. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Golf car Service . ORA . - Mathieu . . Cottenceau . . . . Tel.: +33 (0)6 27 88 65 52 . Email: . mathieu.cottenceau@ora-ve.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fire . Safety . Regulations . . . . Cabinet RAILLARD . . Passy . . . 10. rue Frédéric 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine – France . +33. (0)1 47 . 22 72 . 18 . . Tel.: Email: siae@cabinet-raillard.com . . . . . . Handling Service . . . . . . CLAMAGERAN – FOIREXPO Tel.: . +33. (0)1 48 . 63 32 . 47 /. 33 71. Fax: +33 (0)1 48 63 32 38 . . . . . . Email: d.filiberti@clamageran.fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to. 26 June: . 18 May . . . . . . . Central Command and Security Post (PCCG) . For.all enquiries . . regarding . .security . or . . to report an incident or accident: . Tel.:. +33 (0)1 . 41. 69 22. 16 . . . . Email: pccg@siae.fr . Location: . . Building . O. . . . . emergencies/First . Medical . . . . . aid . Tel.: +33 (0)1 41 69 22 15 . Location: . . between . Halls . 2 .and 3. Fire Warning . Tel.:. +33 (0)1 . 41. 69 22. 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viparis Services . electricity . . and water . . . Internet, . . For utilities, parking passes and walkie-talkies: . . www.viparis.com/epex/ . . . . . . VIPARIS: Tel.: +33 (0)1 40 68 24 44 . . . . . . . . Email: infos-exposants@viparis.com . . . . . . . . . . . Exhibitor Support . . . . . . . . . Support for . . while. preparing . . the. Show: . . support@siae.fr Halls: support.hall@siae.fr . . . . . . . . Chalets: support.chalet@siae.fr . . . . . . . . Static Area: jean-baptiste.honore@siae.fr . . .external . emergency . . . When calling services (usual emergency phone numbers), . . do .not forget . to:. . . - give your name, -. explain . the nature . .of the .accident, . . - give the location of the accident*, -. describe . the.number . of victims . . . and their condition, what first aid has . been carried . . out and . the safety . . . measures taken, - specify if the situation poses any risks. . . *As well as the relevant Hall, Chalet or building, do not forget to provide the site’s address: Parc . des.expositions . du .Bourget. (departement . . number: 93). Access via Gate O (near the Lindbergh . . . . . . . roundabout). . . . Office . Build-up . . . . . . . . . . Pascal AUQUIER . . . . . . Tel.: +33 (0)1 41 69 02 72 Email: accueil-montage@siae.fr . . . . . . . Hall Exit 5 2B Hall 6 P Hall Hall P P . Hall Gate L3 5 Exit 5 3 4 Gate O 4 8 . . . . . . ATTENTION . . . . . . . . P Gate L1 5 6 . . Gate M Paris Gate L2 RD50 Entrance 5bis . . . . AREAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 RN Lille 7 . 1 Gate L4 P . . . 2C 1 . . . 2A P . . . Hall 9 . . 3 STATIC DISPLAY - AIRCRAFTS Hall . . . Press Centre . . . DB SCHENKER . . . . . . . . Tel.: +33 (0)1 48 63 32 81 Fax: . +33. (0)1 48 . 63 32 . 82 . . . . Email: pauline.villemaine@dbschenker.com Gate East Gate K . EXHIBITOR SERVICE PROVIDER GUIDE Air and Space Museum 2 Concorde Hall . Other . contacts . . . . . . 112: All emergencies, 18: Fire brigade, . 17: Police, . . 15: Ambulance . . . . . . Gate 52 Hall . From 15 to 21 June, 2015 Gate 53 Business Terminal & Runway Access AY NW . . . . Safety & Security Gate Awacs RU . MAP OF THE SHOW Exit 4bis SERVICES Chalets Static display - Aircrafts Show Vehicle Access Halls Galilée Area Show grounds limits Village General Public Area First Aid Posts Build-up/Dismantling Vehicle Access Build-up/Dismantling Pedestrian Access Show Pedestrian Access 1 Organisation Office Exhibitor Services (Building O) 4 Galilée Cafeteria 7 Bus and Taxis Station 2 Police 5 Handling Service 8 Golf Car Reception 3 Flying Display Office (BPV) 6 Build-up Office 9 Service Providers Village www.siae.fr SIAE - Salon International de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace 8, rue Galilée - 75116 Paris - France – Photos credit: Getty Images. . . Design and execution: . . . . . . . . . Work Safety . . DÖT . . . . . . Cabinet 81 rue de Paris – 92100 Boulogne – France . +33. (0)1 46 . 