The Banner “The Lord Is My Banner” —Exodus 17:15 Barrington United Methodist Church May 2015 Behold ,I I will m am doing a ne ake a w ay in t w thing; now he wild i erness t springs for t and riv h ers in t , do you not he des p er t. Isaia erceive it? h 43:19 ESV Pastor's Column by Rev. Chris Winkler Moving Forward into Our Vision Enhancing Our Sunday Schedule In the fall of 2013, we began a series of gatherings with a two-fold purpose. The first was to meet as many members and constituents of Barrington United Methodist Church as possible. The second was to hear what our collective hopes and dreams were for this church, to discern where God was leading us into the future. You shared many great memories about the rich history of the church. You spoke about wonderful worship experiences you treasured, about great classes where your faith and understanding was expanded, and gave numerous examples of how you were able to come together to make a difference in the world through BUMC. You also celebrated the bold vision that led you to build in our current location after the devastating fire in 1998. Over the course of those gatherings, and in many other forums, it became clear that we believe God is calling us into an exciting and challenging future where we continue to gather for thoughtful, engaging and dynamic worship; meaningful faith development and fellowship experiences that build strong community; and to risktaking mission and outreach that touches the lives of more people in our region, nation and world. Together with the Administrative Team and the Church Leadership Council, we have developed a strategic vision and priorities to guide us over the next three to five years—Strengthening our existing ministries, Reaching out to others, Knowing, celebrating and sharing and our stories, and Becoming a regional church. These are intentionally broad and encompassing statements of intention that we are using to guide our lives together as a community of faith. We believe that we can move forward into God’s future and respond to our strategic plan by enhancing our Sunday schedule to make worship, faith development, fellowship and outreach available to more people. Many of you participated in focus groups that provided important information and direction as we constructed this new schedule. You were clear that we needed an additional worship opportunity on Sunday morning if we were to grow. You expressed your hopes for more, deeper and more accessible faith development for you and our children and youth. You wanted more opportunities to simply be present with one another, to talk and share faith and life together. All of these are built into our new program with great intentionality and planning. The highlights of this Sunday Morning plan for fall 2015: • • • • • Chapel Worship at 8:00 a.m. Traditional Worship at 9:30 a.m. Crossroads-style Worship at 11:00 a.m. Faith Development for all ages during the 9:30 and 11:00 hours Continuous fellowship opportunities throughout the morning Pastor's Column continued on page 2 Summer Worship Schedule Starts June 14 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. In this Issue Pastor’s Column, Connection Point, page 2; Calendar, page 3 Adult Ministries, Noah's Ark Christian Preschool, page 4 Children's and Youth Ministries, page 5 United Methodist Women, page 6 Reaching Out in Love, Music Ministry, page 7 Staff contact information, Upcoming Events, page 8 (Pastor's Column continued from front page) I fully expect that you will not only embrace this change but that it will raise some questions and concerns. I will eagerly address any and all concerns as we move forward, both in one-on-one conversations, in various meetings and in public forums. Let me address a couple of concerns I have already heard. First, we will not seek to divide the worshiping congregation to inhabit all three services. We will ask a “seed community” of about 30-50 people to attend and support the new Sunday morning version of our Crossroads Worship service. Second, we are not taking away anything that we already have, we are adding to our current offerings—this is true for worship, fellowship and faith development. Finally, experience tells us that by increasing our fellowship and study opportunities we will not find ourselves to be more divided but increasingly unified in our diversity. There is much more to talk about and you will have concerns— change produces anxiety. For now, my request is that we pray for God’s continued blessing and guidance as we seek to grow in faith, fellowship, outreach and impact for the kingdom of God. Church Conference Vote Result The purpose of the special church conference on Sunday, April 26 was to act upon the motion of the Trustees that Barrington United Methodist Church purchase the property located at 264A Old Bartlett Road. There were two motions on the ballot that passed with a greater than two-thirds