The Monastery Store Fall 2012 - WinTer 2013 CaTalog dharMa CoMMuniCaTionS

Monastery Store
Support for your spiritual practice at home
Fall 2012 - Winter 2013 Catalog
dharma communications
Zen Mountain Monastery
D o sh i n j i - T h e Way o f R e a l i t y T e m p l e
Nestled on 230 acres of forest preserve in the Catskill Mountains, Zen Mountain
Monastery is the main house of the Mountains and Rivers Order. Since 1980,
the Monastery has been offering both beginners and experienced practitioners a
chance to enter into a unique environment in which distractions are minimized
and all aspects of life are engaged as a chance to take up the study of the self. The
Monastery draws its strength from the ancient tradition of Buddhist monasticism,
but it’s the rich interplay between the monastery cloister and the vibrant world
outside its doors that keeps the practice here earnest and alive.
For more information about the Monastery, or to receive a free program catalog, please call
845-688-2228 or visit our website at
Cover image by Diana Lyn Coté
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
The Monastery Store
Support for your spiritual practice at home
Welcome to the Monastery Store and Dharma
Communications, the non-profit, educational and outreach arm
of Zen Mountain Monastery and the Mountains and Rivers Order.
Our mission is twofold:
I. To offer finely crafted products and services that support and
inspire you in your spiritual practice and have a low impact on the
II. To provide a training ground for work practice and right livelihood
for Monastery residents and volunteers.
As part of our environmental policy, we strive to offer you locally made
products whenever possible, and to minimize our use of plastic bags
and wrappings when packaging your purchases.
Please contact us with questions, feedback and suggestions on how to better
serve you and our planet. We always appreciate hearing from you.
Thank you for your support and practice,
The Dharma Communications Staff
W e pl ed g e to n ot u s e yo u r e m a il fo r p romoti o n a l pu r p os e s.
For new product and specials information, follow us on
Table of
cushions 4
statues 12
M e d i t a t i o n / L i t u r g y S u p p li e s 1 9
cl o t h i n g / a cc e s s o r i e s 3 3
media 38
Gi f t s & S p e ci a l s 5 8
L o o k f o r M o n a s t e r y S t o r e e x cl u s i v e s m a r k e d w i t h a r e d e n s o
M ountain S eat Z a f u *
When sitting on the Mountain Seat’s layer of visco-elastic foam, your
weight is evenly distributed, eliminating painful pressure points. As the
foam flows and accomodates to the contours of your body, the spine,
back, hip joints, knees, ankles, and even skin are relieved of unnecessary
pressure. Unlike traditional cushion material, the foam is virtually
indestructible, and has a structural memory that allows it to return to its
original shape within minutes of each use.
All of our products are informed by the feedback of male and female
practitioners of all ages with hours of zazen experience during intensive
meditation retreats at Zen Mountain Monastery.
standard 6.5”H x 13.5”D. F-ZAFU-M $108 Large 8.5”H x 14” D. F-ZAFU-L $108 T he M ountain S eat Z a b u t o n *
A layer of visco-elastic foam between two generous
layers of cotton batting. Shown at right with our
Mountain Seat (sold separately). Excellent support for
knees, hips and ankles. Especially recommended for
those who sit in a kneeling posture. 30” x 34” x 4”D.
F-ZABU $129 za b uton C o v ers
The sturdy cotton blend is machine
washable. Zipper makes them easy to
put on and remove.
C lassic Z a b uton sittin g m a t
Our classic zabuton provides the necessary cushion
and support for your legs during seated meditation.
It works equally well with a zafu or sitting bench.
Stuffed with recycled cotton batting.
Approx. 34” x 30” x 3”H. Black. Zabu-01 $69 4
* US Patent Pending
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
Z a f u T ra d itional S ittin g C ushions
Kapok is a natural, organic, silky fiber
known for its resilience and lightness.
Large and extra firm, this cushion is
useful for both cross-legged and
kneeling postures. Kapok can be
removed or added to adjust height.
Black. Approx. 8”H x 14”D.
ZAFU-K $44 Our non-chemically-processed
buckwheat hulls are more pliable
than kapok, shifting readily so the
cushion shapes to your seat while
still providing lower back support.
It is often more comfortable for
those starting out in zazen. Black.
Red cover available on page 60.
Approx. 7.5”H x 13”D.
ZAFU-B $44 cushions
S eiF U A d j usta b le
M e d itation C ushion
The most luxurious of zafus, this patented
design provides unparalleled versatility.
Comfortable and easily adjustable, this
cushion places your body in an aligned yet
relaxed position for meditation. Two straps
allow you to adjust the loft up to 15 inches,
making it ideal for both kneeling and
cross-legged postures. Best for less flexible
people. Filled with buckwheat hulls.
Black only. 9 ”D x 8-15” adjustable height. SEIFU-B $108 M ountain S eat za f u
an d za b uton sets
standard Set SP-MT-M $215 LARGE set SP-MT-L $215 C lassic Z a f u an d
classic Z a b uton S ets With kapok zafu. SP-05 $100
With buckwheat zafu. SP-03 $100 With black SeiFu. SP-SF-B $149
One-pound bags.
K a p ok Z-KBAG $10
B U C K W H E A T Z-BBAG-P $10
ti b etan M ountain S eat *
We combined the traditional Tibetan
cushion with the technology of our
best-selling Mountain Seat. Its unique
design uses a stabilizing, firm foam base and
a top layer of visco-elastic foam, allowing
for even weight distribution and correct
alignment. Available plain or with the
Tibetan endless knot design. Black (BLK),
Royal Blue (ROYAL), or Terracotta Red
(TERRA). Approx. 18”L x 7”H x 12”W.
Endless Knot Design TIB-BLK-KNOT $108 TIB-ROYAL-KNOT $108 TIB-TERRA-KNOT $108 Without Design TIB-BLK-PLN $108 TIB-ROYAL-PLN $108 TIB-TERRA-PLN $108 T I b etan M ountain S eat A n d
M ountain S eat Z a b uton sets
Endless Knot Design. Black only. SP-TIB-Knot $230 Plain. Black only. SP-TIB $230 S tan d ar d S ittin g Bench
Handmade at Zen Mountain Monastery from
solid poplar and sealed with an all natural,
non-toxic, linseed oil finish. Due to the broad
range of grain and color of our poplar, each seiza
bench is unique. Handsome, sturdy, with a low
carbon footprint. 18”L x 8.5”H x 7”W.
SB-01 $45 S T A N D A R D Bench an d classic
Z a b uton set SP-BENCH $100 6
* US Patent Pending
Fol d in g U p holstere d
S ittin g Bench
Added comfort at a great value, and
easier to pack for traveling. Rounded
base and non-removable black cushion.
Approx. 18”L x 8.5”H x 7”W. SB-10 $65 Fol d in g Bench an d
classic Z a b uton set
SP-SEIZA $120 w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
S E A T solution
A cushion specially designed to align your
posture and allow you to sit comfortably in
a chair for long periods. Made from
furniture-grade orthopedic foam, this
cushion tilts your lower back forward and
restores the spine’s natural curve. A
cutaway section relieves pressure on your
tailbone and spine. Built-in handle,
breathable fabric on one side, and waterand stain-resistant material on the other.
18”W x 14”D. Chair-01 $25
sittin g stool
Handcrafted from natural rattan and finished with a
deep brown stain and gloss lacquer. 12”H to base;
your cushion adds extra height. Shown here with
large Mountain Seat (see page 4). Perfect for those
who prefer the height of a chair but want the
comfort of sitting on a zafu. STOOL-01 $65
With large Mountain Seat. SP-STOOL $150
Please v isit our online
store ( or call us ) f or
hel p in selectin g the
b est cushion f or y ou
y o g a f or me d itators recommended
By Charlotte Bell. Do you love to sit but suffer from pain
and tightness? Iyengar yoga teacher Charlotte Bell wrote the
yoga book for meditators. With easy-to-follow instructions
and illustrations, this book recommends a series of poses to
ensure that your zazen will truly be—as Dogen calls
it—“the gate of ease and joy.” Paperback, 128 pages.
B-YOGA $14
T he H i p S eries BESTSELLER
By Alan Saltzman. A series of simple stretches
that open the hips and relax the pelvis, allowing
almost anyone to sit comfortably in a crosslegged or kneeling posture. With instructional
Paperback, 34 pages. B-HIP $12
O r y oki - to - g o
Bring your practice of mindful eating
anywhere and reduce your environmental
footprint by foregoing “throwaway” plastic
cutlery in favor of this unique reusable
alternative. Contains a fork, knife, spoon and
chopsticks of sustainably grown and
harvested bamboo in a brown, roll-up cotton
sleeve. Hand wash only. ORY-uten $16
I n f lata b le T ra v el Z a f u
This portable zafu packs away in a small pouch
to fit easily into your luggage. The sturdy insert
not only prevents pressure point discomfort, but
is fully adjustable for both cross-legged and
kneeling positions. Approx. 14”D x 7.5”H.
Black ZAFU-I-BLK $50 Travel Supplies
Practice always occurs where
we are. These products will help you take your practice anywhere—
whether eating a meal on the go, offering a stick of incense before
the workday begins, or sitting zazen in a hotel room far from home.
tra v el altar
Handcrafted at Zen Mountain Monastery of
white oak with a wood brand enso on the
top. Magnetic closure holds a stick of incense.
Brass hinges. Mounted inside is either
Kannon Bodhisattva (p.16)
or Akshobya Buddha (p.14)
4”L x 1.5”W x 1.5”H when closed. Travel altar with kannon
BUTSU-KC-KY $49 Travel altar with Buddha
Blue Buddha BUTSU-KC-BU $49 Terracotta Buddha BUTSU-KC-t $49 Gold Buddha BUTSU-KC-G $49 Pocket Bu d d ha
Finely carved wood depicting a seated buddha and
the Chinese characters for “Amida Butsu.”
1” in diameter (enlarged to show detail) with a
tight-fitting cover and a navy blue drawstring bag.
A perfect travel companion or gift for traveling
Buddhists. SHK-KUR-PB $28 8
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
Photo shows elements
from both sets
Home Practice
The foundation of Zen Buddhism is zazen. Dedicate a
space in your home for zazen by setting up an altar and a
place for your sitting cushion. Our practice sets include
everything you need to get started.
Beginners’ Home
p r a c t ic e s e t
Classic Zabuton (p.4)
Cast Iron Buddha statue (p.14)
The Still Point: Introduction to
Zen Meditation DVD (p.45)
Black Altar Cloth (p.21)
Incense Starter Set (p.25)
Celebrating Everyday Life mini book (p.50)
And choice of:
Buckwheat cushion (page 5) SP-10-B or Kapok Cushion (page 5)
SP-10-K $175 (Retail value $215)
B e g i n n e r s ’ H o m e p r a c t ic e
DE L UXE s e t
Mountain Seat Zabuton (p.4)
Japanese Buddha (p.12)
The Still Point DVD (p.45)
The Home Practice Companion CD (p.45)
Celebrating Everyday Life mini book (p.50)
Brass Altar Set (p.20)
Olive Altar Cloth (p.21)
And choice of:
Large Mountain seat (p.4) SP-DELUXE-L
Standard Mtn. Seat (p.4) sp-deluxe-M
Seifu Cushion (p.5) SP-DELUXE-S
$399 (Retail value over $490)
In Buddhism,
liturgy is upaya or skillful means. It
“makes visible the invisible” by
revealing the identity of all things,
showing us that when the self is not in
the way, we can naturally live with
wisdom and compassion.
