Bainbridge Youth Services (BYS) Summer Internship Program Information for Employers Summer of 2015 Table of Contents Section Page Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. i Glossary of Terms ............................................................................................................... ii Acronyms............................................................................................................................ iii 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1 2. Employer Application Form ......................................................................................... 2 3. Internship Agreement Form ........................................................................................ 3 4. Worksite Supervisor/Career Mentor ............................................................................ 3 5. Learning Objectives .................................................................................................... 3 6. Insurance, Intern Safety, Prohibited Activities, and Taxes .......................................... 4 7. Employer Orientation Program .................................................................................... 4 8. Job Application Procedure .......................................................................................... 4 9. Worksite Orientation Program ..................................................................................... 5 10. Evaluation Procedure: Employers ............................................................................... 5 Attachment 1: Employer Application Form ...................................................................... 6 Attachment 2: BYS and Employer Internship Agreement Form ...................................... 8 Attachment 3: Learning Objectives and Criteria for Assessing Progress Form ............ 10 Attachment 4: How to Write SMART Learning Objectives ............................................ 11 Attachment 5: Application for Elective Coverage of Excluded Employments ............... 12 Attachment 6: Student Volunteers and Workers’ Compensation Coverage ................. 14 Attachment 7: Employer Evaluation Form: Intern Performance .................................... 16 Attachment 8: Employer Evaluation Form: Summer Internship Program ..................... 18 BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page i Glossary of Terms Career Mentor A professional relationship in which an experienced person (the mentor) assists another (the mentoree) in developing specific skills and knowledge that will enhance the less experienced person’s professional and personal growth. Career Pathway Locally determined high school course work necessary to prepare for the particular career and education goal chosen by the student. High School and Beyond Plan Plan for attaining post-secondary career and education goals, created in collaboration between the student, parent/guardian, and high school staff. Internship Any official or formal program to provide practical experience for beginners in an occupation or profession. Any period of time during which a beginner acquires experience in an occupation, profession, or pursuit. Work Ethic A belief in the moral benefit and importance of work and its inherent ability to strengthen character. A set of moral principles (e.g., integrity, sense of responsibility, commitment to quality, discipline, sense of teamwork) that an employee follows in the workplace. BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page ii Acronyms B&O Business & Occupation BYS Bainbridge Youth Services L&I Washington State Department of Labor & Industries SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time Bound Learning Objectives US United States BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page iii BYS Summer Internship Program 1. Introduction The Mission of Bainbridge Youth Services (“BYS”) is to promote the social and emotional wellbeing of adolescents and young adults. One of the ways BYS executes its Mission is through sponsorship of a Summer Internship Program (“Program”). The Mission of the Program is to provide high school students with work experience internships where they learn essential job and life skills. For Employers, the Objectives of the Program are to provide them with: • Interns who are interested in the work performed by their businesses or organizations, and eager to learn through hands-on experience and mentoring • An opportunity to educate and excite Interns about the nature of, and career opportunities associated with, their work • An Employer Orientation Program on how to prepare for and work with Interns in a positive and productive fashion • An opportunity to benefit from the work performed by Interns and establish a relationship with potential future employees • The satisfaction of knowing they are making a significant and meaningful contribution to the lives and future employability of the Interns • An opportunity to give back to, and contribute to the quality of life in, their community For Interns, the Objectives are to provide them with: • An enhanced appreciation of the purpose and value of work • An opportunity to experience how what they are learning in school is applied in typical workplace environments • Exposure to life in the workplace • Insight into career-related competencies and guidance on career pathways • Execution of their High School and Beyond Plans • An opportunity to impress and establish a relationship with a potential future Employer Bainbridge