majority allowing the trustees to negotiate the sale of the property with the seller. Motion 1: Trustees move that Barrington United Methodist Church purchase the property located at 264A Old Bartlett Road, Barrington Hills at a cost not to exceed $300,000. Motion 2: If motion 1 is approved, Trustees move that they, in consultation with the Finance Committee and the Finance Administrator be permitted to develop a plan to finance the purchase of the property at 264A Old Bartlett Road, Barrington Hills. Connection Point We are blessed at Barrington UMC to have worship services that create powerful opportunities each week for our congregation to engage in meaningful worship and to encounter the Living God. We welcome newcomers and visitors to our worship services and we embrace the new life that they bring to our church. As we grow and draw new people into our community, changes can sometimes bring unexpected anxiety. If someone is sitting is “your space,” if there are distracting noises from those around you, if the flow of worship is different than you expected, it is natural to feel discomfort or even stress. Being “in community” with one another doesn’t always mean being “in harmony.” How do we respond to this discomfort with grace? Amy Dickinson, author of the popular “Ask Amy” advice column syndicated in newspapers across the country, is a lifelong United Methodist and receives her fair share of emails from church members experiencing conflict and discomfort, and has even experienced it herself in her own church. “For me, it’s about extracting humility, exercising kindness and stretching myself,” she said. “Isn’t getting uncomfortable what we’re called to do? If we are not in church to sit beside the unwashed [and the ill- mannered], then why are we there?” 2 Daniel Parsley, worship leader at Faith United Methodist Church in North Canton, Ohio, preaches that some discomfort is good for the soul. “Distractions can be good because they allow us to see people as real…If someone is texting during the service, maybe they’re sending a message saying “I love you.” A dad who carried his coffee to the pew might just be trying to stay awake. A sick child kept him up all night, yet somehow he managed to get the rest of the kids to church. You never know what’s going on with people.” Pastor Chris frequently closes his sermons with the benediction “Be kind, be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle.” These words carry us into the world each week, but can also carry us through discomfort in our church community. “It’s not about standing at the correct time, not hearing enough of your favorite hymns, or giving a thumbs up or down to videos being shown during worship,” Parsley said. “It’s about putting less importance on you and on your personal preferences. It’s about doing what’s best for the community of worshippers—the body of Christ.” Reference: A faux pas in the pew: What to do? by Susan Passi-Klaus, Connect—communicate, understand, link, hook, unite, meet, bring, fuse, gather together, relate, integrate, fellowship, join May Calendar 2015 Sunday Monday For the most up to date information go to Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Saturday 2 9:30 AM Breathing Spaces 8:30 AM Men's Bible Study 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9:30 AM Breathing Spaces 16 8:30 AM Men's Bible Study 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 8:00 AM Worship 9:15 AM 9:15 AM Moms' Group Faith Development 9:15 AM Strengthening Family Relationships 9:15 AM Inquirer's Class 10:30 AM Worship 1:00 PM Youth Group UMW Geranium 9:15 AM Sale Mom's Group 8:00 AM Worship 7:00 PM 9:15 AM Preschool Parent Faith Development Association 10:30 AM Worship 8:00 AM Worship 9:00 AM Fellowship Meeting 9:15 AM Faith Development 9:15 AM Children's Ministries Group Meeting 10:30 AM Worship 5:00 PM Youth Group 24 9:15 AM Moms' Group 7:00 PM Worship and Arts 7:30 PM Leadership Council 25 8:00 AM Worship Memorial Day 9:15 AM Church Office Faith Development Closed 10:30 AM Worship 9:00 AM Staff Retreat 10:00 AM A Faithful Heart Bible Study 12:00 PM Trinity UMC Lunch Bunch 6:30 PM Welcoming Ministry 7:00 PM Trustees Meeting 10:00 AM A Faithful Heart Bible Study 10:00 AM Cancer Support Group 12:00 PM Trinity UMC Lunch Bunch 1:00 PM Shawl Ministry 7:30 PM Staff Parish Meeting 12:00 PM Trinity UMC Lunch Bunch 1:00 PM Traveling Tea Party 6:30 PM Preschool Board Meeting 7:00 PM Finance Meeting 26 10:00 AM Cancer Support Group 12:00 PM Trinity UMC Lunch Bunch 7:00 PM Missions Ministry Meeting 7:00 PM Adult Faith Development 8:30 AM Noah's Ark Mother's Day Tea 9:00 AM Staff Retreat 7:00 PM Disciple Bible Study 7:00 PM Disciple Bible Study 7:00 PM Membership Ministries 7:00 PM Disciple Bible Study 7:00 PM Evangelism Ministry Group Meeting 27 7:00 PM Disciple Bible Study 8:30 AM Noah's Ark Mother's Day Tea 9:15 AM Women of the Word 11:30 AM Grace/Faith Circles 6:30 PM Lay Leadership Mtg. 