E v enin g Gatha
Copy of handwritten calligraphy of the gatha
chanted each evening at Zen Mountain
Monastery. On parchment paper.
11” x 8.5” Unframed. GATHA $5 Oak frame with glass. GATHA-FR $20 T he Z en Prece p ts
The sixteen Zen Precepts in the phrasing used at
Zen Mountain Monastery. On parchment paper
with a background image of Kannon Bodhisattva.
(For photo, go to our online store).
8.5” x 11” Unframed. PRECEPTS $5 Oak frame with glass. PRECEPTS-F $20 To read more on the Zen precepts see:
the H eart o f Bein g (p.48)
Z en M ountain
M onaster y
Dail y L itur g y M anual
A collection of the chants used
during services and ceremonies at
Zen Mountain Monastery. Includes
an in­t ro­duc­tion to the powerful
practice of liturgy by the Monastery’s
founder, John Daido Loori. 108 pages.
Paperback. B-LIT $12 Hardcover. B-LIT-H $20 KINDLE version available Spring ‘13 on
M eal Gatha
The Meal Gatha is a poignant acknowledgement that taking a meal is one
of the most profound activities of our daily life. On parchment paper.
(For photo, go to our online store). 8.5” x 11”.
Unframed MEAL-G $5 • Black wood frame with glass, MEAL-G-FR $20
You will f in d c d recor d in g s o f zen
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
mountain monaster y ' s litur g y on p a g e 4 5
ENSO pearl Timer
Alarm clock and timer. An enso is slowly drawn
on-screen as the timer counts down. You can
create up to 3 programs with 50 intervals tailored
to your own sessions. Choose soothing chimes or
Japanese singing bowls for the timer or alarm.
3.8”D. Stands slightly angled on floor or table, or
fully vertical with the built-in stand.
Enso Asari Timer
This new digital timer is a streamlined version of
our popular Enso Pearl Timer. The Enso Asari’s
sculpted outer shell rests easily in the palm of
your hand and its lightweight design makes it
easily portable. The timer can be set as a single
or repeat countdown timer, or as a stopwatch
(count-up) timer. TIMER-asari $59
uni v ersal T imer special
A Monastery Store exclusive designed by
long-term Zen practitioners. Time can be set for
up to 99 minutes, with three bell chimes marking
the beginning of your meditation and two chimes
to end. Includes Interval Mode for up to six equal
periods of time. Beautifully handcrafted from
richly colored wood grown in managed forests.
4”H. Three AA batteries and gift box included.
TIMER-UNI Was $175 Now $99 Hourglass Timer
Keeping time has never been so easy. No buttons, no batteries,
no noise, no hassle. 8” tall and 3.15” in diameter, this simple
30-minute sand timer is accurate to within 2 minutes. Comes in a
black, satin-lined gift box.
White sand HOUR-W $35 • Black sand HOUR-B $35
T he H ome Practice A u d io C om p anion C D
Con­tains two 20-min­ute sit­ting periods, as well as the voices of
Zen prac­ti­tio­ners chant­ing the Verse of the Kesa, the Heart
Sutra, the Four Bodhi­satt­va Vows, and the Caretaking Gatha—
all part of the daily liturgy at Zen Moun­tain Mon­as­tery. A
won­der­f ul way to in­vigorate your daily prac­tice. Includes
printed copies of all chants. CD-HP $15
altar image
Choosing an
is a very personal matter. We offer a wide
selection of statues so you can select the
figure that will best serve as your reminder
and inspiration to wake up and care for all
beings. (Statues not shown to size.)
Bronze S hak y amuni Bu d d ha
This classic sitting buddha was hand-cast in
bronze by Tibetan Buddhist artisans in Nepal,
exclusively for The Monastery Store. Engraved
with the Mountains and Rivers Order chop. A
copy of the Heart Sutra is sealed inside.
Limited edition. 8.5”H.
SHK-G-01 $800; NOW $695 Ja p anese Bu d d ha
(Left) This buddha in the classic
sitting pose is made of bonded
stone with a bronze finish.
Handsome and affordable, this
statue is perfect for anyone
creating their first altar. 8.25"H x
7"W x 5"D. SHK-BRONZE $49
S tan d in g H eart
S utra Bu d d ha
Robe engraved with the
“Heart Sutra” in Chinese characters. Right hand held in the
abhaya mudra of enlightenment, his left hand in the
varada mudra of compassion.
Compact, four-square-inch
“footprint” makes this statue
ideal for small spaces. 13”H.
SHK-Heart $49
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
M e d icine Bu d d ha
(Top Left) This powerful image depicts the
buddha offering the medicine of practice
to heal all ills. Hands in the dhyana mudra,
this buddha’s right forearm is wrapped with
myrobalan leaves, a potent medicinal herb,
while the left hand holds a container of
healing salve. 11”H x 7”W.
SHK-MED $108
S hak yamuni Bu d d ha with Aura
(Top Right) This elegant Shakyamuni sits
with hands in the earth witness mudra,
his robe featuring a pattern of intricately
carved seated buddhas. His head is topped
with an aura of lotus flowers, the symbol
for compassion. 11.5” H x 7.5”W.
SHK-TP $108
M an j ushri in R ela x e d Pose
Manjushri, the bodhisattva of wisdom,
depicted here in a relaxed pose and without
the traditional sword, reveals the gentle,
nurturing aspect of wisdom. The two lotus
flowers at his sides depict the continuous
blossoming of awakened nature.
11”H x 7”W. MAN-TLT $108
Statues for Small Altars
C ast I ron Bu d d ha
(Left) One of our most popular
offerings. Fits snugly in the palm of
your hand. 3”H. SHK-PW-02 $25
S H A K Y A M U N I Bu d d ha
(Right) This seated buddha’s right
hand is in the vitarka or teaching
mudra. 3” H.
SHK-TLT-01 $10 statues
aksho b y a Bu d d ha
The “Immovable Buddha,”
Akshobya transforms
ignorance into wisdom. Cast
ceramic, comes with a
double-sided Velcro®
mounting pad. 1.4”H
(Enlarged to show detail.)
Blue SHK-TSA-02 $10
Gold shk-tsa-03 $10
Terracotta SHK-TSA-T $10
man j ushri
These cast ceramic
statues of Manjushri
with sword come in
terracota red and
gold. 2”H
man-tsa-t $18
man-tsa-G $18
Blue M e d icine Bu d d ha
Cast in rich indigo blue
ceramic—a color traditionally
used for Medicine Buddhas. 2.5”H.
MED-TSA-01 $20
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
is the protector of women,
children and travelers, and he expresses
the strength of the bodhisattva’s vow to
save all beings from suffering.
M o d ern Jizo
In continual gassho, the clean lines of
this jizo emphasize the simplicity and
beauty of this unifying mudra.
Crafted at Great Vow Monastery and
cast in a celadon glaze. 2.5”H.
jizo-gasSho $40
I n f ant Jizo with M ani Pearl
Cradling the mani pearl, a symbol of
enlightenment, beneath her chin, this infant
jizo embodies love of the dharma. Innocent
and joyful, this two-inch high jizo was
designed by Jan Chozen Bays Roshi and is
crafted at Great Vow Monastery. The blue
robe invokes safe passage for those who
have died. The green robe invokes
guardianship of the earth and all living
beings. 2.5”H. jizo-cho $40
C ast I ron Jizo
Rough-hewn verdigris finish.
3”H. JIZO-IRON $38
T rem p er M ountain
j izo & K annon
Hand-sculpted with Mount Tremper clay
by monastic Mary Kaijun Mold of the
Mountains and Rivers Order, and
kiln-fired with an iron oxide glaze. In
Jizo’s hand is the mani (wish-fulfilling)
gem. Approx. 4”H. Kannon is raku-fired:
Taken from the kiln while hot and fired in
an earthen pit, imparting a distinctive
smoky color. Each is unique.
Limited edition. JIZO-KAI $45 each
AVA-KAI $59 each
K annon on
a lotus lea f
Cold-cast bronze with
handpainted details. She
holds a vase of medicine
in one hand and a willow
leaf in the other, symbolizing the flexible nature
of mind necessary to respond to the suffering of
all beings. 17”H.
KY-WILLOW $125 statues
Bodhisattva, also
known as Kuan Yin, represents our
inexhaustible capacity for selflessness
and compassion.
d iamon d sutra
kuan y in
Her robe engraved with the
Diamond Sutra, this elegant
Kuan Yin with hands in a
teaching mudra expounds the
non-dual nature of wisdom
and compassion.
11”H x 2.5 “W at base.
KY-diamond $49
M ini K annon
S tatue
(Above) Solid cast
bronze. Perfect for
small altars or travel.
1.75”H. (Enlarged to
show detail)
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
K annon on
T ortoise
She holds a vase of
compassionate medicine
and sits upon a tortoise,
representing the steadfastness, effort and patience
required in practice.
6”H. KY-SEA $55
This antique replica of the
Watermoon Kuan Yin in royal ease
pose emanates the ease and joy of
our true nature.
7.25”H x 6.5”W KY-MOON $49
R o y al E ase K uan Yin
Dignified and relaxed in her
demeanor, this beautifully
carved seated Kuan Yin in the
royal ease posture is the
personification of our
compassionate nature.
5”H x 3.5”W. KY-EASE $29
kannon in Z azen
Beautifully balanced and
proportioned. Cold cast
bronze with a warm satin
finish. Both sizes are
perfect for small altars and
ideal for travel.
3”H. KY-KY-S $10
5.5”H. KY-KY-M $28
Bali statues
A few years ago we came to know
Nyoman and Eka Yuliani,
craftspeople from Bali. Nyoman has
been carving unique statues for us
ever since. Each figure is intricately
carved out of a single piece of wood.
Bo d hi d harma
(Left) A classical
rendering of the
“barbarian from the West”
and one of our most
popular statues.
Approx. 14” high.
bod-kb-01 $125
Available: Nov. 1, 2012
H an d car v e d
K annon
This statue of Kannon
holding the pearl of
wisdom in one hand
and the vase of
compassion in the
other; no two are
exactly alike. 12”H.
KY-KB-02 $95 S E A T E D Bu d d ha
Crafted out of richly grained wood with a
maple-colored finish. Each figure is unique.
One of our best-selling buddhas.
Medium 7.25”H. SHK-KB-02 $70
Small 5”H. SHK-KB-01 $50
f or more p hotos o f these statues ,
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
p lease v isit our we b site
M e d i t a t i o n / L i t u r g y S u p p li e s
Creating an altar
will help you dedicate a space
for your home practice. Traditional altars are comprised of a buddha or
bodhisattva image and the four elements of water, earth (flowers), fire,
and air (incense). You can also create a unique arrangement of altar
elements with photographs and items that inspire you. In either case,
what’s important is that your altar reflects your personal aspiration and
intent to practice.
A ltar C a b inet
A butsudan is a wooden cabinet with doors that enclose and protect an altar
image—typically a statue or painting of a buddha or bodhisattva. Made from
fine-grained oak, this butsudan features an extensible surface for an incense bowl,
candle, flower vase, and water cup. The surface retracts above the lower drawer when
not in use so the doors can close. One drawer for supplies and three adjustable
shelves. Altar supplies sold separately. 18”H x 13”W x 9”D. Inner space is
13”H x 10”W x 8”D. BUTSU-K-01 $250
Brass A ltar S u p p lies
To set up your altar, choose your own central
image, add flowers to the left, water and incense in
the center, and a candle on the right. All items
made of polished brass.
