St. Louis Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Chapter Meeting Minutes St. Louis Gateway Classic Sports Foundation Saturday, February 7, 2015 Chapter President, Soror Mitchelle Price, called the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter meeting to order at 1:17 p.m. with the Formal Opening. A quorum was established for the transaction of business. Adoption of the Agenda Soror Mitchelle Price presented the agenda to the chapter for approval. It was moved by Soror Teresa Hargrow-Simmons that the agenda be accepted. The motion was seconded by Soror Joanna Schooler. A voice vote was taken and there were no objections to the motion. The motion passed. President’s Remarks – Soror Mitchelle Price Soror Price congratulated our Think Tank Competition Awardees and the Economic and Development Committee for sponsoring an awesome competition. First, second and third place winners were presented with a trophy and a check. Alpha Omega City Wide - Soror Christian Freeman Soror Christian Freeman, President of the Alpha Omega City Wide Chapter, presented a request of St. Louis Alumnae Chapter to partner with Alpha Omega City Wide Chapter to support their yearly Sickle Cell Initiative fundraiser. The fundraiser will be held on Saturday, March 7, 2015 at St. Louis University at 7:30 p.m. Soror Ruth Lewis moved that St. Louis Alumnae Chapter partner with Alpha Omega City Wide Chapter by passing the hat and advise if any additional money is available in our budget to be used to round up the donation. Soror Gloria Reno seconded the motion. Soror Carolyn Thomas advised monies are available in miscellaneous funds. A vote was taken and the results were: 115 for and 1 opposed. Motion passed. Soror Freeman also invited everyone to Alpha Omega City Wide Chapter Fun Night on Friday, April 10, 2015 at St. Louis University at 7:30 p.m. Soror Price thanked everyone for all they do and for all the service given. She expressed that she knows everyone’s life is very busy and she truly appreciates the service and support to our Sorority’s and our chapter’s many activities and programs. Regional News The Economic Development Committee’s Innovative Entrepreneur Workshop article and picture was featured in the January Central Regional Newsletter. On January 8, 2015, a conference call with the Regional Director and Chapter Presidents was held. Soror Coachman spoke about the VH1 Show “Sorority Sisters” and the boycotting of the program from Soror Paulette Walker. FYI …the sorors on the show have been expelled from the Sorority. There will be more Risk Management Training for the GEMS, Academy, and EMBODI programs. Chapters who want to sponsor college trips for their youth must be approved by the Regional Director and chapters must make sure that applications and background checks for sorors and volunteers are complete and cleared. Chapters with shared service areas will be asked to discuss how they will operate. A template from National Scholarship and Standards is being developed to assist with these discussions. National Convention Date: will be held Houston, Texas, July 23-30, 2015. Delta Day at the State Capitol will be held on Tuesday, March 17, 2015 in Jefferson City. The registration deadline is Saturday, March 7, 2015. The registration fee is $35 for Alumnae; $20 for Collegiate. Please save the date and plan to attend. Technology The Technology Committee is working on launching the chapter Facebook page. Any event flyers you would like on the Chapter Website should be sent to Soror Mollie Jones, Vivian Cockrell and the Technology team members. A special thank you was given to the Technology Committee for creating the lovely Founders Day E-card that was sent to sorors from the Executive Committee via email on Tuesday, January 13, 2015. February 7, 2015 Chapter Meeting Minutes 1 NPHC of STL NPHC presents an “Old Skool Groove” Party at the Kappa Kastle at 500 N. Vandeventer Ave., St. Louis, MO 63108 from 7:00pm – 1:00am on Friday, February 20, 2015. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Proceeds will go to the NPHC Scholarship Fund. A portion of all of the St. Louis Alumnae ticket sales will go toward the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter Pan-Hellenic Scholarship that will be given out at a reception in June. Currently, the SLA Scholarship total is approx. $300. Please support this event by purchasing a ticket from one of the chapter's Pan-Hell Reps: Soror Kim Banks or Soror Brandese Spiller. SLA will return all unsold tickets to the Pan-Hell no later than Wednesday, February 18, 2015, to avoid an assessment equal to the amount of the unsold tickets. SLA participation in the St. Louis Science Center’s Minority Scientist Event was featured in the PULSE February Newsletter of the NPHC of STL. Soror Brandese Spiller issued new NPHC Directories at the chapter meeting. Messages from our National President, Soror Paulette Walker There is a lot of information that is being sent to the Sorority’s membership individually via email by Soror Walker. Please take the opportunity to read this information that is being sent by National Headquarters. nd The Guidelines and Applications for step show teams for the 52 National Convention will be available beginning Friday, February 20, 2015. Please see the National Website for more information. To ensure accuracy and up-to-date information regarding each and every soror of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., the National Headquarters staff is enhancing the profile section in the Sisters Only Member Portal. As you