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 9:15 AM Women of the Word 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 9:15 AM Women of the Word 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 28 9:30 AM Breathing Spaces The Banner Deadline 9:30 AM Breathing Spaces 10:00 AM Kindergarten Graduation 29 7:30 PM Chancel 9:30 AM Choir Rehearsal Breathing Spaces 8:30 AM Men's Bible Study 9:00 AM Confirmation Party 5:00 PM Crossroads Worship 8:30 AM Men's Bible Study 9:00 AM NIC UMC Retreat 30 8:30 AM Men's Bible Study 31 Confirmation Sunday 8:00 AM Worship 9:15 AM Faith Development 9:15 AM Teacher Appreciation 10:30 AM Worship 3 Adult Faith Development Noah's Ark Christian Preschool Contact Rev. Mi-Sook Yoo, associate pastor, 847-836-5540 ext. 103 or Contact Susan Brown, director, 847-844-3738 or Sunday Mornings at 9:15 a.m. —Drop In Chapel May 10 – Nooma series, May 17 – Nooma series, May 24 – No Sunday School for all ages May 31 - Discussion about Annual Conference Legislation —Faith Link Meet us near The Well a gathering place for this engaging conversation of how we can apply our Methodist beliefs to current faith issues. Monday Mornings 9:15-11:15 a.m. —Mom's Group in the Parlor Jeremiah: Daring to Hope in an Unstable World by Melissa Spoelstra This class is open to any mom interested in spending time with other moms in an atmosphere of encouragement – all are welcome! Childcare will be provided for infants, toddlers and kindergartners not in school that morning. Contact Jody Horton at horton4062@ Tuesdays 1:00 p.m., Bible study at Trinity UMC Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today by Adam Hamilton. All members of Barrington UMC are invited to participate. Lunch and table fellowship begin at noon; Bible Study led by Pastor Uziel Hernandez is at 1:00 p.m. Trinity UMC is located at 1647 Ravine Lane, Carpentersville just north of the intersection of IL-68 and IL-25. Contact: Sig Sundholm at sss. or 847-744-0377. Thursday Mornings 9:30-11:30 a.m. —W.O.W. (Women of the Word) Join women for fellowship, study, and great conversation. Meet in the Parlor. Contact C Watson, Friday Mornings 9:30 a.m. —Breathing Spaces Join us at our new location in The Well gathering place at BUMC. All are welcome to read and pray the Scriptures with Pastor MiSook as a guide. Contact Pastor Mi-Sook Yoo at for information. Saturday Mornings 8:30-10:00 a.m. —UMM Practical Christianity for Men (formerly United Methodist Men Bible Study) 8:30-9:00 a.m. Coffee/food/fellowship 9:00-10:00 a.m. Meet in the Parlor Facilitator: Brian Kramper (briankramper@yahoo. com) 4 The children supported their favorite teams on Sports Day. Mother's Day Tea Wednesday, May 6 and Thursday, May 7 We will be celebrating our Mom’s with a Mother’s Day Tea. The mom’s and their children will be in the Dining Room for tea and donuts before spending time in the classroom. Parent Play Date Monday, May 11 and Tuesday May 12, 11:30 a.m. Parent Play Date —Parents bring a lunch for the children and play on the playground, weather permitting. This is a great opportunity to meet Noah’s Ark Parents and children. Celebration of Our Four Year Olds Thursday, May 21, 10:30 a.m. We end our school year with our 4’s Celebration Kindergarten Graduation Friday, May 22, 10:45 a.m. BUMC Sanctuary Kindergarten Graduation—You are welcome to attend on either or both days to celebrate the children's hard work and all they have learned. Preschool and Kindergarten Summer Camp May 26 - June 12, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Summer camp will be held for three weeks for children 3 years of age through the end of Kindergarten. You can sign your child up for one, two, or all three weeks. Each week will be a different theme related to our wonderful outdoor classroom. The first week is all about Roots (underground), the second week is Shoots (all about on the ground) and the last week is Canopies (up in the air). We love to learn in nature! Applications for summer camp are available by contacting Susan Brown, Preschool Director, at Youth Ministries Children’s Ministries Contact Rev. Christal Bell, youth pastor, 847-836-5540 ext. 109 or Contact Missy Konopka, children's ministries coordinator, 847-836-5540 ext. 106 or During the month of May, students will be selling stock for the Mission Trip between and after worship services. Students will also sell “services” that they can render during the summer and beyond. Please visit the table in the church lobby located just outside the church office to learn more about the youth mission trip July 5-10, 2015 to the Rosebud Reservation in South Central South Dakota (Near St. Francis, South Dakota) and the ways you can support students in this important experience. Sunday, May 17-9:15-10:15 a.m. May Schedule Sunday, May 3 Sunday School in the Youth Room, 9:15-10:20 a.m. Youth Group, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Sunday, May 