Brass A ltar set Flower Vase 4”H. VS-03 $30
Pillar C an d le H ol d er
W ater O f f erin g C u p 2.5”H. WC-03 $25
3”D at base. CH-SL-1 $18
I ncense Bowl 3”D. IB-BRASS $49
(sold separately)
ta p er C an d le H ol d er 3”H. CH-NAT- $24
W hite ta p ere d C an d le CA-01 $2
Brilliant p eaks incense in-kiho $3 (p.24)
I ncense ash IN-WA $5 (p.24)
M e d i t a t i o n / L i t u r g y S u p p li e s
All seven items. SP-BRASS $99 (Retail value: $138)
C eramic Ja p anese Bowls
Handcrafted ceramic bowl with a traditional Japanese three-leg
construction and a smooth, two-tone glaze.
Olive and azure 3”H x 3”D. IB-AZURE $20
Brick red and white 3”H x 3”D. IB-crimson $20
Cobalt Incense Bowl 3”H x 3 1/2”D. IB-09-D $20
T etsu Bowl Our best-selling incense bowl.
Solid blue glaze inside with a
mottled blue “hammered” exterior.
3” x 2”H. IB-tetsu $15
Plum I ncense Bowl This delicate incense bowl features
traditional plum blossom branches
on the inside and a mottled tan and
gray exterior. Matte glaze.
3.5” x 1.5”H. IB-PLUM $15
This elegant water offering cup is simple yet
striking in appearance. A unique alternative
to brass. Translucent green agate. 2.25 x 1”H.
IB-moss $22 20
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
altar cloths
These brocade altar cloths
offer elegant accents for
sacred spaces in your home
or office. Hemmed finish.
27” square.
plum blossom black
plum blossom ruby
(Shown below)
AC-gold $30 M e d i t a t i o n / L i t u r g y S u p p li e s
han d ma d e ceramic altar set
These altar sets were specially commissioned by the
Monastery Store. Incense bowl, water offering cup,
candle holder and flower vase are made of porcelain by
a local artisan. Incense bowls are also sold separately.
AC-OLIVE $30 Black AS-KS-BK $60 Tan AS-KS-TAN $60 Celadon AS-KS-CEL $60 A C eramic
I ncense b owl
Black IB-KS-BK $20 Tan IB-KS-tan $20 Celadon IB-KS-cel $20 tan
M e d i t a t i o n / L i t u r g y S u p p li e s
is traditionally
used as an offering or to purify a
space. Lighting a stick of incense
before a period of meditation or any
other activity helps to develop our
concentration, bringing our
intention into focus.
f rankincense
A soft, ancient aroma made
especially for the western
market. A Zen Mountain
Monastery favorite. 60 short
sticks, burn time 25 min. IN-SOJ-FRANK $16
MORNING ZEN Sandalwood with a bright touch of
cinnamon. One roll of 30 sticks IN-25 $12
EVENING ZEN Sandalwood spiced with clove and mild
patchouli. One roll of 30 sticks IN-26 $15
SITTING ZEN Sandalwood, clove and cinnamon.
One roll of 30 sticks IN-27 $12
Z en series SPECIAL
All three Morning, Evening and Sitting
Zen incense. IN-SP-ZEN $32
Deep-scented frankincense
from Oman. Packed in a Kiri
wood box with a black sleeve.
Excellent gift. 40 short sticks,
burn time 25 min. IN-SOJ-FRL $36
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
A utumn L ea v es ( K y onishiki )
Fresh fragrance of sandalwood with a touch
of cinnamon. For reflexion and inspiration.
One long roll of 35 sticks. IN-10 $3
C herr y B L ossom
( K y ozakura )
Exotic and spicy. A reminder of that
fleeting beauty of springtime-cherry
blossoms in the floating world. One long
roll of approx. 35 sticks. IN-11 $5
Dharma C ommunications
S ho y ei d o S am p ler
Sampler gift box with 8 long rolls:
• Autumn Leaves (Kyonishiki) • Cherry
Blossoms (Kyozakura) • Eternal Treasure
(Hoyeikoh) • Five Hills (Gozan) • Golden
Pavilion (Kinkaku) • Moss Garden
(Nokiba). • White Cloud (Haku-un) •
Great Origin (Daigen-koh)
SP-IN-L $35 E ternal T reasure
( H o y eikoh )
One of Shoyeido’s oldest recipes, this
fragrance was developed in the spirit of
enhancing fortune, abundance and luck.
One long roll of approx. 35 sticks. in-19 $3
M e d i t a t i o n / L i t u r g y S u p p li e s
Fi v e H ills ( G O Z A N )
Blend of sandalwoods. Earthy in character,
Five Hills is grounding and centering. One
long roll of approx. 35 sticks. IN-09 $7
Gol d en Pa v ilion ( K inkoku )
Sandalwood, clove and patchouli combine
to create a ceremonial atmosphere.
One long roll. One long roll of approx. 35
sticks. One roll in-07 $4
moss g ar d en ( noki b a )
Mild and light-hearted. One long roll of
approx. 35 sticks. in-15 $4
white C lou d ( haku - un )
Sublime sandalwood incense. Earthy and
sweet aroma. Very delicate fragrance,
suitable for people sensitive to incense
smoke. Each stick burns for approximately
50 minutes. Single roll of 35 sticks.
in-28 $11
g reat ori g in ( d ai g en - koh )
Sandalwood and cinnamon are key
elements to promote comfort, insight and
introspection. One long roll. IN-08-H $3
I ncense S tarter K it
This special package includes our
Ash or Fire bowls (please let us
choose color), a bag of white
incense ash (p. 24), and a box of
Brilliant Peaks incense.
Sandalwood and herbs.
Short sticks, 30gm. IN-B-113 $15 Long sticks, 80 gm. IN-B-101 $25
S P E C I A L P L U M B L O S S O M Used by the abbot of Zen Mountain
Monastery for special occasions. Richly
fragrant. Two-hour burn time.
IN-B-502 $30
Jinkoh S eiun
An exquisite combination of aloeswood
and spices. Burns hotter and with less
smoke than regular sticks. 170 short sticks,
approx. 5.5” in length. IN-05 $36
M e d i t a t i o n / L i t u r g y S u p p li e s
Handcrafted of solid white oak. Holds
long sticks (except Abbot’s Special
Incense, IN-04; and Special Plum
Blossom, IN-B-502). Large bx-JR $25 (for short box see specials section, p.61)
A fragrant sandalwood incense from Nippon
Kodo with a slightly smoky accent. 30 Short
sticks only. Approx. 25 min. burn time.
rosewoo d d ai g en - koh
Sweet and relaxing aroma, with a touch
of rosewood. Box of 30 long sticks.
in-daigen $5
Brilliant p eaks
A delicate sandalwood incense with a
hint of spices. Box of 100 short sticks.
in-kiho $3
I ncense A sh 1 oz bags for filling
incense bowls. IN-WA $5
Take care of your altar with our special
kit. Use the tweezers and sifter to remove
bits of unburnt incense from the bowl,
then carefully smooth down the incense
ash with the flattened spoon. This
practice is said to be a perfect mirror of
your mind. (Includes tweezers, spoon,
sifter, and paring knife—to pare down the
altar candle.) ALTAR-KIT $25 24
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
R E I R Y O K O h aloeswoo d
Reiryo Koh enhanced with the pure,
earthy aroma of rare aloeswood.
Long sticks burn time 55 min. IN-SOJ-RAL $38
Short sticks burn time 25 min.
Made exclusively in Japan for the
Monastery Store. Approx. 30 min. burn
time: 90 sticks per box.
S A C R E D W A Y (Seito) Classic
aloeswood. IN-ST $15 P U R E L I G H T (Soko) Simple and
subtle. IN-SK $17 G R E A T W A Y (Taido) Powerful and
full- bodied. IN-TD $24 ZEN S I G N ATU R E SA M P LER
3 items above IN-TENKOZAN $52
M e d i t a t i o n / L i t u r g y S u p p li e s
A scent recalling the clear mountains of
Japan, Reiryo Koh uses abundant Chinese
medicine material, including sandalwood.
70 long sticks, burn time 50 min.
80 short sticks, burn time 25 min.
S M O K E L E S S P L U M B L O S S O M For those sensitive or allergic to incense
smoke. Short sticks, 90 gm. IN-B-205 $29
S M O K E L E S S I M P E R I A L P A L A C E Lilac, plum and cherry blossoms.
Short sticks, 30 gm. IN-B-156 $12
smokeless C hr y santhemum
Delicate floral scent. Box of 150 sticks. 5
1/2” long. in-06 $14
Rolled incense from Nippon Kodo used
daily in the zendo at Zen Mountain
Monastery. Our best seller. Long sticks,
45-min. burn time; short sticks, 25 min.
One Long Roll IN-01 $4 Box of 5 Long Rolls IN-01-BX $15
One Short Roll IN-02 $2 Box of 10 Short Rolls IN-02-BX $15
A BB O T ’ S I N C E N S E
Also known as Ranshuko Temple Incense.
Used by the Abbot of Zen Mountain
Monastery during morning checking rounds.
One roll of 60 long sticks. One hour burn
time. IN-04 $25
M e d i t a t i o n / L i t u r g y S u p p li e s
—literally, “just the right amount”—is a
ceremonial meal taken during silent retreat and one of Zen
Buddhism’s most essential rituals. Although oryoki originated in a
monastic setting, it can easily be incorporated into your home
practice so you can be mindful of the sacredness and vitality
inherent in the act of taking food.
monk ' s L ac q uere d or y oki set
Mango wood six-bowl set with a matte black lacquered finish. The large Buddha bowl is
3” high x 5” inside diameter and has a fully rounded base; it sits on the small sixth bowl.
Set includes 100% cotton dark blue cloths as shown with our other oryoki sets
(opposite) and Siamese rosewood utensils. Made in Thailand; meets FDA food safety
standards. Hand wash with cold water only. ORY-LAC $195
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
M an g o W oo d Four Bowl S et
(Below) A sturdy yet light wood
with a lustrous burgundy interior
and a matte black exterior. Wooden
spoon, chopsticks and spatula, as
shown, also included. Largest bowl
size: 4.5”. Hand wash in cold water.
Do not use with rubber spatula.
M e d i t a t i o n / L i t u r g y S u p p li e s
Z en S tu d ent Fi v e - Bowl S et
(Above) Made from black bakelite and
modeled after the traditional bowls used in
Zen monasteries. Dark blue cloth set
includes 18” square placement, lap napkin,
wiping cloth, and utensil holder. Wooden
spoon, chopsticks and spatula, as shown,
also included. For use at home or during
retreats. Largest bowl size: 5”. Hand wash
only. ORY-BAKE $120
O r y oki : M aster Do g en ’ s
I nstructions f or a
M iraculous occasion
Offering insightful, step-by-step instructions for oryoki,
this DVD was filmed at Zen Mountain Monastery, with
commentary by John Daido Loori Roshi.
A DC Video Production. DVD-ORY $20 S P E C I A L O r y oki S et with
I nstructional DVD w/ Student Set SP-ORY-BAKE $130
w/ Mango Wood Set SP-ORY-WOOD $120
w/Lacquered Set SP-ORY-LAC $205
Our traditional liturgical instruments
will help mark your meditation periods
or chanting services, whether you are
sitting alone or with a sitting group.
(Please inquire about our discounts for
prison groups and Zen centers.)
