Parish Bulletin Parish Bulletin

Today is Good Shepherd Sunday and World Day of Prayer for Vocations; a
day when all of us are invited to reflect on the meaning of God’s call, and to
pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He laid down his life for the flock, that is, you and
me, the Church. In a general way he invites everyone in the Church to share in
the work of caring for the flock in our own place and in our own time. But he
also calls some from among us to a life-long commitment as priests and as
religious. Called to be Shepherds of the flock of God. Priests and religious are
called to share in the life and work of Jesus the Good Shepherd.
If today you should hear God’s voice calling you to be a Diocesan priest or a
religious, harden not your hearts. And if you do not hear God calling you to
this way of life, then do everything in your power to encourage those who are
called to it, and who struggle even with faltering steps to follow the footsteps
of Jesus the Good Shepherd.
The vocation to the priesthood and religious life is one of hearing the voice of
Jesus and responding to that call. It is a way of serving God, one that brings
with it the joy of the gospel. The reality of priesthood and religious life is that
expectations are not always realistic. The priest or religious is no super hero
Christian who has overcome all their failings and reconciled all their flaws, and
stands above the people rather than with them. Priests and religious are people
called to trust in the power of Christ working with them, to help sow the seeds
of the Kingdom of God who manages to bring about the gospel in spite of their
weaknesses. It is a relationship of love, trust and confidence in Jesus the Good
Shepherd. It is that relationship with Christ that motivates the priest and those
called to religious life in their work as shepherds and friends of all. Intercom
Acts 9:26-31
Readings for next Sunday
Saul, newly converted from being a persecutor of Christians, preaches that
Jesus is the One who saves.
1 John 3:18-24
To live as a Christian demands action and genuine love.
John 15:1-8
The gospel shows us who we are, connected to Christ, and to one another, in
a shared life.
INTERNET BROADCASTING. Mass and other services will be broadcast each day over
the internet. The operator of the system is Fr. Paul Byrne, P.P., Parochial House, Coalisland,
tel. 028 8774 0221, to whom queries should be referred.
Fr. Paul Byrne
The Sisters
8774 0221
8774 6418
Fr. Eugene O’Neill
8774 0302
Parish Bulletin
The Fourth Sunday of Easter
26 April, 2015
Alleluia! Alleluia!
I am the good shepherd, says the Lord;
I know my own sheep and my own know me.
Set Top Boxes available to watch your parish Mass
through your television. (Please note that an Internet
Connection is required.) See or
contact Seamus on 028 8772 9580 or 07732 329 066
Today on the Day of Prayer for Vocations, we acknowledge Christ as the Good
Shepherd, the one we can follow who will lead us to safety. We pray for vocations,
especially to the priesthood and religious life.
ROSARY at Our Lady’s Grotto on Sunday at 7 p.m., and Monday to Friday at 8 p.m.
THE DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET continues on Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Holy Family
FIRST FRIDAY of the month occurs this week. The sick and housebound of the parish will
be visited as usual. CONFESSIONS on Thursday evening from 6 - 7 p.m.
BAPTISMS are held on the second and fourth Sunday of each month at 1.00p.m.
Please give two weeks notice to Sr. Philomena so that the Baptism Team may visit the
homes. Please note: Baptisms outside of these times only in cases of emergency.
MAY DEVOTIONS in honour of Our Lady, each Sunday during May at 7 p.m.
WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday - Saturday 10 a.m.
CONFESSIONS after 10 a.m. Mass on Saturday.
BAPTISMS will be held on the third Sunday of each month immediately after Mass.
Please give two weeks notice to Sr. Philomena so that the Baptism Team may visit the
homes. Please note: Baptisms outside of these times only in cases of emergency.
PERPETUAL NOVENA & MASS on Monday evening at 7 p.m.