Update Your Delta Data, you are confirming and/or providing information specific to your individual member profile. Numerous departments within the National Headquarters office such as Finance, Information Systems, Membership Services, and Event Registration will benefit from this update. The profile enhancements are not currently available on the website but an email will be sent next month requesting that you U.Y.D.D: Update Your Delta Data. Upon receipt of the request, please proceed with completing the brief updates. Please share this information with SORORS both financial and non-financial, the Sorority is asking that they ALL create and or update their profile. Any soror that has not created an account in the Sisters Only Member Portal must first send an email requesting a System ID to The email should also include (full name, current or last chapter of affiliation and membership number). Delta Research and Educational Foundation (DREF) Opportunities There are several opportunities being offered by Delta Research and Educational Foundation (DREF): The Mentoring Keys Scholarship is a new educational opportunity. The scholarship award is open to African American students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in business related disciplines at a Historically Black College and University (HBCU). Application deadline: Tuesday, March 3, 2015. Under the auspices of its Center for Research on African American Women (The Center), the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Social Justice Institute has been established. The Institute offers an annual summer internship, in collaboration with the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, for young women to work in the U.S. Congress. Application deadline: Tuesday, March 3, 2015. In collaboration with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (the Sorority) for 2015-16, DREF is sponsoring the Community Empowerment Grantmaking Program. Grants will be awarded to chapters of the Sorority and community organizations who partner with local Delta chapters, provided they have similar missions and goals as those of DREF and the Sorority. This program will fund community service-based programs that address: Civic Engagement, Educational Development, Financial Literacy, Health and Wellness or International Awareness and Involvement. Application deadline: Monday, March 2, 2015. In collaboration with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. DREF will award grants to conduct Mental Health initiatives. The Mental Health Program Grant will be awarded to chapters of the Sorority and community organizations who partner with Delta chapters, provided they have similar missions and goals as those of DREF and the Sorority. Eligible programs must address issues affecting African American Women and their families related to the following Mental Health subjects: Bullying, Postpartum Depression, and Successful Aging Later in Life. Application deadline: Monday, March 2, 2015. Please visit the National website for additional information and to apply for these opportunities. February 7, 2015 Chapter Meeting Minutes 2 Policies and Procedures Proposed revisions in CHAPTER POLICIES AND PROCEDURES should be submitted to me using the "Policies and Procedures Amendment Form" no later than the Saturday, March 7, 2015, to be formally considered. DST Women Owned Business Competition Sorors who are participating in the DST Women Owned Business Competition, please note that your business plan submissions are due by Monday, March 30, 2015. American Heart Association Luncheon Soror Price was invited by Soror Jocelyn Farmer, Vice President, Multi-Cultural Initiatives for Health Strategies for the American Heart Association to attend the American Heart Association’s Go Red Luncheon at the Ritz Carlton on Friday, February 6, 2015. Soror Price did attend the Luncheon. The American Heart Association is very appreciative of the chapter’s annual donation and is interested in partnering with the chapter in other efforts to promote heart and healthy initiatives for women. There will be an Executive Board Meeting on Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at Brittany Woods Middle School consisting of elected and appointed officers and positions of the chapter, Parliamentarians, Internal Audit Chair, Immediate Past President and chairpersons of Standing Committees. The Standing and Special Committees are: Arts and Letters, Heritage and Archives, Internal Audit, Membership Services, Nominating, Presidents Advisory Council, Program Planning and Development, Properties, Protocol and Traditions, Public Relations, Rituals and Ceremonies, Education, Social Action, Technology, Ariya, and Gospel, Jazz and Blues Brunch. Appointed positions are: Parliamentarians, Chaplains, and Sergeant-At-Arms. An email will be sent with further meeting details. Please plan to attend. Minutes - Soror Cynthia Young The minutes from the December 17, 2014 Executive Committee/Executive Board Meeting and the January 3, 2015 Chapter Meeting were reviewed. There was a change made to the January 3, 2015 Chapter Meeting minutes. Soror Mitchelle Price asked for a motion to approve the December 17, 2014 Executive Committee/Executive Board and the January 3, 2015 Chapter Meeting minutes with the necessary correction. Soror Teresa Hargrow-Simmons moved that all minutes be approved with necessary corrections. The motion was seconded by Soror Ruth Lewis. A voice vote was taken and there were no objections. The motion passed. Minutes from all Executive Committee/Executive