Baltimore County Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated Chapter Meeting Minutes Saturday, March 21, 2015 Randallstown Community Center I. Formal Opening A. The chapter meeting began at 10:05 AM by Soror President Jerilynn Reid: A quorum was present at 10:45 AM. II. Adoption of the Agenda A. The following corrections were made to the chapter meeting agenda: Ritual and Ceremonies will give a report/make a presentation at the chapter meeting after Program Planning and Development; a report will be presented by Information and Technology after Fundraising Committee, For the Good of the Chapter presented after the Raffle presentation, and change the year for the upcoming chapter meeting minutes from 2014 to 2015. B. A motion to adopt the agenda with corrections made by Soror XX with appropriate second. There was no discussion. The motion passed. III. Approval of Minutes A. The January 2015 meeting minutes were reviewed by chapter members with the following corrections: page 1IV.A. the chapter of initiation for Soror Yvette Bean is Omicron Iota and the chapter of initiation for Soror Janelle Cephas Parham is Alpha. B. A motion to approve the meeting agenda and minutes as presented and corrected was made by Soror XXX with appropriate second. There was no discussion. The motion passed. IV. Correspondence – Soror Angelette Bazemore, corresponding secretary A. Correspondence was read from the following: President Barack Obama has appointed 14th Past National President Soror Frankie Muse Freeman, Esquire as a member on the Commission on Presidential Scholars who will be 99 years young on her next birthday; thank you message from Soror Wendy Rose in the recovery from her surgical procedure; thank you message from Soror Carol Rogers in the recovery from her surgical procedure; thank you card from Soror Jewel Jackson in the loss of her grandmother and uncle; an open forum is scheduled for Monday, March 30, 2015 from 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM at the Randallstown Community Center located at 8604 Liberty Road Randallstown, Maryland 21133 please RSVP by Monday, March 23, 2015. V. Officers’ Reports A. President - Soror President Jerilynn Reid 1. It is wonderful to see everyone since missing the February 2015 chapter meeting due to weather. 2. Please continue to pray for Sorors that have lost loved ones. 3. Please continue to pray for Sorors healing from surgical procedures. 4. There were lots of social actions that occurred over the month of March including Delta Days in the Nation’s Capitol, Delta Days at the United Nations, and Delta Days in Annapolis. 1 5. Soror Kathy Boykin gave an excellent speech about human trafficking at Delta Days at the United Nations. 6. Soror President shared a fun song in honor of Sisterhood Month. B. Financial Officers 1. Financial Secretary – Soror Renee Jenkins a. Soror Renee Jenkins presented the chapter financial report. b. There are currently 212 financial Sorors in the chapter for 2014 – 2015 sorority year. c. Collection for 2015 – 2016 Sorority dues will occur at today’s chapter meeting. The financial secretary is leaving the meeting early today, so please be sure to have your transactions completed in a timely fashion. 2. Treasurer – Soror Felecia Wilson a. Soror Felecia presented the chapter budget and finances. b. There were no questions regarding the chapter budget. VI. Committee Reports A. Economic Development – Soror DeLois Jeffers on behalf of Sorors Edie Jenkins and Brenda Lane Oliver, co-chairpersons 1. Thank you to all Sorors that attended the financial workshop as it was a wonderful success. 2. The next committee workshop is scheduled for Saturday, April 11, 2015 at the Randallstown Community Center (this location will need to be changed as there is a tournament at the Randallstown Community Center) titled “Never Too Early to Start Wealth and Estate Planning” with Shuron Morton as guest speaker. B. Fundraising, Beautillion-Cotillion – Soror Linda Miller, co-chairperson 1. The Beautillion-Cotillion total income was 40,437.32, expenses $37,937.99, and total profit of $2,499.33. 2. The committee also raised $2,500 from the Afternoon Tea tickets and $1,470 from the Mano Schwartz fur raffle. 3. The committee is currently meeting and discussing a new venue and new vendors for the 2015 Beautillion-Cotillion. 4. The next committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at the Winfield PAL Center at 6:30 PM. C. Fundraising, Crab Feast – Soror Monique Cephas, chairperson 1. The last committee meeting was a conference call on Monday, March 9, 2015. 2. The committee is suggesting a big screen TV and destination trip as the big ticket items. 3. The Crab Feast ticket kick off will begin at the April 2015 chapter meeting: Please send save the date reminders to your guests that the Crab Feast is scheduled for Friday, August 14, 2015 at Martin’s West. 4. The committee has the following recommendations: increase the Crab Feast ticket prices from $70 to $75, increase the big ticket item ticket price to $10 each with three (3) tickets for $25, increase the vendor fee from $150 to $175, and have a photo booth or photographs at the Crab Feast. 5. There were questions regarding bringing back the silent auction, finding a donor for the big ticket items, and increased costs at Martin’s West, 6. Motion made by Soror Monique Cephas to increase the cost of the big ticket item tickets to $10 with three (3) tickets for $25. There was no second needed as the motion came out of committee. There was some discussion. The motion passed. 