CHURN DASH NEWS May 2014 Volume 29 Issue 5 Hall County Quilt Guild Chestnut Mountain Presbyterian Church 4733 Winder Hwy. Flowery Branch, GA 30542 Next month (May) Frances Arnold will present our program "Viewing the world through Quilt Colored Glasses". Frances has traveled throughout the world and has made award winning quilts to represent her experiences. She will share these quilts with us. Co-Presidents: Terry Powers Denise Ulrich Co-Vice presidents Mary Colley Mary Ann Cox Secretary: Pat Childs Treasurer: Karen Bernier Next guild meeting is May 5th 9:30 Fellowship 10:00 Meeting 1 HALL COUNTY QUILT GUILD The President’s Corner I don't know about all of you but I am most intrigued by our May program, "Viewing the world thru Quilt colored glasses!" Frances Arnold from Athens, GA will be our guest speaker. I can't wait to hear what she has to tell us. Lasts months' program on "Strings" was very motivating to me. I always love ways to use up bits and pieces of fabric that normally gets tossed. I feel like I am getting a quilt for Free! I would also like to thank all who volunteered to man the booth in Braselton. Without all of you, it would be very difficult for the guild to provide such wonderful speakers and workshops that we all so enjoy. So with that being said, please consider volunteering when the next occasion arises. My final thought is this. This guild is everyone's guild. We need each and every person to make it succeed. Terry Powers 2 HALL COUNTY QUILT GUILD APRIL 7, 2014 MINUTES Terry Powers called the meeting to order at 10. She made an announcement that all business would cease while we have a speaker or during the business meeting to show respect to all. Business for committees should be done before the meeting, during break or after the meeting. After the break, Terry announced the new suggestion box- please include your name on all ideas/suggestions. Frances Brooks spoke about the lost sock quilt- patterns are $5.00 and were being order today, she will have them at Project Day for the first exchange to be the May meeting. Terry Bear is collecting scraps of thread, cotton batting and fabric for humane center. Donna Proctor will now be doing the monthly fabric swap. Carol Johnson is our new Sunshine Chairperson. The new 2015 Programs Committee will be: Terry Powers, Betty Wright and Laura Nagy. Ginny Hendrix announced she is going to Equator again this summer to teach a cottage industry to sew. She is accepting donations to buy 6 sewing machines while there. These will cost between $200.00 and $300.00 each. See Ginny for details. Secretary’s report : Sherry Kaas made the motion the minutes be accepted as in the newsletter, Carol Johnson seconded. Motion was carried. Treasurer’s report: stands as printed. Committee Reports: Raffle Quilt- Jean Edwards thanked everyone who helped at the Expo, we raised $590.00. Hospitality- Lisa Reichenberg thanked Marilyn Johnson and her team for this month’s refreshments. Membership- Peggy Johnson reported we had 56 people in attendance—44 members, 8 new members and 4 guests. Community Service- Marilyn Johnson said we are still working on the lap cozies. Betty Wright announced that NEGA Quilts for Kids was recently written in the Flowery Branch newspaper. On May 1st there will be a special presentation at 1st Baptist of Gainesville. A luncheon is being given on May 6th. Details to follow in an email. Eagle Ranch Quilts- Ida Schwind announced we have kits for people to work on for Eagle Ranch. Betty Heathman had the pins for helping with an Eagle Ranch quilt for 2013. Project Day- Carol Johnson sent out a sign up sheet. Project day is the 3rd Monday of the month at the same location as our meetings. You can work on nametags or quilt projects. This month Terry Powers will be instructing ‘Fun and Done’, a string quilt project Pat Childs. 