BC Council of Garden Clubs www.bcgardenclubs.com | www.facebook.com/bcgardenclubs MAY/JUNE 2015 President’s Message EXECUTIVE BOARD PRESIDENT Barbara Puchala president@bcgardenclubs.com 1st VICE PRESIDENT Cindy Tataryn 1vicepresident@bcgardenclubs.com 2nd VICE PRESIDENT Mas Tanizawa 2vicepresident@bcgardenclubs.com SECRETARY Margaret Spratt secretary@bcgardenclubs.com TREASURER Ruby Miller treasurer@bcgardenclubs.com BULLETIN EDITOR Beth MacLaren newsletter@bcgardenclubs.com IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Louis Peterson lpeterso@sfu.ca SCHOLARSHIP TRUST FUND CHAIR Richard Zuk scholarship@bcgardenclubs.com TREASURER Bev Welsh SECRETARY Lorraine Shenker All AGM photos taken by Victor Froese. The Bulletin is a publication of the BC Council of Garden Clubs and is published 6 times per year. All submissions are due no later than the 15th of the month proceeding publication (early submissions are encouraged). 2 First of all I want to give Beth MacLaren a huge hug and thank you. We were without a Bulletin Editor until she, once again, stepped into the void and has volunteered to edit the Bulletin for the remainder of the term. As you may know, Linda Stanley Wilson had some family issues which took much of her time and she felt she could no longer act as Editor. She did a great job and her contribution to the Council was much appreciated and will be missed. Another AGM has come and gone! It would appear that I’m President for another term – my last term! Under the terms of our Constitution, a person may serve as President for a maximum of two consecutive terms (2 terms of 2 years for a maximum of 4 years) and then they must step down. So you will be hearing from me often (to the point of nagging perhaps) to start thinking of candidates for this position for the 2017 AGM. I must admit that I was disappointed at the lack of candidates for the Board positions. We have a continuing issue of a lack of volunteers to stand for election. We are not alone in this as I am always hearing clubs (& other volunteer organizations) expressing the same concern. At the 2016 AGM next March, we will be electing a First Vice-President, Treasurer, Bulletin Editor and a Scholarship Trust Committee member – so start thinking about whether you or someone you know would be a good candidate for any of these positions. AND speaking of elections, as per our recent change regarding the Nominations Committee, we will be looking for a chairperson for the Nominations Committee. We will require at least two people for this committee. If you are interested, please send me an email at president@bcgardenclubs.com. The committee is charged with accepting candidates for nominations prior to the AGM, presenting them to the membership, and running the election. The committee will report to the board on its progress, but does not have to attend the Board Meetings. The Spring Meeting Survey contained a number of questions concerning the Bulletin and communications between the Council and member clubs. The results were interesting and the Board has been reviewing the responses to determine how best to proceed. We are once again looking for people who would be willing to stand for the position of Bulletin Editor. It has become more and more difficult to find someone willing to edit the Bulletin. This has prompted us to look at the value and function of the Bulletin. The opinions on whether to keep the Bulletin or eliminate it are pretty much even. Many of in favour of eliminating it in favour of making the same information available on the website. Many also indicated that although all the clubs are sent the Bulletin, either in electronic format or by Canada Post, it is not seen by the members. One commenter said that they had not seen the Bulletin since 1997! In response to the survey results, the Board will be focusing on improving its communications with the member clubs (and their members). The question is, of course, how to best achieve this. We would welcome any input or suggestions. Please feel free to send them to me at: president@ bcgardenclubs.com. We are currently continuing the planning for the 2015 Fall Meeting on October 24, 2015 – mark that date on your calendar and stay tuned for additional information! And of course – summer is coming and I know that I, along with all of