2 D. E. F. G. 7. Motion made by Soror Monique Cephas to increase the cost of Crab Feast tickets to $75. There was no second needed as the motion came out of committee. There were 45 votes in favor of the motion and 17 votes against the motion. The motion passed. 8. Motion made by Soror Monique Cephas to increase the vendor fee from $150 to $175. There was no second needed as the motion came out of committee. There was some discussion. The motion passed. 9. Please consider joining the Crab Feast Committee as assistance and support is needed. 10. The next committee meeting is a conference call scheduled for Monday, March 30, 2015 at 7:30 PM. Fundraising – Soror Stacey Mitchell Brown, chairperson 1. The Day Party is scheduled for Saturday, May 2, 2015 from 12 noon – 4 PM at Diamondz Unlimited: The cost $25 per ticket. Tickets are available for purchase today. 2. Sorors are asked to sell four (4) tickets and Sorors will be provided with assigned tables for their tickets. 3. There will be eight (8) person table tops and the chapter will also provide some desserts, non-alcoholic beverages, and Liquid Therapy by Soror Sonja Johnson Brooks: This is a bring your own everything event. 4. The Day Party is scheduled for the same weekend as one of the other Baltimore Delta chapters. Information and Technology – Soror Cheryl Berthau, chairperson A. Sorors need to be sure that Delta information/business is transmitted through personal e-mail addresses as lawyers and businesses/companies have access to Delta business. By mandate from National Headquarters, all Sorors need to have a personal e-mail address for Delta business by the end of the current sorority year. B. Sorors needing assistance in creating a new personal e-mail address can contact Soror Cheryl Berthau. C. Motion made by Soror Cheryl Berthau that Sorors need to have a personal e-mail address submitted to the chapter directory chairperson by Wednesday, April 15, 2015. There was no second needed as the motion came out of committee. There was some discussion. The motion passed. D. The Delta internet guide is available on the public portion of the national website. E. The computer class will resume on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 and will end on Tuesday, June 23, 2015 teaching computer basics and introduction to the internet. Membership Services, Introduction of Visiting Sorors – Soror Sonja Johnson Brooks 1. Reclaimed and/or visiting Sorors in attendance at the chapter meeting were as follows: Sorors Damita Atwell (Alpha Gamma Chapter) and Alvenita XX (Alpha Gamma Chapter). 2. The chapter sang the chapter “Welcome Song” to the visiting Sorors Membership Services, Reclamation/Sisterly Yours – Soror Sonja Johnson Brooks, co-chairperson 1. Sorors are asked to wear purple on Tuesday, March 24, 2015 in honor of Past National President Doctor Dorothy Irene Height. Please send pictures to Soror Shanae Fant wearing your purple. 2. Sorors are asked to wear crimson and cream on Tuesday, March 31, 2015. Please send pictures to Soror Shanae Fant wearing your crimson and cream. 3 H. I. J. K. L. 3. The chapter cook out is scheduled for Sunday, May 31, 2015 from 1 PM – 5 PM at Northwest Regional Park. 4. Sorors from the chapter shared if they planned to attend church with Soror President Jerilynn Reid or the Omega Omega Service of Delta Founder Pauline Oberdorfer Minor in Pennsylvania both scheduled for Saturday, March 28, 2015. Information regarding both activities will be sent to the chapter via e-mail in the near future. Political Awareness and Involvement – Soror Danyell Smith and Kathy Boykin, cochairpersons 1. The committee has participated in many activities recently including Delta Days in the Nation’s Capitol, Delta Days at the United Nations, and Delta Days in Annapolis. 2. The committee will have an Open Forum/Town Hall Meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 9, 2015 from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM at the Randallstown Community Center. Please contact Soror Smith with names of an educator and religious figure that can participate in the panel discussion. Program Planning and Development (PP and D) – Soror JoVonne Day-Miles, chairperson 1. Per the mandate of the Eastern Regional Executive Committee, chapters are required to have budgets and calendars approved and submitted to PP and D by Tuesday, June 30, 2015 for the 2015-2016 sorority year. 2. There was a PP and D conference call on Thursday, March 12, 2015 with chapter committee members to discussion information and materials to be submitted for the 2015-2016 sorority year. 3. PP and D is planning a meeting on Sunday, March 29, 2015 from 3 PM – 6 PM at the Winfield PAL Center: Please be sure to have a representative from your committee present. 4. The updated Program Planning Tool for 2015-2016 will be forwarded to chapter committee chairpersons in the near future. 5. A tentative PP and D schedule for the remainder of the sorority year was presented at the chapter meeting. 6. The next committee meeting is scheduled for Sunday, March 29, 2015 at 3 PM at the Winfield PAL Center. Ritual and Ceremonies – Soror Darlean Williams, chairperson 1. Presentation made by the committee sharing information about the appropriate and inappropriate use of Delta insignia e.g. body tattoos are inappropriate. Scholarship – Soror Keitha Robinson, chairperson 1. Information was submitted from the L.E.A.D. Scholar who fell behind in GPA secondary to the death of his grandmother which was a hardship to the family: The student submitted information of the improved GPA and has been reinstated as a L.E.A.D. Scholar with monies disbursed. 