M e d i t a t i o n / L i t u r g y S u p p li e s
Tr aditional inkin (A)
An inkin is a hand-held bell used by the
timekeeper to mark periods of zazen.
Traditionally, the inkin is struck three
times at the start of meditation and two
times at the end of the period. Let the
sound fade completely away before
returning the inkin to its pad. Its full
sound makes it ideal for large meditation
halls. 3.5”D bell. INK-02 $275
P o r t a b l e i n k i n ( B ) 2” bell with handle that extends to 11”.
Perfect for home use. INK-01 $60
Bronze KesU:
M e d i tat i o n G o n g s (C )
These elegant instruments are used for
marking zazen sessions or liturgy.
Hand-hammered in black bronze,
our set includes striker and cushion.
T em p le K esu (shown)
Approx. 15.5”D. CASE-SL-16 $750
L ar g e K esu Approx. 9”D. CASE-SL-8 $195
M e d ium K esu Approx. 7.25”D. CASE-SL-6 $100
S mall K esu Approx. 4.75”D. CASE-SL-4 $60
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
Not shown to size
M e d i t a t i o n / L i t u r g y S u p p li e s
To hear kesu,
please visit our
Fl at to p M o u n ta i n
C l a p p e r s (D)
The distinctive sound of these beautiful
black walnut clappers will bring you to
mindfulness as you mark periods of
walking meditation and other elements of
your practice. Individually hand-crafted
by a Zen monk. 7.75”L CLAP-WAL $48
Flatto p M ountain I nkin ( E )
Brass bell and black walnut handle. Ipe wood
striker stores inside handle when not in use.
Individually hand-crafted by a Zen monk,
maker of the Flattop Mountain Clappers,
above. 11”H with striker stored, and a 2.7”D
bell with a rich, long tone. INK-BR-15 $75
Sm all Mokugyo (F)
Has a full, resonant sound. Perfect
for home liturgy. Comes with
cushion and striker. Approx. 3”D.
MOKU-SL-3 $35
L arge Mokugyo (F)
Perfect for a sitting group. Comes
with cushion and striker with solid
rubber head. Approx. 7”D.
(Shown above) MOKU-SL-7 $150
Br ass Kesu:
M e d i tat i o n G o n g (G)
With striker and cushion.
For home liturgy or for marking
zazen sessions.
Small, 2.75”D. CASE-02 $40
Medium, 4”D. CASE-04 $90
M e d i t a t i o n / L i t u r g y S u p p li e s
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
mala beads
A S A N D A L W O O D Crafted of genuine, richly fragrant sandalwood, said to have calming
properties. 1/4”D beads. Neck mala has 108 beads; wrist mala, 21 beads.
Neck MALA-SAND $25 Wrist MALA-SAND-W $15
B B O D H I S E E D wrist mala A very dense, stone-like wood with a richly textured
surface. 17 beads plus guru bead, 1/2”D. MALA-K-BS $12
C R O S E W O O D Dark, rich rosewood. Neck mala has 108 beads, wrist mala has 27; 1/4”D.
Neck MALA-ROSE $20 Wrist D MALA-RS-W $10
D F I R E A G A T E wrist mala 21 beads with snake knot tassel. 5/8”D beads.
MALA-FIRE-W $16 E j a d e wrist mala Translucent mala with delicate colors. Made exclusively for the
Monastery Store. Oblong, semi-precious beads harvested in Suzhou Province. 3/8”D.
MALA-jade-W $15
F G R E E N S A N D A L W O O D wrist mala Rich, calming aroma. Twenty olive green,
smooth sandalwood beads. 5/8”D. MALA-GRW $10
G B U DD H A Light blond wood. Neck mala has 108 beads plus intricately carved guru bead,
1/4”D; wrist has 18 beads, 3/8”D. Neck MALA-BUDDHA $25 Wrist MALA-NOBU $12 H S K U L L Handcarved bone. Tibetan tradition holds that wearing skull beads provides
protection. Black snake knot tassel. Neck mala has 108 beads; wrist mala, 21; 1/4”D.
Neck MALA-SKULL $45 Wrist MALA-SKULL-W $15 I M O O N A N D S T A R s Speckled beads made of either lotus or rattan seed. Neck mala has
108 beads; wrist has 18 beads with a snake knot tassel. 3/8”D.
Neck MALA-MOON $39 Wrist MALA-MOON-W $12 J C E D A R W O O D Deeply fragrant, with calming, grounding properties. 108 beads plus guru
bead etched with Chinese characters for auspiciousness. 3/8”D. MALA-CEDAR $20
K T I G E R ’ S E Y E Legends say that wearing tiger’s eye is beneficial for health and spiritual
well-being. 108 beads, plus guru bead, 1/4”D. MALA-TIGEr $42
M e d i t a t i o n / L i t u r g y S u p p li e s
In Buddhism,
are not ornaments. Rather,
they are used as religious implements to help practitioners keep count
while reciting or chanting a mantra. Traditionally, neck malas have 108
beads and sometimes a 109th “guru” or head bead.
M e d i t a t i o n / L i t u r g y S u p p li e s
Peach W oo d
W rist M ala new
(Left) Rich wood beads ornamented
with a replica of a Chinese gold coin.
21 9mm beads, plus guru bead.
re d san dalwoo d M ala new
(Above) 108 beads with a lustrous
burgundy finish. MALA-JAPA $20
Volcano S tone
N eck M ala new
This naturally dimpled volcanic stone
has a quiet, rough-hewn beauty. 108
8mm beads, tied with a maroon tassel.
Comes with a carrying pouch.
Pinewoo d N eck M ala
Beautifully crafted pinewood, with amber
and chestnut hues. 108 5mm beads, plus
guru bead etched with a lotus. Comes
with a carrying pouch. MALA-PINE $20
R akusu b a g s
Locally handmade to capture the simplicity
of the Zen aesthetic. Perfect for your rakusu
or sutra book. Approx. 12” x 8”.
Maroon, w/ pewter button RAK-MAR $30
Black, w/ pewter button RAK-BLK $30
Reversible, olive rak-OLIVE $35
Reversible, blue RAK-BLUe $35
Reversible, gold RAK-gold $35
k a f. noe rt
s u p p o r t @ dlhoao
cl o t h i n g / a cc e s s o r i e s
Green Dra g on
E arth I nitiati v e
R eusa b le W ater
An eco-friendly, reusable
alternative to disposable plastic water bottles, this brushed
aluminum bottle with a BPAFree, modified polyester lining
passes all USA and Canadian
quality and safety tests. With
logo of the Green Dragon
Earth Initiative, the Monastery’s ongoing environmental
program. 24 oz., 10.75’’ H x
2.5’’D. WB-01 $14
Z M M M onk ’ s Ba g
Not just for monks! This
durable bag is made of
lightweight water-repellent
canvas with two compartments
to accommodate books,
documents, or your robe and
rakusu. Gussetted zipper
doubles capacity. Black with red
Zen Mountain Monastery logo.
14” x 12” x 4”. BG-MONK $45 f o 8r4 5o. 6u8r8 . m
7 9o9 n
3 k ' s k e s a b a g o n l i n e
cl o t h i n g / a cc e s s o r i e s
samu - e
Samu means everyday work and e
means clothing. Originally worn by
working monastics, samu-e have
become popular with artists,
students, and practitioners of all
paths. Lightweight fabric and
roomy design offer freedom of
movement, making it ideal for work,
study, or relaxing around the house.
The jacket is secured by a simple tie
on the inside and another on the
outside, with a generous inside
Available in a black, olive or navy
blue poly-cotton blend, our samu-e
are specially designed for The
Monastery Store and hand-sewn by
local artisans. Stain resistant and
machine washable. Unisex sized
from extra-small to extra-large.
Please note that the sleeves are
designed to be extra long. $135 SizeSleeve/Hip*
31”/up to 40”
32”/up to 44”
33”/up to 48”
34”/up to 52”
XL 35”/up to 56”
*Measure sleeve length from center of neck to wrist and distance
around center of hips. Sleeves will run long.
hoo d e d or g anic cotton
M e d itation R o b e
Made from heavyweight organic
cotton with an attached hood, the
generous, sleeveless cut provides ample
coverage whether you are sitting
cross-legged, kneeling, or in a chair.
The robe is produced by Esperanza
Threads in Cleveland, Ohio, a
company committed to progressive
employment and environmental
practices. Ideal for anyone under 6’2”;
it is easily hemmed. Machine wash in
cold water and air dry. Black only.
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
Online Services and Ordering
Dharma Communications is committed to using modern technology to make the teachings
of Zen available to the widest possible audience. The internet is an ideal medium for
communicating the perennial wisdom of Buddhism, and each month more than 10,000
people reach Dharma Communications and the Mountains and Rivers Order centers via the
internet. They ask questions about practice, read articles, register for retreats, purchase their
first sitting cushion or hundredth roll of incense, and connect with other members of the
online community. For more information on the services provided by Dharma Communications, please access us via the following listings:
World Wide Web
Our homepage features a comprehensive range of services:
• I nformation on Zen Mountain Monastery, Zen Center of New York City,
and the schedule of upcoming retreats
• Instruction on zazen and relevant articles on Zen training
• Information on the MRO branches and affiliate groups around the world
• Mountain Record electronic journal
• WZEN web radio
ybermonk­ A senior monastic from Zen Mountain
Monastery is available to answer your questions on Zen practice
• Facebook pages for: The Monastery Store, Zen Mountain Monastery,
and the Zen Center of New York City.
• Archives, discourses, and podcasts
• Dharma Communications online
Mail Orders Send your order and payment to:
Dharma Communications • PO Box 156 • Mount Tremper, NY 12457
You can pay by personal check, money order, MasterCard, or Visa. Please include
full shipping and handling charges in your payment. We cannot accept CODs
or foreign money orders. All international orders must be in US dollars, drawn on a
US bank (see Order Form).
Shipping and Handling Costs in the contiguous United States:
10% of merchandise total plus $5.00 handling.
New York State residents add 8% tax to total order after S/H.
Please note that these prices are subject to change without notice.
Internet Orders Shop safely and at your leisure on our secure website, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Please note that credits must be used within a year from the date of purchase.
BROWSE our sale and specialty items online
Phone Orders 845.688.7993 Tuesdays 2 - 5pm,
Wednesdays - Saturdays 9am-12pm and 1:45pm-4:45pm, Eastern Time.
Please have your credit card and order information ready.
Fax Orders
845.688.7995 Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
We offer discounts to Zen centers, prison programs
and wholesale orders. To find out whether you are eligible, please call us.
thai f isherman ’ s
p ants
The most comfortable sitting,
yoga, stretching or just loungingaround pants we have found.
These pants are designed with very
oversized waists that provide
plenty of room through the hips.
Pull the generously proportioned
fabric at your waist to the right,
wrap it to the front, tie, and fold
extra fabric over the waist tie.
Unisex. One size fits all.
Your purchase supports a fair trade
cooperative in Thailand. Visit our
website to see instruction video on
the correct way to tie these pants.
S e p ia or g anic hem p
cl o t h i n g / a cc e s s o r i e s
Fisher-H $39
1 0 0 % cotton
Brown Black
moun ta in
monast ery
mountains an d ri v ers or d er
or g anic cotton tees
Wherever your journey takes you, be comfortable in
our 100% organic cotton T-shirts. Short-sleeved with
a flat, non-binding collar. Available in medium (M)
Large (L), or extra-large (XL) sizes. Please specify
size when ordering. Machine washable.