PJ Campbell, Tony Donnelly, Malachy Cullen
READER for 3rd May: Shane Gervin
FLOWERS for 3rd May: C Bleeks, C O’Neill
CHURCH CLEANING for May: Geraldine Donnelly
COLLECTION for Sunday, 19th April
Envelope £1,602.91
Offertory £1,197.00
LATELY DECEASED. Please pray for Kate McDonagh, Patricia McGuinness,
Peter Gallagher, Brian Carty, Bridget McStravog.
ST MARY’S PAROCHIAL HALL, STEWARTSTOWN would like to thank all who
donated prizes and attended their recent Bazaar.
KNOCK SHRINE: A coach trip to Knock Shrine will take place on Saturday 2 May, with
Mass and Blessing with St Joseph’s Cord of Hope. The coach costs £15, and leaves from
Dungannon Convent. Contact Gabrielle 02887784964, or Grace 02887784942.
GIFT AID SCHEME: If you are not already in the parish scheme, we would encourage
you to support the parish by joining it. You need to be contributing by weekly envelope, and
be paying tax to be eligible. Contact the parish office or give your name and details to one
of the priests. Thank you to everyone already signed up to the Gift Aid Scheme.
place on two separate weeks: 10 - 14 August and 17 - 21 August, at the Greenhill Centre
Newcastle. This is an adventure and faith 4 night residential for 12 - 14 year olds. For
more details contact or call 028 3752 3084.
PILGRIMAGE TO SHRINES OF ITALY 15-22 September 2015. Visiting Venice,
Verona, the city of Padua - famous for its Franciscan monk, St Anthony, the medieval
town of Assisi - the birthplace of Saints Francis and Clare and also the site of the Holy
House of the Holy Family in the lovely hill town of Loreto. The price includes flights,
transfers, taxes, insurance, assistance of pilgrimage representative and accommodation.
Spiritual Director: Fr Peter McAnenly. Further details and booking at Armagh Parish
Office (028 37522813)
PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK: Clonoe Parish are organising an overnight pilgrimage to
the Shrine of Our Lady in Knock on May 30/31. Staying at the Breaffy Woods Hotel,
Castlebar, B&B with an evening meal costs £70 per person sharing, with single rooms
available at a supplement. Contact Gerard Ryan on 07833137717 or the Clonoe Parish
Office on 87749184.
HOLY FAMILY CHURCH CHOIR would like to thank all who supported their recent
concert in Craic Theatre. £1018 was raised and this will help fund their forthcoming trip
to Lourdes in May, when they lead the Armagh Diocesan Pilgrimage. Sincere thanks to
Harry Lambert for organising the concert and to the businesses in the area for donating
prizes for the raffle. Many thanks.
CRAIC THEATRE will be running an adult acting course beginning Tuesday 5th May
from 7.30 - 9 p.m. If you ever fancied trying your hand at acting this is your chance. Call
at the Theatre or ring 8774 1100.
EVERGREEN CLUB’S ANNUAL HOLIDAYS are on Monday 8th June - 12th June.
We will be based in Athlone in the Shearton Hotel, bed and breakfast and evening meal
included, with day trips out. The price is £229.00 per person sharing - and £50 extra for
single room supplement . Any one wishing to join us on this trip, please contact Mary on
877 40147.
COALISLAND GAELIGE LEAGUE would like to thank all those who contributed so
generously to the language collection, and all those who helped at all the Masses. The
amount collected was: Coalisland - £1012.47; Stewartstown - £93.00.
who have been bereaved through the death of a baby, in the Medical Education Centre,
Craigavon Area Hospital, today, Sunday 26th April at 3 p.m. For more information call
Anne on 38613861.
If you would like to sponsor the Parish Bulletin contact the
parish office on 02887740221.
NOTICES FOR THE PARISH BULLETIN should be left in the parish office or sent
by e-mail to: before 10.30 a.m. on Wednesday, for
inclusion in that week’s bulletin, subject to availability of space.
TWITTER. Follow the parish on twitter: @Coalparish