Youth Services has built a work experience internship program. The purpose of the Program is to provide Interns with an opportunity to apply what they have learned in the classroom to related, real world work experiences. Program criteria for Employers include: • Completing an Employer Application Form • A commitment to participate for one summer or more BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 1 • Offering minimum wage paid internships and covering the full cost of paid internships, whenever possible • A commitment to employ Interns for 6 weeks or more, and for 30 hours per week or more (note: if BYS shares in up to 50% of the cost of a minimum wage internship, it can only do so for 6 weeks and 30 hours per week) • Willing to designate a Worksite Supervisor/Career Mentor, and provide the name and contact information for the person who handles human resources matters • Willing to sign a BYS and Employer Internship Agreement Form • Working with BYS to develop Learning Objectives for assigned Interns • Providing required insurance coverage • Complying with all applicable state and federal child labor and safety laws and regulations • Willing to participate in the Employer Orientation Program • Willing to participate in the Program’s evaluation procedure • Willing to allow BYS to publicize their involvement in the Program Program criteria for Interns include: • A registered student or an immediate graduate of a public high school in Kitsap County • 16 years old or older • A 2.0 grade point average or better;; however, BYS may waive this requirement on a case-by-case basis • Willing to accept a minimum wage paid or an unpaid internship • Willing to work a minimum of 6 weeks and 30 hours/week • Willing to work more than 6 weeks and/or 30 hours/week, if required by an Employer • An up-to-date resume • Completing an Intern Application Form • Willing to participate in the Intern Orientation Program • Able to obtain parental/guardian consent to participate in the Program • Willing to participate in the Program’s evaluation procedure • Willing to allow BYS to publicize their involvement in the Program The Committee looks to establish long term relationships with Employers who participate in the Program. To foster such a relationship, each Employer receives a Certificate of Appreciation for display in their workplace and favorable publicity from BYS acknowledging their participation. 2. Employer Application Form Each prospective Employer is required to fill out an Employer Application Form (Attachment 1). A copy of this form is available by calling (206) 842-9675 or by visiting the BYS website at BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 2 3. Internship Agreement Form The next step for a prospective Employer is to sign a BYS and Employer Internship Agreement Form (Attachment 2) that details the terms and conditions of Employer involvement in the Program. This form must be signed by the Employer and a representative of BYS before the Employer’s involvement in the Program is formalized. 4. Worksite Supervisor/Career Mentor Each Employer is asked to designate a Worksite Supervisor/Career Mentor is responsible for overseeing each assigned Intern’s work-based learning experience. Other responsibilities include: • Working with BYS to prepare Learning Objectives (see 5 below) • Attending the Employer Orientation Program (see 7 below) • Reviewing Intern resumes, and conducting pre-employment interviews • Making sure Interns know and understand the Learning Objectives • Supervising the work being performed by Interns, and providing periodic oral assessments of their performance, especially in relation to progress being made in achieving Learning Objectives • Answering questions, and providing appropriate feedback/instruction • Working with their fellow employees to expose Interns to the full range of careers embedded in their business, organization, or agency, and guidance on career pathways Each Worksite Supervisor/Career Mentor is provided with the name and contact information of a BYS representative who can be contacted to answer questions and address problems that arise during the tenure of an internship. 5. Learning Objectives Learning Objectives (Attachment 3) should answer the following question, “What will Interns know, understand, and/or be able to do at the completion of their work-based learning experiences?” The objectives should: • Be individualized to the career goals/interests of an Intern, whenever possible • Focus on the major concepts to be learned and the knowledge, skills, and abilities to be acquired by each Intern • Be SMART in nature – specific, measureable, attainable, realistic, and time bound (Attachment 4) In setting objectives, Employers are encouraged to involve Interns in: • Work with other employees as part of a team • Work on (a) specific Project(s) • Problem solving either on an individual basis or as a member of a team • Staff meetings BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 3 • Appropriate work-related social events held at the worksite during working hours 6. Insurance, Taxes, Intern Safety, and Prohibited Activities For paid internships, insurance is handled by Employers the same way it is handled for regular employees through the Washington State Worker’s Compensation Program. Employers are also responsible for the payment of withholding taxes, income taxes, social security taxes, and Business & Occupation (“B&O”) taxes. Under the Program, unpaid Interns may also be considered “employees,” and remain subject