Board and Chapter Meetings are archived in the “Members Only” section of the chapter website. Printed copies of minutes and agenda will only be available at the Chapter Meetings for sorors without internet access. Welcome & Kudos – Soror Quintella Ivory Soror Ivory recognized five visiting sorors. Soror Ivory congratulated the following sorors on their outstanding accomplishments: Kudos to Sorors Juana Love, Rita Logan, Patricia Stewart and the entire Founders Day committee for a job well done. Kudos to the Delta Dears for a fabulous Love Luncheon which immediately followed Chapter meeting. Sorors Teresa Hargrow-Simmons and Thomasina Hassler along with the entire Economic Development Committee for a wonderfully attended Minority Scientist Showcase which highlighted all of the SLA Programs. Soror Anita Thomas will be getting married on Sunday, February 15, 2015. Soror Doris Graham is celebrating 50 years of marriage. Soror Amanda Murphy will be inducted into St. Louis' very own "Secret Society of Inspiring Women" by the Metro Theater Company on Sunday, March 15, 2015 at the showing of the play "Afflicted". Soror Tiffany Nashville is a local free-lance writer and has an article and picture featured in the February 5-11, 2015 edition of the St. Louis American. The article is titled “Pro-Accountability, Not Anti-Police.” Soror Nashville’s writer name is Tiffany Shawn. Soror Gayle Abram received her LCSW (License Clinical Social Work Certification) on January 31, 2015. President Obama has appointed Soror Frankie Freeman to the commission on Presidential Scholars. This commission identifies and provides Presidential scholarship to high school seniors across the county. Please note: Moving forward all Kudos received should be restricted to Financial Chapter Members Only. Please email all Kudos to Soror Ivory also reported on the Cheer Courtesies extended during the month: Soror Teresa Hargrow-Simmons - loss of brother-in-law Soror Karen Mitchell Elliott was in a car accident and is at home recuperating. February 7, 2015 Chapter Meeting Minutes 3 Soror Mary Montgomery – loss of sister-in-law Soror Robinette Lance – loss of mother Sorors Belma Givens and Armetta Whitmore - loss of sister-in-law Soror Barbara Thomas - loss of aunt Soror Mary McCauley is recuperating at Delmar Gardens North on Parker Road. Soror Ida Goodwin-Woolfolk – loss of sister Soror Vivian Cockrell is recuperating at home. Soror Gwen Bogan is recuperating at home. Please keep these Sorors and their families in your thoughts and prayers. Also, offer them your deepest condolences and Sisterly support. Correspondence & Birthday Recognition – Soror Donna Dansberry A thank you was received from Pagedale Family Support Center for generous donation to their food pantry. A thank you was received from Soror Mary Montgomery. A thank you was received from Soror Stephanie White. A thank you was received from Soror Aleshia Patterson. Kenneth Scruggs, Director of Accurate In-Home Family Care, donated $100 to the “Innovation Think Tank” prizes. A thank you letter was received from Soror Louise Wilkerson and Thomas Kitchen for $100 donation to Project Power to the People. The National Coalition of 100 Black Women Cosmic Bowl on Friday, March 20, 2015. Tickets are $15. Contact 314684-9757 for additional information. The St. Louis Metropolitan Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. is partnering with Affordable Care Act registration on Saturday, February 7, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Better Family Life Cultural Center located at 5415 Page. The 2015 Founders Day Committee thanked the entire St. Louis Alumnae Chapter for support and contributions in the success of our Founders Day celebration. A scarf was left at Friendly Temple Church on the day of Founders Day Ecumenical service. The Metro Theatre Company will honor Soror Amanda Murphy on Sunday, March 15, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Metro Theatre Company invited St. Louis Alumnae Chapter to become a sponsor and support Soror Murphy. The cost is $200, which includes a name in program book and 2 tickets to the play. Soror Ida Woolfolk moved for St. Louis Alumnae Chapter to become a sponsor. Soror Mary McCauley seconded. A vote was taken and the results were: 125 for and 0 opposed. Motion passed. Any information for the chapter Newsletters, Updates or news blasts should be sent to, by the th 12 of each month. February birthdays were recognized. Report of the Officers Financial Secretary’s Report – Soror Carolyn Thomas (for Soror Rogerlyn Williams-Simington) The Financial Receipts Journal for December 2014 was presented. The Financial Secretary’s written report was shared for informational purposes and will be filed pending audit. Treasurer’s Report - Soror Carolyn Thomas The Treasurer reported on bank statements for Operational, Ariya, Education and Social Action accounts for the month of December 2014. The Treasurer’s written report was shared for informational purposes and will be filed pending audit. Soror Thomas advised the old credit card machine was being mailed back to the bank and the chapter is getting a new machine. Soror Thomas advised 2015-2016 membership dues must be paid by March 31, 2015 to attend the National Convention in Houston, TX. Dues for 2015-16 will be collected from January 25 to March 31, 2015. After March 31, 2015 there is a $5 late fee until June 30, 2015. Beginning July 1, 2015, there will be a $15 late fee. A total of $614 was collected for Sickle Cell Initiative from passing the hat. Soror Mavis Thompson moved