3 2014 Hall County Quilt Guild Challenge The quilt challenge, should you decide to accept the mission, is to create a quilt: (1) using at least THREE (3) DIFFERENT TYPES OF FABRIC— examples: cotton, velvet, silk, etc. (2) using at least THREE (3) DIFFERENT SEWING MACHINE STITCHES The quilt must have three layers: the quilt top, batting and backing. There is NO SIZE and NO SHAPE requirement! Be creative! The shape can be anything—circle, triangle, plant, animal, diamond and any size you want. You decide. Complete the entry form below and bring it and your quilt to the DECEMBER guild meeting to be voted on by guild members in attendance. If you can’t attend the December meeting and want to enter the challenge competition, please send your quilt AND the entry form by a friend to the guild meeting. CHALLENGE ENTRY FORM Name:_______________________________________________________ Name of your entry if there is one:_________________________________ List the fabrics that you used:_____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ List the names of the sewing machine stitches used:___________________ ____________________________________________________________ What sewing machine did you use?________________________________ MAY PROGRAMS Remember that in June we will have our annual picnic at Eagle Ranch. This is always a fun time. In July Mary Pierson from Original Creations will be presenting a program on the history of red work and the following day will give us a workshop called "Stash Busters" on how to use up our stash. (Something we all need to do) Next month we will have samples of her work and an opportunity to sign up for the workshop.. Mary Colley Georgia Celebrates Quilts® June 11-13, 2015 presented by the East Cobb Quilters' Guild, Inc. SAVE THE DATE! Georgia Celebrates Quilts®- 2015 Thursday, Friday and Saturday June 11-13, 2015 10am to 6pm daily at the Cobb County Civic Center 548 South Marietta Parkway Marietta, Georgia (metro Atlanta) More than 350 judged quilts, vendors, raffles, and enough inspiration to keep you stitching for years to come. We've already started planning for the largest judged and juried quilt show in Georgia. New for this show -- opening on Thursday! Make plans now with quilting friends and family. MEMBERSHIP There were 56 people in attendance for the April 7th meeting. We had 8 new members sign up and 4 guests. We welcome Verlin Murphy, Debbie Whitley, Ruth Reilly, Sharron Evenson, Debbie Simmons, Debbie Atcheson, Chris Marty and Pat Kozak to our membership. Quilt Raffle Report for May, 2014 Forty-four members’ packets of 30 tickets to sell were distributed at the March meeting. They will be available at future meetings for those who have not yet picked them up or you may contact Mary Lowrey if you are unable to attend a meeting. Please bring your ticket proceeds to any meeting to turn in. The first venue for the 2014 quilt raffle was at the Atlanta Sewing and Quilt Expo on March 13-15. $590 was raised in ticket sales and donations. Many HCQG brochures were given out and a lot of interest and excitement in the Guild was generated. Thanks to all the gals who so generously gave their time to work in the HCQG booth as well as for the Expo (your work with the Expo enabled us to have the booth for only the insurance fee – a $1095 value !!!!) Workers were: Betty Wright, Cari Mask, Charlotte Payne, Diana Carillo, Frances Brooks, Ida Schwind, Jane Kesler, Jean Edwards, Judy Marsh, Judy Purdy, Julie Monroe, Marilyn Johnson, Mary Lowrey, Nancy Klotz, Peggy Johnson, Roxan Brown, Terri Powers, and Trixie Comfort. Braselton’s Antique Festival on April 26-27 is the second sales venue of the year. We were approved for a charity booth (no cost). Sign-up sheets for workers were presented at the April 7 meeting. Respectfully submitted, Mary Lowrey and Jean Edwards 6 In-House “Yard Sale” Coming February 2015 We are planning an In-House “Yard Sale” at our February 2015 guild meeting. Start collecting, organizing and pricing your once loved quilting, sewing and handwork supplies for the sale. To sell the above named type items: 1.Be a guild member. 2.Reserve a table or tables in fellowship hall at $5.00 per table at any guild meeting prior to the February sale and guild meeting. Mary Ann Cox and Mary Colley will accept money for the table(s) you want to reserve and give you a receipt. 