(TSE: 6594 NYSE: NJ) http://www.nidec.com/ Nidec Corporation Fiscal 2014 Financial Results Fi l Year Fiscal Y Ended E d d March M h 31, 31 2015 <U.S.GAAP> April 23, 2015 Note Regarding g g Forward-looking g Statements These presentation materials and the related discussions contain forward-looking statements including expectations, estimates, projections, plans and strategies. Such forward-looking statements are based on management’s targets, assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available. Certain risks, uncertainties and other factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited g in customer circumstances and demand,, exchange g rate fluctuations,, and to,, changes the Nidec Group’s ability to design, develop, mass produce and win acceptance of its products and to acquire and successfully integrate companies with complementary technologies and product lines. Please see other disclosure documents filed or published by the Nidec Group companies, including the latest Form 20-F and Japanese securities report, for additional information regarding such risks and uncertainties. Nidec undertakes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements unless required by law. The first slide features the transmission oil pump of Geräte Geräte- und Pumpenbau GmbH Dr. Eugen Schmidt (currently, Nidec GPM GmbH) the company acquired on February 2, 2015. 2 Consolidated Profit/Loss Millions of Yen except for EPS and FX Rates FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 Forecast Change Net Sales 875,109 1,028,385 +17.5% 1,150,000 Operating Income 84 864 84,864 111 218 111,218 +31 1% +31.1% 130 000 130,000 9.7% 10.8% - 11.3% Income before Tax 84 460 84,460 107 371 107,371 +27 1% +27.1% 126 000 126,000 Net Income 56,272 76,216 +35.4% 90,000 EPS (Yen) (Y ) * 206 82 206.82 272 32 272.32 +31 7% +31.7% 302 73 302.73 Dividends (Yen) * 50.00 70.00 - 80.00 100.24 102.92 109.93 120.17 +9.7% +16.8% (Assumed) Operating Income Ratio FX Rate R t (Yen/US$) (Y /US$) Average: Term end: 115.00 *Adjusted based on the 2-for-1 split implemented as of April 1, 2014. “EPS” and “Dividends” are expressed assuming that the stock split occurred at the beginning of FY2013. 3 Summary of FY2014 Record-high net sales, operating income, income before taxes and net income Reached the 1 trillion yen mark in net sales and the 100 billion yen mark in operating income for the first time Total sales of Automotive, Appliance, Commercial and Industrial Products surpassed those of Small Precision Motors as a result of the strategic business portfolio transformation Total operating income for Automotive, Appliance, Commercial and I d t i l Products Industrial P d t crossed d 10 billi billion Yen Y in i 4Q * CB conversion amounted to 74.3 billion Yen (78% of total). As a result, debt to equity ratio improved further as the year-end shareholders shareholders’ equity ratio rose to 55%, which surpassed the goal of 50% set originally for March 2016 * Calculated based on the remaining CB value of 95.75B Yen which is 100B (total issued CB value ) less 4.25B (early redemption put option) 4 FY2015 Forecast Millions of Yen, except for EPS, dividends and FX rate 1H/FY2015 2H/FY2015 Full-Year Net Sales 550,000 600,000 1,150,000 Operating Income 58,000 72,000 130,000 Operating Income Ratio 10.5% 12.0% 11.3% Income before Tax 56,000 70,000 126,000 Net Income 40,000 50,000 90,000 EPS (Yen) 134 93 134.93 167 80 167.80 302 73 302.73 Dividends (Yen) 40.0 40.0 80.0 FX Rate (Yen/US$) 115 115 115 FX Rate (Yen/Euro) 125 125 125 Note: Based on the current forecast of sales volume, every one yen appreciation or depreciation against the U.S. dollar and the euro for FY2015 is estimated to have an annualized impact of 6.70 billion yen and 0.78 billion yen on sales, respectively, and 0.78 billion yen and 0.23 billion yen on operating income, respectively. 