05 17 . 85 . . . . Tel.: Email: siae@d-o-t.fr . . . . . . . . Can also be contacted from 4 May on: +33 . (0)1. 41 69. 20 20. . . . . A1 . . . . . . . . USEFUL CONTACTS 2 RN . an event from siae.fr The International Paris Air Show will open its gates from 15 to 21 June 2015. You have been chosen by your client to join them at this event which remains the industry’s largest trade Show in the world. This guide will tell you about all the processes, contacts and infrastructures in place to support you. Our teams are on hand to help you prepare for the Show. Have a good Show! 1. The exhibitor’s service provider’s commitments You promise to: read and follow all the instructions, rules and obligations set out by SIAE. Please refer to the Technical Guide and the Access and Traffic Guide, both available online via your Exhibitor Service Provider Area, communicate these rules and obligations to all of your sub-contractors, restrict the number of company vehicles on the site (please try to use the official golf cars for hire as much as possible), respect SIAE’s SPS Coordinator and Fire Safety Officer’s decisions, follow the waste sorting instructions which form part of SIAE’s long-running sustainable development approach, implement all the environmental and social commitments as defined in your CSR charter. 2. Build-up and dismantling dates Build-up will take place from 18 May to 13 June for Chalets and Static Area. Due to aircraft arriving from 9 to 13 June, only light furnishing works will be permitted on the Static Area during this time. Heavy goods’ vehicles and machinery will not be permitted. For Halls, build-up will be from 1 to 12 June. The Safety Commission will visit on 13 June, during which time only finishing works to your area will be tolerated. 4. Badges and access Vehicle badges All persons and vehicles involved before, during or after the Show must hold a badge. You can request badges via your Exhibitor Service Provider Area. They may or may not be free, depending on the category requested. Once your order has been validated, you will be able to collect them from Build-up Office, located outside Hall 4 from 4 May. Dismantling will take place from 22 to 26 June and may be extended until 10 July for the Static Area. ATTENTION The timetable during these periods will be as follows: Exhibitor service provider badges are nominative and bear a photo. Remember to order and collect your badges before your work on site. onday to Saturday: 7am - 7pm M Sundays and bank holidays: 7am - 5pm IT IS FORBIDDEN TO Other important dates: orning of 9 June: emergency services drills M (potential disruption) 10 June: start of flight display rehearsals (beware of noise) 12 June: dismantling meeting (special rules) 14 June: pre-opening day During this day: - all vehicles authorised during the Show are permitted, - the traffic flow in the row of Chalets will change during the night of 13-14 June, - deliveries will be permitted at the times defined for the Show and should be primarily used for catering, florists, small decorations and sound systems. 3. Times for the 51st Show Trade Days (15-18 June) - GP Days (19-21 June) Category Times Day Service 5am - 9.30pm Night Service 6pm - 8am Exhibitors 6.30am - 7pm Work at night after 7 pm, with the exception of companies providing safety/security, cleaning, catering or permanent technical services and that carry a Night Service badge. During build-up and dismantling: from 18 May to 13 June/from 22 to 26 June Type of badge Times Pedestrian build-up/ dismantling Monday Saturday: 7am - 7pm Price to Show: Sundays and Vehicle Free, Entry Gates L2 and build-up/ bank holidays: but to be L4, dismantling 7am - 5pm justified viaaccessible Gate L1 Private vehicles are not allowed access into the site. However they can enter via Gate L1 and park for free around Gates L3 and L4. During the Show: from 14 to 21 June Access 5am - 8am and 7pm - 9.30pm Entry permitted until 7am and 9pm €325 7pm - 5.30am Entry permitted until 5am Entry to Show: Gates 53 (direct access) and L2 (accessible via Gate M) €150 - 7pm Limousine 6.30am Entry and permitted Minibus ** until 6pm €978 Entry to Show Limousine: Gate 52 Minibus: Gate 53 Access to the site on the night of 21 June will be restricted and must be justified. Please ask at Build-up Office. 