3.Bring plenty of small bills and change to buy items from others and to aid in your sale transactions. If you don’t want to sell items but have items you wish to part with, please donate them to the Guild Table. All proceeds from this table will be given to the guild treasury. Suggestion Box Just a reminder that there is a suggestion box for your thoughts and ideas. If there is something you see that can be done better, let us know. If there is a problem, let us know. Also, if there is a speaker or workshop you know would be fun and interesting, let us know. You get the picture, Let us know! I do ask one thing, this is a SUGGESTION Box not a COMPLAINT Box. With that being said, I do want to hear complaints but only in person not behind the scenes. Thanks so much for your input! Terry Powers 7 FAT QUARTER SWAP Monthly Fat quarter swap requirements. Only Quilt shop fabric will be accepted. You must have the manufacturers name on the selvage. Joann's, Hobby Lobby and Hancock's will NOT be accepted. Your FQ (Fat Quarters) must be 18: by 22". Cut your 1 1/2 yards, all the same fabric, into 6 Fat Quarters, do not rip the fabric. Put in plastic zip lock bag and put your name on it. Return to guild to the FQ hostess for swapping. You will receive your swap back the following month The following colors (prints) are for the coming months. May- Burgundy June- No swap. spring luncheon July - Browns August- Asians These are PRINTS not solids or tone on tone. The prints should read that color of the month. Any questions: feel free to call or email me Joan Garland 8 You’ve Got Mail Copy and paste the link to watch Jenny Doan from Missouri Star Trixie TRAVELING BEE Traveling Bee On May 10th the Traveling Bee is going to Franklin, NC for the “Airing of the Quilts” festival. Take a look at the website to see all the activities that are taking place. Additionally, there are three quilt shops in the area that we can visit. We will meet at 7:30 am in the Publix shopping center on Hwy. 211 at I-985. We will be traveling on I-985 north and will be more make another meeting place further north if needed. This will be a full, fun day. I hope you can all come. Please let me know if you want to go so that we will wait for you at the meeting places and not leave anyone. Lydia Conner Thank you for our April donations for the Birthday Drawing. We have many May birthdays coming up. Be sure and stop by our tables to see the donations. Maybe you’ll be tempted to buy a few tickets. I know I will be. 9 LOST SOCKS BLOCK EXCHANGE We will be exchanging blocks in May through October. The Lost Socks quilt is 78” x 94” finished and does contain 60 socks. The patterns have been ordered and will be distributed at Project Day April 21. I also have a page of tips and information to go with the pattern. If you cannot be a Project Day please call me at to arrange to get your pattern at 770 963-9135 Each month we will exchange 4 large socks and 8 small socks. The basic colors for the socks are RED, GREEN, BLUE and GOLD. You may use stripes, checks and prints. DO NOT USE ANY HOLIDAY FABRICS (Christmas, Halloween, 4th of July). You do not need to wash the fabrics in advance. The background for all the socks is neutrals usually beige, cream or tan. Be careful not to get too dark a background. Check your stash for fabrics before you go buy. You will also need 10 yards of fusible web 17” wide (such as Heat n Bond Lite). You will need to cut out the center of each piece leaving just 1/4” edging to reduce the bulk. The block size will be 9 x 17 for the large socks and 9 x 9 for the small socks. Each quilter will trim her own blocks. Each month you will place your blocks in a Hefty Slider Bag with your name and phone number on it. If you would like to keep one of your blocks just put three of each sock in your bag for exchange and write 3 on the outside of your bag. Lost Socks is a great quilt and it can be on your bed by Christmas 2014. If you have any questions call Frances Brooks 770 963-9135. Happy Birthday M A Y Debbie Atcheson...................... 29th Janice Brooks...........................13th Eliza Cagle.................................. 8th Marilou Chastain....................... 7th Pat Childs................................. 