep his ship? In the Haarrrbour! 8 Pirate Maths The possibilities are endless - pirate division, multiplication, addition and subtraction. For younger children there are simple pirate maths Treasure Chest ³-HZHOV´DQGJROGFRLQVmade from paper and a treasure chest. You can make a treasure chest from a tea-bag box using the instructions on Page 17 How much treasure have you got? Can you group the treasure into 2s, count it and write it down. Can you group it into 10s, count it and write it down. Green emeralds = Red rubies = Yellow gold = White diamonds = How much would you have if you took away 1 green jewel? If you added 1 red jewel? You can also give each jewel and coin a value. You can write the value on the item or have a reference chart. The pupils can work out the total value of the treasure chest. Remove and add items to change the value. Pirate Ship The class is the crew of a pirate ship ± HDFKSLUDWHKDV³JROGFRLQV´KRZPDQ\JROGFRLQVDUH there on the ship? The pirate ship is attacked by another pirate ship and half their treasure is taken. How much have they got left? The pirate ship attacks a rich merchant ship full of treasure worth 25 gold pieces for each pirate ± how much is the pirate ship worth now? How much has each pirate got? Dividing the Spoils $FFRUGLQJWRSLUDWHUXOHV³ERRW\´ZDVGLYLGHGXSLQDFHUWDLQZD\VHH+RQRXUDPRQJ7KLHYHVRQ Page 20) ³7KH&DSWDLQDQG4XDUWHUPDVWHUVKDOOHDFKUHFHLYHWZRVKDUHVRIDSUL]HWKH0DVWHU*XQQHUDQG Boatswain, one share and a half, and all other officers one and one quarter, and private gentlemen RIIRUWXQHRQHVKDUHHDFK´ <RXDUHWKHFDSWDLQRIDSLUDWHVKLS\RXKDYHDTXDUWHUPDVWHUDPDVWHUJXQQHUDER¶VXQ (boatswain) and 15 crew. You capture a ship with £1,000 of treasure on board. How much does each person get? Codes are useful for maths too, where numbers are used instead of letters. 8 1 22 5 1 7 15 ! 'RQ¶WIRUJHWWROHDYHDVSDFHEHHQHDFK³OHWWHU´DQGDGRXEOHVSDFHEHWZHHQZRUGV<RXFDQ make it harder for the older children by leaving out the spacing between the words and if they get too good remove the spacing between the letters! 9 History of Piracy This is a very brief history of piracy ± but it will give you lots of things to look up and find out more about. What is meant by ³7KH1HZ:RUOG´" What sort of goods were being transported by the ships the pirates attacked? Where did the run-away slaves in Port Royal come from? 7KHZRUGµ3LUDWH¶FRPHVIURPWKH/DWLQZRUGµSLUDWD¶ZKLFKPHDQVµUREEHU¶DSLUDWHLVDUREEHU who attacks ships at sea. Piracy was a problem thousands of years before the Spanish began to bring gold, silver, and other treasures from the New World back to Spain. Men sailed the seas as pirates when countries began to cross the Oceans to trade goods with each other. There were powerful pirates who sailed the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. These pirates set up a large pirate nation in the area, which is now Turkey. Barbary corsairs controlled the western part of the Mediterranean. Vikings were brave and strong pirates, they sailed all over the Atlantic Ocean, but especially terrorized the European coastlines. Pirates were also active in the waters surrounding Asia. As ships were built bigger and better and men became braver, piracy began to spread into the New World. Although piracy has occurred since ancient times, the golden era of piracy was the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries on the Mediterranean and Caribbean seas. When the early American colonists established successful trade routes to Europe, many pirates turned their attention to the Atlantic. There were many famous English pirates, including Francis Drake who robbed the Spanish ships coming back from South America and the Caribbean. The main pirate base was Port Royal in Jamaica. The British owned Port Royal and they didn't interfere in the lives of the pirates. It was filled with runaway slaves, pirates, drunkards, and pickpockets. There were at