Flying Geese Quilters Guild October 2013 A Note from Char Our quilt show was outstanding. I have heard that it was the very best ever; I agree. Thank you to all of the hard-working committee members, headed by Pam Hadfield and our wonderful volunteers and husbands. Without all of you we couldn't have done it. Now you can all relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. FGQG Goose Tracks FLYING GEESE QUILTERS GUILD Our September meeting had a delicious potluck supper. Our members really know how to provide a special meal. After dinner we had a wonderful program. Aren't we fortunate to have such a gifted lady in our area? Cathy Van Bruggen is so generous with her time and talent. I don't know if I could attempt one of her designs, but I would love to try. Start thinking about our Christmas program, your California History Challenge (due at the April guild meeting), and above all the 2014 Quilt Auction fundraiser. We never have a minute to rest in this very busy guild of ours. Each meeting we are getting four or five new members plus guests. It is great that our guild is growing. Keep spreading the word about us and our programs. Soon we will be asking for new officers and committee chairs. Please consider offering your time and talents. Char Raffetto President Coming Attractions September 9, 2013 – Cathy Van Bruggen For our September meeting, we welcomed Cathy Van Bruggen for an evening of inspiration and beauty from her trunk show. Cathy is an accomplished appliquér who has won national awards for her work. She is also a teacher of her art at several shows including Camp Watch-a-Patcher and also has seminars at her home. I’m sure everyone left that night with new ideas and/or patterns from Cathy. October 14, 2013 – Wendy Mathson Our October meeting brings us Wendy Mathson who is a talented piecer, author and teacher. She has a new twist on storm-at-sea patterns and will conduct a workshop on Sunday, October 13 at Orange Quilt Bee from 10-4. There are a couple openings available and you can phone me directly at (949) 285-3161 or via email at if you are interested in one of these slots. You’ll not be disappointed with the results of your own masterpiece. (continued on next page) Inside This Issue Email Address: Quilt Show Summary 3 Heritage House—Quilts Needed 8 October Birthdays 6 Show & Tell 9 October 2013 Flying Geese Quilters Guild Page 1 (continued from first page) November 11, 2013 – Kaari Meng of French General For our November meeting, come along on a visual journey of French-inspired living with Kaari Meng of French General. Through fabric, craft and home interiors, Kaari has developed a distinctive style based on her love of rural France and simple living, inspired by color and design. French General, the lifestyle business Kaari began 15 years ago. combines designs, quilting fabric and patterns, paper arts, jewelry kits and home decorating fabric, trim and wallpaper. You’ll enjoy a shopping experience next to none so come and enjoy a little French pleasure. December 9, 2013 – Handcrafted Stockings & Ornaments On to December, and yes, it is just around the corner I dare say. We will be participating in a creative, fun experience. In conjunction with Flying Geese Fabrics, who will be doing all advertising for us, we will be making handcrafted Christmas ornaments and stockings for a silent auction at our December meeting. You may deliver your items to the Flying Geese Fabric shop in Tustin between November 15 and December 2. You can also br ing items to the November 11 Guild meeting. Money ear ned through this auction will be donated to Families Forward, an Orange County foundation that assists families with emergency housing, a food pantry and many other programs for those less fortunate. Visitors will be admitted to our guild meeting that evening at no charge with the donation of a canned food item for Families Forward’s food pantry. (Members are encouraged to bring items too.) Families Forward Most Basic Needs: - Peanut Butter & Jam or Honey - 2lb Bag of Rice - Cereal - Canned Tomatoes - Spaghetti Sauce - Dried Pasta - Beans (Pinto, Refried, Black, Kidney) - Mac n' Cheese, Canned Raviolis - Hearty Canned Soups & Chowders - Canned Fruit (Preferably low sugar) - Canned Chili & Stew - Canned Vegetables (All kinds) - Canned Chicken & Tuna - Baby Food & Baby Formula Other Helpful Items: - Fruit Juice - Healthy Snacks - Condiments - Toiletries (toothpaste, soap, etc.) - Diapers (sizes 4, 5 & 6) - Paper Products - Cleaning supplies (laundry soap, dish soap, etc.) So, invite your friends to join you for an evening of fun and giggles and a little holiday shopping. Who couldn’t use another beautiful ornament on their Christmas tree or a gorgeous stocking for the mantel? Our programs are designed to please you, our members, inspire you and just entertain you and lift your spirits. You are what makes this Guild and your participation and support is what sustains us. Thank you to each and everyone of you. Kathy Irvine, 1st Vice President October 2013 Flying Geese Quilters Guild Page 2 WOW! Your quilts showed beautifully making our show seem like a mini Road to California at the wonderful campus of Soka University. I hope everyone had an opportunity to attend the 16 th biannual Flying Geese Quilt Show. It was a fabulous showing of talent, art, whimsical, and traditional quilts, and everything in between. Thank you for sharing your quilts with us. We wouldn’t have had a show without them. As you entered the Show you immediately saw a very eye-catching exhibit by our Featured Quilter, JoAnne Florence and her most spectacular collection of 16 large and beautifully appliqued and hand-quilted quilts she has made, along with the beautiful Opportunity Quilt she coordinated for our guild this year. We also had another spectacular exhibit of a selection of contemporary art quilts from The Del Thomas Collection. Thanks for sharing with us, Del. Sandy Sutton is another guild member with an incredible collection of antique quilts that she so generously shares with us for our quilt shows. I want to thank our fabulous Quilt Show Team who planned and organized for the last year to bring you a variety of vendors to shop, a fun auction with Lyn Mann, and a wonderful boutique to begin your holiday shopping, and great baskets to win. We had a couple of lucky winners with Fay Kerneen winning both the baby boy and baby girl baskets and Marquita Pierce winning two baskets as well. The winning ticket for our Opportunity Quilt will be drawn at our October guild meeting. Don’t miss the exciting moment. Many THANKS again to a wonderful, dedicated, and fabulous guilt show team. Without your quilts and our quilt show team and all of our volunteers who worked tirelessly all weekend, we would not have had this most spectacular show. So keep making those quilts, we will need them for the 2015 show. Pam Hadfield, Quilt Show Chair Quilt Show Hospitality A HUGE thank you goes out to you all that brought the wonderful treats that our vendors and members enjoyed at our quilt show in the hospitality room. Thank you to Mary Jo McQueen, Jean Frisone and my hubby, David, for their help getting the room set up and keeping our vendors happy with drinks and candy snacks during the show time. Another big thank you to Peggy Sue Phillips for the Saturday run for water! The winner of the thank-you OTT light will be announced at the October guild meeting. Julia Renaud, Q.S. Hospitality Chair October 2013 Flying Geese Quilters Guild Page 3 ABSOLUTELY YOUR LAST CHANCE !! Yes, your last chance to turn in your Opportunity Quilt ticket stubs and money will be the October Guild meeting. The drawing will take place early in the evening so don’t wait and miss your chance to win this beautiful quilt! Many thanks to all Guild members for selling and buying the Opportunity Quilt tickets. The Guild knows there are many demands on your time and money and appreciates the efforts of all members who bought and sold tickets. A special thanks goes to those members who either took the quilt to various venues or helped the Tickets Chair at a variety of places. A huge thank you from the Guild is extended to Vicki Johns, Linda Smith, June Van den Noort, Mary Lu Booker, Yvonne Webb, Darla Cox, Janet Friedrich, Cindy Gonzalez, Joanne Florence, and Sonya Sandrachild. Mary Mulcahey, who is not a Flying Geese member, took the quilt to four different guilds and Marian Mapes took over for the ticket chair at the Quilt Show. Let’s see who will win the beautiful quilt! Elaine Pappas-Puckett, Opportunity Tickets Chair Where’s Wanda Wanda loves a good trick and she is out to scare you this month. Take the haunted tour of our website and you might win a Treat at the October meeting. For the directions for this month's Trick or Treat Tour, go to, click on the "Where is Wanda" icon and follow the directions. Good luck. Winners must be present at the October meeting and during the drawing at the end of the meeting. If