BYS Summer Internship Program Process Flow Diagram: Employers BYS Summer Internship Program Frequently Asked Questions: Employers 1. What is Bainbridge Youth Services (BYS)? BYS has served the Island and North Kitsap County youth and their families for fifty (50) years. BYS provides professional, no-fee, confidential counseling and intervention for adolescents, ages 12-19. For many years, BYS has partnered with the Kitsap County Juvenile Court system to provide diversion services to Island teens. BYS also works to create opportunities for young people to develop and exercise leadership skills and helps them to find part-time employment through an online jobs program and the Summer Internship Program. 2. What is the BYS Summer Internship Program? The Mission of the Program is to provide high school students with work experience internships where they learn essential job and life skills. The Program is not solely about providing Interns with summer jobs. Instead, it’s about exposing them to what your business/organization does and how it does it, mentoring Interns on career opportunities and pathways, nurturing strong work ethics, and fostering workplace skills essential to their future success. 3. What are the requirements for participation in the Program? BYS is looking for Employers who recognize that the long-term viability of their enterprises is dependent upon their ability to attract today’s youth into the pursuit of careers essential to the success of their businesses/organizations. To participate, Employers must: 4. • • • • • • • • Complete an Employer Application Form Offer a minimum wage paid or unpaid internship for six weeks or more and 30 hours/week or more Sign a BYS and Employer Internship Agreement Form Appoint Worksite Supervisors/Career Mentors Work with BYS to prepare Learning Objectives Participate in a two-hour Employers Orientation Program Participate in the Program’s evaluation procedure Comply with all applicable state and federal child labor and safety laws and regulations Does BYS have a preference between paid and unpaid internships? One of the Objectives of the Program is to provide Interns with a way to earn money. With this in mind, BYS prefers that Employers offer minimum wage paid internships. Also, BYS prefers that Employers pay 100 percent of the wage. If an Employer cannot afford to pay 100 percent of the wage, BYS is willing to pay up to 50 percent of the wage for no more than six (6) weeks and thirty (30) hours/week. BYS understands that some Employers have limited budgets and are not able to offer paid internships. In the eyes of BYS, unpaid internships are just as important and valuable as paid internships. Indeed, given the limited amount of money BYS has to support paid internships, the number of unpaid internships may exceed the number of paid internships in any given year. 5. How are Interns selected and assigned? By filling out Employer Application Forms, Employers provide BYS with information on the type of work performed by their businesses/organizations, career pathways associated with their enterprises, and any specific competencies/skills they are looking for in Interns. At the same time, Interns are filling out Intern Application Forms that provide BYS with information on career interests, and courses taken, training attended, work experience acquired, and competencies developed that are related to their interests. BYS uses this information to assign Interns to Employers, and expects Employers to accept assigned Interns. In making assignments, BYS makes every effort to “pair” what Employers are looking for with the aspirations of the Interns. Interns are required to provide Employers with up-to-date resumes, and to participate in face-to-face job interviews. Employers are asked to provide feedback on resumes and the performance of Interns during the interviews. The purpose of this exercise is to enhance the “job skills” of Interns. 6. How do I apply? BYS works through a number of organizations who support the Program and have agreed to send Employer Solicitation Emails to their membership. The emails include a document entitled “BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers” and an Employer Application Form that can be filled out by hand and mailed to: Bainbridge Youth Services 9330 NE High School Road Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Alternatively, the form can be filled out electronically and emailed to: 7. When will the 2015 Program begin? The Program “begins” with a two-hour Employer Orientation Program scheduled for May 23, 2015. Internships will begin on July 6 or July 13, 2015 and end on August 14 or August 21, 2015. However, if an Employer wants (an) Intern(s) to start before July 6 and there is/are (an) Intern(s) who is/are willing to do so, then this is acceptable to BYS. Also if an Employer wants (an) Intern(s) to work more than 30 hours/week and/or more than 6 weeks and there is/are (an) Intern(s) who is/are willing to do so, then this is acceptable to BYS. Under no circumstance, however, is BYS able to pay one-half of the minimum wage for paid Interns for more than 30 hours/week for 6 weeks. BYS Summer Internship Program Employer Application Form EMPLOYER NAME AND ADDRESS Name: Address: CONTACT PERSON’S NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Position: Business Phone: Cell Phone: Email Address: TYPE OF WORK PERFORMED BY BUSINESS OR ORGANIZATION TYPE OF INTERNSHIP BEING OFFERED Number of Interns: q Paid q Unpaid q 6 Weeks q Longer: ___________ weeks q 30 hours/week q Longer: ___________ hours/week SPECIFIC COMPETENCY/SKILL REQUIRED FOR INTERNS q No q Yes If yes, please specify: CAREER PATHWAYS q Accounting q Human Services q Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources q Information Technology q Animal Welfare q International Aid q Architecture q Law q Arts: Cultural, Performing, and Visual q Manufacturing q Associations: Volunteer and Membership q Marketing and Sales q Banking q Mechanic and Repair Technology q Business Management and