Curriculum Vitae Nicholas Forge, PhD LMSW School of Social Work Georgia State University 140 Decatur Street Atlanta, GA 30303 404.413.1061 EDUCATION Ph.D. Fordham University, Graduate School of Social Service, New York, NY. 2012 (Social Work: Practice Concentration) Dissertation: A Longitudinal Investigation of Risk and Resiliency among Homeless LGBT Youth who reside in a Transitional Living Shelter. Recipient: Langenfeld Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation 2012 M.S.W. Georgia State University, School of Social Work, Atlanta, GA. 2005 (Social Work: Community Practice Concentration) Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW) – State of Georgia # MSW006332 M.A. Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL. 2003 (Sociology: Concentration in Race and Ethnic Relations) B.A. Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL. 2001 (Sociology, minor in Ethnic Studies) ACADEMIC APPOINTMENT 2013-Present Georgia State University, School of Social Work, Atlanta, GA Clinical Assistant Professor Courses: SW3300 – Human Behavior and the Social Environment I SW3400 – Human Behavior and the Social Environment II SW3700 - Communication Skills for Social Workers SW7400 – Social Work Practice I SW7800 – Social Work Practice II SW8500 – Community Field Education I Forge, Nicholas 2 SW8900 – Community Field Education II Teach undergraduate and graduate courses at both the Alpharetta and Downtown main campus of Georgia State University, with primary teaching responsibility being with students in the Bachelor of Social Work program. Serve as academic advisor to social work majors taking classes at the Alpharetta campus. Assist with field education and recruitment of students for the Bachelor of Social Work program. 2012-2013 Mercy College, Social Work Program, Dobbs Ferry, NY Assistant Professor Taught Social Work Research, Practice I, and Introduction to Social Work courses to undergraduate students in the Social Work major. Served as an academic advisor to students who are in the major, assisting with both class selections and other program advisement throughout the academic year. Revised and implemented admissions policy to admit potential applicants to the Social Work major. Assisted with re-writing curriculum to reflect CSWE 2008 EPAS for reaccreditation. Served as Faculty Advisor to the Social Work Club, facilitating their partnership and service with community organizations, as well as a faculty mentor to McNair Scholar Program, a grant-based initiative that encourages and prepares minority students to pursue doctoral studies. 2006-2011 Mercy College, Social Work Program, Dobbs Ferry, NY Lecturer Undergraduate classes taught: Social Work Research Serve as academic advisor to social work majors Teach Social Work Research course to undergraduate students in the Social Work major. Serve as an academic advisor to students who are in the major, assisting with both class selection other program advisement throughout the academic year. Advise potential applicants to the Social Work major. Assisted with reaccreditation and site visit from CSWE. 2008-2011 Mercy College, School of Behavioral Sciences, Dobbs Ferry, NY Adjunct Faculty Undergraduate classes taught: Introduction to Sociology Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences Teach Research Methods for the Social and Behavioral Sciences and Introduction to Sociology for the School of Behavioral Sciences. 2003 Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL Adjunct Faculty Undergraduate classes taught: Introduction to Sociology Human Sexuality and Social Change Forge, Nicholas 3 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2014 - Present Lost-N-Found, Atlanta, GA Social Work Consultant – Pro Bono Consult on and implement best practices for 18 bed housing program and dropin center for homeless LGBTQ youth. 2007 - 2013 Trinity Place Shelter, New York, NY Social Worker – Pro Bono Implement and oversee comprehensive volunteer program for 10 bed transitional homeless youth shelter. Coordinate all volunteer trainings, marketing, and scheduling while supervising the involvement of over 100 individuals and groups. Co-lead capital fundraising initiatives. Assist in the collection and processing of client outcome data and corresponding measurable goals. Assist in the service delivery process by performing the following clinical responsibilities: individual/group counseling, social work case management, intake/assessment/referral, psychotropic medication monitoring, anger deescalation, and crisis intervention to shelter residents under the supervision of shelter social worker and director. 