you, I will be up to my elbows in soil, plants and weeds – and loving every moment of it! The anticipation of the upcoming summer garden is more than I can stand sometimes! After this recent cold and wet, late-spring, I’m looking forward to spending time amid my flowers, herbs and veggies, sipping iced tea and enjoying the warmth of the sun! That’s when I fully appreciate that being a gardener is absolutely the best thing to be in the entire universe!!! Barbara Puchala President Executive: Past and Current (and possible Future?) Members Left to right: Lorna Herchenson (ex-Board member), Mas Tanizawa (2nd Vice-President), Cindy Tataryn (1st Vice-President), Margaret Spratt (new Secretary), Lorraine Shenker (new Scholarship Committee member), Barbara Puchala (President), Sandra Froese (ex-Board member) 1st Vice President’s Report At the Annual General Meeting Barbara and I both discussed the need for volunteers to help with different committees. The Special Events Committee is still in need of volunteers. The purpose of the Special Events Committee is to interact with the public and promote our Member Clubs – like your club! Inform people about clubs they might be interested in. Which clubs are in their area? Which specialty clubs exist? Where are the club meetings held? How can a club be contacted? Many clubs have declining membership numbers and one way to help your club gain new members is to tell the public that your club exists! With over 160 Member Clubs, so there is bound to be one suitable to any person’s interests. However the public may not be aware of when and where the meetings are held. That is where you come in!” I need a Coordinator who can make arrangements for volunteers to attend events where the public interested in gardening will be present – such as the Burnaby Rhododendron Festival, Community Fairs, Seedy Saturdays, Farmers’ Markets, Plant Sales and other club events.. If you are interested, please contact me at the e-mail address below. I also need volunteers to attend these events to promote garden clubs and talk to the public about gardening. I am hoping for enough volunteers that teams of two or three people could attend an event preferably in their own area. If you are interested, please contact me at the e-mail address below. Member Clubs are encouraged to submit their meeting information, as well as brochures or business cards for the Special Events Committee volunteers to distribute to the public. Also, if you know of an event that would be suitable for a Special Event Committee member to attend please contact me at the e-mail address below. Cindy Tataryn 1st Vice President 1vicepresident@bcgardenclubs.com 3 AGM Donations DONATIONS FOR THE SPRING BC COUNCIL MEETING DRAW, MARCH 14, 2015 Thankyou for your donations! Audrey Barnes, Draw Table Chair New Westminster Horticultural Society 4 Abbotsford Garden Club Sedum plant BC Council of Garden Clubs 3 mini rose plants BC Fuchsia & Begonia Society Tropical planted container BC Guild of Flower Arrangers Basket of dahlia tubers BC Society of Horticultural & Floral Design Judges Potted spring planter Burnaby Rhododendron & Gardens Association 5 plants Canadian Geranium & Pelargonium Society Shepherd’s hook with baskets Chilliwack Floral Art Club Camellia plant Chilliwack Garden Club 2 painted pots Cloverdale Garden Club 2 bottles of wine Deep Cove Garden Club Watering can Dogwood Garden Club Orchid plant Dunbar Garden Club Professional leaf rake Evergreen Garden Club Bird House Fraser Valley Dahlia Society Dragon Fly garden stake Fraser South Rhododendron Society Plants: rhododendron + polygala Friends of Park & Tilford Garden Society Container full of a collection of summer bulbs Garden Club of Vancouver Set of 2 books Gibsons Garden Club Carved swordfish Jennifer Zuk Set of 3 dried mixes Kelowna Garden Club Giant mushroom garden décor Langley Garden Club Bottle of wine Lynn Valley Garden Club Planted perennial container Maple Ridge Garden Club Cyclamen in bird cage Mikey & Sandy’s Berry Farm Produce + several blueberry bushes New Westminster Horticultural Society 100 foot hose North Shore Community Garden Society Hanging terrarium North Surrey Horticultural Society Box of goodies: plants, etc North Thompson Valley Garden Club Book/journal “Garden Notes” Pacific Northwest Palm & Exotic Plant