5 Consolidated Quarterly Sales and Operating Income Sales (LHS) Operating Income (RHS) 350 Record-high achieved (All figures in Billions of Yen) 35 30 250 25 200 20 150 15 Japan Earthquake Thai Floods 100 O Operating Income S Sales 300 10 50 5 Lehman Crisis 0 0 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q -50 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 Structural Reform FY2013 FY2014 -25.4 -5 6 Consolidated Cash Flow Operating Activities Investing Activities Free Cash Flow (Operating CF + Investing CF) (Billions of Yen) 150 110 3 110.3 91.9 87.2 56.7 36.8 24.0 10.6 -23.6 0 -19.9 M&A IInvestment * +5.2 billion Yen -63.2 M&A Investment * -79 9 billion Yen -79.9 -150 M&A Investment* -23.4 23 4 billi billion Yen Y -133.9 FY2012 FY2011 -81.2 FY2013 * M&A Investment -27.3 billion Yen FY2014 *M&A investment: Acquisitions of business business, net of cash acquired in “Cash Cash flows from investing activities” activities Nidec Seimitsu Corp. (FY2011), Nidec Minster Corp., Nidec ASI S.p.A., Nidec Avtron Automation Corp., Nidec Kinetek Corp., Nidec Kaiyu Auto Electric (Jiangsu) Ltd., SCD Co., Ltd. (FY2012), Nidec Sankyo CMI Corp., Nidec Elesys Corp. (FY2013) and Nidec GPM GmbH (FY2014) 7 CAPEX, Depreciation and R&D (Billions of Yen) 80 CAPEX Depreciation R&D 72 0 72.0 60.0 58 0 58.0 52.0 51.4 40 45.2 44.4 40 0 40.0 37.8 0 FY13 FY14 FY15 (Forecast) FY13 FY14 FY15 (Forecast) FY13 FY14 FY15 (Forecast) 8 Dividends Dividend payments continue to increase with growing business results since the structural reform (Yen) (Yen per share) * 120 Dividends (LHS) EPS (RHS) * 400 303 272 60 200 207 70.0 80.0 50.0 42.5 30 0 0 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 (Forecast) *Adjusted based on the 2-for-1 stock split implemented as of April 1, 2014. The figures for FY2012 and FY2013 are expressed assuming that the stock split occurred at the beginning of FY2012. 9 Mid T Mid-Term Strategic S i Goal G l Vision 2020 This section includes forward-looking statements. See disclaimer on page 2 of this presentation. 10 FY2020 New Mid-Term Strategic Target Continuous pursuit for profit & strong growth 1 Target 1. T t for f consolidated lid t d nett sales: l 2 trillion t illi Yen Y (including new M&A of approx. 500 billion Yen) 2 Sales target for automotive: 700 billion to 1 trillion Yen 2. 3. Target for consolidated operating income ratio: 15% g for ROE: 18% 4. Target (Assuming shareholders’ equity ratio of 60%) 5. Five regional HQ management 11 Targets for Net Sales and Operating Income Ratio Aiming for both sales growth (organic + M&A) and profitability enhancement (Sales in Trillions of Yen) (Operating Income Ratio Ratio, %) 2.5 15 15% 13.9% Sales 2T 13.7% 2 11.3% 10.8% 10.7% 9.7% 1.5 1 Sales 571.6B Sales 676.0B Sales 682.3B Sales 709.3B Sales 875.1B Sales 1.03T New M&A Approx.500B 10 Organic Growth + M&A (CAGR approx. 12%) Sales 1.15T Organic growth ((CAGR approx. pp 7%)) 5 05 0.5 2.5% 0 0 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 Structural Reform FY13 FY14 FY15 (Forecast) FY20 (Target) 12 Pursuing Both Strong Growth with Profit and Financial Soundness Targeting operating income ratio of 15% and ROE of 18% while sustaining and improving financial soundness (The average ROE during the ten years through FY2014 was 12.3%) Net cash by March 2016 in sight (Billion yen) 1,500 Shareholders’ Equity (LHS) ROE (RHS) Shareholders’ Equity Ratio (RHS) Operating Income Ratio (RHS) Shareholders’ equity ratio surpassed d 50% one year ahead of plan p 1,200 49.1% 900 47.5% 46.2% 42 3% 42.3% 60% 55% 44.4% 415.7 12.1% 12.1% ROE 13.9% 13.7% 340.3 355.3 10.7% 2.5% 9.7% 10.8% Operating Income Ratio 15% 2.0% 0 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 Lehman Crisis FY12 10% 5% 370.2 297.1 20% 15% 9.2% 8.9% 45% 18% 11.2% 300 50% The three elements for ROE improvement p ・ Net profit on sales ・ Total asset turnover ・ Financial leverage 518.0 15.0% 65% Equity Ratio 41.3% 16 3% 16.3% 60.0% 55.0% 745.2 600 (%) 0% FY13 FY14 FY20 Structural Reform (Target) Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR) upgraded our long-term issuer rating by one notch from A+ to AA- as of Oct. 1, 2014. 