BARNES PRIMARY SCHOOL—NEWSLETTER EDITION 21 24TH MARCH 2015 This week’s photographs show reception pupils enjoying the traditions of the festival of Holi and having some fun with paint. School meals – a response to questionnaire comments (all parents) The take up of school meals at our school is 81% (93.2% in the early Years and Key Stage 1 and 67% in Key Stage 2). This is high when compared with the national take up of school meals: 42.6% (2014). It is also most pleasing that 95 of the 118 parents (83%) who responded to the statement My child enjoys their dining experience (school lunch, variety of options, salad bar and dining room set up) either agreed or strongly agreed with it, or had no strong view. There were, however, 19 respondents who disagreed with the statement and 4 who strongly disagreed. Going forward we want these respondents to feel happier with our provision. Senior leaders work very closely with our Chef, Amanda, and Caterlink, the meal providers, to continually improve the service that we offer. Amanda is relentless in her mission to provide high quality, freshly cooked meals on a daily basis and she is quick to respond to feedback from children and staff. We have already shared the findings from the questionnaire with her – once again, she wants to respond with positive action. Attached to this newsletter is the proposed new menu for the Summer Term. This is a Gold Standard Menu (official certification) and bespoke to Barnes. You will note that we have made several changes: We will not offer the option of a meat and vegetable lasagne or a cheese based dish on the same day, as this limits the choice of food for those children who may not like cheese. We will change the options available on a Friday. Since Caterlink took on our contract we have always had ‘Fish Fridays’. Whilst this is a favourite for many children, there are some who do not enjoy fish. So, from the start of the Summer Term we will continue to offer Fish Friday (for those for whom this is their favourite menu of the week), but in addition we will add a meat and a vegetarian option and remove the jacket potato option. We will reduce the spice in some of our dishes – especially for the younger children. We welcome your views on our new proposed menu. Please take the time to read through the offer and contact us if you have any comments, or requests, that you would like to make ( Please note that the menu needs to be confirmed by the end of the day on Thursday 26th March to enable the stock to be ordered in for the start of next term. Finally, with the intention to receive more regular parental feedback, we have invited the parent representatives to have a termly school lunch with us. The day of the lunch will vary so that food standards across the days and weeks can be observed and tasted! Amanda and Sue Jepson will join the class reps to gather their feedback. In the past, when we have invited parents the take up has been very low. We warmly welcome any parent who would like to join us for a lunch. Please let Charlotte (Key Stage 2 Office) know in advance which day you would like to come. Adult meals are charged at £2.55. In a future newsletter, we will provide more details of our current work with Food for Life and the development work that is taking place in relation to nutrition, growing food and children cooking at Barnes. Year 1 reading - a response to questionnaire comments (Year 1 parents) A couple of Year 1 parents had strong views about the way reading is organised in Year 1. In Year 1, the same as in Reception, all children read with their teacher as part of a guided reading session every week and have daily phonic lessons. In addition to this every child reads, one to one, with their teacher fortnightly. These reading sessions take place alongside all the class reading opportunities that are maximise within the school day. We would like to explain how additional reading opportunities are organised. Before doing so we would like to thank all the parents who have supported reading, either at school, or at home, during Year 1. BARNES PRIMARY SCHOOL—NEWSLETTER EDITION 21 24TH MARCH 2015 Parent readers come into school between 2.15 pm and 3.15pm to read with children. This is different to the system in 2013-14, when the children were in reception, when they came in at different times of the day. The Year 1 arrangement means that children are removed from free flow learning and handwriting and there is minimal disruption to lessons. This year we have had far fewer parent readers sign up compared to last academic year. The system was advertised in July at a welcome event, then again at an induction evening in September where signup sheets were available. Subsequently these sheets remained on classroom doors for two weeks. In addition, we