to the same requirements as regular employees. Employers should contact the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (“L&I”) to determine whether payment of worker’s compensation is mandatory or elective. The L&I does offer low cost elective accident insurance coverage that may be available for unpaid interns through the Worker’s Compensation Program, which can be obtained by filling out an Application for Elective Coverage (Attachment 5). Interns may also be covered for medical insurance by their parents’ or guardians’ policies. For low income families, Interns may be covered by State Department of Social and Health Services benefits. More information is available through L&I’s Student Volunteers and Workers’ Compensation Coverage brochure (Attachment 6). The following websites should be accessed for information about teen worker safety and prohibited activities for teens under 18 years old: • • • 7. Employer Orientation Program A Worksite Supervisors/Career Mentor or a designee is asked to participate in a two-hour Employer Orientation Program. The program covers the following topics: • Overview of the BYS Summer Internship Program • Benefits of participation • Responsibilities of a Worksite Supervisor/Career Mentor • Keys to providing successful work-based learning experiences • Keys to being successful Career Mentors • Factors to consider in determining whether Interns are progressing on the job, particularly in relation to addressing Learning Objectives • Applicable state and federal safety and employment standards for minors 8. Job Application Procedure Bainbridge Youth Services does its best to pair the interests and skills of Interns with those sought by Employers. Regardless, it is the Committee’s expectation that Employers will accept assigned Interns. Having said this, Interns are required to prepare up-to-date resumes, BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 4 participate in job interviews, and meet any other Employer-defined, reasonable job application requirements. The purpose of this exercise is to enhance the “job skills” of Interns consistent with the Program’s Mission. Worksite Supervisors/Career Mentors are asked to provide feedback on resumes and Intern performance during their interviews. 9. Worksite Orientation Program Employers are asked to provide Interns an Employer-conducted Worksite Orientation Program when they first report for work. At a minimum, the program should cover: • The Employer’s total worksite safety and health program • Topics related to discrimination, harassment, worker/employer rights and responsibilities, and work rules for minors • General policies and procedures such as dress code, parking, work hours, and attendance 10. Evaluation Procedure: Employers Worksite Supervisors/Career Mentors are asked to evaluate the performance of Interns not only during, but at the end of the worksite learning experience by: • Filling out the Employer Evaluation Form: Intern Performance (Attachment 7), and the Employer Evaluation Form: Summer Internship Program (Attachment 8) • Providing Interns with testimonial letters and/or letters of recommendation, if warranted • Meeting with a representative of the Committee to discuss ways to improve the Program • Providing the Committee with a testimonial quote for use in future Program publicity, if warranted BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 5 Attachment 1 BYS Summer Internship Program Employer Application Form EMPLOYER NAME AND ADDRESS Name: Address: CONTACT PERSON’S NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Position: Business Phone: Cell Phone: Email Address: TYPE OF WORK PERFORMED BY BUSINESS OR ORGANIZATION TYPE OF INTERNSHIP BEING OFFERED Number of Interns: q Paid q Unpaid q 6 Weeks q Longer: ___________ weeks q 30 hours/week q Longer: ___________ hours/week SPECIFIC COMPETENCY/SKILL REQUIRED FOR INTERNS q No q Yes If yes, please specify: BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 6 Attachment 1 CAREER PATHWAYS q Accounting q Human Services q Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources q Information Technology q Animal Welfare q International Aid q Architecture q Law q Arts: Cultural, Performing, and Visual q Manufacturing q Associations: Volunteer and Membership q Marketing and Sales q Banking q Mechanic and Repair Technology q Business Management and Administration q Nonprofit Management and Administration q Clothing Industry q Philanthropy and Fundraising q Communications q Preschool Child Welfare and Education q Community and Economic Development q Public Safety, Corrections, and Security q Computer Information Sciences q Recreation and Sports q Construction q Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics q Culinary Services q Senior Services q Education and Training q Teaching q Elder Care q Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics q Environmental and Conservation q Youth Services q Family and Consumer Sciences q Other, please specify: q Finance q q Food Industry q q Government and Public Administration q q Health q q Horticulture q q Hospitality and Tourism q q Housing q Note to Employer: Please mail or email the completed form to: Mail Address Email Address Marina Cofer-Wildsmith Bainbridge Youth Council P. O. Box 11173 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 7 Attachment 2 BYS Summer Internship Program BYS and Employer Internship Agreement Form 1. _________________________________ (“Employer”) and Bainbridge Youth Services (“BYS”), a Washington nonprofit corporation, enter into this Agreement for the purpose of providing one or more high school students (“Intern(s)”) with (a) worksite learning internship(s). 