Zen Center of
New York City
Z M M L o g o T - S hirt
Small white and red Monastery logo
on black shirt. (Shown Above) S-01-M, S-01-L, or S-01-X $20 36
Fisher-O $25
Fisher-W $25
Fisher-Blu $25
Fisher-BRn $25
Fisher-BlK $25
Z C N Y C L o g o T - S hirt
White and red Zen Center of New York
City logo on black shirt. A third of the
proceeds benefit ZCNYC.
S-ny-M, S-ny-L, or S-ny-X $20 Zen Center of New York City: Fire Lotus Temple
offers lay practitioners rigorous residential Zen training
in the midst of one of the world’s great cities: morning
and evening zazen and daily liturgy, meditation intensives, evening classes, study and right action groups,
community work periods, and Saturday retreats. It is
located in Boerum Hill; Brooklyn, NY • 718.875.8229 •
O ri g inal calli g ra p h y
t - shirts b y John Dai d o
Available in medium (M) Large (L), or
extra-large (XL) sizes. Please specify
size when ordering.
cl o t h i n g / a cc e s s o r i e s
W ake U p !
White on black, full front logo.
S-15-M, S-15-L, or S-15-X $20 N o Ga p s
White on olive, full front logo (shown
opposite page). S-08-M, S-08-L, or
S-08-X $20 think N on - T hinkin g
White on red, full front logo.
S-30-M, S-30-L, or S-30-X $20 d ra g on tee
Silkscreened right here in the
Catskill Mountains of New York
with an exuberant dragon designed
by Monastic Jody Hojin Kimmel.
Cream (not shown)
S-DR-M, S-DR-L, or S-DR-X $20
S-CDR-M, S-CDR-L, or S-CDR-X $20
Blue (Pictured opposite page)
S-BDR-M, S-BDR-L, or S-BDR-X $20
Daido Roshi, the founder and original abbot of Zen Mountain Monastery,
liked to say that if the Buddha had had a computer, he would have used it to
teach the dharma. In this spirit, Dharma Communications uses modern media
to make the teachings available to home practitioners, inmates, and those
who might be housebound or otherwise unable to visit us.
In the following pages you will find audio teachings, DVDs, and books (for
both children and adults) that we hope will inform, complement, and enliven
your practice. They are teachings that cover the Eight Gates of Zen as taught
here at the Monastery and the Mountains and Rivers Order:: zazen, direct
study with a teacher, liturgy, Buddhist study, work practice, body practice, art
practice and the precepts, or moral and ethical teachings.
If you have questions about the best selections for you, do not hesitate to call
or email us. We are always happy to help you.
dharma discourse
, or teisho, is a formal talk
given by a Zen teacher on a particular aspect of the dharma. Because it is
not an intellectual lecture, it is helpful to receive it within the context of
zazen, allowing the words to flow freely through you, without judgment or
Please note that in order to minimize waste and our use of fossil fuels we have
largely discontinued our CD production. All the discourses offered in these
pages are now available for download through our online store. Under certain
special circumstances, we may be able to burn a CD for an extra fee.
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
Dharma Discourses
By John Daido Loori
John Daido Loori (1931-2009) was a first-generation
American Zen Master, founder of the Mountains and
Rivers Order of Zen Buddhism, and the abbot of Zen
Mountain Monastery. For Daido Loori’s original
artwork, visit
the one that is not b us y
True Dharma Eye, Case 83:
Yunyan Sweeps the Ground
An old master said we must recognize
“the one that is not busy” in order to see
the union of mundane and enlightened
reality. We can be every bit as engaged
in spiritual practice as those living in
monasteries. It requires great perseverance, but it is possible. Not only that—
it’s our imperative. Mp3-u90 $5 zazen is not a bout b ein g still
True Dharma Eye, Case 8:
Nanyue Polishes a Tile
Zazen has nothing to do with sitting still,
says Daido Roshi in this pointed talk. It’s
about how we live our whole life. It is the
most essential practice we have, and a
constant process of discovery. Only we
can discover individually our own manual
for living. mp3-X21 $5 a li f e without mistakes
True Dharma Eye, Case 133:
The Woman of Daishan
When we hear the teaching that we are
already “perfect and complete” what we
often hear is “don’t make any mistakes.”
There is a certain depth of commitment
and exploration required to transform
our life into one of true freedom—
mistakes and all. Mp3-I84 $5 sto p talkin g to y oursel f
True Dharma Eye, Case 5:
Layman Pangyun’s Awakening
In this humorous talk, Daido Roshi asks
us to examine and relinquish our
obsession with thinking, and our
tendency to overvalue it. He encourages
all practitioners to delve deeply into the
practice of zazen, let go of the chattering
companions, and liberate their thoughts
at their very origin. Mp3-H1 $5 d on ’ t look outsi d e
True Dharma Eye, Case 151: Yaoshan’s
Precious Treasure of the Way
When we have realized our intrinsic
completeness, neither worldly power, fame,
acceptance, nor fortune can sway us from
our course. A moment of zazen is a moment
of completion. Not looking outside
ourselves for answers, in every simple act of
daily life our spiritual powers flourish.
mp3-r31 $5
T he tri g g er - ha p p y sel f
True Dharma Eye, Case 18:
Nanquan and the Land Deity
What kind of mind do you bring into a
meeting with a friend or at work? Can
you hear that persistent trigger-happy
self, needing to shoot off about
accomplishments, old scores and
yesterday’s news? Our imperative is to not
give in to this limited self, and to respond
from the heart. MP3-s63 $5 39
Dharma Discourses
by Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Sensei
Geoffrey Shugen Arnold Sensei entered into full-time residential training in 1986,
and received dharma transmission from Daido Roshi in 1997. Shugen Sensei is
the Head of the Mountains and Rivers Order, Abbot of the Zen Center of New
York City, and Director of the National Buddhist Prison Sangha.
Be U tterl y Free
Book of Serenity, Case 47:
Zhaozhou’s Cypress Tree in the Garden
A monk asked Zhaozhou: what is the
meaning of Zen? Zhaozhou said, “Cypress
tree in the garden.” The truth of our lives is
not contained in things, yet we cannot
ignore them either. War is not the same as
peace. Anger is not the same as wisdom. Do
we know how to live in the world and yet be
utterly free? MP3-AC04 $5 d ro p all com p arisons
True Dharma Eye, Case 281:
Zhaozhou sees through Two Hermits
As long as we’re looking outside of
ourselves, we cannot do the work of
clarifying our lives. Real freedom comes
only when we drop all comparisons, let
go of our striving and competitiveness,
and give ourselves wholeheartedly to
the Way. mp3-AC23 $5 no more isolation
Book of Serenity, Case 79:
Changsha Advancing a Step
Why are we drawn to distraction when
we yearn for wholeheartedness? Why do
we look for things outside of ourselves
when it is the feeling of separation that
troubles us so deeply? Only by looking
within can we experience our inherent
completeness. Mp3-AC50 $5 into the unknown
Book of Serenity, Case 93:
Luzu’s Not Understanding
How do we act ethically when the wideranging consequences of our actions are
unknowable? Uncertainty doesn’t mean
license. But inaction is not an option either.
All that we need is always here. When we
realize this truth, then the path is clear and
undisguised. mp3-ac52 $5 w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
tell me i ’ m ri g ht
Gateless Gate 29:
Neither the Wind Nor the Flag
How many arguments could be avoided if
we simply recognized our underlying
desire to be affirmed? How often are we
more concerned about getting our point
across than the feelings of those with
whom we are communicating? By letting
go of our attachments we discover that
being right isn’t what we really care
about. mp3-ac82 $5 com p lete health
Blue Cliff Record, Case 87:
Medicine and Disease Subdue Each Other
How can we practice illness without
becoming lost in our desire to get well?
We always have a choice between
pursuing our suffering or giving it up.
When we are clear about the root of our
illness, then we see that ultimately, there is
nothing to fix. Mp3-7J $5 the root o f su f f erin g
Book of Serenity, Case 74:
Fayan’s “Substance and Name”
All of our suffering is born out of our
seemingly intractable attachments. Yet
zazen is the practice of non-abiding.
That’s why it has the power to show us
that we are already free. Knowing this
truth won’t help us, but realizing it will
transform our lives. Mp3-Ad13 $5 d esires are num b erless
Transmission of the Light 25:
Master Sinha
How do we apply ourselves without
stirring up our selfish desires? How do we
train our minds without turning spirituality
into a contrivance? Zen practice challenges us to let go of the discriminating
mind and search for the wisdom that is
beyond any ideas of want or lack to see the
perfection within. Mp3-Ac61 $5 how d o y ou trust ?
Blue Cliff Record, Case 58:
Chao Chou’s Can’t Explain
Why do we experience so much
difficulty in our lives and practice?
Trusting ourselves does not mean
rejecting the tradition and its formal
aspects of training. But then, what is it to
trust the Buddha, the Dharma, and the
Sangha Treasures? What is trust, and
what are we trusting? Mp3-22J $5 on the g roun d
Book of Serenity, Case 66:
Jiufeng’s “Head and Tail”
It is not enough to have insight; we must
be able to put it into action in our lives.
That’s why it’s said that wisdom without
compassion is not true wisdom. We have
the ability to act for the benefit of all
beings, but we must be willing to let go of
all abstract notions about practice, so we
can truly bring it to life. Mp3-ad15 $5 practice is not what you think
True Dharma Eye, Case 154:
Nanquan’s Sickle
Whether we acknowledge it or not, we
are always practicing. It is what we do
with our body, speech, and mind. When
we turn practice into a pursuit based
upon our ideas of enlightenment, we miss
the richness of the teachings and our
buddha nature. So how will you find your
way? Mp3-29J $5
realizin g intimate
relationshi p s
Blue Cliff Record, Case 31:
Maku Carrying His Ring-Staff
Within relationships we can create both
joyful nourishment and unnecessary
suffering. In this dharma discourse, Sensei
helps us to recognize that we create our
own problems, and that by taking
responsibility for our pain, we can cease
blaming others and bring intimacy into all
of our relationships. mp3-88I $5 41
Dharma Discourses
by Konrad Ryushin Marchaj, Sensei
Konrad Ryushin Marchaj Sensei began studying with Daido Roshi in 1987.
He entered into residency in 1992 and received dharma transmission in 2009.
Before coming into residency he worked as a pediatrician and psychiatrist.
Ryushin Sensei is the Abbot of Zen Mountain Monastery.
A f ter enli g htenment
Blue Cliff Record, Case 49:
San Sheng’s Golden Fish Who Has Passed
Through The Net
Who doesn’t wonder what it will be like
after enlightenment? But this question
betrays our desire to be somewhere else, or
be someone else—anything but the reality
we find ourselves in. Yet the teachings
continuously point us back to the place
where we are, right now. mp3-ac11 $5 I n the Face o f R ealit y
Blue Cliff Record, Case 51:
Hsueh Feng’s What Is It?
This moving talk deals with the most often
asked question in Zen literature: “What is
it?” What is it to be alive? What is it to
aspire to thoroughgoing clarity? It is not
enough to gain an intellectual
understanding of spiritual practice; only
our constant, ever-deepening search will
help us to be free. mp3-ac17 $5 no b i g d eal zen
Blue Cliff Record, Case 52:
Chao Chou Lets Asses Cross, Lets Horses Cross
True insight is not cloaked in fancy
liturgy, accomplishments or actions. To
see the truth of one’s life is to live as full
human beings, unobstructed by our
delusions. Only then can we be free of
the ups and downs that throw us off
track. mp3-ac21 $5 enli g htenment g uarantee d
Blue Cliff Record, Case 53:
Pai Chang’s Wild Ducks
Are we aware of how we ceaselessly
construct the world and ourselves? In order
to see through the illusion of the self we
must get to the source of all of our delusion:
the idea that I exist as an independent self.