you don't have a computer or are not computer savvy, this is a great opportunity to visit a computer lab at the library or senior center, or spend some quality time with a husband, child, or grandchild who can help you out. "I don't have a computer" or "I didn't read the newsletter article" are excuses, but won't work. The October prize will scare the stitches out of you. Gale Slagle, Website Design October 2013 Flying Geese Quilters Guild Page 4 Philanthropy August Philanthropy deliveries included: 40 kids pillowcases to CHOC delivered by Sharon Ludwig 26 adult pillowcases to the OC Family Justice Center delivered by Julia Renaud 25 adult pillowcases to the Therapeutic Residential Center delivered by Julia Renaud 52 placemats to the OC Senior Center delivered by Sandy & Tom Ingraham 3 wheelchair quilts to the OC Senior Center delivered by Sandy & Tom Ingraham A total of 41 comfort quilts were collected for the Oklahoma tornado victims. The quilts are being mailed and distributed to the military families at Tinker Air Force Base in Moore, Oklahoma. Thank you for your generous contributions. Please remember to stop by the Philanthropy table at our next guild meeting. We have kits for quilts, pillowcases, and placemats. Any help in assembling these projects is greatly appreciated. Sandy Ingraham, Vicki Johns, Pat Chambers, Michelle Howe, Joann Knowles, Jo Whitley, Kathy Irvine, Julia Renaud, Sharon Ludwig, Mary Howland — Philanthropy Committee Secret Pals I have been involved in quilt guilds for many years. One of my favorite opportunities has always been Secret Pals. Last week I learned of the passing of the first person who ever had gifted to me as a Secret Pal. I cried out as I read the email, and my husband looked up in concern and I explained to him who she was and I was pleased that of course he knew exactly whom I was describing to him. Her gifts were frequently trinkets from her travels and so when we had the unveiling this woman and I bonded further as we both enjoyed traveling. She was very dynamic and I would have completely missed out on becoming her friend had it not been for the original Secret Pal relationship. I know that when I have gifted I was always influenced by my first experience. Humanity practiced and enjoyed through the choice to participate in our shared hobby of quilting. I strongly encourage everyone to get involved further in this guild as you will make new friends and learn much more than quilting. Bridget Paley Bridget Paley & Cindy Fort, Secret Pal Co-Chairs Mini-Workshops We have one Mini-Workshop left with a few spots open for sign ups: Saturday November 2nd at Flying Geese Fabrics from 1:30-4:30pm. "Hexagons" with Julia Renaud is a bargain at only $15! I will have the supply list at the October Guild meeting. The pattern will be available at Flying Geese Fabrics along with the Paper Pieces for English paper piecing. So stop by the Workshop table at guild to sign up and pick up the supply list. Sandy Ingraham—Mini-Workshops October 2013 Flying Geese Quilters Guild Page 5 October Birthdays Treasurer’s Report Bank Balance 8/01/2013 Checking Account All CDs Total Assets $31,714.28 $50,789.10 $82,503.38 Income Monthly Creation Member Dues Guest Fees Newsletter Ads Beginning Cash Refund Quilt Show Opportunity Quilt Little Red Hen Workshop Income Guild Challenge Income UFO Challenge Income Total Income $33.00 $165.00 $40.00 $140.00 $100.00 $1,210.00 $2,795.00 $7.00 $185.00 $30.00 $10.00 $4,715.00 Outgo Hospitality Program Facility Raffle Registration Beginning Cash Fund Speaker Programs Workshops Speaker Travel and Meals Quilt Show Guild Challenge Total Outgo $8.27 $495.00 $20.00 $100.00 $400.00 $565.00 $968.65 $1,688.28 $96.85 $4,342.05 Bank Balance 8/31/2013 Checking Account All CDs Total Assets $33,283.82 $50,789.10 $84,072.92 Cynthia H O'Donohue 3 Sally Lynda Jann Hibben Everman Gumbiner 3 4 4 Shelby Trudy Carolin H Dianne Linda Debbie Sally Sandra Sonya Janet Janet Louise Maxine Helen Peggy Alexandra Denise Karen Mardell Pamela Jeanne Leslie Emma Monica Lisa Hicks Cleveland Caverly Gosin Brake Vaupel Hopkins Harper Sandrachild Czernek Friedrich Tarshis Charleston Cawthon Phillips Martin Nelms Qualls Price Schoenbachler Krinsky Burgess Brewer Hamburger Dallman Ellen Reibling, Membership Kaija Banks, Treasurer October 2013 6 7 8 10 11 13 16 17 17 18 19 20 20 21 21 23 23 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 31 Flying Geese Quilters Guild Page 6 Membership Cheryl Herbstman, Grace