least 44 drinking dens at Port Royal. At the docks pirates could fix their ships and trade their stolen goods. Then in 1692, Port Royal was destroyed by an earthquake and about 4,000 people died. Soon the Europeans began to get tired of the pirates. Steam powered ships were much faster than the old ones, which depended on the wind. With these new ships, they were able to chase down and capture most of the pirates. The pirates just couldn't out run these powerful new ships. Rewards also inspired many people to help capture pirates. If a pirate was captured they were sent to prison in England. Those who were sent to England usually didn't make it that far, they died of disease on board. If they made it to England they usually went to Newgate Prison in London. Newgate Prison was a dirty and foul place to be. Many prisoners died from diseases before they could ever be executed. Piracy still continues today. The only difference is that modern day pirates use high-tech gadgets and rely on stealth rather than brute force. Modern day pirates usually plunder a ship in the middle of the night and climb ropes to get on to the deck. It only takes them a few minutes to scourge a ship and take all of the valuables. Then they go back into their boats and disappear into the darkness. Most of the weapons modern pirates use are speed boats, automatic rifles, and machine guns. They make their plans on computers and contact each other by radios. 10 Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson was born on November 13, 1850 in Edinburgh, Scotland, the only son of respectable middle-class parents. Throughout his childhood, he suffered chronic health problems that confined him to bed. In his youth, his strongest influence was that of his nurse, Allison Cunningham, who often read Pilgrim's Progress and The Old Testament to him. In 1867, Stevenson entered Edinburgh University as a science student, where it was understood that he would follow his father's footsteps and become a civil engineer. However, Robert was at heart a romantic, and while working towards a science degree, he spent much of his time studying French Literature, Scottish history, and the works of Darwin and Spencer. When he confided to his father that he did not want to become an engineer and instead wished to be a writer, his father was quite upset. They settled on a compromise, where Robert would study for the Bar exam and if his literary ambitions failed, he would have a respectable profession to fall back on. In the autumn of 1873, Stevenson fell ill, suffering from nervous exhaustion and a severe chest condition. His doctor ordered him to take an extended period of rest abroad. For the next six months, he convalesced in the South of France, and worked on essays. On his return to Edinburgh, he spent much of his time writing book reviews and articles and experimenting with short stories. Slowly but surely, he earned a name for himself in journalism and his pieces began appearing in distinguished journals such as The Fortnightly Review. While establishing his name as a writer, Stevenson met an American married woman, Fanny Vandergrift Osbourne, who was ten years his senior. Osbourne had travelled to Europe in an attempt to escape her estranged husband's influence. For three years, Stevenson, who was still in ill health, continued his relationship with her and eventually followed her to San Francisco, where she divorced her husband and married Stevenson in May 1880. ,Q6WHYHQVRQSXEOLVKHG³$Q,QODQG9R\DJH´, which recounts a canoeing holiday in Belgium. In August 1880, the Stevensons returned to England. He and his wife wintered in the South of France and lived in England from 1880-1887, a period of time marked by great literary achievement. Stevenson's first nRYHO³Treasure Island´ZDVSXEOLVKHGLQIROORZHGE\³The Strange Case of Dr. -HN\OODQG0U+\GH´ ZKLFKZDVZULWWHQLQ%RXUQHPRXWKDQG³.LGQDSSHG´ (1886). Stevenson's work was highly popular and he received great critical acclaim. Upon his father's death in 1887, Stevenson chose to leave England and sailed for America, where he stayed for a year. In May 1888, accompanied by his wife, stepson, and mother, he set sail for the South Seas. Stevenson grew so enchanted by the life of the South Seas that in December 1889 he bought an estate in Apia, Samoa, convinced that he could never again endure the harsh winters of his native Scotland or England. Apia was a perfect location because the climate was tropical but not wild, the people were friendly and hard working, and there was good postal service in the country. Stevenson lived at his 300-acre estate, Vailima, in the hills of Apia until his death in 1894. While in Vailima, Stevenson wrote a great deal, completing two of his finest novellas, "The Beach of Falesa" and 7KH(EE7LGHWZRQRYHOV³7KH:UHFNHU´DQG³&DWULRQD´, the short stories "The Bottle Imp," "The Isle RI9RLFHVDQG7KH:DLI:RPDQ+HDOVRSXEOLVKHGVKRUWZRUNVXQGHUWKHWLWOH³)DEOHV´. Stevenson left a significant amount of work unfinished. On December 3, 1894 he dictated another installment of a novel, seemed in excellent spirits, and was speaking with his wife in the evening when he felt a violent pain in his head and lost consciousness. Stevenson had suffered a brain hemorrhage and died a few hours later at the age of forty-four. 11 12 Milk Carton Pirate Ship This is useful for maths as the pupils will have to measure the cartons in order to work out how much paper to use. You will need 2 milk/fruit juice cartons 2 straws Playdough Yellow, black and white paper Glue, scissors and tape Alternative Use craft foam instead of paper and you will have a ship that actually floats. Step 1 Tape a piece of black paper about ½ way up the milk carton as shown in the photo on the right. Tape black paper all the way up the back of the carton, leaving about 2.5cm sticking up over the carton. Step 2 Tape white paper over the rest of the carton. Stick two blobs of playdough in the centre of the pirate ship. Step 3 Cut a 5cm or 6cm piece off the bottom of the second carton. Tape it onto the ship (covering the playdough). Poke two holes in it (with a pencil) right above the playdough blobs. Cover with white paper. 13 Step 4 Stick two straws through the holes you poked in the top carton. Cut two large rectangles and two small rectangles from the yellow paper. Poke two holes in each rectangle with scissors or a hole punch and thread onto the straws as masts. Draw windows and a door with markers. Cut yellow circles and glue them to the side of the ship as portholes. Add a gangplank made of cardboard and a Jolly Roger! +HUH¶VRQHPRUHSLUDWe joke« When do pirates have a wash? At Baaarrthtime. 14 Fizzy Pop Bottle Pirate Ship You will need An empty fizzy pop plastic bottle (but leave the top on!) An empty milk/fruit juice carton Two straws A single cone from an egg box 1 cup of sand scissors A cocktail stick Blank white paper Paint Step 1 )LUVWO\\RXFDQPDNHWKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWSDUW« the Jolly Roger pirate flag! Cut out a rectanglar shape from the whit paper and paint it black. Leave it until it is dry, then with a small paint brush, paint on a skull and cross bones. Or you could cut out a skull and crossbones using white paper and tick it on your black flag. Step 2 To make the body of the ship, lay the plastic bottle on its side, cut out a rectangular shape and pour in the sand. Then cut off the bottom of the milk carton and stick it to the inside of the plastic bottle to make a cabin. Step 3 Using the tip of the scissors, you should carefully make two holes in the centre of the top of the cabin, only big enough to that the straws can fit through. Poke the straws through the holes. Step 4 Cut a blank A4 piece of paper, width-ways, across the middle. To make the sails of your pirate ship you will need to make holes, running down the middle of both pieces of paper. You can then thread the two pieces of paper onWRWKHWZRVWUDZV$QG\RX¶UH almost ready to set sail! Step 5 Next, take a single cone from the egg box and poke a through the bottom. Slide the cone over one of the straw (masts) and fix in place using some sticky tape. hole Then put some blue tack on the top of the masts. Step 6 Using some sticky tape, stick your Jolly Roger flag to the cocktail stick and stick it in the blue tack. <RXQRZKDYH\RXUFURZ¶VQHVWDQGIODJLQSODFHVR\RXFDQVHWVDLODQGJR treasure hunting! 