that the chapter reconsider that amount collected should be sufficient. Soror Beverly Dummett seconded the motion. A vote was February 7, 2015 Chapter Meeting Minutes 4 taken and the results were: 68 for and 44 opposed. Motion failed. A two-third affirmative vote was required to pass the motion. Soror Ida Casey moved to make the donation a total of $700. Soror Gloria Reno seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the results were: 77 for and 23 opposed. Motion passed. Program Planning & Development – Soror Phyllis Russell-Smith Soror Russell-Smith reported on the activities of the PP&D committees: Delta GEMS, Delta Academy, Delta Twinkles, Economic Development, Community Awareness and Involvement, EMBODI, Education, International Awareness and Involvement, and Physical and Mental Health. (See chapter website for complete Program Planning & Development report under the Members only section) Community Awareness and Involvement was the spotlighted committee for this month. Committee Chair, Soror Laverne Bady, advised of the National initiative titled “Violets against Violence” to be held on Saturday, February 28, 2015 at the O’Fallon Park Recreational facility from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The committee also sold “Violets against Violence” buttons for $3 and $5. Membership Services – Soror Quintella Ivory Soror Ivory gave the Membership Moment and then reported on the activities of the following Membership Services Committees: Check out the Church, Delta Dears, Merry Widows, Fellowship, Founders Day, and Reclamation & Retention. (See chapter website for complete Membership Services report under the Members only section) Committee Reports Nominating – Soror Carmelita Palmer Soror Palmer passed out the Nominating newsletter and then reviewed it with the Chapter. The election will be held on Saturday, May 2, 2015. Open offices are: Treasurer, Nominating Chair and Nominating members (5). All offices will be for a two year term. Arts and Letters – Soror Anita Thomas th The Delta Authors On Tour event will be held on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at Zuka Art Gallery located at 2701 N. 14 St. from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Three authors will be St. Louis Alumnae Chapter is excited about hosting this event. Ariya – Soror Leslie Russell The “Bonding Activity” has been completed. Several Kwanzishas submitted their ideas to the Think Tank competition and one Kwanzisha received third place. The Rites of Passage ceremony will be held on Sunday, March 22, 2015 at St. Louis Gateway Classic Foundation at 3:00 p.m. Ariya pictures will be taken at Immanuel Lutheran – 1100 Old Halls Ferry Rd. with the following schedule: Sunday – February 8, 2015 - Committee members and Village Sunday – February 22, 2015 - Kwanzishas Sunday – March 8, 2015 – Escorts (also alternate picture date) Gospel, Jazz and Blues Brunch – Soror Ida Woolfolk Planning for the Brunch is well underway. Soror Woolfolk recognized all committee members. The committee is working in conjunction with the St. Louis Alumnae Delta Foundation. Soror Woolfolk also recognized the St. Louis Alumnae Delta Foundation. An extensive brunch will be served. There will be three stages this year with more music and less talking. The Steward Family Foundation and the Worldwide Technology are working with the committee. Social Action - Soror Carol Strawbridge Sunday, February 15, 2015 is the deadline to register for healthcare. Volunteers are requested as tutors for St. Louis area elementary schools. Contact Soror Strawbridge. Delta Day at Jefferson City is scheduled for Tuesday, March 17, 2015. Voter Guides for the April election will be available. Contact Soror Strawbridge via email at Volunteers are needed for voter registration in area high schools. Contact Soror Strawbridge. Don’t forget to purchase or renew your Delta license plates. New Business - None February 7, 2015 Chapter Meeting Minutes 5 Announcements – Soror Cynthia Young The Sixth Annual Genealogy Conference will be held on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at Central Baptist Church located at 2842 Washington Blvd. from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tickets are $45 for members and $50 for nonmembers. Contact Soror Susan LaGrone for additional information. Contact David Bryant at 314-503-5195 for lawn and landscaping needs. Soror Braxton lost a writing pen with “Third Presbyterian Church” written on it. NPHC “Old Skool Groove” on Friday, February 20, 2015 at Kappa Kastle from 7:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. See Sorors Kim Banks or Brandese Spiller for tickets. Soror Doris Carter is investigating air travel for the National Convention to be held in Houston, Texas. Please contact Soror Carter for additional information. Soror Mavis Thompson is asking for support of two sorors running for Judges. Soror Ann Marie Clark for Circuit Judge in St. Louis city and Soror Dana Walker Tucker for Associate Judge in St. Louis County. Call the Governor and support Deltas. Soror Mitchelle Price asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Soror Ruth Lewis moved that the meeting be adjourned. Soror Teresa Hargrow-Simmons seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken and there were no objections to the motion. The motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. with the Formal Closing. Respectfully Submitted, Soror Cynthia Young Recording Secretary February 7, 2015 Chapter Meeting Minutes 6
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