Lombardo, and Susan Manson joined at the September meeting. In addition to two renewals, our total membership is 269! Ellen Reibling, Membership Monthly Creation September’s Monthly Creation was a practical sewing machine cover with the motto, “Keep Calm And Keep Quilting”. The feedback from the participants was positive, and it seemed to evoke a few chuckles concerning the fabric choice! The lucky winner was Cheryl Higley who exclaimed how good it would look on her machine! Next month, October, we have a special holiday theme creation with quilted pumpkins! Chris Schlager has created adorable fabric pumpkins just in time for the fall season. Stop by the Monthly Creations table and check it out! Trudy Cleveland, Monthly Creations October 2013 Flying Geese Quilters Guild Page 7 Display Your Quilt in Heritage Hill Park On October 19th there will be an Autumn Harvest Festival from 4 to 9 pm that includes family festivities at Heritage Hill Park. One of the activities is a guided tour through an Adobe home from 1863 and a Ranch House from 1908. We have been invited again this year to display our autumn-themed quilts in these buildings for the tours. If you have an autumn-themed quilt that you would like to share, please bring it to me at the October meeting. I will return your quilt to you at the November meeting. Heritage Hill Park is located in Lake Forest and celebrates the early history of the Saddleback Valley and El Toro area from the Mexican Rancho era. I look forward to sharing your quilts at the autumn festival. Julia Renaud, Community Education Chairlady Sunshine & Shadows It is with sadness we mention the passing of Linda Smith’s mother on September 1 st. Her mother was 101 at the time of her death. I am sure she would have been a wonderful person to chat with many good stories to share. Our thoughts and prayers are with Linda at this time. If you are aware of sunshine & shadows concerning members of the guild, please let Mary Lu Booker and myself know so the guild can take the appropriate action. Kay Quella, Sunshine & Shadows Chair Each year, Yoplait puts pink lids on their yogurt and yogurt-related products. I collect them and send them in. Susan G. Komen for the Cure will receive 10 cents for each lid collected and sent. The lids must be PINK and must be purchased in 2013. Denise Nelms will collect them in October and Cecilia Hosford will do it November and December. Thank you all for your consideration. I appreciate your willingness to help. Barbara Purks Citrus Belt Quilt Guild Classes For a limited time Citrus Belt Quilt Guild in Redlands is opening its monthly classes to other guilds at a discounted rate. You can take an all day class for the special price of $30, which is normally only available to CBQ members. The classes are the last Thursday of the month and run from 9:00am to 3:00pm. We get top notch teachers such as Peggy Marftin, Betty Alofs, Wendy Mathson, Laurel Anderson and Bobbi Finley just to name a few. To take advantage of this limited time offer go to for upcoming teachers and then contact Ann Astran at 951-707-9028 or Susan Astran at 909-754-1657 to reserve your spot today. Cindy Chrisler, SCCGQ Representative Citrus Belt Quilters October 2013 Flying Geese Quilters Guild Page 8 Show and Tell We had another awesome Show and Tell this month. Thank you to all that participated. —-Sallie Jones showed her Trucks for Lucas. It is for her great grandson whose one grandpa was a trucker. —-Sandy Sutton shared her quilt from the Sandy Klop workshop last month. —-Chubby Chicks was shared by Sandy Ingraham. Her youngest niece finally had her first baby! So she got to make this adorable pattern for her baby. [Photos not available] Eileen Wintemute shared her Miami Blues wall hanging. It is a cityscape based on a photo of Miami. She took the photo from a cruise ship. Diane Searer finished her Block of the Month UFO from 2009! She was searching for another set of blocks in her storage bins and found a set of 2009 BOM blocks she had won. Never did find what she was originally looking for, but had fun putting this one together! Linda Martin showed her Music Quilt, made from the Freddie Moran class. Instead of flowers she used a music theme. Her friend’s granddaughter is marrying a musician and it’s for them. Joyce Tachner shared her two Table Runners. One was made from extra blocks from a quilt. She gave it to her niece for a wedding present. The other is a new pattern from Eleanor Burns block of the month in San