15 Pirate Treasure Chest You will need Coloured paper Gold and silver card Glue or tape Crayons Tea bag box Step 1 Tea bag boxes are perfect for a pirate treasure chest because they are shaped like a chest (any kind of empty food box that you may have will do for this, but the tea boxes ideal as they have built-in lids). Take your tea box and cover it with brown or yellow paper. You can tape or glue the paper the outside and the inside of the tea box. Step 2 are on Next cut out circles for your gold and silver coins. Or use white paper and colour them silver and gold or cut them out of yellow and white paper. Also cut out diamond, emerald and ruby shapes so your pirate treasure chest can have some jewels in it. Cut out the shape of the lock for your pirate treasure chest as well to keep all of the riches safe. You can decorate your chest with black bands and studs to make it look more realistic. $QGMXVWRQHPRUH« What does a pirate get if you tread on his foot? Very aaarngry! 16 Pirate Facts A pirate is a robber who works at sea rather than land True - For as long as people have been transporting valuables by ships, pirates have been around trying to rob them. The pirate crew often votes on who their Captain would be True - Life aboard a pirate ship was often run as a democracy and pirate crews voted on who their Captain would be. ,W¶VXSWRWKH&DSWDLQRIWKHVKLSWRGLVFLSOLQHKLVFUHZ False - Discipline was strictly enforced by a SLUDWH¶VFRGHRIFRQGXFW. (see Honour among Thieves on Page 19 ) %RRW\LVDQRWKHUZRUGIRUSLUDWH¶VWUHDVXUH True - Booty is another word for treasure, and is always shared amongst the crew. (See Page 19) A pirate flag was designed to strike fear into the victims. True - A pirate flag was designed to strike fear into the victims and encourage a speedy surrender. Women pirates were not common on ships because they were FRQVLGHUHGµEDGOXFN¶ True - :RPHQSLUDWHVZHUHQ¶WFRPPRQEHFDXVHWKH\ZHUHFRQVLGHUHGµEDGOXFN¶7ZRRIWKHPRVW famous female pirates who often dressed as men were Anne Bonny and Mary Read. Named after his large black beard that covered his entire face, Edward ³%ODFNEHDUG´7HDFKZDVRQHRIWKHPRVWIHDUHGSLUDWHVRIDOOWLPH True - (GZDUG³%ODFNEHDUG´7HDFKZDVRQHRIWKHPRVWIHDUHGSLUDWHVRIDOOWLPH+Ls tactic was to light matches into his beard and hair to scare people!. $µ3ULYDWHHU¶ZDVDSLUDWHZKRZRUNHGIRUKLPVHOI False - 3ULYDWHHUVZRUNHGIRUWKHJRYHUQPHQWDQGZHUHJLYHQDOLFHQVHFDOOHGDµ/HWWHURI0DUTXH DQG5HSULVDO¶WRDWWDFNRWKHUFRXQWULHV¶VKLSV 7KHZRUGµ%XFFDQHHU¶LVXVHGWRGHVFULEHSLUDWHVDQGSULYDWHHUVZKR had bases in the West Indies. True - BucFDQHHUVJRWWKHLUQDPHIURPWKHPHDQLQJRIWKH)UHQFKZRUG³ERXFDQ´ZKLFKPHDQV barbecue), as they were frequently seen barbecuing their meat on grill. When peace developed between the European countries, many privateers became jobless. True ± Unemployment led to an increase in piracy during the Golden Age because ships loaded with treasure from the Americas often sailed through the Caribbean Sea. Piracy still goes on today in the 21st Century True ± VHHSDJH³+LVWRU\RI3LUDF\´ 17 Traditional Pirate Hard Tack Biscuit Recipe You will need 2 cups of flour ½ to ¾ cup of water 6 pinches of salt 1 tablespoon of shortening (optional) Step 1 Mix all the ingredients into a batter and press onto a cookie sheet to thickness of ½ inch. Step 2 Bake in a preheated oven at 400F (250C) for one hour. Step 3 Remove from the oven, cut dough in 7cm squares, and punch four rows of holes, four holes per row into the dough (a fork works nicely). Flip the crackers and return to the oven for another half hour. Some recipes also recommend a second baking at 250F (120C) to thoroughly dry out the bread. 