Sewingdataprogrammingsoftware This is a softwarepuckuge thut letsyou creute, edit und modifi sewingputternsfor electronicsewingmuchines' using u personulcomputerwith no skill required. o Productvaluecan be increasedby creatingyour originalsewingpatterns. o Sewingpatterndata can be easilymodified,whichreducestimetakenfor resizingand correcting. o Existingsewingpatterndata for previousmodelsand externaldata can also be used. ' didilaa:addid-t&ffi; Hd3610 bril.rM dtuin4h An imageis displayedon the screen.You can createdatawhilecheckingthe image. Youcan enlargeand edit a part of the data whilecheckingthe entiredesign. The orderof sewingdata to be sewn can be easilycheckedand changed. Sewingdata can be accuratelyand easily createdand modifiedby a batchentry functionof numericdata (unit:mm). With a sewingsimulatingfunction,sewing data can also be checkedstitchby stitch. Embroideryformatdata (DST,DSB and DSZ) and also DXF formatCAD data can be read,which expandsthe rangeof design. OModelsand Mediafor PS-3008 BarTacker Electronic (ElectronicBarTacker) KE-430Dseries:CF card LK3-8430EMarkI[ series,LK3-8430Eseries, 4368),KE-430Cseries, KE-430Bseries(excluding KE-484C,BAS-0168: PROM. KE-4368:2HD floppydisk (ProgrammableElectronicPatternSewer) BAS-300Gseries:CF card BAS-300Eseries,BAS-300Fseries,341F1342F, ElectronicButton Holer BAS-370series:2HD floppydisk BAS-300series,BAS-300Aseries:zDDfloppydisk** (ElectronicZigzagLock Stitcher) zE-855A,856A,8570,8580, LZ2-8855E,B856E:PROM. (ElectronicButtonHoler) HE-800A:PROM. HE-8000/LH4-B800E (AutomaticBelt Loop Sewer) PROM. BAS-7050/BAS-705: (AutomaticPocketSetter) BAS-750series,8A5-760:2DD floppydisk** : 2HD floppydisk 8A5-7610/8A5-761 .PROMwriteris requiredto use a PROM. Electronic Zigzag Lock Stitcher **WhenusingFD-300. OPC Hardwareand System Requirementsfor PS-3008 Computer Recommended Device Pentium4 CPU Clockfrequency 3 GHz 512MB Memory InpuVoutput 3.5 FDD CD-ROMdrive device Freespaceof 30MBor more Harddisk 1024x768dot,24bit Display performance Input& USB port (Requiredfor reading/writingCF card) Requirement Celeron 500MHz 256M8 3.5 FDD(1.44M) CD-ROMdrive Freespaceof 30MBor more 1024x-768dot,16bit USBport 1 OutputPort WindowsXP OS Mouse InputDevice FDD(2HD),CF cardreader/writer OutputDevice datainpuvoutput OMain function :Create,change,edit,set,fileinpuvoutput, pitch0.05mm,Max.No.of x l600mm,Minimum OCondition of data creation : lmagearea16o0mm stitches100,000stitches Chinese, Japanese OLanguage : English, Settingrangesvarydependingon modelthatdatais outputto. Wndowsis a registeredlradgma* ol MicrosoftCorporationin the UnitgdStatssand/orot|er countdes. GEEE, EIY &.' ffiffi Brche. Indusbis, L6. Madilnery& SdutionCompany Mizuhoand Minatoolantsa@uiredISO9001and 14001@rtifi€tions. Product specificationsare subject to change for improvementwithout notice. Please read instructionmanual belore using the machine for safety operation. LTD. BROTHERINDUSTRIES, 467-8561,Japan. 15-l,Naeshiro-cho,Mizuho-ku,Nagoya 7 Fax:81-52-811-7789 Phone:8'l-52-824-217 To preserve environment, this catalog is produced using the ECF paper (Elemental Chlorine-Free) and SOY lNK. Printed in Japan 2005.3. 150308768 Vol.l
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