13 Business Structure to Support Profitable Global Growth Matrix management structure with five regional HQ 2. China 2 Regional HQ began operating in Jan 2012 3. Asia From individual management by country to regional integration 4. Americas Regional HQ began operating in Oct 2014 5. EMEA Reorganization registration filed in Mar 2015 Regionall corporate function by y reg gion and fun nction Strengthening bases for growth strategy • Global organic growth • Accelerating post merger integration of overseas acquisitions Management function by business Small S a Precision Motors AutoA motive Appliance, Commercial & Industrial Other Product Groups 1 Japan 1. 2. China Roles of regional Headquarters 1. Improve management quality (Governance, Compliance, Internal Control) 3. Asia 2. Improve management efficiency (TBD) (High quality & cost effective shared services) 4 Americas 4. A i * 3 Proactive 3. P i PMI support ffor acquired companies 5. EMEA * EMEA: Europe, the Middle East and Africa 14 Targets for Net Sales in FY2020 by Category FY2020 Sales: 2 Trillion Yen (Target) Accelerate topline growth with focused allocation of management resources in fast growing areas di driven by b technological t h l i l innovations i ti FY2010 Sales: 676.0 Billion Yen (Sales: Billions of Yen)) New M&A 500 FY2015 Sales: 1.15 Trillion Yen (Target) 400 400 to 600 400 to 600 (Sales: Billions of Yen) (Sales: Billions of Yen) 700B to 1T Key Growth Areas 348.4 300 Small Precision Motors 94.2 Appliance, Commercial & Industrial 69 2 69.2 Automotive Small Precision Motors 164.2 280 Small Precision Motors 170 Automotive Appliance, Commercial & Industrial Other Product Groups 200 to 300 Automotive Appliance, Commercial & Industrial Other Product Groups Other Product Groups 15 FY2015 Sales and Profitability Targets by Product Category Small Precision Motors (Operating Income in (Sales in Billions of Yen) Billions of Yen) (Sales in Billions of Yen) 600 120 331.4 362.5 398.0 400 to 600 300 56.7 1.0T 1 0T 400 Yen 120 300.0 63.1 197.0 200 60 84 3 84.3 22.6 FY11 FY12 FY14 FY15 FY20 (Forecast) (Target) (Sales in Billions of Yen) 0 161.8 4.6 15.5 226 1 226.1 400 to 600 20.1 263.0 280.0 FY14 FY15 FY20 (Forecast) (Target) FY14 FY15 FY20 (Forecast) (Target) (Operating Income in Billions of Yen) (Sales in Billions of Yen) 300 40 142.4 141 1 141.1 167.4 170.4 170.0 21.9 30 14.9 200 to 300 0 FY12 -0.6 -150 20 13.9 0 0 FY13 FY13 -60 FY11 6.1 FY12 FY12 -2.0 150 300 60 Other Product Groups 60 FY11 16.6 -200 (Operating Income in Billions of Yen) 600 0 700 to 1T 6.7 3.3 0 FY13 Appliance, Commercial & Industrial 124.2 86 7 86.7 119.2 0 FY11 0 (Operating Income in Billions of Yen) 400.0 319.7 54.2 Sales Operating Income Automotive FY13 FY14 FY15 FY20 (Forecast) (Target) -20 16 Nidec HDD Motor Shipment Outlook (Millions of Units) While FY2015 HDD shipments are expected to remain flat, Nidec’s market share is estimated to increase 160 HDD Shipments 147 Nidec Motor Shipments 141 138 135 133 126 129 123 120 80 100 99 104 99 40 93 106 108 103 0 1Q 2Q 3Q FY2014 (Actual) 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q FY2015 (Forecast) 4Q (Nidec estimates based on various sources) 17 HDD Market Trend (1) Demand for PC gradually falling while data center application increasing solidly (Millions of Units) 600 553 500 32 36 73 564 32 37 100 400 PC 518 31 44 91 123 External Consumer Electronics 498 28 48 85 480 22 55 81 124 300 115 Data Center 124 123 470 18 460 15 70 450 10 80 91 75 70 271 100 0 CY13 CY14 237 CY15 65 121 121 121 200 289 Enterprise (Near Line Drive) 213 199 186 174 163 CY16 CY17 CY18 CY19 CY20 (Nidec estimates based on various sources) 18 HDD Market Trend (2) HDD playing a