BCYF Tobin Community Center SUMMER SPORTS CAMP CAMPER AND PARENT HANDBOOK BCYF Tobin Community Center 1481 Tremont Street Mission Hill, MA 02120 617-635-5216 2015 Camp Schedule Monday—Friday 8 AM—4 PM June 26, 2015 6:30 PM Parent Orientation Session 1 July 6—July 24 Session 2 July 27—August 14 Camp Philosophy Welcome from the BCYF Tobin Administrative Coordinator Dear Parents/Guardians, It is with great pleasure and anticipation that we invite you and your child/children to Tobin Community Center’s Summer Sport Camp. This camp will introduce your child/children to the basic fundamentals of sports, team play, structures of games as well as educate all participants about making healthy choices in their lives through education about overall physical fitness and proper nutrition of athletes. Tobin Community Center’s Summer Sports Camp staff are comprised of a mix of student athletes working in roles as mentors and adult staff members who bring a wide variety of coaching and summer camp experience to the programs offered. All staff working with your camper have gone through a CORI/SORI background check prior to being hired. Parents can receive complete copies of the hiring and background check policy upon request. Staff are united in the commitment to providing quality instruction while maintaining a safe , fun and nurturing environment. Please read through this parents handbook to familiarize yourself with policies and procedures that staff will be adhering to as well as your responsibilities and rights as a parent of a camper enrolled at the Tobin Community Center. Please contact the Tobin Community Center at 617-6355216, if you have any questions or concerns. Best wishes for a fun and safe summer! Sincerely, John Jackson Administrative Coordinator BCYF Tobin Community Center The goals of the Tobin Community Center—Summer Sports Camp are to stimulate the social, emotional, and physical growth of a child. This is possible through the introduction of sport, fundamentals of team play and structures of games in a safe and nurturing environment. Campers participating in a Volleyball Clinic in the BCYF Tobin Community Center Gymnasium. Campers on a visit to the USS Constitution Museum at the Charlestown Navy Yard. The BCYF Tobin CC– Summer Sports Camp is a licensed Recreational Camp for Children. This camp must comply with regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and is licensed by the local Board of Health, and shall be in compliance with 105 CMR 430.000 inclusive. If you have any questions about the licensing requirements, please contact the BCYF TCC Administrative Staff at 617-635-5216. Page 2 BCYF Tobin Community Center Camper and Parent Handbook Payment and Registration Information Camp is Coed, For youth ages 6—12* Daily Sports and Health and Wellness Programs with Enrichment Activities and Field Trips Child must be 6 at Start of Camp and cannot turn 13 during Camp 2015 Tuition $195/ Session per child and $5/ Membership Fee (Just $65/week !) Payment Information You must register for a minimum of 1 session. We cannot accommodate week to week registration. All Payments must be made by Money Order, payable to: Tobin Community Center A minimum of $70 (1 week tuition and $5 membership fee) must be paid at time of registration Spaces are limited, failure to meet Payment Deadlines can result in termination of registration Payment Deadlines Session 1: July 1, 2015 Refund Information All requests for refunds will be reviewed and approved upon the discretion of the Administrative Coordinator. Session 2: July 24, 2015 Please note, Refunds will NOT be approved for the following: Campers that have been suspended and/or expelled from the camp; or for last minute scheduling conflicts. Registration Requirements Completed Camper Registration Form—Signed with up to date contact information A Completed Health History Form (Included in Registration Packet) A Copy of Current Physical and Immunization Record Payment (A minimum of 1 week Tuition Plus Membership/Registration Fee) Daily Schedule and What To Pack For Your Camper Please note, PARENTS ARE EXPECTED TO WALK THEIR CHILDREN INTO AND OUT OF THE BUILDING AND SIGN DAILY CHECK IN FORM. CHILDREN CANNOT BE DROPPED OFF BEFORE 8 AM NOR WILL WE SEND A CHILD OUT OF THE BUILDING WITHOUT BEING “CHECKED OUT.” If you plan on dismissing your child early, please provide advance notice to the Camp Director so that we can ensure your camper is onsite at anticipated time of dismissal. Sample Daily Itinerary 8—8:45 AM Camper Arrival—sign in and report to GYM 9—9:30 AM Breakfast—Lower Level Community Room 9:35—10:45 AM AM Activity Block 1 10:45-12:00 PM AM Activity Block 2 12:00—12:45 PM LUNCH 1– 2:30 PM PM Activity Block 