10 Sunday School in the Youth Room, 9:15-10:20 a.m. No Youth Group - Happy Mother’s Day! Sunday, May 17 Sunday School in the Youth Room, 9:15-10:20 a.m. Youth Group, 5:00 -7:00 p.m. Sunday, May 24 Sunday School in the Youth Room, 9:15-10:20 a.m. No Youth Group, Happy Memorial Weekend! Sunday, May 31, Confirmation Sunday Brunch for confirmands and their families, 9:15-10:20 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. students will be confirmed as a part of the 10:30 a.m worship service. Share the Good News about Graduation! Please send the names of your children or grandchildren who will be graduating from high school or college this year. Send your name, the name of your student, and the name of his or her school to: Christine Streed at This will be the last Sunday School Class for children PreK-6th until August 23. (There will be Children’s Church all summer!) Sunday, May 31-9:15-10:15 a.m. Teacher Appreciation Breakfast for all teachers of Prek-6th graders. Please join us with your families for our Annual Teacher Appreciation Breakfast. We will meet in Fellowship Hall. (If you cannot make it, please let Missy know by May 24) Summer Children’s Church Help Needed! We begin summer Children’s Church on June 14 during the 9:30 a.m. service. We would love for you to lead the kids in fun Veggie Tales stories, crafts and a movie. The lessons need NO planning and everything will always be ready and waiting for you. We need an adult to lead and you must be at least 12 years old to assist. This is a great opportunity for you to get to know our kiddos here at BUMC! Vacation Bible School June 15-19, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Registration forms are available above the Family table in the lobby and also outside Missy’s office. We would love for your kiddos to spend the week learning with us through worshipful songs and motions, Bible related crafts, snacks, drama and games about when Jesus was a child. All details are on the forms. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Missy Konopka at 847-836-5540 ext. 106 or via email at: Attention All Women and Men! It takes approximately 25 adult volunteers to run VBS every year and we have fun together—it’s a great way to get to know many church members whom you may never get to chat with. No one has ever walked away from VBS without taking special memories with them. We have many opportunities available for all levels of helping. Maybe one of these is a perfect fit for you! You can choose to help part-time at just a few hours for the week, or if you’re willing and able, choose to spend the entire week with us. It’s completely up to you! • Help to decorate and set-up for the week 6/12-6/14 (6/14 after the 9:30 a.m. service ends) • Lead kids in groups with teenagers as your assistants • Lead your very own craft station in the “marketplace” • Games Leader • Games Assistant • Assist in the kitchen with cutting and serving fruits & veggies Can’t help during the week of? We could definitely use your help with tear down and clean-up duties on Friday afternoon at 12:00 p.m. Any help you can lend would be greatly appreciated! 5 United Methodist Women May Circle Meetings Faith and Grace Circles will be meeting Thursday, May 7, at 11:30 a.m. in the dining room, when we have a “bring your own lunch” gathering (dessert and beverage provided). At approximately 12:15 p.m., Lou Schairer will share information about the BUMC Garden. Following, we will be assembling May baskets for shut-ins. If you would like to bring items for the baskets (such as fruit, cookies, snacks, etc.) you may do so . We will be assembling approximately twelve baskets. Just Geraniums Sale Our United Methodist Women are pleased to offer gorgeous geraniums from Hager’s Country Market in our Mother’s Day sale on Sunday, May 10! Each 4.5” potted plant will sell for $5 and you’ll have four different colors to choose from: light pink, salmon, bright red and bright violet. Persons wanting to order six(6) or more flowers may reserve them in advance by calling Norma Jung-Stein and can pick them up on Saturday, May 9 at her house at 1272 Noble Dr., Port Barrington. You will be given directions to her house when you call. Be sure to take advantage of our sale to honor your mother in a loving way or to beautify your home for spring! Northern Illinois Conference United Methodist Women Spring Retreat Saturday, May 23 at BUMC 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. "Do you not know that you are God's temple, and that God's spirit dwells in you?" There will be three presentations: "How to Best Care for your Body and Enjoy a Long, Healthy Life" by Dr. Kamlesh Macwan; "Holistic Health from Eastern Medicine Perspective: Using food and exercise to create a balanced life" by Charlotte Christian; and "Symptoms, Prevention, Coping, and Treatment of Depression in Women" by Dr. Michael Griffen and Lillie