major role in data storage in the era of Big Data Comparison of data storage media Media Characteristics (Advantage / Disadvantage) Application HDD High capacity and cost performance / no major disadvantages Major role in data storage Good SSD High speed access / less competitive in price, capacity and durabilityy Frequently accessed data storage Fair Tape Data safely stored in the event of catastrophe / not suitable for network connection Off-line cold storage Fair (Millions of Units) Judgment More than double 91 <HDD Shipment forecast for data center application> 100 80 80 70 55 60 40 37 44 48 20 0 CY14 CY15 CY16 CY17 CY18 CY19 CY20 (Nidec estimates based on various sources) 19 Other Small Precision Motor Trend (1) Enhancing the Two Approaches Customer-Specific, C t S ifi Cross-Application Approach Deeepening e.g., Company X (global appliance manufacturer) Motor demand from major appliance manufacturers Application Specific Application-Specific, Cross-Customer Approach e.g., Cleaning robot application Approx. US$3.5B (Nidec estimate) Widening Company Company Company Company Company A‘s B’s C’s D’s E’s Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning Robot Robot Robot Robot Robot Adopted! Adopted! Adopted! Adopted! Adopted! ¾Build up customer information thru App-Specific Approach ¾ Make proposals in advance, across industries Proposing Solutions Take proactive strategy by anticipating customer’s demand e.g., Modularization of product using noncustomized chips Driver 20 Other Small Precision Motor Trend (2) New Product, New Market and New Customer Challenge Example 2: New Market “Haptic Haptic Devices Devices” E Example l 1: 1 Vibration Vib ti motor t market k t <Outlook of vibration motor market> <Image of products using haptic technology> (Billion Units) Smartphones 3.0 Gaming Console 2.5 2.6 2.5 2.3 PC and Tablets 2.7 Feature Phones 2.0 Smaller devise ↓ Thin linear Vibration motor 2.0 15 1.5 Smartphones Strong growth in Smartphones 1.0 Built-in vibration motor in touch panel Automotive Wearables Feedback when touching the device Vibration motors around the driver’s seat 0.5 0 CY14 CY15 CY16 CY17 CY18 e.g., Watches (Nidec estimates based on various sources) 21 Quarterly Trends Automotive, Appliance, Commercial and Industrial Products Aiming to maintain the upward trend of sales and operating income beginning from the structural reform into FY2015 Sales (LHS) (Sales in Billions of Yen) ( p (Operating g Income in Billions of Yen) (Operating Income (RHS) 200 20 150 15 126.7 110.2 108.1 108 1 98.2 100 84.1 74.2 50 54 9 54.9 51.9 2.5 2.5 49.6 1.9 52.2 54 0 54.0 2.5 2.7 58.7 61.6 45 4.5 80.0 83.0 5.1 5.3 8.6 8.6 114.9 9.3 7.4 10 10.3 5 2.2 0.7 0 0 1Q -50 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q FY2011 FY2012 (Actual) (Actual) 4Q 1Q -3.0 Structural Reform 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 (Actual) (Actual) (Forecast) *Please refer to Notes on page 35. 4Q -5 22 New Mid-Term Strategic Goal for Auto Targeting 1 trillion Yen sales by FY2020, through focus on synergies and M&A (Sales in Billions of Yen) 700B to 1 T 1 Trillion Strategy 1 Speed up sales growth through modularization and electrification Integrating Nidec Group, differentiating products through modularizing to accelerate speed of growth. 800 600 Strategy 2 Initiate strategic in in-house house production through process renewal Large-scale orders enable us to step up inhouse production of parts parts. Aggressively pushing to enhance profitability. 