Marcos. (Pinwheels) Trudy Cleveland shared her Baby Blue Whale. It is for her second grandchild this year and it’s a boy! She picked this fabric out as the best nursery fabric. Her daughter said she wants “Surfing Monkey”. Sandy Montooth shared her darling Knitting Bag. It is a gift for her daughter. It has lots of buttons and button holes (a gazillion of them). It also has lots of pockets and little places for storing lots of stuff! Victoria Crayne shared her Seurat Squared. She loves Seurat’s Sunday in the Park. She wanted to do it partially geometric. Beautiful! Ursula Hartunian showed her Paris (Duffle) Bag. She is making two of them; one for each daughter. Lynda Guthrie shared Royal Crown. It is for her son who likes dragons and Crown Royal Whiskey. The dragons are from Fat Cat Patterns and they are made from Crown Royal Whiskey bags. She also shared Roy’s Quilt. She made and helped make several quilts for Camp Pendleton. She decided her brother-in-law, who served in Viet Nam, deserved one too. October 2013 Flying Geese Quilters Guild Barbara Kerns shared her Quilt of Valor. It was her A Team Friendship Group project. It will be donated to Quilts of Valor. Page 9 October 2013 Flying Geese Quilters Guild Page 10 Remember - Support Those Who Support Us Please try to shop or do business with the Guild's advertisers. When you do, let them know you are a Flying Geese Guild member so that they know their advertising dollars were well spent. October 2013 Flying Geese Quilters Guild Page 11 2013 Flying Geese Quilters Guild Board Char Raffetto, President Glenda McNeil, 2nd V.P. Kathy Irvine, 1st V.P. Mary Lu Booker, Secretary Kaija Banks, Treasurer Standing Committees Marian Alter Kathy Keefer Position Name Librarian Marian Alter Membership Ellen Reibling, Kathy Keefer Newsletter Fay Kerneen - Editor Ellen Reibling Fay Kerneen Lara Wong Cynthia O’Donohue—Proof Peggy Carlsen Michelle Howe Parliamentarian Lara Wong—Photographer Peggy Carlsen Philanthropy Michelle Howe Community Education Julia Renaud Julia Renaud Special Committees Position Name Advertising Eileen Wintemute Birthday Fat Quarters Block of Month Jean Frisone Challenge Nancy Chocek Directory Lorna Cordrey Door Prizes Position Monthly Creation Name Trudy Cleveland New Members Marcia Brechtel Opportunity Quilt Joanne Florence Quilt Show Chair Pam Hadfield Retreats Pat Chambers Louise Tarshis, Pat Walker SCCQG Rep Mary Lu Booker, Kay Quella Facilities Mike Qualls Secret Pals Bridget Paley,Cindy Fort Friendship Groups Marcia Brechtel Show & Tell Denise Nelms Historian Lorna Cordrey Sunshine & Shadows Kay Quella Hospitality Jennifer Jones UFO Challenge Marjorie Benet Little Red Hen Fay Kerneen Website Gale Slagle Magazine Sales Linda Nitzen Web Mailing Michelle Howe Mini Workshops Sandy Ingraham October 2013 Bridget Paley, Cindy Fort Flying Geese Quilters Guild Page 12 Meeting Reminder Monday Wear your Name Tag Introduce yourself to someone new Bring goodies to share Return Library books Carpool with a buddy Bring Show & Tell projects to share Plan to sign up for a Workshop October 14, 2013 6:00 PM Social 6:30 PM Business Meeting Rancho San Joaquin Middle School 4861 Michelson Drive Irvine, CA 92612 Future Quilty Happenings 10/5/13—Old Town Temecula Outdoor Quilt Show, 10am-4pm 10/26—10/27 Quilters by the Sea “Quiltin’ under the Stars” quilt show, National Guard Armory, 2200 Redondo Ave., Long Beach 11/8—11/9 Fallbrook Quilt Guild presents “Quilted Treasures” at SonRise Christian Fellowship, 463 S. Stage Coach Lane, Fallbrook, CA 12/7/13 - 20th Annual Wrightwood Holiday Home Tour and Boutique sponsored by Pine Needles Quilt Guild, P.O.Box 2800, Wrightwood CA 92397 11/1—11/2 Under the Desert Stars “Bridge of Friendship X Quilt Show 2013”, Community/Aquatic Center, 100 Park Ave., Lake Havasu City, AZ Flying Geese Quilters Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the art of quilting. Goose Tracks is a monthly publication of the Flying Geese Quilters Guild. Deadline for newsletter submission is Friday after the second Monday of each month. Articles in the newsletter may be reprinted if proper credit is given. Copyrighted artwork may not be reprinted without the permission of the artist. Website: http:// The Graphics used in this newsletter have been purchased from: PCcrafter,,,,,,, D.J. Inkers,, God’s Little Devotional Book for Teachers by Honor Books, Tulsa, OK. October 2013 Flying Geese Quilters Guild Page 13
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