2009 - 2010 New Alternatives, New York, NY Social Worker – Pro Bono Provide counseling services to homeless lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender homeless youth on a walk-in basis. Perform bio-psycho-social evaluations for those youth who require case management services. Provide supervision for those youth attending the case management clinic. 2006-2007 Fordham HIV/AIDS Service Administration (HASA) Training Academy, New York, NY Case Manager Trainer Created and conducted trainings for case managers who are employed by the New York City HIV/AIDS Service Administration. The all day trainings focused on providing HASA caseworkers, eligibility specialists and supervisors an introduction to the principles of social work and case management and their role in working with people infected and affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. 2004-2005 AIDS Survival Project, Atlanta, GA Social Work Intern Provided program development and support for psycho-educational groups. Assisted with intra agency relationship development. Assisted Executive Director with annual State Government lobby event. 2003-2004 Grady Memorial Hospital, Atlanta, GA Social Work Intern: Infectious Disease Forge, Nicholas 4 Provided inpatient discharge planning, linked clients to needed community resources, and provided family consultation. 2003 Catalysta Networks, Inc., New York, NY Summer Intern Assisted with development of online curriculum, ‘Our Water.’ Assisted with multinational school recruitment. 2002 Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL Teaching Assistant: Department of Sociology Assisted two faculty members with three undergraduate Sociology courses. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 2014-Present Team Based Learning among Social Work Students, GSU Co-Investigator Investigating the experience of undergraduate social work students who have engaged in a group learning experience (Collaborative Empowerment Team) at GSU. With Dr. K. Watkins and Dr. T. Lewinson. 2010-Present Trinity Place Shelter Research and Evaluation Team, New York, NY Co-Investigator Planned and coordinated research evaluation of Trinity Place Shelter, a 10 bed transitional shelter for LGBTQ homeless youth. Research includes longitudinal study and evaluation of shelter programming. 2006-2007 Fordham University, National Center for Schools and Communities, New York, NY Doctoral Fellow Conducted a comprehensive program evaluation for MOUSE, Inc., a non-profit that empowers students to provide technology support and leadership in their schools, enhancing their academic and career success. Assisted with experimental design, implementation, data analysis, and final report. 2005-2006 Fordham University, Graduate School of Social Service, New York, NY Research Assistant Assisted faculty member, Dr. Gregory Acevedo, with research project: ‘State of Latino Health in New York by conducting comprehensive search for literature review. 2004-2005 Georgia State University, School of Social Work, Atlanta, GA Research Assistant Assisted faculty member, Dr. Elizabeth Beck, with grant funded project: ‘ACCESS – IDA Evaluation.’ Supported literature review, instrument development, data collection, data analysis, and final report. Forge, Nicholas 5 BOOK CHAPTER Pardasani, M., Moreno, C., and Forge, N. (2010). Cultural competence and HIV/AIDS. In C. Cannon Poindexter (Ed.). Social Services and Social Action in the HIV Pandemic: Principles, Methods, and Populations. John Wiley & Sons: New York. PAPERS Davis, S. K., Forge, N., Adams, M. A., & Rothenberg, R. (2014). Obstacles and options to faithbased HIV service delivery to low-income inner city residents: Perspectives of black clergy with commuter congregations. Journal of Black Studies, 45(8), 731-751. doi:10.1177/0021934714555184 Ream, G.L., & Forge, N., (2015). Homeless lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth in New York City: Insights from the field. Child Welfare PAPERS IN-PROGRESS Forge, N. & Seelman, K. Sexual risk, substance use, and mental health of sexual minority youth residing in a transitional living shelter. Seelman, K. L., Forge, N., Walls, N. E., & Bridges, N. School engagement among LGBTQ high school students: The roles of Gay-Straight Alliance characteristics and safe adults. Watkins, K. Y., Forge, N., & Lewinson, T. Using Team-Based Learning and ePortfolios: Preparing students for collaborative interdisciplinary work. PRESENTATIONS Forge, N. & Lotz, K. V. (2015, March). Trinity Place Shelter: A transitional-living program for homeless LGBT youth in New York City. (Poster Presentation). National Youth at Risk conference, Savannah, GA. Watkins, K. Y., Forge, N., & Lewinson, T. (2014, October). Using Team-Based Learning and ePortfolios: Preparing students for collaborative interdisciplinary work. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Program Meeting of Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), Tampa, FL. Forge, Nicholas 6 Ream, G. L., Lotz, K. V., & Forge, N. R. (2013, May). Homeless LGBT youth services as a developmental context. Paper presented at the 20th annual meeting of the Society for Research on Identity Formation (SRIF), Saint Paul, MN. Ream, G. L., Forge, N. R., & Lotz, K. V. (2012, December). Theory, ideology, practicality, validity, reality: Homeless lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth services’ ecological systems (Oral Presentation). National Institutes of Health (NIH) Summit on the Science of Eliminating Health Disparities: Building a Healthier Society, Integrating Science, Policy and Practice. Baltimore, MD. Forge, N. (2012, October). Sexual risk, substance use, and mental health of sexual minority youth residing in a LGBT-specific transitional living program. (Poster Presentation). Mercy College Faculty Seminar Day, Dobbs Ferry, NY. Forge, N., Ream, G. L., and Lotz, K. V. (2012, May). Sexual risk, testing behaviors, and progress of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth residing in a LGBT-specific transitional living program. (Poster Presentation). Social Work and HIV/AIDS Conference, Miami, FL. Forge, N. (2008). Preparing Social Workers for practice with populations living with HIV/AIDS: An analysis of generalist Social Work textbooks. (Poster Presentation). Social Work and HIV/AIDS Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Forge, N. (2006). HIV and reproductive justice. God’s Love We Deliver, New York, NY. Forge, N. and Park, W. (2005). Educating homeless children: Atlanta public schools and McKinney-Vento Act compliance. (Poster Presentation). Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu, HI. Ziemer, D. and Forge, N. (2004). What every social worker needs to know about HIV in 2004. NASW – Georgia Chapter Conference, Marietta, GA. REPORTS Forge, N. & Desumala, G. (2012). Data Report. Trinity Place Shelter: New York. Forge, N. & Brown, D. (2008). End of year satisfaction survey. National Association of Social Workers (NASW) New York City – LGBT Committee. Aaronson, B., Androsiglio, R., Beam, J., Forge, N., Mello, V., Smith, C., & Zusho, A. (2007). MOUSE Squad program: Implementation and outcomes. National Center for Schools and Communities, New York, NY. GRANT FUNDED PROJECTS Forge, Nicholas 7 Neumark, H, Lotz, K., Forge, N. & Fry, A. (2012). RFA # 12-0001 Health & Human Services for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals, Families and Communities. New York State Department of Health Grant. Five year total award $617,495. ACADEMIC SERVICE 2014 – Present Undergraduate Assessment Committee, GSU 2013 – Present MSW Admissions Committee, School of Social Work, GSU 2013 – Present MSW Program Committee, School of Social Work, GSU 2012 – 2013 Member, Mercy College Institutional Professional Standards Committee 2011 – 2013 Faculty Advisor, Mercy College Social Work Club 2011 – 2013 Faculty Advisor, Mercy College McNair Scholars Program 2011 Faculty Search Committee, Mercy College Criminal Justice SELECTED PUBLIC SERVICE AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 2008-2014 Board Member, Trinity Place Shelter, New York, NY 2006-2009 Steering Committee Member, National Association of Social Workers (NASW) – NYC LGBT Committee, New York, NY 2004-2005 President, Bridge Builders – Master of Social Work Student Organization, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 2004-2005 Committee Member, Student Services Committee – College of Health and Human Sciences, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA PROFESSIONAL GROUP MEMBERSHIP Council on Social Work Education National Association of Social Workers
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