400 300.0 200 197 0 197.0 FY14 Strategy 3 FY15 FY16 (Forecast) FY17 FY18 FY19 R li large-scale Realize l l M&A Well-timed large-scale cross border business acquisitions in the waves of market consolidation greater synergies among Nidec operations FY20 (Target) 23 Automotive Market Environment (1) Speeding up globalization process to take advantage of larger order flows OEMs are expanding adoption of common platforms to various models of cars Model A Model B Model C Model D Model E Tier 1 customers are focusing more on “local production for local consumption” with larger order flows Tier 1 customers are expanding their operational size globally, and pushing themselves toward electrification Larger g order flows Electrification Modularization Increase in-house capability of parts 24 Automotive Market Environment (2) * * Increase in adoption of AEBS driving rapid expansion of ADAS market ADAS-equipped q pp car pproduction estimates (Million cars) (Million cars) Previous estimate 20 (October 23, 2014) Updated estimate 20 million 20 Strong upward revision 15.2 million 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 CY16 CY17 CY18 CY19 CY20 CY16 *AEBS: Advanced Emergency Braking System *ADAS: Advanced Driver Assistance Systems CY17 CY18 CY19 CY20 (Nidec estimates based on various sources) 25 Pursue Differentiation through Modularization Maximizing “One Nidec” synergies to enhance both sales and profit growth Examples p of Modularization of Auto Parts * * (1) EPS Power Pack Nidec Nidec Elesys (2) EOP Power Pack Nidec Nidec Elesys Nidec Tosok Nidec GPM ECU Inverter Motor Motor Pump EPS Power Pack Case EOP Power Pack Plan to introduce ultra-small power pack for EPS with highly reliable safety functions * EPS: Electric Power Steering * EOP: Electric Oil Pump 26 Global Network to Support “Local Production for Local Consumption” Driving full-fledged in-house production of components enhanced by large-scale orders * NMA Poland l d Nidec id (Dalian) ( li ) * NMA Germany Nidec (Zhejiang) * NMA Spain Nidec GPM (Germany) Nidec id Elesys l Nidec Sankyo CMI Nidec GPM (Suzhou) Nidec Automobile Motor (Zhejiang) Nidec Automotive Motor (Juarez) Examples of in-house products Nidec Elesys (Zhongshan) Nidec Tosok (San Luis Potosi) Pressed P d parts t Production tools Nidec Elesys Americas Processed shafts Molded Parts * Nidec India * Processed housings Die cast parts Nidec Elesys (Thailand) Nidec Tosok (Vietnam) (die casting) Nidec Tosok (Auto Parts) Nidec GPM (Brazil) *NMA: Nidec Motors & Actuators *Nidec India Private Limited: Starting production in July, 2015 *Nidec Tosok de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. : Starting production in May, 2015 27 Seeking Higher Market Shares in Global Auto Parts Aiming to become one of the leading global suppliers in the electrification age (Million Units) EPS market and Nidec’s Target g 80 60 61 57 64 67 12 70 8 8 40 FY2020 Aim for 50% market share 20 * DCT market and Nidec’s Target g (Million Units) 0 8 9 10 6 FY2020 Aim for 70% market share 4 0 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY16 Market FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Nidec Group (Million Units) * EOP market and Nidec Nidec’ss Target 12 11 (Million Units) 35 11 9 8 EWP market and Nidec Nidec’ss Target 28 8 6 21 FY2020 Aim for 30% market share 4 0 21 25 28 31 34 14 FY2020 Aim for 20% market share 7 0 FY16 FY17 FY18 *DCT: Dual Clutch Transmission FY19 FY20 *EWP: Electric Water Pump FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 (Nidec estimates based on various sources) 28 New Mid-Term Strategic Targets for ACIM * Adding value by evolving from discrete product to solution provider (Sales in Billions of Yen) 600 400 to 600 Strategy 1 5 Market Approaches 新中期戦略目標 Sharing best practices among acquired companies 450 300 Strategy 2 280 263 Steady Organic Growth Maximizing sales & profitability on back * of transition to BLDC and invertors 150 Strategy 3 Proposing Solutions Transforming the nature of business from di discrete t product d t to t solution l ti provider id FY14 FY15 FY16 (Forecast) FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 (Target) *ACIM: Appliance, Commercial & Industrial Motor *BLDC: Brushless Direct Current Motors 29 5 Markets of ACIM Serving markets with a globally integrated structure