Society Windmill palm plant Point Grey Chrysantheum Association Smoked salmon Richmond Garden Club Hellebore + 2 hanging basket forms South Surrey Garden Club Watering can & mini pruners Squamish Gardeners Bird’s nest fern, napkins & towel Upper Lonsdale Garden Club Hellebore plant Valley Fuchsia & Geranium Club Gardening items Vancouver Dahlia Society Dahlia sale gift certificate Vancouver Ikebana Association Ceramic pot Vancouver Master Gardeners Rhododendron plant Vancouver Rhododendron Society Plants: magnolia + hellebore + rhododendron Vancouver Rose Society Rose plant + planted spring container Vancouver Shade Garden Society Heather plant Walnut Grove Petal Pushers Singing clock Water Garden Club of BC Garden plaque & seeds White Rock & District Garden Club Folding seat/kneeler Secretary’s Report Hello. My name is Marg Spratt and I am your new Secretary. I have met with your other executive members and I can tell you they are hard working dedicated people serving the Council. I have a lot to learn still and have re-aquainted my self with my computer. It still doesn’t do what I tell it to do, so we will just have to work on it. I volunteered for this position because — I don’t know. Maybe I can tell you why in the future. Please be patient with me as I get up to speed. Cheers, Marg Minutes of the 2015 AGM and Spring Meeting The 2015 AGM was held on March 14, 2015 at the Firefighters Banquet and Conference Center in Burnaby. As of that date, there were 154 registered member clubs of which 46 clubs were represented at the meeting. The quorum for this meeting was 31 clubs. There were 138 persons present for the meeting. The business portion of the meeting dealt with reports from the various board members. During the report from the Scholarship Trust Committee, Denise Ellis presented a cheque in the amount of $500 to the Scholarship Trust Committee on behalf of the Garden Club of Vancouver. Elections were held for the positions of: President, Second Vice-President, Secretary and Scholarship Trust Committee. The incumbents for President, Barbara Puchala, and for Second Vice-President, Mas Tanizawa were elected by acclamation. Margaret Spratt became Secretary and Lorraine Shenker joined the Scholarship Trust Committee. A Notice of Motion regarding a change to the Nominations Committee had been made at the 2014 Fall Meeting and voted on. A change to the motion had been made from the floor and the final motion was carried. The final motion read as: Article 3: ELECTION AND APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS Item 5: A Nominations Committee to seek candidates for the Executive Board shall be formed by the Executive Board no later than five months prior to the Annual General Meeting. The Executive Board shall appoint a Chairperson who is not a member of the current Executive Board The appointed Chairperson shall recruit up to three additional members to form the Committee. Committee members are subject to the approval of the Executive Board. The Nominations Committee will appoint one of the committee members to conduct the elections at the Annual General Meeting. Many thanks to Audrey Barnes and Lorna Cloutier for acting as scrutineers. With the conclusion of the business portion of the meeting, lunch was served and attendees had an opportunity to socialize and visit the vendor tables. After lunch, Guest Speaker, Tom Baumann, presented an illustrated talk on the “Fruitful Garden”, introducing new types and varieties of fruit suitable for growing in BC. Tom had brought 500 strawberry plants which were quickly snapped up with the proceeds ($200) going to the Scholarship Trust Fund. Tom introduced his two assistants – students in horticultural programs from the University of the Fraser Valley. Each briefly related their areas of study and interests. Following the cookie break, Lynne White narrated a PowerPoint presentation entitled “What is Floral Art?”