1 2:30—3:45 PM PM Activity Block 2 3:45 PM—4:00 PM CAMPER DISMISSAL FROM GYM Extended Care Program transition into lower level There will be restroom breaks and hand washing before all meals and during transition times. Camper Dress Code Your Camper should be dressed in Athletic Attire (Shorts, Camp T Shirt, Socks, Sneakers, etc) when they arrive to camp in the morning. Please make sure that they are NOT WEARING—any jewelry, skirts, or flip flops/sandals. Pack a Bathing Suit and Towel (flip flops or water shoes are ok for locker room) on Swim Days CAMPERS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN ACTIVITIES IF THEY ARE NOT DRESSED APPROPRIATELY Pack a water bottle with water or a sports drink, sunscreen and a hat for times when we are outside. Please leave all valuables at home, we are not responsible for lost, misplaced or stolen items. BCYF Tobin Community Center Camper and Parent Handbook Page 3 Health Care Policy The BCYF Tobin CC – Summer Sports Camp Staff and Tobin CC Staff have current certifications in American Red Cross First Aid and American Red Cross CPR (ADULT, CHILD, & INFANT). All staff have also been trained in basic safety concerns, accident preventions strategies and the use of universal safety precautions at all times, with a specific concentration to the TOBIN COMMUNITY CENTER facility. This additional training was conducted in the Summer Sports Camp Staff Orientation and Pre Season Training. As part of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health regulations for recreational camps for children, Tobin Community Center has developed a relationship with a pediatrician from the Whittier Street Health Clinic, who will act as a Health Care Consultant. This doctor must review and approve of all medications that need to be provided to campers. Please make sure that if your child is required to take medication during the course of the camp day, you have completed the necessary Authorization to Administer Medication Forms. Below find some important information that is part of the Health Care Policy at Tobin CC– Summer Sports Camp. Please contact the Tobin CC at 617-6355216, if you have any questions or concerns. Providing Emergency Health Care In the event of a minor accident, staff will treat the injury on site according to Tobin CC- Summer Sports Camp Health Care Policy/ Procedures. The staff member responsible for treating the injury will report information in Medical Log Book. They will then inform the Camp Director and Health Supervisor(s) of the injury and treatment preformed. Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) will be called by the Camp Director or Health Supervisor and advised of injury and treatment given. If the child requires further medical attention, parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted and advised of situation. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will be asked to sign camper out and take the camper to the hospital for advanced medical treatment. If injury or illness is too serious for par- ent(s)/ guardian(s) to safely transport camper to the hospital, parent(s)/ guardian(s) will be notified that 911 must be called and Boston EMS will transport child to hospital. It is the policy that 911 must be called to transport an injured/ ill child in emergencies. Tobin CC cannot use its van to transport the child to the hospital. Parents will have provided consent in the camper’s application documents. Administration of Medications The Tobin Community Center – Summer Sports Camp will have staff members (Director and Health Supervisor(s) that are approved by the Health Care Consultant, designated to administer or supervise a camper self administering medication. If a camper is required to take medication that has been prescribed by a licensed physician, parents must have completed the necessary forms in the application packet (AUTHORIZATION TO ADMINISTER MEDICATION, Health Sheet- Part B). Please note that in addition to the required documentation, parents are responsible for ensuring medication submitted is in compliance with 105 CMR 430.160 (as outlined in application packet) and must be: correctly labeled with the child’s name, the name of the medication, directions concerning dosage, and the name of the physician. Tobin Community Center – Summer Sports Camp Health Supervisor will ensure that all medication will be kept in a safe, locked place, out of children’s reach, and will be returned to parent guardian at the end of the session. A written record will be kept of the administration of medication which includes time and date of administration and the initials of the staff member who administered the medication. NO OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATION (TYLENOLADVIL- MOTRIN, ETC) WILL BE ADMINISTERED TO CAMPERS without authorization forms submitted. Care of Mildly Ill Campers If a child appears ill, and does not have a temperature greater than 100 degrees, is not vomiting, nor do they have any symptoms of a contagious disease/ infection, the camper can be sent to the Camp Director/ Health Supervisor’s office. There the camper will be given a quiet place to lie down and rest. The parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified of camper’s illness, and will be asked to pick up the camper. If for some reason the parent(s)/ guardian(s) cannot dismiss the camper, and emergency contacts cannot pick up the camper. The camper will be allowed to stay until they can be dismissed. They will be kept in the Director’s- Health Supervisor’s office and cared for, given water and supervised while resting. If their condition worsens while waiting for contact/ dismissal from parent(s)/guardian(s) or emergency contacts, then Camp Director / Health Supervisor will call the Health Care Consultant and/or 911 for Emergency Medical Treatment if necessary. If the child shows symptoms of a contagious illness (i.e., Strep Throat, ChickenPox, Conjunctivitis, etc.), the child will be isolated from other children, and the parent/ guardian will be notified to take the child home immediately. Camp Director will contact MDPH and City of Boston – Inspectional Services to report the Contagious Illness. Parents/ Guardians may receive a complete copy of the Health Care Policy upon written request. BCYF Tobin CC—Emergency Contact Information 911 Police, Fire, EMS Whittier Street Health Center (617) 989–3112. Boston Childrens Hospital (617) 355-6000 Page 4 BCYF Tobin Community Center Camper and Parent Handbook Behavior Expectations and Discipline Policy Camp Expectations of Parents Parents or persons authorized to pick up children must conduct themselves in a manner that is conducive to our positive youth environment. Approaching a child that is not yours for disciplinary action or to gather information as a result of an incident will not be tolerated. We will not tolerate any child or staff member being humiliated, scolded, touched or spoken to in a harsh manner. All adults entering our program areas are expected to present themselves in a manner that is representative of a good role model for children. Any adult, in the staff’s opinion, displaying inappropriate behavior will be asked to leave immediately, and such behavior can result in termination of their child’s enrollment in camp. The BCYF Tobin CC expects that parents will: Pay fees on Time, Keep Camper records and Emergency Contact Information Up to Date and Accurate, Drop Off/ Pick Up their children on time, Work with Staff regarding communication about their children's behavior, Provide Staff with advance notice about absences and early dismissals. Failure to meet these expectations can result in termination of their child’s enrollment in camp. Camper Expectations of the BCYF Tobin CC Summer Sports Camp All campers can expect: To have a safe, supportive and consistent environment in which to play and learn; To be listened to and respected; To have full use of all program equipment, materials and facilities on an equal and fair basis; and to have a fun filled, active and healthy summer! Camp Expectations of Campers Rules of the Summer Sports Camp are designed to promote the health, safety and well being of all campers, and are an essential part of our day. Staff will go over the rules of the camp and each group as well as procedures during the first week of camp. We encourage parents to read and discuss these rules with their children prior to starting Summer Camp. General Rules For Campers: Children will be expected to participate in all camp activities with their assigned group; Children must stay with their assigned group at all times; Children must exercise good behavior, self control and follow staff requests and directions at all times; Children will display Good Sportsmanship at all times; No fighting, hitting, or using abusive language will be tolerated; More specific rules will be outlined and posted throughout the summer with each group. Campers will Show Respect For Others and Property By: Keeping Hands/Feet to themselves at all times Ask permission before using someone else’s property Campers will Practice Safety At All Times By: Staying with their group at all times, and listening to all instructions Never leave the group without permission from a staff member Not name calling, using bad language or teasing, or being mean/hurting someone’s feelings When walking down the street, walking in a line and carefully crossing the streets