Nidec Kinetek Nidec Avtron A Automation i Nidec ASI Nidec Techno Motor FY08 Nidec Sole Motor M Nidec Motor Corporation FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 Sharing best practices in areas such as strategy planning, CFO function, HRM, R&D intellectual property and purchasing R&D, Nidec Techno Motor Air conditioning motors, high efficiency industrial motors Global Appliance Motors for washing machines, dryers, dishwashers and kitchen ventilators Commercial & Residential Solutions Commercial & residential air conditioner motors, pool & spa pumps, gear motors for kitchen appliances Elevator & Drive Systems Industrial Solutions Elevator packages and related products, drives systems for autonomous electric devices Motors for industrial equipment and machines, power electronic products such as drives (invertors), automation 30 Evolution of ACIM Business Model Adding value by evolving from discrete product to solution provider Drives & Controls Motors Generators Service & Distribution Automation Platform South East Asia Renewable Energy Storage System Elevator packages Elevator & Drive Systems China Low speed electric vehicle Commercial & Residential S l i Solutions Europe / Middle East China new energy vehicle Automated Guided Vehicle Global Appliance Americas Aftermarket Nidec Techno Motor Integrated motordrive system Discrete Product Japan Module Sale Solution Sale Expan nd Geograaphic Reacch Expand Customerr/Market Depth D Industrial Solutions Gears & Gearboxes Internet of Things 31 Long-Term Vision: Aiming for 10 Trillion Yen Sales by FY2030 Continuous growth for 42 years by turning big dreams into reality FY2030 target 10T Yen Y sales l 1988 1973 2001 2003 FY2025 target 5T Yen sales Initial Public Offeringg It all started with just 4 1979 1984 Listed on NYSE 1995 Production of Expanded axial Began spindle motors flow fans thru R&D of for 8” HDDs US acquisition auto motors New HQ on 30th anniversary FY 2020 target 2T Yen sales & 15% % operating p g income ratio Reached 1T Yen 1998 2012 Expanded Appliance & Commercial motors Set foot into solar & wind power generation Sales Operating Income 1973 1980 1990 2000 2010 First growth phase 2014 2020 2025 2030 Second growth phase (FY) 32 Business Structure Eyeing FY2030 Facilities to promote in-house development of fundamental R&D capabilities, optimum production engineering methods and global talent Corporate university to transplant “Nagamori-ism” to prospective executives Nidec R&D Center, Japan (Opened in June 2012) The Lab aims to realize optimum ti production d ti engineering methods suited for the age of Industry 4.0 Rendering Rendering Nidec Business School Production Engineering Laboratory (Scheduled to open in FY 2016) (Scheduled to open in FY 2016 or later) 33 Aiming to Create New Large Businesses for 10 Trillion Yen Sales Adding values of Nidec Group products through Internet of Things Machine to machinemachine based IoT solution S Smart t Factory S Smart t AGV * Control cloud server Application/solution Platform S Smart t Press S Smart t Energy Big data analysis IoT visualization engine tool Internet or Intranet N t Network k Factory access point Device Smart hub Build a system based on our expertise on devices Sensor Measuring equipment * AGV Manufacturing equipment Power conditioner Connect to cloud servers using sensingg & communication terminals Production line Logistics *AGV: Automated Guided Vehicle Photovoltaic Industries generation/irrigation 34 pump Nidec IR Contacts Japan Tel: +81-75-935-6140 U.K. Tel: +44-870-351-7388 U.S. Tel: +1-212-703-7988 E-mail: ir@nidec.com E-mail: takagi.shinichi@nidec.com E-mail: nagase.kiyoshi@nidec.com *Notes: Pursuant to ASC 805 “Business Combinations,” consolidated financial statements for 4QFY2013,1QFY2014 and Q have been retrospectively p y adjusted j to reflect our valuation of the fair values of the assets acquired q and the 2QFY2014 liabilities assumed upon the acquisitions of Nidec Sankyo CMI Corporation and Nidec Elesys Corporation in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014. During 3QFY2014, we completed our valuation of such assets and liabilities of Nidec Sankyo CMI Corporation and Nidec Elesys Corporation. Nidec logo is a registered trademark or a trademark of Nidec Corporation in Japan, the United States and/or certain other countries. “All for dreams” logo is a registered trademark of Nidec Corporation in Japan, and a trademark in the United States and/or certain other countries. 