. The flower arrangements shown in the presentation (photos by Victor Froese) were on live display at the meeting. Arrangements were by Sandra Froese, Cindy Tataryn, Jane Keding, Lynne White, Lesley Goodbrand and Jean Minamimaya. After the meeting was adjourned, the always anticipated Prize Draw was held. The Draw generated $738 for the Council. Margaret Spratt Secretary 5 Treasurer’s Report First, my apology for the missed report in the delegate packages! Not sure what happened there as I did submit it before I left on vacation. I did hear it was hard to see on the screen. I hope by including the reports in this Bulletin, you are able to see where the Council stands. One way might be to invoice membership in December, except club information changes year-to-year so that would be a different problem. Also, with new executive in each club, at different times in the year is another challenge. Oh, well, we can only do our best. I have also taken to heart the comments which would prefer to see current membership and meeting income and expenses under the year they are meant to represent. Unfortunately accounting principles require entry of information as it occurs and QuickBooks Online is very specific in it’s data entry ability. I will check into the feasibility of the program doing this. I am learning new things all the time, so, maybe in the future, only time can tell. I am also still waiting for some Clubs and Gardens that have not sent in their renewals for 2015. Another reminder, your membership runs from January to December. So, get those forms in, Please! Ruby Miller Treasurer Welcome to new clubs this year! •Food Foresters Society of Canada •Langley Sustainable Agriculture Foundation •Native Plant Study Group •New Westminster Community Gardening Society •Vancouver African Violet & Gesneriad Society — Lorna Herchenson Membership Committee Chair Heritage Vancouver Garden Tour 2015 June 27, 28, 10am to 4pm Hi — My name is Beth MacLaren and I’ve volunteered to be your Bulletin Editor for the rest of the term. This is my first issue and I hope try to keep the standards as high as Linda’s! I’ve had lots of help and support from the Executive and others whom I’ve been in contact with. Thanks to you all. If you have any questions about submitting an article or an event for your club, please don’t hesitate to contact me at newsletter@bcgardenclubs.com Beth MacLaren Bulletin Editor 6 A self-guided tour of enchanting, hand-picked Vancouver gardens. A fundraiser for Heritage Vancouver Society. Be inspired by a variety of gardens and neighborhoods. Info and tickets: www.heritagevancouver.org $30 early bird online before May 22 $35 after May 22 online and in selected garden centres. Coming from out of town? 10% discount at the historic Sylvia Hotel! BC Council of Garden Clubs Profit and Loss BC Council of Garden Clubs January - March, 2015 Profit and Loss January - March, 2015 Income Expenses Income Administration Income Affiliation Membership Fees for 2015 120.59 5,950.00 Bi-Annual Meeting Income AGM Draw Table AGM Registration 738.00 4,020.00 Miscellaneous - Spring AGM 129.92 Venue - Spring AGM 4508.00 Total Bi-Annual Meeting Income/Profit or Loss $120.08 Bulletin Income Advertising 60.00 Subscriptions 35.00 Bulletin Misc 66.32 Bulletin Postage 1,078.81 Bulletin Printing 760.75 Total Bulletin Income/Profit or Loss $1,810.88 Council Income 1,001.00 Interest earned 268.43 Liability Insurance Income Liability - Basic per member Liability Additional 5,237.06 75.00 Liability Allotment A 150.00 Liability Allotment B 172.06 Liability Allotment C 400.00 Liability Allotment D 750.00 Liability Allotment E 750.00 Liability Allotment F 2,000.00 Liability Allotment H 1,000.00 Liability Allottment G 1,500.00 Liability Insurance Premiums Paid 13,685.00 Total Liability Insurance Income $1,650.88 Other Expenses Accounting 274.74 Committees Special Events Committee 63.00 Miscellaneous 85.56 Other general and administrative expenses 80.77 Stationery and printing 104.75 Supplies 129.93 Website Total Other Expenses Profit / Loss 50.85 $789.60 $11,443.34 7 Scholarship Trust Fund Changes to the Committee I personally would like to thank Evelyn Rawcliffe for serving as the secretary for the Trust Fund Committee over the past two years. Her input and work on the Committee has been invaluable. Evelyn has stepped down and will not serve her third year on the committee. She now lives in Comox and is actively involved with the Comox Valley Horticultural Society as their new Librarian and she volunteers for the CVHS Gardens in Bloom Tour, the North Island Rhodo Society Garden Tour and at Anderton Gardens. All members of the BC Council of Garden Clubs extend their gratitude to Evelyn for her work and