2. Employer agrees to employ _________ Intern(s) for a period of six (6) weeks or more, and thirty (30) hours/week or more during the summer of 2015. 3. Employer agrees to provide a q paid / q unpaid internship. If paid, then Item 5 below does not apply. If unpaid, then Items 4 and 6-8 below do not apply. 4. For a paid Intern, Employer agrees to be responsible for providing the same worker’s compensation insurance as they do for regular employees. 5. Under the BYS Summer Internship Program (“Program”), an unpaid Intern may also be considered to be an “employee,” and remain subject to the same requirements as regular employees. Employer should contact the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries to determine whether payment of worker’s compensation insurance is mandatory or elective, and the Intern and/or parent/guardian of the Intern should also determine whether they are responsible for providing accident insurance coverage. 6. BYS and Employer agree that the Intern(s) will be compensated for work performed at the minimum wage rate of $9.47 per hour. BYS prefers that Employer pay one hundred (100) percent of the minimum wage. If Employer is unable to do so, then BYS is willing to pay up to fifty (50) percent of the minimum wage for maximums of six (6) weeks and thirty (30) hours/week. Employer agrees to pay _________ percent of the minimum wage, and BYS agrees to pay _________ percent. 7. Employer agrees to present BYS with invoices showing the amounts paid to the Intern(s) for each payroll period. If BYS is paying a percentage of the wage (see Item 5), then BYS agrees to reimburse Employer for the agreed-upon amount within fourteen (14) days of BYS’s receipt of Employer’s invoice for such payroll period. 8. Employer agrees to pay all applicable withholding taxes, income taxes, social security taxes, B&O taxes, and worker’s compensation or employment security premiums. Employer indemnifies BYS and holds it harmless for paying such business costs or taxes. 9. Employer agrees to provide Intern(s) with a safe work environment that is free from unlawful harassment and complies with all applicable wage and worker safety laws and regulations, including but not limited to anti-discrimination laws. 10. Employer agrees to designate a “Worksite Supervisor/Career Mentor” who is responsible for overseeing the Intern(s)’ worksite learning experience. BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 8 Attachment 2 11. Employer agrees to work with BYS to prepare Learning Objectives. 12. Employer agrees to provide the Intern(s) with periodic oral feedback on their job performance and to participate in the Program’s evaluation procedure. 13. BYS agrees to provide Employer with the name of a BYS contact person who can be called upon to address any problems that arise during the term of the Intern(s)’ employment. 14. This Agreement does not create the relationship of a legal partnership or a joint venture. BYS shall not control or direct the details and means by which Employer assigns, monitors, or orally evaluates the Intern’s work, nor will BYS provide Employer with any administrative human resources services. 15. BYS agrees that Employer retains the right to terminate an Intern at will for: cause;; and/or the Intern’s inability of unwillingness to comply with workplace rules and/or to perform assigned duties. Before doing so, Employer agrees to contact a BYS representative, describe the problem, and discuss ways to resolve the situation before terminating the Intern. 16. Employer agrees to indemnify BYS and holds it harmless against all liability and/or loss, and against all claims or actions based on or arising out of damage or injury to any persons or property, caused by or sustained in connection with Employer’s business or this Agreement. 17. Any conflicts or disputes between the parties to this Agreement shall be resolved through mediation and/or binding arbitration under the rules of the American Arbitration Association. In the event that either party initiates any arbitration proceeding under this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and costs. 18. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. No presumption shall arise based on one party having drafted all or any portion of this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected and shall be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. This is the entire and final agreement of the parties, and there are not other understandings between them, oral or written, expressed or implied, other than as set forth in this Agreement. Each party executing this Agreement warrants that such party is duly authorized to do so. Dated: Dated: Employer: Bainbridge Youth Services By: By: Its: Its: BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 9 Attachment 3 Learning Objectives and Criteria for Assessing Progress Form BYS Summer Internship Program Learning Objective: Criteria for Assessing Progress: 1. 2. 3. Learning Objective: Criteria for Assessing Progress: 1. 2. 3. Learning Objective: Criteria for Assessing Progress: 1. 2. 3. Learning Objective: Criteria for Assessing Progress: 1. 2. 3. Learning Objective: Criteria for Assessing Progress: 1. 2. 