35 Appendix Performance Trends & Product Group Overview 36 Sales by Product Group (FY2014) Electronic & Optical Components Logistics, services, musical i l products d t 0.6% Camera shutters, switches, trimmer potentiometers, processing, precision plastic mold products Machinery Parenthetic percentages represent FY2013 mix Others (0.9%) Small Precision Motors 6.3% 38.7% (8.3%) (41.4%) 9.6% Industrial robots, circuit board testers, high high-speed speed pressing machines, chip mounters, measuring equipment, power transmission equipment, factory automation system, card readers HDD Motors (9.9%) 19.8% Appliance 1,028.4B Commercial Industrial 18 9% 18.9% (20.2%) 25.6% Auto 19.1% (25.8%) Automotive, Appliance, Commercial and Industrial Products Other Small Motors Optical disk drive motors OA equipment motors polygon scanners MPU cooling fans game machine fans PC/communications equipment fans, home appliance fans, automobile fans, vibration motors, brush motors, stepping motors, actuator units (21.2%) (13.6%) 44.7% (39.5%) 37 Consolidated Sales & Operating Income (Billions of Yen) Sales (LHS) Operating Income (RHS) (Billions of Yen) Operating Income Ratio 50 300 264.3 211.3 218.4 217.1 249.3 240.2 228 4 228.4 274.6 10.9% 11.1% 10.8% 9 8% 9.8% 8.5% 21.3 10.4% 22.5 10 1% 10.1% 23.0 10.4% 26 9 26.9 28.8 30.5 25.0 18.0 0 0 1Q/FY13 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q/FY14 2Q 3Q *Please refer to Notes on page 35. 4Q 38 Consolidated Income Before Tax & Net Income Consolidated Net Income Consolidated Income Before Tax (Billions of Yen) 35 29.8 27.1 26 1 26.1 24.5 24.1 21.9 21.1 21.3 19 1 19.1 18.2 17.6 17.4 16.0 13.8 13.3 13 2 13.2 0 1Q/FY13 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q/FY14 2Q 4Q 3Q 39 *Please refer to Notes on page 35. Small Precision Motors (Billions of Yen) Sales Operating income 120 20 87.8 92.6 14.3 60 92.8 89.3 89.9 14.6 15.7 15.1 100.4 15.6 104.8 16.7 102.9 15.7 10 12.0 0 0 1Q/FY13 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q/FY14 2Q 3Q 4Q Sales for Other Small Precision Motors (LHS) Sales for HDD Motors (LHS) ( ) Operating Income (RHS) 40 Automotive, Appliance, Commercial and Industrial Products (Billions of Yen) Sales Operating income 150 15 126.7 110.2 98.2 100 84.1 83.0 80.0 108.1 114.9 8.6 8.6 10.3 10 9.3 7.4 50 5.3 5.1 4.5 5 0 0 Q 1Q/FY13 2Q Q 3Q Q 4Q Q 1Q/FY14 Q 2Q Q 3Q Q 4Q Q Sales for Automotive (LHS) Sales for Appliance, Commercial, Industrial (LHS) O Operating i Income I (RHS) 41 *Please refer to Notes on page 35. Machinery (Billions of Yen) Sales Operating income 30 26.1 23.8 20 19.9 23.5 22.3 3.3 3.1 2.9 4.9 22.7 19.7 27.7 6 4.7 4 3.8 2.8 2.8 10 2 0 0 1Q/FY13 2Q 3Q Sales(LHS) 4Q 1Q/FY14 2Q 3Q 4Q Operating Income (RHS) 42 Electronic & Optical Components (Billions of Yen) Sales 20 p g income Operating 17.5 19.9 15.6 0.8 10 19.8 16.2 16.3 1.1 1.7 16.7 15.8 14 1.4 1.3 1.3 1 -0.3 0 1Q/FY13 2 0 2Q 3Q -10 4Q 1Q/FY14 2Q 3Q 4Q -1 -0.8 -20 20 2 -2 Operating Income (RHS) Sales(LHS) 43 Others (Billions of Yen) Sales Operating income 3 2 0.6 2.0 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.6 1 1.5 0.2 02 0.2 0.0 02 0.2 00 0.0 0.4 1.8 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0 0 1Q/FY13 2Q 3Q Sales(LHS) 4Q 1Q/FY14 2Q 3Q 4Q Operating Income (RHS) 44
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