wish her all the best in the future. I welcome Lorraine Shenker as a new member on the Trust Fund Committee and thanks again to Bev Welsh for stepping up for one more year. Summary of Donations and monies received Jan 1/14 - Dec 31/14 On behalf of the BC Council of Garden Clubs I would like to thank the following clubs and individuals for donating to the Scholarship Trust Fund. DATE Gift Amount Organization Name 24/02/14 25.00 Sandra Peters 24/01/14 25.00 Fraser Pacific Rose Society 24/02/14 250.00 Dogwood Garden Club 18/03/14 200.00 Lynn Valley Garden Club 18/03/14 200.00 Penticton & District Garden Club 03/04/14 250.00 Evergreen Garden Club 11/04/14 400.00 New Westminster Horticultural Society 14/04/14 44.00 Spos Specialty Products Online Store 23/01/14 25.00 Vicki Coutu 07/05/14 500.00 Bowen Island Garden Club 26/05/14 100.00 Marjorie Boulter 26/05/14 100.00 Alana McAllister-Hoem 26/05/14 20.00 Gerri Schmidt 08/07/14 100.00 Margaret Wainman 08/07/14 200.00 The Squamish Gardeners 01/08/14 400.00 Mill Bay Garden Club 04/11/14 500.00 Vancouver Dahlia Society 04/11/14 100.00 Beth MacLaren 04/11/14 25.00 Fraser Pacific Rose Society 04/11/14 25.00 Holly Pender-Love 11/12/14 250.00 Evergreen Garden Club 31/12/14 100.00 Deep Cove Garden Club 31/12/14 200.00 Seed to Sky Garden Club Donations from clubs and individuals can now be made by credit card, debit card and direct transfer from Vancity accounts into the Scholarship trust fund through the Vancity Community Foundation website. VCF will issue tax receipts directly to the donors for amounts over $20.00. As always, cheques can also be sent to: Bev Welsh, 3011 Lazy A Street, Coquitlam, BC V3C 3N6 The donations we receive are held in perpetuity so any amount contributed will continue to generate support to our future Horticulturists. 8 BC Council of Garden Clubs Scholarship Fund 2014 Fund Performance Statement of Fund Activity Jan 1/14 - Dec 31/14 Opening Fund Value - January 1, 2014 $ 222,375.81 Add: Donations and Monies received 6,313.06 Add: Net Investment Earnings 17,745.90 Less: Grants Distributed 8,900.00 Less: 1% Expense Allocation 2,300.73 Closing Fund Value - December 31, 2013 $235,226.04 Pending Distribution of 2014 Grants As of December 31, 2014 the value of the fund was $235,226.04 reflecting the donations plus return on investment of 8.0%. As a Society and member of the VanCity Community Foundation (VCF) we are mandated by Federal Law and the VCF to distribute 4.0% of the Fund value annually. As a result disbursements for 2015 will be about $9,400.00 up $500.00 from 2014. The committee will be meeting in April to review the distribution of the funds for 2015. Richard Zuk Chair, Scholarship Trust Fund Committee 9 Your Club News As a member of the BC Council of Garden clubs your club is welcome to submit an article for the Bulletin. Let others in the province know what your club is all about and what it has been up to — maybe you’ve just had an event and you have some photos to show us all. Great! I look forward to your submission(s). Please send your article and photo(s) to: newsletter@bcgardenclubs.com SPRING SHOW An invitation to our An Exhibition of thE Japanese Art of Flower Arrangement Vancouver Ikebana Association www.vancouver-ikebana.ca Saturday, May 23, 2015, 11:00am to 6:00pm By Donation • Ikebana Demonstration at 2pm Alan Emmott Centre, 6650 Southoaks Crescent, Bby cElEbrAting 50 yEArs of thE VAncouVEr ikEbAnA AssociAtion 1965 - 2015 Cuba Garden Tour March 2016 Tom Robertson of Cuba1tours, Courtenay, BC is once again offering you a chance to not only visit a number of organic and botanical gardens in Cuba, but to experience the culture and history of this changing island. This tour is fully guided with local experts at each garden. The tour is limited to twenty, so early registration is necessary. Complete tour details at www.cuba1tours.com or contact Tom at tom@cuba1tours.com 10 Coming Events Saturdays, May 2, 9, 16, 30 Saturday, May 16 Saturday Strolls at Darts Hill Garden Park Pacific Northwest Palm & Exotic Plant Society Plant Sale – 9am to 3pm 11am to 3pm 16th Avenue at 170th Street, South Surrey Admission by Donation www.dartshill.ca Saturday, May 2 Maple Ridge Garden Club Plant, Craft & Bake Sale – 11am to 3pm St. Pat’s School Gymnasium 22589 121 Ave, Maple Ridge South Delta Evergreen