When we do this, we realize that the
Buddha’s enlightenment is none other than
our own. mp3-ac24 $5 w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
one ste p b ehin d realit y
Blue Cliff Record, Case 57:
Chao Chou’s Stupid Oaf
In our society, thinking is held in high
regard, but do we realize that our
thoughts keep us one step behind reality?
The thinking mind maintains the illusion
of the thinker, keeping us tethered to our
idea of the self. Let go of thought and
experience reality directly. This is the
path to ultimate liberation.
mp3-ac37 $5 f in d the p resent moment
Blue Cliff Record, Case 62:
Yunmen’s within There Is a Jewel
That which is here now is enlightenment. So
why do we continually seek an idea of that
lies in the future and is outside of ourselves?
We must cease clinging to fixed concepts
concerning liberation and spiritual practice
to discover what is most difficult to find: this
present moment. mp3-ac54 $5
no p lace to hi d e
Blue Cliff Record, Case 67:
Mahasattva Fu Expounds the Scripture
Religious practice can become a crutch
when we lose confidence in our ability to
stand on our own. Though all aspects of
practice are offered to help us wake up,
their effectiveness is up to us. We must
be careful not to turn liberation into
another hiding place. mp3-ac63 $5 ha p p iness without
con d itions
Blue Cliff Record, Case 74:
Chin Niu’s Rice Pail
How many times have we searched for
happiness and ended up disappointed or
even worse, regretful? We are conditioned
to search for temporary happiness in things
that eventually leave us feeling wanting.
Once we stop searching outside of
ourselves, we can find the true joy that exists
in every moment. mp3-ac79 $5 the p erson o f no rank
Blue Cliff Record, Case 75:
Wu Chiu’s Unjust Beating
If we really want freedom for ourselves
and others, we must let go of seeking
status. Indeed, we must let go of the
desire to rely on any fixed identity and
be open to assuming whatever role is
appropriate in each situation that we
encounter. Only then will we experience
true freedom and fellowship with others.
mp3-ac80 $5 sel f - d ece p tion
in s p iritual p ractice
Blue Cliff Record, Case 79:
T’ou Tzu’s All Sounds
When practice is used as a venue for
self-improvement or accumulation, we die
within the very teachings that are meant to
bring us to life. To be free from suffering,
every self-centered motive and half-truth
must be seen clearly and renounced.
mp3-ac90 $5 the p er f ect note
Blue Cliff Record, Case 91:
Yen Kuan’s Rhinoceros
In this powerful talk, Ryushin Sensei
hones in on the painful truth of our
fascination with our attachments and the
need for letting them go completely.
This process requires bravery and the
willingness to be completely honest, so
we may find the perfect note that
expresses the unity and wholeness of our
lives. mp3-ad19 $5
ali v e or d ea d
Blue Cliff Record, Case 55:
Tao Wu’s Condolence Call
This poignant koan goes to the heart of
the matter by showing that our dualistic
interpretations are far from the essence of
what we call life and death. Rysuhin Sensei
brings out this all-important matter, as well
as what it means to study with a teacher,
what it means to practice, and how to do
so wholeheartedly. mp3-ac30 $5 43
Audio Sets
M e d itation an d R elationshi p s mp3
Our culture is quick to equate happiness with romantic love.
But what does genuine romantic love look like? Shambhala
dharma teacher Judith Simmer-Brown explores romantic love
within the context of a Buddhist meditation practice, paying
special attention to its myths and distortions, as well as the
dynamics of passion, independence, and intimacy.
4 hrs. of audio. MP3-RELATE $20
I m p ermanence : T he R ealit y mp3
in f ront o f O ur E y es
The only true path to equanimity within an ever-changing
world is through a deep study and realization of impermanence as the fundamental truth of our lives. In this retreat
with Geoffrey Shugen Arnold Sensei and Konrad Ryushin
Marchaj Sensei we look at the many manifestations of
impermanence and explore ways to meet it skillfully, wisely,
and compassionately. Length: 5 hrs., 31 min. MP3-IMP $30
ceaseless p ractice mp3
John Daido Loori Roshi leads this retreat on Master Dogen’s
Shobogenzo: Gyoji or Ceaseless Practice. Using several translations
of the original text, Roshi delves into Master Dogen’s
exhortations for practice, showing that the power of practice
always lies in our hands. Includes question and answer sessions
with retreat participants. Length: 4 hrs., 45 min.
MP3-practice $25 T he Fi v e R anks o f M aster tozan mp3
Zen often talks about enlightenment, but what does it have to
do with washing the dishes? In these fiery talks on The Five
Ranks of Master Tozan, Daido Roshi addresses the heart of
Zen practice: the dynamic interplay between form and
emptiness, and moment-to-moment reality. Length:
4 hrs., 45 min. MP3-TOZAN $25 T rue Dharma E y e mp3
Given at Zen Mountain Monastery by John Daido Loori
Roshi over a period of sixteen years, the three hundred talks
given on the koans contained in the book, True Dharma Eye:
Master Dogen’s Three Hundred Koans are now being made
available. Each talk includes Daido Roshi and Kaz Tanahashi’s
translation of the main case, as well as Roshi’s extended
commentary and verse on each of the koans. The first set is
also available as a special offer with a paperback copy of the
book. See page 48.
C ases 1 - 2 5 MP3-TDE25 $75
cases 2 6 - 5 0 mp3-tde50 $75
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
S oun d s o f Z en M ountain :
Z en M ountain M onaster y L itur g y
An audio CD with a rich selection of liturgy from Zen
Mountain Monastery—services, dedications, morning and
evening vows, special ceremonies, and the meditative meal of
oryoki. Includes printed copy of all chants. An excellent
companion to the Zen Mountain Monastery Daily Liturgy
Manual (page 10).
CD-ZMM $15 • Digital MP3-ZMM $8 Home Practice
with John Daido Loori, Roshi
Parts I and II
H ome d weller Practice mp3
T rainin g S essions With John Daido Loori. Four probing dialogues on lay practice that
examine how the Eight Gates of Training provide guidance for
homedwelling Buddhist practitioners. Focus is on the core home
practices of zazen, liturgy, Buddhist study, art and body practice, work
practice, the moral and ethical teachings of the Buddha, and how these
influence our relationships with others. mp3-HOME $35 Original DVDs
mountains an d ri v ers
Praised for its literary excellence and philosophical
achievement, Master Dogen’s classic sutra is brought to life in
this Charleston International Film Festival Gold Medal
award-winning film by John Daido Loori Roshi. This unique
dharma teaching combines the reading of Master Dogen’s text
with visual images of nature and an original music score.
Loori invites us to explore what is possible when artistic and
spiritual expression merge. DVD-M&R $25 E nterin g the M ountain Gate :
E ssentials o f Z en
John Daido Loori Roshi traces the evolution of the “Practice
School” of Buddhism from the enlightenment of Shakyamuni
Buddha and raises compelling questions about the nature of
being and compassion. Firsthand instructions on Zen training
from an authentic modern master. A must-have introduction
to Zen Buddhism for Westerners. DVD-IZB $15 T he S till p oint : I ntro d uction
to zen M e d itation
This best-selling video features instructions for sitting postures,
as well as beginning mind-breath exercises. John Daido Loori
Roshi, founder of the Mountains and Rivers Order, takes the
meditator on a guided exploration of zazen. DVD-IZM $15
li v e wor d s au d io series
Receive the teachings of the Mountains and Rivers Order in your home through our
monthly selection of dharma discourses. Please call us or visit our website to order
our 6- or 12-month subscription. Available as MP3s only.
6 months LW-mp3-6 $25 12 months LW-mp3-12 $40 wzen org
enliven your mind
media is the internet radio station of the Mountains and Rivers Order based at Zen
Mountain Monastery in Upstate New York. Since 2002, our mission has been to inform,
support, and inspire Zen Buddhist practitioners, as well as all those seeking to live awake,
compassionate lives. We broadcast a free 12-hour loop twice each day, so a program that
plays at 8 am will repeat at 8 pm. Dharma talks are updated on a weekly basis; other
programs are updated each month. In addition, we have free podcasts of the Mountains
and Rivers Order teachers’ talks available for download.
The Zen Practitioner’s Journal
With thirty-two consecutive years of
publication, the award-winning Mountain Record: The Zen Practitioner’s Journal, is
the oldest American Zen quarterly and
the voice of the Mountains and Rivers
Order. We offer inspiring articles, art
and photography by spiritual practitioners of all faiths on themes relevant
to spiritual practice: the environment,
ethics and morality, education, science,
religion, and more.
Special rate for new
one-year subscribers:
MR-PROMO was $24 NOW $19
“Mountain Record would feed
anyone’s interest or love of Zen. A
gem overflowing with gems.”
—Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Letting
Everything Become Your Teacher
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
“O, Beautiful End gives poignant, delicate
and personal consideration to individuals who have died, yet transcends the
particulars and extends to all deaths...
These poems are Buddhist teachings as
well as tributes,” says Anne Waldman in
her foreword to this first book by Zen
teacher Geoffrey Shugen Arnold Sensei.
This moving collection of memorial
poems is both celebratory and elegiac,
eloquent in its attempt to express the
ineffable, full of rich and subtle detail,
yet universal. But as beautiful and
evocative as these poems are, their real
power lies in their ability to give voice to
the most fundamental questions about
the nature of impermanence, of life and
death, delusion and enlightenment. And
in doing so, they indeed fulfill Shugen
Sensei’s wish that they may “offer
something worthwhile for [our] own
living and dying, here, today.”
Paperback, 44 pages.
B-OBE $14
kindle edition Available on:
Books by John Daido Loori
T he E i g ht Gates o f zen
Essential guidelines on establishing a Zen practice. Loori
points to the gates of wisdom and compassion open to all
of us, and explores how to manifest these qualities in our
everyday lives. A firm foundation for the Zen student.
Paperback, 218 pages. B-056-SH $19 Fin d in g the S till Point BESTSELLER
This practical book-and-CD set reveals how Zen
meditation can help us find stillness of mind in the midst
of our everyday activities. The CD includes ten- and
thirty-minute timed practice sessions.
Hardcover, 112 pages. B-044-SH $14
T he H eart o f Bein g BESTSELLER
Reprinted by Dharma Communications Press.
Heart of Being is the most comprehensive book available on
the moral and ethical teachings of Zen Buddhism. John
Daido Loori explores how these precepts serve as a
compass to navigate the difficult and often overwhelming
dilemmas of our lives. Paperback, 237 pages. B-136 $14 Audio book available Dec. 15
KINDLE version is available now on
T he T rue Dharma E y e : Z en M aster
Do g en ’ s T hree H un d re d K oans
John Daido Loori co-translated and edited this first
complete English commentary on Master Dogen’s spiritual
masterpiece. HC B-587 $39 • PB B-587-pb $29
SPECIAL T rue Dharma E y e - T he First
2 5 T alks with Book
These talks were given at Zen Mountian Monastery by
Daido Roshi over a period of sixteen years and provide
extended commentary on each of the koans. SP-TDE $95
For MP3s only; see page 44.