3. (Note: You can have less or more than 5) BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 10 Attachment 4 BYS Summer Internship Program How to Write SMART Learning Objectives The following guidance on writing Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Bound (SMART) Worksite Learning Plan Objectives is provided by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction in a document entitled “Worksite Learning Manual.” Writing Learning Plan Objectives Writing correctly for Worksite Learning Plans ensures that Employers understand what Interns are working towards. Well written objectives provide clarity in terms of what Interns should be learning and how. Learning objectives should be SMART in nature: • Specific • Measurable • Attainable • Realistic • Time Bound Specific refers to writing an understandable objective with one outcome. Instead of writing “Jamie will learn some components of the company word processing software,” you should write, “Jamie will demonstrate how to use the mail-merge feature of the company word processing software.” Measurable means that the Intern’s performance can be measured. This is important so that you know if the Intern has met the target. Using the above example we would add, “Jamie will demonstrate how to correctly use the mail-merge feature of the company word processing software with a 100% accuracy rate.” Attainable refers to the Intern’s ability to attain the objective during the tenure of their internship. Write objectives that the Intern can accomplish during a predetermined amount of time. Realistic means that the objective is something that the Intern will be able to perform in their job. Do not make up objectives that are out of the context of the worksite learning experience. Time Bound means that the Intern is given a time period in which to learn the skill/competency. Some objectives may take only a few hours or days to achieve, while others may take 6 weeks or more. Using our earlier example we would add, “Jamie will demonstrate how to correctly use the mail-merge feature of the company word processing software with a 100% accuracy rate by the end of July.” BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 11 Attachment 5 BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 12 Attachment 5 BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 13 Attachment 6 BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 14 Attachment 6 BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 15 Attachment 7 Employer Evaluation Form: Intern Performance BYS Summer Internship Program EMPLOYER Name of Business or Organization: Name of Evaluator: INTERN Name: LEARNING OBJECTIVES Learning Objective No. 1: q From Your Perspective, Achieved q From Your Perspective, Not Achieved Comments: Learning Objective No. 2: q From Your Perspective, Achieved q From Your Perspective, Not Achieved Comments: Learning Objective No. 3: q From Your Perspective, Achieved q From Your Perspective, Not Achieved Comments: Learning Objective No. 4: q From Your Perspective, Achieved q From Your Perspective, Not Achieved Comments: Learning Objective No. 5: q From Your Perspective, Achieved q From Your Perspective, Not Achieved Comments: BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 16 Attachment 7 Traits Exceeded Expectations Met Expectations Below Expectations Not Applicable WORK ETHIC 1. Worked hard 2. Performed quality work 3. Demonstrated an eagerness to learn 4. Modeled integrity 5. Reported for work on time 6. Maintained an acceptable overall appearance Comments: JOB SKILLS 1. Ability to communicate effectively 2. Ability to follow instructions 3. Ability to accept suggestions for improvement and make changes 4. Ability to use time effectively 5. Ability to manage multiple tasks and set priorities 6. Ability to work independently 7. Ability to work well within a team 8. Ability to work safely Comments: BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 17 Attachment 8 Employer Evaluation Form: Summer Internship Program BYS Summer Internship Program PROGRAM Effective Needs Improvement 1. Recruitment Procedure q q 2. Retention Procedure q q 3. Application Procedure q q 4. Worksite Supervisor/Career Mentor Requirement q q 5. Learning Objectives q q 6. Insurance, Safety, Prohibited Activities, Tax Information q q 7. Employer Orientation Program q q 8. Job Application Procedure q q 9. Evaluation Procedure q q Useful Needs Improvement Components Comments: PROGRAM DOCUMENTS Documents 1. Summer Internship Program Description Document 2. Program Brochure 3. Frequently Asked Questions 4. Employer Application Form 5. BYS and Employer Internship Agreement Form 6. Learning Objectives and Criteria for Assessing Progress Form 7. Employer Evaluation Form: Intern Performance 8. Employer Evaluation Form: Summer Internship Program Comments: BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 18 Attachment 8 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Objectives Yes No 1. Program gave you an opportunity to educate and excite the Intern about the work performed by your business or organization 2. Program gave you an opportunity to familiarize the Intern about career pathways associated with the work you perform 3. The Employer Orientation Program prepared you to work with the Intern in a positive and productive fashion 4. Your business or organization benefitted from the work performed by the Intern Comments: Interactions Satisfactory Needs Improvement 1. Ease of communications 2. Availability to answer questions 3. Willingness to provide help 4. Promptness of replies INTERACTIONS WITH BYS Comments: BYS Summer Internship Program: Information for Employers Page 19
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