5. Services Golf cars A rental service for golf cars will be open from 18 May to help you get around and make deliveries on site during build-up and dismantling. These golf cars are not permitted during the Show. Please contact ORA for more information. €93 18 May to 12 June /22 to 26 June 6am - 10am 4pm - 7.30pm €33 Entry to Show: Gate O During the Show Pedestrian Night Service* 13 to 14 June The Service Provider Village The Service Provider Village is a paid service which provides areas and car parks from 18 May to 26 June. For any questions, please contact: village-prestataires@siae.fr NOTE Entry to Show: via open pedestrian gates Pedestrian Day 5am - 9.30pm Service* Operation rules Along with several fast-food outlets, the Organiser will provide a self-service canteen from 18 May to 26 June. It will be located in the Galilée Area, behind Hall 4, and will be open from 7am to 7pm. For any questions, please contact: catering@siae.fr *Pedestrian Day and Night Service badges are also valid during build-up and dismantling. The day times are those for build-up and dismantling. The night times are those for the Show. **Please be aware that any passengers who are visitors will not have access to the site before 8.30am. First and last shuttle Access 6pm - 8am Vehicle Day Service Vehicle Night Service Price excl. tax Dates Price excl. tax Times Times Free shuttle service to and from RER B Bourget and the Show Pedestrian badges Type of badge Type of badge Access Free, Entry to Show: but to be Gates L2, L3, quantified L4 and O On-site Catering Frequency Every 30 mins Every 6am - 7.30pm 15 mins Every 10 mins 5.30am - 7.30pm during peak times The Skills Service Adecco, SIAE’s partner, is providing over 10 job profiles spread across 2 sectors: Industry/logistics and Service. The Adecco Area will be accessible via Gate L4 from 4 May. For any HR needs, please contact: sally.renard@adecco.fr IT IS FORBIDDEN TO - e ncroach upon and/or park in communal areas, - s tore anywhere other than in private areas or those managed by the Handling Service. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the offender being removed from the site. 7. Safety Health and Safety Coordination Rules and measures set out in the Safety Document, available via your Exhibitor Service Provider Area, must be followed. Hard hats and safety boots must be worn during build-up and dismantling. Please contact the Cabinet DÖT before working on site. Fire Safety Regulations 6. Freight and handling vehicles management Fire safety regulations must be followed during any external or internal construction or furnishing works. Freight For any questions, please contact Cabinet Raillard. For safety reason, all vehicles carrying freight will be managed, driven, and unloaded by the Handling Service until they arrive at their destination. 8. Security Exhibitors’ freight must be transported to the holding area (Galilée Area), accessible via Gate L1. Handling vehicles All handling vehicles intended to be used in private and closed-off areas must be recorded and numbered beforehand by Cabinet DÖT. For any handling needs, please contact the Handling Service. Some security rules to follow: badges must be worn at all times whilst on site, frequent security inspections will be made with document checks, pat downs and searches. Please warn your employees. never leave bags or material unattended, notify the PCCG if you see any suspicious or abandoned bags, material or packages, do not carry any bags that are not your own, notify the relevant persons if you lose any badges or material. Find all the contact details on the back ›
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