0RUHSLUDWHMRNHV« What kind of parties do pirates like best? Baaarbecues! How do you spell pirate? P I AAAR A T E! 18 Honour Among Thieves 7KLVFKDUWHURIFRQGXFWGUDIWHGE\%DUWKRORPHZ5REHUWV¶FUHZZDVSUHVHUYHGLQ&DSWDLQ-RKQVRQ¶V General History of the Pirates. I. II. Every man has avote in affairs of the moment; has equal title to the fresh provisions, or strong liquors, at any time seized, and may use them at pleasure, unless a scarcity makes it necessary, for the good of all, to vote a retrenchment. Every man to be called fairly in turn, by list, on board of prizes because over and above their proper share, they are allowed a shift of clothes. But if they defraud the company to the value of even one dollar in plate, jewels, or money, they shall be marooned. If ant man rob another he shall have his nose and ears slit, and be put ashore where he shall be sure to encounter hardships. III. None shall game for money, either with dice or cards. IV. The OLJKWVDQGFDQGOHVWREHSXWRXWDWHLJKWR¶FORFNDWQLJKWLIDQ\RIWKHFUHZDIWHUWKDW hour, still remain inclined for drinking, they shall sit upon the open deck without lights. V. Each man shall keep his piece, cutlass, and pistols at all times clean and ready for action. VI. No boy or woman to be allowed amongst them. If any man were to be found carrying a woman to sea in disguise, he shall suffer death. VII. He that shall desert the ship or his quarters in time of battle shall be punished by death or marooning. VIII. 1RQHVKDOOVWULNHDQRWKHUDERDUGWKHVKLSEXWHYHU\PDQ¶VTXDUUHOVKDOOEHHQGHGRQWKH shore by sword or pistol in this manner: at the word of command from the Quartermasters, each man being previously placed back to back, shall walk an agreed upon number of paces, turn and fire immediately. If any men do not, the Quartermaster shall knock the piece out of his hand. If both miss their aim, they shall take their cutlasses, and he that draws first blood shall be declared the victor. IX. No man to talk of breaking up their way of living, till each had shared £1,000. If in order to do this, any man should lose a limb, or become a cripple in their service, he was to have 800 pieces of eight from the common stock, and for lesser hurts, proportionately. X. The captain and Quartermaster shall each receive two shares of a prize: the Master Gunner and Boatswain, one share and a half, and all other officers one and one quarter, and private gentlemen of fortune (i.e. the crew) one share each. XI. The musicians shall have rest on the Sabbath Day only, by right, on all other days, by favour only. 19 0RUH,GHDV« Music Sea Shanties The word Shanty FRPHVIURPWKH)UHQFKZRUG³FKDQWHU´± to sing. What was a sea shanty? Why did they sing them? Find some shanties and make up your own. Find out about Caribbean music Write your own Pirate song ± VHQGXV\RXUSLUDWHVRQJRQD&'RUD'9'DQGZH¶OOSXWLWRn our website. Information Technology There is loads of information on the internet. Why not create a pirate data base? Create a PowerPoint presentation about your voyage. Dance Find out about Hornpipes Invent your own Pirate Dances ± send us your SLUDWHGDQFHVRQ'9'DQGZH¶OOSXWLWRQRXU website. Art & Design Model making: islands, ships, pirates, etc. Flag designs Signaling systems Design a pirate costume Make pirate hats And if there is anything else you do, make or create ± let us know by emailing Liz Weston, our Education Officer, on ZH¶GORYHWRKHDUIURP\RX )LQDOSLUDWHMRNHV« :KDWLVDSLUDWH¶V favourite subject at school? Aaart! What does a pirate drive? A caaar :K\FDQ¶WSLUDWHVGRWKHLUKRPHZRUN" %HFDXVHLW¶VWRRKDDDUG 20
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