in crosswalks at the light Not Running/ Yelling in Hallways or on Sidewalks When using playground equipment, no climbing on slides, sliding Not interrupting others and allowing others to speak down headfirst, or jumping off the swings or any other equipment Respecting BCYF Tobin Rules and Camp Rules When at the pool, no running on pool deck, pushing other Taking care of program equipment and cleaning up after use campers in and out of the water, and listening to all instructions from lifeguards Cheering for their teammates, not taunting Trying something new, and trying their best When using sports and other equipment, doing it safely and following all rules Disciplinary Consequences Each camper will be expected to comply will all program rules and expectations which will be outlined by their group leaders. Our goals help promote positive self development, and we will make reasonable efforts to help your child adjust to our camp setting. We will set limits on certain behaviors to:1) prevent a child from injuring themselves or others; 2) prevent the destruction of property, materials or equipment; 3) help campers learn respect for themselves, other children, and adults. The consequences of unacceptable behavior shall be logical and clear to the child; Consequences can include but shall not be limited to: A brief timeout (5 min) in order to separate from the conflict, A loss of the activity the child has disrupted, or the loss of a privilege the child has abused Making Amends for damage done Parents can request a complete copy of our Discipline and Behavior Policy BCYF Tobin Community Center Camper and Parent Handbook Page 5 Behavior Expectations and Discipline Policy Disciplinary Consequences, cont’d Behavior Management Systems for Staff Staff will try to redirect child from negative behavior Behavior Management –Staff Prohibitions Staff are explicitly prohibited from: Staff will always use positive methods and languages while Corporal Punishment, Spanking, shaking, pushing, pulling, or disciplining children physically punishing a child in any manner Staff will praise appropriate behavior Making fun of, threatening, yelling at, making sarcastic remarks, using profanity or otherwise verbally abusing children Staff will be consistent and fair while enforcing rules and applying consequences Shaming or punishing children when bathroom accidents occur Child will be given verbal warnings Denying Food or Rest as a punishment Child will be given time to regain control Relating disciplining to eating, resting or sleeping Child’s disruptive behavior will be documented and maintained in Leaving children alone, unattended, or without appropriate confidentiality supervision Parents/Guardians will be notified of behaviors– including copies Placing children in locked rooms, closets, or boxes as of incident reports describing disruptive behaviors punishment Parent Conferences will be scheduled with Camp Director and Allow children to discipline other children Staff to discuss how to promote positive behaviors Criticize, or belittle children’s families, appearances ethnic groups or Disciplinary Consequences A camper being dismissed from the Summer Sports Camp is a rare occurrence and something that we do not take lightly. We absolutely do not tolerate physical, sexual or verbal abuse, Suspensions and including derogatory slurs and slang towards other children or staff. Unfortunately, there are sometimes reasons we have to suspend or terminate a child from our program either for a short Expulsions term or a permanent basis. We want you to know that we will do everything possible to work with you and your child to prevent this policy from being enforced. A SUSPENSION ACTION—is meant to be a period of time so that that the child’s parent/guardian may work on the child’s behavior. The parent/guardian will be informed of the length of the suspension period and the expected behavioral changes required in order for the child or parent to return to the program. A TERMINATION ACTION– is meant for permanent removal from the program. Parents will be consulted immediately about the behavior warranting termination. In these situations, parents/guardians will be asked to pick their child up from the program immediately. Actions for Suspension and/or Termination These actions can include but may not be limited to the following: A child’s failure to adjust to camp setting and rules after a reasonable amount of time; Uncontrollable tantrums/ angry outbursts; Ongoing physical and/or verbal abuse and or harassment of other campers or to staff; Uncontrollable behavior within the program; Use of crude language or profanity; Repeatedly running away from the camp program; Refusal to listen