T he Z en o f C reati v it y
Beautifully illustrated and punctuated with notes and
reflections from Daido Loori’s own spiritual journey, The
Zen of Creativity presents a multilayered, bottomless source
of insight into the creative process.
Paperback, 272 pages. B-527-PB $20
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
the art o f j ust sittin g : writin g s
on the zen p ractice o f shikantaza
Shikantaza, the heart of zazen practice, is the simplest yet
most subtle and profound form of meditation. Carefully
selected essays include the writings of Hongzhi, Dogen,
and the teachers of the Mountains and Rivers Order.
Paperback, 224 pages. B-439 $16
S ittin g with koans : E ssential
writin g on the zen p ractice o f
koan stu d y
This seminal work offers a considered presentation on the
meaning, history, and dynamics of koan practice with
commentaries by Chinese, Japanese, and American Zen
masters. Paperback, 352 pages. B-588 $16 media
The definitive volume on koan study and its relevance for
modern practitioners. A comprehensive overview of the
history and use of koans in Zen training which clearly
demonstrates their transformative power.
Paperback, 384 pages. B-163 $16 Brin g in g the sacre d to li f e
This Zen liturgy book for home practice is an invitation to
use liturgy punctuate important events and activities.
Contains chants, dedications, talks, and a question-andanswer section. Paperback, 117 pages. B-264-SH $12
C a v e o f ti g ers
These encounters provide a unique record of what genuine
Zen training can be in the context of a dynamic teacherstudent relationship. These dialogues convey the excitement and seriousness of practicing on the sharp edge of
self-exploration. Paperback, 256 pages. B-317 $18
M ountain recor d o f zen talks
Explores Zen prac­tice as a spir­i­tu­al journey of selfdiscovery, beginning with the development of a sound
appreciation of zazen (seated meditation), its relationship
to realization or enlightenment, and its manifestation in
the world. Paperback, 218 pages. B-001 $10 I n v okin g realit y
The moral and ethical teachings of Zen are a critical
aspect of practice. Using the Buddhist precepts as a
starting point, this book addresses the relationship
between enlightenment and morality and offers guidelines
for living a wise and compassionate life.
Paperback, 97 pages. B-INVOKING $12 ri d in g the o x home
Using the ancient ox-herding pictures as a map for
studying the self, John Daido Loori clarifies the phases of
practice encountered on the path of realization.
Paperback, 112 pp. B-267-SH $16 media
teachin g s o f the earth
A unique exposition of the awakened ecological consciousness implicit in Zen Buddhism. John Daido Loori
shows us that within stillness there is a seed of sanity that
allows us to hear the teachings inherent in nature so we
can help heal our world. Paperback, 103 pages. B-266-SH $12 d harma M I N I B O O K S
(Visit our website for descriptions.)
The Echoless Valley: The Teachings of
b-263 $4
Taizan Maezumi Roshi
Celebrating Everyday Life b-264 $4
Invoking Reality
b-265 $4
Teachings of the Insentient b-266 $4
SPECIAL all 4 books SP-mini $12
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
Other Books
M oon in a Dew d ro p recommended
Edited by Kazuaki Tanahashi. This is the classic
anthology of the full range of Master Dogen’s
teachings, literary styles, and poetic genius. The
perfect introduction to Dogen. Paperback, 356
pages. B-061 $17
Z en M in d , Be g inner ’ s M in d recommended
By Shunryu Suzuki. In one of the best and most succinct
introductions to Zen practice, Shunryu Suzuki discusses
posture and breathing in meditation as well as selflessness,
emptiness, mindfulness and motivation. A book that you
will return to over and over without exhausting its teachings.
Paperback, 138 pages. B-048 $12
T he b ook o f mu
By James Ishmael Ford and Melissa Blacker, eds. Talks on the
best-known koan in Zen that deals with the question of how
to be most truly ourselves. Ancient and contemporary
masters talk about how to work with the breath, how to open
ourselves to both difficulty and joy, and how to find freedom
in our lives. Paperback, 352 pages. B-MU $17
L i v in g b y Vow new
By Shohaku Okumura. Liturgy can be, as one contemporary
master called it, “the gate through which we enter the
ineffable,” or it can be rote words and empty gestures.
Shohaku Okumura speaks to the lyrical and practical truth of
eight traditional Buddhist texts. In clear, direct language, he
reveals their potential to illuminate and nurture our deepest
aspirations and support us in living a life of complete
freedom and compassion. Paperback, 320 pages. B-VOW $18
S ho b o g enzo : 4 v olumes
Translated by Gudo Nishijima & Chodo Cross. Shobogenzo
is one of the greatest achievements in spiritual literature.
Each of these four volumes contains essays composed by
Master Dogen over the course of his teaching career,
covering a wide range of subjects including meditation,
spiritual power, and artistic expression. Vol 1 B-103 • Vol 2 B-185 • Vol 3 B-205 • Vol 4 B-272 $24 each • Special All 4 volumes SP-SHOB $88
A Gui d e to the Bo d hisatt v a W a y o f L i f e
Composed in the eighth century by the Indian Buddhist master
Shantideva, this timeless treatise shows how to embody the
bodhisattva ideal in our lives, inspiring readers to cultivate
the six perfections: generosity, ethics, patience, zeal, meditative
concentration and wisdom. Translated from the Sanskrit and
Tibetan by Vesna. A. Wallace and B. Alan Wallace.
Paperback, 153 pages. B-204 $16
T he W a y o f the Bo d hisatt v a
(Padmakara Translation Group; not shown). A lyrical translation of
this foundational text. Paperback, 256 pages. B-SANTIDEVA $16
Flowers Fall : A C ommentar y on Z en
M aster Do g en ’ s Gen j okoan b y
H akuun Yasutani
Yasutani's impact on the development of Zen in the West
cannot be underestimated, and this book of his commentaries
on the Genjokoan is sure to take its place among the Zen
classics. Paul Jaffe's translation has captured Roshi's vitality
and creative way of teaching the dharma without compromising his sharp, critical edge. Paperback, 138 pages. B-138 $19
E v er y d a y Z en
By Charlotte Joko Beck (1917-2011). Joko Beck offers us a warm,
engaging, uniquely American approach to using Zen to deal with
the problems of daily living—love, relationships, work, fear, ambition, and suffering. This special edition includes an interview
with the author. Paperback, 240 pages. b-011 $14
N othin g S p ecial : L i v in g Z en
By Charlotte Joko Beck. How to awaken in our daily life.
Paperback, 277 pages. B-149 $14
Special E v er y d a y Z en and N othin g S p ecial
zen see d s : re f lections o f a
f emale p riest
By Shundo Aoyama and Patricia Daien Bennage. This
collection of succinct essays resounds with the warmth of a
heart that loves the Way with discipline and simplicity. These
intimate reflections easily weave between self and other,
trusting all of existence to serve as a mirror of the Buddha
Way. Paperback, 162 pages. B-197 $7
Z en Poetr y o f Do g en
Japanese Master Eihei Dogen was not only one of the most
remarkable teachers in the history of Zen, he was also an
outstanding poet. This collection of Dogen's poems translated
by scholar Steven Heine offers a beautifully personal
reflection of Dogen's clarity of understanding and his poetic
genius. Paperback, 198 pages. B-615 $15
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
the lost sutras o f j esus BESTSELLER
Edited by Ray Riegert and Thomas Moore. Newly
translated teachings of Jesus interpreted by a Taoist/
Buddhist society. This powerful book explores the best
elements of an exciting archaeological quest and a history
of Christian monks in 7th-century China. Brings together
Eastern meditations with contemplative Christianity.
Paperback,132 pages. B-501-PB $14
T he W a y o f C hrist
By Albert LaChance. Paperback, 320 pages. (Not shown)
on eastern me d itation
By Thomas Merton. This century’s most renowned Catholic
monk and writer brings astute and dynamic insights to his
writings on Eastern mysticism and theology. The best of
these writings are culled and offered in this rousing text.
Paperback, 80 pages. B-Merton $13
without b u d d ha i coul d not b e
a christian
By Paul F. Knitter. Radiating warmth and wisdom, this
book explores the rich and common terrain between
Christianity and Buddhism. Following a crisis of faith, the
author uses Buddhism to reinvigorate his Christian
faith—a journey he makes with humor and humility.
Paperback, 336 pages. B-WBC $22
Beloved teacher Bhante Gunaratana explains the Buddha’s
Satipatthana Sutta in clear, concise, and accessible language.
With much warm-hearted wisdom, the reader is steadily
encouraged to experience, and then let go of, all
attachments. Paperback, 179 pages. B-FOUR $15
min d f ulness in p lain en g lish ( 2 0 th
A nni v ersar y e d ition ) bestseller
By Bhante Henepola Gunaratana. One of the most
influential books in the burgeoning field of mindfulness and
a timeless classic introduction to meditation. A book that
practitioners read, love, and give to everyone they know—a
book they talk about, write about, reflect on, and return to
over and over again. Paperback, 292 pages. b-350 $15
M I N DF U L N E S S and min d f ulness in p lain
en g lish SP-PLAIN $26
Yo g a : T he S p irit an d Practice
o f M o v in g into S tillness
By Erich Schiffmann. This invaluable guide will speak to both
beginners and long-time yoga practitioners. Trusting the body,
readers are invited to experience the fearlessness and depth of
yoga as a spiritual practice. Paperback, 384 pages.
b reathin g throu g h the whole b o d y
By Will Johnson. It is rare to find such an in-depth guide on the
practice of working with the breath. Referencing the
Satipatthana Sutta, Johnson goes straight to the source of the
Buddha’s teaching on mindfulness of the breath, with a focus
on modern day practitioners. This book offers an excellent
entry into a more embodied and grounded meditation practice.
Paperback, 96 pages. B-BREATH $12
i f y ou want to write
By Brenda Ueland. This enthusiastic ode to the joys of writing
is likely to stir even the most stymied writer. The
extraordinary generosity of this time-tested text extends
beyond the written word to the whole of life, inspiring readers
towards a creativity rooted in freedom. Paperback, 188 pages.
B-write $15
haiku­— the sacre d art (not shown)
By Margaret D. McGee. This lucid guidebook includes
examples, writing practices, and simple guided exercises,
presenting haiku as a unique spiritual practice for a variety of
audiences. Paperback, 169 pages. b-haiku $16
the creati v e ha b it re c o m m e n d e d
By Twyla Tharp. From art dabblers to professional artists,
we all get stuck at times. In this book, one of America’s
best-known choreographers culls from her extensive
experience in the dance world to offer practical advice that
will get you working when you’re stalled, and will keep you
inspired and searching for new ideas, regardless of your
medium. Paperback, 256 pages. B-HABIT $16
the wa y o f tea : R e f lections on
a li f e with tea
By Aaron Fisher. A wonderful introduction for those new to the
art of drinking tea. Includes classic writings and tips on how to
enjoy the calm, soothing taste of tea anytime, anywhere.