11th Lydia Conner...............................4th Sharron Evenson........................7th Sherry Kaas................................14th Linda Otto…………………………16th Nancy Klotz................................23rd Judy Wagemann........................27th M A Y SEWING MACHINE REPAIR Wayne will arrive at Sewcial Studio on May 5th to begin a week of sewing machine repair and cleaning. If you'd like to get on the list, please call the store at 706-247-6143, or email, and leave your name, phone #, type of machine, and any problems with the machine that need to be fixed. We must have 25 machines signed up for cleaning or repair before Wayne can plan his trip. Drop off days are Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 2-4 during our business hours (Fri. & Sat. 10 - 4, Sun. noon – 4) Thank you! Anita Heady Owner, Sewcial Studio 11 EAGLE RANCH QUILTS Eagle Ranch News We are doing very well getting Eagle Ranch Quilts in. Received 10 completed quilts 4/07/14 at our meeting. We also received 8 quilts to cut linings for and get to the quilters. Our total number of quilts in storage is now 46. We would like to thank the people who turned in completed quilts today and the ladies who quilted them. First the ones who did the quilting, Joan Garland (5), Denise Ulrich (1), Betty Heathman (3), Lydia Conner (1). The tops were made by Myra Taylor (1), Sherry Kaas (2), Betty Wright (1), Laura Nagy (1), Mary Lowrey (1), Carol Johnson (2), Betty Heathman (2 Tops). Also, would like to remind everyone to put your name on the quilt and the finished size. If the size is on the quilts it will be easier on Sally when she cuts the back. Also, if you made your quilt from a kit please put the kit number on so we will know when the kits come back. If you want to use your own material for lining that's fine, but if you need us to cut the lining we will be glad to cut it. Ida Schwind Sally Zook Coming Up… The Cherokee Rose Quilting Guild and Thomaston - Upson County Recreation Department Invites you to: “The Presidential Pathways Quilt Show” Where: Civic Center, 101 Civic Center Dr., Thomaston, Ga. (off Highway 74) - 706-647-9691 When: June 13 &14, 2014 Time: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Open to the public. Admission: $5.00 All surrounding quilters are invited to participate. Prizes will be given for People’s Choice – Best of Show 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Door Prizes Vendors from surrounding area quilt shops will be present. Sharp Shop will be available to sharpen scissors, knives and yard tools at cost. Quilt will be given away. Boutique of handmade items will be $1.00 Donation available. All proceeds going to guild. For more information please contact Donna Griffin, phone 678-524-1318. Email: 13 New Exhibit Opened! On April 3, we opened our newest exhibit "Wall Art," featuring the work of Fiber Artist Marilyn Wall. Over 20 unique art quilts designed and created by Ms. Wall are displayed in the main exhibit room. Marilyn Wall is a fiber artist, teacher, and lover of nature who uses her previous experiences in photography and painting to create amazingly lifelike quilts. She is an International Award winner whose work has been juried into a variety of exhibits and quilt shows across the United States. Also new on display is an exhibit of art quilts from the museum's permanent collection featuring the flowers of Spring. This exhibit can be seen in the secondary exhibit room. An exciting new workshop is coming up in June. More information about the date and time will be sent out accordingly. The new exhibits will run Thursdays through Saturdays until June 30, 2014. Other news from the museum: 1. The museum's hours have changed. We will now be open on Thursdays and Fridays from noon until 5:00 pm. Saturdays' hours will remain the same from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm. 2. Applications for the summer exhibit, "The Girls We Left Behind Us: Women and Their Lives in Civil War Carroll County," are open until May 30. Contact the museum for more information and an application form. through Saturdays until June 30, 2014. 3. Student applications for the "Our Own Story" educational exhibit are open until May 23. Submissions are open to all students. If you or your students are interested, contact the museum for more information and a copy of the educational packet. Hall County Quilt Guild Trixie Comfort 97 Rochester Court Braselton, Ga. 30517 Remember To Bring: Name Tag Items for Show ‘N Tell $$ For the Birthday Table Burgundy fat quarter to swap Friendship to Share Newsletter article submission deadline for May is the 14th on Wednesday 15
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