Administration q Nonprofit Management and Administration q Clothing Industry q Philanthropy and Fundraising q Communications q Preschool Child Welfare and Education q Community and Economic Development q Public Safety, Corrections, and Security q Computer Information Sciences q Recreation and Sports q Construction q Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics q Culinary Services q Senior Services q Education and Training q Teaching q Elder Care q Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics q Environmental and Conservation q Youth Services q Family and Consumer Sciences q Other, please specify: q Finance q q Food Industry q q Government and Public Administration q q Health q q Horticulture q q Hospitality and Tourism q q Housing q Note to Employer: Please mail or email the completed form to: Mail Address Email Address Marina Cofer-Wildsmith Bainbridge Youth Council P. O. Box 11173 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 BYS Summer Internship Program BYS and Employer Internship Agreement Form 1. _________________________________ (“Employer”) and Bainbridge Youth Services (“BYS”), a Washington nonprofit corporation, enter into this Agreement for the purpose of providing one or more high school students (“Intern(s)”) with (a) worksite learning internship(s). 2. Employer agrees to employ _________ Intern(s) for a period of six (6) weeks or more, and thirty (30) hours/week or more during the summer of 2015. 3. Employer agrees to provide a q paid / q unpaid internship. If paid, then Item 5 below does not apply. If unpaid, then Items 4 and 6-8 below do not apply. 4. For a paid Intern, Employer agrees to be responsible for providing the same worker’s compensation insurance as they do for regular employees. 5. Under the BYS Summer Internship Program (“Program”), an unpaid Intern may also be considered to be an “employee,” and remain subject to the same requirements as regular employees. Employer should contact the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries to determine whether payment of worker’s compensation insurance is mandatory or elective, and the Intern and/or parent/guardian of the Intern should also determine whether they are responsible for providing accident insurance coverage. 6. BYS and Employer agree that the Intern(s) will be compensated for work performed at the minimum wage rate of $9.47 per hour. BYS prefers that Employer pay one hundred (100) percent of the minimum wage. If Employer is unable to do so, then BYS is willing to pay up to fifty (50) percent of the minimum wage for maximums of six (6) weeks and thirty (30) hours/week. Employer agrees to pay _________ percent of the minimum wage, and BYS agrees to pay _________ percent. 7. Employer agrees to present BYS with invoices showing the amounts paid to the Intern(s) for each payroll period. If BYS is paying a percentage of the wage (see Item 5), then BYS agrees to reimburse Employer for the agreed-upon amount within fourteen (14) days of BYS’s receipt of Employer’s invoice for such payroll period. 8. Employer agrees to pay all applicable withholding taxes, income taxes, social security taxes, B&O taxes, and worker’s compensation or employment security premiums. Employer indemnifies BYS and holds it harmless for paying such business costs or taxes. 9. Employer agrees to provide Intern(s) with a safe work environment that is free from unlawful harassment and complies with all applicable wage and worker safety laws and regulations, including but not limited to anti-discrimination laws. 10. Employer agrees to designate a “Worksite Supervisor/Career Mentor” who is responsible for overseeing the Intern(s)’ worksite learning experience. 11. Employer agrees to work with BYS to prepare Learning Objectives. 12. Employer agrees to provide the Intern(s) with periodic oral feedback on their job performance and to participate in the Program’s evaluation procedure. 13. BYS agrees to provide Employer with the name of a BYS contact person who can be called upon to address any problems that arise during the term of the Intern(s)’ employment. 14. This Agreement does not create the relationship of a legal partnership or a joint venture. BYS shall not control or direct the details and means by which Employer assigns, monitors, or orally evaluates the Intern’s work, nor will BYS provide Employer with any administrative human resources services. 15. BYS agrees that Employer retains the right to terminate an Intern at will for: cause;; and/or the Intern’s inability of unwillingness to comply with workplace rules and/or to perform assigned duties. Before doing so, Employer agrees to contact a BYS representative, describe the problem, and discuss ways to resolve the situation before terminating the Intern. 16. Employer agrees to indemnify BYS and holds it harmless against all liability and/or loss, and against all claims or actions based on or arising out of damage or injury to any persons or property, caused by or sustained in connection with Employer’s business or this Agreement. 17. Any conflicts or disputes between the parties to this Agreement shall be resolved through mediation and/or binding arbitration under the rules of the American Arbitration Association. In the event that either party initiates any arbitration proceeding under this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and costs. 18. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. No presumption shall arise based on one party having drafted all or any portion of this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected and shall be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. This is the entire and final agreement of the parties, and there are not other understandings between them, oral or written, expressed or implied, other than as set forth in this Agreement. Each party executing this Agreement warrants that such party is duly authorized to do so. Dated: Dated: Employer: Bainbridge Youth Services By: By: Its: Its:
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