Orsby, RNC. The day begins with registration at 8:30 a.m. and ends after worship at 3:30 p.m. Cost is $20 and includes morning coffee/light breakfast and lunch. Registration forms are on the bulletin board in the lobby. Questions? Contact Linda Osikowicz. Leaving Home in Central America "When sociologists discuss immigration, they often refer to "push factors," the elements of national life that encourage residents to flee. In Central America, push factors range from political instability to free trade to climate change." If you would like to learn more about life in Central America and the many factors that lead to immigration and how it affects communities, check out the United Methodist Women website: http://www.unitedmethodistwomen. org/news/leaving-home-in-central-america 6 Mission u: Learning Together for the Transformation of the World Mission u is an opportunity to study current issues impacting society. It is open to everyone: men, women, children and youth. The topics this year are: • Created for Happiness: Understanding Your Life in God, • Latin America: People and Faith • The Church and People with Disabilities. Mission u will be held on two weekends. The teachers for all classes go through rigorous training and bring a day of fun, hands-on activities in a small group session. Mission u One Day Event Oak Lawn United Methodist Church on Saturday, July 11 Life and Faith in Latin America is the children's (ages 7-11) study. The lessons and activities will allow children to gain a deeper awareness and understanding of Latin America and its people. The youth study (ages 12-15), Latin American: Places, Culture, and Faith, provides a wealth of information on Latin American life, customs, culture, young people, geography and liturgical practices that will help United Methodist youth increase their understanding of what life is like for Latin American youth. (Youth 16 and over attend the adult class.) Mission u Weekend Event Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, July 16-19 The days include a time of study, worship, small group sessions, and reflection. The event begins Thursday evening with dinner and goes through Sunday lunch. Attendees will attend the spiritual growth study, Created for Happiness: Understanding Your Life in God and one of two other studies: Latin America: People and Faith or The Church and People with Disabilities. Look for registration forms on the bulletin board in the lobby. Questions? Contact Linda Osikowicz or Norma Jung-Stein. Wondering about the Annual Rummage Sale? Yes, it's coming! The sale will be Friday, October 2 and Saturday, October 3. We will begin collecting items, Sunday, September 27. It's a great opportunity to clean your closets and put those old "treasures" to good use, join in on a service project, and meet new friends! We know you have many opportunities to donate to other organizations, but will greatly appreciate your holding on to your items until fall to help with the success of this sale. Proceeds go to missions benefiting women, children, and youth; some 2014 receiving agencies were Olive Branch Mission, WINGS, Home of the Sparrow, UMCOR, and ChildServ. And, if you haven't helped in the past, this is the time to start! Come be one of our husband and wife teams or bring the family to volunteer! Spread the word to neighbors and friends—to save, to serve, to have fun! United Methodist Men Reaching Out in Love UMM Practical Christianity for Men Upcoming Adult Mission Opportunities The BUMC men’s faith development and service group has officially changed its name! To better characterize its activities, the United Methodist Men’s Bible Study Group is now UMM Practical Christianity for Men. There is no change to the mission as the group will continue to study the Bible, read books by important Christian thinkers, feed the hungry by working in the church’s garden and at Feed My Starving Children, man the USO at O’Hare, continue to aid worshipers with Portico Ministries, and undertake other educational and service projects. Regular meetings are 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. on Saturdays but don’t miss the half hour of coffee and camaraderie before the meeting! The Missions Ministry Group has been working to bring BUMC members opportunities to go out in the community and help. Below are the upcoming local opportunities. Upcoming dates at Epworth United Methodist Church: June 27, August 1, September 19, October 10 This mission project involves work on the church building (painting and cleaning) at Epworth United Methodist Church 5253 N. Kenmore Ave. Chicago, IL 60640 Upcoming date in Rockford - Saturday, May 16, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Indoor painting prep and painting at the new facilities for Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful (recycling and environmental steward organization). Please contact Scott Downing at with questions