again asked for volunteers in letters sent home. We decided that as there were fewer parent readers than anticipated, the children already receiving staff intervention on a daily basis for reading would not be supported by a parent reader. In addition, children reading at a more advanced level to their peers would not be involved in this scheme. We viewed this as equitable. In these circumstances sharing this finite support out amongst a large number of children would have resulted in minimal impact on anyone as so few opportunities would have been available. Some concern was also expressed about children staying on a colour level for an extended period of time. We may not always get it right, but we feel that sensible, evidence based decisions are made about when children are ready to take on a greater level of challenge. The consistently high reading outcomes pupils achieve at our school suggest that our decisions are well informed. We are in the process of redesigning the reading diaries and will include a section on book levels and skills that we are focusing on within each colour band. We hope that this will make the reading colour system more transparent and user friendly for parents. Teachers assess children’s reading standards half termly together, as a year group. Children in the three classes are doing very well and we are very confident indeed that there is consistency in judgements about levels across the three classes. Children who need extra support are given it, as far as the available capacity allows. Going forward Jade Huxley, The Key Stage 1 Leader, will coordinate the parent reading system very closely. She and her team will change the format of children’s reading journals so that there is more information provided on skills that need developing at each colour level. Teachers will offer more comprehensive and diagnostic feedback to parents on how they can help their child to improve. The team are also looking at guided reading and ways they can record this weekly reading in the journal so that parents know how many times their child is heard reading by a teacher. News in brief Attendance last week was 98.0%. Another great outcome – thank you. Our boys’ and girls’ table tennis teams have both won through to the national English table tennis championships. Both teams performed extremely well in the south of Britain finals in Bournemouth. They now move on to the English Schools Table Tennis Association National Finals in Hinckley in April. The team were: Molly Lavin, Nicole Burnett, Ellie Panton, Jaikalin Batara, Joe Durling, Cameron Avon, Kian Shayegan, Thomas Hall and Ed Small. We are seeking a referee for a rugby match that will be taking place on Wednesday 24th from 3.30pm to 4.15pm in Vine Road. It’s the quarter finals! Any parent willing to help, please contact Jo. Term ends this Friday, at the slightly earlier time of 2.30 pm. School restarts for the Summer Term on Monday 13th April. After school clubs continue this week, running from 2:30pm on Friday. Priority re-booking options will be sent out this week, with the new summer term listing distributed at the start of the w/c 6th April. Clubs will commence Monday 20th April. The Bunnies are Back - The Sewing Bee will be running an Easter stall this Thursday 26th March. If you are looking for handmade Easter gifts and an alternative to chocolate please come and take a look and support year 6 fundraising. Beautiful bunnies (£6), lavender chicks (£3), cards, biscuits and many more treats to be found at afternoon pick up (cash & cheques welcome!!). The Sports sale was a great success and raised just over £624 for the book initiative! Thank all those who kindly donated to and bought from the sale - we saw some fabulous items receive new homes including a surf board, skates, swimwear, dance wear and ski kit! Special thank you to the residents of Cross Street who didn't mind the noisy market trading. It was well worth it and lots of fun - possibly a new annual event? Thank you to Fiona McKinlay and Sally Morrow for organising this event. They would like to thank Jo Beale, Camilla Curtis, Cecilia Ezaz-Nikpay and Catriona Tamlyn (who designed all the wonderful signage)! All staff working at Barnes wish children and parents a very Happy Easter. BARNES PRIMARY SCHOOL—NEWSLETTER EDITION 21 24TH MARCH 2015 Community Notices Barnes’ dads football night – Dads from our school play football every Wednesday evening from 8 pm to 9 pm at Rocks Lane. New players (of all levels) are warmly invited to attend. There is a local pub visit afterwards. The contact person is John Lowit: Donkey Rides.... On Palm Sunday, which is 29th March, there will be Donkey Rides in the Vicarage Garden (39 Elm Bank Gardens). Open to everyone from 11am till 12.30pm. And there's tea and hot -cross-buns. And it's all free. This happens every year and is great fun, and all welcome… Easter Activities at Orleans House Gallery Monday 30th March – Friday 9th April Join us this Easter for two fun-filled weeks of art and creativity. Work with professional artists specialising in a range of different art-forms and be inspired by our Stables Gallery exhibition A Guest in Turner’s House by Katie Sollohub. Star Club 2 week FREE trial Monday 20 & Monday 27 April, 3.45 - 5pm. A series of workshops for 4-7 year olds combining movement, story telling, music and art. Short workshops Full day workshops 10am-12pm or 2pm-4pm 10am-3pm (packed lunch) £11.20 £28 Materials are included in all workshops No booking required for drop-in workshops Booking for holiday activities is essential. Please call 020 8831 6000, or book online for holiday activities and star club. Cycling Event in Wandsworth Park - and World Record Attempt Everyone is welcome to join in a free cycling event on 1 April in Wandsworth Park. Barnes Primary parent, Jane Greatholder has helped to organise this event as the sendoff for a Putney primary school teacher (aka SuperCyclingMan) who is about to set off on a 7 continent cycle tour. You can find out more about SuperCyclingMan and his exploits at The event starts at 11am and will include a range of bike related activities. At 12 there will be an attempt to break the world record for the most people ringing bike bells together. Please come along with a bike bell and help to make SuperCyclingMan's tour a record breaker before he's even left home! Wandsworth Park is located on Putney Bridge Road and is easy to reach by bike, for example by following the tow path from the Wetlands Centre down to Putney Bridge. If you think you'd like to join in, or if you'd like to find out more, please contact Jane at or Stuart’s Goal (parental article: all interested parents) I received the following e-mail from a Year 2 father last week: A team of current and former BPS dads are raising money for Stuart Brookes who has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. You can find out more about Stuart’s Goal here: We all know Stu as a regular at the BPS Dads’ weekly football and we were shocked and saddened when we found out he has a rare form of cancer (Metastasis Myxoid Liposarcoma). The disease is not treatable in the UK but a programme of experimental treatment exists in the States. Our goal is to help Stuart undertake this treatment by raising £150,000. We are embarking on number of exciting and fun fundraising activities in the coming weeks and months including recreating the first ever Football League match between Barnes and Richmond. Next month we have a family screening at the Olympic where we’re showing Raiders of the Lost Ark which captures Stu's spirit of bravery and determination. Stuart’s Goal Charity Screening: RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK [PG] - 10am Sunday April 26th, Olympic Studios. Tickets are £10 and will be available from Jo Patience from Monday 13th April. Mayors March march Reception children went fundraising for the mayor’s charities on Saturday. Neo Millar from Amber and Otis Andres-Bayliss from Topaz joined Harry Wang, also from Topaz, to support Harry’s march. Together they raised a hefty £28.10 pounds, which Harry presented to Cllr Jane Boulton on Sunday. Harry marched one mile with Cllr Boulton, Mayor of Richmond upon Thames for 2014-15, and other children in Kneller Gardens of Twickenham on Sunday. He said the march was “very difficult” but he was glad he did it. The march was part of the mayor’s fundraising events to support Homelink, a day respite centre for adults, and Momentum, which supports local children with cancer. Police Cadets Aged 10 to 18? The Richmond Volunteer Police cadets are starting a new unit at Collis Primary School in Teddington. A new unit will start on Wednesday 22nd April in the new hall at Collis primary School. The cadets are aged between 10 and 18 years of age. The junior cadets are aged 10 to 12 and will meet from 6pm to 7.15pm. The senior cadets aged 13 to 18 will meet from 6.30pm to 9pm. Cadets will take part in team games, first aid training, drill, sports and lot's more. The cadets will be issued a uniform Cadets will also have the option to take part in weekend camping trips, outward bound activities and team building days. For more information please email or call / text the cadet mobile on 07939 659 518. The cadet units will be run by fully vetted Police Officers, community members and young people working towards their D of E award. Spaces are limited to 20 junior cadets per unit and 40 Senior cadets per unit. Cost is £1 per session for junior cadets and £2 for the senior cadets.
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