THE TOWER OF BABEL In this story you'll see how God handles pride and how badly he wants to stop it from happening. It all started with a King named Nimrod. Everything was going great until King Nimrod decided he wanted to be famous, for everyone to know him and how great he was. He convinced the people that lived in Babylonia that they too could be great if they built a tower that went all the way to heaven. So the people went to work making bricks for the Tower of Babel. It was hard work but the people wanted everyone to know that they made the tower that reached heaven, so they just worked that much harder. They also convinced themselves that by building the tower they would stay united. As they already spoke the same language, now they would be building the tower together. God could see what was happening all along, but decided to come down to earth and see the tower the people were building. God could tell the people's hearts were more focused on themselves and the tower than on him. He was very disappointed with them. God said, "I see that the people think they can do anything because they all speak the same language. They have already begun to turn away from me and soon there won't be anything good left, all they'll do is sin. I will mix up their language so they won't understand each other, this way they won't be able to work together to sin against me." After God said this, the people could no longer understand each other. It seemed like they were babbling and making funny noises. All of the people suddenly spoke different languages and were very confused. From there the Lord scattered the people all over the whole earth. When the people starting building the tower of Babel, Babel meant "gateway to God" but after God mixed up their language it meant "confusion". The word babble we use today is said to come from that day when everyone was babbling with confusion. Isaiah 50:4-7 Readings for next Sunday The Prophet Isaiah reveals to us the secrets of a prophet’s life. Phil. 2:6-11 One of the oldest Christian hymns– it tells of the humility of Jesus and of his glorification. Mark 14:1-15;47 St Mark’s account of the Passion. His message is that Jesus freely gives up control. INTERNET BROADCASTING. Mass and other services will be broadcast each day over the internet. The operator of the system is Fr. Paul Byrne, P.P., Parochial House, Coalisland, tel. 028 8774 0221, to whom queries should be referred. Fr. Paul Byrne The Sisters 8774 0221 8774 6418 Fr. Eugene O’Neill 8774 0302 Parish Bulletin BALLYCLOG & DONAGHENRY The Fifth Sunday of Lent 22 March, 2015 There is a very short parable in today’s Gospel describing a seed which has fallen on the ground and eventually dies. It may remain a single seed or it may yield a rich harvest. This concept of losing what one has to give way to something new and life giving is frightening for some. We get so attached and lifestyle choices are tough. In this passage Jesus knows that his hour has come; this is his crisis moment. But Jesus’ time of anguish moves from a cry of ‘save me’ to one of glorifying God ‘let it be as You not I would have it.’ We are at an ‘hour’ in terms of climate justice. This is the time where decisions and commitments must be made and there is no other option but to opt for life; to listen to God’s will, not ours. The priorities of wealthy nations must change, must turn outward and take risks if we are all to experience peace and security. We remember the horrendous storms which battered Ireland last year and which will continue to do so as our climate changes. We are called to be stewards of the earth and this means making different choices. Intercom ‘I would ask all those with positions of responsibility in economic, political and social life, and all people of goodwill: Let us be protectors of creation, and of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment.’ Pope Francis Bulletin sponsored by ‘Hello Gorgeous Hair & Beauty Ltd.’ No 1 Dinree House, Thomas Street, Dungannon. Phone: 028 8775 0398 10% off when this Bulletin is produced. Today we hear the gospel of Christ and we are encouraged to preach to the world the saving work of Jesus Christ. We reflect on how we can achieve that in our lives this week. ROSARY at Our Lady’s Grotto on Sunday at 7 p.m., and Monday to Friday at 8 p.m. THE DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET continues on Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Holy Family Church. CONFESSIONS FOR EASTER IN THE PASTORAL AREA ARE AS FOLLOWS: Fri 27th March: 7pm-9pm Ardboe and Moortown: Fr Benny Fee, Fr John McCallion, Fr Eugene O’Neill. Sat 28th March: 10.30-12.30 Holy Family Coalisland: Fr Sean McCartan, Fr John McCallion, Fr Benny Fee. Sat 28th March: 12.30 - 2.30 Fr Paul Byrne, Fr Vin Darragh, Fr Eugene O’Neill. NEW ENVELOPES will be distributed next week, and will be available for distribution from the Sacristy from Thursday 26th March. Please note the first collection of the new year is for Trócaire on Thursday 2nd April 2015. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH BAPTISMS are held on the second and fourth Sunday of each month at 1.00p.m. Please give two weeks notice to Sr. Philomena. Please note: Baptisms outside of these times only in cases of emergency. STATIONS OF THE CROSS on Sunday at 7 p.m. WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday - Friday 7.30 a.m. and 10 a.m. Saturday 10 a.m. only. CONFESSIONS after 10 a.m. Mass on Saturday. See Easter Confessions above. ST MARY & ST JOSEPH’S CHURCH Tuesday: Mass at 7.30 p.m. First Anniversary of Patsy Symington. Friday: Mass at 7.30 p.m. Months Mind of Isobel Carron. ST. MARY’S CHURCH, STEWARTSTOWN BAPTISMS will be held on the third Sunday of each month immediately after Mass. Please give two weeks notice to Sr. Philomena so that the Baptism Team may visit the homes. Please note: Baptisms outside of these times only in cases of emergency PERPETUAL NOVENA & MASS on Monday evening at 7 p.m. ROSARY AND EUCHARISTIC PRAYER SERVICE - Tuesday to Friday 10a.m. MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST for 29th March: Maura Gallagher, Claire O’Hanlon, Dick Lee READER for 29th March: Ann Kennedy COLLECTION for Sunday, 15th March Envelope £2089.92 Offertory £1,430.00 LATELY DECEASED. Please pray for Joan Laverty, Hugh Dillon, Peggy Carberry, Isobel Carron. READERS MEETING. There will be a meeting for all readers on Tuesday 24th March at 8 p.m. in the O’Brien Room. This meeting is to arrange the rotas for the Easter Ceremonies. Could all readers please attend. ST PIO DAY RETREAT Sunday 29th March in Ryandale, Moy by Fr Gabriel Bannon, on ‘Aspects on the Life and Example of St Pio.’ The day will begin at 10 a.m. and conclude with Eucharist at 4 p.m. Retreat costs £20. Register by 25th March. Contact Nuala on 37548382. PILGRIMAGE TO SHRINES OF ITALY 15-22 September 2015. Visiting Venice, Verona, the city of Padua - famous for its Franciscan monk, St Anthony, the medieval town of Assisi - the birthplace of Saints Francis and Clare and also the site of the Holy House of the Holy Family in the lovely hill town of Loreto. Price includes flights, transfers, taxes, insurance, assistance of pilgrimage representative and accommodation. Spiritual Director: Fr Peter McAnenly. Further details and booking at Armagh Parish Office (028 37522813) ANNUAL ARMAGH DIOCESAN PIONEER DINNER/DANCE in the Ryandale, Moy, Friday 17th April at 8.15 p.m. Tickets are £18, and are available from any member of the Coalisland Pioneer Council. MARY’S MEALS is organising a Guest Tea/Dance in the Parochial Centre on Saturday 28th March. If you would like to host or co-host a table you will help to save a life. Contact 87740024 or 07521695959. COALISLAND CANAL PHOTOGRAPHY GROUP would like to thank all who walked the Coalisland canal and donated money for Mary’s Meals. £170 was raised which will feed 15 hungry children for a year. Many thanks. ST MARY’S PAROCHIAL HALL, STEWARTSTOWN is now taking bookings. Please contact Bernie on 07773661412. There will be a grand bazaar in the hall on Psalm Sunday (29th March). DERRYLAUGHAN 10k/5k on Saturday 28th March from Derrylaughan Clubrooms. To register for this event, email or call 07809350646. Registration on 25th March from 8-9 p.m. in the clubrooms. COALISLAND, STEWARTSTOWN, CLONOE AREA EXTENDEDSCHOOLS. CIRCUIT TRAINING Continues every Thursday in Primate Dixon Primary School from 6.00 – 7.00pm. All welcome. ENGLISH LANGUAGES CLASSES for international adults continues on Thursdays in Primate Dixon 7.30 - 9pm. PARENT/TODDLER GROUP meets every Wednesday, 10.30 a.m.—12.30 p.m. in the Parochial Centre. ACCORD MARRIAGE PREPARATION COURSE Thursday 16th, 23rd and 30th April 7-10 p.m. in Quinn’s Corner, 175 Ballygawley Road, Dungannon BT70 1RX. Couples are advised to book a place 10 months before your wedding. Visit To book contact Accord on 028 3833 4781. PARISH BULLETIN. If you wish to sponsor the Parish Bulletin contact the parish office on 02887740221. NOTICES FOR THE PARISH BULLETIN should be left in the parish office or sent by e-mail to: before 10.30 a.m. on Wednesday, for inclusion in that week’s bulletin, subject to availability of space. PARISH WEBSITE: TWITTER. Follow the parish on twitter: @Coalparish
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