to Camp Staff; Verbal or Physical Acts of Violence; Destruction of Property; A child’s behavior is determined to be detrimental to his or her own well-being or to the well-being of others in the program, and CHRONICALLY DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR. After two suspensions, upon the third offense, the Camper will automatically be expelled from the BCYF Tobin Sports Camp. In extreme cases, where clear and present danger is presented by the Camper’s behavior, immediate termination can be applied upon the discretion of the Administrative Staff of the BCYF Tobin Community Center. There will be no refund or credit of tuition for Campers absences due to discipline, including suspension or termination. Special Considerations If your child has any pre-existing physical or behavioral problems or develops such a problem during the course of the BCYF Tobin Summer Sports Camp, please let us know. If your child is undergoing unusually stressful or traumatic situation, please fell free to discuss these matters with staff members if you think awareness of home issues may be helpful. These issues sometimes have a direct bearing on how students are behaving in the program. We will always keep these conversations confidential and private. Parent / Guardian Rights and Responsibilities The BCYF Tobin Community Center’s Summer Sports Camp strives to maintain a positive relationship with campers and parents/guardians through clear and respectful communication. This parent handbook and scheduled orientation serve to provide an overview of our Camp Policies and Procedures as well as requirements for registration and participation in activities. Parents/ Guardians have the right to obtain complete copies of the following policies upon written request: STAFF BACKGROUND CHECK POLICY; CAMP HEALTH CARE POLICY; and DISCIPLINE POLICIES FOR CAMPERS, PARENTS AND STAFF. Parents/Guardians are responsible for ensuring that all required documents (including health forms) and payments are submitted in full and complete. Parents/Guardians are responsible for ensuring that their children arrive to camp in a safe manner, checking their child in, appropriately dressed for the day’s activities. At the end of the day, parents are responsible for picking up their camper at time of dismissal. Parents/Guardians are responsible for complying with all requests and acknowledgements listed within this handbook as well as in all registration documents. Parents/Guardians are expected to be respectful to staff, campers and their families while visiting the BCYF Tobin Community Center, and contribute to our positive youth environment. A Parent/ Guardian’s Failure to comply with camp policies and procedures can result in their camper’s termination. Parent Meetings and Grievances Parents/Guardians are encouraged to voice any questions or concerns that they may have with the BCYF Tobin Community Center– Summer Camp Staff. Parents wishing to speak with a specific camp staff member and/or with the Camp Director should call the Tobin Community Center to schedule a meeting. All telephone inquiries should be directed to the Tobin CC Camp Director. In the event that your child has violated camp rules and has been subject to discipline (suspension, expulsion, etc), parents/ guardians have the right to a grievance meeting with the Camp Director and TCC Administrators. Parents should call the Camp Director immediately to schedule the meeting. Schedules and Trip Information Parents and Campers will receive a copy of the weekly schedule on the first day of camp. The schedule for the upcoming week will be available every Friday upon dismissal. Outdoor Activities and Field Trips may be impacted by weather or other circumstances beyond our control. We will notify Parents of any changes to the schedule as the arise, and may have to provide an alternative daily schedule. Statement of Compliance with 430.190: General Program Requirements The BCYF Tobin Community Center, as operator of this licensed recreational camp for children shall provide a program of activities and physical environment which shall meet the generally recognized needs of the campers and shall in no respect be in conflict with their best interests nor a hazard to their health and safety. The BCYF Tobin CC– Summer Sports Camp is a licensed Recreational Camp for Children. This camp must comply with regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and is licensed by the local Board of Health, and shall be in compliance with 105 CMR 430.000 inclusive. If you have any questions about the licensing requirements, please contact the BCYF TCC Administrative Staff at 617-635-5216.
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