2. The committee recently met and discussed starting another scholarship for students that will potentially attend a community college with an application, letter of acceptance, and letter of recommendation needed. 3. The committee also discussed creating a scholarship for non-traditional students. Scholarship, Donations – Soror Tracy Watkins Tribbitt, chairperson 1. Nine (9) donation requests were presented at the chapter meeting from the following: Montgomery County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated sponsorship for 45th chapter anniversary celebration; Coppin State University Golf Classic; Alzheimer’s Association Greater Maryland Chapter; Fort 4 Washington Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated 25 th chapter anniversary celebration; Potomac Valley Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated 30th chapter anniversary celebration; Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated 11 th annual prayer breakfast; Anna’s House Transitional Housing for Homeless Women and Children 23rd annual breakfast; Saint Jude’s Children’s Hospital; and NAACP Chairman’s Circle Supporter Card. 2. There was some discussion regarding the recommendations of the Donations Committee including the chapter’s service area for donations specifically to local historically Black colleges and universities as well as the distribution of funds. 3. Motion made by Soror Tracy Watkins-Tribbitt to support the Montgomery County Alumnae Chapter Jazzmatazz in the amount of $45 for an ad. There was no second needed as the motion came out of committee. There was no discussion. The motion passed. 4. Motion made by Soror Tracy Watkins-Tribbitt to support the Fort Washington Alumnae Chapter in the amount of $75 for a half page ad. There was no second needed as the motion came out of committee. There was no discussion. The motion passed. 5. Motion made by Soror Tracy Watkins-Tribbitt to support the Potomac Valley Alumnae Chapter in the amount of $50 for a half page ad. There was no second needed as the motion came out of committee. There was no discussion. The motion passed. 6. Motion made by Soror Tracy Watkins-Tribbitt to reconsider the donation request from Coppin State University. There was no second needed at the motion came out of committee. There was some discussion. The motion passed. M. Special Committees, Project ACE – Soror Donnell Phillips, chairperson 1. Outreach is being made with collegiate Sorors in the local area. They were supposed to attend the February 2015 chapter meeting, but due to the cancellation of that meeting and scheduling conflicts collegiate members were unable to attend the March 2015 chapter meeting. 2. The Eastern Region Collegiate Retreat is scheduled for April 10 – 12, 2015 at the Baltimore Hilton. The Collegiate Luncheon is scheduled for Saturday, April 11, 2015 and the committee is recommending that the chapter support the event at the Kitten Heel level of $250. 3. There is an Elephant Gift Exchange available at the chapter meeting: Sorors that have donated an item may pick up an item. This activity will be repeated at the April 2015 chapter meeting for any Sorors that forgot their items today. 4. Sorors from the Alpha Gamma Chapter are requesting a donation from the chapter to assist with attending the National Convention in Houston, Texas. We will “pass the hat” at today’s meeting for donations. N. Special Committees, EMBODI – Soror LaTasha Peele, chairperson 1. Soror Peele discussed recent workshops of the committee including the following: Introduction to STEM (February 19, 2015), Goal Setting (February 25, 2015), Etiquette Workshop (March 10, 2015), and Career Day at Old Court Middle School (March 19, 2015). 2. Upcoming activities for the committee include the following: Public Speaking Workshop (April 1, 2015), and Man Up! Symposium (April 25, 2015) at the Community College of Baltimore County with guest speaker Dr. Lamarr Darnell Shields. 5 VII. Unfinished Business A. Emergency Preparedness 1. Discussed that there will be future talks for people to know where to go and what to do during weather and state emergencies. 2. The committee will also provide information about items needed during emergency situations. VIII. New Business A. Presentation of Plaques for Delta Service 1. 50 years – Sorors Rita Whiting and E. Cathy Carr 2. 25 years – Sorors Wendy Hughes Faulkner, Gloria J. Mason, Carmen Farrior, Pamela Buise, and Diane Richardson. IX. For the Good of the Chapter A. Please attend the Delta Author Book Tour at Owing Mills Mall Lower Level on today, Saturday, March 21, 2015. B. Congrats to Soror Anna Lipscomb’s stepdaughter, Lauren Lipscomb, in her appointment to Division Chief of the Conviction Integrity Unit of the Baltimore State’s Attorney Office effective Monday, March 16, 2015. C. The Baltimore County Delta Foundation shared that they will host the 2 nd annual Walk/Fun Run in collaboration with the BCAC Physical and Mental Health Committee on Saturday, May 30, 2015 cost $30 with proceeds to fund women in the military. D. Soror Kimberly Johnson Redder shared that she will have a total hysterectomy scheduled for Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 8 AM and is asking for Sorors prayers. X. February and March birthdays were celebrated. XI. The chapter raffle was won by Sorors Phyllis King and Kim Brown. XII. The chapter meeting adjourned at 1:30 PM in due form. Respectfully Submitted, Tyler K. Smith, MD BCAC Recording Secretary 2014 - 2016 6
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