Garden Club Annual Plant Sale – 9am to 2pm Perennials, tomatoes, shrubs, vendors, refreshments & so much more. 5800 Mountain View Blvd, Ladner ( Delta Hospital ). Info: 604-940-0937 Michelle Valley Fuchsia and Geranium Club Plant, Bake & Garage Sale – 10am to 4pm Fuchsias, pelargoniums, home baking, fresh vegetables, draws, refreshments & more. 20317 43rd Avenue, Langley Call 604-591-3262 or 604-929-5382 Vancouver African Violet & Gesneriad Society’s Annual Plant Show & Sale Open to the Public from 1pm to 4pm Floral Hall at VanDusen Botanical Garden, 37th Ave & Oak Street, Vancouver Admission is free. Sunday, May 3 The Burnaby Rhododendron & Garden Society will be having a plant sale, silent auction and spring bouquet contest in conjunction with Rhodofest – 10am to 3pm Shadbolt Center, Deer Lake Park, Burnaby Info at brags.ca Saturday, May 9 The Ladysmith Saltair Garden Club Plant Sale – Doors open 9:00 am Aggie Hall, corner of Symonds & 1st Ave. (at the roundabout) Ladysmith Member grown & raised annuals, perennials, shrubs, herbs, vegetable starts & houseplants as well as “experienced” garden equipment for sale. Raffle at door. Admission free. Help support our local student award. Not just hardy palms, the sale will offer a host of interesting & unusual companion plants that complement tropical or Mediterranean style gardens. Plants are sourced from both commercial growers and member donations. Sale Location – Phoenix Perennials Nursery, 3380 No. 6 Rd, Richmond. www.hardypalm.com Saturday, May 23 Darts Hill Garden Open House and Plant Sale – 10am to 4pm Guided Tours at 11:30 am; Master Gardeners, displays, sale plants propagated at Darts Hill. 16th Avenue at 170th Street, South Surrey Admission by Donation. www.dartshill.ca Nanaimo Horticultural Society Annual Spring Plant Sale – 9:30am to 2:30pm Annuals, perennials, herbs, small fruit & vegetables, shrubs, grasses, houseplants & many others. Support your local horticultural society and a VIU student. Nanaimo North Town Centre 4750 Rutherford Road, Nanaimo Vancouver Ikebana Association Spring Show – 11am to 6pm An exhibition of the Art of Japanese Flower Arrangement at Alan Emmott Centre, 6650 Southoaks Crescent, Burnaby Admission by Donation. www.vancouver-ikebana.ca Saturday, May 30 & Sunday, May 31 Kelowna Bonsai Club Annual Show Saturday – 9am to 6pm Sunday – 10 am to 5 pm Come and see some of the best bonsai in the Okanagan & learn about this exciting hobby. Orchard Park Shopping Centre, Kelowna Saturdays, June 6, 13, 27 Saturday Strolls at Darts Hill Garden Park 11am to 3pm 16th Avenue at 170th Street, South Surrey Admission by Donation. www.dartshill.ca Wednesday, June 10 Three local garden clubs: Nanoose, Qualicum Beach and Eaglecrest have combined their efforts to invite Gary Lewis, of Phoenix Perennials, to speak on June 10 at 1:00pm, at Nanoose Place Community Centre, 2925 Northwest Bay Road. Gary Lewis is well-known for his outstanding collection of perennials and his visit promises to be an excellent opportunity to learn about and to purchase the plants that he will feature in his talk. Coffee, tea, & treats will be provided. All welcome; non-members and guests: $5. October 3 The Peninsula Garden Club is celebrating their 60th anniversary and has invited Dan Hinkley, Monrovia Nursery’s leading plant finder, to speak at their event. Register now! 11am to 3:30 pm Mary Winspear Centre, Sidney Tickets: $35 Call Frieda: 250-656-9416 To submit your club’s event for a future issue of the Bulletin, please send your information to newsletter@bcgardenclubs.com. Please follow this format: Club Name; Day/Date/Time; Name of Event; Location; Admission; Contact or More information. Thankyou! The Victoria Floral Artists Guild The Victoria Flower Arrangers Guild would like to announce we have changed our name. Our new name is The Victoria Floral Artists Guild. The Guild will maintain a link from the old name to the new one for a one-year period while we transition the name, and contact and inform all groups and organizations we associate with of the change. Please note the name change on your records and help us spread the word. Thank you. Susan Currie, President, Victoria Floral Artists Guild 11 AO PRODUCTS ARE NON-TOXIC AND APPROVED FOR USE IN ORGANIC PRODUCTION.
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