Hardcover, 192 pages, B-TEA $19
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
R eco v er y — T he S acre d A rt
At the core of all human suffering is an addiction: to the self, to
drugs, to comfort, to another person. Rami Shapiro’s new
bestselling book takes the Alcoholics Anonymous Twelve Step
process and shows how it can be used as a method for studying
the self—and ultimately liberating ourselves from our habitual
patterns. Paperback, 200 pages. B-RECOVERY $17
The Zen Path throu g h d ep ression (Not shown)
By Philip Martin. Paperback, 176 pages. b-490 $13
H ow to tr A I N a wil d ele p hant
By Jan Chozen Bays. A growing body of research is showing that
mindfulness can reduce stress and improve physical health and the
overall quality of life. Jan Chozen Bays offers a series of simple
practices to help us cultivate mindfulness as we go about our
ordinary, daily lives. Paperback, 224 pages. b-train $14
M in d f ul E atin g BESTSELLER
By Jan Chozen Bays. Drawing on recent research and integrating
her experiences as a physician and meditation teacher, Dr. Bays
presents mindful eating as a simple tool that can make a
difference for those who are overweight, suffer from an eating
disorder, or just want to get more out of life. Includes a 75-minute
audio CD with guided exercises. Paperback, 240 pages.
b-mindful $18
Special min d f ul eatin g and how to train A
W I L D E L E P H A N T SP-bays $28
R i g ht H ere W ith You : Brin g in g M in d f ul
A wareness into O ur R elationshi p s
Edited by Andrea Miller. Relationships are fertile soil for both joy
and suffering. Taking up the practice of relationship, each of these
essays points powerfully towards love, intimacy, and healing—
inspiring the reader to reinvigorate their connections with others
through mindfulness. Paperback, 288 pages. B-with $16
What does healthy intimacy look like? Zen Master Thich Nhat
Hanh offers ways to foster open communication, deal with strong
emotions, and be closer to our loved ones. Fidelity is an accessible
and inspiring guide for anyone looking to create long-lasting and
satisfying intimacy. B-FIDELITY $12
for our full selection of books
Children’s Books
b ooks b y j on j muth BESTSELLErs
Visit our website for descriptions of the books as
well as of Stone Soup and The Three Questions.
Z E N S H O R T S B-579 $17
Z en g hosts
B-ghosts $17
zen ties
B-ties $17
SPECIAL All three books
the three questions
B-580 $17
E x tra Yarn recommended
By Mac Barnett, illustrated by Jon Klassen. With
impish delight and a touch of magical realism, this
children’s book celebrates the power of kindness
and generosity, as well as the magic hiding in the
most ordinary of objects. Hardcover, 40 pages.
B-YARN $16
by Kathryn Otoshi. This award-winning book tells
a simple yet poignant story about bullying and its
antidote. Hardcover, 36 pages. B-one $16
the q uiet b ook BESTSELLEr
By Deborah Underwood and Renata Liwska. With
kid-centric descriptions and irresistible artwork, this
gentle picture book explores all the different quiets
that can fill a child’s day from morning to night.
Ages 4-8. Hardcover, 32 pages. B-QUIET $12
N i g ht W heel : A C D C ollection
o f I nternational L ulla b ies
By Michael Barry and Friends. Soothing music with bamboo
flute, cello and mandolin. Fifty percent of proceeds provide
relief for Tibetan children.
by Eve Eliot. A practical CD with different kinds of
meditations to help children find stillness and groundedness
in a fun but effective way. CD-FLY $12
moo d y cow L E A R N S C O M P A S S I O N
By Kerry Lee MacLean. An engaging sequel that considers
what happens when Moody Cow gets up from the cushion
and learns to safeguard the vulnerability and gentleness of
compassion. Activities for children and parents also
included. Hardcover, 32 pages. B-MOODY $16
moo d y cow me d itates BESTSELLER
See online description. Hc., 32 pages b-cow $16
Special Both Moody cow books SP-COW $29
when stella was v er y, v er y small
By Marie-Louise Gay. A delightful tale about the
power of imagination and creativity and a child’s
inexhaustible capacity for wonder. Paperback,
32 pages. B-stella $16
Bu d d ha in y our b ack p ack
By Franz Metcalf and Monk Song Yonk.
A savvy guide to the teen years, as well as an excellent
introduction to Buddhism. Teens are offered a
Buddhist perspective on many of their most pressing
concerns, without ever being told what to think or do.
Paperback, 160 pages. B-backpack $14
S im p licit y Parentin g recommended
By Kim John Payne, with Lisa M. Ross. The hectic
pace at which many of us live today doesn’t just stress
us out—it is making our children suffer. This book
offers numerous inspirations and ideas on how to
reclaim a spacious and anxiety-free atmosphere for
today’s families. Provides much excellent medicine for
child rearing in these frenetic times. Paperback,
256 pages. B-simple $17
min d f ulness me d itations
f or teens
By Bodhipaksa. This CD provides teenagers with a
friendly and expert introduction to meditation.
The series of short, guided meditations is designed
to help teens access greater peace, positivity, and
creativity. Running time is 72:31. CD-teen $14
Gi f t s & s p e ci a l s
Gifts and Specials
A S im p le Bowl
(Above) Monastic Jody Hojin
Kimmel of the Mountains and Rivers
Order handcrafts each of these
stoneware bowls. The distinctive
glaze is composed of ashes from the
altars and hearth of the Monastery, as
well as iron oxide. Each bowl is a
unique work of art; size, shape, and
color will vary. For use as a tea or
incense bowl. Approx. 5” dia. by 3”
high. IB-STONE $75 ten O x - H er d in g
Portfolio of Japanese National
Treasure Jikihara Roshi’s striking
zenga ink paintings, with
accompanying verse commentaries
illustrating the successive stages of
the spiritual journey. Ten 8.5” x 11”
reproductions in an ivory
presentation folder, on archival card
stock suitable for framing. Visit our
website to view all images.
B-033 $25 58
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
Z M M N ote C ar d s
Using an oil paint medium very similar to
oversized crayons called Paintstiks, Diana Lyn
Coté has perfected a unique application
dubbed the “Coté Squiggle.” Based on Coté’s
originals and printed especially for the
Monastery Store, these four notecards
featuring images from Zen Mountain
Monastery are perfect as gifts or stationery.
Fu d o card-fudo $4 Z a f u card-zafu $4 d oor card-door $4 ste p s card-steps $4 4 - car d set CARD-DLC-SET $15 Gi f t s & s p e ci a l s
(Right) This serene Buddha is flanked by two
attendants and sits under the boughs of the Bodhi
tree. His right hand is held earthward in the
humisparsha mudra, symbolizing his enlightenment.
His left hand is held in the dhyana or meditation
mudra. Wall hanging only. 18"H x 11.5"W.
BUD-ORNATE was $125 NOW $75
(Left) The Buddha as teacher sits within a circle of
intertwining vines. His hands, with the thumb and
index fingers in a circle, symbolize the dharma
wheel set in motion, while the hands held at
chest-level express his speaking straight from the
heart. 10”D. Wall hanging.
BUD-ROUND Was $100 NOW $60
Dra g on ke y chain
On one side is a carved
dragon; on the other the
Chinese characters for
‘’humans come from dragons.’’
3’’L. Made of brass.
KEy-glg-01 $6
Gi f t s & s p e ci a l s
O f f erin g C u p
These hand-turned cups provide a secure means to hold
liquids for your altar offerings. Recommended for sweet
water and tea, they are made from zelkova wood. 12"
overall height, cup 3.5"H x 3.5"D. Price is for pair of
cups. OFFER-CUP Was $225 NOW $100
za b uton co v ers (Not shown)
Protect your zabuton with our machine washable cotton
covers. Available in two colors (Terracotta Red and Royal
Blue). Fits all the zabutons sold in the Monastery Store.
Made in the USA.
T E R R A C O T A re d CVR-ZABU-R $30
za f u C o v ers
Our color covers fit seamlessly over your zafu, and are an ideal way to avoid wear and
tear. The sturdy cotton blend is machine washable, and an accessible zipper makes it easy
to put on and remove. Available in three colors (Terracotta Red, Blue and Sage Green).
Made in the USA.
Terracotta Red Standard zafu CVR-MED-R $25
Large zafu CVR-LAR-R $25
Stnaded zafu CVR-MED-BLU $25
Large zafu CVR-LAR-BLU $25
Sage green
Standard zafu CVR-MED-G $25
Large zafu CVR-LAR-G $25
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
S mall zen mountain
monaster y I N C E N S E b o x
See on page 25. 1 3/4”W x 6 5/8 x 2”H.
(Small size only)
bx-kc-sm was $40 now $25 Wake U p ! M u g
Enjoy a cup of your
favorite drink in our
classic mug. MG-WU-2 $5 Gi f t s & s p e ci a l s
5 d harma d iscourses
c d set
Receive five teachings on CD.
Selected dharma discourses by John
Daido Loori Roshi, Geoffrey Shugen
Arnold Sensei, and Konrad Ryushin
Marchaj Sensei. (Please let us choose)
sp-cd was $55 now $15
This beautifully handcrafted
butsudan is made out of white
oak solids and veneers. One
drawer holds supplies. (Altar
supplies sold separately.)
10”W x 5.75”D x 12.5”H;
interior is 7”W x 4.25”D x 7”H BUTSU-KC-OAK was $450
now $299
Zen Arts
The teachings of Zen always point
directly to the inherent perfection of each
one of us, and the Zen arts are a form of
that direct pointing.
fine art
Original artwork by renowned calligraphy
master Kazuaki Tanahashi. All pieces are
acrylic on canvas and include hanging
rods and cord. For more samples of
Tanahashi’s work, visit our online store.
A miracles o f each moment 30”W x 36”H calli-kaZ-BL12 $1,200 B ha p p iness 29”W x 35”H calli-kaz23 $1200 C miracles o f each moment 24”W x 34”H calli-kaZ12 $800 D R ain b ow W ithin 30”W x 36”H calli-kaZ-Rw12 $1,200 E miracles o f each moment 24”W x 30”H calli-kaZ-RD10 $800 F miracles o f each moment 30”W x 36”H calli-kaZ-GR09 $1,200 G R ain b ow W ithin 2010. 24”W x 30”H calli-kaZ-RwS $800 Vi s i t o u r o n li n e s t o r e f o r a s e l e c t i o n o f o r i g i n a l z e n
w w w. d h a r m a . n e t / m o n s t o r e
c a lli g r a p h y a n d p a i n t i n g s
by John Daido Loori (1931-2009).
Roshi was an award-winning
photographer and videographer,
with dozens of exhibitions to his
credit. Devoted to maintaining the
authenticity of Western Zen
training, he was known for his
unique adaptation of traditional
Buddhism into an American context,
particularly with regard to the arts
and the environment and the use of
modern media as a vehicle of
spiritual training and social change.
R eclinin g R ock
From Making Love with Light. 8x10,
16x20 mat. Framed Fujix print.
MLL-068t $500
fine art
T he wa y o f mountains an d ri v ers :
T eachin g s on Z en an d the E n v ironment
How do we address the environmental challenges of this new century? Featuring Daido
Loori’s photographs, as well as prose and poetry, this book illuminates the Mountains and
Rivers Sutra with freshness, relevance and urgency appropriate to the ecological and
moral imperatives of our time. Paperback, 133 pages. B-M&R $15 H earin g with the E y e : Photo g ra p hs f rom Point L o b os
A stunning array of images taken at Point Lobos, California beautifully complements Loori’s
commentary on Master Dogen’s Teachings of the Insentient, a profound exploration of the mystical
reality of the wild. Paperback, 144 pages. B-530 $15 M akin g L o v e with L i g ht : C ontem p latin g nature
with wor d s an d p hoto g ra p hs
Filling the gap that separates us from all that is wild and free, Daido Roshi’s photography
invites us to recognize this body and mind—that which we call our “self”­­—as this great
earth. Paperback, 184 pages. B-303 $15 SPECIAL all three books sp-daido-3 $42
printed on 10% pcw recycled paper