or dates you want to volunteer. As additional opportunities become available, we will post them. Feed My Starving Children Missions Ministry Group has two opportunities for service: Libertyville, Saturday, May 30, 2015, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Schaumburg, Saturday, July 18, 2015, 9:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. Contact Linda McGill with questions: Reach serve, influence, involve, concern, help, assist, impact, contact, inspire, engage, care, save, encourage, benefit, minister, nur ture Music Ministry Early Morning Singers Wanted Are you an early morning person? Do you enjoy singing and leading others to praise the Lord with music? We’re looking for a soloist or small ensemble to lead in our 8:00 a.m. Chapel worship service. This person or team would work with the accompanist to lead the congregational singing and perhaps provide special music on occasion. If you are interested, please contact our Director of Music, Karen Maxwell, here at church or email her at Wear Red for the Celebration of Pentecost On May 24 we will be celebrating the birthday of The Church. No, not BUMC. That doesn't happen until October. Pentecost is May 24 and that is recognized as the beginning of the Christian Church. We encourage everyone to wear something red, the liturgical color of Pentecost, on that day. Summer Music Ministry Opportunities The school year is winding down which means that Chancel Choir and Exaltation Handbells will be taking a break during June and July. This gives our Director of Music, Karen Maxwell, an opportunity to schedule a variety of vocal and instrumental solos and small ensembles for both the 8:00 and 9:30 services during the summer. If you would be interested in ministering in music in one of our services, please contact Karen at It also gives Karen a chance to offer one or two week opportunities for children or adults to try out playing the handchimes and handbells. Watch for upcoming announcements about Handbell Bootcamp. 7 Barrington United Methodist Church May 2015 Building community. Worshiping God. Creating Disciples. Serving all people. Sunday Mornings 98 Algonquin Road, Barrington, IL 60010 Phone: (847) 836-5540, Fax: (847) 836-1644 Web: Noah's Ark Christian Preschool: 847-844-3738 Next Crossroads Worship, Saturday, May 9 at 5:00 PM 8:00 a.m. in the Chapel 9:15 a.m. Faith Development for all ages 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Senior Pastor: Rev. Chris Winkler, ext. 102 Associate Pastor: Rev. Mi-Sook Yoo, ext. 103 Administrative Assistant: Paula Gordon, ext. 105 Children’s Ministries Coordinator: Missy Konopka, ext 106 Communications Director: Christine Streed, ext. 110 Connections and Engagement Ministries Director: Gayle Richard, ext. 107 Financial Director: Lynne Richardson, ext. 104 Second Saturdays Crossroads Worship at 5:00 p.m. Director of Music and Worship Arts: Karen Maxwell, ext. 134 Organist: Jeffrey Neufeld, ext. 133 Director of Contemporary Music: Seth Durbin Preschool Director: Susan Brown, ext. 121 Reception and Facility Scheduling: Elizabeth Laverd, ext. 101 Youth Director: Rev. Christal Bell, ext 109 Upcoming Events and Opportunities Celebrating 175 years at the July 4 Parade This year we are celebrating 175 years as a church community and what better way to start our celebration then to walk in the 4th of July Parade! There are a variety of ways to help. The time commitment is very flexible. You can help build, walk, or a combination of both. Also, no dates or times are locked in stone. We will get more details about the needs and plans closer to the end of spring. Here's how you can help: • Join the Official Committee! Help design and plan the float • Provide a truck, trailer, and driver for the truck • Host float building at your home ( July 2 and 3) Flexible times • Provide a barn for float building and storage until the parade • Assist with float decorating on July 2 and/or July 3 • Walk in the Parade • Bring a cooler full of ice to go on the float on parade day • Donate bottles of water for the Float riders and walkers • Carry the Noah’s Ark Banner in the Float Questions? Contact Susan Brown at 847-844-3738 or sbrown@ Honoring the Past Barring United Met hodist ton Church Embracing the Future 175 Years of Serv ing 1840 - 2015 save the date! Homecoming Celebration, October 25, 2015 MYTH: Group Facilitation is Hard ed It's rewarding and fun! Bust Saturday, June 6 Come join the AFD team, 10:00 a.m. - Noon to learn about group facilitation. Tips and tools for facilitation. We promise, no role playing! Then, decide if you can participate in building up a stronger small group ministry here at BUMC. Light Breakfast will be served. Contacts: Julia Hooper, Mi-Sook Yoo, Where Women Walk with God through Every Season Save the Dates for a 3-day Women's Retreat September 25-27, 2015 Lake Delavan, Wisconsin
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